I tweet regularly on issues of men, masculinities, gender, and violence, at https://twitter.com/MichaelGLFlood. On this page, I list many of my recent tweets. So if you don't use X/Twitter or follow me on Twitter, then you can find most of my recent tweets here. If X/Twitter ceases to exist or be functional, I may continue posting at BlueSky, at @michaelgflood.bsky.social.
(Note that the text below does not include items I re-tweet. Also, while I often use graphics in my tweets, I have not added the graphics here.)
Tweets in January 2025
- 'Rape is effectively decriminalised’: how did sexual assault become so easy to get away with?
Few alleged offenders are found guilty. Many victims are retraumatised. What is getting in the way of the courts providing justice to sexual assault survivors?
https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/ng-interactive/2025/jan/31/i… - ‘Headed for technofascism’: the rightwing roots of Silicon Valley
The industry’s liberal reputation is misleading. Its reactionary tendencies – celebrating wealth, power and traditional masculinity – have been clear since the dotcom mania of the 1990s
https://www.theguardian.com/technology/ng-interactive/2025/jan/29/silic… - Stronger age checks to come into force for online pornography sites in UK
Regulator Ofcom releases guidelines that call for use of face scans, credit cards checks or photo-ID
On porn's impacts among children & young people, see:
https://xyonline.net/content/pornography-powerful-sexual-socialiser-you… - Police missed red flags before man killed a mother and daughter on hunt for ex-wife, report finds
After Ariel Bombara claimed WA police ignored repeated warnings her father was dangerous and had guns, eight officers now face disciplinary action https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2025/jan/31/perth-floreat-sh… - No man’s land? Focusing on men to reduce global armed violence:
A new report addresses men’s involvement, as both perpetrators and victims, in armed violence.
By the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research. Read the report here: https://unidir.org/publication/no-mans-land-focusing-on-men-to-reduce-global-armed-violence/ - Sexual assault survivors like me seek justice as a sign of strength. Few of us end up winning
Victims don’t report because the legal system is stacked against them. It protects perpetrators and further traumatises victims
https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2025/jan/31/sexual-assault-s… - Cardinal George Pell abused two boys in Ballarat, compensation scheme decides
https://www.abc.net.au/news/2025-01-31/george-pell-ballarat-abused-boys… - Understanding the rise of ‘brocialism’ in the UK
By Annie Dabb, Thred
https://thred.com/change/understanding-the-rise-of-brocialism-in-the-uk/ - Most Americans object to Cabinet nominees with sexual assault allegations, poll finds
(But 30% disagree, or are unsure, that allegations of sex with a minor should be disqualifying!)
December 4, 2024
1/2 - Asked if the following factors should be disqualifying:
Allegations of sexual assault: 62% said yes, 38% said no or were unsure
Allegations of DV: 61% said yes, 38% said no or were unsure
Allegations of having sex with a minor: 70% said yes, 30% said no or were unsure (!).
[Plus graphic, Most Americans object to Cabinet nominees with sexual assault allegations, poll finds Dec 5 2024 - YouTube poll details] - The Revenge of the Me-Too Martyrs
In his cabinet picks, Trump is revealing not just an apathy towards sexual assault and harassment, but seemingly a celebration of it.
https://www.cfr.org/blog/revenge-me-too-martyrs - Misogyny and Extremism: A Connection We Cannot Ignore
As the Southport murderer begins his 52-year sentence, I take a closer look at the overlooked role of misogyny in acts of extremism
By David Challen @David_Challen
https://davidchallen.substack.com/p/misogyny-the-blind-spot-in-the-fight - The Second Trump Presidency, Brought to You by YouTubers
Podcasters including Joe Rogan, Theo Von and Logan Paul are mobilizing America’s men to lean right. An analysis of over 2,000 videos shows how.
https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2025-youtube-podcast-men-for-trump/ - Older women allegedly killed by male family members a ‘silent crisis’, experts say
Older women could be at dual risk of domestic violence – from partners and sons, a Guardian analysis of government data has found
https://www.theguardian.com/global/2025/jan/27/older-women-killed-by-fa… - What factors make it more likely that some men will perpetrate domestic or sexual violence?
Childhood exposure to violence
Violent and sexist attitudes and norms
Peers’ condoning of violence
Community disadvantage
And other factors.
See pp. 30- of report: https://research.qut.edu.au/centre-for-justice/wp-content/uploads/sites… - Prisons don’t create safer communities, so why is Australia spending billions on building them?
https://theconversation.com/prisons-dont-create-safer-communities-so-wh… - Is the self-regulated massage industry a breeding ground for predators?
There’s a push for stricter regulation of the industry, after a practitioner was able to keep indecently assaulting his clients after being reported to police and an industry body.
https://www.abc.net.au/news/2025-01-25/massage-therapy-regulation-in-au… - Predicting (and preventing) sexual assault perpetration among heterosexual young men: I just read this interesting US study, exploring factors associated with young men’s perpetration of sexual assault, and looking in particular at adverse childhood experiences (ACEs).
1/7 [Plus graphic, “Casey, Predicting sexual assault perpetration among heterosexually active young men 2017 – Abstract”] - 32% reported perpetrating at least one type of sexually aggressive behavior. 9.6% reported perpetrating completed or attempted rape.
The study found that hostile masculinity was a key predictor of sexual aggression.
2/7 - The study found that hostile masculinity – the endorsement of traditional, rigid notions of masculinity, coupled with hostility toward, suspiciousness of, and/or a need for dominance over women – was a key predictor of sexual aggression.
3/7 - Child sexual abuse was the only ACE associated with perpetration directly, as well as acting indirectly through hostile masculinity.
Other ACEs—witnessing IPV and undergoing physical abuse— did not have direct or indirect relationships with sexual aggression.
4/7 - ACEs are far from universal among perpetrators: over 40% of the men who used sexual aggression had no childhood history of abuse.
5/7 - Implications:
1) We need universal prevention strategies among men aimed at transforming gender norms and inequalities and promoting healthy masculinities.
2) We need early detection and intervention and violence prevention programming aimed specifically at sexually abused youth. [Plus graphic, “Casey, Predicting sexual assault perpetration among heterosexually active young men 2017 – Implications”] - Citation: Casey, E. A., Masters, N. T., Beadnell, B., Hoppe, M. J., Morrison, D. M., & Wells, E. A. (2017). Predicting sexual assault perpetration among heterosexually active young men. Violence Against Women, 23(1), 3-27.
Paper: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1077801216634467
7/7 - 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 13 boys in Australia have experienced online sexual solicitation by an adult
New report on online sexual victimisation of children and young people in Australia, based on a survey of 3,500 young people aged 16-24.
Infographic: https://www.esafety.gov.au/research/child-online-sexual-victimisation/i…
1/3 - Among young people, reporting on their experiences under 18:
7.6% experienced non-consensual sharing of a sexual image of themselves (10.9% of girls and 3.8% of boys)
17.7% experienced online sexual solicitation by an adult (26.3% of girls and 7.6% of boys)
2/3 - Girls are around three times more likely than boys to have these experiences.
Infographic: https://www.esafety.gov.au/research/child-online-sexual-victimisation/i…
Research paper: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0145213424005799?via…
3/3 - Sexual harassment still ‘systemic’ in legal profession, years after sector rocked by findings
https://www.abc.net.au/news/2025-01-24/sa-lawyer-harassment-review/1048… - Men, Women and Social Connections
Roughly equal shares of U.S. men and women say they’re often lonely; women are more likely to reach out to a wider network for emotional support
Pew Research Center
https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2025/01/16/men-women-and-soci… - The Empire Strikes Back: Trump and His Oligarchs Return to the White House
The problem for many male Trump supporters is that right-wing populism primarily serves the economic interests of plutocrats—not the interests of workers or the middle-class.
https://jacksonkatz.substack.com/p/the-empire-strikes-back-trump-and - Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence (TFGBV): Knowledge Hub by the Prevention Collaborative
Info on how to prevent violence carried out through digital tools such as the internet, social media, or email and encourage norms and behaviour change.
https://prevention-collaborative.org/about-violence/technology-facilita… - Memo to President Trump: you are wrong to leave the World Health Organization. You should think again
(A handy account of how much the USA and other countries actually contribute to the WHO, the WHO's vital role in addressing health issues, etc.) https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2025/jan/22/donald-trump-leav… - “If wealth was the inevitable result of hard work and enterprise, every woman in Africa would be a millionaire.”
- George Monbiot
[Plus graphic, If wealth was the inevitable result of hard work and enterprise] - Confronting the backlash against diversity and inclusion
By Lisa Annese, former CEO of DCA
https://www.dca.org.au/news/opinion-pieces/confronting-the-backlash-aga… - Mark Zuckerberg’s ‘Masculine Energy’ Is Tech’s Power Play Laid Bare
By Gemma Allen, Forbes @Forbes
https://www.forbes.com/sites/gemmaallen/2025/01/19/mark-zuckerbergs-mas… - Eyes Wide Open: How Women's Vigilance Could Spark Change
Preparing for a Misogynistic Political Climate
By Jo-Ann Finkelstein, PhD
https://joannfinkelstein.substack.com/p/eyes-wide-open-how-womens-vigil… - Elon Musk stands accused of pretending to be good at video games. The irony is delicious
Musk desperately wants to appropriate gamer credibility, but he may be faking it – and doing exactly what toxic nerds have been accusing women of doing for decades.
https://www.theguardian.com/games/2025/jan/20/elon-musk-stands-accused-… - Australian billionaires receive $67,000 an hour, or 1,300 times more than the average person
It's time for a tax on the super-rich. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2025/jan/20/australia-billionaires… - MrBeast’s degrading game show is a dystopian nightmare – perfect for America in 2025
Amazon’s Beast Games reflects the greed, narcissism and worship of aggro-capitalism that has brought us our second helping of Trump.
https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2025/jan/19/beast-games-mrbeas… - Problematic periods cost Australians billions each year, research finds
4 in 5 Australian women have experienced problematic periods in the last five years, and the resulting economic burden is estimated to be about $14 billion a year.
https://www.abc.net.au/news/2025-01-20/problematic-periods-menstruation-womens-health/104825510 - Men face growing pressure to use steroids as studies show increase in male body dysmorphia
https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/anabolic-steroid-use-male-body-dysmorphia-1.7428819 - Six years and two children later: how to become a feminist dad
By Sebastián Molano, Defying Gender Roles blog
https://www.defyingenderoles.org/master-in-love/2025/1/16/six-years-and… - Elon Musk and the phoney far-right narrative of ‘protecting’ women
By Elizabeth Pearson
https://theconversation.com/elon-musk-and-the-phoney-far-right-narrativ… - Abortion: Our Bodies, Their Lies, and the Truths We Use to Win: Check out the Signs Shortakes collection of four short essays on this new book by Jessica Valenti.
https://signsjournal.org/jessica-valentis-abortion/ - ‘Would love to see her faked’: the dark world of sexual deepfakes – and the women fighting back
https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2025/jan/12/would-love-to-see-he… - Guidance and practical resources to support schools to tackle sexism and sexual harassment: Free hub by UK Feminista, including classroom activities, tools on taking a whole school approach to tackling sexism, template surveys, tips for teachers, etc.
https://ukfeminista.org.uk/teachers/ - Mr. Lonely: Some have suggested that young men are drawn to Andrew Tate because they suffer from a dearth of social contact. Yet men go to Tate not to alleviate loneliness but to intensify it.
By Zoë Hu, Dissent magazine
1/2 - For more commentary on Andrew Tate and other male supremacist influencers, see https://xyonline.net/content/andrew-tate-and-other-male-supremacist-inf…
2/2 - Building Bridges: How White Men Can Become Allies in Anti-Racist, Anti-Colonial, and Feminist Movements
Allyship isn’t a label, it's a relationship. Engage actively, build meaningful relationships, and stand in solidarity.
By Jeff Halvorsen @jjhalvor
https://xyonline.net/content/building-bridges-how-white-men-can-become-allies-anti-racist-anti-colonial-and-feminist-movements - The Pelicot rape case revealed not a group of monsters but a culture that enables the abuse of women
By Professor Vanita Sundaram
https://theconversation.com/the-pelicot-rape-case-revealed-not-a-group-… - Gregg Wallace: why it’s so hard to challenge ‘cheeky chaps’ and ‘loveable rogues’ (even for middle-class women of a certain age)
By Professor Carolyn Johnson
1/2 - ‘Low level’ sexism often is excused or tolerated as “joking” or “just having a laugh”, but it helps to normalise and sustain sexual harassment.
2/2 - Good sex and relationships education can help teens understand when behaviour is abusive or controlling
By Associate Professor Sophie King-Hill and Professor Kieran McCartan
https://theconversation.com/good-sex-and-relationships-education-can-he… - Why We Need to Move Beyond TV’s White Male Antihero
https://www.pastemagazine.com/tv/antihero/why-we-need-to-move-beyond-tv… - Building Bridges: How White Men Can Become Allies in Anti-Racist, Anti-Colonial, and Feminist Movements
Jeff Halvorsen describes his research among white male allies, including on how men come to allyship and key lessons to learn.
https://xyonline.net/content/building-bridges-how-white-men-can-become-… - Stuart Hogg: The Costs of Leniency towards Coercive Control
This week deals yet another dangerous green light to perpetrators of domestic abuse and a devastating blow to survivors seeking justice.
By David Challen @David_Challen
https://davidchallen.substack.com/p/stuart-hogg-the-costs-of-leniency - Gender stereotypes make teenagers more accepting of violence
By Professor Vanita Sundaram, 2015
https://theconversation.com/gender-stereotypes-make-teenagers-more-acce… - The delusions of “consent”
We can be too willing to believe in people’s willingness. Including, for example, young women’s ‘consent’ to participate in prostitution and sexual exploitation
By Jo Bartosch @jo_bartosch
https://thecritic.co.uk/the-delusions-of-consent/ - The truth about the grooming scandal
The media did not ignore the gangs or the violence – but the victims still await justice.
By Hannah Barnes
https://www.newstatesman.com/politics/society/2025/01/tommy-robinson-el… - "I did my job on the rape gangs, actually"
The root of the grooming gangs scandal is misogyny.
By Julie Bindel @bindelj
https://thecritic.co.uk/i-did-my-job-on-grooming-gangs-actually/ - The Gender Competence Gap Are incompetent men driving down marriage rates?
By Jill Filipovic @JillFilipovic
https://jill.substack.com/p/the-gender-competence-gap - Guys: Five reasons you should speak up when your friend is making sleazy jokes or behaving in a controlling or abusive way to his girlfriend
1) Because that behaviour does harm. It’s wrong.
2) Because you’re there. It’s you who has witnessed this behaviour, not someone else.
1/3 - 3) The standard you walk past is the standard you accept.
You have an obligation to speak up, or you are condoning the behaviour.
4) You are their friend and you have an opportunity to support them in doing better.
5) They will listen to you more than they will to others.
2/3 - Here are some things you can say, from pp. 18-19 of the report “Men Speak Up”, free here: https://xyonline.net/sites/xyonline.net/files/Flood%2C%20Men%20Speak%20…
For more on what men can do to stop sexism and male violence, see: http://xyonline.net/content/what-men-can-do-stop-sexism-and-male-violen…
3/3 - The victims of male grooming gangs have been exploited yet again by powerful men
By Suzanne Moore @suzanne_moore
https://archive.md/jZQh5 - Jack and Richard met in 1964. The power of mateship changed their lives
Studies show social connectedness leads to better health outcomes for men. Jack and Richard's lifelong friendship offers a masterclass in the power of mateship.
https://www.abc.net.au/news/2025-01-07/friendship-lifelong-social-connection-health-benefit/104759392 - Work with men and boys for gender equality and non-violence: complicating five common truisms
(Journal article, 2015)
1) Yes, men will benefit, but there are also things (unfair, unearned privileges) some men will have to give up
1/4 - 2) Yes, there are some advantages to using male educators, but female and co-ed educators also can be very effective
3) Yes, male audiences may look up to stereotypically successful men (from sports etc), but we should also promote men who do not fit dominant codes of masculinity - 4) Yes, we should encourage new, healthy forms of masculinity, but also disinvestment in masculinity.
5) Yes, we can change men through direct work with them, but we should also change the structural and institutional conditions within which men make choices about how to behave. - See the full journal article, free here: https://xyonline.net/sites/xyonline.net/files/2025-01/Flood%2C%20Work%2…
For many more free resources on work with men and boys for violence prevention, see here: https://xyonline.net/content/engaging-men-violence-prevention-key-resou…
4/4 - The Baldoni-Lively legal battle has depressing echoes of Depp v Heard
The It Ends With US wrangling is becoming increasingly nasty – we live in a world where the powerful can ‘bury’ their enemies
By Arwa Mahdawi
https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2025/jan/04/blake-lively-justin-baldoni-depp-heard - How the housing crisis is pushing domestic violence victims back to perpetrators
The housing crisis is having devastating impacts on the domestic violence sector, with women having fewer options for leaving and homelessness shelters filling up.
https://www.abc.net.au/news/2025-01-05/how-rents-and-housing-crisis-impact-domestic-violence/104737696 - Tommy always had mates. But after hitting rock bottom, he realised they weren't good ones
1 in 4 Australian men say they don't have close friends. Social circles among men are shrinking. What happens when men only connect through an activity or drinking?
https://www.sbs.com.au/news/insight/article/tommy-always-had-mates-but-… - Grabbing vs Affection: One man’s questions about grabbing his wife’s butt
YouTube Shorts: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/53QwUAb_TzE - "She's Not Innocent Either." Actually, Yes She Is Innocent.
Why we need to develop a better understanding of domestic violence and coercive control victims-survivors who fight back against their abusers.
By Dr Emma Katz @DrEmmaKatz
https://dremmakatz.substack.com/p/shes-not-innocent-either-actually - Jimmy Carter Was One of the World’s Leading Anti-Sexist Men
Former president used his global platform to speak out about men's violence against women, and urged religious leaders to do likewise.
By Jackson Katz
https://jacksonkatz.substack.com/p/jimmy-carter-was-one-of-the-worlds - How toxic masculinity became big business
Misogynist influencer Andrew Tate's brand of sexism has spawned an army of imitators. He and many of his followers offer online courses on how to become "real men."
By Djamilia Prange de Oliveira
https://www.dw.com/en/how-selling-toxic-masculinity-became-big-business… - MAGA was all about "masculinity" in 2024 — too bad they have no idea what that word means
By Amanda Marcotte @AmandaMarcotte
https://www.salon.com/2024/12/31/maga-was-all-about-masculinity-in-2024--too-they-have-no-idea-what-that-word-means/ - ‘Sex strikes’ aren’t the feminist win they appear to be. Here’s how to get really radical
By Finn Mackay @Finn_Mackay https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/dec/31/sex-strikes-femin…
Tweets in December 2024
- Going boysober: the women who turned to celibacy in 2024
A backlash against dating culture and apps accelerated with Trump’s re-election, as many opted for self-sufficiency, fostering friendships and protesting against misogyny
https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2024/dec/30/dating-culture-celibacy-boysober - Trump is definitely a sexual abuser: Appeals court upholds Trump sexual abuse finding in E Jean Carroll case
The court issues a written opinion upholding the $US5 million compensation granted to E Jean Carroll for defamation and sexual abuse.
https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-12-31/court-upholds-award-for-e-jean-c… - Trump and Musk are obsessed with genetics – but there’s no science behind their simplistic views
The US right is misrepresenting science to support its racist agenda, writes Jonathan Roberts. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/dec/30/donald-trump-elon-musk-genetics-science-right - Young men and the far right’s influence on them
By Thomas Mayo, The Saturday Paper
https://www.thesaturdaypaper.com.au/2024/12/21/young-men-and-the-far-rights-influence-them - How can we expect mothers to return to work if we’re so reluctant to allow fathers to stay home?
As a bloke, I have been met with disbelief and suspicion when I’ve applied for part-time work. Didn’t I realise this was women’s work?
By Myke Bartlett
https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/article/2024/may/07/how-can-we-expect-mothers-to-return-to-work-if-were-so-reluctant-to-allow-fathers-to-stay-home - Transforming men, transforming masculinities
A valuable introductory piece on engaging men and boys in change
By Nalini V. Khurana, Sapna Kedia, Ravi Verma, ALIGN Blog, 2020
https://www.alignplatform.org/resources/transforming-men-transforming-m… - Overview of gender inequality around the world: a compilation by Focus 2030, covering sexual and reproductive rights, mobilisation, and much more
https://focus2030.org/Gender-inequality-around-the-world-in-2024-specia… - Gender Equality in 2024: Reasons to celebrate
In a world that often feels overshadowed by conflict, division, and setbacks for women and girls, there are still reasons to believe in progress and possibility.
Overview by Equality Now
https://equalitynow.org/news_and_insights/gender-equality-in-2024-reaso… - Tradwives, incels and cat ladies: The year MAGA broke heterosexuality
Republicans idealize "traditional" marriage, but their actions make the straight life a bad prospect
By Amanda Marcotte
https://www.salon.com/2024/12/27/tradwives-incels-and-cat-ladies-the-year-maga-broke-heterosexuality/ - Hail the broligarchy: why 2024 was the year of the bro
They’ve been around for ever; now they’re running the US. And beneath all the podcasts and punching lie questions of grievance, self-ownership and self-expression
By Arwa Mahdawi
https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/dec/28/bro-culture-trump?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other - MANdatory – why men need (and are needed for) gender equality progress
A useful review of the research on men’s responses to gender equality initiatives, resistance, how men benefit from gender equality, and men’s roles as allies
1/2 - (I don’t normally promote journal articles from Frontier journals, as their standards are so uneven, but this is a good piece.)
For a whole lot more free resources on men's roles in building gender equality, see the collection on the website XY here: https://xyonline.net/content/men-building-gender-equality-guide-xys-con…
2/2 - The triumph of Gisèle Pelicot: She refused to be stripped of her humanity
By Mary Harrington
https://unherd.com/2024/12/the-triumph-of-gisele-pelicot/ - The dirty secret about OnlyFans: It's not hot to be a prostitute
By Poppy Sowerby
https://unherd.com/2024/12/the-dirty-secret-about-onlyfans/ - “Women believe that this is how they should be treated during sex” – is porn pressurising young women to expect sex that involves physical aggression?
By Susanne Norris
https://www.stylist.co.uk/relationships/porn-pressure-sexual-violence-a… - Screening Sexual Violence: a new online film resource created in association with 16 Days 16 Films to inspire, support and inform conversations around sexual violence against women.
See https://screeningsexualviolence.com/ - Don’t Be that Guy
Most guys don’t look in the mirror & see a problem. But it’s staring us in the face. Sexual violence begins long before you think it does. We all have a part to play when it comes to preventing sexual violence.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVcu8Hwv8u8 - 51 Guilty Verdicts, One Global Icon: The Legacy of Gisèle Pelicot’s Courage
How one woman’s bravery shattered the silence of rape culture and exposed the ordinary men behind the devastating crimes.
By David Challen @David_Challen
1/4 - These acts were committed by ordinary men.
"News media did their best to beat their sensationalist drum and repeatedly label the men as "monsters." Yet, while the crimes committed were undeniably horrific, this characterisation creates a dangerous narrative that..."
2/4 - "... that distances their actions from the broader societal context of male violence. It implies these men were inhuman anomalies, rather than products of a culture steeped in systemic misogyny and norms that normalise the exploitation of women."
3/4 - "These were not anomalies; they were fathers, neighbours, and colleagues - ordinary men thriving in a society that upholds and perpetuates male entitlement to women’s bodies."
4/4 - Education key to addressing Australia’s domestic violence crisis
Frontline workers and others are being encouraged to build the knowledge and skills to make a difference in the face of the prevalence of domestic violence in Australia
https://educationdaily.au/health/education-key-to-addressing-australias… - Gisèle Pelicot paid a huge price going public but her bravery has changed the conversation for thousands of rape victims
By Julie Bindel @bindelj
https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/32405567/gisele-pelicot-bravery-rape-vict… - “If women and girls could solve gender-based violence, it would have been solved a long time ago”—this is why we need male allies
Interview with activist Ben Hurst about the importance of rethinking masculinities.
https://www.marieclaire.co.uk/opinion/toxic-masculinity-andrew-tate-vio… - Muscle dysmorphia in boys and men is on the rise, fueled by social media
https://www.statnews.com/2024/12/19/muscle-dysmorphia-rising-in-young-m… - All 51 men found guilty in French mass rape trial that turned Gisèle Pelicot into a feminist hero
https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-12-20/gisele-pelicot-rape-drugging-tri… - Andrew Tate Brutally Roasted For Declaring Sleeping Well Is “Gay”—The Takedowns Are Satisfying
The misogynist (and stupid) influencer painted a bizarre picture of masculinity, claiming that the basic human need for sleep is “overtly homosexual.” https://www.boredpanda.com/andrew-tate-roasted-declare-sleep-well-gay-m… - Embracing Fatherhood: A Journey of Presence and Bonding
A short piece by Joshua Shepherd, Program Manager for A Call to Men (USA)
https://www.acalltomen.org/embracing-fatherhood-a-journey-of-presence-a… - Pornography’s role in shaping risky sexual norms in young adults
New longitudinal research documents that porn use shapes the adoption of risky sexual scripts and behaviors, including failing to communicate about consent
https://www.psypost.org/pornographys-role-in-shaping-risky-sexual-norms-in-young-adults/ #Pornography - How Gisèle Pelicot Became An Unlikely Global Heroine
Gisèle Pelicot has taught us three key things
1) Courage, in ensuring that shame shifts sides
2) Transparency, for men's VAW
3) Accountability - demanding this from the 50+ men
By Avivah Wittenberg-Cox
https://www.forbes.com/sites/avivahwittenbergcox/2024/10/10/how-gisle-pelicot-became-an-unlikely-global-heroine/ - 10 Years of Engaging Men In Gender Balance - My Decade’s Key Takeaways
An excellent account of six key challenges in engaging men in workplaces in building gender equality and six corresponding solutions.
By Avivah Wittenberg-Cox
1/2 - Also see the XY collection on men’s roles in building workplace gender equality, here: https://xyonline.net/content/men-building-gender-equality-workplace
2/2 - Many more men are dying on Australian roads than women. It’s time we addressed it
By Margaret Brown
https://theconversation.com/many-more-men-are-dying-on-australian-roads… via @ConversationEDU
Also see this XY collection on men, masculinity, and cars: https://xyonline.net/content/cars-driving-and-masculinity - When women escape a domestically violent male partner, often (1) specialist crisis accommodation is unavailable or over-stretched, and (2) there are few places to go next, with little safe and affordable housing. But the Sanctuary model offers some hope.
https://theconversation.com/crisis-accommodation-is-failing-women-fleeing-domestic-violence-heres-how-to-fix-it-245743 - Men behaving badly, women humiliated – #MeToo plays out the same from Hollywood to outback mines
https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-12-15/me-too-sexual-harassment-sexism-rio-tinto-bhp/104722212 @ABCaustralia - Rape is still rape even if you’re married – report finds some South African men don’t believe it is
https://theconversation.com/rape-is-still-rape-even-if-youre-married-report-finds-some-south-african-men-dont-believe-it-is-244682 via @TC_Africa - Global Boyhood Initiative: Offers practical tools and strategies for parents, researchers and educators to help them support the boys in their lives.
Access its tip sheets, reports, and research articles here on its resources page here: https://www.boyhoodinitiative.org/resources@BoyhoodInitiative - Men share ridiculous ways their masculinity was questioned
Reading isn't manly, seriously?
https://www.upworthy.com/men-share-masculinity-being-questioned-ex1 - Understanding adult sexual assault matters: insights from research and practice
This excellent new resource from the Australian Institute of Family Studies spells out the facts on sexual assault, for the justice sector and other professionals and workers.
https://apo.org.au/node/329287 [Plus graphics, Hudson, Understanding adult sexual assault matters - Insights from research and practice 2024 – TOC and cover] - Why aren’t boys being taught about consent? Ministers, officials raise alarm (New Zealand)
Full report: https://evidence.ero.govt.nz/documents/let-s-talk-about-it-review-of-relationships-and-sexuality-education - Diverting boys and men from the manosphere: Resources
How can boys and men be encouraged to respond critically to the anti-women ideologies of the manosphere? This page on the profeminist website XY highlights key resources for engaging men and boys.
https://xyonline.net/content/diverting-boys-and-men-manosphere-resources - When Masculine Norms Shape Leadership Norms - Why That Leads To Workplace Inequity
Interview with Ludo Gabriele, Senior Director of MARC Branding (Men Advocating Real Change)
https://www.forbes.com/sites/kathycaprino/2022/11/17/when-masculine-norms-shape-leadership-norms---why-that-leads-to-workplace-inequity/ - Policy guide: prevention of gender-based violence and the early years
This @OurWatchAus guide explores how governments can use policy levers to embed primary prevention of gender-based violence in the early childhood education and care sector.
https://www.ourwatch.org.au/submissions/prevention-of-gender-based-violence-and-the-early-years-policy-guide - Financial abuse: an insidious form of domestic violence
This report provides a detailed analysis of the issue, identifies key challenges within legislation, regulation, and financial institutions, and puts forward 61 recommendations for government agencies
https://apo.org.au/node/329243 - Reducing Harmful Alcohol Use: Potential for addressing violence against women and children
A valuable collection of materials by the Prevention Collaborative
https://prevention-collaborative.org/prevention-strategies/reducing-harmful-alcohol-use/ - Is Conor McGregor verdict a watershed moment for the manosphere?
Some tried to defend Irish MMA fighter after civil jury ruled against him in rape case but others hope it will open space for conversation about masculinity
https://www.theguardian.com/society/2024/dec/02/conor-mcgregor-verdict-manosphere-masculinity - Why Relationship is the Key to Boys Succeeding at School
By Jonathan Reed, Next Gen Men
https://www.nextgenmen.ca/blog/relational-learning-is-the-key-to-boys-succeeding-at-school @NextGenMen - It’s time to recognise the role masculinity is playing in the climate crisis
By Dr Stephen Burrell, University of Melbourne and Dr Cassie Pedersen, Federation University
https://pursuit.unimelb.edu.au/articles/its-time-to-recognise-the-role-masculinity-is-playing-in-the-climate-crisis @the_daily_panda @UniMelb @ArtsUnimelb
1/2 - Also see the excellent collection on men, masculinities, and environmental issues on the profeminist masculinities website XY, also compiled by Dr Stephen Burrell: https://xyonline.net/content/men-masculinities-and-environmental-issues
- Online Sexual Exploitation, Grooming, and Extortion of Youth: What Parents and Caregivers Need to Know
New tipsheet by Children and Screens (USA)
https://www.childrenandscreens.org/learn-explore/research/online-sexual-exploitation-grooming-and-extortion-of-youth/ - Why these high school boys care about ‘healthy masculinity’
By Matt Villano, CNN
https://edition.cnn.com/2024/12/02/health/healthy-masculinity-clubs-wellness - The Right’s $1.2B Nonprofit Ecosystem Targeting Young People, Particularly Men, and their Media
The Left Hasn't Made Similar Scale Investments
By the Young Men Research Initiative, USA
https://youngmenresearchinitiative.substack.com/p/the-rights-12b-nonprofit-ecosystem - A Trump cabinet full of alleged sexual predators? Here’s why it makes perfect sense
By Jennifer L. Berdahl, Professor of Sociology
https://theconversation.com/a-trump-cabinet-full-of-alleged-sexual-predators-heres-why-it-makes-perfect-sense-244374 - A race to the bottom
Women should not give legitimacy to the appalling platform OnlyFans, writes Josephine Bartosch
https://thecritic.co.uk/a-race-to-the-bottom-2/ #onlyfans - Teen boys tracking girlfriends, reading texts a pathway to family violence, experts warn
Comprehensive one-on-one early intervention programs are having positive outcomes for young males at risk of becoming adult perpetrators of family violence.
https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-12-04/domestic-violence-early-intervention-family-violence-teenage-boy/104677918 - Almost all domestic violence involves economic abuse. Here’s how we should better protect women
https://womensagenda.com.au/latest/almost-all-domestic-violence-involves-economic-abuse-heres-how-we-should-better-protect-women/ - Indigenous women are dying violent, preventable deaths. Endless inquiries won’t help unless we act
By Kyllie Cripps and Marlene Longbottom
https://theconversation.com/indigenous-women-are-dying-violent-preventable-deaths-endless-inquiries-wont-help-unless-we-act-244815 via @ConversationEDU - 'It wasn't front of mind': The national issue men aren't talking about
Most violence against women is perpetrated by men, and most men want to see the situation improve — so why aren't they talking about it?
https://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/the-major-australian-issue-men-arent-talking-about/m7y2ia78u @OurWatchAus - Why are female politicians more often targeted with violence? New findings confirm depressing suspicions
https://theconversation.com/why-are-female-politicians-more-often-targeted-with-violence-new-findings-confirm-depressing-suspicions-238483 via @ConversationUK - Why organisational sex abuse scandals keep happening
Distinguished Professor David Collinson finds that patriarchal forms of sexuality among men often remain dominant, privileged and unchallenged in workplaces
https://theconversation.com/why-organisational-sex-abuse-scandals-keep-happening-244875 - The media’s role on eliminating gendered violence must include addressing their own newsrooms
https://womensagenda.com.au/latest/the-medias-role-on-eliminating-gendered-violence-includes-addressing-their-own-newsrooms/ @WomensAgenda - Our Watch’s “Men in focus” work brings together research and practice to explore how to address masculinities and work with men.
Check out the new Men in focus practitioner resources: 14 videos, 3 infographics and 8 practitioner support guides
https://www.ourwatch.org.au/change-the-story/men-in-focus @OurWatchAus
Tweets in November 2024
- Addressing the impact of Masculinity Influencers on Teenage Boys
An important new resource for schools, teachers and parents/guardians, launched by the @AntiBullyingCen, authored by Dr. Fiona O'Rourke, @Cathy__Baker and @DarraghMcCashin
https://antibullyingcentre.ie/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/DCU-Influencer-Resource.pdf [Plus graphic, O'Rourke, Addressing the impact of Masculinity Influencers on Teenage Boys 2024 – Cover] - Sex educators on 16 ways to talk to your children about bodies, porn and consent
https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2024/nov/28/the-experts-sex-educators-on-16-ways-to-talk-to-your-children-about-bodies-porn-and-consent?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other - Bridging evidence gaps to end gender-based violence
By Elizabeth Dartnall
https://www.thedailystar.net/opinion/views/news/bridging-evidence-gaps-end-gender-based-violence-3762536 - Can ‘positive masculinity’ influencers beat the sway of Andrew Tate?
Glamour Magazine, UK
https://www.glamourmagazine.co.uk/article/positive-masculinity-influencers - The NT’s domestic violence inquest revealed unspeakable horrors. It would be hypocrisy to ignore the solutions
https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/commentisfree/2024/nov/27/the-nts-domestic-violence-inquest-revealed-unspeakable-horrors-it-would-be-hypocrisy-to-ignore-the-solutions-ntwnfb - Domestic violence: MyGov, ATO and Centrelink systems allow perpetrators to financially abuse survivors long after they leave violent relationships. Now there’s a push for federal platforms to better protect victims https://www.theguardian.com/society/2024/nov/26/a-centrelink-error-put-alannah-in-danger-from-her-abusive-partner-now-theres-a-push-for-federal-platforms-to-better-protect-women
- Among the men who use domestic and family violence, manosphere (anti-feminist) and male supremacist attitudes are common, informed by online ‘men’s rights’ communities and ideologies. That’s what new research among frontline DV workers in Australia finds.
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/18902138.2024.2430513 - Promoting Healthy Masculinities to End Gender-Based Violence
By Maralmaa Munkh-Achit, Saranzaya Gerelt-Od, and James Lang, Asia Development Bank (ADB) blog
https://blogs.adb.org/blog/promoting-healthy-masculinities-end-gender-based-violence @ADB_HQ - Feminism Is Freedom for Men: Pornography and Sexuality
By Robert Jensen
Julie Bindel Substack / November 24, 2024
https://juliebindel.substack.com/p/feminism-is-freedom-for-men - Domestic violence is predictable — and preventable
Tackling the root causes of domestic violence means focusing our policies, resources, and policing practices on preventing male perpetration.
By Professor Lana Wells
https://edmontonjournal.com/opinion/columnists/opinion-domestic-violence-is-predictable-and-preventable - Guys. Want to do your bit to end violence against women? Start by standing up to your mates when they show disrespect towards women. It starts with you. It starts with men.
#16DaysOfActivism @OurWatchAus
https://www.ourwatch.org.au/16-days-of-activism - Enslaved on OnlyFans: Women describe lives of isolation, torment and sexual servitude (a Reuters investigation)
Sex traffickers and cash-hungry, exploitative boyfriends use the platform to abuse and exploit women
https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/onlyfans-sex-trafficking/ #OnlyFans - Looking to prior encounters with the police can help prevent domestic violence
If we want to prevent DV, we need to work with men, and remove the burden from survivors by focusing our attention and resources on the people and systems that cause harm.
https://theconversation.com/looking-to-prior-encounters-with-the-police-can-help-prevent-domestic-violence-242677 - Why are we laughing at male ignorance about menstruation? Where are the LOLs?
I’m done with viral videos of men who don’t know where a tampon goes. They need to grow up. Period
By Rebecca Shaw https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/nov/21/why-are-we-laughing-at-male-ignorance-about-menstruation-where-are-the-lols? - The horror and history of drug-facilitated rape: ‘When I woke up my body felt battered’
https://www.theguardian.com/society/2024/nov/20/the-truth-about-drug-facilitated-rape - ‘At my signal, unleash hell!’ What the Gladiator films tell us about 21st-century men
https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2024/nov/19/what-the-gladiator-films-tell-us-about-21st-century-men - 16 EASY actions for #MaleAllies during the ‘16 Days of Activism’ 2024
By Male Allies Challenging Sexism (MACS)
#16DaysofActivism #StopMVAWG #MenChallengingSexism @MenVSexism - Engaging Mechanisms of Faith? How Faith Communities Can Contribute to Ending Violence Against Children
Faith communities may have a unique role to play in preventing violence against children by engaging spiritual capital and faith mechanisms for change
https://journals.uj.ac.za/index.php/The_Thinker/article/view/3051/1771 - Trump’s Win Doesn’t Mean We Need to Focus on the Manosphere and Catering to Young Men
https://www.teenvogue.com/story/trumps-win-doesnt-mean-we-need-to-focus-on-the-manosphere-oped - Primary prevention: Here are five valuable evidence briefs from Our Watch @OurWatchAus, on:
1: Primary prevention across the life cycle
2: Settings for primary prevention
3: Reinforcing factors for gender-based violence
1/2 - 4: Whole-of-system opportunities for primary prevention
5: Opportunities to engage with men to support primary prevention
Each is 10-15 pages long.
See https://www.ourwatch.org.au/submissions/evidence-briefs-primary-prevention-key-themes
2/2 - Men: It’s time to disrupt bro code and shut down misogyny
A professor at the U.S. Naval Academy says confronting misogyny demands that we overcome self-doubt, marshal courage, and vanquish anxiety about having our masculinity called into question.
https://www.fastcompany.com/91229814/men-its-time-to-disrupt-bro-code-and-shut-down-misogyny - Digital hate and harassment against women rose rapidly after the U.S. presidential election
Sexist phrases and threats of sexual assault and harassment surged on platforms like X, TikTok, Facebook, and Reddit after Trump's win.
https://www.isdglobal.org/digital_dispatches/your-body-my-choice-hate-and-harassment-towards-women-spreads-online/ - 'I was frozen': Australian men struggling with transition to fatherhood
Luke McClounan says he felt like he could not speak about his mental health struggles after the birth of his twins.
https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-11-16/australian-fathers-suffering-from-postpartum-depression/104602136 - White Men Elected Donald Trump, Again
Male grievance, especially white male grievance, is the beating heart of Trumpist populism.
By Jackson Katz
https://jacksonkatz.substack.com/p/white-men-elected-donald-trump-again - The Hardest Part of Being an Ally
The challenge of going against men’s long-standing bro code to promote an equitable and inclusive workplace
By David G. Smith and W. Brad Johnson
https://behavioralscientist.org/the-hardest-part-of-being-an-ally/ - Women need to be kept safe from the ‘your body, my choice’ peddlers. Here’s how
Van Badham
https://www.theguardian.com/society/commentisfree/2024/nov/17/your-body-my-choice-peddlers-women-self-protection-ntwnfb - How Media Is Failing Young Men
Where have all the relatable male role models gone?
By Nadira Goffe
https://slate.com/culture/2024/11/entertainment-hollywood-masculinity-male-role-models-movies-tv-social-media.html - Nurturing gender-equitable masculinities: lessons for transforming norms through education systems
This ALIGN Report draws on evidence, mostly from lower and middle-income countries, on how to support gender norm change in the classroom.
https://www.alignplatform.org/resources/report-nurturing-gender-equitable-masculinities-through-education @ALIGN_Gender - Where are all the male teachers?
Boys need to see that caring is not the role of any particular gender
https://phys.org/news/2024-08-male-teachers.html via @physorg_com - Fox News host Pete Hegseth as defense secretary: Perfect symbol of phony MAGA masculinity
Donald Trump pretends to love toughness, but the MAGA model of masculinity is snowflakes like this guy
By Amanda Marcotte @AmandaMarcotte
https://www.salon.com/2024/11/14/fox-news-host-pete-hegseth-as-defense-secretary-perfect-symbol-of-phony-maga-masculinity/ - Moms Are Worried About Their Sons Post-Election, Too
Parents across the country are thinking about how to raise Gen Alpha boys with more empathy and emotional intelligence.
by Meg St-Esprit and L'Oreal Thompson Payton
https://www.romper.com/parenting/mothers-raising-sons-post-election - 'Aggression, strangulation, coercion': The 'concerning' impact of porn on young people
A snapshot of young people's pornography viewing habits has experts and advocates concerned.
https://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/aggression-strangulation-coercion-the-concerning-impact-of-porn-on-young-people/bo3wierrq @OurWatchAus - 50 Good Reasons to Stop Watching Porn
Many people don't realize how much porn is affecting them until they quit watching it. Here are 50 good reasons to ditch it today, by Fight The New Drug.
https://fightthenewdrug.org/40-reasons-you-should-quit-watching-porn-today/ @FightTheNewDrug - Join the How To Talk With Men Campaign by MenEngage Alliance: Amid growing attacks on gender equality, women's rights, and LGBTQIA+ rights, the #HowToTalkWithMen campaign seeks to highlight the experiences and insights of those who work with men and boys on these issues, sharing
- ... sharing everyday stories of engaging men and boys in gender equality.
Here are 3 ways to get engaged:
1) Amplify campaign posts
2) Record your own video message - 3) Share a written response.
Find more information about the campaign here: https://new.express.adobe.com/webpage/zrlgsoZuwCP54 @MenEngage - ‘Your body, my choice’: what misogynistic Trump supporters feel about sexual power
Young pro-Trump men have rolled out a creepy, snide and all-too-revealing mantra
By Moira Donegan
https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/nov/13/your-body-my-choice-maga-men @MoiraDonegan
1/5 - "Trump’s voters, for the most part, know exactly what he is, and what voting for him means. They are not ignorant or mistaken about him. They endorse him and what he is.
A large part of what a majority of Americans voted for last week was the Trump campaign’s virulent misogyny" - "The Trump campaign positioned itself as a champion of a hierarchical gender order, aiming to restore men to a place of wrongfully deprived supremacy over women. Many of his voters cast their lot in with Trump hoping that he would do just that"
3/5 - The misogynist right’s “projects in joyfully celebrating rape and restricting women’s access to abortion are two sides of the same coin: the right seeks to dominate women and to commandeer the inside of their bodies so as to force them into a gendered role against their will”
4/5 - In short: The right has a politics of patriarchal sexual domination. This is what the Trump movement is, and what many of the men who voted for Trump hoped to achieve when they supported him.
5/5 [Plus graphic, Donegan, ‘Your body, my choice’ - what misogynistic Trump supporters feel about sexual power Nov 13 2024 - on slogan] - Did you miss the panel on Positive Masculinity for the Festival of Dangerous Ideas?
Well don’t worry! You can now listen to the podcast!
With Tarang Chawla, Michael Flood, Anna Krien, and MC Monty Badami
https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/positive-masculinity-2024-monty-badami-tarang-chawla/id1444552818?i=1000675956024 @tarang_chawla @habitusHQ @FestOfDanger - The Return Of The Toxic Alpha Male
Donald Trump's victory in the US presidential election is concerning for women in more ways than one.
By Naomi May, Elle magazine
https://www.elle.com/uk/news-politics/a62850990/donald-trump-toxic-men/ @ELLEmagazine - Is Ivanka Trump a secret Democrat? No – and neither is Melania
Arwa Mahdawi notes that some liberals have a weird urge, based on the flimsiest evidence, to see conservative women as misled victims of Maga men, rather than right-wingers in their own right.
https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/nov/12/ivanka-trump-secret-democrat-no-neither-is-melania - The ‘Lost Boys’ of Gen Z: how Trump won the hearts of alienated young men
By Kate Scott
https://theconversation.com/the-lost-boys-of-gen-z-how-trump-won-the-hearts-of-alienated-young-men-243358 @ConversationEDU - Views about masculinity and the U.S. election from France and Germany
Including interviews with Jackson Katz
https://jacksonkatz.substack.com/p/views-about-masculinity-and-the-us - 'Women For Sale: Private Matter or Public Crisis': Members of UK profeminist group Male Allies Challenging Sexism attended this event, addressing the commodification of women's bodies in the sexual exploitation industries (pornography, prostitution)
Blog: https://menchallengingsexism.org.uk/2024/11/11/perspectives-from-women-for-sale-private-matter-or-public-crisis/ - Ways forward for work with men and boys in Australia:
- Intensify and scale up the work. Including strategies aimed at community, organisational and structural change
- Intervene into the settings and processes most implicated in sustaining gender-inequitable masculinities
1/3 - - Identify and encourage protective factors (that shape healthier and more gender-equitable attitudes, behaviours, and relations among men and boys)
- Build capacity to engage men and boys. Through dedicated university curricula, professional development, etc.
2/3 - - Promote explicit standards for effective or best practice in work with men and boys
For more detail on each, see pp. 121-123 of this commentary: https://xyonline.net/sites/xyonline.net/files/2024-06/Flood%2C%20Norms%20of%20manhood%20among%20young%20men%20in%20Australia%20-%20Man%20Box%202024.pdf
[Plus graphic, Flood, Norms of manhood among young men in Australia - Man Box 2024 - Heading only] - Can Democrats Keep Young Men From Turning Fascist?
RFK Jr.’s meteoric rise says a lot about Trumpism’s overlap with the online manosphere. But the manosphere’s preoccupation with things like microplastics suggests Democrats may have an opening.
https://newrepublic.com/series/61/rfk-jr-trump-young-men-voters-microplastics - How America Embraced Gender War
Both Trump’s and Harris’s campaigns framed the Presidential election as a contest between men and women. Did the results prove them right?
By Jia Tolentino, The New Yorker
https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/dispatches/how-america-embraced-gender-war @NewYorker - Young men who see women as objects are more likely to be violent towards their partners: new research
By Adriana Vargas Saenz and Nick Haslam
https://theconversation.com/young-men-who-see-women-as-objects-are-more-likely-to-be-violent-towards-their-partners-new-research-242578 - How to empower teens to engage in meaningful conversations about respect
By Katie Cunningham
Also see the free materials for parents at the bottom of this page: https://xyonline.net/content/raising-feminist-sons-xy-collection - Rogan, Musk and an emboldened manosphere salute Trump’s win: ‘Let that sink in’
The so-called ‘heterodoxy’ endorsed the Republican’s hyper-masculine promise. Their young male fans listened.
https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/nov/07/joe-rogan-elon-musk-heterodoxy-trump-win-reaction - US election: Our mistake was to think we lived in a better country than we do
By Rebecca Solnit @RebeccaSolnit
https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/nov/07/us-progressive-election-trump-maga - Racing’s Role in Shaping Modern Masculinity: Redefining Strength and Vulnerability
As racing evolves, it can serve as a model for other industries grappling with outdated notions of masculinity.
Rolling Stone magazine, November 1
https://www.rollingstone.com/culture-council/articles/racings-shaping-modern-masculinity-redefining-strength-vulnerability-1235148485/ - Trump is terrible for women — but that doesn't mean he's good for men
Trump can ruin the economy, but he can't make your wife come back
By Amanda Marcotte @AmandaMarcotte https://www.salon.com/2024/11/04/is-terrible-for-women-but-that-doesnt-mean-hes-good-for-men/ - Men Got Exactly What They Wanted
Byy Jill Filipovic @JillFilipovic
Their votes for Trump weren’t just about the economy, or crime, or immigration; their votes were about reasserting their dominance.
https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2024/11/donald-trump-elected-men-vote-against-kamala-harris.html via @slate - How can the media report on men and masculinities? And how can the media help prevent violence against women?
Webinar for journalists and media professionals, by @OurWatch and @Respect__Vic, November 18.
Register here: https://www.ourwatch.org.au/events/exploring-the-positive-influence-media-can-have-representing-men-and-masculinities
@JennaPrice @hayleyboxall1 - US election: Sexism, misogyny and racism win again. I despair for what a Trump presidency means for people in the USA, regardless of who they voted for. And I despair for the political, cultural, and economic harm this result means for countries around the world.
- What I find particularly depressing is how clearly Trump’s victory shows that men’s sexual violence against women is still widely tolerated, when men with credible allegations of and even convictions for sexual assault can receive such widespread support
https://19thnews.org/2023/10/donald-trump-associates-sexual-misconduct-allegations / - Trump’s victory makes an absolute mockery of the ideas that rape is widely condemned in society, that women who allege they were raped are believed, and that men who are alleged to have perpetrated rape are held to account.
- A Message to Young Men on the Eve of the Harris-Trump Election
You can be part of something great, but you must first summon the confidence to resist being bullied into support for a deeply insecure con man who's trying to use you
By Jackson Katz
https://jacksonkatz.substack.com/p/a-message-to-young-men-on-the-eve - Keep Your Hands Off My Ballot
When men dictate how their wives and partners must vote, this is abuse. It is a threat to women's civil rights and it undermines democracy. Silencing women at the polls is NOT okay.
https://katemangino.substack.com/p/keep-your-hands-off-my-ballot - When Trump says he’s going to ‘protect’ women, we know he means ‘control’
Rights we have taken for granted can, as we saw with the overturning of Roe v Wade, be suddenly yanked away
https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/nov/02/when-trump-says-hes-going-to-protect-women-we-know-he-means-control? - "I'm gonna do it whether the women like it or not": Trump's closing argument is toxic masculinity
Nikki Haley is right that "bromance and masculinity stuff" — like wishing Taylor Swift dead — is politically risky
By Amanda Marcotte @AmandaMarcotte
https://www.salon.com/2024/10/31/im-gonna-do-it-whether-the-women-like-it-or-not-closing-argument-is-masculinity/ - Men Supporting Safer Communities: Join us for an online conversation on the positive role that men and boys can play to help build communities where women are safe, equal and respected. With Professor Michael Flood and Tarang Chawla
Dec 10, 7-8.30pm Victorian time
Book below: [Plus flyer, 5666-Men-Supporting-Safer-Communities-Flyer-FA] - How deepfakes, nudes and teen misogyny have changed growing up
Gendered misconduct on the rise, female teachers scared of being “deepfaked” and parents protecting badly behaved boys: this is high school in 2024.
https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-11-03/teen-misogyny-teachers-and-deepfakes/104540414 - The Misogyny Election: Women are dying from bans on abortion while conservatives are angry about their wives voting for Kamala.
By Jill Filipovic @JillFilipovic
https://jill.substack.com/p/the-misogyny-election - What Trump Has Done to Our Politics: Voters no longer seem to care about character
By Daniel Cox
https://storylines.substack.com/p/what-trump-has-done-to-our-politics - What We’ve Learned About the Online Lives of Boys Who Are Embracing Positive Masculinity: New report from NextGenMen (Canada)
https://www.nextgenmen.ca/blog/research-report-what-weve-learned-about-the-online-lives-of-boys-who-are-embracing-positive-masculinity - 'Industrial scale sexual violence': Six Australians allege they were sexually assaulted by former Harrods boss Mohamed Al Fayed, as 421 people come forward with allegations
Tweets in October 2024
- Jess's employer was filming her at work. She confronted him, but still felt she had to quit
Meanwhile, a new report by Our Watch finds 40% of workplace leaders surveyed are unaware of their new legal obligations to prevent workplace sexual harassment.
https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-11-01/workplace-sexual-harassment-obligations-still-unknown-by-many/104541696 - Latest St Paul’s scandal shows how quickly the proverbial car can hurtle out of control
(On the persistence of cultures of sexism, misogyny, and sexual violence in all-male residential colleges in universities)
https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/latest-st-paul-s-scandal-shows-how-quickly-the-proverbial-car-can-hurtle-out-of-control-20241030-p5kmnq.html - Here's how to talk to your kids about gendered violence
https://honey.nine.com.au/you/heres-how-to-talk-to-your-kids-about-gendered-violence/73120ffc-47ad-49fe-89f0-9694b09d1df5 - Building strong foundations to support primary prevention of violence against women
This new Our Watch document outlines key actions governments can take to ensure that the essential foundations to support this long-term work are in place.
https://www.ourwatch.org.au/submissions/building-strong-foundations-prevention-infrastructure @OurWatchAus - Saoirse Ronan made men squirm. So did I … and that’s part of the problem
By Jenna Price
(And, for more on men's positive roles in ending sexual harassment, see my detailed discussion, free here: https://xyonline.net/content/mens-positive-roles-ending-sexual-harassment-overcoming-barriers-and-taking-action.) - Police investigate after year 10 boys expelled over online content about female peers
A Gold Coast high school says it is appalled by content made by male students about their female peers and has taken action against them.
https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-10-29/emmanuel-gold-coast-students-expelled-over-online-content/104533360 - Abortion is legal in Australia, but these women are being refused treatment. Doctors fear it's an 'unspoken ban'
https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-10-30/abortion-access-regional-australia-denying-women-health-care/104387416 - Preventing child sexual abuse by understanding (Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander) perpetrator motivations (PhD/MPhil scholarship)
PhD or Mphil scholarship opportunity for an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait islander man to study “Preventing child sexual abuse by understanding (ATSI) perpetrator motivations”. See https://www.qut.edu.au/study/fees-and-scholarships/scholarships/preventing-child-sexual-abuse-by-understanding-aboriginal-andor-torres-strait-islander-perpetrator-motivations-phdmphil-scholarship - 'Young men are gravitating towards Trump at an astounding degree': Inside Trump's push to win the bro vote
Trump is working to get an unreliable voting bloc — young men — off the couch and into the polling booths. There's evidence his strategy is working.
https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-10-29/us-presidential-election-gender-gap-trump-harris-vote/104507790 - Tough Men Don’t Bow to Fascists
It's the masculinity election, and we have to make the case that real men protect women from political predators.
By Liz Plank @feministabulous
https://lizplank.substack.com/p/tough-men-dont-bow-to-fascists - Trump’s Promise to Young Men: I Am Your Retribution Against Women
He and his MAGA allies are ramping up the sexism and misogyny as part of a closing message that they will restore men to their rightful place—of total control over women.
https://newrepublic.com/article/187419/trumps-promise-young-men-retribution-against-women - Where are all the men horrified by Gisele Pelicot’s rape trial?
Men must speak out and challenge each other, says Daniel Reast – it’s the least we can do
For plenty more (free) on men's roles in ending violence, see https://xyonline.net/content/engaging-men-violence-prevention-key-resources - Mapping the ecosystem of practice engaging boys and men in Queensland: Spending the morning with 70 others exploring this.
Delighted to note that my report on effective practice with boys and young men was distributed to all participants. Find it free at https://eprints.qut.edu.au/251170/2/ViolencePreventionEducation.pdf - A Dark Truth About Male Sexual Violence Is on Display—and on Trial
Women, in the minds of too many men, exist for male sexual gratification—living and breathing (if not awake or participating) sex dolls.
By Jill Filipovic @JillFilipovic
https://www.thedailybeast.com/from-diddy-to-dominique-pelicot-a-dark-truth-about-male-sexual-violence-is-on-display/ - #MenToo
Are we finally ready to face the sexual abuse of men and boys?
By Jill Filipovic @JillFilipovic
https://jill.substack.com/p/mentoo - The double edged sword of hyper masculinity: Hyper masculinity invites men to engage in - and fear - violence. Find out what this means for all of us.
Next Gen Men blog @NextGenMen
https://www.nextgenmen.ca/blog/violence-hypermasculinity - 'A sexual predator and a sadist': Why the Menendez brothers case is being re-examined
Here is how these two brothers went from being the arch-villains of the country's burgeoning true crime obsession, to the focus of an impassioned movement to free them.
https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-10-26/menendez-brothers-sentencing-reviewed/104516264 - Hey All You Manly Men and Horny Young Guys. I'm Talkin' to YOU, Brothers!
https://www.dailykos.com/story/2024/10/24/2277868/-Hey-All-You-Manly-Men-and-Horny-Young-Guys-I-m-Talkin-to-YOU-Brothers - "They’re being called to save the country": Jackson Katz on how MAGA masculinity sells men purpose
"The global crisis in democracy is tied directly to a crisis in masculinity"
By Chauncey DeVega https://www.salon.com/2024/10/25/theyre-being-called-to-save-the-country-jackson-katz-on-how-maga-masculinity-sells-men-purpose/ - Male Engagement Compendium: A resource for involving men and boys in family planning and sexual and reproductive health (SRH) . For program implementers, researchers, policymakers, and government officials
https://breakthroughactionandresearch.org/male-engagement-resource-compendium/ - Jokes about sexual assault and violence cross a line and the AFL had to take a stand where teammates should have
Violence against women and children is a national emergency – men can either turn a blind eye or do their bit to make our society safer.
https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/oct/19/afl-gws-players-fined-suspended-post-season-party-jokes-sexual-assault-violence-jokes-ntwnfb - How To Help A Friend Who May Be In An Abusive Relationship
Valuable tips from One Love Foundation. E.g.;
Focus on the unhealthy behaviors
Keep the conversation friendly, not preachy
Don’t place the blame on your friend
https://www.joinonelove.org/learn/help_a_friend/ - 5 ways you can call out your mates for sexist behaviour
Here are some productive ways to respond to people around us when they behave in ways that hurt and dismiss women, from ReachOut Australia @ReachOut_AUS
https://au.reachout.com/relationships/allyship/5-ways-you-can-call-out-your-mates-for-sexist-behavior - Women, do you not like sex or do you just not like patriarchal sex?
By Celeste Davis, Matriarchal Blessing blog
https://celestemdavis.substack.com/p/patriarchal-sex - Preventing and Reducing Gun Violence Injuries and Fatalities: A California Toolkit for Communities, Survivors, and Service Providers
By the California Partnership to End Domestic Violence Download from https://endinggv.org/ - Addressing online gender violence requires both culture and policy change
https://theconversation.com/addressing-online-gender-violence-requires-both-culture-and-policy-change-240636 - Pornhub exposed: The tenth most visited website in the world was effectively castrated by a middle-aged American mum (Review of Mickelwait’s “Takedown” @LailaMickelwait)
By Jo Bartosch @jo_bartosch
https://thecritic.co.uk/pornhub-exposed/ - Domestic violence and gun violence: This report, by the California Dept of Justice Office of Gun Violence Prevention, explores the links.
See the summary and full report here: https://oag.ca.gov/news/press-releases/attorney-general-bonta%E2%80%99s-office-gun-violence-prevention-issues-report-links - Could better men lead to less violence? In Lexington, a few of them are trying to find out
(On the “Good Guy Guide,” a podcast on men who want to be good guys, but might also be in various stages of getting there.)
https://www.kentucky.com/opinion/linda-blackford/article294051289.html - How Americans See Men and Masculinity
Republican men stand out in views of their own masculinity, changing gender roles and men’s progress in recent decades
https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2024/10/17/how-americans-see-men-and-masculinity/ - Building respectful relationships among children and young people through education: there are excellent resources for doing this, from the Victorian Government (Australia), here: https://www.vic.gov.au/respectful-relationships
Curricula: https://arc.educationapps.vic.gov.au/learning/sites/respectful-relationships/1785/Respectful-Relationships-resources - Men, Your Moment to End Gender-Based Violence Is Now
True change requires men to actively challenge the patriarchal norms that enable abuse and violence.
By S. Mona Sinha
https://msmagazine.com/2024/10/17/men-gender-violence-rape-sexual-assault-murder-women/ - Feminist Future, or Return of the Strongman? The Young Men's Vote and the Fate of the Nation
By Jackson Katz
https://jacksonkatz.substack.com/p/feminist-future-or-return-of-the - Porn showing degradation of women is warping boys’ development and must be ‘targeted’ to stem misogyny, report warns
Full report: https://serp.ie/ - Researchers fear child-on-child sex abuse is becoming a 'huge' problem
The "huge" problem of child-on-child sex abuse within Australian schools is growing. It's sparked urgent calls to overhaul the curriculum on porn and consent.
https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-10-21/child-sex-abuse-victorian-schools-porn-consent-education-assault/104460602 - Addressing harmful alcohol use to reduce intimate partner violence and violence against children
This review explores alcohol and violence, and how prevention interventions have incorporated alcohol reduction.
Review: https://prevention-collaborative.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Alcohol-Review-FINAL.pdf
Brief: https://prevention-collaborative.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Alcohol-Brief-Digital.pdf - Abusive Men and Sex: Coercive Control and Intimate Partner Sexual Coercion
Why coercive control makes a consensual sex life impossible
By Dr Emma Katz @DrEmmaKatz
https://dremmakatz.substack.com/p/abusive-men-and-sex-coercive-control - The Consequences of Huge Federal Cuts to Domestic Violence Funding “May Be Death”
Critical services for survivors struggle to stay afloat—but Congress has been missing in action.
By Julianne McShane @JulianneMcShane @MotherJones
https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2024/10/domestic-violence-federal-funding-cuts-risks-death/ - Australia’s child support system can put single mothers at risk of poverty and financial abuse
By Kay Cook, Adrienne Byrt, Ashlea Coen & Marg Rogers, The Conversation
https://theconversation.com/australias-child-support-system-can-put-single-mothers-at-risk-of-poverty-and-financial-abuse-240917 - Single parents in Australia are owed $3.7bn in child support. Anne says no leader has been ‘brave enough’ to fix it
https://www.theguardian.com/society/2024/oct/08/single-parents-in-australia-are-owed-37bn-in-child-support-anne-says-no-leader-has-been-brave-enough-to-fix-it - Domestic violence: why didn’t you just leave?
This short video (2:48) from the SBS program “You Can’t Ask That” features DV survivors answering this too-frequent question: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmDXwF_fjOY - Domestic violence: It is understandable why some women stay in violent relationships:
Fear of escalating violence, including to kids
No alternative housing or income
No access to services
Trying to maintaining family
@ANROWS survey, p83 of report: https://anrows-2019.s3.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/…
[Plus graphic, ANROWS, Australians’ attitudes to violence against women and gender equality NCAS Findings 2018 p83 Why women stay] - ‘I’m not afraid of women’: New campaign takes on the Trump-obsessed manosphere
Not controlling women is the manliest thing a man can do, says a new grassroots campaign from Creatives for Harris.
https://www.fastcompany.com/91206509/grassroots-harris-ad-campaign-takes-on-trump-obsessed-manosphere - Childcare Is A Men's Issue, Too
The vice presidential debate between Tim Walz and JD Vance revealed that only one of the candidates has a plan for paid family leave that factors in what women really need.
By Jill Filipovic @JillFilipovic
https://www.marieclaire.com/politics/vice-presidential-debate-tim-walz-jd-vance-childcare-crisis-paid-family-leave-is-a-mens-issue/ - Why aren't we talking about the real reason male college enrollment is dropping?
It is male flight: when large numbers of females enter a profession, hobby or industry, the men leave. That industry is then devalued.
By Celeste Davis, Matriarchal Blessing
https://celestemdavis.substack.com/p/why-boys-dont-go-to-college - Coercive control: A new WA Government campaign reframes the way West Australians look at family and domestic violence and educates on the subtle but insidious nature of coercive control.
https://wa.campaignbrief.com/wa-state-government-launches-first-phase-of-family-and-domestic-violence-campaign-via-303-mullenlowe-perth-and-mediahub/ - 'A tool of abuse': The critical flaws in Australia's child support system
A new report found that many domestic violence perpetrators minimise income and make false claims about time spent caring for their children to harm their former partners.
https://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/a-tool-of-abuse-the-fatal-flaws-in-australias-child-support-system/89rzdzhv0 - Gisele Pelicot is a hero
Everyone, but especially men, should learn from her courage and bravery.
By Julie Bindel @bindelj
https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2024/10/9/gisele-pelicot-is-a-hero #GiselePelicot - Does Porn Normalize Sexual Violence in Teen Relationships?
Overview piece by Fight The New Drug @FightTheNewDrug
https://fightthenewdrug.org/does-porn-fuel-and-normalize-teen-dating-sexual-violence/ - Claire's son had violent meltdowns so bad she called the police. Here's what she wished she knew then
https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-10-10/support-for-young-children-affected-by-domestic-violence/104146270 - Joined at the hip? The cult of coupledom
By Julie Bindel @bindelj
https://juliebindel.substack.com/p/joined-at-the-hip - The Breaking of the Conservative Mind: "They can control the weather" and the obliteration of rationality on the right
By Jill Filipovic @JillFilipovic
https://jill.substack.com/p/the-breaking-of-the-conservative - Debunking the ‘Soy Boy’ Myth, With Science
What the research actually says about the effects of soy on men.
https://sentientmedia.org/debunking-the-soy-boy-myth/ - Social and gender biases have bled into family law and child protection systems, family violence expert says
https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-09-06/family-court-family-violence-training-david-mandel/104183698 - A celebratory post-debate picture, heavily edited to masculinize Vance's features, shows how close Republicans come to gender dysphoria and trans gender theory—without realizing it.
https://newrepublic.com/maz/article/186752/yassified-jd-vance-ai-trump-mike-collins - ‘Be a man and vote for a woman’: Kamala Harris’s unlikely edge in America’s masculinity election
https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/sep/26/masculinity-trump-kamala-harris-us-election #KamalaHarris #TrumpVance2024 - Kamala Harris challenges Donald Trump's masculinity
There's an obvious reason why Trump has backed out of a second debate against Harris.
https://www.salon.com/2024/10/04/kamala-harris-challenges-donald-masculinity/ #KamalaHarris #TrumpVance2024 - Toilet lines are longer for women than men, but simple changes could reduce loo queues
https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-10-05/toilet-queues-disproportionately-disadvantage-women/104418584 - “Boys, Health, and Digital Media”: This latest tip sheet by Children and Screens provides expert guidance for parents, caregivers, and educators on navigating the digital world for boys and young men.
https://www.childrenandscreens.org/learn-explore/research/boys-health-and-digital-media/ - 85% of fathers with children under 18 (USA) say being a parent is one of the most important aspects of who they are. Let’s support policies that help them thrive. #VoteLikeADad #PaidLeave #Caregiving #AccessibleChildCare @equimundo_org
https://www.equimundo.org/vote-like-a-dad/ - The Male Allyship Toolkit: A Resource for Building Inclusive Workplaces
This guide offers practical steps on how to be an ally, amplify women's voices and challenge gender stereotypes.
https://www.heforshe.org/sites/default/files/2024-09/HeForShe%20Male%20Allyship%20Toolkit.pdf #HeForShe @UN_Women [Plus graphic, HeForShe Male Allyship Toolkit 2024 – Cover] - What men like me need to do to make women – and everyone – feel safer
By Phil Hilton
For more on what men can do, see https://xyonline.net/content/engaging-men-violence-prevention-key-resources#Whatmen - Trump and Diddy highlight hip-hop's toxic masculinity problem
Hip-hop's longtime love for Donald Trump and Sean "Diddy" Combs highlights some artists' disturbing infatuation with powerful abusers.
https://www.msnbc.com/the-reidout/reidout-blog/trump-diddy-hip-hop-toxic-masculinity-problem-rcna173739 - MAGA abortion bans are an attack on men’s freedom, too
Men 4 Choice co-founder Oren Jacobson spoke with The ReidOut Blog about how his group is defying hypermasculine norms and tagging men into the fight for reproductive rights.
https://www.msnbc.com/the-reidout/reidout-blog/maga-abortion-bans-attack-mens-freedom-rcna173625 - A dictionary of the manosphere: five terms to understand the language of online male supremacists
By Associate Professor Robert Lawson
https://theconversation.com/a-dictionary-of-the-manosphere-five-terms-to-understand-the-language-of-online-male-supremacists-200206 - America’s dad vs. the manosphere: Walz-Vance debate highlights two versions of masculinity
By Professor Karrin Vasby Anderson
https://theconversation.com/americas-dad-vs-the-manosphere-walz-vance-debate-highlights-two-versions-of-masculinity-240319 via @ConversationUS - Documentary ‘The Man Card’ Illuminates Gender’s Role in Presidential Campaigns and Challenges Men to Get Involved
By Rob Okun, Ms magazine @MsMagazine
https://msmagazine.com/2024/10/03/documentary-the-man-card-men-kamala-harris-donald-trump/ - Paul and Jack were murdered by their abusive father. Why had the family courts granted him contact?
https://www.theguardian.com/society/2024/oct/01/paul-and-jack-were-murdered-by-their-abusive-father-why-had-the-family-courts-granted-him-contact @SheraFamily - Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, and Pornography: How Misogyny Constrains the Future
Learn how the pornography industry is harnessing technology to weaponize sexuality. By Culture Reframed @CultureReframed
https://culturereframed.org/artificial-intelligence-virtual-reality-and-pornography-how-misogyny-constrains-the-future/ - Men, Are you ready to step up and become a better ally? This new free online course offers practical tools, videos, and readings to guide you on your journey to becoming an ally.
https://whvtraining.com.au/product/men-as-allies/ #MenAsAllies #GenderEquality #Respec @Womenshealthvictoria - The battle over male voters — and what masculinity looks like in 2024 https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/trump-harris-battle-male-voters-masculinity-2024-rcna173031
- How Vance and Walz represent a battle to define masculinity
Donald Trump and JD Vance tell men they’re losing a game that’s rigged against them, while the Harris-Walz campaign encourages men to strive for better.
https://www.msnbc.com/the-reidout/reidout-blog/vance-walz-represent-battle-define-masculinity-rcna172769 - How Trump’s rigid masculinity threatens men’s health
Trump leads a movement of men who are indifferent to suffering, averse to health guidance and overly agitated. And it's putting America's men in danger.
https://www.msnbc.com/the-reidout/reidout-blog/trump-masculinity-gun-violence-suicide-prevention-rcna173360 - ‘Happy wives, happy social lives?’ Men are more emotionally disconnected than women – what can be done about it?
By Professor Roger Patulny
https://theconversation.com/happy-wives-happy-social-lives-men-are-more-emotionally-disconnected-than-women-what-can-be-done-about-it-239194 via @ConversationEDU - Will Big Tech be held accountable when it comes to violence against women?
The White House outlined actions tech companies are taking to prevent image-based sexual abuse. Some advocates remain skeptical.
https://19thnews.org/2024/09/big-tech-accountability-image-based-sexual-abuse/ - France's mass rape trial sparks timid debate about systemic male violence
The horrific mass rape trial that has roiled France over the past month has prompted growing calls for a wider reckoning with the culture of male domination and indifference to abuse https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20240927-french-rape-trial-sparks-timid-debate-about-masculinity - It's Time To Connect The Dots Between Stories About Gendered Violence And What Causes It
'Misogyny is a system not just individual behaviours or comments; they are a symptom,' writes Gina Martin.
https://www.elle.com/uk/life-and-culture/a62242481/gina-martin-misogyny/ - Hey fellas, ever wondered how you can step up as a better ally for the women in your life? The Men as Allies free online course from @Womenshealthvictoria is all about helping you understand your role in promoting respect and equality- whether it's at home, at work, or with your mates.
Keen to give it a go? Start today! https://whvtraining.com.au/product/men-as-allies/
#MenAsAllies #GenderEquality #Respect
Tweets in September 2024
Resources for young men who are heading towards the manosphere?
Folks, when the young men in our lives are starting to get involved in online anti-feminist networks, what resources are there to divert or dissuade them or for people around them?
Suggestions welcome. DM or email
Preventing violence against women: In the wake of far too much ill-informed, inaccurate, and divisive commentary recently in Australia, it's great to see a solid review assessing the actual evidence on prevention. By Respect Victoria.
See https://www.respectvictoria.vic.gov.au/reducing-and-preventing-violence-against-women-global-evidence-review @Respect__Vic [Plus graphic, Fergus, Evidence Review - reducing and preventing violence against women 2024]
The structural burden of men’s declining social networks
A decrease in men’s close social connections is happening throughout many globalized economies, with consequences for men’s social and emotional development and the autonomy of women. @angeliferrara
Grand finals 'are full of emotion and passion' but can be a time of heightened risk for domestic violence
Just in case anyone thinks that men’s perpetration of sexual violence, using drugs and alcohol to immobilise, make vulnerable, or overpower women and then rape them and film this, is exclusive to France, here is a story from Australia: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-09-26/adam-lusk-guilty-of-raping-drugging-12-women-date-rape/104387584
How White Guys Are Mobilizing Other White Guys To Elect Kamala Harris https://www.huffpost.com/entry/white-dudes-kamala-harris-donald-trump_n_66f32b75e4b075d6bc69df16 #KamalaHarris #HarrisWalz2024
Pathways to the onset of harmful sexual behaviour by children: This scoping review of 43 papers identifies 10 pathways to starting to use harmful sexual behaviours. One is pornography, particularly for adolescent boys.
Pornography’s influence on HSBs is amplified by...
Pornography’s influence is amplified by:
-- Poor parental supervision and boundaries
-- Sexualised environments
-- Father figures validating porn use (e.g. introducing their sons or stepsons to porn), and
-- The use of violent porn and child sexual abuse material.
Pornography also plays a role in other pathways to harmful sexual behaviours among children, including inadequate sexual boundaries and sexual attraction to children
White Dudes for Harris join battle for Trump’s most reliable voters
What Does the "Pro-Life" Movement Care About?
A look at where they've dedicated their time and resources, and where they haven't.
By Jill Filipovic @JillFilipovic
I’ve treated too many men like Pelicot to be horrified by the French mass rape
Psychologist Ahona Guha notes that most men who engage in sexual violence do so knowingly and deliberately.
https://www.smh.com.au/lifestyle/life-and-relationships/i-ve-treated-too-many-men-like-pelicot-to-be-horrified-by-the-french-mass-rape-20240923-p5kcum.html [Plus graphic, Guha, I’ve treated too many men like Pelicot to be horrified by the French mass rape Sept 24 2024 – Excerpt]
For a scholarly account of the drivers of men’s sexual violence, see pp. 30-42 of this free report: https://research.qut.edu.au/centre-for-justice/wp-content/uploads/sites/304/2023/01/Who-uses-domestic-family-and-sexual-violence-how-and-why-The-State-of-Knowledge-Report-on-Violence-Perpetration-2023.pdf
Republicans think Kamala Harris can’t be president because she hasn’t had children
Being a parent is not a qualification for the presidency. 5 male Presidents didn't have biological children. Trump's parenting is hardly exemplary.
The Republican commentary is sexist bigotry:
The Republican commentary is sexist bigotry: that women who devote themselves to things other than marriage or motherhood are somehow suspect, deficient or defective.
By Moira Donegan @MoiraDonegan
How perpetrators of domestic violence weaponise disability
Perpetrators of domestic and family violence weaponise their partners' disability to target victims, maintain control, and conceal abuse.
Early intervention for adolescent young men and boys to end gender-based violence
The Albanese Labor Government is committing more than $23 million over three years to 2026-27 to 12 organisations for a trial of interventions.
Politicians know defamation laws can silence women, but they won’t do anything about it
'The weaponisation of defamation law by perpetrators against women reporting sexual violence and harassment is well documented.'
Rape trial highlights the systematic struggles French sexual abuse victims face
The trial of dozens of men accused of raping an unconscious woman whose husband repeatedly drugged her has highlighted the difficulties that sexual violence victims face
Defence forced to release data showing female trainees still facing high rates of harassment
French mass rape trial: I have been glad to see men speaking up on social media and elsewhere about their anger and despair at the actions of the 50+ men who raped Gisèle Pelicot and the other men who colluded in this or stayed silent about it.
Some commentators, however, have described these men as monsters, perverts, etc. While that’s true in one sense, in another, these men are *normal* men. *Ordinary* men. Men whom others know, like, and love.
The behaviours in which these men are involved, and the attitudes that inform their behaviour, are *common*.
-- Many men feel entitled to initiate sexual activity with their female partners when they are sleeping, or too drunk or intoxicated to give consent.
-- There are common genres of pornography in which men have sex with (rape) sleeping or trapped women.
-- More broadly, norms of sexual objectification – that women are nothing more than three holes and two hands, that they have status only as sexual objects – are common.
-- So are norms of male sexual entitlement: that men are entitled to access to women’s bodies, that women owe men sex.
So, while I am glad to see men expressing anger and disgust at the actions of the 50+ plus men, I also want us to:
-- Avoid ‘othering’ such men as monsters
-- Recognise that the attitudes and behaviours they show are in fact part of wider society
-- Above all, join with women and feminist networks in efforts to shift these wider patriarchal norms and structures.
-- On what men can do in our daily lives to end violence against women, see https://xyonline.net/content/engaging-men-violence-prevention-key-resources#Whatmen
-- The phrase “men who we know, like and love” comes from pioneering work by Lula Dembele.
-- For longer accounts of the point about perpetrators as men we know, like, and love, see this conference paper, https://xyonline.net/content/putting-perpetrators-picture-mapping-exten…, and this piece, “Putting Perpetrators in the Picture”: https://research.qut.edu.au/centre-for-justice/wp-content/uploads/sites/304/2021/06/Michael-Flood-briefing-paper-issue-13.pdf
-- For a scholarly account of the drivers of men’s sexual violence, see pp. 30-42 of https://research.qut.edu.au/centre-for-justice/wp-content/uploads/sites/304/2023/01/Who-uses-domestic-family-and-sexual-violence-how-and-why-The-State-of-Knowledge-Report-on-Violence-Perpetration-2023.pdf
Hey guys, ever wondered how you can step up as a better ally for the women in your life? The Men as Allies free online course is all about helping you understand your role in promoting respect and equality: at home, at work, or with your mates.
What Should Democrats Say to Young Men?
Young men appear to be drifting right. Ignoring them means trouble.
by Paul Starr
5 Ways That Domestic Violence and Coercive Control Victim-Survivor Moms Are Great Mothers
The 5 key things they do to look after their children's welfare and well-being
By Dr Emma Katz @DrEmmaKatz
Significant gaps found in professionals identifying sexual, domestic violence
‘Not all men, but a lot of them’: will Gisèle Pelicot rape trial finally change France’s attitude to sexual abuse?
Inequalities in men's health: A new UK report highlights severe inequalities in UK men’s health, with those in deprived areas living 10 years less than those in more affluent areas. It calls for ongoing investment and a national men’s health strategy.
Shared Parental Leave fails to deliver for dads
New UK research suggests that Shared Parental Leave (SPL) has failed to encourage greater take-up or longer leave by fathers, prompting calls for policy reform.
Government vows to cut funding for sporting organisations that don’t meet gender targets by 2027
The Man Card: 50 Years of Gender, Power, and the American Presidency
This updated version of the film includes discussions of the Harris v Trump race, the masculinity politics of Tim Walz and JD Vance, and more.
See themancardmovie.com
'Gateway' to porn: how social media warps sex for young Aussies
The French Rape Trial Shows It’s Time For Men To Speak Up
As protesters in Paris take to the streets in support of Gisèle Pélicot, Laura Bates says, no, it’s not all men, but why aren’t more men publicly outraged?
How perpetrators of domestic violence use drugs and alcohol to control their victims
By Cathy Humphreys, Margaret Kertesz, and Van Callaly
https://theconversation.com/how-perpetrators-of-domestic-violence-use-drugs-and-alcohol-to-control-their-victims-236865 via @ConversationEDU
Trump’s Debate Against VP Harris Underscores How White Male Insecurity Is A Liability
The debate between Harris and Trump revealed how vesting authority in an insecure white man is dangerous for democracy.
Killing a baby ‘after birth’ is homicide and legal nowhere. What is Trump on about?
By Arwa Mahdawi
Exploring Young Women's Leftward Expansion
U.S. women aged 18 to 29 today are more liberal than young women in the past on specific issues, particularly the environment and abortion, finds Gallup Poll data
From spy cams to deepfake porn: fury in South Korea as women targeted again
National police agency says it is investigating 513 cases of deepfake pornography as a new scandal grips the country
Groundbreaking Tinder consent course launched to educate young Australians on safe dating
Australia has spent 10 years trying to stop DV before it happens. Is that the best approach?
Inside the Lives of Teen Boys — & What It Means to 'Be a Man' Today
Special edition of She Knows
Tweens and young teens are seeing porn. Here's how to talk to them about it
Almost half our kids will see porn by their early- to mid-teens, and many of them much earlier. How we talk to them about is important in minimising the damage it can do.
For more on pornography, including summaries of the research on porn's effects and its contribution to sexual violence, see https://xyonline.net/content/pornography-men-and-boys
Not all men...but how many?
“I saw him now and then in the bakery; I would say hello. I never thought he’d come and rape me.”
By Caroline Criado Perez
It’s everyone’s problem: mainstreaming responses to technology-facilitated gender-based violence
This report, drawing on a case study around the online harassment of eSafety Commissioner Julie Inman Grant, assesses the state of research and policy on TFGBV
Why aren't all men horrified by the rise in male violence against women?
We're living through a femicide – and no one wants to talk about it.
By Lucy Morgan, Glamour Magazine
https://www.glamourmagazine.co.uk/article/male-violence-all-men-rebecca-cheptegei @glamourmag @GlamourMagUK
The Trump Campaign’s Rhetoric About Women Sounds a Lot Like Andrew Tate’s
As the Trump campaign overtly appeals to the manosphere, the view of women espoused by alleged rapist and trafficker Andrew Tate matches perfectly with that of Trump and his allies.
Trump — king of the bros
In the manosphere, Trump is everywhere.
Elon Musk and the Political Power of Young Men
Young Men Are Turning to Trump. Why?
Trump’s appeal to young men coincides with their retreat to an online counterculture.
Two versions of masculinity are on the 2024 ballot
By Ivana Saric, Axios
‘You have lost my trust’: Rosie Batty’s angry text to Anne Summers exposes domestic violence policy rift
By Jenna Price, The Sydney Morning Herald / The Age
It started with a flood of 'ominous' texts. Then Ruma saw her face on fake porn images
Deepfake pornography ring linked to South Korean university uncovered after years-long sting, showing a problem so rife in South Korea it is a "national disaster".
Meet the anti-Andrew Tates
A handful of influencers are trying to turn the tide on toxic masculinity. But can they get anyone to listen?
By Hannah Ewens
https://www.gq-magazine.co.uk/article/anti-toxic-masculinity-movement @GQMagazine @BritishGQ
4 Ways to Talk to Boys About Suicide
By Jonathon Reed, Next Gen Men
https://www.nextgenmen.ca/blog/4-ways-to-talk-to-boys-about-suicide @NextGenMen
'We need to have higher expectations for men as parents': Family violence expert reveals the myths and biases that unravel family court cases
We need to change the culture of "mother blaming" that has permeated the agencies dealing with family violence.
The "New" Masculinity Is Actually 50 Years Old
Woven together over decades, the antisexist men's movement has created a multilayered tapestry of one of the most important social change movements you may never have heard of.
By Rob Okun
Inside the deepfake porn crisis engulfing Korean schools
BBC News
Fathers accused of child sexual abuse given legal access to their alleged victims
9 fathers were given legal access by private family court law proceedings to the children they were accused of abusing, according to a new qualitative study.
https://www.manchester.ac.uk/about/news/fathers-accused-of-child-sexual-abuse-given-legal-access-to-their-alleged-victims/ @SheraFamily
Safe and Inclusive Sport: Preventing gender-based violence
A guide to support gender equity and the prevention of gender-based violence through sport, developed by the Victorian Government
Women flock to Disco Club enticed by early start times, clean bathrooms and no 'creepers'
Women who haven't been nightclubbing for decades are back on the dancefloor joining sell-out crowds at events across the country.
Talking about the Taliban: Their beliefs about women, men and sex have existed, and still do exist, in cultures around the world, including in the West. And white nationalist concerns are grounded in deeply patriarchal notions of women as property.
'I woke up one night and he was on top of me.' What we need to know about sexual violence between partners.
By Nicole Madigan
Willing, capable and confident: men, masculinities and the prevention of violence against women
This report explores how men conform to, navigate, or challenge the Man Box ‘rules' and opportunities to build men's capacity to resist harmful masculinities.
[Plus graphic, Respect Victoria, Willing, capable and confident - men, masculinities and the prevention of violence against women 2024 – Cover]
The urgent message coming from boys
Interview with Dr Niobe Way on her new book “Rebels with a Cause: Reimagining Boys, Ourselves, and Our Culture”
Locking up young people might make you feel safer but it doesn’t work, now or in the long term
via @ConversationEDU
Remembering Metrosexuality, the Trend That Taught Straight Men It’s OK to Be a Little Gay
From David Beckham’s poreless skin to the tastes of Queer Eye’s original Fab Five, metrosexuality marked an essential step toward a more open masculinity.
We found teenage girls don’t know vulvas from vaginas or when their menstrual cycle starts
By Felicity Roux, HuiJun Chih, Jacqueline Hendriks, and Sharyn Burns
https://theconversation.com/we-found-teenage-girls-dont-know-vulvas-from-vaginas-or-when-their-menstrual-cycle-starts-237767@ConversationEDU @JacquiHendriks @burns_sharyn @CERIPH_HP
'It stains your brain': How social media algorithms show violence to boys
BBC Panorama, August 30 2024
https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c4gdqzxypdzo @mariannaspring
Family violence workforce health, safety and wellbeing: new, practical resources to support workforce wellbeing among family violence, sexual assault and child wellbeing workers
Willing, capable and confident: men, masculinities and the prevention of violence against women
This report explores how men conform to, navigate, or challenge the Man Box ‘rules' and opportunities to build men's capacity to resist harmful masculinities.
[Plus graphic, Respect Victoria, Willing, capable and confident - men, masculinities and the prevention of violence against women 2024 – Cover]
Tweets in August 2024
Violence prevention work among boys and young men: How can we engage boys and young men in schools in moving towards more non-violent, gender-equitable identities, behaviours, and relations?
New report identifies key elements of effective practice. Free: https://eprints.qut.edu.au/251170/2/ViolencePreventionEducation.pdf
Vance v Walz: in the struggle for gender equality it matters what powerful men think and whether they are allies – or not
By Ján Michalko @MichalkoJan
Promise Keepers Revival? Jackson Katz on the Trump-Era Resurgence of the Largest Organized Men’s Movement
In the ’90s, an all-male religious group attempted to roll back progress made on women’s and LGBTQ+ equality. Three decades later, they’re back.
Practice-based lessons for feminist, ethical, and evidence-based violence against women and girls prevention at scale
On how to translate proof-of-concept evidence into robust, large-scale programmes and strategies for violence prevention
Want to fight gender inequality? A review of data from 118 countries shows that development aid works
By Professor Bedassa Tadesse
https://theconversation.com/want-to-fight-gender-inequality-a-review-of-data-from-118-countries-shows-that-development-aid-works-237108 via @ConversationUS
YSL Beauty highlights how men can help end violence against women
https://uk.style.yahoo.com/ysl-beauty-violence-against-women-campaign-103324829.html via @yahoolifeuk
Romance fraud doesn’t only happen online – it can turn into real-world deception
By Professor Cassandra Cross, @DrCassCross @QUT
https://theconversation.com/romance-fraud-doesnt-only-happen-online-it-can-turn-into-real-world-deception-237653 via @ConversationEDU @QUT
Tim Walz’s DNC Speech Was a Masculinity-Themed Populist Pep Talk
Tim Walz’s performance reclaimed patriotism and a confident, yet compassionate, vision of masculinity.
By Jackson Katz
(For more on masculinity, politics, and Trump, see this XY collection: https://xyonline.net/content/donald-trump-and-masculinity-xy-collection)
The internet makes it too easy to ‘fall down a rabbit hole of hate’. So, what works to curb online extremism?
By Vivian Gerrand
https://theconversation.com/the-internet-makes-it-too-easy-to-fall-down-a-rabbit-hole-of-hate-so-what-works-to-curb-online-extremism-236503 via @ConversationEDU
Should misogyny be treated as a form of extremism?
By Stephanie Wescott @stephwescott_ and Steven Roberts @SteveRoberts_
https://theconversation.com/should-misogyny-be-treated-as-a-form-of-extremism-237229 via @ConversationEDU @MonashEducation
‘Not my boy.’ When teachers are harassed by students, some schools and parents fail to help
https://theconversation.com/not-my-boy-when-teachers-are-harassed-by-students-some-schools-and-parents-fail-to-help-237122 via @ConversationEDU
Kamala Harris Wants to Redefine Masculinity—And Demolish Trump’s
Democrats used their convention to stake a claim to a new manhood. It may leave Trump clutching his.
By Ilyse Hogue, The Bulwark
https://www.thebulwark.com/p/kamala-harris-wants-to-redefine-masculinity-and-demolish-trumps @BulwarkOnline
AI ‘nudify’ sites are being sued for victimising people. How can we battle deepfake abuse?
By Professor Nicola Henry
https://theconversation.com/ai-nudify-sites-are-being-sued-for-victimising-people-how-can-we-battle-deepfake-abuse-237043 via @ConversationEDU
Punish the men who pay for sex, rather than the women lured into that life
Prostitution puts lives in danger yet sexual exploitation is permitted to thrive in the UK.
By Sonia Sodha
25 Ways Manhood & Masculinity Have Changed Since 1999
What to Say to Your Daughter About Campus Sexual Assault
It’s not what you might imagine.
By Nicole Bedera @NBedera
To combat toxic masculinity, advertisers need to show men at their best https://www.thedrum.com/opinion/2024/08/21/combat-toxic-masculinity-advertisers-need-show-men-their-best
How parliaments can develop codes of conduct to protect women in parliament from tech-facilitated gender-based violence: New guidelines from Fundacion Multitudes and the National Democracy Institute, Latin America
Pornography use shapes sexual illiteracy: A US study finds that adolescents who had viewed pornography were more likely to hold false sexual beliefs than adolescents who had not viewed pornography. Frequency and dependency of use increased illiteracy.
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/03637751.2021.1987486 [Plus graphic, Wright, Pornography vs. sexual science - The role of pornography use and dependency in US teenagers’ sexual illiteracy 2022 – Abstract]
For Men, the Texas Anti-Abortion Law Should Have Been a Wake-up Call
Women should not have to bear the brunt of fighting for their basic rights alone.
By Jackson Katz
(For more on men and reproductive rights, see this collection: https://xyonline.net/content/men-abortion-and-sexual-and-reproductive-rights-xy-collection.)
How to be an ally to a loved one experiencing domestic violence: A guide for family and friends
A new guide by the Safe and Together Institute, free at https://safeandtogetherinstitute.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/A4_AllyDoc_web82520.pdf
What does family look like in Australia? It’s more diverse than you think
https://theconversation.com/what-does-family-look-like-in-australia-its-more-diverse-than-you-think-236499 via @ConversationEDU
An anti-childcare movement is spreading online – it’s both disturbing and regressive
Ignore the trad wife influencers – wanting or needing space from your child is not just normal, but healthy for both of you.
By Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett
Safe With You: Every child deserves to be raised in a safe and loving environment that fosters their growth and success.
This Father’s Day, The Fathering Project honours every father and positive male role model who raises his children with love and care.
J.D. Vance Illustrates Five Lessons in Misogyny
When it comes to misogyny, J.D. Vance isn’t an anomaly or a throwback. He’s a textbook illustration.
By Kate Manne
In the AI porn economy, Margot invited followers to 'buy her a coffee' for 'exclusive pics'
People's bonds with influencers generated by AI are rising. Experts warn the phenomenon could be fuelling harmful behaviours in the darker corners of the internet.
Are American men ready for Kamala Harris?
Some polls suggest the Democratic nominee can hold her own among male voters despite Donald Trump’s misogynistic attacks
Five wait lists. 14 months. Not one day of child care. This is the reality for families like Leah Ann's
There are more than twice as many children as childcare places, according to a world-first study analysing childcare access down to the street level.
Manhood on the Ballot: Is the Premise Obvious or Absurd?
Recent articles in the Wall Street Journal and New York Times suggest that analyses of masculinities and politics have hit the mainstream. But not everyone is convinced.
By Jackson Katz
Right-Wing Criticism of Tim Walz’s Military Record Is Really an Attack on His Manhood
The ultimate goal is to punch holes in the “real man” credentials of someone like Walz, and thereby undermine his popularity with men.
By Jackson Katz
Men Can Be Cat Ladies Too
“Until you experience cats firsthand, you can't really tell what it is to love and be loved by a cat,” says one convert to the cat-dad lifestyle.
Young men in the US used to lean left. Could they now hand Trump the presidency?
The ex-president is courting a demographic drifting away from the Democrats. What’s driving the widening gender gap among young people?
Podcast “HR Hacks” on engaging men and boys in building gender equality and promoting healthy masculinities in schools and workplaces: Interview by Paul O’Halloran with Professor Michael Flood Listen now on #ApplePodcasts https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/hr-hacks-thriving-and-surviving-in-the-modern-workplace/id1757597612?i=1000665610952 @paulohalloranIR @Dentons
The right’s plan to fix America: Patriarchy 2.0
JD Vance and like-minded conservatives are theorizing a kind of “neopatriarchy.”
Trump Is Going All in on Weird, Lonely Young Dudes Who Hate Women
His interview with influencer Adin Ross earlier this week is part of a broader effort to answer Kamala Harris’s nomination with an unabashed courtship of too-online misogynists.
Engaging Campus Men Toolkit
Our world needs more men to be agents of positive change. This toolkit identifies the concepts, skills, and tools needed to build a leadership pipeline for campus men to advocate against violence and for gender equity
9 things I'm doing to teach my teenage son about 'toxic masculinity'
By Debra Walters, Good To Know – Making Sense of Parenthood
Why men bear the brunt of past and present violent protests in Bangladesh
Abu Saleh Mohammad Sowad explores why over 95 per cent of adults who died in the protests were men.
https://theconversation.com/why-men-bear-the-brunt-of-past-and-present-… via @ConversationCA
Young women are the most progressive group in American history. Young men are checked out
Gen Z is seeing a ‘historic reverse gender gap’, with women poised to outpace men across virtually every measure of political involvement.
He promised to send men's 'sex drive through the roof', then disappeared with their thousands
The salesman promised to "make men huge" and send their "sex drive through the roof". Then he disappeared with their money.
Tim Walz’s Masculinity Is Terrifying to Republicans
Kamala Harris’ running mate has traditional “manly man” traits. He’s also not frightened of women, afraid of Black people or terrified of the future. https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2024-08-09/tim-walz-isn-t-a-…;
Giving early childhood educators an extra 15% is good policy, and even better politics
They called him ‘Tampon Tim’ as an insult. It backfired
By Jacqueline Maley @JacquelineMaley
Masculinity’s check-engine light is on. Let Tim Walz have a look.
Vice-presidential nominee Walz’s “Midwestern dad vibe” comes with opportunities to rethink a whole tool kit of types of masculinity.
The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/style/power/2024/08/08/tim-walz-midweste…
Tim Walz, Doug Emhoff, and the Nice Men of the Left
An election defined by two very different kinds of guys.
By Rebecca Traister @rtraister
As Rebecca Traister noted, her piece is about "about masculinity and the widening chasm between the cramped, mean, manosphere-laced resentments of the right and the robustly woman-friendly performances of this cycle’s Democratic men.”
Tim Walz's normal dad energy is causing MAGA to come unglued
Walz is the opposite of weird: Kamala Harris' running mate shows masculinity can be about love and not hate
By Amanda Marcotte @AmandaMarcotte
Effective Practice in Violence Prevention Education with Boys and Young Men: This new report examines best practice in violence prevention education with boys and young men in classrooms and other face-to-face settings.
The white male vote and the 2024 US election
Valuable talking points and background on men, politics, and the major political parties, by Dr Jackson Katz
Power, Patriarchy and Feminism online course: On how and why these are key for those working with men and boys for gender justice.
10-12 hours divided into 3 modules of about 3 hours each, plus additional reading resources.
Teenage girls in Africa face shocking rates of physical and sexual abuse in intimate relationships – new global report
By Dr Anthony Idowu Ajayi
Men, masculinities, and environmental issues
A growing body of research highlights the role that social constructions of masculinity play in shaping men's relationships with the natural world.
By Dr Stephen Burrell
Domestic violence and its prevention: Podcast interview with Professor Michael Flood, including on men’s roles in prevention, Strength in Numbers podcast, dedicated to unraveling the complex issues of DFSV. Hosted by Diandra Phipps.
Spotify episode here: https://open.spotify.com/episode/5jGK9piUV4EaI7RdDJ7Mfl?si=e6626KOzSwG5…
The hypermasculine far right: how white nationalists tell themselves they are ‘protecting’ women and children when they riot
By Elizabeth Pearson
https://theconversation.com/the-hypermasculine-far-right-how-white-nati… via @ConversationUK
“White supremacy is founded on the narrative of a specifically gendered and racialised threat – the threat from “other” men to “native” women and children.”
Men’s far-right activism is focused on achieving masculine status, although expressed in diverse ways.
The real problem here is male violence. “Confronting male violence with more male violence, believing in the worth of male violence, and giving it status, as Tate or Robinson do, will only perpetuate a cycle”
Men are needed to build a counter narrative.
“we need a community of men, not a manosphere, ready to rescript gender roles and gender relationships”
Far-right and white nationalist movements are shaped by gender, especially patriarchal masculinity.
There are ideological and practical connections between far-right and ‘men’s rights’ networks and ideologies
XY collection on the alt-right and masculinity: https://xyonline.net/content/alt-right-mens-anti-feminist-advocacy-and-…
Churches, faith, and domestic violence:
A growing number of churches are stepping up to help prevent violence against women and encourage healthy forms of masculinity. We'll be discussing how at this upcoming Conference: Faith, Hope and Love: https://www.tencommitments.org.au/conference
For scholarship and resources on faith communities and settings and violence prevention, see https://xyonline.net/books/bibliography/27-violence-and-responses-viole…
The riots aren’t just a ‘far-right’ problem – they’re a ‘man’ problem
What type of man is involved in the riots? The type of man who enjoys violence and relishes confrontation. For him, violence is... pleasurable. It is validation...
Masculinity in crisis, toxic attitudes, and positive masculinity: I’m looking forward to exploring these themes in the “Positive Masculinity” panel at the Festival of Dangerous Ideas. With Tarang Chawla and Anna Krien.
@festofdanger #FODI @tarang_chawla
We have allowed the demonisation and dehumanisation of male refugees. They are victims too
“we have a discourse where male migrants are demonised as inherently not entitled to fundamental rights, refugee status, asylum status”
By Zoe Williams
Australia’s national violence prevention framework Change the Story: Commentary on some of the debates about the evidence
Helen Kelleher and Emily Maguire note the evidence, and the consultative process used to develop the 2nd edition of the framework. See https://bit.ly/3SzYKF3
How ‘White Dudes’ May Reshape Manhood This Election
“It’s time for white men to have a Black woman’s back.”
By Rob Okun
Violence against women isn’t the only national emergency – we must also tackle the misogyny that’s causing it
By Associate Professor Lisa Sugiura
https://theconversation.com/violence-against-women-isnt-the-only-nation… via @ConversationUK
New book shines light on sexual assault and harassment in medicine
How Sexist Men See Themselves As the ‘Good Guys’ — & Why So Many Boys Are Listening
By Jessica Calarco
Podcast: Men, masculinities, feminism. A chat between Kaveh, @thehouseofpod, Dr Arghavan Salles @arghavan_salles and sociologist @MichaelGLFlood to discuss masculinity, why feminism is for men too, and Furiosa.
iTunes: https://tinyurl.com/457dp2vv Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/3vrax2f2
Tweets in July 2024
Report card: Tracking progress in the primary prevention of violence against women
This valuable new report from Our Watch highlights the progress made in preventing and reducing violence against women in Australia. @OurWatchAus
https://assets.ourwatch.org.au/assets/Key-frameworks/Our-Watch-Tracking-Progress-in-Prevention-Report-July-2024_WEB.pdf [Plus graphic, Our Watch, Report card - Tracking progress in the primary prevention of violence against women July 2024 – Summary]
A modest proposal: that when violence by men against women and girls occurs, the media and community name it as such, rather than using gender-neutral language
By Deborah Cameron @wordspinster
The Republican party’s obsession with families has taken a fanatical turn
The Republicans intend a society "in which birth is mandatory, marriage is inescapable, children are property [...], and men are in charge" - that is, *patriarchy*.
By Moira Donegan
Why do norms of traditional masculinity have such longevity, even among younger boys?
By Ashley Morgan, Cardiff Metropolitan University
PS. Also see the Australian research on norms of manhood, from the 'Man Box' survey: https://xyonline.net/content/norms-manhood-among-young-men-australia
'I broke down sobbing because a doctor believed me': Why do so many Australian women experience medical sexism?
Women have shared stories of feeling dismissed and ignored by healthcare professionals. Now a national survey shows how serious the problem is.
This is a misogyny emergency. A huge outpouring is coming in the runup to the US election
This time Kamala Harris will be the target for the social media platforms that promote prejudice
By Carole Cadwalladr
Primary prevention: the Change The Story framework consistently emphasises the need to change behaviours, norms, and *structures*.
Prevention aims to shift "the systems, structures, norms, attitudes, practices and power imbalances" driving violence (p.56).
Kamala Harris: Imagine what they would say about her if she had 5 kids by 3 different husbands, was in her 8th decade, and a convicted felon... (That's Trump.)
The unusually tender smoked meat communities that mean so much to men
There's been a surge in the smoked meats community, with barbecue community groups serving as inadvertent online men's sheds where meat, mateship and masculinity are all on the menu.
What are Australian men talking about in therapy?
Across Australia, men are increasingly turning to mental health services to improve their behaviours and explore their inner lives.
So Kamala is the ‘childless cat lady’? White male power plays its hateful gender card
By Julia Baird
JD Vance, the Republican Party’s nominee for vice president in the 2024 United States presidential election, has a bunch of weird views on gender
Overt chauvinism is the unifying thread of the New Right.
“Blokes run religious institutions” - Can religion be enlisted as an ally in the prevention of domestic violence?
By Sarah Wendt and Josephine Clarke
For more on faith-based violence prevention, see the bibliography here: https://xyonline.net/books/bibliography/27-violence-and-responses-viole…
‘Believe Women’ was a slogan. ‘Believe All Women’ is a straw man
By Monica Hesse
The slogan “Believe women” means, “Treat women seriously, and don’t automatically just believe the man.”
"Believe women" means “don’t assume women as a gender are especially vindictive, and recognize that false allegations are less common than real ones,” (Sady Doyle, 2017).
The idea of the slogan is to neutralise bias - the persisent and well-documented sexist bias that pervades courts and communities and that means that women who allege being assaulted are treated as liars, while the men who assault them are not held accountable.
But the slogan was not, and is not, “Believe all women.”
“Believe women” was a reminder, not an absolute rule; the beginning of a process, not an end […] Believe women . . . enough to seriously investigate their claims.”
““Believe all women,” on the other hand, is rigid, sweeping, and leaves little room for nuance.”
Few if any feminists believe “that every single woman, everywhere, has always told the truth, on every occasion, about everything”.
“Believe all women” is a straw man, an invention used to discredit efforts to take violence against women seriously.
This is similar to how “Black Lives Matter” is misperceived and misrepresented as “Black Lives Matter, Only”.
Yes, false allegations of violence and abuse happen. And the fact is, they are rare. Most allegations of violence and abuse are made in good faith.
That's what the research says, as I summarise here: https://xyonline.net/content/false-allegations-sexual-and-domestic-viol…
So when we hear allegations of violence and abuse, we should listen to them and take them seriously. We should not assume that all and every allegation is true. But we should grant a presumptive legitimacy or credence to such claims.
Why don’t straight men read novels?
Men often read non-fiction books in the name of self-improvement – but many are reluctant to pick up works of fiction. https://www.dazeddigital.com/life-culture/article/63149/1/why-dont-stra…
Radical anti-feminism is the most prevalent form of violent extremism in Australia, report finds
It's not all about Andew Tate
Tate is a product of a culture that normalises misogyny and men's violence against women.
By Sian Norris @sianushka
When it comes to men's violence against women, Andrew Tate is *a* problem but he is not the only problem, and making him the misogyny bogeyman lets society (and mostly men) off the hook.
Securing women’s lives - Taking men’s lethal violence against women seriously
By Professor Jude McCulloch
Men’s violence against women in some ways fits legal definitions of terrorism, in that it has an ideological motivation: misogyny
Feminists have criticised simplistic distinctions between gendered violence as ‘private’ violence and mass casualty attacks as ‘public’ violence.
Often men’s acts of domestic and sexual violence are the precursors to the forms of violence that are more readily seen as part of ‘public concern’. There’s a history of such violence in the backgrounds of men who commit terrorism and mass casualty attacks.
“the explicit misogynist motivation of some mass casualty attackers, and theintersection of misogynistic motivations with other types of violent extremism, such as white supremacy, that are more widely recognised as motivation for mass casualty attacks”
How to talk to kids about homophobic slurs on the sporting field
With some players still using slurs at footy's highest level, how can adults talk to children about respect and inclusivity? Here is the advice.
'I was told I was selfish': The mothers giving babies their surname
Even when parents don't share a surname, largely children are given their father's name. Five mothers share why passing on their name was important.
Influencers driving extreme misogyny, say police
BBC News, July 23 2024
Men are increasingly offered paid parental leave so why are they not taking it?
By Emma Walsh, December 2023
Detoxifying Australia’s Parliament: A survivor’s perspective
https://www.broadagenda.com.au/2024/detoxifying-australias-parliament-a… @UCBGL @UCIGPA
A message from women everywhere
(Humour) An important message from women, tired of being judged for choosing to have children, not have children, being too thin, being too fat…
Harris Just Made Gender Visible in the 2024 Election - But It Was There All Along
The media can’t afford to ignore the right’s masculinity contests anymore.
By Jackson Katz
https://msmagazine.com/2024/07/22/gender-women-masculinity-rnc-republic… #Kamala #Trump #Trump2024
Also see the website XY’s recently expanded compilation of writings on Trump and masculinity, here: https://xyonline.net/content/donald-trump-and-masculinity-xy-collection
How Kamala Harris's run for the US presidency has reignited old racist and sexist narratives
Australian Men Rank Among the Most Pro-patriarchal in Western World: Report
Full Ipsos story and data: https://www.ipsos.com/en-au/one-five-australians-thinks-women-who-say-t…;
Research reveals the 30 critiques holding women back from leadership that most men will never hear
Practically any characteristic can be proclaimed problematic to question a woman’s competence and suitability for leadership.
Threats to masculinity may make teen boys aggressive
New research shows teen boys may respond aggressively when they believe their masculinity is under threat—especially those who growing up in environments with rigid, stereotypical gender norms.
Teachers warn of sexual harassment, sexism, misogyny in classrooms
Trump is man in a man’s world. The RNC underscored that.
Trump's GOP is no country for MAGA women
At the Republican National Convention, MAGA women learn there's no place for them in Trump's GOP
By Amanda Marcotte @AmandaMarcottehttps://www.salon.com/2024/07/20/the-clearest-message-of-the-convention…
"The GOP, already the party of sexism, is getting more gratuitous with its toxic masculinity. ... Republicans were exalting maleness with an ardor that reads as "defensive" to outsiders but appears to be a convincing display to those inside the MAGA cult.
How does patriarchy impact men’s happiness
Blog entry, Next Gen Men
How does patriarchy impact men’s relationships?
Blog entry, Next Gen Men
Targeting fixated individuals to prevent intimate partner homicide: Proposing the Domestic Violence Threat Assessment Centre
A new publication from the Australian Institute of Criminology, here: https://www.aic.gov.au/publications/rip/rip48
Male loneliness: A major Australian study finds that among men, one factor predicting loneliness is having stronger beliefs that the man, not the woman, should be the breadwinner of the household. For older men, less conservative gender role attitudes can decrease loneliness. [Plus graphic, Botha, Predictors of male loneliness across life stages- an Australian study of longitudinal data 2024 - Abstract highlighted]
The CFMEU overhaul won’t do much to end the blokey culture that dominates Australian job sites
By Natalie Galea
Sister in Law by Harriet Wistrich review – in defence of women
A campaigning lawyer’s account of her defining cases throws a feminist light on the UK justice system
‘The female body is not simply a smaller version of a male body’: Why we need different injury prevention strategies in women’s sport
By Brianna Boecker, Women’s Agenda
The Manosphere, Rewired: Understanding Masculinities Online and Pathways for Healthy Connection
Findings from a six-month deep dive into the lives of young men online, focused on the platforms and online spaces used by young men in the United States.
Why men need to talk about violence against women
This new piece by Respect Victoria highlights the harmful ideas about manhood that shape the violence some men perpetrate, puts the issue of men’s mental health in context, and explores what men can do.
For a wide-ranging collection of free resources on men's positive roles in ending men's violence against women, see here: https://xyonline.net/content/engaging-men-violence-prevention-key-resou…
MRA factoids: There are a series of common but false claims made by men’s rights activists: about 1% of people committing violent crime, women’s control of personal wealth, ‘women and children first’, female teachers’ sexual abuse, etc.
I debunk them here: https://xyonline.net/content/fact-checking-mras-bogus-statistics-and-factoids
Inside the Trump Plan for 2025
A network of well-funded far-right activists is preparing for the former President’s return to the White House.
Dismantling the 'Man Box': hope for schools in shifting unhealthy ideas on masculinity
By Sarah Duggan, EducationHQ News
They’re crimes — so why do we keep calling them ‘porn’?
When we use outdated terms like 'revenge porn,' rather than image-based sexual abuse, we blur the line between consensual entertainment and abuse.
The Gunman and the Would-Be Dictator
Violence stalks the president who has rejoiced in violence to others.
By David Frum
Stop Calling Suspected Killers “Nice Guys”: The Media Has To Do Better In Its Reporting Of Violence Against Women
By Janey Starling, Vogue
Femicide: many countries around the world are making the killing of women a specific crime – here’s why it’s needed
Your sons will encounter the 'manosphere'. Here's how to deal with it
It's healthy for kids to be curious about things like the manosphere, experts say, but parents need to help them navigate the harmful messages it promotes.
How the manosphere found its way into the Black community
The Black hosts of the ‘Fresh & Fit’ podcast speak in the parlance of social justice movements, but apply it, in a twisted way, to justify misogyny.
By Steven Dashiell, Morgan State University
Deaf women are twice as likely to experience domestic violence. How perpetrators weaponise disability
Perpetrators are weaponising their victim’s deafness to enhance their vulnerability, increase barriers to reporting, and diminish their credibility.
What do women want? Pocket equality is a good start
There were squeals of delight when female models on the fashion runway eased their hands into the concealed pockets of a dress or skirt.
What’s the difference between ‘man flu’ and flu? Hint: men may not be exaggerating
By Professor van de Mortel
https://theconversation.com/whats-the-difference-between-man-flu-and-fl… via @ConversationEDU
‘I’d wake up and already be having a panic attack’: The forgotten victims of domestic violence
On children growing up in homes where a parent is using violence and control
Women’s sport is soaring, and old-schoolmale sports journalists need to lift their game
Brigid McCarthy, La Trobe University
While overt sexualisation of women in sports is now rarer, sports media needs a more diverse range of voices to help fight misogyny
Ed Davey’s celebration of fatherhood is unusual in politics – we are all better off when men do more of the caring
By Professor Anna Tarrant
via @ConversationUK
Female scientists' negative experiences during polar fieldwork
Women play a critical role in fieldwork in the Arctic and Antarctica, but the vast majority report negative experiences while undertaking this research. Here’s how we can fix the problem.
The intersectionality of hate helps make sense of the ideology of Donald Trump and the far right
By Francis Dupuis-Déri, Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)
Cyberflashing is a form of gendered sexual violence that must be taken seriously
New technologies lead to new forms of violence such as cyberflashing, where survivors receive unsolicited explicit images. Legal and societal responses are needed in response
The secret lives of porn addicts: ‘I am meticulous about covering my tracks’
As pornography use soars, some men feel their behaviour is moving from a compulsion to an addiction. They describe how this affects their health, happiness and relationships
Let’s go after deepfake pornography sites – and the social media giants that peddle them
The government should send a clear message to creators and sites that advertise this abusive content
By Lucia Osborne-Crowley
Violence prevention education programs in schools and/or among children and young people *work*.
Well-designed programs can produce positive effects on violence-related attitudes, knowledge, and actual violence perpetration. That is the consistent conclusion of systematic...
That is the consistent conclusion of systematic reviews and meta-analyses.
-- A meta-analysis of the effects of teen dating violence prevention programs, based on 38 studies, finds that they had a significant, positive impact on measures of knowledge, attitudes, and perpetration.
This meta-analysis concludes that, “incidents of dating violence among adolescents can be reduced and prevented with the implementation of dating violence prevention programs” (Lee & Wong, 2020, p. 26).
-- A systematic review of studies that evaluated the primary prevention of intimate partner violence or sexual violence among youth aged 12-24 years and that addressed perpetration (that is, that sought to change the behavior of potential perpetrators) “found sufficient
This systematic review “found sufficient evidence that primary prevention interventions are effective in reducing the perpetration of IPV and SV among youth” (Finnie et al., 2022, p. e51). It also found an overall positive impact of programs on levels of victimisation.
-- A global review of best practice in work to prevent adolescent intimate partner and sexual violence identifies a series of interventions that have been rigorously evaluated and that show significant reductions in physical, emotional/psychological, or...
... show significant reductions in physical, emotional/psychological, or sexual adolescent IP/SV, and/or improve behaviors, attitudes, and knowledge that promote gender equality and healthy power dynamics (Ellsberg, Ullman, Blackwell, Hill, & Contreras, 2018).
There are caveats:
-- Many programs haven't been evaluated
-- Not all prevention education programs are effective.
-- The evidence for programs’ impact on perpetration and victimisation is weaker than for their impact on violence-related attitudes, beliefs, and knowledge.
Nevertheless, there is consistent evidence of programs’ positive impacts.
So if someone tells you that “violence prevention education doesn’t work”, they’re wrong.
References below.
Note that these 3 articles are available in full text here: https://xyonline.net/books/bibliography/27-violence-and-responses-viole…
Misogynistic mass violence is on the rise. Why are we ignoring it?
By Dr Simon Copland
Preventing Violence Against Women with Disabilities and Multicultural Communities
A collection of resources that aim to build and deepen understanding of the intersection of race, gender, and disability.
Why mental health and neurodivergence should not be used to explain incel violence
By Esli Chan and Vivian Qiang, McGill University
The Knotty Death of the Necktie
The pandemic may have brought an end to a flourishing history.
New research shows 1 in 5 Australians have perpetrated sexual violence in their adult lives
Men were significantly more likely than women to report using all forms of sexual violence.
One man tried to kill his wife and their seven children by burning them alive. Another man tried to stop him, rescuing four children.
Some men harm the people around them. Other men act to prevent and reduce that harm.
1 in 5 Australians admit to perpetrating acts of sexual violence, from harassing someone for a date to sexual assault
A new study finds "shocking" levels of perpetrating sexual violence among Australians aged 18 to 45, with men the main offenders.
'The ultimate form of revenge': The psychology behind acts of filicide
Filicide overwhelmingly linked to male perpetrators who 'deeply believe their actions are justified', experts say.
https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-07-10/filicide-parent-killing-child-in… @ANROWS
How can we curb the 'alarming frequency' of parents killing their children in Australia?
New research has exposed the deep connections between family and domestic violence and filicide, the murder of children by their parents.
The Global Assault on Women in Politics
A More Misogynistic World Is a More Authoritarian World
By Linda Robinson, Foreign Affairs magazine
Engaging Men from Multicultural and Faith-Based Communities in Primary Prevention
This resource outline learnings, tools, insights and strategies for working with multicultural and faith-based men.
Guide to Building Youth Leadership in Violence Prevention
This guide by Free From Family Violence (FVREE) contains proven strategies and firsthand experiences to cultivate effective youth leadership in violence prevention.
What is raw dogging a flight and why is it taking off?
Young men are bragging about flying without entertainment in an online display of toughness in the digital age.
138 children killed by parents in 8 years. It’s ‘senseless’ but research shows opportunities to stop it
‘Do you like this position?’: The workplace rife with shocking sexual harassment
In NSW Corrective Services, men’s sexual harassment of female staff is rife, but is often buried or ignored.
'150 seconds to death'. The dangerous sex trend (strangulation) that's become mainstream for young people.
By Nicole Madigan, MamaMia
10 Reasons Why a Coercively Controlling Man is an Unfit Father
Men who perpetrate domestic abuse against a child's mother are, in fact, grossly inadequate, unfit fathers
By Dr Emma Katz @DrEmmaKatz
On the Journey to Healthy Manhood
Profile of the Canadian organisation Next Gen Men @NextGenMen
The growing gender gap among young people
By Elaine Kamarck and Jordan Muchnick, Brookings Institute, USA
Powerful perpetrators
Anne Manne illuminates Newcastle’s web of child-abuse perpetrators, enablers and bystanders. Her book "Crimes of the Cross" is reviewed here by Denis Muller.
'The funniest bloke I've ever met': How paedophile police officer Paul Reynolds groomed an entire community
How a former Tasmanian cop, who repeatedly abused boys over his decades-long career, used his standing in the community to do it.
Addressing gender-based violence and harassment in a work health and safety framework
This paper from the ILO concludes that addressing GBVH under a WHS framework allows for proactive, systematic, collective, and enforceable approaches to prevention.
If you spot domestic violence in your mate's relationship, here's how to tackle it
A dangerous sexual practice is on the rise
Sexual strangulation – often referred to as ‘choking’ – has found its way into the sexual expectations and experiences of a generation of young people. Strangulation is inherently risky, and this shift in cultural norms is dangerous.
Breathless, a new campaign, seeks to raise awareness about the prevalence and harms of sexual strangulation and support critical thinking about the cultural influences that promote and normalise it.
The Conversation & author order: I value the @ConversationEDU as an outlet for accessible accounts of scholarship. But it’s frustrating that its system only allows it to name a lead author and the rest are listed in alphabetical order by first name. Contrary to academic practice.
How Do Boys Fit Into Cancel Culture, Feminism and #MeToo?
By Jonathon Reed, Next Gen Men @NextGenMen
Interventions to prevent violence against women and girls: what are the elements associated with more impactful interventions?
This short Evidence Brief summarises 10 core elements of interventions that were more successful in reducing VAWG. See https://www.whatworks.co.za/documents/publications/377-effective-design…
[Plus graphic, Jewkes, Effective design and implementation elements in interventions to prevent VAWG 2020 - Evidence Brief - Figure 2 Ten elements]
Prevention Global: a resource hub showcasing effective approaches to the prevention of child sexual abuse perpetration
By the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and The Royal’s Institute of Mental Health Research.
‘I don’t really wanna consume his content’: what do young Australian men think of Andrew Tate?
Our research, commissioned by @eSafetyOffice, shows that among young men there is both support for, and rejection of, Tate's anti-feminist and troubling views.
‘Anyone want a go’: Filmed Sexual Violence and Male Bonding
Violence against women takes on the form of a bonding ritual amongst groups of men who put what they have viewed in pornography into practice.
By Dr Em @PankhurstEM
Sexual strangulation can mean ‘minutes to death’, yet half of young people do it
Full research article (open access): https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13178-024-00941-4 [The SMH piece says it’s in Archives of Sexual Behavior, but I couldn’t find it there, only here.]
'I was completely paralytic': Jessica doesn't know what her drink was spiked with — and that's part of the problem
ABC News report on drink-spiking, its role in sexual assault, and what we don't know about its prevalence.
Men 'borrowing' free time from women is one factor driving the gender exercise gap
As family demands increase, women's physical activity becomes more limited, but the same doesn't happen for men.
New research shows how intervention could protect children from DV-related deaths
The first study tracking the murder of children by parents in domestic violence situations is released.
Deepfakes: A New Front in Pornography’s Propaganda War on Women
Why Schools Should Commit to Combating Toxic Masculinity
By Jonathon Reed, Next Gen Men (Part 1 of a 3-part series) @NextGenMen
A Gender-Neutral Approach to Toxic Masculinity Won’t Work
By Jonathon Reed, Next Gen Men (Part 2 of a 3-part series) @NextGenMen
How to Address Toxic Masculinity With Boys
By Jonathon Reed, Next Gen Men (Part 3 of a 3-part series) @NextGenMen
(I'm not very keen on the phrase 'toxic masculinity', given how it can be misread. I comment on the phrase here: https://theconversation.com/toxic-masculinity-what-does-it-mean-where-d…
And here: https://xyonline.net/content/toxic-masculinity-primer-and-commentary
Also see: Fostering Healthy Masculinities among Men and Boys: https://xyonline.net/content/fostering-healthy-masculinities-among-men-…
Misogyny, Racism and Violent Extremism in Australia
New research finds that among those expressing sympathies for violent extremism, racist and misogynistic attitudes are strong and significant causal influences.
@SaraMeger @drMelJohnston @yolandarivermo
Tip Sheet: Signs That An Adult May Be At-Risk To Harm A Child
By Stop It Now (USA)
'No-one will hear you scream': The dark side of rural Australia
A victim of domestic violence shares her story of survival, as lawyers and academics warn governments that rural communities are "drowning in" family abuse cases.
Seventeen more women killed by men than at this same time last year, government launches intimate partner homicide counter
Broken bones, crushed spirits and no help: Why women in rural areas most at risk of domestic violence
Frontline services for domestic violence victims say women in rural areas often fear "if they return home they will be killed".
Tweets in June 2024
Swiftie dads show the power of positive masculinity
The glittery dads at the Eras tour are there for their kids, and there's a reason fathers love Miss Americana
By Mary Elizabeth Williams, Salon https://www.salon.com/2024/06/28/taylor-swift-fathers/ @Salon
Single-father households will 'increase the fastest' by 2046 as population grows to 34 million, the ABS projects
Father-specific engagement strategies in parenting interventions
Summary of a systematic review by Gonzalez and colleagues (2023) on father engagement and attendance in behavioural parent training (BPT).
I'm worried about my boyfriend's behavior with my daughter.
Trust your gut when you feel something is off.
Read more about what this adult did when she was worried about a child’s safety.
How Male Supremacy Provided the Foundation for Hate in 2023
Article by Rachael Fugardi, the Southern Poverty Law Center, here: https://www.splcenter.org/year-hate-extremism-2023/male-supremacy-dange…;
Parents, Do you know what is influencing your kids online?
Useful 5-page explainer piece on 'hidden trends of disrespect', here: https://www.respect.gov.au/sites/default/files/2024-06/Hidden%20trends%…
Conversation guide for talking to your kids: https://www.respect.gov.au/conversation-guide
Talking to other adults: https://www.respect.gov.au/generation-respect
[Plus graphic, TV_Commercial_Image_2]
Sexual Violence and Harassment in the Metaverse
In the metaverse, emerging forms of sexual violence are occurring, with female-presenting avatars far more likely to experience multiple forms of abuse, from simulated groping and harassment to rape.
Conflict-related sexual violence:
Report of the Secretary General of the United Nations, here: https://www.un.org/sexualviolenceinconflict/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/…
In Latin America, Redefining What it Means To Be Masculine
On “positive masculinities” courses among men in Peru, Colombia, and Ecuador
The physical abuse was criminal. Sarah’s isolation and humiliation weren’t. That now changes, with new laws on coercive control in NSW.
Hidden Trends of Disrespect: Social media allows young Australians to connect with others, create and maintain relationships and to express themselves. It can also expose them to a world of disrespect.
Explore a young Australian's social media experience: https://www.respect.gov.au/ [Plus graphic, TV_Commercial_Image_3]
Hidden Trends of Disrespect: New national campaign on what is influencing your children online. Check out the resource hub:
The Issue Explained: the link between disrespect and violence
Conversation Guide
Excuse Interpreter
See the “Resources” tab here: https://www.respect.gov.au/
[Plus graphic, TV_Commercial_Image_2]
Addressing the contextual shift in gendered disrespect: Valuable research from Verian on shifts, good & bad, in community views of and responses to violence against women
New influences in social media are creating an echo chamber of disrespectful voices.
Are Young Men Really Becoming More Sexist?
In some places, young men are voting to the right of their grandfathers.
By Jerusalem Demsas, The Atlantic
The Upcoming Presidential Debate Is Really a Masculinity Contest
“two older white men who represent very different conceptions of the present and future of gender and power—and how they’re linked to both identity and policy."
By Jackson Katz
Healthy masculinities programs among men and boys: What standards should we use to design, implement, assess, and evaluate them? This journal article identifies six key standards, using them in a critical stocktake of programs in Victoria.
http://xyonline.net/content/critical-stocktake-community-based-healthy-masculinities-programs-victoria-australia [Plus graphic, Flood et al, A Critical Stocktake of Community-Based Healthy Masculinities Programs in Victoria, Australia 2024 - 6 standards]
Thinking about my mum and dad this morning. I feel so grateful for the things they've passed on to me: love, a deep sense of principle, a strong work ethic, and more. Mum was a mountaineer, dad a diplomat and public servant. Here's some personal history: https://www.qut.edu.au/news/realfocus/building-better-men
Porn and AI: An influencer’s AI clone started offering fans ‘mind-blowing sexual experiences’ without her knowledge
And men interacted with the AI clone in increasingly sexually aggressive ways.
https://theconversation.com/an-influencers-ai-clone-started-offering-fa… via @ConversationEDU
Remaking the Norm – a review of Australia’s outdated gender norms and the practical actions needed to build a fairer future.
A new report by Deloitte Access Economics, supported by the Minderoo Foundation and Australians Investing In Women
Violence towards refugee and migrant women often goes undetected. We’ve found a way to help fix that
Universal screening at settlement services helps women speak up and get help.
https://theconversation.com/violence-towards-refugee-and-migrant-women-… via @ConversationEDU
Yes, the incel community has a sexism problem, but we can do something about it
By Michael Halpin and Finlay Maguire
https://theconversation.com/yes-the-incel-community-has-a-sexism-proble… via @ConversationCA
How a motorbike club is helping men with their mental health as they find a 'brotherhood' on the road
WA's remote north has one of the highest rates of male suicide in Australia. After seeing his mates struggle, Mike Nicholson did something about it.
Also see XY's collection on male suicide, here: https://xyonline.net/content/suicide-among-males-xy-collection
For academic references on men, suicide, and suicide prevention, see this section of The Men’s Bibliography: https://xyonline.net/books/bibliography/20-mens-health/g-suicide
Young men don’t necessarily want online porn or hate
But most can’t avoid toxic content even when they try.
(A piece on the report for eSafety I co-authored with Amanda Keddie and Josh Roose.)
Integrating violence prevention within school-based comprehensive sexual health education: Here are excellent resources from the Sex Information & Education Council of Canada @SIECCAN
Includes an Educator Guide, Guidelines, and Benchmarks
See https://www.sieccan.org/gbv
45 Orgasm Statistics
Statistics are better when they're about orgasms. By PleasureBetter
E.g., 81.6% of women don’t orgasm from intercourse alone (without additional clit stimulation).
Planning parenthood for incarcerated men
An innovative sex-ed curriculum in Southern California is teaching incarcerated men about consent, birth control, and dismantling masculinity.
There is overwhelming gender bias in the NDIS – and the review doesn’t address it
https://theconversation.com/there-is-overwhelming-gender-bias-in-the-nd… via @ConversationEDU
Respect Starts With A Conversation
Let's start talking, so we can build a future where we are all safe, equal and respected.
‘Sexualised, Silenced and Labelled Satan’ — horrific levels of online violence targeting women journalists in South Africa
Nowhere To Turn: The Undeclared War on Women in Greece
This was not the first, nor would it be the last femicide to occur in Greece this year, a country with the highest rate of men killing women in Europe.
Sexual Violence Prevention: The Critical Role of Sport
An 8-page backgrounder from the GBV Learning Network, Canada
Also see this bibliography on violence prevention in sport: https://xyonline.net/books/bibliography/27-violence-and-responses-viole…
Sexual Violence Against Black Women and Girls in a #MeToo Era | La violence sexuelle envers les femmes et les filles noires à l’ère #MoiAussi
An 11-page backgrounder from the GBV Learning Network, Canada, by Kharoll-Ann Souffrant
Communicating Equality
This project links expertise in communication, gender transformative thinking and violence prevention to act on the drivers of violence against women and girls
Includes messaging guides, guides to prevention in specific contexts, etc
Engaging Youth to Promote Healthy Masculinities and End Gender-Based Violence
This Backgrounder explores patriarchal and healthy masculinities, the impacts of patriarchal masculinities on GBV, and the role of youth in promoting healthy masculinities.
Two recent reviews of “Gender-Transformative Approaches to the Primary Prevention of Violence Against Women and Girls”, from Canada:
Summary of a Scan of Grey Literature: https://communicatingequality.ca/wp-content/uploads/Environmental-Scan-…
Summary of a Scoping Review of Academic Literature: https://communicatingequality.ca/wp-content/uploads/Scoping-Review-Exec…
Gender Dimensions of Violence Against Children and Adolescents: This @UNICEF report provides a valuable account of how gendered norms and inequalities shape this violence. We must address gender inequalities and promote empowerment.
For postgrads and academics: How to avoid predatory / fake / non-scholarly journals and conferences, 2 useful resources:
Journal articles - Think. Check. Submit: Identify trusted publishers: https://thinkchecksubmit.org/
Conferences - Think. Check. Attend: https://thinkcheckattend.org/
“Pro-family” rhetoric and its fascist resonances
Traditional gender roles have propped up authoritarian regimes of the past. In Republicans’ views on women, the echoes are clear.
By Jill Filipovic @JillFilipovic
XY: your one stop site for free resources on men, masculinities, and gender, including:
-- Short videos
-- Podcasts
-- People to follow on X
-- Books, some in full text
-- Speeches, reports
-- Curricula
-- And much more
Not for profit, all content free
See www.xyonline.net
Rape: The problem of focusing on what women can do to avoid becoming rape victims
Responses to my tweets on men’s sexual violence against women, particularly by men, often focus on what women can do to avoid or escape this violence. There are 5 problems with this:
1) Women are told throughout their lives what to do to try to avoid rape.
2) If this is *all* we do, this is victim-blaming.
3) Women already use a whole range of strategies to try to lessen their risk.
4) This focus does nothing to hold perpetrators to account.
5) Perhaps most importantly of all, focusing on what potential victims of sexual violence can do to lessen their risk does nothing to *prevent violence perpetration in the first place*.
Yes, there are ways women can lessen their risk of victimisation, e.g. to detect or resist sexual coercion by a male acquaintance or partner.
Indeed, there is good evidence of the effectiveness of feminist rape education, and it's neglected in prevention: https://xyonline.net/books/bibliography/27-violence-and-responses-violence/u-violence-prevention/xi-self-defence-rape-resistance-and-other-strategies-among-women
But prevention efforts, and community and media discussion, *should not* focus only on how potential victims can avoid or resist sexual violence.
There is a pervasive unwillingness in our culture to locate the problem of sexual violence with the perpetrator.
The emphasis on what women should do to avoid rape is based on victim-blaming, but also on:
-- Underestimation of how common sexual assault is
-- An assumption that the men who rape are a tiny minority (they’re not: see pp. 23-28 of https://research.qut.edu.au/centre-for-justice/wp-content/uploads/sites…), and
-- A belief that rape is the expression only of individual pathology or sexual desire.
Here are the facts.
-- Substantial numbers of women suffer sexual assault.
-- Large minorities of men have perpetrated sexual assault – it’s likely that at least one man you know has done so.
-- And rape is the entirely predictable outcome of common norms of gender and sexuality (male sexual entitlement, sexism, etc)
For reviews of the causes or drivers of sexual violence, see
-- This report, pp. 36-42: https://research.qut.edu.au/centre-for-justice/wp-content/uploads/sites…
-- This review: http://xyonline.net/sites/xyonline.net/files/Jewkes%2C%20Rape%20perpetr…
If we *actually* want to reduce men's rape of women in the first place, we need to change the norms, conditions and inequities that make rape more likely
The good news is, there is evidence that *it is possible to prevent* sexual assault
Key reviews here: http://xyonline.net/content/preventing-violence-against-women-xy-collec…
And, men have a positive and vital role to play. See here for practical tips on what men can do in our everyday lives to make a difference: http://xyonline.net/content/what-men-can-do-stop-sexism-and-male-violen…
See here for broader discussion of men’s roles in violence prevention: https://xyonline.net/content/engaging-men-violence-prevention-key-resou…
10/10 END
Stop it at the Start: New campaigns gives parents window into misogynistic content flooding social media
Men, masculinities, conflict and love — images of stereotypes rejected
A beautiful photo essay and article exploring these themes, part of Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom’s (WILPF) work to mobilise men for feminist peace. @WILPF
The economic and social opportunity in dismantling harmful gender norms
Engaging children in discussions about gender norms and enabling men to play a bigger role at home are some of the actions we can take to eliminate gender inequities.
New research helps explain why lesbians report more orgasms than straight women
Sexual scripts that prioritise male orgasm in heterosexual sex could account for some of why lesbians have historically reported having more orgasms than straight women.
Child sex abuse is all around us – and online it can start with legal porn
Men not originally sexually attracted to children sometimes seek more extreme content, research shows.
By Sonia Sodha
Pornography and social media driving rise in labia surgery, Australian report finds
More than half a million women have had or considered having the procedure due to lack of education and diverse representation, survey shows
#MeToo men want to be forgiven, but what of the careers of their casualties?
By Martha Gill
By Assuming More Family Caregiving Responsibilities, Men May Reduce Their Suicide Vulnerability
By contributing to family care work, men can diversify their sources of meaning and purpose and their social capital, likely boosting their suicide protection.
How to Get More Men to Take Gender Balance Seriously (to support gender equality initiatives in workplaces)
1. Don’t call them “champions”
2. Make it a business issue, not a diversity dimension
3. Make balance a management skill, and measure it.
Also see this XY collection on men’s roles in building workplace gender equality: https://xyonline.net/content/men-building-gender-equality-workplace
Power, patriarchy, victimhood, denial: three experts on why men hurt women
Suicide threats are a weapon of family violence. How can police balance mental health needs with protecting victims?
By Jessica Woolley
The Gendering of Sudan’s Brutal War
Any analysis of the sexual violence and unfolding genocide must highlight the extent to which the media is still using an orientalist gaze to report on the war in Sudan
By Nafisa Bedriand Tamsin Bradley
Are schools doing enough to educate students about the dangers of AI as teachers fall victim to deepfake pornography?
Students have been using AI to create deepfake pornographic images of female teachers.
The sad, stupid rise of the sigma male: how toxic masculinity took over social media
Healthy Male: From anxiety to fertility, exercise to erections, this resource shares evidence-based, easy-to-understand content for everyone, created with the expertise and experience of Australia’s best clinicians, researchers and educators.
The shamelessness of powerful men in Australia's media industry knows no bounds
There are too many stories of senior men who forgive themselves their own lapses of judgement, or forgive each other's because they're "good blokes".
By Annabel Crabb
Global Action on Men’s Health’s new report, Men & Cancer: A Charter for Action.
10 key steps that must be taken to ensure better outcomes for men globally, covering policy, data, prevention, diagnosis, treatment, equity, NGOs, training and research, etc.
Far-right Republicans’ latest target? No-fault divorce
By Arwa Mahdawi
If a certain subsection of Republicans get their way, obtaining a divorce in the US might soon become a lot more difficult.
Deepfake AI pornography is becoming more common – what can parents and schools do to prevent it?
By Gabrielle Hunt and Professor Daryl Higgins
Why experts believe legal system is ‘untenable’ for sexual assault cases after Hayne verdict
Experts and advocates question whether the state's justice system is fit for purpose when it comes to sexual assault cases.
How we've gone from a revival of 'make me a sandwich' jokes to a new era of AI 'revenge porn'
Sexual abuse using deepfake porn is likely to get worse. Exposure to misogynistic messages and degrading content online is "crushing" the empathy of young people.
A man inflicts a reign of terror and violence on his partner over six years, pleads guilty to persistently engaging in family violence, and yet avoids jail.
And we wonder why men’s lethal violence against women continues?
Gender equality: The ‘drastically missing piece’
By Leonora Risse @leonora_risse
On dynamics of backlash and resistance in progress towards gender equality
The Changing Culture of Fatherhood
Recommendations from the inaugural Fathering Summit
https://thefatheringproject.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/The-Changing-Culture-of-Fatherhood_FINAL.pdf [Plus graphic, Fathering Summit Communique 15]
Artificial Intelligence and gender equality
A useful explainer piece on how AI may sustain or worsen gender inequalities and what to do about this, by UN Women
Men Finding Their Place in the Gender Equity Movement
On striking the balance of standing in front (advocating in all-male spaces), standing beside (showing up in solidarity), and standing behind (supporting feminist leadership).
Sharing is caring. Why engaging men in care duties is critical for gender equality.
This World Bank blog highlights recent reforms on paternity leave and the need for effective policies and workplace support to encourage fathers to take on caregiving roles
The Same Old Sex Talk Isn’t Enough
Easily accessible images of choking and other rough practices are making parents’ task much more complicated.
By Stephanie H. Murray
Violence against women as a global public health issue. This article outlines the scope of the issue, with respect to its prevalence, health outcomes, and risk factors, and identifies key milestones that led to its global recognition.
Province spending $875K to train high school coaches to teach young male athletes about issues such as dating, gender-based violence, consent, healthy relationships and 'building cultures free from violence'
‘My family are always trying to buy us a house.’ We asked couples how class affects their relationships
https://theconversation.com/friday-essay-my-family-are-always-trying-to… via @ConversationEDU
The manosphere – the online network of anti-feminist advocates and networks – is a grift, a protection racket. Its thought leaders produce social media content intended to encourage a sense of threat and insecurity, while positioning themselves as offering the solutions.
1/2 [Plus graphic, Bujalka, The Manosphere as an Online Protection Racket – Abstract]
For further scholarly critiques of “men’s rights” / male supremacist advocacy and the manosphere, many in full text, see here: https://xyonline.net/content/mens-rights-and-mras-mens-rights-activists-academic-critiques
For more accessible critiques, see here: http://xyonline.net/content/mens-rights-collection-accessible-critiques
The love that can’t be erased A recent court case exposed the surrogacy industry’s big lie, the patriarchal fantasy of motherless babies.
By Julie Bindel @bindelj @TheCriticMag
Met chief says millions of men are danger to women and girls in England and Wales
An upcoming study produced for police chiefs nationally says there are up to 4 million perpetrators of violence against women and children, who are mainly men.
How Corporate Leaders Can Counter Young Men’s Rising Anti-Feminism
Also see this extensive collection on how men can build gender equality at work: https://xyonline.net/content/men-building-gender-equality-workplace
Are ‘Manosphere’ Influencers Disengaging Gen-Z Men from Climate Activism?
Although Jordan Peterson and Andrew Tate are best-known for their patriarchal preaching, they share another core value: climate denialism. https://atmos.earth/are-manosphere-influencers-disengaging-gen-z-men-fr…
A 'me too' moment for birth is happening in NSW, but the women who helped propel it want to see it go further
https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-06/birth-trauma-inquiry-must-be-turning-point-say-mothers-midwives/103932840 [Plus graphic, Mothers involved in NSW Birth Trauma Inquiry reflect on its impact and say report isn't strong enough June 6 2024 – Screenshot]
State of Origin is a rugby league spectacle. Off the field, there is a dangerous side
The annual series stokes a friendly rivalry between Queensland and NSW, but research has also found a link between game days and rising domestic violence incidents.
Making More Babies to Drive Economic Growth: How Patriarchal Pronatalism Dominates the Conversation About the Human Future
By Nandita Bajaj
Bad weather, hills and the dark deter cyclists, particularly women. So what can we do about it?
Funding behaviour change programs, educating boys on healthy relationships vital, women's safety advocates say
Failed to seize guns, grant protection orders or take statements
A damning report identified more than 170 breaches of the NSW Police Force's own domestic violence procedures, with officers failing to do the basics like seizing guns, checking CCTV footage.
The paparazzi at Brittany and David’s wedding were predators
By Ginger Gorman @GingerGorman
Explaining weaponised incompetence and how it 'keeps women busy' at home
Weaponised incompetence in relationships can keep women "locked into" traditional roles, experts say.
The Trials and Tribulations of the Boymom
A new book by Ruth Whippman encapsulates the zero-sum thinking that affects much of contemporary parenting discourse.
By Jessica Winter
The Horrible Abuse Allegations Against Diddy Reveal the Legacy—and Limits—of #MeToo
The legal recourse Cassie and other victims sought is imperfect. But it’s important.
By Jill Filipovic @JillFilipovic
Three generations share their experiences of menstruation
Stories from women and girls in Burkina Faso
Australia can fix its broken prison system like Norway did. But first, we must face up to the facts
(For scholarship on men, masculinities, and prisons, including on working with men in prison, see here: https://xyonline.net/books/bibliography/bibliography-32.)
Boys, porn and the alarming way they talk about girls - a special investigation
As violence against women and girls spirals, this UK investigation uncover the shocking reality of misogyny and harassment in schools.
Tweets in May 2024
"Nothing about us without us" - new guidelines on engaging with victims and survivors of childhood sexual violence
New guidelines from the Council of Europe, by Professor Caroline Taylor and Sophie Otiende
Girls think their vulvas should look like Barbie’s. These experts want to change that
Toolkit on Academic Institutional Supports for Researcher Wellbeing:
Developed for institutions to support the mental health and wellbeing needs of researchers working on emotionally demanding topics, including violence against women
Being choked during sex just a handful of times could lead to permanent brain damage, alarming study shows
'Start listening to women': Why are warnings made by DV victims often ignored before they are murdered?
Sharing of deepfake pornography to carry a six-year prison term, government says
An increase in pornographic deepfake images generated by AI is prompting new laws to ban the sharing of non-consensual digitally created and altered sexually explicit material
Feminist research assessment tool: This new tool from @COFEM_EVAW supports people in research to gain a practical awareness of what choices are being made in generating knowledge and the alignment of gender-based violence research with feminist methodology
Starting with ourselves: Reflecting on power, gender, and violence
For violence prevention practitioners, this self-paced course from the Prevention Collaborative explores how power and gender may affect your work preventing or responding to violence.
Men and violence against women: Some men think that if they themselves are not perpetrating domestic or sexual violence against women, the problem has nothing to do with them. But it does. A consistent predictor of men’s use of domestic and sexual violence is...
A consistent predictor of men’s use of domestic and sexual violence is their *perception of peer support*: the extent to which they think that the men around them condone, support, and themselves use violence against women.
Male peer support is a key risk factor for perpetration.
That’s the finding of a variety of studies, summarised on pp. 38-39 of the State of Knowledge Report on Violence Perpetration, free at https://research.qut.edu.au/centre-for-justice/wp-content/uploads/sites…
Also see the excellent “Change the Story” framework, pp. 44-45, at https://media-cdn.ourwatch.org.au/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2021/11/18…
The research also finds that many men *overestimate* other men’s support or tolerance for sexism and violence against women.
So it makes a difference if men can openly communicate to their peers that they do not condone or support such violence.
Men can *speak up* in response to sexist and violence-supportive jokes and comments.
See here on XY for how: https://xyonline.net/content/bystander-intervention-xy-collection
Men can also be positive role models, showing those around them that they strive to treat women and girls (& everyone) with equity and respect
Men, masculinities and humanitarian settings: A mapping of the state of research and practice-based evidence
This UN Women review explores the impacts of masculine institutional cultures in humanitarian and disaster-related policymaking and response.
Not all men - what it's actually like
(This image by Coinswallow (Instagram) highlights a continuum among men: from active opposition to men's violence against women, to well-meaning men who underestimate the problem, to complicity and victim-blaming, to active perpetration.)
Also see these responses to "Not all men", in XY's page on men's positive roles in ending men's violence against women, here: https://xyonline.net/content/engaging-men-violence-prevention-key-resources#NotAllMen
What encourages men in politics to be allies for gender equality?
A blog piece on research by @ALIGN_Gender on male political leaders’ roles as pro-feminist advocates
By Ján Michalko, Tanya Ansahta Garnett, José Fernando Serrano Amaya, Zaireeni Azmi
What Australia is doing to address violence against women
Australian researchers urge prioritising evidence-based solutions and incorporating Indigenous experiences to tackle rising gender-based violence cases.
“I’ve learned that identifying the “creepy man” at the playground is not an effective strategy. At least 90% of child sexual abusers know their victims or the victims’ family prior to offending.”
Nourishing Feminist Souls: A Joyful Self-Care Toolkit In the dynamic landscape of feminist activism, self-care isn’t merely a buzzword; it’s a profound act of resilience and resistance.
Toolkit by COFEM, free here:
[Plus graphic, COFEM, Nourishing feminist souls 2024 – Cover]
It’s time to flip the script on how domestic violence is represented on TV
There has been some positive change in how DV, its victims and perpetrators are represented in TV and film.
‘Honey, you’re overreacting’: The reason why too many men get away with domestic and family violence
‘Chelsea’ Asked for Nude Pictures. Then the Sextortion Began.
Young men are being tricked into sending naked pictures to scammers pretending to be women — who then demand money. The consequences can be devastating.
Wondering how to teach your kids about consent? Here’s an age-based guide to get you started
By Giselle Natassia Woodley and Jacqueline Hendriks
https://theconversation.com/wondering-how-to-teach-your-kids-about-cons… via @ConversationEDU
Pronatalism is the latest Silicon Valley trend. What is it – and why is it disturbing?
By Luke Munn
https://theconversation.com/pronatalism-is-the-latest-silicon-valley-tr… via @ConversationEDU
Women and children fleeing domestic violence are left to sleep rough as NSW crisis shelters fill up
‘My word against his’: Colossal system failure in sexual assault cases
New figures released by the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics show the overwhelming majority of reports made to police never make it to court, and even fewer result in a guilty verdict.
USAID Engaging Men for Gender Equality training manual: An excellent manual. Available free among the guides and curricula for face-to-face educational work with men and boys on issues of masculinity, violence, etc. that I've compiled here: https://xyonline.net/content/engaging-men-preventing-mens-violence-agai… [Plus graphic, USAID, Engaging Men in Gender Equality 2023 – Cover]
Consent can’t wait: Most Australians agree that consent is key to healthy sexual experiences. But what does consent mean? What does it look like in action?
Before parents can talk to our kids about consent, we need to talk to each other.
Gov't campaign: https://www.consent.gov.au/
“Leading health-risk behaviors that account for a major share of men’s ill health are directly related to masculine norms and masculinities interacting with other factors."
Equimundo report on masculine norms and men’s health report, here: https://xyonline.net/content/masculine-norms-and-mens-health-making-con… [Plus graphic, Ragonese, Masculine Norms and Men’s Health - Making the Connections Full report – Cover]
Men in politics as agents of gender equitable change: This report examines why men in politics decide to support gender equality, how they explain and frame their allyship, and how their actions are perceived by women politicians, activists and students.
Support to Federal Inquiry and Expert Panel Rapid Review on Preventing Violence Against Women
What Women’s Health Services across Victoria hope will be the process and outcomes of this inquiry and panel review.
‘I’m not going to stop until she’s dead’: A rising number of men are ignoring domestic violence orders
Cate Blanchett, like most Australians, thinks she’s middle class
As Australia confronts increasing wealth inequality, the downplaying of wealth and privilege among elites – or the failure to see it at all – becomes all the more untenable.
https://theconversation.com/cate-blanchett-like-most-australians-thinks-shes-middle-class-an-expert-on-class-explains-why-that-matters-230958 via @ConversationEDU
Workplace bullying and gender: empirical findings
This chapter documents that:
Some studies find women and men suffer similar rates of workplace bullying, others don’t
Perpetrators are more often men than women
Most male victims were bullied by other men.
[Plus graphic, Salin, Workplace Bullying and Gender 2021 – Abstract]
Portland high school’s Healthy Masculinity Club is ‘a place for guys to not be ‘guys’’
National Foundation for Australian Women Gender Lens Analysis of the 2024 Federal Budget: Shows progress but lacks ambition. Media release: https://nfaw.org/news/media-release-nfaw-2024-federal-budget-gender-len…
Gender Lens: https://nfaw.org/policy-papers/gender-lens-on-the-budget/gender-lens-on…
Radical Feminism and the Failures of the Left
Professor Robert Jensen’s presentation to a forum on “The Left and Machismo” sponsored by Hombres por la Equidad in Mexico City on May 18, 2024
Trival pursuits? (Gender and crossword puzzles)
A thoughtful piece on the history of crossword puzzles, their shifting status as stereotypical female and then male pastimes, and the politics of puzzles.
By @wordspinster
Engaging men in violence prevention: The Shift project in Canada has produced some truly innovative work, including evidence reviews on: calling men in, community justice, data science, virtual reality, bystanders, nudges, fatherhood, etc. All at: https://preventdomesticviolence.ca/category/men-and-boys/
Jackson Katz is an inspiring thought leader in the growing global movement of men working to promote gender equality and prevent men's violence against women. I'm listening to him speak at a forum organised by White Ribbon Australia. Check out his work:
Debates over violence prevention: I and many others in violence prevention scholarship and advocacy were dismayed and frustrated by the so-called 'white paper' put out by Jess Hill and Michael Salter, given its inaccurate and unhelpful account of this field and its work.
I put together some quick notes on the piece the day I saw it, here: https://xyonline.net/content/rethinking-primary-prevention-comments-michael-flood
But now Emily Maguire, a leading expert and advocate in violence prevention, has written a detailed response. Read it here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/idvl9pppgg3x1ar68y6u4/Respose-to-Rethinking-Primary-Prevention-Emily-Maguire.pdf?rlkey=37rq58g1l586yh22dkkeysvha&e=1&st=uw8skhu4&dl=0
2/2 [Plus graphic, Maguire, Response to 'Rethinking Primary Prevention' May 2024 – Intro]
'Men have to be the brutalisers': What are the impacts of misogynistic porn?
Degrading behaviour towards women is common in 'mainstream' pornography, according to Australia's eSafety commissioner. What sort of impact is this having on teenagers and adults?
Consent: A new government campaign will encourage adults to check their understanding of consent, before discussing it with each other and young people.
'You try not to think about what they're going home to': A day on the frontline of Australia's domestic violence crisis
I want to keep my child safe from abuse − but research tells me I’m doing it wrong
(This article includes a bunch of useful tips, informed by the realities of child abuse.)
Building Bridges: Promising Strategies for Improving the Health of Boys and Men by Promoting Social Connection and Social Support
Review on fostering empathy and communication among boys and men and establishing places for them to convene in positive ways.
Diddy is just the latest in a long line of musical abusers. How should fans respond?
By Catherine Strong, Bianca Fileborn and Paige Klimentou, The Conversation, May 22
Women have lower levels of workplace wellbeing than men, index shows
'There's a radicalisation happening online': Fears hardcore porn could be behind rising rates of teen sexual assaults
(For an accessible account of porn use as a risk factor for sexual violence perpetration, see https://xyonline.net/content/pornography-powerful-sexual-socialiser-you….)
Questions to ask a partner that can protect you from financial abuse
One in six women in Australia experience financial abuse. Here are questions you should ask a partner early in a relationship.
Five-month delays for counselling of violent men
As Australia struggles with a surge in calls for help to domestic violence services, treatment programs for violent men are also struggling to meet demand.
By Rick Morton, May 11 2024
From jail to counselling, Matt is proof men can change their behaviour if they want to
By Wendy Tuohy, The Age, May 12 2024
Harrison Butker's misogynist speech is a symptom, not the disease
Worry less about graduation speeches and more about what religious schools are teaching.
Jill Filipovic @JillFilipovic
The continuum of male engagement: Rus Funk has produced useful tools to engage men in ending violence against women. One is this continuum; men are in different places in relation to this work, from ‘overtly hostile’ to ‘ready to lead’
Includes free manual
https://xyonline.net/content/continuum-male-engagement [Plus graphic, Funk, Manual Continuum of Male Engagement 2018 – Cover]
Dobbs Had the Opposite Effect Conservatives Intended
People are seeking abortions more than ever.
Rape and sexual violence: “The myth of widespread false allegations is a reflection of a sexist culture, in which the words of women are met with disbelief and denial (Kelly, 2010).”
The Insidious Legal Movement to Make Pregnant Women Second-Class Citizens Is Growing
And the Supreme Court may only fuel it.
By Jill Filipovic @JillFilipovic
Building Better Men: This piece profiles my work in promoting men’s involvement in building gender equality and ending violence against women.
The QUT interview has reflections on these fields, some revealing personal history, old photos, and more.
(The video in the story is from an award the university put me up for, the “Shaping Australia” awards, where I had to put together a boastful 90-second narrative on my achievements. I didn’t win, but the university has used the video piece here. I cringe at it, but so be it.)
Why did it take a humiliating video for us to believe Cassie’s claims about Diddy? You don’t have to watch the video. No one should have to watch it. Because they should have believed her the first time
By Moira Donegan @MoiraDonegan
“people really do lie about rape and abuse. They lie about it baldly and maliciously, all the time. But it’s not the women who accuse men who do this lying. It’s the men who deny it.”
Also see this summary of the research on false allegations: https://xyonline.net/content/false-allegations-sexual-and-domestic-viol…
How single mothers face a 'triple whammy' in the housing crisis
Homeless services are seeing more employed people accessing their services and say single mothers fleeing domestic violence are particularly vulnerable.
Proposed sex education guidance in England goes against evidence and may well lead to harm
By Associate Professor Sophie King-Hill @DrSophieKH
https://theconversation.com/proposed-sex-education-guidance-in-england-… via @ConversationUK
Risk assessment tools for adolescent male victim-survivors?
Does anyone know of risk assessment tools for use among adolescent male victim-survivors of domestic and family violence, to assess their own risks of offending? Or other work on the area? Asking for a colleague. Thanks
Harrison Butker’s misogynistic graduation speech shows the bigots are winning
By Arwa Mahdawi
The fan site authorities say is 'profiting from the exploitation and sexualisation of children'
The rise of social media and child influencers has brought with it a murky underworld where men lust over kids in private chat channels.
‘Impunity is growing’: French celebrities call for law to crack down on sexism and sexual violence
Writers, actors, journalists and politicians published petition in Le Monde after learning 94% of complaints were dismissed in 2022
How the incels warped my research
The ‘manosphere’ is claiming it has scientific legitimacy for its dangerous ideology. Here's how it misuses evolutionary psychology and biology.
https://www.bostonglobe.com/2024/05/16/opinion/evolutionary-psychology-… via @BostonGlobe
Violence against women: How to cope with discourse overwhelm
The issue of violence against women is in the spotlight — and it can be confronting. Experts share how you can protect your mental wellbeing.
@AsherFlynn @BeckyBatagol @jayashrikulkar1 @_CEVAW
In domestic abuse, choking is a 'hidden' predictor of femicide, experts say
Abusers often use choking as form of control, says advocate for survivors of intimate partner abuse
He fights sexual violence. He's won a Nobel and now a $1 million honor. Is he hopeful?
'It's not a good deal': Why women in Australia are choosing not to have children
For decades, women in Australia have been told they should have more children for the good of the country, but there's many reasons why more are choosing to stay child free.
Swipe right or left? How dating apps are impacting modern masculinity
By Associate Professor Treena Orchard
https://theconversation.com/swipe-right-or-left-how-dating-apps-are-imp… via @ConversationCA
Want to combat male loneliness? Start by helping boys connect with their emotions
How the rise of Instagram and TikTok fitness gymfluencers became a 'danger' for young boys
Fellas, if you want there to be more babies, be a dad. A dad in the home
Inaccessible work, outrageous childcare costs and the threat of family violence are only some of the issues holding back Australia’s birthrate
By Van Badham @vanbadham
Men Make It Tough to Be a Man Today, Not Women
Many men believe that men are worse off than women. But the evidence shows that gender inequality favors men. When men suffer, their problems are usually due to other men.
By Dr P.J. Henry, Psychology Today
Debt, danger or a decade of fighting: how a lack of legal services leaves DV victims with dire choices
Family violence perpetrators are dragging out lengthy, expensive and traumatic court processes – leading some women to reach unfair agreements.
'Trickery and deception': Frontline domestic violence services say federal budget a let-down
DFSV organisations will need to start winding back services because the federal government hasn’t invested enough in the sector in its latest budget.
Relationships and sexual wellbeing in the Australian curriculum
Bloom-Ed warns that the sexual wellbeing of young Australians will suffer if the curriculum is not updated.
Here’s how you can talk to your kids about gendered violence, and 7 ways to model good behaviour
By Jacqueline Hendriks
https://theconversation.com/heres-how-you-can-talk-to-your-kids-about-g… via @ConversationEDU
Also see this XY collection on raising non-violent, gender-equitable sons: https://xyonline.net/content/raising-feminist-sons-xy-collection
Male drivers: why are they such a menace behind the steering wheel?
In France 84% of fatal road accidents are caused by men – and the figures aren’t much better for the UK or US. Why can’t everyone drive like women?
Men are more likely than women to show various risky driving behaviours, and to support risky driving.
Men who agree more strongly with stereotypical norms of masculinity are more likely to be involved in risky driving.
XY collection on driving: https://xyonline.net/content/cars-driving-and-masculinity
Primary prevention of men’s violence and the sexist joke
Can we really prevent men’s violence against women by calling out sexist jokes? No, of course not. But also, yes.
By Jane Gilmore @JaneTribune
(And for research on jokes: https://xyonline.net/content/sexist-humour-and-rape-jokes-five-key-poin…)
Banks blocking thousands of abusive messages sent in transfer descriptions in apps
Labor pours $1bn into domestic violence crisis housing and doubles homelessness funding
Albanese government also plans to cap international student enrolments and require universities to build more housing to ease shortages
As Australia grapples with a violence against women crisis, major sporting codes are tinkering around the edges of the problem.
@UniCanberra's @catherineordway + @GingerGorman argue plenty more can be done.
Rough justice: How police are failing survivors of sexual assault.
A detailed ABC News account of victims’ reports of sexual assault and what happens, or not, after. Part 1 of 3, Jan/Feb. 2020.
Falling through the cracks: How the legal system fails to deal well with sexual assaults
A detailed investigation by the ABC, 2020. Part 2 of 3
2/3 [Plus graphic, ABC, Falling through the cracks - Sexual assaults 2020 - The reality of sexual violence]
Unpursued in the Top End
Police in the Northern Territory are less likely to pursue a sexual assault report than police in any other state or territory.
ABC investigation, Part 3 of 3, 2020
Violence prevention: Compendium of Innovative and Good Practices and Lessons Learned
Interesting collection of innovative and effective violence prevention interventions, from the Spotlight Initiative, comprising 51 international case studies. https://spotlightinitiative.org/publications/compendium-innovative-and-…
What can men do right now about violence against women?
ABC News, May 12
Also see this wide-ranging collection of free resources: https://xyonline.net/content/engaging-men-violence-prevention-key-resources
Including guides on what men can do, here: http://xyonline.net/content/what-men-can-do-stop-sexism-and-male-violence
Why the man v bear debate gripped us on social media, and what men can do to help
By Jenna Price
'Humiliating and scary': Abby experienced first-hand the link between porn and violence
Abby's partner expected her to perform humiliating sexual acts during their five-year relationship. She was scared to say no.
Also see: https://xyonline.net/content/pornography-men-and-boys
Can we reclaim 'mama's boy'?
On the eve of Mothers' Day, Veronika Elyk from Next Gen Men writes about this pejorative term and whether it can - or should - be reclaimed.
Programs promoting ‘healthy masculinities’ among boys and young men are springing up around Australia, including in the name of violence prevention.
The international evidence is that well-designed programs can make positive change.
But are the Australian ones any good?
Programs are more likely to make change if they:
-- Have gender-transformative agendas – they are intended to shift patriarchal gender norms and behaviours
-- Have content on gender, power, and masculinity
-- Have sufficient duration to make change: at least 5 sessions
-- Are interactive and participatory
-- Are delivered by educators with both content expertise and facilitator skill
Checklist of elements of good practice: http://xyonline.net/content/working-men-and-boys-social-justice-assessm…
Effective practice in school education for violence prevention: http://xyonline.net/content/best-practice-consent-education
A scholarly assessment of 15 Australian programs: http://xyonline.net/content/critical-stocktake-community-based-healthy-…
A free book chapter providing guidance on face-to-face education with men and boys, Chapter 6 in this book on engaging men and boys in violence prevention: https://xyonline.net/sites/xyonline.net/files/2019-05/Flood%2C%20Engagi…
[Plus graphic, Flood, Engaging Men and Boys in Violence Prevention 2019 - Chapter 6 start]
Banks blocking thousands of abusive messages sent in transfer descriptions in apps
Labor pours $1bn into domestic violence crisis housing and doubles homelessness funding
Albanese government also plans to cap international student enrolments and require universities to build more housing to ease shortages
As Australia grapples with a violence against women crisis, major sporting codes are tinkering around the edges of the problem.
@UniCanberra's @catherineordway + @GingerGorman argue plenty more can be done.
Rough justice: How police are failing survivors of sexual assault.
A detailed ABC News account of victims’ reports of sexual assault and what happens, or not, after. Part 1 of 3, Jan/Feb. 2020.
Falling through the cracks: How the legal system fails to deal well with sexual assaults
A detailed investigation by the ABC, 2020. Part 2 of 3
2/3 [Plus graphic, ABC, Falling through the cracks - Sexual assaults 2020 - The reality of sexual violence]
Unpursued in the Top End
Police in the Northern Territory are less likely to pursue a sexual assault report than police in any other state or territory.
ABC investigation, Part 3 of 3, 2020
Violence prevention: Compendium of Innovative and Good Practices and Lessons Learned
Interesting collection of innovative and effective violence prevention interventions, from the Spotlight Initiative, comprising 51 international case studies. https://spotlightinitiative.org/publications/compendium-innovative-and-…
What can men do right now about violence against women?
ABC News, May 12
Also see this wide-ranging collection of free resources: https://xyonline.net/content/engaging-men-violence-prevention-key-resources
Including guides on what men can do, here: http://xyonline.net/content/what-men-can-do-stop-sexism-and-male-violence
Why the man v bear debate gripped us on social media, and what men can do to help
By Jenna Price
'Humiliating and scary': Abby experienced first-hand the link between porn and violence
Abby's partner expected her to perform humiliating sexual acts during their five-year relationship. She was scared to say no.
Also see: https://xyonline.net/content/pornography-men-and-boys
Can we reclaim 'mama's boy'?
On the eve of Mothers' Day, Veronika Elyk from Next Gen Men writes about this pejorative term and whether it can - or should - be reclaimed.
Child Sex Abuse: We Need Prevention, Not Just Punishment
This blog emphasizes the importance of prioritizing prevention efforts in combating child sexual abuse rather than solely focusing on punishment after the fact.
Behaviour programs can curb the cycle of domestic violence – so why are hundreds of Australian men on waiting lists?
Are You Safe at Home
This campaign highlights the crucial role we all play in recognising and responding to family violence in our communities. If you’re worried about someone you know, please start the conversation.
#AreYouSafeAtHome #AskListenBelieve.
Indigenous women are most affected by domestic violence but have struggled to be heard. It’s time we listened
https://theconversation.com/indigenous-women-are-most-affected-by-domes… via @ConversationEDU @CrippsKyllie
Men's change program 'inundated' at launch in wake of Ballarat women's deaths
'We have reached saturation point on consultation': Experts call for action to address men's violence against women
Advocates say governments need to walk the walk, not just talk the talk, if they want to end this violence.
Andrew Tate’s extreme views about women are infiltrating Australian schools. We need a zero-tolerance response
By Stephanie Wescott and Steven Roberts
https://theconversation.com/andrew-tates-extreme-views-about-women-are-… via @ConversationEDU
Drake and Kendrick’s ‘beef’ isn’t just misogynistic, it’s telling of a full-blown masculinity crisis
Jenessa Williams questions why Drake & Kendrick only care about abuse when they can use it as one-upmanship
Evangelicals Hate Stormy Daniels But Love Trump. Here’s Why.
Trump may have sinned, but evangelicals still admire his masculinity and power.
For more commentaries on Trump and masculinity, see this XY collection: https://xyonline.net/content/donald-trump-and-masculinity-xy-collection
Defying the toxic messages of the 'manosphere', a different kind of young men's movement steps up
As social media algorithms push misogynistic content to teenage boys, other men are trying to model a healthier version of masculinity.
For more on work with boys and men, see the various materials on XY here: https://xyonline.net/category/article-content/working-boys-and-men
Including pieces on what we need in violence prevention with men and boys, fostering healthy masculinities, engaging men and boys online, mobilising men as advocates, and more.
Crikey. It’s been a long day. It started with a 7.30am interview on masculinity and men’s violence against women, then ABC talkback radio, then another interview, a bunch of meetings and other work, and filming a documentary at my house. And I’ve just put the finishing touches..
to a workshop on engaging men in violence prevention for tomorrow, 10.50pm.
Anyway, having referred journalists to a bunch of pieces of mine, I thought I’d list them:
What we need in violence prevention with men and boys (list): http://xyonline.net/content/violence-prevention-men-and-boys-notes-what…
The state of play in work with men and boys in Australia (speech): http://xyonline.net/content/state-play-australian-men-and-boys
Best practice in respectful relationships education: http://xyonline.net/content/best-practice-consent-education
Critical stocktake of ‘healthy masculinities’ programs (journal article): http://xyonline.net/content/critical-stocktake-community-based-healthy-…
Promoting Healthier Masculinities in Primary & Secondary Schools (speech): http://xyonline.net/content/promoting-healthier-masculinities-primary-s…
My book on engaging men and boys in violence prevention, free in PDF: https://xyonline.net/content/new-book-engaging-men-and-boys-violence-pr…
A whole stack of other resources: https://xyonline.net/content/engaging-men-violence-prevention-key-resou…
Goodnight folks. : )
American men don’t know what “respecting women” means
If most male US voters believe that Donald Trump is respectful to women, how are they behaving in their own lives?
By Jill Filipovic @JillFilipovic
This policy could make women’s super more vulnerable to financial abuse
Early access to superannuation is an Opposition election policy. But it can make women vulnerable to economic abuse
By Professor Cathy Humphreys, University of Melbourne
The Tradwife’s Catch-22
The nuclear family tradwife influencers endorse has been a major culprit in the very dissatisfaction women seeking refuge in the tradlife attempt to escape.
By Shahrzad Shams, Ms Magazine @MsMagazine
The Creeps of Hollywood Must Be Bullied
We can and should inflict public ridicule upon true creeps: men who choose to romanticize much younger women.
By Sonja Anderson, Ms Magazine @MsMagazine
A series of men's murders of women has shone the spotlight on this violence in Australia. While more boys & young men are being taught about respect & consent, better programs & online tools will help
By Prof @MichaelGLFlood (Nov 2023)
https://bit.ly/3QrW0Z9 @QUT @360info_global
Not all men abuse women. But is this how it starts
The Yarra Valley Grammar list shows that, for some, men’s disrespect for women begins in childhood.
By Dr Jenna Price @JennaPrice
Violence prevention: Are you adapting an education program or curricula from one setting or context to another? This guide from the Prevention Collaborative provides excellent advice on how to select and adapt programs.
See https://prevention-collaborative.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/4_Adapt…
More: https://prevention-collaborative.org/guide-programming/programme-select…
Sexually transmitted debt: How financial services are fighting financial abuse
AFL's minute of silence for female victims of violence is important, but industry-wide change is needed
There’s One Important Thing Missing From The Conversation Around Domestic Violence
Men. Specifically, men who use violence. PRIMER spoke to experts who specialise in preventing men’s violence about what needs to happen next
Putting perpetrators in the picture: Also see this Briefing Paper (4pp) on domestic and sexual violence, by Michael Flood and Lula Dembele. It calls for reframing how this violence is understood, measured, and addressed.
New report reveals how Australia’s child support system facilitates economic abuse of women
The report reveals extensive evidence of the way some fathers are using child support as a weapon to perpetrate ongoing gendered violence against mothers.
Violence prevention: Our Watch’s world-leading “Change the Story” framework provides essential guidance on the primary prevention of violence against women.
Change the Story identifies drivers of this violence, offers a primary prevention framework, and details key strategies
To note some key features of Change The Story, it:
Is based on reviews of the evidence on the determinants of domestic and sexual violence and their prevention
Emphasises that this violence has multiple, intersecting causes or drivers.
... multiple, intersecting causes or drivers. Including gendered structures, norms, and practices (pp. 28-47).
And other factors, such as condoning of violence in general, experience of and exposure to violence, alcohol use, etc. (pp. 49-54).
Emphasises that primary prevention “aims to shift the underlying drivers of violence against women - the systems, structures, norms, attitudes, practices and power imbalances that drive this violence” (56).
(But in practice, governments largely have been unwilling to address structural and systemic drivers of violence against women. That is, Change the Story describes a framework that has *not yet* been put into practice in any comprehensive way.)
Also see Our Watch’s excellent guide, “Putting the prevention of violence against women into practice: How to Change The Story”.
Resources: https://www.ourwatch.org.au/change-the-story/@OurWatchAus
Mad Max’s ‘Furiosa’ and other car movies are starting to change who gets behind the wheel
By Helen Pinsent
https://theconversation.com/mad-maxs-furiosa-and-other-car-movies-are-s… via @ConversationCA
For more on men, masculinity, cars, and driving, see the notes here: https://xyonline.net/content/cars-driving-and-masculinity
‘It was a murder waiting to happen’: Dannielle never knew the truth about her monster [serial perpetrator] boyfriend
From doomscrolling to sex: being a boy in 2024
Catherine Carr travelled the UK interviewing teenage boys. She found openness, thoughtfulness, honesty and vulnerability on topics from sex to pornography, feelings and isolation
For a discussion of “Fostering Healthy Masculinities among Men and Boys”, see https://xyonline.net/content/fostering-healthy-masculinities-among-men-…
For bibliographies of scholarship on boys and masculinity, see https://xyonline.net/books/bibliography/6-growing-male
For bibliographies on working with boys and young men, see https://xyonline.net/books/bibliography/13-working-boys-and-young-men
Sad sign sums up what Australian women really need
Women fleeing violent relationships receiving $5000 is a “cop out” and there’s an obvious way to spend the $925 million earmarked, says one advocate.
The national crisis of violence against women is the culmination of many issues — and some of them the government can fix:
Reform of social security and child support systems
Funding to frontline legal and support services
Social and affordable housing
What is modern masculinity? Interview with Professor Michael Flood on the Man Box 2024 findings, on young adult men’s levels of agreement and disagreement with stereotypical norms of manhood
The Urgent but Complex Path to Ending Corporal Punishment: Understanding the Role of Bans
Why women would prefer to be alone in the woods with a bear than a man
Associate Professor Lisa Siguira on women’s perceptions of safety and risk, shaped by the actions of some men
https://theconversation.com/why-women-would-prefer-to-be-alone-in-the-woods-with-a-bear-than-a-man-229140 @ConversationUK
Most young adult men reject traditional ideas of masculinity based on aggression, stoicism and homophobia. Nonetheless, the ongoing influence of those ideas continues to harm men and the people around them.
By Professor Michael Flood
https://theconversation.com/aggressive-homophobic-stoic-heres-what-thou… via @ConversationEDU
The Man Box (rigid, traditional norms of masculinity): To address the harms of the Man Box, one thing we must do is challenge its sources. Whether these are: Parents. Peers. Porn. Or Preachers (male supremacist influencers)
Summary on the Man Box findings: https://xyonline.net/content/patriarchal-masculinity-australia-what-man…
[Plus graphic, Flood, Launch speech text Feb 1 2024 - Parents Porn Preachers]
How male corporate leaders can play a role in ending gender-based violence
by Bec Brideson
For more on men's roles in violence prevention, see https://xyonline.net/content/engaging-men-violence-prevention-key-resou…
Find key reports and references, many in full text, here: https://xyonline.net/books/bibliography/27-violence-and-responses-viole…
Are You Covered? New publication by Gippsland Women’s Health explores sex and relationships in the online world
Red Flags – what they mean and how to spot them
Can We Talk About Porn?
Swipe Right, Keep Safe
Read online: https://online.fliphtml5.com/zubpl/edbv/
In PDF: https://22168956.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/22168956/AYC-%20I…
Violence against women: Most men don't use violence, but a sizeable minority do.
Among young adult men in Australia aged 18-30:
-- One in four (25%) has used physical violence against an intimate partner
-- One in five (20%) has used sexual violence against an intimate partner.
[Plus graphic, Jesuit Social Services, The Man Box 2024 – Perpetration]
These are findings from the recent Man Box survey. Report, p. 63, at https://jss.org.au/programs/research/the-man-box/
To read more about the factors that drive perpetration of domestic and sexual violence, see this report: https://research.qut.edu.au/centre-for-justice/wp-content/uploads/sites…
One men's roles in prevention, see https://xyonline.net/content/engaging-men-violence-prevention-key-resou…
Challenging anti-carceral feminism Anti-carceral positions critique the use of the criminal law and criminal justice system to tackle violence against women. Professor Clare McGlynn questions them, arguing for the valuable role of criminalisation.
[Plus graphic, McGlynn, Challenging anti-carceral feminism- Criminalisation, justice and continuum thinking 2022 – Abstract]
'Men need to step up': Attorney-General's call as Australians rally over violence 'epidemic'
Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus says it "cannot be left up to women" to solve gendered violence.
‘Make me a sandwich’: our survey’s disturbing picture of how some boys treat their teachers
@ConversationEDU @UniofAdelaide@UniversitySA
For folks who’ve recently followed me, you might be interested in the archive of my tweets I maintain here: https://xyonline.net/content/tweets-michael-flood
It’s a ridiculously long list though.
Nearly $1bn funding announced to support victim-survivors leaving violence, combat online misogyny and AI porn
The federal government has given an online age verification pilot the green light [to minimise children's and young people's exposure to porn]. Here's what we know about it
See the research on patterns of exposure here: https://theconversation.com/by-the-time-they-are-20-more-than-4-in-5-men-and-2-in-3-women-have-been-exposed-to-pornography-new-research-225573
For a handy summary of pornography's impacts on sexual attitudes and behaviours, including the evidence that pornography use is one risk factor for the perpetration of sexual violence, see here: https://xyonline.net/content/pornography-powerful-sexual-socialiser-young-people
Violence against women is both a legal and cultural problem. What can we do to address it?
By Professor Rosalind Dixon and Dr Emma Buxton-Namisnyk
https://theconversation.com/violence-against-women-is-both-a-legal-and-… via @ConversationEDU @rosalinddixon15 @ENamisnyk
Healthy masculinities programs among men and boys in Australia: What potential do they have to contribute to gender justice?
This study involves a critical stocktake of programs in Victoria, holding them up against a gender-transformative standard
Article: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/10608265241249941
Educating boys about consent: How should we do it?
UK research with teen boys explores how to address sexual harm as a systemic social problem involving actions and behaviours normalised to the extent that dynamics of consent/non-consent become invisible.
Women caregivers need more support to manage their responsibilities and well-being
Leaders weigh plan to track domestic violence offenders
What survivors, advocates and experts want from national cabinet on gendered violence
Aboriginal women continue to be subject to horrific violence – we cannot leave them out of the conversation
By Vanessa Turnbull-Roberts @TurnbullVanessa
'Failure to properly investigate': Review finds that limited ACT Policing investigations are a key reason for few sexual assault cases making it to charge in Canberra
@rachael_burgin @jacqui_tassone
Full report: https://researchbank.swinburne.edu.au/file/3faae18e-b608-4f7b-9f14-ed70…
How to prevent sexual harassment at work: New resources from Our Watch
11 new resources to support Australian workplaces to meet their legal obligations to prevent sexual harassment and sex discrimination.
#MeToo’s Impact Will Stay Strong—Even if Harvey Weinstein Walks Free
By Jill Filipovic @JillFilipovic
Are men scarier than bears?
What one viral video reveals about women's safety and men's perception of it.
By Liz Plank
Please, ministers, spare us your pathetic platitudes on the domestic violence crisis Sydney Morning Herald Editorial, April 28
Tweets in April 2024
Australia cannot end violence against women until we know who and how many people use DFSV
By Lula Dembele|
Violence prevention with men and boys: Notes on what we need
- More attention to organisational and structural change
- Focused attention to the masculinity-related drivers of DFSV
- Greater focus on masculinities and *sexual* violence
See https://xyonline.net/content/violence-prevention-men-and-boys-notes-wha…
How can youth practitioners deal with current polarisation around masculinity?
A short paper by the Radicalisation Awareness Network, Europe, 2023
No, getting your boyfriend to peel an orange won’t prove his loyalty. Why TikTok relationship ‘tests’ are useless
The Albanese government is in the box seat as Australians rally against gendered violence
Feminist analysis of mass murder: This paper:
Documents that nearly all mass murders are by men
Highlights the roles that misogyny and domestic abuse play
Explores the roots of mass murder in misogynist ideology and neoliberal patriarchy
In full here: https://xyonline.net/books/bibliography/27-violence-and-responses-viole…
[Plus graphics: Yardley, The Elephant in the Room x 2]
Dear Lads Podcast: Chat with Professor Michael Flood, on how boys and men can be allies for gender equality and eliminating violence against women
Spotify https://open.spotify.com/episode/2uG1SW7Ch8pUzRTz8M2BG9?si=hSGX7B1TT7Oa…
Apple podcasts https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/dr-michael-flood-shares-how-boys-… #podcast#masculinity #violence
How much did #MeToo change for women? Let’s ask Harvey Weinstein today – or Donald Trump
Both were pilloried, but that was then. Today, one has beaten a rape conviction, and the other may return as president.
By Marina Hyde
The overturning of Harvey Weinstein’s rape conviction is an affront to women
#MeToo’s real legacy may not be ending predators’ impunity so much as highlighting the tenacity of that impunity
By Moira Donegan @MoiraDonegan
Harvey Weinstein's rape conviction has been quashed. Here's why, & what happens next
Weinstein's successful appeal is a blow to the #MeToo movement against powerful men who prey on vulnerable women. A NY judge warns it's set a precedent that will help serial sexual predators
In February 2020, Weinstein was found guilty of the sexual assault of one woman and the third-degree rape of another.
Weinstein’s conviction was overturned because the trial judge made an error by allowing several other women to testify against Weinstein, even though...
... even though their assault claims were not part of the official case against him.
The decision was split 4-3 among the judges.
Weinstein won’t get out of jail, as he is serving another sentence for raping another woman. And he’ll face another trial.
As regional Australia reels from several women’s deaths, advocates seek both policing and prevention
Half of the 26 women killed so far this year have been in regional parts of the country, highlighting a need for more resourcing outside metropolitan areas
More Women Work in Nonprofits. So Why Do Men End Up Leading Them?
It's the 'glass escalator' effect, where men rise unfairly to the top of feminised professions.
By Cathleen Clerkin
What men can do about men's violence against women:
Here are 47 things men can do. Inform yourself about the realities of VAW. Boycott and resist sexist & violence‑supportive culture. Support victims and survivors. Raise non-violent sons. And more
See http://xyonline.net/content/what-men-can-do-16daysofactivism-against-me…
For a whole lot more on the steps ordinary men can take to help prevent and reduce men's violence against women, see http://xyonline.net/content/what-men-can-do-stop-sexism-and-male-violen…
Also see this wide-ranging collection on the website XY on men's positive roles in violence prevention: https://xyonline.net/content/engaging-men-violence-prevention-key-resou…
Men Need a New Narrative. The Future of U.S. Democracy Depends on It
To counter harmful right-wing ideas of masculinity, the left must provide men with less cartoonish and more expansive models of strength and moral selfhood.
By Jackson Katz, Ms Magazine
Jackson Katz notes the susceptibility of men -- especially but not exclusively white men -- to gendered appeals by the authoritarian, anti-democratic right. He calls on moderate, liberal, and progressive men to raise their profile and push back as publicly as possible against...
... against MAGA efforts to equate (absurdly, in my view) being a "real man" with opposing reproductive justice and women's rights more generally, and voting for Trump and the right... as our fragile democracy teeters.
“Men who use violence aren’t monsters. They are our neighbours, our family members, our partners – and we must start treating this as a systemic problem, instead of seeing this as an issue caused by a few bad eggs”
'Beggars belief': Molly Ticehurst's death exposes gaps in justice system, former magistrate says
Molly Ticehurst was allegedly murdered by her ex-boyfriend just two weeks after he faced court charged with other violent offences.
All-white jury, female wailing and necrophilia: How an outback man got away with 'some very bad things'
Two Indigenous teenage girls were failed by the police as the lawyer for the defendant played on racial tensions in the town.
Australia shouldn't tolerate terrorism — but our normalisation of 'intimate partner terrorism' has become a national emergency
Our leaders agree that violence against women is a national crisis — an emergency. That requires an emergency response.
Men and Mass Shootings 25 Years After Columbine
The vast majority of men are not mass shooters—but 98 percent of mass shooters are men. Until we’re willing to say, men’s gun violence, we can’t prevent these tragedies.
By Rob Okun
Resource for College Students: Talking with a Friend about Concerning Sexual Behavior
Resources: https://www.nsvrc.org/lets-talk-campus
Blog on these resources: https://www.nsvrc.org/blogs/lets-talk-starting-conversation-you-didnt-w…
Domestic violence commissioner calls national roundtable to assess number of women's deaths, says conversation is shifting
Detoxifying masculinity: How men’s groups reshape attitudes
Research finds that positive men’s group’s can help men develop new attitudes towards masculinity and more adaptive ways to process life’s challenges. https://theconversation.com/detoxifying-masculinity-how-mens-groups-res…
Also see the XY collection on anti-sexist men’s groups, as a valuable strategy for both personal and collective change. Includes resources on men’s groups, discussions of their value and potential, guides to how to run them, and wider explorations.
Challenging harmful masculinities and engaging men and boys in sexual and reproductive health
More research is needed to address the impact of harmful masculinities on sexual and reproductive health and rights. Piece in The Lancet Global Health
Women’s Rights Are Being Rolled Back to a Time Before Women Could Vote
If you thought overturning Roe was bad …
By Jill Filipovic, USA
@JillFilipovic @Slate
The Troubling Trend in Teenage Sex: the rise of strangulation / choking
By Peggy Orenstein, in the New York Times
Full text: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/c3hvrgtpxoa8v3foyh0qr/Orenstein-The-Trou…
Family law has been overhauled. Equal shared parental responsibility will no longer automatically be considered to be in a child’s best interest. Zoe Rathus (@Griffith_Uni) writes that’s a good thing, particularly in domestic violence situations.
Kitty set out to have casual sex for a year to see if women really can have no-strings liaisons. What she discovered was the horrifying reality of how men now believe they can treat women in the bedroom.
‘Is misogyny so ingrained that these men didn’t care if they made me uncomfortable?’ she asks. ‘Has violent porn convinced them that rough choking is what women want? Is it a matter of cruelty or a matter of ignorance, or both?’
Measuring incel radicalisation: Megan Kelly, Ann-Kathrin Rothermel and Lisa Sugiura raise concerns with the “Incel Radicalisation Scale”, critiquing its “reliance on incels’ self-representation and the dismissal of their harmful online activity.”
Kelly, Rothermel and Sugiura argue that such approaches “are prone to legitimising misogynist incel narratives of victimhood, and overlooking broader harms such as normalising misogynist violence and male and white supremacism.”
From forced kisses to power imbalances, violence against women in sport is endemic
By Dr Fiona Giles and Associate Professor Kirsty Forsdike
https://theconversation.com/from-forced-kisses-to-power-imbalances-violence-against-women-in-sport-is-endemic-227446 @ConversationEDU
“Blokes run religious institutions”: Can religion be enlisted as an ally in the prevention of domestic violence?
By Sarah Wendt and Josephine Clarke
How recommender algorithms on TikTok and YouTube Shorts promote male supremacist influencers to boys and young men: New report
Even when ‘manfluencers’ are banned from TikTok and YouTube their content continues to be widely circulated.
Report: https://antibullyingcentre.ie/recommending-toxicity/
In this study using fake or ‘sockpuppet’ accounts, all the male-identified accounts - whether generic or ‘manosphere-curious’ - were fed masculinist, anti-feminist and other extremist content within the first 23 minutes of engagement (in one case in 2 minutes).
Bondi Junction attack: Women are sick of being afraid
The killing of six people, most of them women, at a Bondi Junction shopping centre is a reminder of the unique and unaddressed nature of male violence.
By Louise Milligan @Milliganreports
Women Experience More Intimate Partner Violence than Men over the Life Course: Evidence for Gender Asymmetry at all Ages in a National Sample
New study goes beyond most studies’ reliance only on past-year victimisation in current relationships
Full paper: https://xyonline.net/sites/xyonline.net/files/2024-04/Cunningham%2C%20W…
[Plus graphic, Cunningham, Women Experience More Intimate Partner Violence than Men over the Life Course - Evidence for Gender Asymmetry at all Ages in a National Sample 2024 – Abstract]
Morally and financially, why employers can no longer afford to ‘go slow’ on tackling gender inequality
By Emma Walsh, Women’s Agenda
Is It Ok To Dislike Children?
While the internet fights about child-free bars, it’s the people who claim to love children the most who are actually harming them.
By Jill Filipovic @JillFilipovic
Pressure to conform to stereotypically masculine norms: Young men (18-30) in Australia report lower levels of pressure to be self-sufficient, stoic, and act strong than they did five years ago, although large numbers still report such pressure.
@JesuitSocialSer #TheManBox
That’s one of the findings from Jesuit Social Services’ Man Box Survey 2024.
See here for a summary on social pressure and personal beliefs: https://cdn.jss.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/30110912/How-have-soc…
See the full report and other materials here: https://jss.org.au/programs/research/the-man-box/
‘We have a crisis of male violence’: Attorney-general says men must step up https://www.smh.com.au/politics/federal/we-have-a-crisis-of-male-violence-attorney-general-says-men-must-step-up-20240418-p5fks7.html
On what men can do, see the guides here: https://xyonline.net/content/engaging-men-violence-prevention-key-resou…
Communicating for Connection: Values-Based Messaging for Primary Prevention in Multicultural and Faith-Based Communities
A new resource from the Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health and Safe and Equal
@MCWH1978 @safe_and_equal [Plus graphic, Communicating for Connection - Values-Based Messaging for Primary Prevention in Multicultural and Faith-Based Communities 2024 – Cover]
Hill and Salter’s "Rethinking Primary Prevention"
I think that the paper:
- Misrepresents aspects of primary prevention in Australia
- Criticises an approach that has yet to be fully tried, & then
- Endorses strategies that fit with that same approach
See https://xyonline.net/content/rethinking-primary-prevention-comments-mic…
Both Sydney stabbing attacks were violent and caused fear. Only one was deemed a terror incident
The attacks have sparked debate over what defines an ideologically motivated attack, and whether deliberately targeting women should count as an act of terror.
O.J. Simpson’s trial forced us to talk about domestic violence. We’re not done yet.
His legacy will forever be linked to the trial for the murder of Nicole Brown Simpson, and the ways racial dynamics complicated it.
The reasons why some are reluctant to call the Bruce Lehrmann verdict a win
Consent advocates say there are no winners in the Bruce Lehrmann defamation trial and while there was 'vindication', there are questions and concerns about where it went wrong.
Feminist debates over trans issues: One marker of good faith engagement is reading opponents' work. Lawford-Smith’s review of Butler's new book suggests she criticises (and misrepresents) 'gender-critical' feminisms based on barely anything. Is that true??
https://quillette.com/2024/04/12/whos-afraid-of-gender-judith-butler-holly-lawford-smith/ [Plus graphic, Lawford-Smith, Double Standards in the Gender Debate April 12 2024 - Butler's sources]
Hatred and mental illness are not mutually exclusive
Violent men being mentally ill need not make broader societal phenomena irrelevant
By Victoria Smith
Bruce Lehrmann's 'omnishambles' defamation case triggered a cruel culture war and a sick kind of grief. Will we learn from this shameful episode?
By Julia Baird
https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-04-16/bruce-lehrmann-defamation-case-c… #BrittanyHiggins
‘Miss, what do you think of Andrew Tate?’: The problem of widespread misogyny and sexism in Australian classrooms
By Stephanie Wescott, Monash University @stephwescott_@VicWomensTrust @SteveRoberts_
Bruce Lehrmann Lost, But We Watched A Survivor Torn Apart. Is This What Justice Looks Like?
By Saxon Mullins @SaxonAdair
https://www.pedestrian.tv/news/what-bruce-lehmrann-verdict-means-for-su… #BrittanyHiggins
Lehrmann judgment will bring some comfort to sexual assault victims everywhere
Why are men randomly punching women on the streets of New York?
If the Sydney attacker did target women we should be calling it a terrorist attack
By Karen Whybro @karenwhybro
“This societal blind spot to male violence is nothing new…. yet we resist labelling attacks against women as terror’, seemingly preferring instead to portray them as lone-wolf acts of violence caused by poor mental health.”
What’s really to blame for the Sydney stabbings
Dr Jessica Taylor writes that attacks like these are rarely ‘random’, ‘unpredictable’, ‘unrelated’ and ‘unpreventable’. The real ‘monster’ here is misogyny.
Latest "masculinity influencer": Another dudebro guiding followers into deeper loneliness
Self-described "alpha male" Nick Adams is offering young men "advice" that will only alienate them even further
By Amanda Marcotte @AmandaMarcotte
‘AI Instagram Influencers’ Are Deepfaking Their Faces Onto Real Women’s Bodies
AI 'influencers' on Instagram have racked up hundreds of thousands of followers and millions of views by stealing reels from real women to make the AI seem more "believable.
'AI Pimps' and their fake influencers are harvesting videos of women, teens to peddle porn
ABC Investigations: An international network of so-called "AI Pimps" are mass-harvesting women's social media videos to peddle porn through fake influencers.
OJ Simpson died the comfortable death in old age that Nicole Brown should have had
The 1994 murders of Simpson’s ex and her friend Ron Goldman are inextricable from society’s failure of domestic abuse victims.
By Moira Donegan @MoiraDonegan
Misogyny, White Supremacy and the Blueprints for Mass Shootings
By Jonathan Reed, Next Gen Men, Canada @NextGenMen
Anti-feminist men on X: I get a fair amount of pushback to my posts from anti-feminist, pro-patriarchal men. I think most fall into 2 types of 'Reply Guy', the Sea Lion and the Mansplainer. Here are helpful short guides to both.
See https://bardoloi.com/blog/2018/09/12/the-9-reply-guys/ (Shrew & Scott Barolo)
Feminist *women* on X, however, receive far more hostile posts, and far more personal and sexualised threats, than men like me. So I'm guessing that more of their replies come from another type of Reply Guy: Trolls, Creeps and Fools. Yuk.
The Role of Social Media in Facilitating Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
This brief outlines actionable steps to support prevention and response to online child sexual exploitation, part of a project by @ECPAT, @INTERPOL_HQ and @UNICEF
Traditional models of masculinity, based on aggression, stoicism, and homophobia, are supported by only a minority of men in Australia. But their ongoing influence continues to harm men and the people around them.
Summary of recent survey findings: https://xyonline.net/content/patriarchal-masculinity-australia-what-man-box-research-tells-us-has-changed-or-not
The Terrifying Global Reach of the American Anti-Abortion Movement
American conservatives have been busy launching attacks on reproductive rights on other countries, too—with disastrous consequences for millions of poor women.
These Women Came to Antarctica for Science. Then the Predators Emerged
Jane Willenbring was the first to blow the whistle on sexual harassment and assault in Antarctica. Years later, women are still coming forward with tales of horror.
Marry me, Jules: The Taylor Swift-inspired love story
A feelgood story of lesbian love at a Taylor Swift concert
Graduate Certificate in Domestic Violence Response (QUT): A valuable qualification for professionals in the domestic violence sector.
I was interviewed on the qualification (2:34 min video) here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RR1KLXiv2r4
More on the Graduate Certificate: https://online.qut.edu.au/online-courses/law-justice/graduate-certifica…
Understanding spiritual and religious abuse in the context of intimate partner violence
A new report by the Australian Institute of Family Studies
How to secure an exclusive interview with a credibly accused rapist
Jo Dyer on the Bruce Lehrmann defamation trial, Channel 7's funding of such men's alcohol, sex, cocaine, and other monies, and so on.
All women go through menopause. So why is treatment so expensive?
Support positive masculinity in England and Wales schools, union conference told
Boys and young men need guidance – not punishment – to avoid ‘manosphere’, teacher tells NEU
Fostering Healthy Masculinities among Men and Boys: Here is some guidance on how to do this: http://xyonline.net/content/fostering-healthy-masculinities-among-men-a…
Also see these bibliographies on work with boys and young men, including scholarship & evaluations: https://xyonline.net/books/bibliography/13-working-boys-and-young-men
Curricula: http://xyonline.net/content/engaging-men-preventing-mens-violence-again…
Why is teaching for gender justice with boys important? What can schools do?
Watch this webinar to find out more: https://swarthmore.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=696c…
Here is a link to the academic papers and resources presented in the webinar including a pdf of the Power Points: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1kSHGx4THxWCtbB46LY5U-8q3AQbAYP1…
Are the images you use in presentations, social media posts, marketing brochures, and websites reinforcing unhelpful and perhaps harmful stereotypes?
Better Allies' inclusive collections of stock photos and illustrations, here: betterallies.com/photos
Violence against women
Handy fact sheet by the World Health Organization
The crucial role of legal frameworks in advancing gender equality
UN Women 14-page brief
Removing discriminatory laws and putting in place legal frameworks that advance gender equality are necessary to end sexist discrimination and achieve gender equality
Twitter / X is the worst social media platform for online threats against women, report finds
The vast majority of incidents involve text-based threats or written abuse.
She Has Investigated Allegations of Sexual Violence in War Around the World. Here’s What She Wants You to Know.
Interview with Christina Lamb, author of “Our Bodies, Their Battlefields: War through the lives of women”
70% of School Shooters Perpetuated Violence Against Women, Lehigh Study Finds
The Lehigh University study analyzed the profiles of 59 boys and men who carried out school shootings between 1966 and 2018.
Beyonce's butchered Jolene! Her 'badass' re-write ISN'T empowering. It's nakedly insecure, faux-feminist and totally misses the point of Dolly Parton's American epic, writes Kat Rosenfield @katrosenfield
It’s me, hi!: The visibility of women in music
High rates of violence, a growing gender pay gap and public attitudes are still just some of the many challenges Australia faces in its ongoing fight for gender equality, according to one of the nation’s leading voices on women’s rights.
Bigorexia Is Impacting Young Boys and Men More Than Ever
By Mira Miller
The Republican party has become a full-fledged anti-sex movement
By Rebecca Solnit @RebeccaSolnit https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/apr/02/the-republican-pa…
What Sam Mostyn’s appointment as Governor General means
By Helen Dalley-Fisher
So You Think You’ve Been Gaslit
What happens when a niche clinical concept becomes a ubiquitous cultural diagnosis.
“White Girl Moans Black Lives Matter”
Pornhub’s #BLM genre and the industry’s brash racism.
By Gail Dines and Carolyn M. West
Slate, 2020
How the imagery of White women victims is being used to stoke anti-immigrant fear in the USA
The death of Laken Riley, who Trump called “an American daughter,” is at the center of Republicans' hard-line immigration pitch to voters.
That Viral Essay Wasn’t About Age Gaps. It Was About Marrying Rich.
But both tactics are flawed if you want to have any hope of becoming yourself.
(A thoughtful essay on dynamics of age, wealth, beauty, and sexism in relationships.)
By @JillFilipovic
Rich older men marrying young attractive women is a long-standing practice. But for the women, it’s a life of perpetual insecurity.
A stunted life, without a sense of self or the basic ability to provide for yourself.
And what kind of man seeks a marriage like this?
Male promiscuity (sex with consecutive multiple partners) is *not* a cultural universal. Levels of male promiscuity vary 1) across cultures, 2) over time, and 3) among men in any particular context.
On time, see this study in South Africa: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13691050412331293458?casa_…
[Plus graphic, Hunter, Cultural politics 2005 – Abstract]
And on the fact that the norms and practices of promiscuity vary among men (i.e., that some men endorse and practise promiscuity, and others do not), see e.g. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10461-015-1264-y
[Plus graphic, Fleming, Masculinity and HIV 2016 – Abstract]
Men are lonely and disconnected. Can men’s groups help?
Featuring the work of Heare Brotherhood, a nonprofit based in Utah USA, that is on a mission to cure loneliness
Tweets in March 2024
Edutainment to prevent violence against women and children: This review summarizes evidence from 22 rigorous evaluations measuring impacts on violence-related attitudes, norms and behaviors in low- and middle-income countries.
Folks can find comprehensive bibliographies on this and other strategies of violence prevention here: https://xyonline.net/books/bibliography/27-violence-and-responses-viole…
2023 State of deepfakes: Realities, threats and impact. HSH: This review by Home Security Heroes is intended to raise awareness of deepfake technology and protecting people from its negative effects.
Includes a survey of US males (see below).
48% of US men have seen deepfake porn at least once
74% of deepfake porn users don't feel guilty about it
20% of men have considered learning to create deepfake porn
73% of men would want to report to the authorities if someone close to them became a victim of deepfake porn.
A Growing Number of Women Activists Confront Technology and Gender-Based Violence
A useful overview commentary on both this violence and feminist activists’ efforts to challenge it.
Why Men’s Rights Activists Can Never Heal Their Trauma
By Mark Greene
The barbershop where men go to heal | Matteo Brown
She Is Not Your Rehab (https://www.sheisnotyourrehab.com/), founded by Mataio and Sarah Brown, is an anti-violence movement, created to address and dismantle cycles of intergenerational trauma.
YouTube talk, here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UhP3OZ9ZCE
‘Wear a skirt, be your own hero’: four men on their first time wearing the garment
All the men who never assaulted me
“I met a guy at a party. I told him no. Nothing happened. That is normal.”
Maura Quint describes the times when a man could have sexually assaulted her but did not. Choosing to rape is not inevitable or universal.
“Rapists, sexual assaulters, and those who protect them will tell us that they are not unique, that all men act like they do — with violence… They are wrong. They are lying. They are trying to normalize something that is not normal, because if they can normalize it..."
"... if they can normalize it, they can’t be held accountable for their terrible acts."
Choosing to rape isn’t normal [or inevitable or universal]. Assault is not an inherent quality of being a man.”
For a wealth of resources on men’s positive roles in ending men’s violence against women, including what men can do in our everyday lives, check out this collection on the pro-feminist website XY: https://xyonline.net/content/engaging-men-violence-prevention-key-resources
When Pop Culture Sells Dangerous Myths About Romance
Entertainment glorifying or excusing predatory male behavior is everywhere in popular culure.
By Julie Beck
Popular culture (music, TV, film) is full of stories in which men crossed the lines of consent, aggressively pursuing women with little or no regard for their desires.
These give the message that “intrusive attention is proof of men’s passion, and something women should welcome”.
“toxic love stories can also normalize coercion... they can make people—women, especially—question when and whether their boundaries have really been violated, when they should be flattered and when they should be afraid.”
Most states now have affirmative sexual consent laws, but not enough people know what they mean
By Jonathan Crowe and Gianni Ribeiro
@RapeReform @ConversationEDU@drjoncrowe
Andrew Huberman’s Mechanisms of Control
The private and public seductions of the world’s biggest pop neuroscientist.
The US war on reproductive rights should concern women everywhere
Women in the UK and across Europe will also suffer as a result of the political and legal gains being made by the anti-choice movement in the US.
Kate Middleton and our conspiracy culture
Wild theories about the princess, who has announced she has cancer, are a symptom of a digital world defined by speculation, sleuthing and conspiratorial thinking.
By Sarah Manavis
Trump is not the problem: For American democracy to survive, we need to address the cultural breakdown that’s allowing authoritarians to flourish.
By Jill Filipovic
Pornography, children, and young people: Our article on this was the most-read article at The Conversation last week. It had 80,033 reads so far, with 96% of readers from outside Australia.
See https://theconversation.com/by-the-time-they-are-20-more-than-four-in-f…
@MareeCrabbe @Kelsey_L_Adams@QUT @OurWatchAus@anzjph @_PHAA_
Misogynistic Extremism, The Manosphere, and Mainstream Social Media: New report from Diverting Hate.
Examines the challenges arising from the manosphere's influence, to provide insights, foster ethical practices, and propose effective interventions.
[Plus graphics, Diverting Hate, Misogynistic Extremism, The Manosphere, and Mainstream Social Media 2024]
Asking for it: language and affirmative consent
A commentary by feminist linguist Deborah Cameron on Right To Equality’s new campaign promoting “affirmative” sexual consent, including through the line “I’m asking for it”.
Why Adolescent Boys Are Struggling
And how parents and schools can make a positive impact.
Most men support principles of fairness and equity in workplaces and most welcome women’s participation in STEM. Despite this, few men so far have actively supported efforts to increase women’s participation. However, male allyship is vital
Men's roles: https://xyonline.net/content/mens-positive-roles-allies-gender-equity-s…
No men allowed: The battle over women-only spaces continues
For decades, women-only spaces have faced challenges from men who say their missing out amounts to sex discrimination. In 2024, is there still room for women-only — or men-only — spaces?
Before the 1980s, Australian teachers could be banned for being gay. A new report wants to protect them at religious schools too
https://theconversation.com/before-the-1980s-australian-teachers-could-… via @ConversationEDU
The role of female political representation in fighting violence against women
Greater female participation in political leadership roles is associated with a decline in violence against women in Brazil.
If I could gather all the leaders of boys’ schools in one room, here’s what I would tell them
By Chanel Contos @Chanelcontos
Rachel was sexually harassed in her workplace, but she was the one who had to leave her job
How strict non-disclosure agreements in sexual harassment cases can benefit the organisation and perpetrator instead of the victim.
'Escaping the patriarchy', or discrimination against men? The legal fight over a ladies-only lounge in Hobart's Museum of Old and New Art (Mona)
To Overcome Resistance to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), Understand What’s Driving It
by Eric Shuman, Eric Knowles, and Amit Goldenberg, Harvard Business Review
By the time they are 20, more than four in five men and two in three women have been exposed to pornography: new research.
Among young people who had seen pornography, the average age of first exposure was 13.2 years for males and 14.1 years for females.
New research by @MareeCrabbe, @MichaelGLFlood, and @Kelsey_L_Adams @QUT, drawing on data from @OurWatchAus
Conversation article:
Journal article: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1326020024000104?via…
Engaging Fathers in Building a Non-violent Future
This new white paper by Professor Michael Flood explores fathers' roles in violence prevention. It was launched at the inaugural Fathering Summit on March 14 2024 in Sydney, hosted by the Fathering Project.
[Plus graphic, Flood, Engaging Fathers in Building a Non-violent Future 2024 – Cover]
How tech became the next frontier in domestic violence
The fastest growing form of abuse in Australia is the cyberstalking and control of current and former partners using technology, including tracking devices in toys. By Anne Summers.
The impulse to doubt female pain: In medicine and elsewhere, women are trusted less than men, more likely to have their reports of pain discounted, and less likely to be prescribed painkillers.
This includes ignoring women's reports of abuse. The article focuses on the example of multiple women’s reports of sexual abuse by a male sports therapist (Larry Nassar) being ignored, before his extensive record of abuse finally was addressed.
An overwhelming majority of elite sportswomen (nine in 10) have experienced some form of gendered online harm, including 87 per cent in the past year. New research from Deakin University.
https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-03-20/online-harm-of-women-in-sport-deakin-university-research/103588738 @Kate_ohalloran
Pornography is a powerful sexual socialiser for young people
A useful overview on the negative impacts of exposure to porn (with links to the research), and on strategies to limit pornography’s harms among children and youth.
By Professor Michael Flood
New report urges major changes in workplace conditions for pregnant women
‘Keep a close eye on your partner’: The industry selling spyware to jealous and controlling spouses
The toxic teenage cult of Andrew Tate: Teachers reveal how teenage boys are abusing their mums for having jobs, refusing to be taught by female teachers and spouting homophobia after being brainwashed by misogynistic influencer
Also see this XY collection on Andrew Tate, including summary notes and links to other commentaries: https://xyonline.net/content/andrew-tate-and-other-male-supremacist-inf…
‘Shockingly high’: DV organisations call for urgent change as ‘horror’ year continues
Already 18 women have been killed this year in Australia. Leaders in the domestic violence space are saying enough is enough.
The State of American Men report is a call for compassion for men and a call to all of us to build and support healthy, connected versions of manhood for the good of all.
Free report, here: https://www.equimundo.org/resources/state-of-american-men/
Men can help reduce workplace gender inequalities.
Listen to women. Educate yourself about gender bias and discrimination. Notice sexism. In meetings, make sure women have equal space to speak. Actively mentor and sponsor women. Etc.
Men's roles: https://xyonline.net/content/mens-positive-roles-allies-gender-equity-s…
There’s no such thing as lesbian porn
'Girl on girl' videos are made for men. By Julie Bindel @bindelj
Social media continues to censor women’s health posts as pornography – and it may cause serious harm
What’s Your Little One Made Of?
Creating a new generation of male allies for girls in sport. A new campaign by Women in Sport (UK). #WhatsYourLittleOneMadeOf
Artist Exposes Societal Double Standards In Illustration Series “Imagine A World Like This”
[Plus graphics, You need to cover up; Looking good sweetheart]
Dad Culture Has Nothing to Do With Parenting
Modern fathers are more involved in their children’s lives than ever. Jokes about “dad bods” and “dad rock” haven’t caught up to that reality.
By Saul Austerlitz
What ‘Barbie’ Can Teach Working-Class Men
The movie didn’t have a great night at the Oscars, but Ryan Gosling’s Ken shows how men can find meaning as the economy shifts beneath their feet.
33 Ways to Address the Backlash Against Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)
Compiled by Catalyst (USA), February 2024
Parental leave: offer dads proper benefits and they will take time off to care for their children
By Professor Irina Fernández Lozano
How does social media influence gender norms among adolescent boys? A review of evidence
This report reviews available evidence on the effects of social media on gender norms and ideals for male behaviour (masculinities) among adolescent boys.
https://www.alignplatform.org/sites/default/files/2024-03/align-socialmedia-report-feb24-proof04.pdf [Plus graphic, Koester, How does social media influence gender norms among adolescent boys 2024 – Cover]
Hey, guys, wanna know how to diaper a baby or make a ponytail? Try the School for Men
On an innovative program for men to learn how to tend to their families and homes by sharing the housework and childcare, in Bogotá’s Care School for Men, Colombia.
#PODCAST @michellegrattan is joined by @QUT professor @MichaelGLFlood to discuss the harassment against women in boys only schools and what leads some men and boys to mistreat women.
The Importance of Challenging Hegemonic Masculinity in Preventing School Violence
“the production and perpetuation of hegemonic/dominant masculinity plays a pivotal role in various forms of aggression and violence in schools.”
Full journal article: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/cxrmice3yhh590jt6u9pn/Dragowski-The-Impo…
“mediating school violence requires recognition, deconstruction, and resistance to the social norms surrounding veneration of hegemonic masculinity.”
There has been significant attention to school violence in the past two decades. But most efforts neglect the interconnectedness of masculinity and violence.
However, “the normative notion of dominant masculinity plays a pivotal and inextricable role in school violence”
“Contemporary research on violence in schools shows that gender-based, sexualized aggression continues to serve as a technique of normalization, which maintains hierarchies within masculinities, and which helps to consolidate heterosexual identities beginning at an early age” (3)
Against girls: “Subordination and sexual harassment of girls, therefore, often becomes integral and legitimate means through which boys can express and confirm their position within the (heterosexual) masculine hierarchies and to adhere to the ethos of toughness and dominance”
“When girls are harassed, it is very often because they are girls; when boys are harassed, it is not because they are boys but [because] they are the wrong sort of boys.” (4)
Violence among boys: Boys’ violence against other boys often is an expresssion of dominant constructions of masculinity and of hierarchies among boys. In which boys try to prove themselves, including as a defence against the shame of not measuring up (5).
“Because dominant masculinity is defined, in a large part, in contrast to and in denigration of femininity […] boys who are perceived to embody feminine characteristics tend to be subordinated and ostracized” (5)
Hegemonic masculinity is connected with heterosexuality, and subordinated femininity is connected with denigrated femininity. Generating homophobic policing and violence.
Violence in schools, e.g. school shootings, is often “perpetrated by those who want to maintain their masculine dominance, as well as by those boys who are shamed because of their so-called failed masculinities” (5).
How hegemonic masculinity ideals oppress and hurt boys: “Hegemonic domination is difficult to achieve and maintain. […] boys have to actively and repeatedly prove their masculinity while living in constant dread of becoming subordinated and used to prove..."
"... used to prove other dominant boys’ manliness […] In an effort to prove their masculinity, teenage boys tend to avoid displays of pain, mock such displays in others, and deride expressions of hurt, worry, and care"
Boys are not emotionally illiterate. The research shows that boys have relational skills, recognise their friends’ affective states, and “yearn for friendships within which they can share their thoughts, feelings, and secrets” (5).
But as they move from middle childhood to adolescence, boys “increasingly internalized the rules of idealized, dominant masculinity, and equated emotional vulnerability, connectedness, and empathy with being ‘‘girlish’’ and ‘‘gay”” (6-7).
So… It’s critical to challenge dominant masculinities, and foster boys’ and young men’s resistance to them, as a means of violence prevention.
Full paper: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/cxrmice3yhh590jt6u9pn/Dragowski-The-Impo…
Building a more equitable future of work for women: opportunities for government action
Excellent account of gender inequalities in paid work, what drives them, and the ways that state governments can address them.
‘Are we dating the same guy?’ These women-run groups are accused of being toxic, but they carry a feminist legacy
https://theconversation.com/are-we-dating-the-same-guy-these-women-run-… via @ConversationEDU
Much of the world has been designed for a one-size-fits-all Reference Man: a caucasian man aged 25-30. That means that lots of things don’t fit women and others who are different from him.
YouTube video, 2:35min, by the Victorian Government. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HSIolFiHiE
Mainstream accounts of fathering often mistakenly (1) assume that fathers make unique and indispensable contributions to parenting, and (2) offer individualised explanations of the social problems attributed to “fatherlessness”.
Paper: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/xgolmywwqprhbjb7gfkak/Randles-Role-Modeling-Responsibility-2020.pdf?rlkey=se8b45b7dzhqcucdtan13f9e6&dl=0 [Plus graphic, Randles, Role Modeling Responsibility 2020 – Abstract]
Why Canadian dads are more involved in raising their kids than American fathers
Because of four types of social policies in Canada that help fathers be more engaged at home.
Gender norms and masculinity in the US and Canada: I'm reading a fascinating comparison of the 2 countries. The US has a more conservative gender culture, with more rigid norms of masculinity and greater reinforcement of traditional family gender roles. Shaping men's parenting. [Plus graphics, Shafer x 2]
How positive male role models are detoxifying the social media ‘manosphere’
Influencers advocating for mental health, self-love and parenting are reclaiming the space from Andrew Tate and his ilk
Start-up sector ‘a breeding ground’ for inappropriate behaviour
Venture capital investor Elaine Stead is spearheading a new resource for tackling sexist harassment and discrimination in Australia’s start-up sector.
The ‘irresponsible’ Glebe squatters who started a women’s movement
On the founding of Australia’s first women’s refuge for victim-survivors of men’s violence, in 1974
Jordyn was told to keep quiet about her sexual assault in the Air Force because it was 'too difficult'
Australia's first peer-based support network for Defence Force sexual assault victim-survivors seeks to combat isolation
The women fighting to make women and girls safe in the digital age
For women, girls, and marginalised people, the digital era opened up new opportunities for harm and abuse.
https://mashable.com/article/women-girls-safety-digital-age @NotYourPorn @leejoanm @seyiakiwowo @GlitchUK_ @ChaynHQ @herahussain
Reply Guys: A handy taxonomy of 9 types of ‘reply guy’, with a short description of this type of Twitter mansplainer, the problem, and what he should do instead. First written by Shrew and Scott Barolo.
Scroll down for the 9 types, here:
https://bardoloi.com/blog/2018/09/12/the-9-reply-guys/ [Plus graphic, Vishal, 9ReplyGuys - The 9 types of Reply Guy.jpg]
How To Raise Boys Who Aren't Afraid To Be Vulnerable
Whatever Jason and Travis Kelce's parents "did to help their sons become emotionally available needs to be studied," as one viral tweet put it.
Also see this wide-ranging collection on raising gender-equitable, non-violent sons, on the profeminist website XY: https://xyonline.net/content/raising-feminist-sons-xy-collection
Happy International Women’s Day! As a man I say: Here’s to strong feminist girls and women. May we know them. May we raise them. May we support them. May we join in advocacy with them.
(For more on IWD, see
GWH toolkit: https://gwhealth.asn.au/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/GWH-IWD-Toolkit-2024…
As the Beaumaris Inquiry findings are delivered, survivors cling to the hope of a statewide investigation
With the release of a report into historical sexual abuse at a Melbourne primary school, there is hope that it could kickstart a wider reckoning.
Cranbrook School headmaster resigns following new revelations about teacher and their former student
The headmaster of the private Sydney boys' school, about to go co-ed, supported a teacher who sent sexually explicit messages to a former female student.
Police have a problem with domestic violence in their ranks. What will it take to fix it? Recent shocking murders should be a wake-up call to police forces that for too long have failed to take action against officers who commit DV.
Cars that are 71% less safe for women than men. Voice-recognition tech that is 70% less likely to accurately understand women than men. Medication that doesn’t work when a woman is on her period…
Perez on the impact of using male-centric data & standards
No equality for working women in any country in the world, study reveals
Global gender gap is far bigger than previously thought, as annual World Bank report takes childcare and safety issues into account for first time
Some recent feminist books emphasise the need to help men, as if feminism has failed to acknowledge that patriarchy hurts men too. But there have always been feminists expressing concern for men’s lives, including their physical and emotional wellbeing
What’s more, it is not good enough merely to challenge emotional restrictions on men but not patriarchal power. And it is problematic to assume that it must only be women who will fix men, not men themselves.
Some contemporary populist feminist writers, such as Caitlin Moran, see men more as victims than agents. “Men are granted no dignity, no capacity to change on their own terms," writes Victoria Smith @glosswitch
Second-wave feminist Adrienne Rich criticised the dynamic in which men are infantilised and women must mother them. This kind of approach also is dangerous for women, in placing responsibility on women for ‘fixing’ abusive men.
“In her 1979 essay Man Child, Audre Lorde described the importance of “teaching my son that I do not exist to do his feeling for him”. “Men who are afraid to feel,” she wrote, “must keep women around to do their feeling for them while dismissing us for the same..."
“Men who are afraid to feel,” she wrote, “must keep women around to do their feeling for them while dismissing us for the same supposedly ‘inferior’ capacity to feel deeply.” We can hardly eradicate this toxic maternal dynamic by replicating it.”
What do schools need to do to have a good culture and healthy approach to gender?
https://theconversation.com/what-do-schools-need-to-do-to-have-a-good-c… via @ConversationEDU
Gender inequities and men's domination: I'm reading Perez's book "Invisible Women". It opens with a compelling account of how so much of society is dominated by men: TV and film, news media, statues, school textbooks, gaming, etc. And how male experiences are treated as the norm [Plus graphics, Perez…]
Intimate partner violence in low-income and middle-income countries: Here is a new analysis of population-based surveys among 359,479 women in 53 countries.
See https://www.thelancet.com/journals/langlo/article/PIIS2214-109X(23)0041…
This analysis finds that:
-- 37.2% of women have experienced at least one type of intimate partner violence (IPV) in the last 12 months. 29.6% had experienced physical IPV. 25% had experienced psychological IPV. 6.1% had experienced sexual IPV.
-- There is significant heterogeneity across countries in rates of IPV.
-- Rates of IPV are declining overall, with an average annual rate of change of –0.2%. Physical IPV shows an average annual rate of change of –1.1%. Sexual IPV shows an average annual rate of change of –1.9%
But psychological IPV has increased over the past two decades, with an average annual rate of change of 2.3%.
-- Women’s empowerment at both the country level and individual level is associated with intimate partner violence. That is...
At the country level: in countries with the highest levels of gender inequality, women had higher risks of all forms of IPV victimisation.
At the individual level: women with higher levels of empowerment had lower risks of IPV.
See: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/langlo/article/PIIS2214-109X(23)0041…
The IVF Backlash Shows Almost No One Believes an Embryo Is a Person
https://jill.substack.com/p/the-ivf-backlash-shows-almost-no @JillFilipovic
Annie was harassed at work. Her story was kept secret for years
Collecting data on people’s perpetration of domestic, family, and sexual violence: A series of recent Australian studies demonstrate that it is perfectly feasible to collect data on people’s self-reported use of violence.
1) In the recent Man Box survey, 28% of young men aged 18-30 reported having perpetrated at least one form of physical or sexual violence against an intimate partner: https://jss.org.au/programs/research/the-man-box/
2) The University of New South Wales, in collaboration with others, recently released findings on the extent of child sexual offending behaviours and attitudes among Australian men: https://www.humanrights.unsw.edu.au/sites/default/files/documents/Ident…
3) A large-scale study, including an Australian sample, found that 1 in 5 men (22.3%) and 1 in 8 women (13.1%) reported having engaged in one or more image-based perpetration behaviours: https://research.monash.edu/en/publications/image-based-sexual-abuse-an…
There is a substantial body of international research among perpetrators of DFSV, both quantitative and qualitative, with rich insights about the dynamics and drivers of violence perpetration, as we summarise in this (free) ‘state of knowledge’ report: https://research.qut.edu.au/centre-for-justice/wp-content/uploads/sites…
Yes, there are challenges in collecting data on people’s use of violence. And these are no more severe than the challenges in collecting data on people’s subjection to violence.
Self-report data on the use of violence can be collected feasibly and ethically.
As we conclude, "It is time to reframe the problems of domestic, family, and sexual violence to make the perpetrators more visible and more accountable. It is time to know much more about the extent and character of people’s use of violence and about the social conditions that.."
"It is time to know much more about the extent and character of people’s use of violence and about the social conditions that make this more or less likely. And it is time to use this knowledge to guide efforts to prevent and reduce domestic, family, and sexual violence” (p6)
Female teachers given fluffy handcuffs, blackmailed and bullied at one of Australia's most exclusive boys' schools
As one of the most exclusive boys' schools prepares to go co-ed, women who worked there warn its culture is toxic and needs to change.
Violence against women in Australia: Some forms of VAW have declined in Australia, with rates lower in 2021 than 2016.
-- Overall rates of intimate partner homicide have declined.
-- Rates of partner violence, including both physical and sexual violence by partners, have declined.
-- Rates of sexual harassment also have declined.
But, sexual assault rates have *not* declined. The 12-month rate shows no change in sexual assault or threatened sexual assault
Meanwhile, community understanding and rejection of VAW has increased over the past 12 years, from data in the National Community Attitudes Survey (NCAS). Although there are still significant, and even worsening, problems with community attitudes.
See https://www.ncas.au/
“It will continue to take a coordinated and evidence-based set of actions across our whole community to address, and ultimately prevent, violence against women in Australia."
The vasectomy boom: After Dobbs, younger men are stepping up
Planned Parenthood clinics in some states are providing vasectomies — and plenty of younger men want them
What a Second Trump Term Will Bring
The ban on IVF in Alabama is just the beginning if Trump wins again.
By Jill Filipovic @JillFilipovic
Men the cause and solution for the worst pandemic in Australia
Men must call each other out when they see disrespect, because the behaviour we walk past is the behaviour we accept, writes Keith Tracey-Patte.
https://xyonline.net/content/men-cause-and-solution-worst-pandemic-australia @KTeePee @Challenge_DV
Grooming for Violence: Similarities Between Radicalisation and Grooming Processes in Gaming Spaces
What are the warning signs that my sexual behavior may be harmful?
A resource for young people, providing them with information to help them determine when their behaviours cross boundaries.
I’m excited to be speaking at @thefatheringproject Fathering Summit in Sydney on 14 March!
Join me as we discuss issues facing fathers and work towards creating positive change to contribute to better child wellbeing outcomes
Tickets: https://thefatheringproject.org/the-fathering-summit-2024/
Street harassment: A missing piece in measuring women’s public safety
By Chloe Keel
Men's hostile sexist attitudes predicts scepticism about sexual assault scholarship
In a US study, men with more hostile sexist attitudes were more likely to reject information and statistics about sexual assault.
[Plus graphic, Betz, Men's Hostile Sexism Predicts Skepticism of Sexual Assault Science 2023 - Abstract]
5 ways to shore up boys’ social skills
CNN Health, January 2024
Community Matters: How We’re Coming Together to Engage Men & Boys in Gender Justice
Great initiative from Next Gen Men (Canada), building communities of people involved in this work. Let's do something similar in Australia...
https://www.nextgenmen.ca/blog/community-matters-how-were-coming-togeth… @NextGenMen
Tweets in February 2024
Can Parents Prevent Their Sons From Sliding to the Right?
By Kathryn Jezer-Morton, a columnist for the Cut covering modern family life.
How Americans Became Convinced Divorce Is Bad for Kids
By Gail Cornwall and Scott Coltrane
My torment as a gamer girl: Women's worst fears are playing out in pixels
In a world where players can do almost exactly as they want, why do men keep choosing to rape?
‘I think you need to see this’: Celebrities are not the only victims of deepfake porn
Child predators are targeting Australian parents on dating apps, survey finds
Child predators are targeting parents on dating apps, with a survey finding 1 in 8 Australian users have received a request to facilitate child sexual exploitation or abuse.
An Insane Missouri Law Prevents Pregnant Women From Getting Divorced—Even If They’re Victims of Domestic Violence
Labour to help schools develop male influencers to combat Tate misogyny
Shadow education secretary says party would help schools train role models as ‘powerful counterbalance’.
Violence prevention can transform Canadian hockey culture — but only if implemented properly
How Driver’s Ed Can Inspire the Way We Teach Consent to Middle School Boys
https://www.nextgenmen.ca/blog/how-to-teach-consent-to-middle-school-bo… @NextGenMen
Which big employers have the largest and smallest gender pay gaps? New data reveals all
Anti-abortion extremists in the US are waging a holy war against women
Republicans aren’t content with just forcing women to give birth, they are intent on controlling all facets of reproductive healthcare, as we’re seeing in Alabama.
More 'nudifying apps' that use AI to create explicit images of children coming online, research shows
Ethan Coen's solo feature debut is a hilarious, sexy, lesbian road movie
Margaret Qualley and Australian actor Geraldine Viswanathan star in Drive-Away Dolls as two queer women who are caught up with criminals after finding a strange suitcase in their boot
Educating boys and young men for violence prevention: What does effective practice look like?
For a summary of key elements of effective practice, see http://xyonline.net/content/best-practice-consent-education#Effectivepr…
For detailed discussion of each, see Chapter 6 in this book, FREE in PDF: https://xyonline.net/content/new-book-engaging-men-and-boys-violence-prevention [Plus graphic, Flood, Engaging Men and Boys in Violence Prevention 2019 - Chapter 6 start]
“What Can I Even Say Without Having to Go to Jail?”
The end of Roe has hamstrung advocates for pregnant victims of domestic and sexual violence.
Two-thirds of women get harassed while running, England survey finds
University of Manchester study says abuse by men and boys is ‘everyday occurrence’ – with only 5% of cases reported to police
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/22/two-thirds-of-women-get-h… @carolinemiles01
Men who want to increase women runners’ safety:
Don’t assault or harass women.
Give women space on the paths.
Avoid derogatory or sexual comments.
Intervene in other men’s sexist and sleazy comments and behaviour.
Support women’s rights to take up public space safely & freely
“What Can I Even Say Without Having to Go to Jail?”
The end of Roe has hamstrung advocates for pregnant victims of domestic and sexual violence.
Indigenous fathers help build stronger communities. Here’s how we can better support them
'Healing takes a long time': Faith leaders behind program to end domestic violence
Faith leaders and culturally and linguistically diverse communities are at the centre of a new violence prevention training program.
National plan to reduce sexual violence at universities to be implemented
State, territory and federal education ministers have agreed to a national action plan to tackle sexual assault on university campuses.
Research highlights link between school shootings and violence against women
A new study of 59 male school shooters over the past 50 years found that 70% had perpetrated violence against women (VAW), either before or during their attacks.
Taunts, bullying… then groping: how sexual assaults are increasing in schools
Parenting Programmes to Reduce Violence against Children and Women: Three useful briefs from the Prevention Collaborative
How Feminist Foreign Policies Work to Enhance Gender Justice
By Kathryn A. Sikkink & Helen Clapp, Georgetown Journal of International Affairs (GJIA)
Let’s Talk Campus Bystander Resources
This GUIDE offers information and basic tools for college students about when and how to talk with a peer when concerned about their sexual behaviour towards others.
How the Taylor Swift effect is changing sports fandom
As Taylor Swift takes over Australia, her presence in the NFL has brought more girls and women into the game, but it hasn't changed the harsh reality of the culture in many men's professional sports.
Gen Z boys’ attitudes to feminism are more nuanced than negative
By Emily Setty and Jonny Hunt https://theconversation.com/gen-z-boys-attitudes-to-feminism-are-more-n…
The "Sound" campaign encourages men aged 18-34 in Wales to learn about gender-based violence, in three distinct ways: Sound It Out. Sound Advice. Be Sound As.
See https://www.gov.wales/sound
Rod Wave helps reshape the way society and the Black community see masculinity
The rapper challenges generations of toxic masculinity one lyric at a time.
‘Everything is hairless’: what 100 women taught me about porn and body confidence How is pornography changing women’s perception of what is normal, acceptable and beautiful? I interviewed them to find out By Fiona Vera-Gray
The 19 'Man Box' rules and how they're contributing to domestic violence.
By Nicole Madigan, Women's Agenda
The orgasm gap and why women climax less than men
(Hint: It’s for social and cultural reasons, not biological ones.)
By Emeritus Professor Laurie Mintz
No country for old men?
As a Trump vs Biden rematch looms, the US prepares for a second term with an octogenarian in the Oval Office. Jill Filipovic notes the disproportionate focus on Biden's age and neglect of Trump's age.
https://www.newstatesman.com/comment/2024/02/age-presidency-trump-biden @JillFilipovic
Why Men’s Relationships Benefit from Feminism
Patriarchal models for relationships actually harm everyone—men included—and feminist principles provide us with a path to healthier, more fulfilling relationships
By Veronika Ilich, Next Gen Men
Also see this piece on the men's issues website XY, documenting that feminist identities and attitudes are good for women, and men:
‘Fear, shame, hopelessness’: how young men are blackmailed online
‘Sextortion’ of young people in Scotland has risen sharply and boys and young men are most at risk
Australia’s All-Boys Schools Need to Stamp Out Toxic Masculinity
We need a fresh take on education for young men — including the many who go on to hold positions of power in government and business.
By Andreea Papuc
Rethinking masculinity: Teaching men how to love and be loved
We need to speak more about how to become the kind of man who can openly show love for others while accepting love from those who care.
By Jamie Paris
How a simple offer to chat if she needed helped Chloe disclose violence in the home
Disclosing abuse can be incredibly difficult. But there are ways we can help those in our lives feel safer to share.
Will Men Organize to End Gun Violence?
By Rob Okun
https://msmagazine.com/2024/02/13/parkland-anniversary-gun-control-men-… @MsMagazine
How to Talk to Kids About Sex and Consent
When it comes to sex, setting boundaries and respecting them are both important
By Rae Jacobson, Child Mind Institute (USA)
Teens and Romantic Relationships
Some DOs and DON'Ts to share with your teens
By Rachel Ehmke, Child Mind Institute (USA)
Nearly half of young men don't know where the clitoris is - and think most women can easily orgasm from intercourse, study suggests
https://mol.im/a/13079437 via https://dailym.ai/android
The phrase “believe women”: It does not mean beginning with an assumption of the alleged perpetrator’s guilt. Instead, “it means that the claims of women should be investigated, interrogated, taken seriously. It means we should not begin with the premise, or posture, of disbelief.” https://www.smh.com.au/national/if-nothing-can-keep-women-safe-perhaps-our-raw-rage-will-20231103-p5ehea.html
‘Jokes’ about violence against women: “Blatant displays of misogyny, such as “jokes” about sexual abuse and degradation of women, are never “harmless banter”.” Such ‘jokes’, and the attitudes they represent, feed into actual male violence.
https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2023/9/21/russell-brand-never-hid-hi… @bindelj
“Liberal feminism’s embrace of abuse, objectification and misogyny as a feminist “choice” has had a disastrous effect on men’s accountability. It created the space for Brand to joke about harming women without any pushback. It helped many more men to abuse and degrade women".
“Misogyny is not funny or fun. Men who constantly “joke” about sexually assaulting and degrading women are not talented comedians but threats to women’s safety," writes Julie Bindel.
Bindel is right. The research finds that:
(1) There is a link between making sexist jokes, sexist and violence-supportive attitudes, and willingness to use violence against women.
(2) Sexist jokes reinforce and worsen gender inequalities.
4/5 [Plus graphic, Ashley Fairbanks, Pyramid sexist joke]
(3) Exposure to sexist and rape jokes increases men’s support for violence against women.
4) Humour can have positive or negative effects.
5) There are effective ways to challenge sexist and rape jokes.
See https://xyonline.net/content/sexist-humour-and-rape-jokes-five-key-poin…
Give Your Kids Their Mother's Last Name
Patrilineal naming conventions have dominated the US for generations. It's time for a change.
(I did this. My kids have their mother’s surname, and my name as one of their middle names.)
https://jill.substack.com/p/give-your-kids-their-mothers-last @JillFilipovic
Most heterosexual couples give their children the father’s last name. Even though many fathers are absent or largely uninvolved and women do most of the childrearing.
Even among couples that reject patrilineal naming conventions, few give the child its mother’s last name.
“a naming convention that erases a woman’s name when she marries, and passes on fathers’ names down through the generations, is a patriarchal and misogynist one”
The practice of always giving children their fathers’ surnames “reveals a stubborn sexism to heterosexual partnership and, perhaps even worse, a deep romanticization of the idea that a woman’s identity folds into that of her husband when they marry”.
It “says something awfully troubling about how much we respect motherhood, and how much we presume male authority over a household and children.”
In short, how we name ourselves and our children matters.
https://jill.substack.com/p/give-your-kids-their-mothers-last @JillFilipovic
"Believe women”: It does not mean beginning with an assumption of guilt. Instead, “it means that the claims of women should be investigated, interrogated, taken seriously. It means we should not begin with the premise, or posture, of disbelief.”
Position available: Director, The Men's Project
You will be responsible for leading a team of professionals working to support men and boys to live flourishing lives free from violence and other harmful behaviours.
Closes on Feb. 16 (!)
Mieko Kawakami on how men can make the world better for women
Fathers must confront their unconscious assumptions, says the Japanese writer
Do feminists have better sex? Yes, they do
Feminist women have sex just as often as non-feminists, and in fact, report their sex is more cuddly, loving and pleasurable — some might say better — than among those who are not feminists.
By Professor Fetner
More widely, there is plenty of evidence that having feminist beliefs or a feminist identity has a range of positive benefits, for women *and* men. See https://xyonline.net/content/feminism-good-women-response-some-common-m…
‘I do regret that’: Former Prime Minister Scott Morrison admits clumsy handling of women’s issues
Have you heard of the 'Man Box'? Here’s why it can be harmful
The 'Man Box' concept is made up of 19 rules that characterise stereotypical ideals related to masculinity.
https://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/have-you-heard-of-the-man-box-heres… @JesuitSocialSer #TheManBox
See my speech summarising the latest Man Box data in Australia here: https://xyonline.net/content/patriarchal-masculinity-australia-what-man…
Download the Man Box report and fact sheets here: https://jss.org.au/programs/research/the-man-box/
With girls getting their periods as young as eight, do we need to talk about menstruation in schools sooner?
U.S. Women Have Become More Liberal; Men Mostly Stable - Gallup poll data
Increased liberalism since the 1990s has occurred much more strongly among women of certain age groups, while men’s views have been steadier.
Taylor Swift Is a Threat to the Right—and So Is Travis Kelce
When traditionally successful men like Kelce support liberal causes and candidates, they help to provide a “permission structure” for young men to vote for Democrats.
By Jackson Katz
Men’s positive roles as allies for gender equity in science
Blog entry on how men can contribute to positive changes in gender inequalities in science and science communication.
In English and Spanish. By Professor Michael Flood
https://comunicacioncientifica.fecyt.es/actualidad/mens-positive-roles-… @SciComm_ES
Australia's Prime Minister says, "violence against women is not a problem that women should have to solve.
Men have to be prepared to take responsibility for our actions and our attitudes.
To educate our sons, to talk to our mates.
To drive real change.."
Whether of politicians, pop stars or teenage girls, sexualised deepfakes are on the rise. They hold a mirror to our sexist world
@Dr_AnastasiaP @AsherFlynn @DrAsiaEaton
The price of porn: Is pornography hacking our sexual desires?
By Josephine Bartosch
https://thecritic.co.uk/the-price-of-porn-2 @jo_bartosch
How does social media influence gender norms among adolescent boys? Key evidence and policy implications
New briefing by ALIGN.
@sdiep @ODI_Global @ALIGN_Gender
Men Alone Cannot Build a Durable Peace in the Middle East
Israeli and Palestinian women’s organizations have a rich history of political engagement.
Foreign Policy, February 2024
A reframing of masculinity, rooted in empathy
Gary Barker's Ted Talk urges us to turn away from harmful ideas about masculinity and instead foster a culture of care, compassion and connection among men.
October 2023
https://www.ted.com/talks/gary_barker_a_reframing_of_masculinity_rooted… @MenEngage @equimundo_org
Also see the collection of videos – on men and masculinities, violence prevention, bystander intervention, consent, and so on – on the pro-feminist website XY, here: https://xyonline.net/content/videos-men-and-masculinities-sexualities-violence-prevention-etc
[Plus graphic, XY videos screenshot]
Anyone could be a victim of ‘deepfakes’. But there’s a reason Taylor Swift is a target
Deepfake porn is a potent new weapon for harassment – and it’s not a coincidence Swift has become its most prominent victim.
By Jill Filipovic
https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/jan/31/taylor-swift-ai-p… @JillFilipovic
Stop blaming male alienation on female liberation
Men Yell At Me blog
Rigid ideals related to masculinity drive violence, hostility towards women, sexual harassment, and men’s own poor mental health, new research reveals
Australian men who most strongly endorse rigid attitudes related to masculinity are more likely to have used violence, sexually abused their partner, sexually harassed women, experienced poor mental health, and displayed problematic gambling behaviours
Patriarchal masculinity in Australia: What the Man Box research tells us has changed or not I was honoured to speak at the launch of The Man Box 2024, the latest research on masculinities in Oz. See it here: https://jss.org.au/programs/research/the-man-box/
See my speech here: https://xyonline.net/content/patriarchal-masculinity-australia-what-man-box-research-tells-us-has-changed-or-not
Sweden: Where it's taboo for dads to skip parental leave
It's been 50 years since Sweden introduced state-funded parental leave, designed for couples to share. The pioneering policy offers some surprising lessons for other countries.
Suffering in silence: Men’s and boys’ mental health is still overlooked in sport
https://theconversation.com/suffering-in-silence-mens-and-boys-mental-health-are-still-overlooked-in-sport-221969 via @ConversationCA @DrMichaelKehler
‘Looksmaxxing’ is the disturbing TikTok trend turning young men into incels
How can we address both violence against children and intimate partner violence through a feminist lens?
@RaisingVoices’ study examines the cyclical and patriarchal dynamics of violence in the family. Read here:
Women are lurching to the left. Why aren’t men following them?
By Jacqueline Maley
What we can learn from Danish masculinity
In Denmark, it is much more acceptable than in the US or UK for men to show vulnerability, caring, and empathy.
Danish men define manhood in opposition to boyhood, not womanhood. https://theconversation.com/what-americans-can-learn-from-danish-mascul…
Rigid ideals related to masculinity drive violence, hostility towards women, sexual harassment, and men’s own poor mental health, new research reveals
Findings from a study among 3,500 men in Australia aged 18 to 45
https://jss.org.au/programs/research/the-man-box/ #TheManBox @JesuitSocialSer
The government has announced the scope of its sexual violence inquiry. Here’s what it gets right (and what it doesn’t)
https://theconversation.com/the-government-has-announced-the-scope-of-its-sexual-violence-inquiry-heres-what-it-gets-right-and-what-it-doesnt-221733 via @ConversationEDU
Transforming gender norms for women’s economic rights and empowerment
New flagship research by @ALIGN_Gender outlines the evidence on overcoming economic inequalities by shifting #gendernorms.
Building caring societies: how states can shift the gendered norms of care
This brief outlines what government policy can do to foster more gender-equal norms relating to care.
https://www.alignplatform.org/resources/building-caring-societies-how-s… @ALIGN_Gender
Commonwealth Consent Policy Framework: New framework by the Australian Government on speaking to young people about consent.
Provides practical advice on how to communicate with young people about healthy sexual relationships and consent.
https://www.dss.gov.au/sexual-consent/the-commonwealth-consent-policy-framework [Plus graphic, Commonwealth Consent Policy Framework SM_v01]
Misogynistic pathways to radicalisation: Recommended measures for platforms to assess and mitigate online gender-based violence
This paper emphasises the value of a gender perspective in responding to terrorist and violent extremist content.
Algorithms as a weapon against women – How YouTube lures boys and young men into the ‘manosphere’
This research (2022) shows how YouTube’s algorithms contribute to promoting misogynistic, anti-feminist and extremist content to Australian boys and young men
A muscle-building obsession in boys: What to know and do
There is overwhelming gender bias in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) – and the review doesn’t address it https://theconversation.com/there-is-overwhelming-gender-bias-in-the-ndis-and-the-review-doesnt-address-it-220042
Masculinity and women's equality: UK report finds emerging gender divide in young people's attitudes
https://phys.org/news/2024-02-masculinity-women-equality-uk-emerging.ht… via @physorg_com @IpsosUK @KingsCollegeLon
Taylor Swift deepfakes: new technologies have long been weaponised against women. The solution involves us all https://theconversation.com/taylor-swift-deepfakes-new-technologies-hav… @n_henry
There are reports some students are making sexual moaning noises at school. Here’s how parents and teachers can respond.
https://theconversation.com/there-are-reports-some-students-are-making-… via @ConversationEDU @HigginsDaryl
Meet the family fighting fires as well as misconceptions around female firefighters
Colleen and her two daughters are part of a growing number of female volunteer firefighters who have signed up.
When Kezia was five years old, her brother began abusing her. Her family and their strict religious community did nothing
The Jehovah's Witnesses are still dealing with child sexual abuse with their own internal investigations and not reporting to police.
Tweets in January 2024
Feminists’ attitudes towards men – Six studies, in the most systematic examination yet of feminists’ actual and perceived attitudes toward men, find that feminists’ attitudes toward men are broadly positive and broadly similar to other people’s attitudes toward men.
[Plus graphic, Hopkins-Doyle, The Misandry Myth - An Inaccurate Stereotype About Feminists’ Attitudes Toward Men 2024 – Abstract]
Feminist and nonfeminist women show similarly positive attitudes toward men.
Feminists’ attitudes toward men are positive in absolute terms and do not differ from nonfeminists’ attitudes.
Feminist women’s attitudes toward men are no more negative than men’s attitudes toward men.
In short, the notion of feminist ‘misandry’ (man-hating) is a myth, a widespread but false belief.
See the journal article here: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/03616843231202708
If anyone can get the US government to take deepfake porn seriously, it’s Swifties
Their collective anger over AI-generated sexually explicit images of Taylor Swift may help spur changes to federal law when it comes to deepfake porn #TaylorSwiftAl
‘The real thing almost didn’t turn me on enough’: how is online porn shaping the sex lives of young men?
Technology-facilitated gender-based violence in an era of generative AI
New UNESCO report highlights how generative AI has amplified existing methods and increased potential avenues for gender-based violence, and explores what can be done.
https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000387483 @UNESCO
[Plus graphic, UNESCO, Technology-facilitated gender-based violence in an era of generative AI 2023 – Cover]
What is gender partnership and how to be an effective gender partner (in workplaces)
Infographic on people assuming mutual accountability for advancing gender equity and inclusion, and working together to advance culture change for everyone's benefit.
[Plus graphic, Catalyst, What is gender partnership and how to be an effective gender partner 2023 – Some]
Flexible Masculinities at Work (Infographic)
There is no single “right” way to be a man, and social environments that encourage flexibility—rather than rigidity—allow men and people of all genders to thrive.
https://www.catalyst.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/catalyst-flexible-m… @CatalystInc
[Plus graphic, Catalyst, Flexible Masculinities at Work (Infographic) Sept 2023 – Some]
How Combative Cultures Prevent Men from Interrupting Sexism (Infographic)
Canadian research on whether and why men feel comfortable challenging sexist behavior if they witness it at work.
https://www.catalyst.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/EN-Canada-Interrupt… @CatalystInc
[Plus graphic, Catalyst, How Combative Cultures Prevent Men from Interrupting Sexism 2020 – Some]
Also see this collection on the pro-feminist men's website XY on men's positive roles in building workplace gender equality: https://xyonline.net/content/men-building-gender-equality-workplace
Building Power in Feminist and Women’s Movements to End Violence against Women and Girls: Learning from Civil Society Organizations funded by the UN Trust Fund
Position available, Men’s Health Ambassador (UK)
Position with the UK government, 1-2 days per month, £350 per day
Applications close on January 31
See https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/65a136be3308d200131fbf3f/mens-health-ambassador-candidate-information-pack.pdf
Violent extremism, intimate partner violence, sexual assault, and sexual harassment: There is evidence of a common psychology of misogyny (the hostility and distrust towards or devaluation of women or girls) underlying these various behaviours among men. 1/2
Misogyny predicts violent extremist intentions, willingness to engage in violence, and increased support for violence on women via revenge planning & hypermasculinity. UK nationally representative study.
@B_RottweilerUCL @CaitlinClemmow @paulgill_ucl
[Plus graphic, Rottweiler, A Common Psychology of Male Violence 2023 – Abstract]
3 Ways Men Can Advance Gender Equity at Work
By Colleen M. Tolan and Lisa S. Kaplowitz, Harvard Business Review
Also see this collection on men's positive roles in building workplace gender equality, on the pro-feminist website XY: https://xyonline.net/content/men-building-gender-equality-workplace
Includes tips, guides, reports, and scholarship.
Donald Trump and the art of cruelty
Unlike his rivals, the former president knows how to make punitive vengeance fun.
By Jill Filipovic
https://www.newstatesman.com/comment/2024/01/donald-trump-art-cruelty @JillFilipovic
Plan Your Power: A Toolkit For Women’s Rights Advocacy Planning With the increasing backlash against women’s human rights and feminist agendas, advocacy for gender equality and women’s rights is more critical than ever. Toolkit to progress women’s rights: https://www.womankind.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/IWDA_WW_Plan-Yo…
[Plus graphic, IWDA, Plan your power toolkit 2023 – Cover]
South Australia is considering the legal status of sex work — it’s imperative that we listen to the experience of survivors
Masculinity and street dance: In light of recent conversations about the link between hypermasculine rhetoric and youth mental health, M_N uses street dance to dissect the complex stigmas that plague emotional and physical expression among young men.
More: https://creativebrimbank.com.au/m-n
Critics of D.E.I. Forget That It Works
On diversity, equity and inclusion efforts, by Caroline Elkins, Frances Frei and Anne Morriss
How the Anti-Abortion Movement Weaponizes Language
Anti-abortion advocates prey on the public’s lack of familiarity with medical terminology and stoke emotional responses in order to demonize abortion care and those who seek and provide it.
https://msmagazine.com/2024/01/19/anti-abortion-language-late-term-abor… @MsMagazine
Trump: A Federal Judge Has Gone to Great Lengths to Make Clear Trump Really Did Rape E. Jean Carroll
Why state-level legal minutiae impacts what words are used to describe the former president’s criminal conduct.
The #MeToo movement, it turns out, was just a fleeting moment
We still live in a world where sexual harassment is an everyday reality for women and girls.
By Julie Bindel @bindelj
Criminalisation of victims of male violence needs to end – everywhere
Blaming, and punishing, women for the abuse they suffered at the hands of men is a global phenomenon.
By Julie Bindel @bindelj
Working Together with Men 2.0 - This new resource builds on the innovative work undertaken at RMIT for engaging men in gender equity and violence prevention allyship. Including a Theory of Change and full evaluation plan focused on men’s accountability.
https://xyonline.net/content/working-together-men-20 [Plus graphic, Hewson-Munro, Working Together with Men 2.0 2023 – Cover]
Fathers’ leave reduces sexist attitudes:
Research finds that exposure to fathers’ leave, a social policy intervention that weakens traditional gender roles, led to a sizeable increase in gender-equitable attitudes among parents.
[Plus graphic, Tavits, Fathers’ Leave Reduces Sexist Attitudes 2023 – Abstract]
As a feminist, what I wish for in 2024 is criminal justice reform
In 2024, I do not want to hear the usual excuse that “rape is almost impossible to convict”.
By Julie Bindel
Medical gaslighting: Women's pain ignored and serious health problems left undiagnosed due to sexist healthcare system
What it really costs women to have a child in Australia
Women’s earnings are reduced by 55 per cent on average during the first five years of parenting their children, while new fathers’ earnings are unaffected. @WomensAgenda
Body image issues are rising in men – research suggests techniques to improve it
By Chris Stiff
https://theconversation.com/body-image-issues-are-rising-in-men-researc… via @ConversationUK
Red carpet looks show that men have finally taken off the straight jacket
By Virginia Trioli
Domestic violence: criminalising coercive control in France could bring more justice to victims
By Evan Stark and Andreea Gruev-Vintila
https://theconversation.com/domestic-violence-criminalising-coercive-co… via @FR_Conversation
Check your ‘fun parts’: what a new sexual health campaign for young Aussies gets right and wrong
By Dr Andrea Waling
https://theconversation.com/check-your-fun-parts-what-a-new-sexual-heal… via @ConversationEDU @DrAndreaWaling
Leaving The Real World: How I Escaped Andrew Tate’s Get Rich Quick ‘Cult’
Karim Mahmoud joined Tate’s 'business academy' expecting to get rich, but found himself stuck in an exploitative grift that nearly derailed his life. He’s now warning others away.
Who perpetrates domestic, family, and sexual violence, and why?
Short article on the State of Knowledge Report on Violence Perpetration, in Insights (Centre for Women’s Safety and Wellbeing, Western Australia), pp. 17-19 of https://cwsw.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/CWSW-Insights-Autumn-2023.pdf
Full report: https://research.qut.edu.au/centre-for-justice/wp-content/uploads/sites/304/2023/01/Who-uses-domestic-family-and-sexual-violence-how-and-why-The-State-of-Knowledge-Report-on-Violence-Perpetration-2023.pdf
Laughing in the Face of Corporate Capture: a Feminist Perspective
https://www.awid.org/news-and-analysis/laughing-face-corporate-capture-… @AWID
Shifting Narratives About Gender in Tanzania: Refining Roles for Men in Reproductive and Maternal Health
This blog highlights how Breakthrough ACTION uses a gender lens to improve reproductive, maternal, newborn, & child health outcomes though engaging men
Nonhormonal Male Contraceptive Development-Strategies for Progress
This article outlines the need for an increased focus on male contraceptive development, explores the perspectives of women and men on male contraceptives, etc.
Gender and interaction: A large body of research tells us that:
-- Women typically get less talking time than men: they speak up less, get called on less, and are interrupted or talked over more.
-- Women who talk as much and as forcefully as men tend to be...
... more negatively evaluated than either men or less talkative women
-- Women’s contributions to a group discussion have less influence than men’s on the group’s decisions
This piece explores if this shapes the interactions on a UK TV show "The Traitors"
Sound it out: Tough questions need sound advice
Am I being too full-on with her?
Why do I get jealous when she goes out?
Am I messaging her too much?
How do I resist the urge to check her DMs?
Welsh campaign aimed at men aged 18-34. See here: https://www.gov.wales/sound
Why are men so lonely?
"Feminists’ suspicion of all-male spaces and male bonding rituals makes sense given their sexist history. But today, these spaces can make men stronger allies of women."
By Jean Guerrero@jeanguerre @latimes
Who is being left out of the domestic violence conversation? Men
"the growing number of men engaging in these conversations offers hope and optimism for a future where such violence is eradicated, and all individuals can live free from fear and abuse"
Mothers are more likely to work worse jobs – while fathers thrive in careers
How some media debates on domestic and family violence blame the victim, exonerate the perpetrator: Mainstream media’s initial reporting on the 2020 murder of Hannah Clarke and her three children served the online “manosphere”, researchers say. @QUT
GLAMOUR's Feminist Manifesto: 11 things women want to see in 2024
From abortion access to climate justice, here's what needs to change.
By Lucy Morgan
31 December 2023
The Digital Misogynoir Report: Ending the dehumanising of Black women on social media:
A report on the widespread prevalence of digital misogynoir, hatred directed at Black women. How it shows up in online spaces, and what we can do to dismantle it.
Exposure to sexual content and problematic sexual behaviors in children and adolescents: This systematic review of 27 studies among 16,200 people finds that there is a significant association between exposure to sexual content and problematic sexual behaviours.
1/4 [Plus graphic, Mori, Exposure to sexual content and problematic sexual behaviors in children and adolescents 2023 – Abstract]
Problematic sexual behaviours involve developmentally inappropriate and potentially harmful sexual behaviors.
This review finds, "children and adolescents exposed to sexually explicit content, including non-violent sexual content as well as violent or live sexual content...
"... are more likely to display PSB relative to children and adolescents not exposed to sexual content. Specifically, children and adolescents exposed to non-violent SEM were over one and half times as likely to engage in PSB than those not exposed..."
"... , and children and adolescents exposed to violent SEM or live content were about two and a half times as likely to engage in PSB than those who were unexposed."
Paper: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0145213423002363…
Facing the backlash: what is fuelling anti-feminist and anti-democratic forces
This ALIGN Framing paper lays out how we understand patriarchal gender norms are fuelling anti-feminist forces and driving authoritarian rollbacks to democracy.
https://www.alignplatform.org/resources/briefing-facing-backlash @ALIGN_Gender
Sexual harassment: When is it not our fault?
Get harassed... it's only banter
Wary of strange men… uptight
Wary of familiar men… paranoid
Friendly with guys… slut
Trusting of guys… stupid
Report… a liar
Don’t report… part of the problem
[Plus graphic: Sexual harassment - when is it not our fault]
Preventing Suicide in Boys and Men: Useful overview chapter by Pirkis et al., in the book “Suicide Risk Assessment and Prevention”
Masculinity – socially constructed gender ideals for boys and men – may be a key contributory factor underpinning males' heightened suicide risk.
[Plus graphic, Pirkis, Preventing Suicide in Boys and Men 2023 - Title page]
Conformity to “dominant” masculine norms like self-reliance is associated with males’ reduced help-seeking in boys and men. If they do seek help, they often find that services are not well matched to their ways of dealing with problems.
[Plus graphic, Pirkis, Preventing Suicide in Boys and Men 2023 – Abstract]
Addressing the problem from both ends – norming help-seeking and engaging boys and men with effective help – is more likely to yield success.
See Pirkis et al.'s chapter (2023), in full text, among the pieces here: https://xyonline.net/content/suicide-among-males-xy-collection
Son preference and gender discrimination:
Studies in 15 societies find consistent evidence of lower-than-expected female survival and rising male-to-female sex ratios.
The phenomenon of ‘missing women’ is still one of the great inequalities of our time.
[Plus graphic, Pennington, The impacts of profound gender discrimination on the survival of girls and women in son-preference countries 2022 – Abstract]
AI girlfriends are here – but there’s a dark side to virtual companions
Creators of these chatbots often tout them as a way to combat loneliness, but they can create unhealthy attachments and affect gender roles.
By Arwa Mahdawi
Precarious manhood beliefs linked to erectile dysfunction, study finds
Men who believe that manhood must be continually earned and can easily be lost are more likely to experience erectile dysfunction.
Stop framing rape victims as daughters and sisters and start framing rapists as brothers and fathers. [Plus graphic, Stop framing rape victims as daughters and sisters and start]
Sexual consent on TV for adolescents: An experimental study finds that young people who are exposed to media portrayals of verbal consent are then more likely to intend to seek verbal consent themselves, via more positive attitudes toward women.
[Plus graphic, Alexopoulos, Sexual Consent on Television - Differing Portrayal Effects on Adolescent Viewers 2023 – Abstract]
Blog: Examining Comprehensive Sexuality Education in Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Response Efforts
Killers and criminals lose the right to control the graves of family members they have harmed
A man who killed his three sons is the first convicted killer or serious criminal to have his rights to control the graves of his children taken away.
The Feminist Handbook: Practical Tools to Resist Sexism and Dismantle the Patriarchy
A practical tool for rejecting the influence that sexism and discrimination have on your potential, your mental health, and your relationships. It looks useful!
[Plus graphic, Bagshaw, The feminist handbook – Cover]
A patriarchal preference for sons over daughters in South Korea meant female foetuses often were aborted over the 1980s to 2010s.
This has led to a gender imbalance with men outnumbering women.
And this has produced bleak marriage prospects for many men.
Men Are Losing Their Friends, and It Could Be Killing Them
There's a core weakness to typical male friendships.
By Loren Soeiro
What is healthy masculinity? Check out these interesting reflections by Voice Male editors and other advocates.
E.g., Johnson argues that the idea is oxymoronic, because what patriarchy takes from both women and men is the fullness of our humanity.
Silicon Valley’s very masculine year
Ravenous, carnivorous, and totally yoked: How men in tech have evolved.
By Zoë Bernard
The History Behind The Rise Of Hyper-Masculinity in Indian Cinema
The violence and anger depicted in films such as RRR, Pushpa, Kabir Singh, and Animal prompt reflects on the appeal of such violently toxic masculine representations in Indian cinema.
Yes, men and boys are in crisis — but traditional masculinity won't help them
We can't cure "toxic" masculinity until we demonstrate what healthy masculinity looks like
By Mary Elizabeth Williams https://www.salon.com/2024/01/06/yes-men-and-boys-are-in--but-tradition…
I’m Andrew Tate’s audience and I know why he appeals to young men
Childless men account for more than a third of adult men in the USA. Over time, a growing share of childless men do not want children and increasingly, a lack of children would not bother them at all.
Study: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/jomf.12874
Masculine norms and drug use: Longitudinal study among Australian young adult men finds that adherence to specific masculine norms (playboy and risk-taking) was associated with hazardous use of alcohol, cannabis, and hard drugs at two-year follow-up.
[Plus graphic, Teese, Prospective associations between traditional masculinity and cannabis, hard drug, and alcohol use in Australian emerging adult men 2023 – Abstract]
The masculine norm of primacy of work decreased risk of both cannabis and hard drug use, but not hazardous alcohol consumption.
Implications: Screening for adherence to traditional masculine norms is useful in working with young men engaging in substance abuse rehabilitation.
[Plus graphic, Teese, Prospective associations between traditional masculinity and cannabis, hard drug, and alcohol use in Australian emerging adult men 2023 – Discussion]
‘Fear, shame, hopelessness’: how young men are blackmailed online
‘Sextortion’ of young people in Scotland has risen sharply and boys and young men are most at risk
Punish, Torture, Kill: The reality of pregnancy in "pro-life" America
By Jill Filipovic @JillFilipovic
Addressing Community Backlash to Male Engagement in Sexual and Reproductive Health and Gender-based Violence Interventions
The blog draws on experiences working with men & boys to promote gender-equitable norms and behaviors in diverse settings & projects.
Feminism, media, culture: For insightful and engaging feminist commentary on these areas, I heartily recommend Deborah Cameron’s work. Follow her blog. Follow her on X @wordspinster. See her roundup of 2023 here: https://debuk.wordpress.com/2023/12/31/2023-forward-to-the-past/
‘We haven’t been taught about sex’: teens talk about how to fix school sex education
By Giselle Woodley @Zosogis
Traditional masculinity ideology: is a dominant cultural script or set of norms / social expectations that shapes the development and maintenance of men’s roles, through processes of social learning, reinforcement, reward and punishment.
Chapter: https://xyonline.net/sites/xyonline.net/files/2023-12/Levant%2C%20The%20gender%20role%20strain%20paradigm%20and%20masculinity%20ideologies%202016.pdf
[Plus graphic, Levant, The gender role strain paradigm and masculinity ideologies 2016 - Title ]
This book chapter in the APA handbook of men and masculinities provides a useful overview.
Men’s endorsement of traditional masculinity ideology is associated with a range of problematic outcomes to do with health, help-seeking, relationships, etc.
See the chapter's useful summary of a wide range of scholarship on the impacts of agreement with traditional masculine beliefs, pp. 33-35.
There is complexity too: these impacts depend on which belief and which outcome. And some beliefs are associated with positive outcomes.
Fathering and sexism: This New Zealand study finds that fathers with more sexist attitudes show less responsive parenting towards both daughters and sons.
(Mothers' sexist attitudes shaped their parenting too.)
Fathers with higher levels of hostile sexism express less warmth, are less engaged with their child, are less sensitive to their child’s needs, and are more intrusive or controlling.
For resources on positive fathering, see the various materials here: https://xyonline.net/category/article-content/fathering
Tweets in December 2023
Tjanimaku Tjukurpa: A book about healing
Developed by senior Aboriginal men, this book is for young men, their families and communities, and for anyone seeking to better understand mental health, trauma and healing.
How the ‘Crazy’ Cat Lady Became One of Pop Culture’s Most Enduring Sexist Tropes
It reflects a deep-rooted fear of feminine power and female autonomy.
Using TikToks to promote adolescent men’s understanding and empathy about sexual violence
Social media communication is a promising way to deliver important health messages about sexual violence to adolescent men.
New study, here: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10964-023-01867-7
In an experiment among males aged 15-19, adolescent men who viewed Tik Toks (short videos) showing first-person stories about sexual violence victimisation had higher knowledge of the consequences of SV and higher perceived severity of SV, compared to a control group.
Chapter on using online media for violence prevention with men and boys, free in PDF: https://xyonline.net/content/engaging-men-online-using-online-media-vio…
Bibliography on social marketing for violence prevention: https://xyonline.net/books/bibliography/27-violence-and-responses-viole…
Bibliography on working with boys and young men: https://xyonline.net/books/bibliography/13-working-boys-and-young-men/g…
Sexual Harassment Training: Why It (Currently) Doesn’t Work and What Can Be Done
Traditional organizational training sessions are ineffective, because:
1. Training is only focused on legal compliance.
2. People expect immediate results after a single training session.
3. Employees hold negative pretraining attitudes.
4. Bystander training does not transfer as well to the workplace.
5. There is no effective measurement to determine if training is working.
What is really needed to end sexual harassment at work is culture and climate change.
Journal article: https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-3-319-89999-2_…
Also see this literature review on best practice in prevention: https://xyonline.net/content/best-practice-prevention-sexual-violence-a…
'Trust has been shattered': Leaked survey reveals ongoing cultural issues at Australian Antarctic Division
On systemic harassment and bullying at Australia's Antarctic stations
Will France ever have its MeToo moment?
"Making excuses for famous men accused of rape creates a culture of impunity, telling women that their allegations against ordinary men are unlikely to be believed."
By Joan Smith @polblonde
Give Your Kids Their Mother's Last Name
Patrilineal naming conventions have dominated the US for generations. It's time for a change.
By Jill Filipovic
(PS. I did. My kids have their mum's surname, and my surname as a middle name. Easy!)
"Our work of love should be to reclaim masculinity and not allow it to be held hostage by patriarchal domination... those of us committed to ending patriarchy can touch the hearts of real men where they live, not by demanding that they give up manhood or maleness, but by..." [Plus graphic, hooks, The will to change - masculinity quote]
Don't panic, men: We're not helpless — and we don't need the right's phony masculinity.
Republicans are exploiting male anxiety — and Josh Hawley's warmed-over Bible snippets offer young men nothing new.
Service providers hope to expand family and domestic violence prevention measures in schools
(An overview piece on respectful relationships education in Australian schools)
Why more men are joining the ranks of therapists: ‘We’re rushing to a place we’re needed’
Several factors including stigma around mental health and years of low-paid work kept men away. But men’s attitude toward the profession seems to be changing
Santa Claus supports young girl who didn't want to sit on his lap
Men and women who hold sexist views are less responsive as parents: new research
By Professor Nickola Overall
We contacted every male federal MP about domestic violence deaths, to ask what is being done in their electorates about a family violence crisis that has seen more than 50 women killed this year. 20 out of 92 responded.
Engaging men in workplaces in building gender equality: The report “Men Make a Difference” offers ten principles for how to do this.
1) Get the foundation right. The key here is partnership – a spirit of partnership between men and women.
[Plus graphic, DCA, Men Make a Difference – Cover]
3) Get the messaging right. It’s hard to get men on board. But there *are* ways to make it more likely that you will inspire men’s involvement and commitment.
4) Engage a diversity of men.
6) Educate about how to lead change effectively.
[Plus graphic, DCA, Men Make a Difference - Strategies 1]
10) Encourage men and women to challenge and change gender-biased organisational policies and practices
Speech on the report here: https://xyonline.net/content/engaging-men-workplaces-building-gender-eq…
Full report and summary here: https://xyonline.net/content/men-make-difference-engaging-men-gender-eq…
[Plus graphic, DCA, Men Make a Difference - Strategies 2]
Fathering Summit 2024
Intended to unite diverse participants, including, researchers, advocates, educators, policymakers, fathers and influencers, all committed to reshaping and redefining modern fatherhood.
Early bird registration closes on January 10
Fear of falling
Why do high earners have a mistaken view of where they sit on the income ladder? (They typically assume they are nowhere near as rich, relatively, as they are.)
Men and Masculinities in a Globalising Viet Nam: A new study of diverse and shifting masculine norms among men in Vietnam, here:
Prevalence of and changes in intimate partner violence against women: Here are five valuable findings from an analysis of population surveys among 359,479 women aged 15-49, in 53 low-income and middle-income countries
1) Over one-third of women (37.2%) experienced at least incident of intimate partner violence (IPV) in the last 12 months before the survey.
29.6% experienced physical IPV, 25% experienced psychological IPV, and 6.1% experienced sexual IPV.
2) There is significant heterogeneity across countries in rates of IPV. In some countries prevalence of IPV was less than 10%. In others, it was over 50%.
3) There has been an overall decline in rates of IPV over 2000-2021. With an average annual rate of change of -0.2%.
4) Women in countries with higher male dominance / worse gender inequality had a higher risk of any type of IPV.
5) Women with lower individual levels of empowerment (measured by social independence, decision-making, and attitudes to violence) had a higher risk of IPV.
Patriarchal gender inequalities – patterns of male dominance – are a consistent predictor of men’s domestic and sexual violence against women. And that’s the finding of a study of over 350,000 women aged 15-49 in 53 low-income and middle-income countries.
This analysis of population surveys in 53 countries finds,
“high gender inequality at country level and low empowered social independence, decision making, and attitude to violence at the individual level were associated with a high prevalence of intimate partner violence.”
Addressing patriarchal gender inequalities and empowering women are key strategies for reducing and preventing men’s violence against women.
For a detailed account of how domestic and sexual violence are driven by gendered inequalities (in structures, norms, and practices), see Our Watch’s excellent “Change the Story” framework, pp. 36-45 of https://media-cdn.ourwatch.org.au/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2021/11/18….
(This graphic is from the 2015 edition.) [Plus graphic, Our Watch, Change The Story - Gendered drivers p. 12]
Violence-supportive attitudes are a consistent predictor of men's and boys' perpetration of domestic, family and sexual violence. Men are more likely to use violence against women and girls if they subscribe to attitudes that condone, minimise, excuse or justify that violence.
This is evident in four recent meta-analyses and systematic analyses of well over 300 studies.
As summarised in the State of Knowledge Report on Violence Perpetration.
The report (80 pp.) is available at full at https://research.qut.edu.au/centre-for-justice/wp-content/uploads/sites… @QUT @theEQI @DLulabele
Peer support is an important influence on men’s sexual violence perpetration. Men are more likely to be sexually aggressive if they have sexually aggressive peers, that is, male friends who themselves tolerate or perpetrate sexual aggression.
That’s the finding of a variety of studies, summarised on pp. 38-39 of the State of Knowledge Report on Violence Perpetration.
The report (80 pp.) is available at full at https://research.qut.edu.au/centre-for-justice/wp-content/uploads/sites… @QUT @theEQI @DLulabele
A third influence on the likelihood of perpetration is settings. In most settings, most men do not use violence against women. But there are higher levels of perpetration in settings (e.g. fraternities, sports clubs, military units) based on sexist norms, gender inequalities, etc
Breaking Down Biases: Men as Allies for Women in Leadership
How men can be part of the solution—and 5 actions organizations can take now.
Also see the XY collection on men’s roles in building gender equality in workplaces, here: https://xyonline.net/content/men-building-gender-equality-workplace. It includes tipsheets, guides, reports, and scholarship.
Why some women ignore sexual discomfort and settle for bad sex
Women aren't just more likely to experience consensual sex that's bad and painful; they are also socialised to prioritise men's pleasure over their own.
The spray umpire Caena, 14, copped from a male spectator almost drove her from the game she loves. She's not alone
Experiences like Ceana's are deterring umpires, especially juniors and women, and that's adding to a shortage of match officials.
The Fantasies of Josh Hawley
The senator’s new book, Manhood, is an exercise in cowardice.
Korea’s low birth rates: Although economic factors are often blamed for low fertility rates, critics have begun to recognise the adverse effect of gender roles, workplace discrimination and trends of violence towards women as important factors.
Decades of Hard-Won Gains for Women Are Unraveling Fast. How Can We Stop It?
By Natalie Samarasinghe, May 15, 2023
https://www.passblue.com/2023/05/15/decades-of-hard-won-gains-for-women… via @pass_blue
Do men shun household chores? Spain is launching an app to find out
How Patriarchy Hurts Men Too
By Veronika Ilich, Next Gen Men
https://www.nextgenmen.ca/blog/why-patriarchy-hurts-men-too @NextGenMen
Ted Lasso, and the Fantasy of Soft Masculinity
A fan-favorite show wraps up a series in which the mostly male characters became more vulnerable, empathetic and comfortable being themselves with other men.
Scientists are on the verge of a male birth-control pill. Will men take it?
A male contraceptive is almost here – and it’ll be another test of whether heterosexual men are actually willing to share the responsibilities of adult life
By Jill Filipovic
Engaging men in violence prevention: Efforts should seek to mobilise men in collective advocacy, address powerful men and male-dominated institutions, and build alliances with other social justice movements.
Book chapter, free here: https://xyonline.net/content/sexual-violence-prevention-men-and-boys-social-justice-issue [Plus graphic, Flood, Sexual Violence Prevention with Men and Boys as a Social Justice Issue 2022 Table 1 recommendations online]
Mobilising Men for Feminist Peace is a new podcast pushing for peace through gender equality.
Led by the team behind WILFP's Mobilising Men for Feminist Peace initiative, it uncovers the potentially transformative power of Feminist Peace.
Also check out other podcasts on men and masculinities in the XY collection here: https://xyonline.net/content/podcasts-men-and-masculinities
Denying the Gender-Based Violence of Oct. 7 Helps No One
By Jill Filipovic, December 13
I’m Worried About the Boys, Too
I’ve spent years trying to understand the mental health crisis among teenage girls. But both sexes are suffering.
By Jonathan Haidt
If a woman can be raped in broad daylight on a train, there are tough questions for all of us
This latest horrific crime shatters any illusions we may still have about when, where and how such things can happen
By Gaby Hinsliff @gabyhinsliff
Survivor-led Resources to Support Healing and Recovery
Developed by victim survivor advocates, these resources are for practitioners working in case management / providing therapeutic care to victim-survivors
See survivorledresources.com or https://rfvp.org.au/healing-and-recovery-resources/ @GeraldineBilst1
Safer Spaces: Redefining Gendered Safety in the Australian Night Time Economy Everyone deserves to enjoy a night out without fear of harassment, assault or violence. She’s A Crowd report, a call to action for recreational spaces in the nighttime economy.
[Plus graphic, She's a Crowd, Safer spaces - Gendered spaces and the night-time economy 2023 – Cover]
Feminism in pictures: illustrated stories of women’s rights around the world
This Guardian piece highlights three female artists contributing to the struggle for equality: https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2023/dec/05/feminism-in-…
Download the whole 90-page collection free in PDF here: https://www.boell.de/en/2023/11/06/feminism-pictures-global-feminist-pi…
Supporting Survivors of Violence: The Role of Linguistic and Cultural Mediators, with a Focus on Gender-Based Violence and Sexual Violence against Men and Boys. A Training Curriculum.
Developed by Women’s Refugee Commission and UNICEF @UNICEF
Policy brief: Leveraging the potential of religious teachings and grassroots religious teachers and clerics to combat intimate partner violence in international development contexts
By Dr Romina Istratii & Benjamin Kalkum
[Plus graphic, Istratii, Leveraging the potential of religious teachings and grassroots religious teachers and clerics to combat intimate partner violence in international development contexts 2023 – Abstract]
Also see the materials on violence prevention in faith-based settings in this comprehensive bibliography on violence prevention: https://xyonline.net/books/bibliography/27-violence-and-responses-violence/bibliography-16
Challenging power in the boardroom: Why intersectionality matters — and how you can apply it, to diversity, equity and inclusion and beyond
New thought paper by the brilliant folk at the Equality Institute (https://www.equalityinstitute.org/). Check it out here:
https://equalityinstitute.org/content/5_projects/intersectionality/EQI_Equality%20At%20Work_Intersectionality_2023.pdf [Plus graphic, EQI, Challenging power in the boardroom - Why intersectionality matters 2023 – Cover]
Global @BoyhoodInitiative: Check out these excellent resources for helping boys achieve their fullest potential as connected, caring, engaged, and productive men. Conversation starters, reports on the state of boyhood in different countries, etc. See https://www.boyhoodinitiative.org/resources
Why don’t women always go to the police?
The legal system fails victims of sexual assault.
By Jean Hatchet
https://thecritic.co.uk/why-dont-women-always-go-to-the-police/ @JeanHatchet
Guidance for professionals working with victim survivors of domestic and family violence: There are excellent resources in Victoria’s Multi-Agency Risk Assessment and Management (MARAM) Framework at https://www.vic.gov.au/family-violence-multi-agency-risk-assessment-and….
See e.g. the knowledge guide at https://www.vic.gov.au/maram-practice-guides-foundation-knowledge-guide
Heard it on the Grapevine: Start-ups have their ‘me too’ moment
(On sexual harassment in tech start-ups and a new website for women and men to share their stories.)
Andrew Tate and the rise of the mega misogynists
By Harriet Hall, Cosmopolitan UK
https://www.cosmopolitan.com/uk/reports/a42913789/andrew-tate-online-mi… @CosmopolitanUK
Also see these notes and resources on Andrew Tate and other male supremacist influencers: https://xyonline.net/content/andrew-tate-and-other-male-supremacist-influencers
I took my rapist to court but knew I’d be the one on trial
Laura Rowe took her childhood abuser to court. What she was asked on the stand is truly shocking. Warning: Distressing.
#LetHerSpeak #JusticeShouldntHurt
Violence prevention work with men & boys: Is often in schools. But should also involve:
Holding male policy-makers and male-dominated institutions and governments to account
Mobilising men alongside women in advocacy networks
And more.
The dangerous hate movement we need to talk about. Review of "Men Who Hate Women: From Incels to Pickup Artists; The Truth About Extreme Misogyny and How It Affects Us All" (Laura Bates), by Dan Friedman. https://forward.com/culture/465346/the-dangerous-hate-movement-we-need-… @jdforward
4 ways men’s rights activists actually hurt men. (They’re not just harassing feminists online. These trolls are poisoning the well for good men on the dating market.) By Amanda Marcotte (2015). https://www.salon.com/2015/04/17/4_ways_mens_rights_activists_actually_… @AmandaMarcotte
Men's rights - accessible critiques: http://xyonline.net/content/mens-rights-collection-accessible-critiques
Feminism is good for women: A response to some common MRA arguments: https://xyonline.net/content/feminism-good-women-response-some-common-mra-arguments
Responding to backlash and resistance: https://xyonline.net/content/responding-backlash-and-resistance
Other commentaries and critiques: https://xyonline.net/category/article-content/mens-fathers-rights
Incels and mainstream pornography are different manifestations of the same misogyny or women-hating. In both, women as objects who deserve and enjoy sexual abuse and submission, and sex as a weapon to inflict these and express their hate. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1077801221996453 [Plus graphic, Tranchese, "I Don’t Hate All Women, Just Those Stuck-Up Bitches" 2021 Abstract]
Work and gender: How are patterns of women’s and men’s work changing or staying the same? What shapes job segregation? How does discrimination work? Etc. Useful introduction in Wade’s chapter, free among the introductions to gender, work, and class here: https://xyonline.net/books/bibliography/16-work-and-class/c-general-ref…
‘Manosphere’ community misuses scientific research to support its beliefs
Evolutionary studies about women’s behaviour (particularly sexual behaviour such as infidelity) are misrepresented and cherry-picked by MRAs to justify anti-feminist, sexist beliefs
Women are being pressured into sex too soon after giving birth
WARNING: Graphic. From subtle pressure to full-blown assault, these women were forced into sex too soon after childbirth.
By Ginger Gorman
Coercive Control Self Assessment tool: A new resource to help individuals better understand coercive controlling behaviours and steps they can take towards being safer in their relationships.
Based on national risk assessment principles.
Access the tool at Yourtoolkit.com/CCSA
Mothers, of course, have abortions. And it’s time to accept they are the experts in their own lives
If we trust people with the decision to have children, we can trust them with the decision not to.
By Gina Rushton
https://www.theguardian.com/world/commentisfree/2023/dec/09/mothers-of-course-have-abortions-and-its-time-to-accept-they-are-the-experts-in-their-own-lives @ginarush
The vast majority of Australians consider coercive control unacceptable, but only just over half of the population know what the term means, according to a new study
US Coast Guard leaders long concealed a critical report about racism, hazing and sexual misconduct
Adolescent Violence in the Home: The Domestic Violence Prevention Centre Gold Coast Inc and Star Health Victoria have published a booklet (20pp.) on adolescent violence in the home.
More men are speaking up when they hear victim-blaming comments, talking to their sons about healthy relationships, and joining campaigns to end domestic and sexual violence.
There are common pathways to men's commitments to ending men's violence.
[Plus graphic, Flood, Educating men and boys about gender-based violence 2023 – Pathways]
There has been a surge in interest in engaging men and boys in violence prevention in the last few years. There is:
A proliferation of programs
Widespread community support
Growing evidence that well-designed interventions can make positive change
Policy and funding support
There is much to be done.
Scale up the work
Orient the work more towards changing structures and systems
Increase practitioners' capacity to work effectively with men and boys
Explicit standards for effective practice (see mine)
Far more use of online tools and spaces
Men and boys have a vital role to play, with women and girls and others, in ending men’s violence against women. To shift the patriarchal masculine norms and cultures that are at the root of domestic and sexual violence.
Article by Professor Flood: https://360info.org/whats-needed-to-educate-boys-about-gender-violence/
Rap clap: Understanding & valuing the cultural expressions of minoritised groups
The applause when a professor at an educational research conference in Australia last week said “I hate rap" is troubling, write Steven Roberts and Emma Gavin.
https://lens.monash.edu/@education/2023/12/06/1386335/clapping-back-at-… @SteveRoberts_
Counselling for men: Guide to quality counselling (92 pages), for counsellors, social workers and other professionals who work with boys, men and fathers, by the Federal Forum for Men (Germany).
https://bundesforum-maenner.de/men-well-advised/ (in English. German version also available)
What men can do on the #16DaysofActivism against men’s violence against women:
#46. Commit yourself to making personal change and taking social action. Build gender equality into your life. Make use of resources: https://xyonline.net/content/engaging-men-violence-prevention-key-resou…
Safer Communities for All: Gender-transformative Male Engagement. This tip sheet outlines actions that men and boys can take to help end violence against women and girls. In English, French, and Spanish.
https://www.womenstrong.org/resources/tip-sheet-guiding-male-transforma… @MenStopViolence #16DaysofActivism
Because We’re Dads: Tools and resources designed to meaningfully and effectively engage and mobilize dads in efforts to prevent dating abuse and promote gender equality amongst youth, from the New York State Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NYSCADV). https://www.nyscadv.org/what-we-do/prevention-toolkit/because-were-dads…
What men can do on the #16DaysofActivism against men’s violence against women:
#45. Don’t be the hero or saviour. Allyship isn’t about rescuing people from their oppressors. Allyship is about standing in solidarity and working together to collectively tackle a social problem.
What men can do on the #16DaysofActivism against men’s violence against women:
#44. Respect women’s spaces. While male allies are vital to the feminist movement's success, it’s important that you respect spaces for women to share, support, and empower. Learn to step back.
What men can do on the #16DaysofActivism against men’s violence against women:
#43. Use your male privilege to advance feminist discussions in male-dominated spaces. Your voice may carry more weight than women's in male-dominated spaces / professions. Challenge norms & structures
What men can do on the #16DaysofActivism against men’s violence against women:
#42: Strengthen your relationships with other men. Find male friends who share your values and principles. Build friendship groups based on intimacy, trust, and respect, not shallow bonding and sexism.
What men can do on the #16DaysofActivism against men’s violence against women:
#41: Strengthen the relationships with the women in your life. Treasure your friendships with women. Value their lives and experience.
Violence Against Women Is a Men's Issue
We've spoken to researchers, experts and charity campaigners about what men can do to help end violence against women. Spoiler: men talking to men is a good place to start.
Men’s Health Magazine, November 30.
What men can do on the #16DaysofActivism against men’s violence against women:
#40: Be comfortable with being uncomfortable. A key way to learn – when talking about gender and feminism with women, reading feminist books, etc. – is through difficult conversations. Stay, and learn.
16 Days of Allyship: All men can play a part in ending violence against women. There are great resources for male allies, put together by Women’s Health West, here: https://16daysallyship.whwest.org.au/ @whwest
What men can do on the #16DaysofActivism against men’s violence against women:
#39: Reflect on how you were raised as a boy. Which messages about manhood were helpful, and which were limiting? Adopt healthy, equitable ways of being.
What men can do on the #16DaysofActivism against men’s violence against women:
#38: If you’re going to flirt with a woman, make it less likely that it will be intrusive, creepy, or threatening. Read her body language, Listen to what she says.
More tips: https://xyonline.net/blogs/4/how-flirt-women
What men can do on the #16DaysofActivism against men’s violence against women:
#37: Support violence prevention efforts wherever you are.
In sport: https://sport.ourwatch.org.au/
In faith communities: https://www.vichealth.vic.gov.au/-/media/ResourceCentre/PublicationsandResources/PVAW/guide-to-equality/Promoting-Equal-and-Respectful-Relationships-Manual-and-Tool-Kit-Web.pdf
In workplaces: https://workplace.ourwatch.org.au/ @OurWatchAus
What men can do on the #16DaysofActivism against men’s violence against women:
#36: Extend your understanding of domestic violence by learning about coercive control, a repeated pattern of control and domination in a relationship. Read this Research Brief: https://bridges.monash.edu/ndownloader/files/15657182
What men can do on the #16DaysofActivism against men’s violence against women:
#35. Recognise that men’s sexual violence against women is grounded in common social norms: that men are entitled to sex, have an uncontrollable sexuality, sex is achievement, women are objects etc
What men can do on the #16DaysofActivism against men’s violence against women:
#34. Address sexual violence, not only domestic violence. Recognise that SV and DV often co-occur, they have overlapping drivers, and men’s SV is sustained by a ‘rape culture’: https://www.libertarianism.org/columns/rape-culture-yea-or-nay
What men can do on the #16DaysofActivism against men’s violence against women:
#33. Learn about victim-survivors’ experiences of violence and abuse. Read their stories, e.g. here: https://xyonline.net/content/engaging-men-violence-prevention-key-resou…. Recognise the harms of violence. Value survivors' strength & knowledge
What men can do on the #16DaysofActivism against men’s violence against women:
#31. Work against all forms of oppression. Violence against women, sexism, racism, heterosexism, and homophobia – all forms of oppression are linked. We cannot end one without challenging them all.
What men can do on the #16DaysofActivism against men’s violence against women:
#32. Create a new masculinity. Be brave enough to openly value equality. Use your privilege in the service of justice. Live your potential without harming others. Find others who share your vision.
Hundreds of violent NSW men fail to complete behavioural change programs.
“Not all men. But all men need to change in ways big and small. Nothing else is acceptable anymore.”
By Michael McGuire, March 17 2021
PDF copy of the article, and many other pieces on men's roles in prevention, here: https://xyonline.net/content/engaging-men-violence-prevention-key-resou…
What men can do on the #16DaysofActivism against men’s violence against women: #30. So hold the men around you to account. When male friends and acquaintances speak or act in violence-supportive ways, challenge them. If they don’t change, drop them. https://www.salon.com/2017/10/29/listen-up-men-we-must-shun-our-sexist-…
What men can do on the #16DaysofActivism against men’s violence against women: #29. Realise that the men who assault and abuse women are likely to be among *the men you know*. As 1 in 6 Australian women has been sexually assaulted since the age of 15 (ABS, 2017).
What men can do on the #16DaysofActivism against men’s violence against women: #28. Read books about men’s roles as allies to women and advocates for gender equality and ending violence against women, like the four here. There is plenty more reading here: https://xyonline.net/books/bibliography/27-violence-and-responses-viole… [Plus graphic, 4 books on men's roles in building gender equality]
The World’s Feminists Need to Show Up for Israeli Victims
Solidarity for victims of sexual assault should trump other politics.
Liberal women should not marry Republican men
On marriage, happiness, and gender inequalities
The Return of the Marriage Plot
Rebecca Traister criticises the claims about marriage and wellbeing made by groups and advocates pushing policies aimed to re-center heterosexual marriage as the organising principle of American family life.
The kinds of strategies that *would* help address crises of contentment and inequality — expanding social safety nets, strengthening labor laws, changing our tax code, overhauling housing policies, making education affordable, passing paid leave and child care...
... reimagining the criminal-justice system, restoring reproductive autonomy – are completely at odds with the conservative agenda.
Plenty of researchers have found that a two-parent family structure does not in and of itself confer economic benefits for families.
The focus on family structure as an explanation for economic stratification obscures the racial wealth gaps and racist policy decisions that leave Black and Latino families economically disadvantaged regardless of whether they are headed by married couples
Most men don’t use violence. Most men know that domestic violence and sexual assault are wrong. Most men treat women with care and respect. But most men have done little to reduce physical and sexual assault in our lives, families and communities.
Rob has stood up 350 women on dates. He says incels are taking revenge
One man has made it his mission to get back at women – by catfishing them. Experts warn online misogyny spread by the growing incel movement can have serious real-life consequences.
Four More Years of Unchecked Misogyny
In a second Trump term, women would once again be targets.
By Sophie Gilbert
What men can do on the #16DaysofActivism against men’s violence against women: #27. Reject porn. It teaches sexism and makes men rapey. At the very least, don’t masturbate to scenes of women being choked, slapped, or degraded - you can't do that and pretend to be against VAW.
What men can do on the #16DaysofActivism against men’s violence against women: #25. Invite other men into change. Approach them constructively, critically, and compassionately. Appeal to their better selves & values. See pp. 144- of my book, free in PDF at https://xyonline.net/content/new-book-engaging-men-and-boys-violence-pr…
What men can do on the #16DaysofActivism against men’s violence against women: #26. When you vote, vote for candidates and parties that will address gender inequalities and violence against women, not for those who offer only platitudes and tokenistic half-measures.
What men can do on the #16DaysofActivism against men’s violence against women: #23. Find and build communities of support. You’re not John Wayne and you can’t go it alone. Join a group or network and find allies, to sustain your commitment to and involvement in anti-violence work.
What men can do on the #16DaysofActivism against men’s violence against women:
#24. Of course it’s #NotAllMen. No one was suggesting otherwise. But it’s far too many men. And women’s concerns and fears about men are understandable and legitimate.
See https://xyonline.net/content/engaging-men-violence-prevention-key-resources#NotAllMen
What men can do on the #16DaysofActivism against men’s violence against women: #22. Practise responding to the backlash responses you will get from some people. To typical MRA (men’s rights advocate) claims about women’s violence, false accusations, etc. https://xyonline.net/category/article-content/mens-fathers-rights
Whatever your view of the Israel-Hamas war, rape is rape. To trivialise it is to diminish ourselves
By Gaby Hinsliff
Vasectomies: It's time to disrupt the expectations we have for family planning with the new frontier of contraceptive options made available by male birth control.
Men building gender equality in workplaces: I’ve read a stack of articles and books on this area, and compiled a bunch of resources at https://xyonline.net/content/men-building-gender-equality-workplace.
But one new book that stands out is Kelan’s “Men Stepping Forward”. Short, evidence-based. See https://xyonline.net/content/men-stepping-forward-leading-your-organisa…
Women, Not Politicians, Are Targeted Most Often by Deepfake Videos
Gender-based violence: Teaching about its root causes is necessary to address it https://theconversation.com/gender-based-violence-teaching-about-its-ro… via @ConversationCA
It’s interesting that people think that there’s a super secret group of rich people who control everything instead of the widely known group of rich people who openly control everything. [Plus graphic, It's interesting that people think]
“Well, technically, I have an abrasive personality and a tendency to alienate everyone around me, but, sure, let’s go with ‘lone wolf.’” [Plus graphic, Lone wolf]
Tweets in November 2023
What men can do on the #16DaysofActivism against men’s violence against women:
#21. If you’re heterosexual, get comfortable with the G-word. Some people will question your sexuality or masculinity when you speak up. Reject their homophobic and sexist assumptions. Keep speaking up. [Plus graphic, Flood, Men speak up 2011 – Gay]
What men can do on the #16DaysofActivism against men’s violence against women:
#20. See your own stake in change. Get involved because ending violence against women is the right and necessary thing to do, *and* because men will benefit from progress towards gender equality.
What men can do on the #16DaysofActivism against men’s violence against women:
#19: Focus on changing and challenging *men*, not on telling women what to do to avoid rape or assault. Women already do plenty. Focus on supporting and enabling men’s efforts at positive change.
What men can do on the #16DaysofActivism against men’s violence against women:
#18. Work in solidarity with women, as allies. Don’t take over or dominate. Listen to and consult women, including victim-survivors. Amplify women’s voices and acknowledge their leadership.
What men can do on the #16DaysofActivism against men’s violence against women:
#17. Get comfortable with the F-word. Violence against women *is* a feminist issue, and men can and should support feminism. Voice your support for feminist ideals.
What men can do on the #16DaysofActivism against men’s violence against women:
#16. Make yourself less of a threat to women. If a woman is walking in front of you along a dark street, give her lots of room or cross to the other side of the road. Give women space and respect.
The responsibility of men to stop violence. “I'm asking the men reading this to think about the women in their lives, and to think about what you do to help stop men's violence.” By Declan Kelly. https://www.illawarramercury.com.au/story/7469654/the-responsibility-of… via @illawarramerc
What men can do on the #16DaysofActivism against men’s violence against women:
#14. Hold other men to account. Speak to your friend who talks about his wife in that abusive way, that man who texts his girlfriend all day to check where she is, that guy who thinks rape jokes are ok.
See XY's collection on bystander intervention, here: https://xyonline.net/content/bystander-intervention-xy-collection
What men can do on the #16DaysofActivism against men’s violence against women:
#15. Avoid some common mistakes: Seeing only other men as the problem. Waiting till you’re perfect. Only talking the talk. Dominating feminists. See pp 23-24 of this free guide: https://xyonline.net/sites/xyonline.net/files/Flood%2C%20Men%20Speak%20Up%202011_0.pdf
What men can do on the #16DaysofActivism against men’s violence against women:
#13. Realise that the men who abuse and coerce women are *ordinary* men. Men *you know*.
The men who hurt women are not a tiny number of mad bad men, but a large number of everyday men in the community
What men can do on the #16DaysofActivism against men’s violence against women:
#12. Learn how to speak about violence against women. Speak from the heart. Be able to describe VAW’s seriousness, dynamics, impacts, and causes.
Here are some introductions: https://xyonline.net/content/engaging-men-violence-prevention-key-resources#IntroMVAW
[Plus graphic, Flood, Men speak up 2011 p. 17 - Learn a language p.20]
What men can do on the #16DaysofActivism against men’s violence against women: #11. Realise that virtually every woman you know has experienced some kind of violence or abuse. Been touched or groped when they didn’t want it. Been pressured into sex. Been followed or stalked.
What men can do on the #16DaysofActivism against men’s violence against women:
#9. Realise how men’s violence against women is relevant to your own life and to the women you care for. Be able to articulate how violence against women is a men’s issue. See http://xyonline.net/content/violence-against-women-mens-issue
What men can do on the #16DaysofActivism against men’s violence against women:
#10. Recognise that this violence both maintains and expresses men’s power over women. It is a fundamental barrier to equality. It harms women’s autonomy, mobility, everyday safety, and human rights.
What men can do on the #16DaysofActivism against men’s violence against women:
#8. Join in the movements to end this violence. Attend an event, rally, or march. Donate to groups and campaigns. Volunteer to help. Join a network. Act in partnership with women and women’s groups.
What’s needed to educate boys about gender violence
More boys and young men are being taught about gender violence, respect and consent, but better programs and online tools will help.
Nonconsensual deepfake porn is an emergency that is ruining lives
It’s women who are largely affected by the rise of deepfake porn. A 2019 report found that 96% of deepfakes were non-consensual sexual deepfakes, and of those, 99% featured women.
How empowering kids can help protect them from abuse
Keeping kids safe from abuse isn’t about teaching “stranger danger” or “tricky people”. It’s far less simplistic.
By Professor Daryl Higgins @HigginsDaryl
How porn breeds paedophiles
Child sex abuse has become normalised online
By Julie Bindel @bindelj
Child marriage: The practice of girls and young women who are under 18 being married off to much older men is common worldwide. And allowed in various US states.
By Mary Harrington
“According to one campaign, between 2000 and 2018 in the United States, 222,430 under-18s were married, including 9,530 under-16s. Of those married under 18, 88% are girls.”
There’s been progress in ending the practice. But the wider practice, of old men’s sexual interest in and sexual coercion of girls, is still pervasive.
Modern ‘sex-positive’ strand of feminism turns a blind eye though to harm, of premature sex.
Harrington argues that we need to question understandings of sex itself, and to address distinct forms of male desire.
Inculcating positive masculinity is key to ending GBV: President Ramaphosa (South Africa)
South Africa’s President says government initiatives are calling on men to critically consider their own prejudices and preconceptions that abet gender-based violence
From carabiners to the hanky code: Do young queer people still use flagging devices?
The insidious rise of "tradwives": A right-wing fantasy is rotting young men's minds
There's serious money in peddling fantasies of female submission online, but it may be exacerbating male loneliness.
By Amanda Marcotte
How we talk to young boys is key to curbing gender-based violence in South Africa https://www.iol.co.za/capetimes/opinion/how-we-talk-to-young-boys-is-key-to-curbing-gender-based-violence-in-south-africa-6e1d9061-6f08-4c43-83d1-08977998544c
Also see the collection on the profeminist website XY on raising non-violent, gender-equitable sons: https://xyonline.net/content/raising-feminist-sons-xy-collection
The first-hand reality of trying to get justice for rape
Very few victim-survivors of sexual violence ever see justice in the legal system, and very few perpetrators ever are held to account for their violence.
“Last year, 67,169 rapes were recorded by the police, and by the end of the year, only 1,276 (1.9%) of these cases resulted in charges being bought. This meant that only 2 in 100 rapes recorded by the police resulted in a charge that same year, let alone a conviction.”
“The Labour Party found that amid court delays, low police conviction rates and fears over the trauma of reliving the crime in court, 69.2% of those subjected to a serious sexual assault withdrew from investigations.”
In their joint Decriminalisation of Rape report, Rape Crisis set out recommendations to overhaul the criminal justice system and improve the experiences of rape victims and survivors.
Report here: https://rapecrisis.org.uk/get-informed/the-decriminalisation-of-rape/
We’ve lost Dale Spender – a woman who saw feminism as a job that brought some pain, some achievements and some serious fun
By Chloe Shorten
‘No one would ever speak up again’: servicewomen feel military culture stops them from reporting sexual assault
https://theconversation.com/no-one-would-ever-speak-up-again-servicewom… @ConversationUK
Gender inequalities and violence: Country-level gender inequalities are associated with a higher burden of interpersonal violence for young women *and* young men. Young men, like young women, will benefit from progress towards gender equality.
“Men – men who care for women, men who care for justice and equality, and men who care for the wellbeing of our communities and society – must act to end violence against women. […] Men *can*make a difference. And men *must* make a difference.”
Speech: http://xyonline.net/content/men-preventing-mens-violence-against-women-…
#HowToTalkWithMen: A campaign about how gender-transformative change among men and boys happens
new MenEngage campaign inviting people to share insights and experiences of talking with men and boys about issues related to gender justice.
See the campaign toolkit here: https://menengage.notion.site/menengage/64e9638e26994e5088c677baea7da37…
7 charts on family, domestic and sexual violence in Australia
By Professor Daryl Higgins
https://theconversation.com/7-charts-on-family-domestic-and-sexual-viol… via @ConversationEDU
‘We must stop blaming mothers in child protection social work’
Practitioners too often make mothers solely responsible for their children's safety, even when they are domestic abuse victims, undermining the effectiveness of interventions with families.
What men can do on the #16DaysofActivism against men’s violence against women:
#7. Raise your sons to be non-violent, gender-equitable, and nurturing. Be a good role model for the children around you.
See XY’s collection on raising feminist sons, here: https://xyonline.net/content/raising-feminist-sons-xy-collection
What men can do on the #16DaysofActivism against men’s violence against women:
#6. Support victims and survivors.
a) Listen.
b) Believe: Assume that something happened. (False accusations are rare.)
c) Respect – both her feelings and decisions. [Plus graphic, Flood, Men speak up 2011 p. 17 - Support victims]
What men can do on the #16DaysofActivism against men’s violence against women:
#5. Boycott and resist sexist & violence‑supportive culture. Avoid media that normalises or eroticises violence against women. Reject the aggression & sexism so routine in porn: https://xyonline.net/content/pornography-men-and-boys [Plus graphic, Flood, Men Speak Up 2011 - Boycott and resist]
What men can do on the #16DaysofActivism against men’s violence against women: #4. Make it less likely that you are coercing or pressuring your sexual partners into sex. Practise explicit verbal consent. See p. 11 of this guide to action for men: http://xyonline.net/sites/xyonline.net/files/Flood%2C%20Men%20Speak%20U… [Plus graphic, Flood, Men Speak Up 2011 - p. 11 consent]
What men can do on the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence: #3. Speak up. Start a conversation with your mate about men’s violence against women. Challenge violence-supportive comments and jokes. See pp. 18-19 of this guide to action for men: http://xyonline.net/sites/xyonline.net/files/Flood%2C%20Men%20Speak%20U…
What men can do on the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence: #1. Inform yourself about the realities of men’s violence against women. Check out key organisations and their info: http://xyonline.net/links#Violence. Read introductory pieces on VAW: https://xyonline.net/books/bibliography/27-violence-and-responses-violence/good-introductory-reading/i-short-overviews
What men can do on the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence: #2. Put your own house in order. Take responsibility for violent behaviour and attitudes and build respectful relations with the women and girls in your life. See pp. 11-13 of http://xyonline.net/sites/xyonline.net/files/Flood%2C%20Men%20Speak%20U…
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has called on men in Australia to challenge high rates of domestic violence and abuse following a horrifying spike in the number of women killed by family violence this year.
Best Male Characters for International Men’s Day
Not all men. Specifically these men.
By Kimberly Terasaki, Julia Glassman, Alyssa Shotwell and D.R. Medlen
Child abuse: A Victorian government inquiry has laid bare how the state's education department protected paedophile David MacGregor, allowing him to teach and coach children for almost three decades despite multiple warnings from children and their parents
Young Men Seek Answers to an Age-Old Question: How to Be Hot
“Looksmaxxers” are a booming online community creating new terms for age-old insecurities.
AI fake nudes are booming. It’s ruining real teens’ lives.
Artificial intelligence makes it frighteningly easy to transform ordinary pictures into realistic nudes, triggering a surge of fake images of women and teens
Schoolgirls endure sexual harassment that no employer would tolerate
By Jordan Baker
Before You Judge, Here's Why So Many Survivors Wait Years To Report Abuse
There's no correct timeline for reporting abuse. Therapists and experts in domestic violence prevention groups explain why.
By Jillian Wilson
https://www.huffpost.com/entry/cassie-diddy-abuse-survivors-report_l_65… #DiddyandCassie #Diddy #PDiddy
Men and Love: Photography competition by WILPF, as part of the Mobilising Men for Feminist Peace Programme (MMFP), on the theme Men and Love
Contest Categories: Documentary, Photojournalism, Open Format Photography
Deadline for submissions: Jan 1 2024
See: https://www.wilpf.org/photo-competition-2023/
‘For the boys’: Matt Rife’s sh*t joke says everything about our cultural acceptance of domestic violence
How men can become role models for gender inclusivity in the workplace
By Professor Elisabeth Kelan
https://theconversation.com/how-men-can-become-role-models-for-gender-i… via @ConversationUK
Also see Kelan’s new book "Men Stepping Forward – Leading Your Organisation on the Path to Inclusion", here: https://xyonline.net/content/men-stepping-forward-leading-your-organisation-path-inclusion-new-book @ekelan
The third MenEngage Africa symposium sparks a renewed commitment to the fight for gender equality in Africa
Report by Sonke Gender Justice
MenEngage Africa is one of the 6 regions of the MenEngage Global Alliance, a network harnessing the collective energies of 900+ members toward ending patriarchal power and achieving gender, economic, and social justice.
MenEngage Africa strategic plan: https://menengageafrica.org/publication/menengage-africa-strategic-plan…
53% of women and 43% of men in the US identify as feminists, according to a 2023 survey among 5,055 adults.
The degree of gender difference in identification as feminists varies by generation.
https://www.americansurveycenter.org/research/generation-z-and-the-tran… @amersurveyctr
There is a significant gender gap in feminist identity among baby boomers and Generation Z (aged 18-26). E.g., 61% of Gen Z women identify as feminist, compared to 43% of Gen Z men.
Most Americans believe that feminism has made America a better place. 59% agree that feminism has improved American society, and 39% disagree. Women are more likely than men to say that feminism has benefited the US (63% vs 53%).
See https://xyonline.net/content/womens-and-mens-identification-feminists
Diddy’s alleged abuse of Cassie is a sad reminder of how power works in society
By Moira Donegan
In countries where manhood must be proven, men have shorter lives
"Precarious manhood" is the belief that manhood must be earned and constantly defended. It has a poor outcome.
One in 10 Australian men report having sexual contact with under-18s, study finds
For the press release and full report, see here: https://www.humanrights.unsw.edu.au/news/worlds-largest-child-sexual-ab…
@UNSW @mike_salter
“Calling out” and “calling in”: What is the difference, and what does each look like in practice? Check out this helpful 4-page guide from Harvard’s Office of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging.
https://edib.harvard.edu/files/dib/files/calling_in_and_calling_out_guide_v4.pdf [Plus graphic, Harvard Diversity and Inclusion, Calling In and Calling Out Guide – Definitions]
How discredited ‘parental alienation syndrome’ is used to cover up abuse
Thousands of children in New Zealand will go to bed tonight in the court-ordered care of violent fathers because a judge accepted a diagnosis of a non-existent disorder
Fade Out: Conversations for Men (Podcasts)
What do you do when someone you like rejects you? Why can it be so awkward to ask your partner what they like during sex? How do you tell a mate they’ve crossed a line? And more.
Also see XY’s collection of podcasts on men and masculinities, here: https://xyonline.net/content/podcasts-men-and-masculinities
(XY is a library, clearinghouse, and resource guide on men, masculinities, and gender. All free.)
Tasmania Police are still mistaking family violence victims for abusers. For too many women, correcting the record is impossible
How can men be invited into the work of preventing and reducing sexual harassment?
Personalise the issue
Appeal to higher values and principles
Emphasise that men will benefit
Start with men wherever they are
Begin with the positive and build on men’s strengths
Show that other men agree
Provide concrete opportunities and invitations for involvement
Build men’s knowledge and skills in intervention
Precedent, the Australian Lawyers’ Alliance journal.
https://xyonline.net/content/mens-positive-roles-ending-sexual-harassment-overcoming-barriers-and-taking-action [Plus graphic, Flood, Men’s positive roles in ending sexual harassment 2022 – Cover]
Five Gains and Gaps in the Campaign to End Conflict-Related Sexual Violence
Sexual violence is not an inevitable consequence of war — but the international community must do more to prevent it.
Why funding women’s organizations prevents violence against women
Explainer by UN Women
https://www.unwomen.org/en/news-stories/explainer/2023/11/why-funding-w… @UN_Women
50 of the World’s Most Sexist Laws: A Snapshot of Gender Inequality
This new UN report highlights 50 of the most egregious, absurd, and discriminatory examples of gender inequality in the world.
https://unfoundation.org/what-we-do/issues/girls-and-women/50-of-the-wo… @unfoundation
We won’t get real equality until we price breastmilk, and treat breastfeeding as work
https://theconversation.com/we-wont-get-real-equality-until-we-price-br… via @ConversationEDU
‘Desensitised’: calls for better education after research suggests Victorian boys less likely to stop harassment
Study of students finds marked drop from Year 7 to Year 9 in proportion of those willing to intervene.
https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/nov/16/desensitised-cal… @ANROWS
Master and Commander at 20: how a film about men fighting at sea is actually a safe harbour of positive masculinity
By Matilda Hatcher
About 1 in 6 older Australians experiences elder abuse. Here are the reasons they don't get help
https://theconversation.com/about-1-in-6-older-australians-experiences-… via @ConversationEDU
Educational programs for sexual harassment prevention: are more likely to be effective if part of a whole-of-institution strategy; address the drivers of SH; involve participatory learning; are provided by skilled educators; have sufficient duration; etc.
The death of Jezebel is the end of an era of feminism. We’re worse off without it
Websites like Jezebel revived feminism, showing the internet might have a re-radicalizing effect. Who will carry the torch?
By Moira Donegan
Call for participants for study on opportunities and risks and online abuse among women involved in online activism advocating for women-related issues and gender justice in Australia.
Deakin University study
Survey here: https://researchsurveys.deakin.edu.au/jfe/form/SV_9uBG1RJNqZFBvgy
Domestic violence in the Northern Territory is out of control. Will another coronial inquest change it?
One in four Australians suffering from eating disorders are male, yet research on muscle dysmorphia remains scarce
Feminism and Men: Shut Up and Speak Up
Professor Robert Jensen explores the paradoxes men face in embracing feminism. He ends, "I want to contribute to feminism and other liberation movements because I believe in justice. And because I want to be alive."
MenEngage Alliance statement: Joining the global call for an immediate ceasefire in the Palestine-Israel conflict
@MenEngage @WILPF @Peace_Women
Power and violence in private school culture
The murder of a young woman at an elite private school, and a principal's reaction, has highlighted a culture of privilege in which boys are protected from consequence or culpability.
@SatPaper @SquigglyRick
Preventing Gender-Based Violence Through Positive Masculinities: Fathers’ Clubs – A Grassroots Bottom-Up Approach
A short report on fathers’ clubs in Bangladesh, Ghana, Haiti, Nigeria, and Senegal, by Plan International Canada
For more on work with fathers for violence prevention, see this bibliography: https://xyonline.net/books/bibliography/27-violence-and-responses-violence/u-violence-prevention/xxi-work-fathers-new
Call for Papers: Still fit for Purpose? Conceptualising (Emerging) Masculinities of the Current Moment (Germany, December 2024)
Are current global challenges captured by existing theoretical concepts used in masculinity studies?
Call for papers, here: https://xyonline.net/content/call-papers-still-fit-purpose-conceptualising-emerging-masculinities-current-moment-germany-december
New research reveals harrowing stories of murdered Indigenous women and the failure of police to act
By Professor Kyllie Cripps
Identifying Solutions to School-Based Prevention Programming Resistance: Key themes and takeaways from PreventConnect’s Town Hall
7-page discussion of strategies: Leveraging policy, Adapting prevention messaging, Fostering strategic relationships, etc
The Confusion about Manhood is Global. Are We Ready to Talk About It?
Men must learn to care for children, support the end of domestic violence, demand equitable workplaces, and actively contribute to gender equality. So how do we begin the conversation?
Hypermasculinity, Misogyny, Homophobia: The Toxic Triad of Authoritarian Gender Politics
By Ruth Ben-Ghiat, author of the book “Strongmen: Mussolini to the Present”
For more references on men, masculinity and formal politics, see here: https://xyonline.net/books/bibliography/29-masculinity-and-politics-new
The Tragic Tale of Boys’ Closeness
How boys’ close friendships are pushed apart by stereotypical masculine norms.
https://www.nextgenmen.ca/blog/the-tragic-tale-of-boys-closeness @NextGenMen
Bringing Domestic Violence Victims Back to Life
A new book from author Jo Scott-Coe explores the murders that preceded the first modern-day mass shooting.
By Rob Okun
How to talk to the men in your life about harmful masculinity. A short piece on Liz Plank’s book ‘For the Love of Men’, by Rachel Thompson. 1) Avoid the term ‘toxic masculinity’. 2) Steer clear of gender theory jargon. 3) Start with self-reflection. https://mashable.com/article/liz-plank-toxic-masculinity-conversation/
Gender roles and crying: More masculine men cry less often, and less intensely. Men and women experience the same emotional (and bodily) arousal, but women cry more often, intensely, & longer than males. Explained by socialisation. Lombardo, in full here: https://xyonline.net/sites/xyonline.net/files/2018-03/Lombardo%2C%20For… [Plus graphic, Lombardo, For crying out loud 2001 Abstract]
Support for Fathers: Good website for fathers, and those who work with fathers, by Relationships Australia, here: https://supportforfathers.com.au/. Includes tools for fathers, list of groups around Australia, and frameworks and guidelines. @relaustvic
Men and HIV: how poverty, violence and inequality play a part. (As Andrew Gibbs argues, men’s lives are shaped by both privilege and disadvantage, and addressing both is vital in tackling pandemics such as HIV, or indeed COVID-19.) Jan. 2019 https://theconversation.com/men-and-hiv-how-poverty-violence-and-inequality-play-a-part-120613? via @TCAfrica
What We Know About Masculinity and Asking for Emotional Support. Men are often told to value strength, control, and self-sufficiency, and to avoid being vulnerable, or asking for help. https://www.equimundo.org/what-we-know-about-masculinity-and-asking-for… @equimundo_org
1) Many young men get the message about manhood that asking for help is a sign of weakness. 2) When men do seek support, it is often from women. 3) Young men are eager for spaces to talk about their feelings, and to talk about gender, power, and their relationships with other men
So, we must shift societal expectations of men’s social connections and of manhood more generally. https://www.equimundo.org/what-we-know-about-masculinity-and-asking-for… @equimundo_org
If the ‘Man Box’ (rigid masculine norms) is unhealthy for men and boys and those around them, what’s the alternative? ‘Healthy masculinities’, based on gender equality, non-violence, respect, empathy, nurturance, etc. They must be ethical, gender-equitable, and inclusive.
In the first report on the Man Box survey (2018), I argued that whatever vision we have for men and boys, it must be a) feminist – based on equality, b) diverse and multiple, and c) non-essentialist. See p. 53 of https://xyonline.net/sites/xyonline.net/files/2019-06/Flood%2C%20Men%20and%20the%20Man%20Box%20-%20report%20excerpt.pdf [Plus graphic, Flood, Men and the Man Box - report excerpt Vision]
From Andrew Tate to Jordan Peterson, a phoney zero-sum-game argument sits at the heart of anti-feminist backlash
By Bethan Iley, November 2022
https://theconversation.com/from-andrew-tate-to-jordan-peterson-a-phone… via @ConversationUK #AndrewTate
Andrew Tate: 1) Tate’s normalization of misogyny harms girls and young women.
Many young men are confused and lonely. But rather than encourage them to develop the interpersonal and relational skills that would improve their lives...
https://msmagazine.com/2023/01/09/andrew-tate-boys-gender-masculinity/ @jacksontkatz
But rather than encourage them to develop the interpersonal and relational skills that would improve their lives, Tate teaches them to double down on tired cliches and cartoonish images of ‘manly’ strength and success. Tate and others advise young men to treat women badly.
Tate's and others' teachings produce young men who believe that men’s emotional and sexual needs come first, and that women’s most important role is to serve men.
At time when growing numbers of girls and women expect equal treatment and respect, this is a recipe for conflict if not sexual violence.
2) The ideal of “manhood” Tate promotes harms boys and young men.
Tate teaches boys selfish materialism, harassment, and control. Whereas boys need to develop skills in emotional intelligence, to thrive in relationships and at work.
For more notes and commentary on Andrew Tate and other male supremacist influencers, and what to do about them, by Professor Michael Flood, see here: https://xyonline.net/content/andrew-tate-and-other-male-supremacist-influencers
The Alpha Wolf Idea is a Myth
The idea that wolf packs are led by a merciless dictator, or alpha wolf, comes from old studies of captive wolves. In the wild, wolf packs are simply families.
Scientific American, 2023: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/is-the-alpha-wolf-idea-a-myt… @sciam
The Problem With Right-Wing Men. By Jill Filipovic
"the turn toward a cheering-on of violent vigilantism and a broad acceptance of male violence goes hand in hand with illiberal governance and authoritarian take-overs."
https://jill.substack.com/p/the-problem-with-right-wing-men @JillFilipovic
Parenting and Caregiver Support Programmes to Prevent Violence in the Home (Prevention Collaborative, 2022)
This evidence brief highlights how parenting programmes have contributed to the decline in intimate partner violence and violence against children.
Safe and Together: an internationally recognised suite of tools and interventions to help child welfare professionals become domestic violence-informed. Safe and Together works at the intersections of child welfare, child maltreatment and DV. 1/3 https://safeandtogetherinstitute.com/
The Safe & Together Model is *both* gender-based – it considers gendered expectations and inequalities - *and* gender-neutral, applicable across multiple situations, including women’s use of violence against men and DV in same-sex relationships. 2/3
https://safeandtogetherinstitute.com/evidence-resources/articles-chapte… [Plus graphic, Mandel, Unraveling the gender paradox at the center of the Safe & Together Model 2020 – Cover]
Check out Safe and Together’s approach, evaluations, and training here: https://safeandtogetherinstitute.com/ 3/3
‘All these people with lived experience are not being heard’: what family violence survivors want policy makers to know
https://theconversation.com/all-these-people-with-lived-experience-are-… via @ConversationEDU
Teaching sexual consent to young people in schools and universities: Should be sex-positive, whole-of-school, interactive, long-term, and involve critical analysis of social and structural forces. 1/2
That is the conclusion of a systematic review of scholarly articles on programmes in education settings for young people aged 15–29. 2/2 [Plus graphic, Burton, Teaching sexual consent to young people in education settings 2021 – Quote]
Winning against domestic and sexual violence: This Canadian 'playbook' is a genuinely innovative guide to key strategies for preventing and reducing domestic and sexual violence.
See https://preventdomesticviolence.ca/our-work/public-policy/alberta-prima…
The guide emphasises that perpetrators of domestic and sexual violence are made, not born, and aims to disrupt the pathways that lead to violence while addressing the cultural and structural conditions that perpetuate inequality, exclusion, and discrimination.
Check it out!
Porn leading to rising sexual violence and grooming in Australia, consent activist says
Australia needs to reckon with the "indoctrinating" force of pornography among young people and ensure higher "porn literacy," a leading consent activist says.
Australia is in a domestic violence 'crisis'. Experts say we need a whole-of-society change
At least six women have been killed in Australia, allegedly by people they knew, in the last two weeks. Why does this keep happening?
Boys, we need to talk: As women die violently, too many can’t see a problem
(But boys *can* be given the skills to navigate relationships, jealousy, break-ups, and everything else that life throws at them without needing to dominate and control.)
If nothing can keep women safe, perhaps our raw rage will
By Julia Baird
Tracking men likely to kill: The radical proposal after five women dead in nine days
By Wendy Tuohy
Facilitating the Desires of High Status Men
Grant Wyeth argues that the parental alienation industry panders to domination and entitlement among men, and relies on downplaying or obscuring domestic violence and child abuse.
https://themovementofmothers.org/2023/11/03/high_status_men/ @SheraFamily
Schools often default to calling a student's mom instead of dad, study suggests
Schools are more likely to honour a mother's request for more calls than a father's, says Kristy Buzard.
When Andrew Tate and the online manboys obsess over a ‘bodycount’, girls, you know what to do
By Van Badham
Tate’s comments that he rejects women who have slept with more than three men betrays a screaming admission of insecurity and immaturity.
https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/nov/03/when-andrew-tate-… @vanbadham
The latest mass shooting in Sault Ste. Marie highlights Ontario’s epidemic of gender-based violence [men's violence against women]
By Associate Professor Jack L. Rozdilsky
Toxic Love: Using educational tools such as informative videos and youth Power & Control Wheel, the campaign by the Allison Baden-Clay Foundation aims to educate 14 to 18 year olds on the signs of coercive control in relationships.
See https://www.toxiclovesigns.com.au/
Effectiveness of community mobilization and group-based interventions for preventing intimate partner violence against women in low-and middle-income countries: A systematic review
There is strong evidence that such interventions reduce IPV.
Advocating for Male Contraception
This infographic page provides numerous graphics for those seeking visual support for their work or interest in the field of male contraception.
Teen boys at the gym: Healthy hobby or muscle dysmorphia? Experts help parents spot the difference.
Article: Practice and development of male contraception: European Academy of Andrology and American Society of Andrology guidelines
This paper provides an overview of the status regarding male contraception and new male contraceptive development.
A Birth Control Revolution: New Options for Men on the Horizon (US News)
As many men become increasingly engaged in family planning, a new era of male contraceptives arrives.
Violence and gender: Men’s rights advocates (MRAs) like to cherrypick findings that show or seem to show that domestic violence against men is more common than DV against women. The latest example comes from a multi-country study of university staff’s experience of violence.
MRAs claim the study shows more men than women have experienced physical domestic violence.
Two problems:
1) The study *is not* about DV. All the questions ask about violence by someone connected with the institution – other staff or students - not about intimate partners
2) The study shows that women suffer *more* violence than men. Women suffer more violence overall, and more psychological violence, economic violence, sexual violence, and sexual harassment. See the table, p. 33
The full report is here: https://zenodo.org/records/7540229#.ZB10ofbMLjo
Yes, men suffer more physical violence than women. And remember, this is not by intimate partners, but by people connected to the institution.
A third issue: The study does not tell us *who* perpetrated the violence. For example, most violence against men in universities may be by other men.
The UniSafe survey instrument is here: https://zenodo.org/records/7220636
The full report is here: https://zenodo.org/records/7540229#.ZB10ofbMLjo
Outside the Box: A training manual on gender & masculinities & strategies of engaging men and boys in combating gender discrimination & violence, produced by ABAAD Lebanon (2018): UN Women. 25pp. https://arabstates.unwomen.org/en/digital-library/publications/2018/10/outside-the-box#view.
Also see the profeminist men’s website XY’s collection of curricula (in full text) for engaging men in preventing men’s violence against women and/or building gender equality, here: http://xyonline.net/content/engaging-men-preventing-mens-violence-again…
The music industry: It’s time for men / people with power in the music industry to step up! Great primer on what men and others in music can do to prevent and reduce sexual violence and harassment. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZkPjL-WoabYD8-JZrjo3ybwfwJj_Ft_J8KE…
‘Not all men’ is an astonishingly selfish reaction to women’s pain
Dec. 14 2018. https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/new-zealand/2018/12/opinion-not-all-men-is-an-astonishingly-selfish-reaction-to-women-s-pain.html
“You’ve decided how you feel is more important than how women live their lives. You’ve decided your desire to feel like a good person trumps your desire to hear what men do to women - and what men can do to stop it.”
For other responses to #NotAllMen, see the XY collection here: https://xyonline.net/content/engaging-men-violence-prevention-key-resources#NotAllMen
Beyond the Mantras: Working with Men to End Violence Against Women. A brief commentary on some common assumptions in men’s anti-violence work. https://voicemalemagazine.org/2015-spring-working-with-men-to-end/
(And see this journal article: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/282305552_Work_with_Men_to_End…)
Tweets in October 2023
Male infertility may be the world’s ‘canary down a coal mine’
A global team of experts has made ten crucial recommendations to urgently tackle the worldwide decline in male fertility
By Professor Moira O’Bryan and Professor Robert McLachlan
A ‘good guy’ who snapped? We must do better and unite on ending gender-based violence in Australia
By Katherine Berney, Executive Director of the National Women’s Safety Alliance
Marriage: 2 new feminist commentaries
By Jill Filipovic, "The Marriage Cure": https://jill.substack.com/p/the-marriage-cure
By Clementine Ford, "Marriage is an inherently misogynistic institution – so why do women agree to it?": https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2023/oct/31/marriage-is-an-inh…
Revealed: Scandal of police failure to protect vulnerable women (UK)
Labour vows to crack down on police failures to keep women safe, as campaigners warn lives are being put at risk
Being Safety: A reflection resource written for, with and by mothers who are (or have been) parenting while subjected to violence and abuse by a co-parenting father. 108 pages.
An introduction to economic abuse: This video is for anyone who wants to learn about financial and economic abuse as a form of domestic and family violence. 23 minutes
A co-production of the Centre for Women’s Economic Safety and Insight Exchange.
Doctors are being sexually harassed and sexually assaulted at work. This needs to stop
By Louise Stone
https://theconversation.com/doctors-are-being-sexually-harassed-at-work… via @ConversationEDU
Is Australia in the grips of a youth crime crisis? This is what the data says
https://theconversation.com/is-australia-in-the-grips-of-a-youth-crime-… via @ConversationEDU
How organizations can address toxic workplace cultures to tackle sexual harassment
https://theconversation.com/how-organizations-can-address-toxic-workplace-cultures-to-tackle-sexual-harassment-214223 via @ConversationCA @LiliaCortina
Fathers are doing more care work than in the past, but social norms & lack of parental leave are still barriers to men doing more care work at home. How can workplaces create a more gender equal culture? Check out this blog from @wef citing #SOWF2023 data:
‘This is our horror’: NT coroner investigates deaths of women at hands of their partners
Thousands of Australian men are in private Facebook groups that are “cesspits” of racism, misogyny, doxing, slut-shaming and fat-shaming.
Practising feminism and social justice in our intimate relationships
How do folks do this? One thing my (female) partner and I do is have a 60:40 split on any costs, in recognition of how our lives and economic assets have been and are shaped by wider patriarchal inequalities.
Evidence Review: Pathways Between Poor Mental Health and Intimate Partner Violence
Prevention Collaborative, 2023 Review of evidence on how and why mental health problems can be a risk factor for both perpetrating and experiencing intimate partner violence
https://prevention-collaborative.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Mental-… [Plus graphic, Prevention Collaborative, Pathways Between Poor Mental Health and Intimate Partner Violence 2023 – Cover]
The Enhancement of Women’s Political Participation to End Violence Against Women and Girls: Results and Promising Approaches from Spotlight Initiative (Spotlight Initiative, 2023)
https://drive.google.com/file/d/15E7KuEWNSIN-uIrgRjEdef-xmRNQhnWq/view?pli=1 @GlobalSpotlight [Plus graphic, Spotlight Initiative, The Enhancement of Women’s Political Participation to End Violence Against Women and Girls 2023 – Cover]
Gender Impact Investing & The Rise of False Solutions: An Analysis for Feminist Movements
Gender Impact Investing is trending as a solution to gender inequality, but it is part of the problem.
By the Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID)
Rates of violence against women under spotlight again after shocking death of [after man's alleged murder of] 21-year-old Lilie James
What the anti-woke backlash against liberal feminism misses about causes like the gender pay gap
By Lauren Bari, University College Cork, UK
https://theconversation.com/what-the-anti-woke-backlash-against-liberal… @laurenbari1
Promoting Men's Engagement in Early Childhood
A useful programming and influencing package, developed by Plan International and Equimundo
@equimundo_org @PlanAustralia @planinternatio2 [Plus graphic, Plan International and Promundo, Promoting Men's Engagement in Early Childhood 2021 – Cover]
How Bruce Lehrmann’s media interviews cost him his anonymity in Toowoomba rape case
Despite years of mass shootings in the US, there has been little research on gun violence.
Nearly two decades ago Congress imposed restrictions on gun violence research, and the effects are still reverberating.
Think before shouting at your child: to them, words can be as harmful as physical blows
A pioneering systematic review on the impact of childhood verbal abuse by adults documents the harms of this exposure.
“exposure to verbal abuse profoundly affects children, and is associated with persistent psychological distress; complex emotional and relational difficulties; physical as well as mental disorders; increased likelihood of recreating abusive situations in their lives..."
“If we really want to “teach” our children to behave, we need to be kind, show appreciation, find the good amid the naughtiness, be as alert to effort as we are to signs of idleness, and be far more ready to praise than find fault.”
Fake Porn, Real Victims
Deepfake pornography is a threat to all women and girls. It is being used to attack, humiliate, and silence girls and women.
By Clare McGlynn @McGlynnClare and Fiona Vera-Gray @VeraGrayF
There is an “urgent need for us to face up to the content of mainstream porn and recognise its role in creating a conducive context for the abuse and harassment of women and girls”.
Three things must happen.
1) Internet intermediaries like Google must be made to act to reduce the ease of access to this technology.
2) Governments and regulators must demand change.
3) We need a cultural reckoning with the reality of mainstream porn
Kids escaping family violence can be vulnerable to intimate partner abuse. We must break the vicious cycle
https://theconversation.com/kids-escaping-family-violence-can-be-vulner… via @ConversationEDU
'A hugely pivotal moment': How Hollywood great Rock Hudson's AIDS diagnosis changed the dialogue
$128 billion – the cost of gender inequality in Australia
Comparing the average 25-year-old woman with at least one child and 25-year-old man with at least one child, the woman will earn $2 million less across her employment lifetime.
'Sassy men' have taken over TikTok — and they're trying to help combat toxic masculinity
At a time when hypermasculine influencers reign, creators like Prayag Mishra are encouraging flamboyant self-expression. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/sassy-man-apocalypse-toxic-masculinity-prayag-mishra-tiktok-rcna119789
Should You Tell Your Ex's New Partner They're Dating an Abuser?
Social media makes it easier than ever to keep tabs on an abusive ex, but is it ever a good idea to warn their new partner about them?
Vice magazine, 2018
The perils of putting off fatherhood: why it poses risks to children’s physical and mental health
‘I stood up and fought back’: how image-based sexual abuse survivor Georgia Harrison got her abuser jailed
More time and more money for paid parental leave — the big changes being put to the federal government
Recommendations that government-funded paid parental leave double in length, and increased amount be paid to parents.
Why good men need to reclaim masculinity from the toxic cliche of power and aggression
By Darren Saunders, 2017
Masculinity, loneliness, and the dominance-based Man Box culture of masculinity: Interview with Mark Green, author of “The Little #MeTooBook for Men”, “Remaking Manhood”, etc.
Remaking Manhood website: http://remakingmanhood.com
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtKtwf9f_xs @RemakingManhood
A stranger crashed a first date to out the man as a cheat – and thousands of women seek the same online
Women post pictures of potential dates, seeking information from others who have met them. It’s a defence strategy, but also a privacy & legal minefield
Campaigns focused on violence against women often face the question, “Why not *all* violence?”. But there are good reasons to have campaigns focused on violence against women, amidst other campaigns focused on other or all forms of violence.
Blog piece: https://xyonline.net/blogs/4/why-focus-violence-against-women-rather-al…
Male allies for gender equality: A key part of allyship is being accountable, that is, working in gender-equitable ways. At three levels: 1) personal: men addressing their own practice; 2) interpersonal; 3) institutional: consultation & collaboration.
See https://xyonline.net/content/male-allies-and-accountability
Sexual harassment in academia by men of women: Some of the most influential men are serial harassers. Abuse of power contributes to their career success in multiple ways. We must make destructive power visible and refuse to celebrate abusive individuals. https://www.dropbox.com/s/19pbqdymv6s5hl5/Mansfield%2C%20It%E2%80%99s%20time%20to%20recognize%20how%20men%E2%80%99s%20careers%20benefit%20from%20sexually%20harassing%20women%202019.pdf?dl=0 [Plus graphic, Mansfield, It’s time to recognize how men’s careers benefit from sexually harassing women 2019 - Work to do]
Violence does not come naturally to men and boys. “it takes a huge effort to turn boys and men into killers. […] Extreme trauma, humiliation, shaming, social isolation and intense indoctrination” Gary Barker (2015): https://archive.md/NLYNa [Plus graphic, Barker, Violence does not come naturally to men and boys June 2015 – Quote]
Why Society Goes Easy on Rapists. Our criminal justice system still doesn’t take seriously one of the most heinous acts a person can commit.
By Lili Loofbourow, 2019.
Domestic violence: It is understandable why some women stay in violent relationships: Fear of escalating violence, including to kids; no alternative housing or income; no access to services, trying to maintaining family, etc. @ANROWS survey, p83 of report: https://www.anrows.org.au/NCAS/2017/findings/ [Plus graphic, ANROWS, Australians’ attitudes to violence against women and gender equality NCAS Findings 2018 p83 Why women stay]
Why people blame women for being sexually harassed: 2 studies suggest that *empathy for male perpetrators* may be equally if not more important than lack of empathy for female victims in explaining victim blame. So: Campaigns should seek to reduce empathy for male perpetrators. [Plus graphics, Bongiorno, Why Women Are Blamed for Being Sexually Harassed 2020 – Abstract; Bongiorno, Why Women Are Blamed for Being Sexually Harassed 2020 - Practice implications]
Violence against women #VAW: Attitudes towards domestic and sexual violence are shaped above all by gender and gender roles. Traditional gender-role attitudes are associated with greater acceptance of violence against women. Free journal article (2009): http://www.xyonline.net/content/factors-influencing-influences-violence-against-women-journal-article [Plus graphic, Flood Pease, Factors influencing attitudes 09 - gender orientations p128]
When you blame the victim you side with the perpetrator
(Artist: artist Caitlin Blunnie, @liberaljanee) [Plus graphic, When you blame the victim you side with the perpetrator]
Why taking a trauma- and violence-informed approach can make sport safer and more equitable
Online dating: advice from the eSafety Commission
https://www.esafety.gov.au/key-topics/staying-safe/online-dating @eSafetyOffice
Consent: advice from the eSafety Commission
https://www.esafety.gov.au/key-topics/staying-safe/consent @eSafetyOffice
In this new episode of The Counter Narrative Podcast, we discussed how toxic masculinity, sexist beliefs, and misogyny don't just harm women but also have a profound impact on boys and men.
Listen now: https://thecounternarrative.podlink.to/ep2
And there’s a transcript too: https://documentwomen.com/the-counter-narrative-podcast-ep02
Brief: Engaging Men for Women’s Economic Empowerment: Overview of Evidence
This 16-page overview examines evidence on the effectiveness of three different types of approaches and identifies priority areas for future innovation and research.
https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/server/api/core/bitstreams/974c3488-0c43-4c1d-955c-f6b9b32cbd30/content [Plus graphic, Pierotti, Engaging Men for Women’s Economic Empowerment 2023 - Cover some]
Tech-based family, domestic and sexual violence (FDSV): This new literature scan by the eSafety Commission on tech-based FDSV covers its nature, prevalence, impacts, and responses to this abuse, including support for victim survivors.
https://www.esafety.gov.au/research/literature-scan-of-tech-based-famil… @eSafetyOffice
Fostering Healthy Masculinities among Men and Boys
First, let’s define ‘masculinity’: The socially learnt roles, behaviours, and attributes that are seen as appropriate for boys and men in a given society.
There are diverse versions of masculinity in different contexts.
But in many contexts, masculinity is defined in terms of dominance over women, sexual entitlement, homophobia, aggression, rigid stoicism, etc.
There are various terms for this form of masculinity: Hegemonic. Sexist. Traditional. Toxic. Patriarchal. I’ll go with the last of these
There are three compelling rationales for critical attention to masculinities
1) Patriarchal forms of masculinity are implicated in a series of social problems: public violence, sexual and reproductive health, suicide, alcohol & drug use, mental health, occupational injuries, etc
2) Patriarchal forms of masculinity are implicated in the harms that some men inflict on women. Implicated in the whole continuum of harmful behaviour, from domestic and sexual violence right through to everyday sexism and disrespect.
3) Patriarchal forms of masculinity are implicated in the harms that men and boys themselves suffer. Men who conform more strongly to the beliefs that men should be tough, stoic, dominant, daring, and in control are more likely than other men to ...
Men who conform more strongly to traditional masculine attitudes are more likely than other men to consider suicide, take risks with sexual partners or at the wheel of a car, assault other men, avoid help-seeking, and refrain from active fathering.
Putting it simply: patriarchal masculinity is oppressive and unjust for women. And it is also limiting and harmful for men ourselves. Men and boys who conform to traditional definitions of manhood are more likely to suffer harm to themselves, and to do harm to others.
There is an urgent need to promote change in dominant norms of masculinity. Our task is to transform gender – to work for the transformation of gender roles and relations towards gender justice.
Six tasks are vital.
1) Engage men and boys at scale
We must take work with men and boys from the program and project level into policies and institutions. We must reach large numbers, and change systems and institutions.
2) Raise awareness of the harms of patriarchal masculinity.
3) Weaken the cultural grip of patriarchal masculinity.
Let’s highlight the gap between masculine social norms and men’s own ideals, tackling men’s routine overestimation of other men’s support for gender inequalities.
Let’s engage men and boys in critical conversations about manhood.
Let’s challenge the promotion of patriarchal masculinities in sports, the military, by faith leaders, in media, and pornography.
4) Support diversity and resistance
5) Promote healthy and ethical alternatives
6) Go beyond norms
Finally, changing masculine norms is itself only one part of a wider project. Men’s and boys’ attitudes and behaviours are bound up with patterns and structures of power and inequality.
We must tackle not only the norms that express unhealthy and oppressive forms of manhood, but the institutional and structural forces that sustain these.
Speech by Professor Michael Flood: https://xyonline.net/content/fostering-healthy-masculinities-among-men-…
Coercive control is a pattern of abusive behaviour used to control someone within a relationship through manipulation, pressure and fear.
Advice from the eSafety Commission
https://www.esafety.gov.au/key-topics/domestic-family-violence/coercive… @eSafetyOffice
Russell Brand and why we need to talk to boys about sex, porn and consent
By Uju Asika @marieclaire
Male advocates and allies in workplaces: This report offers valuable analysis of men’s motivations, challenges, and strategies.
Men are motivated to become allies by both personal and professional experiences.
Professional inspirations for advocacy: having had female bosses, mentors, or colleagues (and so seeing models of effective, successful women leaders, and hearing or witnessing bias against them). Learning about inequalities. Aware leaders. Witnessing gender bias. Etc.
Personal experiences that inspire advocacy: Having a minority experience themselves. Family experiences, e.g. watching their wives struggle with work-life decisions. Being influenced by mothers or sisters. Etc.
Factors discouraging men’s advocacy: Some factors stop men in general from supporting diversity efforts: apathy, lack of awareness, lack of a clear rationale.
Other factors discourage men from advocacy even when they intellectually support…: fear and discomfort, and the perception that the problem is too large.
What can men do to advocate for diversity?
1. Listen to women’s stories
2. Talk to other men
3. Seek out ways to recruit women
4. Increase the visibility and number of female leaders
5. Mentor and sponsor women
6. Notice and correct microinequities and instances of unconscious bias
7. Establish Accountability Metrics for Diversity
8. Model Alternative Work-Life Strategies and Encourage Use of Existing Policies
9. Make discussions of gender less risky
10. Work with Women’s Groups
For the full report, see Ashcraft et al., among the reports on men’s roles in building workplace gender equality, here: https://xyonline.net/content/men-building-gender-equality-workplace
Violence prevention work with men and boys: Three principles should guide this work:
1) Feminist: intended to transform gender inequalities
2) Committed to enhancing boys’ and men’s lives
3) Intersectional
Excerpt from free book chapter: https://xyonline.net/content/three-principles-violence-prevention-work-men-and-boys [Plus graphic, Flood and Burrell, Engaging Men and Boys in the Primary Prevention of Sexual Violence 2022 - Three principles]
To help end violence against women, we need an open and honest conversation about pornography
By Serina McDuff and Kate Fitz-Gibbon
@Kate_FitzGibbon @MonashGFV @Respect__Vic @canberratimes
The Dilemma of Babies on Airplanes
Hamstrung by the need to ensure that their kids don’t inconvenience anyone else, parents can’t do much parenting at all.
To Accelerate Social Change, Approach Philanthropy With a Feminist Lens
By Angelika Arutyunova and Leila Hessini https://www.ipsnews.net/2022/08/accelerate-social-change-approach-phila…
Her right to speak versus his reputation: how courts around the world are getting this wrong | Jennifer Robinson and Keina Yoshida
Rebel Wilson and the problem with surrogacy
Julie Bindel argues that surrogacy is inconsistent with feminist and human rights principles.
https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/surrogacy-is-just-another-way-to-tu… @bindelj
How to prove the gender pay gap to a non-believer
Jamila Rizvi provides an accessible account of some of the factors that shape the gender pay gap.
Gender as a social structure: Gender operates at individual, interactional, and macro levels of society. Professor Barbara Risman integrates the three in her excellent chapter in the “Handbook of the Sociology of Gender”, Chapter 2 here: https://xyonline.net/sites/xyonline.net/files/2020-11/Risman%2C%20Handb…; [Plus graphic, Risman, Gender as a social structure, Fig 1 p. 32]
For university-level introductions to gender, see the works listed here, many free in PDF: https://xyonline.net/books/bibliography/4-introductory-and-general-writing-gender/introductions-and-overviews
This includes chapter-length introductions and entire books. Enjoy
The Influence of Influencers: How to Tackle Andrew Tate in Schools
By Next Gen Men, Canada
https://www.nextgenmen.ca/blog/how-to-tackle-andrew-tate-in-schools @NextGenMen
[Plus graphic, Next Gen Men, The Influence of Influencers - How to Tackle Andrew Tate in Schools October 2023 – Graphic]
Concern Worldwide, Engaging Men on Gender Equality
A 28-page report on the NGO's work on men, masculinities, and gender equality, including in countries such as Tanzania, Sierra Leone, Lebanon, Mozambique, Uganda, Malawi, and Niger (2018)
https://admin.concern.net/sites/default/files/media/migrated/engaging_m… @Concern
[Plus graphic, Concern Worldwide, Engaging Men on Gender Equality - Learning from Concern’s Programming and Practice – Cover]
For other reports on engaging men and boys in building gender equality, see the comprehensive collection on the website XY, here: https://xyonline.net/content/men-building-gender-equality-guide-xys-con…
Proving Your Manhood Could Lead to Earlier Death, Study Finds
This study finds that men in countries with stronger beliefs about precarious manhood had much higher rates of risk-taking and worse physical health than those in countries with weaker beliefs.
Why ‘toxic masculinity’ isn’t a useful term for understanding all of the ways to be a man
By Dr Richard Gater
https://theconversation.com/why-toxic-masculinity-isnt-a-useful-term-fo… @Richard_Gater
Sidelined no longer, Claudia Goldin wins the 2023 Nobel Prize in Economics for examining why gender pay gaps persist
By Leonora Risse
Gender gaps in economic outcomes can’t be merely attributed to women’s “choices” or “preferences”. Instead...
Gender gaps in economic outcomes "arise from an interplay of wider factors; among them, societal norms, technological breakthroughs, institutional structures, and policy settings that push or pull women’s workforce participation in different directions."
Podcast, Toxic masculinity: I was interviewed for this podcast on the program DW, based in Germany (but in English). I’m about 8:20 minutes in, but there is lots of interesting material throughout.
Attention Mrs Nobody: Whatever you do, don’t change your name for marriage
By Jenna Price
Men: Don’t use professional social networks like LinkedIn as dating apps. Doing this often makes women feel uncomfortable in such networks, limiting their access
A survey of 1,000 women in the U.S. who use LinkedIn at least once a week found that most (91%) have received romantic messages. Even though the platform has rules prohibiting using it as a dating app.
And there’s a negative impact. 74% of the women said they use LinkedIn less because of these inappropriate messages. As a result, they’re not tapping into the wealth of networking and career opportunities the platform provides.
So, if you want a date, use *other* apps. Easy!
A healthier masculinity
Various programs in schools counter the toxic messages many boys are encountering online, discuss the dangers and limitations of gender stereotypes, and promote healthier role models for their students.
A wee message to men: stop peeing in public. You’re taking the piss
By Jenna Price
Why Children Are Being Returned To Abusive Fathers Overseas
How an international treaty is being weaponised against women fleeing family violence – and the campaigners trying to change it
‘Every day girls are being forced to have degrading, violent sex their boyfriends have seen in porn’
Holly Bourne’s latest novel is inspired by her time as an online sex advisor, and describes the dystopian sexual expectations sold to teens today.
Lucy followed her husband's directions in hopes he'd love her more, until she realised she was being coercively controlled
Historic legislation is set to be introduced in Queensland today addressing coercive control.
Today's white working-class young men who turn to racist violence are part of a long, sad American history
https://theconversation.com/todays-white-working-class-young-men-who-tu… via @ConversationUS
Designing Gender Equality into the Future of Law
New report on how to build gender equality in the legal profession
The Boys Are Not Okay
By Stacy Lee Kong
How the internet radicalizes boys and young men
Three boys came up excited to meet alt-right internet personality Sneako. They greeted him with exclamations that they clearly thought he'd be happy to hear. Like, you know, "F**k the women!” And “All gays should die!”
“What have I done?”, he asked.
Engaging male allies for women’s empowerment — it’s time!
By Fiza Farhan
The Express Tribune (Pakistan)
https://tribune.com.pk/story/2415872/engaging-male-allies-for-women-emp… @etribune @Fiza_Farhan
Gender inequality in Bangladesh: Engaging men and boys to close the gap
Suicide rates of teenage boys are skyrocketing because of firearm access
Experts on adolescent suicide say too often, guns and stigma around masculinity and mental health lead to deadly outcomes.
Also see this XY collection on suicide among males: https://xyonline.net/content/suicide-among-males-xy-collection
And this XY collection on guns, violence, and masculinity: https://xyonline.net/content/guns-violence-and-masculinity-xy-collection
Engaging male allies for gender equality: Why it takes two, and how you can help
By Concern Worldwide
Sexualised media (ranging from sexual depictions in film and TV through to pornography) has significant and consistent effects on people's aggressive attitudes and behaviours towards women.
That's the conclusion of this new meta-analysis.
Full paper here: https://orbi.uliege.be/bitstream/2268/264174/1/Burnay%2C%20Sven%20%26%20Bushman%20%282021%29.pdf
[Plus graphic, Burnay, Effects of violent and nonviolent sexualized media on aggression‐related thoughts, feelings, attitudes, and behaviors 2023 - Abstract with highlight]
Our place in time: making unpaid work count
This report discusses why unpaid work needs to be quantified, how and why unpaid work is under-valued, and the need for unpaid work to be properly recognised as essential for supporting paid work
How we make gender equality more than a ‘women’s issue’
Men must do more to promote gender equality in politics
By Jossif Ezekilov, National Democratic Institute (NDI), and Alan Greig, Co-founder of the Challenging Male Supremacy Project
Men, Stop Calling Yourselves Allies. Act Like One.
Six actions to ensure you’re actually promoting gender equality at work
By W. Brad Johnson and David G. Smith
[Plus graphic, Johnson, Men, Stop Calling Yourselves Allies. Act Like One. August 5 2022 – Summary]
Toolkit, What is a rape culture
A 7-page guide for students, by Bold Voices (UK)
See other toolkits by Bold Voices here: https://www.boldvoices.co.uk/resources @bold_voices
[Plus graphics, Bold Voices, What is a rape culture - Student guide p. 5, Bold Voices, What is a rape culture - Student guide p. 6]
Family violence and sexual harm
This report addresses the intersections of family violence and sexual harm. The full report (69 pp.) and an accessible 6-page Knowledge Translation & Exchange Report are here: https://apo.org.au/node/324544 @Dr_AnastasiaP @HeydonFL @DrGemmaHamilton
As social media grows in Kenya, so does the disturbing and toxic ‘manosphere’
Boys and young men are increasingly being drawn into online forums that denigrate, objectify and ‘slut-shame’ women. How can we effectively address it?
Under-reporting of sexual harm in Australian medicine is endemic
By Ranjana Srivastava
One key solution is for non-abusive men to speak up and step in. Including helping to build more gender-equal workplaces. Check out this piece on male allies in surgery, also relevant for a variety of workplaces. Free among these: https://xyonline.net/content/men-building-gender-equality-workplace #HeForShe #MaleAllies
Finding the right fit: Why breasts are a still a 'taboo' topic in sport, and what we can do to protect them
Fake Porn, Real Victims We must stop the easy use of AI to create nude images of women & girls
Two experts look at the worrying case of deepnude image generation in Spain this week.
Education minister flags possible overhaul of tertiary education regulator amid sexual assault mishandling
There are fears that the threshold for triggering investigations into the mishandling of sexual violence matters is too high.
Parents of teenage girl considering legal action against Perth Children's Hospital after alleged rape in mental health ward
More than 1,500 people have reported alleged sexual assaults and harassment in mental health wards over the past six years.
The Coming Attack on an Essential Element of Women’s Freedom
No-fault divorce has improved the lives of millions. Now some extreme Republicans want to abandon it.
By Kimberly Wehle, The Atlantic
Rescuing Men From Rage Rabbit Holes
The ‘manosphere’ is full of troubled young men—some groups are trying to pull them out.
By Julie Jargon
Economic Abuse: Coercive Control Tactics in Intimate Relationships
This infographic explores 3 forms of economic abuse and other tactics used to coercively control intimate partners.
These abusive tactics are compounded by economic systems that systemically oppress groups.
Economic abuse consists of behaviours to control, exploit, and sabotage an individual’s resources. It limits the individual’s independence and autonomy.
It affects things like employment, food, medicine, and housing.
Let’s Talk About “Ethical Porn”
Many people argue in favor of “ethical porn” that allegedly guarantees performers’ consent, fair pay, and enjoyment. But is ethical porn really exploitation-free?
There’s no way around it, we need to talk to our kids about porn
By Chloe Shorten, The Age
Why bad behaviour is good for your career. But only if you're a sportsman.
Male athletes are celebrated for their performance 'on the field' regardless of the harm they cause to women and often their children 'off the field'.
By Nicole Madigan, MamaMia
French equality watchdog finds 90% of online pornography abuses women
Report urges changes in the law to make it easier to take down content and prosecute its makers
One in ten men have carried out sex offences against children, says survey
Edinburgh University’s Childlight unit highlights a ‘public health emergency’ with a rapid increase of child sex abuse online
Muslim Women Australia (MWA) have launched the Saving FACE Sector Guide, a primary prevention initiative developed to support the domestic violence sector's capacity to engage effectively and appropriately with Muslim communities
https://mwa.org.au/submissions-and-reports/saving-face-faith-sector-gui… @MuslimWomenAust
Police Further Traumatize Sexual Assault Victims by Turning Them Into Suspects
In hundreds of cases officers have twisted trauma responses to sexual violence into evidence of false reporting.
By Rachel de Leon @truthout
Tweets in September 2023
Everyone has a role to play in preventing men’s violence against women, including men and boys. @OurWatchAu have released a new guide with practical strategies on engaging men and boys to help stop violence before it starts #MenInFocus https://www.ourwatch.org.au/resource/men-in-focus-practice-guide-addressing-masculinities-and-working-with-men-in-the-prevention-of-mens-violence-against-women/
Mentors in Violence Prevention: Has the “premise that structural and systemic inequalities are the context for, if not the root cause of, most interpersonal violence”. Encourages people to challenge micro-level expressions of macro systems of injustice. https://xyonline.net/sites/xyonline.net/files/2020-05/Katz%2C%20Bystand… [Plus graphic, Katz, Bystander training as leadership training - notes on the origins 2018 – Abstract]
MVP’s feminist and social justice orientations are vital in violence prevention. Must address the gendered and patriarchal character of much violence, the gendered norms that constrain intervention, and people’s roles in perpetuating systems of inequality https://xyonline.net/sites/xyonline.net/files/2020-05/Katz%2C%20Bystander%20training%20as%20leadership%20training%20-%20notes%20on%20the%20origins%202018.pdf [Plus graphic, Katz, Bystander training as leadership training - notes on the origins 2018 – Abstract]
Listen to Women Before Saying "Not All Men". (I know that many of us feel hurt when men in general are blamed for violence against women. It’s true, not all men hurt women. But consider what it means to walk through the world with male privilege.) https://www.huffpost.com/archive/ca/entry/listen-to-women-before-saying-not-all-men_b_5405581
Also see these further responses to #NotAllMen: https://xyonline.net/content/engaging-men-violence-prevention-key-resources#NotAllMen
Is an All-Meat Diet What Nature Intended?
The hyper-carnivory movement conjures a time when men hunted and lunch was literally on the hoof. What does the research say?
(Spoiler: The meatfluencers are wrong.)
The presumption of innocence
"The expectation that women would extend the presumption of innocence to Brand in public discourse, in the face of what appears to be reasonably robust and substantiated accusations, is an altogether unreasonable one."
https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/09/the-presumption-of-innocence/ 1/2
"If the courts always presumed innocence, the accused would never be held in custody before trial. The presumption of innocence is only enacted in a trial as the exercise of the rights of the accused. In many other contexts, the presumption of innocence is not just stupid but.
Legal prostitution is a gift to pimps
Women need protection from male greed
By Julie Bindel
https://unherd.com/2023/09/legal-prostitution-is-a-gift-to-pimps/ @bindelj
Russell Brand and why the allegations took so long to surface
Publishing stories like this in England and Wales is fraught with risk – for media groups and accusers
It took a call between two old housemates to expose a paedophile and change a state forever
That a paedophile had worked on a children's hospital ward for almost two decades was Launceston's worst-kept secret.
Nobody Should Care About a Woman’s ‘Body Count’
Popular internet personalities are peddling repressive, misogynistic ideas to their young male fans.
By Helen Lewis
Male celebrities: A US study finds that celebrity men are much more likely to engage in infidelity than men in the U.S. general population, and that celebrity men are far more likely to commit sexual transgressions than celebrity women.
https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12119-023-10119-6 [Plus graphic, Lankford, Celebrity Infidelity and Sex Crimes 2023 – Abstract]
How Domestic Violence Perpetrators Manipulate Systems
Why Systems & Professionals Are So Vulnerable & 5 Steps to Perpetrator-Proof Your System
By David Mandel, Anna Mitchell & Ruth Stearns Mandel
Safe and Together Institute
https://f.hubspotusercontent00.net/hubfs/5507857/Free%20Downloads/PerpManipulation_4721.pdf [Plus graphic, Mandel, How Domestic Violence Perpetrators Manipulate Systems 2021 – Cover]
MRAs / men’s rights advocates: Their actual strategies do little to help men. Men’s rights activists blame, threaten, and harass women and women’s organisations, rather than offering men support or services. See pp. 342-343 of my book, free here: https://xyonline.net/content/new-book-engaging-men-and-boys-violence-pr…
Wanted: people to write evidence-based assessments of ‘men’s rights’ / MRA talking points. Accessible, research-based assessments of typical anti-feminist claims. For publication on https://xyonline.net/
See e.g. https://xyonline.net/content/fact-checking-mras-bogus-statistics-and-factoids
DM me if interested
Fathers’ rights and MRA groups: Privilege fathers’ contact with children over children’s safety. Try to discredit victims of violence, telling lies about false allegations. Try to protect perpetrators of domestic and family violence. Journal article: http://goo.gl/muarz5
‘There are dozens of Russell Brands’: female comedians say abuse is rife
Many women working in industry say allegations only scratch the surface of its culture of misogyny.
‘They turn a blind eye to it’: The open secret in Australian comedy
‘Do not be alone in a room with him’: how Australia’s comedy scene deals with its ‘open secrets’
Despite #MeToo and greater awareness, women are still having to protect each other from threatening men and still paying the price for speaking out.
Hardcore porn, choking and rape: UK universities left to tackle rising tide of sexual assaults
Calling time on gendered watches: times have changed, and strict divisions between men's and women's watches are breaking down.
Russell Brand never hid his misogyny. So why did so many fail to see it?
Liberal feminism helped create the space for Brand to ‘joke’ about raping women without meaningful pushback, writes Julie Bindel.
https://aje.io/z1x85h @AJEnglish @bindelj
Calls for additional dedicated support services for male sex assault victims as more reach out for help
‘Believe Women’ was and is a slogan. ‘Believe All Women’ is a straw man.
"Believe Women" simply means, “Treat women seriously, and don’t automatically just believe the man," as Monica Hesse writes.
Driving Change: New resource from Safe and Equal Victoria on the drivers of men's violence against women and the practical and positive actions that everyone can use to end family and gender-based violence. 8 pages.
https://safeandequal.org.au/resources/driving-change/ @safe_and_equal [Plus graphic, Safe and Equal, Driving Change Sept 2023 – Cover]
Not your typical boys’ club: Mozambique’s school meetings engage students against gender-based violence
14-year-old Cleiton Adriano is a boy who leads a boys’ club at his school to challenge stereotypes about masculinity and promote women’s rights.
Intimate partner violence negatively effects parenting Lancet commentary by Professor Rachel Jewkes on the impacts of IPV on mothers' and fathers' parenting, and the importance of interventions that enhance parenting for both mothers and fathers. 2 pages.
Be a Better Ally: On how the white men who dominate institutional leadership roles can step up to make organizations more fair and inclusive.
Educate yourself. Own your privilege. Accept feedback. Become a confidant. Bring diversity to the table. See something, say something.
Sponsor marginalised coworkers. Insist on diverse candidates. Build a community of allies.
Harvard Business Review, 2020
Also see this XY collection on men's positive roles in building workplace gender equality: https://xyonline.net/content/men-building-gender-equality-workplace
The Noughties enabled Russell Brand
In a culture of viciousness, he was adored
BY Sarah Ditum
https://unherd.com/2023/09/the-noughties-enabled-russell-brand/ @sarahditum
The brave victims of Russell Brand’s misogyny deserve full support. This time, let’s get it right
Marina Hyde writes, The new claims made me think about the media’s treatment of the woman he so famously humiliated on Radio 2. I hope we all know better now.
Open Letter: Women’s safety and child protection experts call for age verification pilot to help protect children from exposure to pornography.
https://www.collectiveshout.org/open_letter_age_verification @CollectiveShout @CoralieAlison @MelTankardReist @Michael
Violence against women: Check out this excellent range of Learning Network resources designed synthesize and disseminate knowledge on topics related to Gender-Based Violence (GBV). Short briefs and reports on a wide range of topics. See
The nasty noughties: Russell Brand and the era of sadistic tabloid misogyny
By Zoe Williams, The Guardian
How to give a good apology
In this handy flow chart for good apologies, Liz Fosslien asks:
Did you admit your mistake? If not, try again.
Did you say “I’m sorry”? If not, try again.
Source: https://www.fosslien.com/how-to-give-a-good-apology
Credit to Karen Catlin, @BetterAllies
[Plus graphic, Fosslien, How to give a good apology]
What happens if you give a boy a doll?
They just might become…
Caring pediatricians
Nurturing teachers
Doting uncles
Loving fathers
[Plus graphic, What happens if you give boys a doll]
Why Are Women Freezing Their Eggs? Look to the Men.
A new book explores the “mating gap” and why women are struggling to find a male co-parent.
By Anna Louie Sussman
Good guys and bad guys. We have to let go of a comforting illusion that there is some bright line between men who rape and men who don’t rape, between the bad guys and the good guys. Many men don’t rape, but do contribute to the problem. https://www.feministcurrent.com/2017/11/06/good-guys-bad-guys/ 1/5
We should not let the worst and most egregious cases of men’s violence against women derail the analysis of how a wide range of men’s intrusive and abusive sexual behaviours against women and girls are woven into the fabric of patriarchal society. 2/5
Most men do not rape. But consider these other categories. Men who do not rape but… Would be willing to rape if they were sure they won’t be punished. Will not intervene when another man rapes. Whose sexual arousal depends on feeling dominant and having power over a woman. 3/5 [Plus graphic, Jensen, Good guys and bad guys 2017 - Consider these other categories]
So it’s not enough for men to avoid the acts legally defined as rape. Instead, men must challenge the wide range of intrusive and abusive sexual behaviours, examine our own complicity in these, and strive for consent and gender justice. https://www.feministcurrent.com/2017/11/06/good-guys-bad-guys/ 4/5
Men can play vital roles in ending men’s violence against women. For a wealth of resources – speeches, videos, guides, research, and more – see the collection on the website XY here: https://xyonline.net/content/engaging-men-violence-prevention-key-resources
Engaging Men Online: Using online media for violence prevention with men and boys
This new book chapter, in The Routledge Companion on Gender, Media and Violence, explores the use of online strategies to engage men and boys in violence prevention. Free: https://xyonline.net/content/engaging-men-online-using-online-media-vio…
False allegations of domestic violence are *very rare*. UK police data over 2018-2021 shows that false complaints make up 0.01% of all domestic abuse complaints to police.
A total of 365,353 offences of domestic abuse were reported to the Metropolitan Police (UK) over 2018-2021. Of these, 50 were flagged as false allegations. These therefore make up 0.01% of all domestic abuse complaints to police, or about one in every 7,300 complaints.
For more on false allegations of domestic and sexual violence, including on the scholarly evidence of how often they occur, where the myth that they are common comes from, and why this matters, see this piece: https://xyonline.net/content/false-allegations-sexual-and-domestic-violence-facts
What American Bullies tell us about men
The dogs are bred to signal Instagram machismo
BY Mary Harrington
University students tell major review how the sector can better protect students from sexual violence
Students detail consistent mishandling of sexual violence complaints as part of the biggest review of the university sector in years.
Children to learn about consent, power imbalances in sex education shake-up (NSW, Australia)
‘Until we are all equal’: Plan International Australia releases Gender Compass, a first-of-its-kind study revealing what ordinary Australians really think about gender equality - https://www.plan.org.au/media-centre/until-we-are-all-equal-plan-intern… @PlanAustralia
Sistas in Trade forging paths in male dominated trades
Women make up just 5 per cent of the NSW workforce in key industries such as building and construction, with Indigenous women even less represented. A trades program in Dubbo is paving a new path. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-09-12/sistas-in-trade-dubbo-inspiring-…
Seven red flags your teen might be in an abusive relationship – and six signs it's escalating
Teenagers are experiencing intimate partner violence and abuse, and they want help from others to spot the early warning signs, writes Carmel Hobbs.
Gender equality: the route to a better world
Health outcomes, ending poverty and greening the environment are boosted when power is shared between men and women.
Nature editorial, here: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-02745-9
What makes men uncomfortable?
A new poll finds that almost half of men would be uncomfortable crying in front of male friends, or saying “I love you” to a male relative. Many are still reluctant to show emotion to or make physical contact with other men.
https://yougov.co.uk/topics/society/articles-reports/2023/09/08/what-makes-men-uncomfortable [Plus graphic, YouGov, What makes men uncomfortable Sept 8 2023 – Graphic]
“It is by standing up for the rights of girls and women that we truly measure up as men.”
— Desmond Tutu, South African cleric, theologian, and human rights activist
[Plus graphic, Tutu, It is by standing up for the rights of girls and women]
Youth leaders gather in Korea to discuss how to eliminate technology-facilitated gender-based violence in Asia and the Pacific
I was honoured to take part in this 3-day event in Korea, among 45 youth leaders and experts from 13 countries UN Women @UN_Women
Five things you need to know about consent
1. Consent is inseparable from human rights.
2. Denial of consent increases the risk of sexually transmitted infections.
3. Consent is about more than just sex.
https://www.unfpa.org/news/five-things-you-need-know-about-consent @UNFPA
4. Consent is crucial for people with disabilities, who are at greater risk of sexual violence.
5. Consent has a direct impact on physical and psychological well-being.
Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner’s divorce is making the media ask the worst questions
The singer and actor’s divorce is nobody’s business – but the tabloid narrative that she’s a party lover while he’s a devoted father should be questioned
By Arwa Mahdawi
#Men & #masculinities: Useful 159-page intro to key men’s issues: #work, #menshealth, #education, #violence, etc., in this report, ‘Man Made: Men, masculinities and equality in public policy’, by the Coalition on Men and Boys (UK), 2009: http://www.xyonline.net/content/man-made-men-masculinities-and-equality-public-policy [Plus COMAB graphic]
Calling men – 5 ways you can be a feminist at work. Recognise that all men benefit from the patriarchal dividend. Take responsibility for the patriarchy https://theconversation.com/calling-all-men-five-ways-you-can-be-a-femi… (2016) @ConversationUK
Also see the XY collection on men's positive roles: https://xyonline.net/content/men-building-gender-equality-workplace
Everyday sexism is a serious problem. Sexist jokes & comments, intrusive & harassing treatment, and other behaviours are a near-daily experience for many women. They cause direct harm, and they contribute to wider gender inequalities. Everyday sexism is routine and often excused.
So, how can we challenge everyday sexism? These workshop notes describe the problem of everyday sexism, and provide detailed strategies for how to respond. https://xyonline.net/content/challenging-everyday-sexism
What Do We Want From Male Feminists? Have a sense of humour. Be pissed off too. Really mean it. You don’t have to be perfect. Speak out in front of other guys. Back it up with actions. Be our friends. Etc. By Tracey Moore, 2015. @jezebel http://jezebel.com/5985693/what-do-we-want-from-male-feminists
Good Guys 1/3: Men’s commonsense belief that they’re one of the “Good Guys”. Men can be sexist in all kinds of ways, but as long as they don’t violently rape a stranger or hit a woman without provocation, they’re fine. By Jindi Mehat, 2016. https://www.feministcurrent.com/2016/05/15/the-new-good-guy-checklist/
Good Guys 2/3: “With the Good Guy bar set this low, men can easily meet the criteria despite doing pretty terrible things [… this] prevents men from identifying and challenging their sexist programming and working as our allies”. https://www.feministcurrent.com/2016/05/15/the-new-good-guy-checklist/
Good Guys 3/3: To see what’s involved in being an *actual* ‘Good Guy’, see:
1) this collection on what men can do, http://xyonline.net/content/what-men-can-do-stop-sexism-and-male-violen…;
2) this collection on men’s roles in supporting feminism, https://xyonline.net/content/men-supporting-feminism-male-feminists-etc…;
3) men and gender equality, https://xyonline.net/content/men-building-gender-equality-guide-xys-con…
‘There’s a huge problem’: New Zealand searches for new ways to tackle family violence
Mental health apps such as InnerBoy are part of a wider push to support men and address high rates of family harm.
The US Fails on Child Rights
The most "pro-life" states are the most likely to allow for child abuse, child marriage, and dangerous child labor (also, they force child rape victims into motherhood).
By Jill Filipovic @JillFilipovic
Women, Homelessness, and Domestic Violence: Men making change
I was honoured to be of part of a panel on “Men making change” at the Lady Musgrave Trust Forum on Women and Homelessness. Check out videos of the panel discussion, and all the sessions, here: https://ladymusgravetrust.org.au/events/annual-forum/
Workplace gender equality initiatives: Let’s focus on fixing systems, not trying to ‘fix’ women
There is widespread recognition that workplace gender inequalities arise from inequalities embedded in our social and organisational structures and systems. But...
But this acknowledgement often dissipates when it comes to actually implementing interventions and initiatives, says Michelle Ryan (2022).
Too many existing initiatives focus on changing women’s behaviour, addressing their mindsets, and so on. But issues such as ...
But issues such as girls’ and women’s interest and engagement in STEM or their ‘imposter syndrome’ often are *responses* to organizational and societal systems: to very real cultural and normative barriers that exclude them, experiences of discrimination, and treatment by others.
So we need organisational and structural solutions.
The full text of Ryan's article is here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gb122l2dy5u6iw5/Ryan%2C%20Addressing%20workpl…
I Had a Helicopter Mom. I Found Pornhub Anyway.
Porn is not content. It’s a substance. And it must be controlled like one, argues 16-year-old Isabel Hogben.
By Isabel Hogben
For summaries of the research on pornography's impacts among children, young people, and adults, and how to foster resistance to pornography's sexist and violence-supportive effects, see here: https://xyonline.net/content/pornography-men-and-boys
The Punk-Rock Predator
Anti-Flag suddenly broke up after frontman Justin Sane was accused of rape. Twelve more women have accused the singer of predatory behavior, sexual assault, and statutory rape
National Domestic and Family Violence Bench Book
A free digital resource to help judges, legal practitioners and frontline staff navigate DFV cases. This excellent resource now is also available as a single PDF (see below the list of contents to find it).
Sophie Turner Isn’t a Bad Mom. You’re Just a Misogynist
Joe Jonas appears to be weaponizing the press against his soon-to-be-ex, and it’s working.
By E. J. Dickson, Rolling Stone magazine
‘Himpathy’ Is Making Colleges Suspicious of Women Students Who Report Sexual Assault
New research reveals alarming examples of how sympathy for men accused of sexual violence worked its way into one university's Title IX office.
https://jezebel.com/college-title-ix-sexual-assault-himpathy-1850382616 @Jezebel
Do violence prevention initiatives work? The evidence base is growing, but weak. Few studies measure actual violent behaviour as an outcome, use control or comparison groups, or collect longer-term data. See pp. 50-55 of my book, FREE at https://xyonline.net/content/new-book-engaging-men-and-boys-violence-pr…
In Australia, few programs have had any kind of robust evaluation of impact. Including prominent programs such as MATE Bystander – this has only post-workshop data from participants, and this can’t be used to make robust claims about impact. (Sorry.) @MateBystander
There is, however, a substantial international evidence based on the effectiveness of violence prevention efforts. See my bibliography on key assessments and overviews of violence prevention practice, among the references here: https://xyonline.net/books/bibliography/27-violence-and-responses-violence/bibliography-16
Minimum standards for evaluation of impact include pre- and post-intervention assessment, measures of impact on violence-related variables, and longer-term follow-up. (For more on 'economy' and 'deluxe' evaluation, see p. 8 and 85-86 of this: https://ro.uow.edu.au/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2969&context=artspape…).
4/5 [Plus graphic, Flood, LOVEBiTES - An evaluation of the LOVEBiTES and Respectful Relationships programs 2012 - Pre and post
So, are your violence prevention efforts actually making positive change? See here for key manuals on evaluation, including e.g. the excellent “Putting the prevention of violence against women into practice: How to Change The Story” (@OurWatchAus): https://xyonline.net/books/bibliography/27-violence-and-responses-violence/u-violence-prevention/evaluation
5/5 [Plus graphic, Our Watch, Putting the prevention of violence against women into practice 2017 Section 9 Hdg]
Top Tips for Conducting Gender-Based Violence Awareness Raising Campaigns
On the different types of GBV awareness campaigns, and what to consider when planning, implementing and monitoring them
How is economic security linked to violence against women and children? Excellent summary of key insights from the Sexual Violence Research Initiative Forum 2022
https://www.ifpri.org/blog/how-economic-security-linked-violence-agains… @svri
Why locking up youth offenders fails to reduce crime – and what we should be doing instead
Contrary to political rhetoric in Queensland, incarceration does not rehabilitate young people. It only exposes them to more violence.
By Professor Ross Homel
Gender equality benefits everyone.
For more on men's positive roles in building gender equality, see the resources on the website XY, here: https://xyonline.net/content/men-building-gender-equality-guide-xys-con…
For more on men's roles in building workplace gender equality in particular, see https://xyonline.net/content/men-building-gender-equality-workplace
[Plus graphic, UN Women, How a gender equal society can benefit men 2]
I've also made the argument for how men will benefit from gender equality in a commissioned report on men's positive roles in building workplace gender equality, free (and summarised) here: https://xyonline.net/content/men-make-difference-engaging-men-gender-equality-workplace [Plus graphic, DCA, Men Make a Difference - men benefit]
Finally, I emphasise that men will benefit from progress towards gender equality in a speech on men’s roles in building gender equality. Yes, men benefit from male privilege, whether we want to or not. From the unearned advantages of an unequal system. At the same time...
At the same time, men pay heavy costs for conformity to traditional masculinity, to our health and relationships.
Men are part of the solution. Men in every part of society can make a positive difference. Speech here: https://xyonline.net/content/gender-inequality-men-are-part-problem-and-part-solution
'Intimate terrorism': why the murders of Hannah, Aaliyah, Laianah and Trey must spark change
Excellent long-form newspaper article on coercive control, by Madonna King, from November 2020
If it takes a man’s daughters to teach him to shun sexism, that is no bad thing
Having children can create a welcome shift in perspectives, not least among politicians, writes Sonia Sodha
Everyday sexism in the workplace: There’s a good account of common forms of everyday sexism in the Champions of Change report, “We Set the Tone” (2018), pp. 9-10. E.g., insults that masquerade as jokes, devaluing women’s views or voices...
[Plus graphic, Male Champions of Change, We Set The Tone - Eliminating Everyday Sexism Release Oct 2017 p. 9]
Everyday sexism in workplaces also includes: role stereotyping, preoccupation with physical appearance over competence, assumptions that caring and careers don’t mix, unwarranted gender labelling, etc.
[Plus graphic, Male Champions of Change, We Set The Tone - Eliminating Everyday Sexism Release Oct 2017 p. 10]
See the report for what everyday sexism looks like, why leaders should care, and what leaders and organisations can do. https://championsofchangecoalition.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/We-Se… @champs_change
Achieving gender balance in business: Men can play crucial roles as agents of change. Let’s actively engage CEOs (the majority of whom are male) and other senior business leaders in championing and delivering change.
[Plus graphic, Women's Business Council, Men as Change Agents 2018 – Cover]
This report by the Women's Business Council (UK) (2018) focuses on men as change agents. It emphasises harnessing the influence of men, especially those at the most senior levels of business, to drive change.
The piece is among the numerous reports, guides and tipsheets on men’s roles in building workplace equality, here: https://xyonline.net/content/men-building-gender-equality-workplace. Another comprehensive collection on the pro-feminist website XY.
Why do so many powerful men seem allergic to apologies?
The Spanish FA chief Luis Rubiales – ‘arrogant and cowardly’, according to his uncle – is living the mantra of never apologize, never explain
By Arwa Mahdawi
‘He took every penny’: the women left with a debt mountain by coercive partners
Coercive or controlling behaviour has been an offence since 2015, but its financial aspects are poorly understood and can leave lives in ruins, a new report says
My editor trashed my inquiry into child sexual abuse. Now I know why
Peter Wilby, who spent years denigrating victims in the media, has been convicted of possessing the most appalling images
By Dean Nelson
Tweets in August 2023
Harmful online messages about masculinity must be countered, violence expert says
Boys and young men have few outlets to talk about their emotions and healthy relationships, expert warns
Building Peace, the Feminist Foreign Policy Way
This new report by the Global Public Policy Institute highlights promising practices for promoting feminist foreign policy, focused on supporting conflict prevention, stabilization and peacebuilding.
‘To his followers, this man is a messiah!’ Matt Shea on his long fight to expose Andrew Tate
Documentary-maker Shea has been investigating Tate since 2019. But even he was shocked by what he uncovered working on his latest film.
https://www.theguardian.com/news/2023/aug/28/to-his-followers-this-man-… #AndrewTate
Also see the notes on Andrew Tate and other male supremacist influencers on the pro-feminist website XY, here: https://xyonline.net/content/andrew-tate-and-other-male-supremacist-inf…
'Emu Men': a new way to recognise and celebrate Indigenous fathers
By Bhiamie Williamson
https://theconversation.com/emu-men-a-new-way-to-recognise-and-celebrat… via @ConversationEDU
Mental health, men and culture: This report explores how sociocultural constructions of masculinities relate to men’s mental health help-seeking behaviour in the WHO European Region.
A useful 72-page review of research on men and mental health.
Say Maaate To A Mate: Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London, Launches Campaign to End Violence Against Women and Girls
Sadiq Khan tells Men's Health how his campaign isn't about demonising men, it's about giving them the tools to do better
https://www.menshealth.com/uk/mental-strength/a44690765/sadiq-khan-viol… @MensHealthUK
Family composition in Australia: New AIFS data on patterns of family life in Australia. E.g.;
There are now more couple households without kids than with kids.
There are close to 80,000 same-sex couple households, comprising 1.4% of all couple households.
A toolkit on paid and unpaid care work
By @UN_Women, this toolkit serves as an introductory reference for those working on care as a means to achieve gender equality, the empowerment of women and girls, and the Sustainable Development Goals. 22 pages
Young Men Need a Model Not an ‘Übermensch’
The church can’t compete with “manosphere” influencers. But it doesn’t have to.
By Matthew Loftus, Christianity Today
https://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2023/august-web-only/masculinity-m… via @CTMagazine
Masculinity and the environment: A recent study found that men’s adherence to traditional masculinity ideology is linked to negative attitudes towards electric vehicles, or EVs, and a lower likelihood of intending to purchase them. https://www.psypost.org/2023/08/men-who-endorse-masculinity-contingency…
Hip-Hop’s New Generation Is Giving A Polished Middle Finger To Toxic Masculinity
Gen Z was born into hip-hop, and they don’t concern themselves with made-up heteronormative rules.
By Stephen A. Crockett
'Something deeply rotten': Soccer, chauvinism and the national conversation Spain had to have
After Luis Rubiales's non-consensual kiss, Spaniards were forced to pick a side, and start a national conversation about chauvinism.
Luis Rubiales is a sad symbol of much bigger problems for women’s football
The lack of respect shown to Jenni Hermoso reflects dismissive attitudes to female players in Europe and beyond.
By Anita Asante
Karen has been waiting nearly 20 years for justice. Law reform is long overdue
From making space for more complainants to report, to supporting them from start to finish, justice systems must do better to support victim-survivors of sexual assault.
An infamous Spanish kiss overshadowed meritorious women doing their job — can you believe it?
By Annabel Crabb
https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-08-29/fifa-spain-kiss-sexism-world-cup… @annabelcrabb #SeAcabo
Working with men and/or boys? There are excellent manuals and curricula out there for face-to-face educational work with men and boys on issues of masculinity, violence, etc. I've just added two new ones, by @USAID and @NextGenMen, to this XY collection: https://xyonline.net/content/engaging-men-preventing-mens-violence-agai…
Gender and the Australian Federal election: free chapter by Blair Williams and Marian Sawer, “High-vis and hard hats versus the care economy”, in the book “Watershed: The 2022 Australian federal election”.
Free in PDF at https://press-files.anu.edu.au/downloads/press/n11054/pdf/ch05.pdf
Men who support feminism: Surveys find that large proportions of men define themselves as feminists: 40% of US men (2020), 56% of US men (2018), 44% of Australian men (2018), 49% of UK men (2018), and so on. See https://xyonline.net/content/womens-and-mens-identification-feminists
Smaller proportions of men are *active* supporters of feminism. They are active allies. They speak up in response to sexist comments and behaviour, act as allies to women in workplaces and elsewhere, or use their votes or money or time to support feminist efforts and advocates.
There are typical paths for men to support for feminism. Typical experiences for pro-feminist men include: exposure to feminist and social justice ideals, involvement in progressive politics, closeness to particular women, hearing of women's experiences of victimisation...
hearing of women’s experiences of victimisation, feminist role models, awareness of other forms of injustice, and so on.
I summarise the research in this book chapter: https://xyonline.net/content/mens-anti-violence-activism-and-constructi…
Longer bibliography: https://xyonline.net/books/bibliography/28-men-feminism-and-gender-equa…
There are everyday actions men can take that will make a difference: at home, on the street, at work, in bed, in the kitchen, etc.
There are a whole range of ways that men can act in support of feminism and women’s rights.
See this XY collection: http://xyonline.net/content/what-men-can-do-stop-sexism-and-male-violen…
There are groups and networks of pro-feminist men in countries across the world, working with women to build gender equality, address men’s violence against women, and so on. And the brilliant international network MenEngage @MenEngage.
See http://xyonline.net/links
For men seeking to build gender equality, and for women, organisations and others that seek to engage men, I have compiled a wealth of resources: talks, videos, guides, curricula, and materials on key issues and challenges, on the profeminist site XY: https://xyonline.net/content/men-building-gender-equality-guide-xys-con…
‘Gay guys can do missionary?’ – like other queer rom-coms, the film "Red, White & Royal Blue" brings queer intimacy to mainstream audiences
By Damien O'Meara
Military service and suicide: how martial masculinities and tribalism in the Australian Defence Force lead to veteran self-harm and suicidality.
Report by Professor Ben Wadham at Flinders Uni, funded by Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide.
Men’s rights advocates (MRAs) and pro-feminist men: MRAs are deeply hostile to pro-feminist men or male feminists. But *how* MRAs criticise and attack male feminists betrays their own low opinions of men and their hypocrisy.
Men's rights advocates (MRAs) write off large numbers of men.
MRAs have low and cynical opinions of men.
MRAs contribute to the harmful policing of masculinity.
MRAs show their hypocrisy about men’s violence against women.
Male Engagement Task Force Newsletter: This newsletter is an excellent source of international information on new resources, publications, webinars, etc.
Provided by the Interagency Gender Working Group’s Male Engagement Task Force.
Subscribe at https://groups.google.com/g/MaleEngagement
How parents take more risks when naming girls than boys
By Associate Professor Jane Pilcher
https://theconversation.com/how-parents-take-more-risks-when-naming-gir… via @ConversationUK
Sexism (attitudes and behaviours that support men’s dominance over women): Four reasons why it is particularly important to address sexism among men, not women
Yes, both women and men may hold sexist attitudes and act in ways that prop up patriarchal gender inequalities. At the same time, there are good reasons to target men in particular.
Men are *more likely* than women to hold sexist attitudes - there is a consistent gender gap in attitudes towards gender, with men's attitudes less progressive than women's.
See this free book chapter: https://xyonline.net/content/men-and-gender-equality-book-chapter
Women already are far more likely than men to speak up and challenge sexism, and it is time for men to join with women in doing so.
Men have a distinct responsibility to address sexism, as we men are the group who benefit from it, while women are its victims.
Men can be particularly effective in challenging other men’s sexism. Men often will listen more readily to other men than women, and men can be important role models for other men and boys.
Resources on men's positive roles in building equality: https://xyonline.net/content/men-building-gender-equality-guide-xys-con…
Combating Gender Stereotypes in India’s legal system: new handbook from the Supreme Court of India
“Relying on predetermined stereotypes in judicial decision-making contravenes the duty of judges to decide each case on its merits, independently and impartially. In particular...
[Plus graphic, Supreme Court of India, Handbook on Combating Gender Stereotypes 2023 – Cover]
"In particular, reliance on stereotypes about women is liable to distort the law’s application to women in harmful ways.”
Should scholars avoid citing the work of awful people?
Some scholars suggest that we should not cite the scholarship of ‘bad people’: sexists, sexual harassers, Nazis. But there are important problems with this stance
Link: https://www.chronicle.com/article/academic-ethics-should-scholars-avoid…
PDF: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/sqj4ap1n3wjig5typ194b/Leiter-Academic-Et…
Scholarly citation has only two purposes in a discipline:
To acknowledge a prior contribution to knowledge on which your work depends.
To serve as an epistemic authority for a claim relevant to your own contribution to knowledge.
“Failure to cite because of a scholar’s misconduct – whether for being a Nazi or a sexual harasser – betrays the entire scholarly enterprise that justifies the existence of universities and the protection of academic freedom.”
We *should* cite the work of people who have behaved badly or with whom we disagree.
“Insofar as you aim to contribute to scholarship in your discipline, cite work that is relevant regardless of the author’s misdeeds. Otherwise you are not doing scholarship but something else.”
Focusing on consent ignores better ways of preventing sexual violence
By Nicole K. Jeffrey @nicolekjeffrey
Jeffreys argues that “consent is much too low a standard for promoting ethical sex — even if it *may* be the best available legal standard. And focusing on consent limits our ability to create better approaches to dealing with sexual violence.”
Jeffreys notes five reasons we should stop focusing on consent and start thinking about more ethical values and norms.
Consensual sex is not always wanted, pleasurable or free from coercion.
Teaching people how to give and understand consent isn’t going to prevent sexual violence because sexual violence isn’t usually about misunderstanding.
Consent doesn’t require meaningful, collaborative decision-making between partners.
Consent doesn’t disrupt the stereotypes that support sexual violence.
Consent can be used as an excuse for sexual violence.
(Although strategies of affirmative consent address this.)
“We need to teach that empathy, mutual decision-making and ongoing communication are integral components of sex, rather than preconditions that only take place before sex. And we need to teach and expect boys and men to listen to women’s desires and care about their well-being.”
Allyship and Social Justice: Men as Allies in Challenging Men's Violence and Discrimination Against Women
A useful book chapter by Alankaar Sharma, available in full here: https://xyonline.net/content/allyship-and-social-justice-men-allies-challenging-mens-violence-and-discrimination-against-women
Allies: persons 'from a privileged group who make intentional choices to support or work for the rights of those from the oppressed group' and are 'committed to eliminating a form of oppression from which they benefit' (Goodman, 2011, p. 157).”
The practice of allyship involves “intentional, overt, consistent activity that challenges prevailing patterns of oppression, makes privileges that are so often invisible visible, and facilitates the empowerment of persons targeted by oppression” (Ayvazian, 2010, p. 625).
Men as allies: It is vital as part of this work that men challenge their own gender privilege. And recognise the value and promise that feminism offers not only to women but to men.
Male allies need to “cultivate respectful and productive alliances with feminist women” (109).
Being an ally involves: “listening and reflecting, being honest and authentic, educating yourself on oppression, speaking up against examples of oppression at work, not assuming the role of leading members of the marginalised group..."
5/7 [Plus graphic, Sharma, Allyship and social justice 2019 - Bridges on ally actions]
It is important for men allies to “maintain a positive and affirming stance towards themselves as men” (112). But a self-positive attitude is not the same as self-congratulation.
We must “recognise that the bar for men is too low and the rewards are disproportionately high” (113)
Men allies must work with and challenge other men (113). We must continue to politicise men’s violence and discrimination against women.
Alankaar Sharma's book chapter is available in full here: https://xyonline.net/content/allyship-and-social-justice-men-allies-cha…
Boys aren't growing more conservative. They're just not that into politics.
In fact, many young people remain politically noncommittal as they figure out where they fit in.
By Daniel Cox, director of the Survey Center on American Life
What Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg's canceled cage match says about masculine anxiety
By Associate Professor Kristen Barber https://theconversation.com/what-elon-musk-and-mark-zuckerbergs-cancele… @ConversationUS
None of the AFL's gay male players are publicly out. Does the code's culture need to change?
No professional male AFL player, past or present, has ever publicly come out as gay or bisexual. Insiders say a culture of homophobia lingers.
https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-08-21/afl-gay-player-culture-homophobi… @AFL
Guns, Republicans and "manliness": We all suffer from the right's mental health crisis
Republican men seem massively troubled about their masculinity — and that's literally causing death and suffering
By Kirk Swearingen, Salon
TikTok users turn 'alpha male' podcasters into a viral joke
Some popular male podcast hosts, who call themselves “alpha males,” often use their shows to encourage treating women as objects. Now, those hosts are being parodied by TikTokers.
https://www.nbcnews.com/pop-culture/viral/tiktok-users-turn-alpha-male-… #AndrewTate
Where Does Gender Equality Fit Into Australia’s Development Policy?
Clearly articulating gender-based violence as the world’s primary security problem is necessary to properly address it.
Developing Positive Masculinity
An accessible summary of a recent journal article, “Operationalizing positive masculinity: a theoretical synthesis and school-based framework to engage boys and young men”
Financial abuse red flags: Violet's ex gambled away their rent money on Valentine's Day
Men Think They Are Strong Workplace Allies. Women Disagree
Men and women often disagree on how much support women receive from male colleagues in addressing sexism. Actions speak louder than words, and action from men in the workplace is still too little.
Unwanted romantic and sexual advances on LinkedIn discourage women from using the site
The professional social network has explicit rules that prohibit using it as a dating app, but a sizable number of users still insist on being that guy.
Incels in Australia: the ideology, the threat, and a way forward
This report explores the phenomenon of ‘incels’ and the misogynistic ideology that underpins a subset of this global community of men that has become a thriving Internet subculture.
It's 2023 and period products are only now being tested with blood
The government has released its action plans to end violence against women and children. Will they be enough?
By Professor Kate Fitz-Gibbon, Associate Professor Marie Segrave, and Professor Silke Meyer
https://theconversation.com/the-government-has-released-its-action-plan… @Kate_FitzGibbon @MSegrave @SilkeMeyer_DFV
Misogynists like Andrew Tate hold sway over thousands of men and boys. Male leaders like me must address that. We cannot be passive bystanders when other men cause harm.
By Humza Yousaf, first minister of Scotland and leader of the Scottish National party
Release of two critical Action Plans under the National Action Plan to End Violence Against Women and Children 2022-2023.
The First Action Plan contains concrete actions and measurable targets towards ending gender-based violence within a generation.
See https://www.dss.gov.au/the-national-plan-to-end-violence-against-women-…
A dedicated Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Action Plan will work alongside the First Action Plan.
See https://www.dss.gov.au/the-national-plan-to-end-violence-against-women-…
Practice Brief: Doing Violence Prevention Well
By the Prevention Collaborative & UN Women, this Brief shares how to match programme aspirations with funding timeframes when writing concept notes or negotiating funding.
See https://www.unwomen.org/sites/default/files/2023-07/doing-violence-prev… @Prevent_Collab @UN_Women
What is gender socialisation? Gendered roles and expectations disadvantage girls and women and limit their possibilities. They create inequalities so that girls and women have less power and agency than boys & men.
Prevention Collaborative video, 3:54 min
Young people need more support coping with online sexual harms
By Estefania Reyes and Alexa Dodge
https://theconversation.com/young-people-need-more-support-coping-with-… via @ConversationCA
The calamitous Lehrmann trial is a gift to #MeToo critics
By Jacqueline Maley
Men Overboard
With conservatives feeling besieged by acceptance of same-sex marriage and gender fluidity, a key question for them is how to restore the patriarchal family to its rightful, protective place between the market and the state.
https://www.project-syndicate.org/onpoint/conservatives-fixation-on-def… @ProSyn
The anonymous question a sex educator hears from kids nearly every day
Young people's curiosity about sex is nothing new, but access to the internet and the terabytes of graphic pornography it hosts has given rise to a fresh set of concerns.
https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-08-13/changing-reality-of-sex-educatio… #Pornography
See this summary of the research on pornography's impacts among children, young people, and adults: https://xyonline.net/content/pornography-powerful-sexual-socialiser-you…
And see here for further materials, including on how to foster resistance to pornography's sexist and violence-supportive effects: https://xyonline.net/content/pornography-men-and-boys
Rape myths make it almost impossible for victim-survivors of sexual assault to find justice in Australia’s legal system
By Dr Rachael Burgin
@rachael_burgin @RapeReform
Boy Problems: The manosphere (the online network of anti-feminist men’s websites and groups) promises to fix young men’s lives. Instead, it’s making them miserable.
By Eamon Whalen, Mother Jones magazine
https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/08/boy-problems-andrew-tate-m… via @MotherJones
Also see other accessible critiques of men’s rights advocates (MRAs) and men’s rights advocacy, here: https://xyonline.net/content/mens-rights-collection-accessible-critiques
See scholarly critiques and assessments, here, in full text: http://xyonline.net/content/mens-rights-and-mras-mens-rights-activists-…
Other materials: http://xyonline.net/category/article-content/mens-fathers-rights
Research: Why Managers Deny Inequity in Their Own Organizations
By Christopher To, Elad N. Sherf, and Maryam Kouchaki
https://hbr.org/2023/07/research-why-managers-deny-inequity-in-their-ow… @HarvardBiz
Tradwives: The Housewives Commodifying Right-Wing Ideology
By Sophia Sykes and Dr Veronica Hopner, Global Network on Extremism and Technology (GNET)
https://gnet-research.org/2023/07/07/tradwives-the-housewives-commodify… @GNET_research
Consent: Fantastic series of comics by Alli Kirkham illustrate sexual consent issues with everyday situations. http://www.boredpanda.com/consent-rape-comics-alli-kerkham/
Violence prevention: Here is a collection of short, accessible introductions to the field, in full text here: http://www.xyonline.net/content/preventing-violence-against-women-xy-co… #VAW #GBV #DV
Gender and domestic violence: Useful summary of the research on women’s and men’s experiences of domestic violence, showing gender contrasts and asymmetry, in this national report by @ANROWS and @VicHealth, p. 56: http://ncas.anrows.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/NCAS-report-2018.pdf [Plus graphic, ANROWS, Australians’ attitudes to violence against women and gender equality NCAS Findings 2018 p. 56]
Violence prevention programs: Should address *both* domestic violence and sexual violence. Move beyond the silos. These forms of violence co-occur, have shared (and distinct) risk and protective factors, & prevention can impact both. See pp 191-92 of book: https://xyonline.net/content/new-book-engaging-men-and-boys-violence-pr… [Plus graphic, Flood, Engaging Men and Boys in Violence Prevention 2018 p. 191]
Privilege, oppression, justice: Sensoy and DiAngelo’s influential book “Is Everyone Really Equal - An Introduction to Key Concepts in Social Justice Education” (2017) is a great introduction. Explains key concepts, answers common questions. In full here: https://xyonline.net/books/bibliography/28-men-feminism-and-gender-equa… [Plus graphic, Sensoy, Is Everyone Really Equal – Cover]
Academia can be a site for activism in 4 ways: 1) a means to produce knowledge to inform progressive social change; 2) a means for conducting research which itself involves social change; 3) a site for progressive strategies of teaching and learning; etc. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/235684952_Combining_academia_a… [Plus graphic, Flood Martin Dreher, Combining academia and activism - Academia as a site]
White people acting in allyship or solidarity with people of color: An ally is not a hero or saviour. Allies “are members of the community who understand injustice when they see it and do what they can to work with others to redress it” (Kivel, p. 136): https://xyonline.net/sites/xyonline.net/files/2020-06/Kivel%2C%20Uprooting%20Racism%20-%20How%20White%20People%20Can%20Work%20for%20Racial%20Justice%20%282017%29%20-%20Part%20III%20Allies.pdf
"When you debate a person about something that affects them more than it affects you, remember that it will take a much greater emotional toll on them than on. For you it may feel like an academic exercise. For them, it feels like revealing their pain only to have you dismiss..." [Plus graphic, When you debate a person about something that affects them ]
How to engage men in gender equality 1/2: (1) Feminist and human rights agenda. (2) Reach and educate men. (3) Mobilise men and communities. (4) Address masculine organisations. (5) Integrate men into gender policy. 6-pager at http://xyonline.net/sites/xyonline.net/files/Flood%2C%20Working%20with%20Men%20and%20Boys%20-%20Jera%20Int%27l%20Beijing%2B15.pdf
How to engage men in gender equality 2/2: (6) Scale up successful initiatives & strategies. (7) Build political will and sustain momentum. (8) Build partnerships. (9) Build institutional capacity. (10) Support efforts with research. 6-page brief at at http://xyonline.net/sites/xyonline.net/files/Flood%2C%20Working%20with%20Men%20and%20Boys%20-%20Jera%20Int%27l%20Beijing%2B15.pdf
Why influencers like Andrew Tate want your sons’ attention
Wellness rhetoric functions as a Trojan horse to smuggle in a more sinister agenda.
By Associate Professor Debbie Ging
https://archive.is/20230124072822/https://www.irishtimes.com/opinion/20… @debbieging
Anti-feminist “men’s rights” groups are heavily involved in the gun rights movement, major contributors to racist practices and discourses, and active participants in efforts to criminalize and curtail women’s access to abortion.
Journal article, free: https://digitalcommons.uri.edu/dignity/vol7/iss3/5/
Andrew Tate is an example of a new wave of explicitly sexist, anti-feminist, and misogynist social influencers. They overlap with the “manosphere”, the online ecosystem of anti-women websites. Their teachings harm girls and women, *and* boys and men.
Notes https://xyonline.net/content/andrew-tate-and-other-male-supremacist-inf…
Andrew Tate and other male supremacist influencers are popular because they: Tap into longstanding sexist norms. Tap into some males' sense of aggrieved entitlement. Sell a traditional image of 'alpha' masculinity. Make effective use of marketing. Etc.
MRAs (men’s rights activists) be like…
(Image: A man is sitting on a park bench. A woman comes along and says, “I think I deserve to sit on this bench too.” The man throws himself to the ground, crying, “Oh my God I’ve been pushed off! There’s no room for me on *my* bench anymore!”) [Plus graphic, MRAs be like - Park bench]
For accessible critiques of MRAs, see http://xyonline.net/content/mens-rights-collection-accessible-critiques
For academic critiques (in full text), see https://xyonline.net/content/mens-rights-and-mras-mens-rights-activists-academic-critiques
For various other critiques and discussions of MRAs, see https://xyonline.net/category/article-content/mens-fathers-rights
The Problem With Men Who Date Much Younger Women
Leonardo DiCaprio gets older. His girlfriends are forever 21.
By Jill Filipovic @JillFilipovic
Lessons Learned in Gender Transformative Health Programming: A Rapid Literature Review
This research brief reviews evaluated evidence on how best to achieve gender equality and health outcomes through gender transformative programming.
The gender pay gap: what it is, what drives it, and what to do about it.
Here is a handy explainer from WGEA, including addressing some common myths and misconceptions...
https://www.wgea.gov.au/the-gender-pay-gap @WGEAgency
Legitimate Sexpectations, by Katrina Marson
Review of Katrina Marson’s book, describing it as a timely start to a fresh debate on sex education
https://www.canberratimes.com.au/story/7931410/katrina-marson-will-star… @Marson_Katrina
Clitoral knowledge and orgasm: This UK study finds that both men and women have poor knowledge of the clitoris, with men’s poorer than women’s. Women with better clitoral knowledge were more likely to orgasm in masturbation. 1/2 [Plus graphic, Dienberg, Does Clitoral Knowledge Translate into Orgasm 2022 – Abstract]
Women with better clitoral knowledge were also more likely to orgasm in partnered sex, *but only if* they did not subscribe to gendered sexual scripts - passivity, low desire, and less interest in orgasms for women, high sexual desire, orgasm, dominance, & initiative for men. 2/2 [Plus 2 graphics, Dienberg, Does Clitoral Knowledge…, on gendered scripts]
Feminism has positive effects, including for women with feminist identities and attitudes. Studies find they have higher levels of psychological wellbeing than other women, including on measures of purpose in life, autonomy, personal growth. Summaries: https://xyonline.net/content/feminism-good-women-response-some-common-m…
'Turned a blind eye and accepted it': Women in mining speak out against sexual harassment
A growing chorus of women are speaking out against gendered discrimination, bullying, a lack of opportunity and, at the extreme end, sexual harassment and assault.
“No” to Sex Education Fuels Early Pregnancies in Central America
By Edgardo Ayala
See the signs of coercive control
Valuable new campaign by the South Australian Government, here: https://seethesigns.sa.gov.au/
Transforming Masculinities: A training manual for educating faith leaders and others as ‘gender champions’, to lead and facilitate change in communities on gender norms, gender equality and the role of faith. By Tearfund, Democratic Republic of the Congo. https://www.whatworks.co.za/resources/item/473-tearfund-transforming-masculinities-training-manual [Plus graphic, Tearfund, Transforming Masculinities Training Manual 2017 – Cover]
For further guides and curricula for working with men and boys in community settings, including excellent Australian and North American manuals, see the collection on the profeminist website XY, here: http://xyonline.net/content/engaging-men-preventing-mens-violence-again…
Mobilising men to build gender justice: Start by recruiting gender-equitable men. (Where do we find them?) Use community workshops and events. Work with ‘gatekeepers’. Support men in getting organised. Form coalitions and networks. https://xyonline.net/content/mobilising-men-build-gender-justice-strategies-effective-movement-building
Sport, manhood, and using sport as a means for building healthy masculinities: Useful Advocacy Brief from MenEngage (2014). How Sport Constructs Manhood and its Impact on Men and Boys. Using Sport for Transforming Manhood and Mobilizing Boys and Men. See https://menengage.unfpa.org/sites/default/files/resource-pdf/Advocacy-Brief-Sports-and-the-making-of-men-transforming-gender-norms-on-the-playing-field.pdf [Plus graphic, MenEngage, Advocacy Brief - Sports and the Making 2013 – Cover]
Engaging men in building gender equality: It is vital to maintain a feminist agenda. Transform gendered systems and structures. Tackle structural and material inequalities. Use the term ‘feminist’, asserting its legitimacy & credibility. FREE book, p.385: https://xyonline.net/content/new-book-engaging-men-and-boys-violence-pr… [Plus graphic, Flood, Engaging Men and Boys in Violence Prevention 2018 p. 385]
It Took Going To Prison To Recognize My Toxic Masculinity. Here's How I Finally Changed.
"While trying to live up to this flawed version of masculinity, I caused serious harm to others, my community and myself."
Men needed in care-crisis conversation. (On men's roles in care work, in the USA)
By Gary Barker and Vicki Shabo https://www.nydailynews.com/opinion/ny-oped-missing-from-the-care-crisi…
#Aftermetoo – reflective groups for men
This 41-page guide on men’s groups is published by MÄN, a Swedish organisation working to advance gender equality, combat men's violence and redefine masculinity. Among the resources here: https://xyonline.net/content/anti-sexist-mens-groups-xy-collection [Plus graphic, MAN, Aftermetoo – reflective groups for men 2018 – Cover]
Who is responsible for unwanted pregnancies? Men, a new book argues.
Gabrielle Stanley Blair’s book boldly reframes the abortion debate. The title says it all: ‘Ejaculate Responsibly.’
Masculinity: podcast interview with Professor Michael Flood, by Emily Wolter, here: https://www.bswithem.com/the-experts/michaelfloodsociologist. Covers the "man box", how to be a good man, whether the conversation around masculinity and femininity is outdated, etc.
You are running a workshop or training on gender equity or violence against women, and there is resistance and pushback in the room. What can you do? This toolkit provides practical strategies for reducing resistance. See pp. 15-18 of https://xyonline.net/content/engaging-men-reducing-resistance-and-build… @easternhealthau [Plus graphic, Engaging Men - Reducing Resistance and Building Support 2021 - Cover Some]
A new generation of male contraceptives is coming
Scientists are working toward several promising male contraceptive options, but a lack of funding is the main barrier.
The movie ‘Barbie’ has put the phrase ‘toxic femininity’ back in the news – here’s what it means and why you should care
By Professor Karrin Vasby Anderson
Professor Anderson writes that the phrase toxic femininity "lacks a consistent definition and is often invoked by people with competing and even opposing views about women, men and gender".
‘Why did you wear that?’: The myths hurting sex abuse survivors in courts
Sexual assault trials across NSW are permeated by outdated myths and stereotypes about how “genuine victims” should act, dress, and fight off their attackers, finds new research.
‘Faking it for 20, 30 years’: The women trapped in ‘motherhood’ sex (On the common dynamic in heterosexual relationships where men put *their own* sexual needs first and women put *men's* needs first too.)
Exculpatory Chauvinism: a phenomenon in which negative characteristics ascribed to men (e.g., insatiable sex drives, competitiveness, 'natural' aggression) are offered as acceptable justifications of men's dominance over women. [Plus graphic, Exculpatory chauvinism]
Resource Package and Training Modules for Promoting Gender-Transformative Parenting
Challenging gender norms and gender inequalities to create a more equitable environment for all children to thrive
https://www.unicef.org/reports/resource-gender-transformative-parenting @UNICEF
Is this what a feminist looks like?
An excellent piece by Deborah Cameron on the Queen, and what feminism is and isn't
A feminist: someone who believes two things: (1) that women are oppressed as women, and (2) that this can and should be changed through political action.
We should not uncritically equate “being a feminist” with “being a woman who occupies a position of power”
Cameron’s objection to the idea that the Queen was a feminist is about "the extraordinarily patriarchal nature—and I mean “patriarchal” in the strictest and most literal sense—of the institution she was born into and dutifully served throughout her life".
The new state of healthcare in America: one for men and a worse one for women After the shutting down of women’s reproductive rights, women in anti-abortion states can’t access life-saving medication for everything from chronic pain to lupus to ulcers. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/oct/12/abortion-new-state-health…
Workplace gender equality initiatives: 4 common mistakes: (1) Not going beyond describing the numbers; (2) Trying to ‘fix’ women rather than fix systems; (3) Being overly optimistic about progress made; (4) Failing to recognise intersectionality.
Full text https://www.dropbox.com/s/gb122l2dy5u6iw5/Ryan%2C%20Addressing%20workplace%20gender%20inequality-%20Using%20the%20evidence%20to%20avoid%20common%20pitfalls%202022.pdf?dl=0 [Plus graphic, Ryan, Addressing workplace gender inequality- Using the evidence to avoid common pitfalls 2022 – Abstract]
Gaslighting: a type of psychological abuse aimed at making victims seem or feel “crazy”. It is rooted in social inequalities, including gender, and executed in power-laden intimate relationships. Useful sociological account by Dr Paige Sweet @paigelsweet
https://www.dropbox.com/s/u10ldd6fnzge5i3/Sweet%2C%20The%20Sociology%20of%20Gaslighting%202019.pdf?dl=0 [Plus abstract, Sweet, The Sociology of Gaslighting 2019 – Abstract]
Women’s levels of sexual desire in their relationships are shaped by how equal the relationship is. Greater equality in relationships (greater equity in power) leads to higher relationship satisfaction, which leads to higher sexual desire for partners.
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00224499.2022.2079111 [plus graphic, Johansen, Fairer Sex - The Role of Relationship Equity in Female Sexual Desire 2022 – Discussion]
The Protests Inside Iran’s Girls’ Schools
From the start, women were at the center of the demonstrations that swept Iran last year. Schoolgirls emerged as an unexpected source of defiant energy.
By Azadeh Moaveni
August 7, 2023
https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2023/08/14/the-protests-inside-irans… @NewYorker
How to be a supportive ally when your child has experienced sexual assault
No-one should live in fear of abuse.
Let’s all be part of the change. Everyone can do something to challenge the abuse of women and girls.
Excellent UK campaign, with lots of downloadable social media assets, videos, etc.
12 tips for media reporting on sexual harassment
Evidence-based media reporting on sexual harassment can change the attitudes and behaviours that drive violence against women. Handy guide by Our Watch.
https://media.ourwatch.org.au/reporting-violence-against-women/12-tips-… @OurWatchAus #SexualHarassment
Consent Education In Schools, Explained
By Claire Keenan, for Our Watch
https://junkee.com/new-australian-curriculum-for-consent-education-in-s… @OurWatchAus
Also see:
Best practice in consent education: https://xyonline.net/content/best-practice-consent-education
Consent: Notes on fostering affirmative consent and challenging sexual violence: https://xyonline.net/content/consent-notes-fostering-affirmative-consen…
What it's like to learn someone you care about is violent
ABC Everyday
‘Boundaries’ or coercive control? Experts explain how to tell the difference
https://theconversation.com/boundaries-or-coercive-control-experts-expl… via @ConversationUK
E-learning Course: How to be a male ally for workplace gender equality
This UN Global Compact Academy e-learning course will help you understand why and how you can be a male ally for gender equality. 45 minutes long.
https://www.globalcompactusa.org/news/new-e-learning-course-how-to-be-a… @UN_Women
Many women prefer to use female driving instructors, and that's holding them back from getting their licences
Demand for driving lessons is strong among women, but a lack of female instructors is putting some of them off taking the test.
Matildas' fans have a message: Women aren't accepting second-class status in sport anymore
The tournament and the love being shown for the world game by the young fans is in contrast with how the AFL supports its own women's league, writes Virgina Trioli
What is patriarchy? What does it mean and why is everyone talking about it?
By Eliza Anyangwe and Melissa Mahtani, CNN
Essential Considerations for Engaging Men and Boys for Improved Family Planning Outcomes
This USAID resource (2018) explores why men and boys should be engaged in family planning efforts and provides a framework for implementing male engagement.
https://www.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/2022-05/Engaging-men-boys-fam… @USAIDGH
Work with men and boys has been growing rapidly. What are some of the opportunities, challenges and problems that engaging men and boys brings? And how can this work be delivered most effectively?
Podcast with Professor Michael Flood:
https://now-and-men.captivate.fm/episode/michael-flood @the_daily_panda
Advancing girls and women in male-dominated industries requires the leadership, participation, commitment, and allyship of men. Focus of a new curriculum developed by USAID’s Engendering Industries program, in partnership with Equimundo: https://xyonline.net/content/engaging-men-gender-equality-within-male-d… @equimundo_org [Plus graphic, USAID, Engaging Men in Gender Equality 2023 – Cover]
For further resources on men’s positive roles in building workplace gender equality, see the XY collection here: https://xyonline.net/content/men-building-gender-equality-workplace
Fast Facts on Family and Gender-based Violence 2023
A guide to Australian statistics, for prevention practitioners, by Safe and Equal Victoria https://safeandequal.org.au/resources/fast-facts-2023/
Should the man be the one who proposes? Despite greater gender equality, some women still prefer traditional gender roles in heterosexual relationships. One possible reason is simply because they are traditional, writes @Dr_BeatriceAlba @Deakin
Attention policy makers and funders of violence prevention portfolios! Are you planning to invest in initiatives that engage and mobilise men and boys in preventing violence and advance equity and inclusion? Check out these principles and guidelines: https://preventdomesticviolence.ca/supporting-best-practices-guidelines… [Plus graphic, Wells, Supporting best practices - Guidelines for funding 2020 Cover]
The men ranting angrily about Barbie have got it all wrong
While it surges at the box office, Barbie has inspired a similar surge of hate from men who simply don’t understand it.
By Samuel Clench
The complicated gender history of pink
Pink only became identified as a women’s color in the 1940s, when retailers and manufactures made it so. For centuries it was associated with men. Red was seen as the color of passion & aggression, a “masculine” color
'They leave our cries unheard': Universities accused of failing sexual assault victims
Universities are failing to meet a key recommendation set out by the Australian Human Rights Commission to support students who are victims of sexual violence.
Indian women’s struggle against sexual violence has had little support from the men in power
By Dr Severyna Magill
Positive Masculinity Conference
Engaging boys and improving their life outcomes through connection, authenticity and motivation. Exploring pro-social ways of working with boys and young men.
September 1, Melbourne, Australia
I wept for Ken: why men have the most to gain from watching Barbie
Men suffer under patriarchy, too – and Ryan Gosling’s man-child Ken is a brilliant demonstration of that
By Akin Olla
What Boys and Men Can Learn from Ken
In Barbie, the problem isn’t Barbie, Ken or anyone else. It is the patriarchy—which excludes and punishes women, but also harms men. And many men got it.
By Jackson Katz, Ms Magazine
https://msmagazine.com/2023/08/01/ken-barbie-men-boys-feminism-masculin… @MsMagazine
Uncharted territory: do AI girlfriend apps promote unhealthy expectations for human relationships?
Chatbots are getting better at mimicking human interaction, but some fear they feed into unhealthy beliefs around gender-based control and violence.
Inspiring men’s support for equality at work: 1) Leverage the influence of other men. 2) Appeal to higher ideals & the greater good. 3) Align training with job roles & performance. 4) Dispel zero-sum thinking. Prime, ‘Stacking the deck’ report, in full: http://www.xyonline.net/content/men-building-gender-equality-workplace [Plus graphic, Prime, Engaging men in gender initiatives - Stacking the deck 09 Cover]
Men’s roles in building gender equality are firmly on the public agenda. There is a compelling feminist rationale for involving men. Men are both part of the problem of gender inequality *and* part of the solution. See pp.3-8 of the book chapter free here: http://xyonline.net/content/men-and-gender-equality-book-chapter [Plus graphic, Flood, Engaging Men in Building Gender Equality - Intro Start]
Tweets in July 2023
Gender and the COVID-19 pandemic: Gender relations and inequalities shape the progression of pandemics, men’s and women’s responses, and their impact. See this XY collection of commentaries on the pandemic and gender: https://xyonline.net/content/gender-and-covid-19-pandemic #coronavirusau #COVIDー19 #COVID19Aus
How to Be Successful Without Hurting Men’s Feelings (humour). (Sexist comments. “Threatening”: That’s not appropriate and I didn’t appreciate it. Non-threatening: *awkward laugh*.) Sarah Cooper’s book, ‘How to Be Successful Without Hurting Men’s Feelings’. https://www.good.is/leadership-strategies-for-women [Plus graphic, Cooper, How to be successful - Sexist comments]
Benevolent sexism: a feminist comic explains how it holds women back. (The French artist Emma, famous for her comic on the ‘mental load’, illustrates how certain ‘friendly’ remarks can belittle women in the workplace.) https://www.theguardian.com/books/2020/aug/13/benevolent-sexism-a-feminist-comic-explains-how-it-holds-women-back
Girls’ bodies aren’t responsible for boys’ thoughts - Emmy Coletti @emmycoletti [Plus graphic]
Progress of the world’s women: UN Women’s flagship report assesses the reality of families today in the context of sweeping economic, demographic, political, and social transformation. https://www.unwomen.org/en/digital-library/progress-of-the-worlds-women @UN_Women @unwomenpacific
Because Why: This campaign by Our Watch aims to show parents how rigid gender stereotypes limit children’s opportunities and freedom to make their own choices. Short, accessible videos and materials for families, friends, and others. See http://becausewhy.com.au/Because-Why/Home @OurWatchAus [Plus graphic, Our Watch, Because why - Gender stereotypes]
How to parent without perpetuating gender stereotypes. https://mashable.com/article/how-to-parent-without-gender-stereotypes/ via @mashable. And see the profeminist website XY’s collection on raising gender-equitable sons, here: https://xyonline.net/content/raising-feminist-sons-xy-collection
Mass shootings and masculinity: This XY collection features commentaries on how individual men’s perpetration of mass shootings is shaped by norms and behaviours associated with patriarchal masculinity. Commentary eg on Las Vegas (2017), Nova Scotia (2020) https://xyonline.net/content/mass-shootings-and-masculinity
In #MeToo, we need to call out gay men’s misogyny as well. Including the sexual harassment and assault of women by gay men. By Jo Bartosch, April 2019.
Australian media is failing to cover domestic violence in the right way: Media often frame DV as an individual problem, not a systemic one. Focus on the physical. Portray the perpetrator as a victim of circumstance. Excuse the violence. https://theconversation.com/australian-media-is-failing-to-cover-domest… @ConversationEDU
Reshaping masculinity in Mozambique: “I changed the way I see the world. When a girl says ‘no’, it is no"
At 17, Vasco César is rethinking some of his views, especially about women.
School-related gender-based violence: achieving systemic, sustainable change
This brief sets out clear and specific recommendations for governments to urgently prioritize and implement so that all schools are safe places for all students
https://reliefweb.int/report/world/school-related-gender-based-violence… @UNESCO
The paths to equal: Twin indices on women’s empowerment and gender equality
This report, prepared by UN Women and UNDP, highlights the global challenges faced by women and provides a roadmap for targeted interventions and policy reforms.
https://www.unwomen.org/en/digital-library/publications/2023/07/the-pat… @UN_Women @UNDP
Managing Gender-based Violence Programmes in Emergencies: E-Learning Companion Guide (UNFPA, 2023) A supplementary Companion Guide to UNFPA’s E-learning Course on Managing Gender-based Violence Programmes in Emergencies @UNFPA
Tips to better reach social media users, including survivors of violence (Spotlight Initiative Safe and Fair Programme, UN Women, 2022)
https://asiapacific.unwomen.org/en/digital-library/publications/2022/06… @UN_Women
Feminist Leadership: What’s Privilege Got to do With it?
In the non-profit sector, despite our fluency in structural analyses of power, we remain woefully inarticulate about a very specific form of power: privilege.
By Leila Billing
https://www.boell.de/en/2021/07/21/feminist-leadership-whats-privilege-… @leilabilling
Violence against women: More deaths, little action
By Kate Fitz-Gibbon, Marie Segrave, and Silke Meyer
https://lens.monash.edu/2023/07/27/1386002/violence-against-women-more-… @Kate_FitzGibbon @SilkeMeyer_DFV
Men supporting women’s land rights: stories of how men, specifically ordinary men, chiefs and those in the legal profession, are demonstrating support for women’s land rights during conflicts in Cameroon.
https://www.wilpf.org/mmffp_documents/evolving-alliances-men-and-women-… @WILPF
Technical brief: Analysis of issues related to masculinities and disability in conflict and post-conflict settings
https://eeca.unfpa.org/en/publications/technical-brief-analysis-issues-… @UNFPA
Disability-inclusive development with men and boys
Mainstreaming disability equality in approaches to engaging men and boys for gender equality
https://eeca.unfpa.org/en/publications/disability-inclusive-development… @UNFPA
"I made upskirting illegal. This is why I don’t want to change any more laws."
I don’t want more prisons and punishment for men – I want to help prevent sexual assault so women are safer in the first place, writes Gina Martin
https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/jul/26/i-made-upskirting… @ginamartinuk
‘Any victim is a liar’: sexual violence scandals in Italy expose deep-seated sexism
Two high-profile cases underscore how sexual harassment and rape are downplayed, as women are disparaged.
Tackling violence against women and girls in sport: A handbook for policy makers and sports practitioners
By UN Women, UNESCO and the Spotlight Initiative, to facilitate constructive conversations about how we can work together to address VAWG in sport.
Like Father, Like Son: There are significant associations between fathers’ and sons’ attitudes and behaviours related to masculinity. This suggests that fathers pass on their masculinity to their sons. Blog: https://spsp.org/news/character-and-context-blog/perales-kuskoff-flood-king-%20father-son-emulate-masculinity
Journal article: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11199-023-01364-y
It's Time to Talk About What It Means to Be a Man in the U.S.
Shaunna Thomas and Gary Barker, for Newsweek
https://www.newsweek.com/its-time-talk-about-what-it-means-man-us-opini… @equimundo_org
Ken is a bell hooks critique come to life in ‘Barbie’
The movie offers us a humorous, and very pink, critique on the patriarchy and the performativity of gender.
https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/kens-barbie-character-parod… @MSNBC
What "Barbie" Gets Right About Male Psychology
Barbie shows how men often translate and funnel existential angst into anger, resentment, and sexual longing.
The movie gives a nuanced model of male self-care and self-acceptance.
Blog, Psychology Today
Ignore the pearl-clutching conservatives. ‘Barbie’ is not anti-men
The Herald Sun
Ken’s rights? Our research shows Barbie is surprisingly accurate on how ‘men’s rights activists’ are radicalised
By Associate Professor Lucy Nicholas
https://theconversation.com/kens-rights-our-research-shows-barbie-is-su… via @ConversationEDU
How Australia's sexual consent laws could change
Experts and advocates will appear at a three-day Senate inquiry into the country's current and proposed sexual consent laws. Here's what will be discussed.
These young Chinese women are ditching make-up as they reject 'beauty duty'
Feminism: A short history of a big idea. A short, readable book on feminism, its key ideas, its history, and its issues. Including on second-wave feminism, ‘the personal is political’, and more (2006). Excerpts here: https://xyonline.net/sites/xyonline.net/files/2021-03/Hannam%2C%20Feminism%20%28Short%20Histories%20of%20Big%20Ideas%29%20%282006%29.pdf [Plus graphic, Hannam, Feminism (Short Histories of Big Ideas) (2006) – Cover]
Feminism is good for women. The research finds women with feminist identities or beliefs feel more empowered and agentic, have better mental health, more positive body image, more stable and higher quality intimate relationships, and better sex lives. See https://xyonline.net/content/feminism-good-women-response-some-common-m…
Feminism, victimhood, and agency: Feminist beliefs are empowering. Among women who have been assaulted or harassed, feminist women are less likely than non-feminist women to blame themselves, and more likely to embrace their own power and capacity to act. https://xyonline.net/content/feminism-women-and-victimhood-response-som… [Plus graphic, Flood, Feminism and MRAs - Feminism and women’s agency]
Bias against women is bias *towards men*. Female disadvantage = unfair male privilege. Global data shows extent of normative support for male privilege: that men make better leaders, men make better executives, men have more right than women to a job, etc https://www.undp.org/content/undp/en/home/news-centre/news/2020/Gender_Social_Norms_Index_2020.html
Gender: What does it mean to argue that gender, the meaning and organisation of men’s and women’s lives, is *socially constructed*, given the reality of biological sex differences? Connell provides a useful account, Chap 4 of ‘Gender in World Perspective’: https://xyonline.net/sites/xyonline.net/files/2019-08/Connell%2C%20Gender%20in%20World%20Perspective%2C%202nd%20Edition%20%282009%29.pdf [Plus graphic, Connell, Gender in World Perspective, 2nd Edition (2009) - Cover CROPPED]
6 Ways the Mainstream Porn Industry Fuels Child Sexual Abuse
This Fight The New Drug piece identifies six connections between porn and child sexual abuse.
https://fightthenewdrug.org/ways-the-porn-industry-fuels-child-sexual-a… @FightTheNewDrug
Mayor launches new campaign empowering men to challenge misogyny by saying ‘maaate’ to their mates when they cross the line
https://www.london.gov.uk/media-centre/mayors-press-release/mayor-launc… @MayorofLondon
Exposure to sexual content and problematic sexual behaviors (PSBs) in children and adolescents: This systematic review, of 27 studies among 16,200 young people, finds that exposure to sexual content such as online pornography or live sexual content is associated with PSBs.
*Both* exposure to violent sexually explicit content and live sexual acts *and* to non-violent sexual content were associated with PSBs. The levels of violence, degradation & objectification in the content matter, but average porn contains enough of this to be associated with PSB
See the journal article at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0145213423002363
Why is hazing such a widespread problem? Abuse prevalent despite efforts to stop it
(Hazing: Activities expected of someone joining or participating in a group that humiliate, degrade, abuse, or endanger them, regardless of willingness to participate.)
8 Documentaries on Masculinity, Patriarchy, and Change
Compiled by Next Gen Men, Canada
https://www.nextgenmen.ca/blog/8-documentaries-on-masculinity-patriarch… @NextGenMen
With Barbie, Ryan Gosling is leading the big himbo revival
GQ Magazine
One in 10 children ‘have watched pornography by time they are nine’
Report by children’s commissioner for England finds worrying amount of content involves violence
Guardian article: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2023/jan/31/one-in-10-children-have-watched-pornography-by-time-they-are-nine
Full report: https://www.childrenscommissioner.gov.uk/report/a-lot-of-it-is-actually…
#Pornography #Violence
‘Rape culture’ in schools and the role of pornography: Research by Prof Nicky Stanley and Prof Christine Barter has found a significant link between boys’ regular viewing of online pornography and their use of sexual coercion and abuse. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2021/apr/01/culture-in-schools-and-the-role-of-pornography
Pornography exposure is routine among young men and informs their coercive treatment of young women. A key strategy for minimising pornography’s harms is education. Framework for effective practice in schools to address porn’s influence here: https://itstimewetalked.com/resources/articles-and-media/ @MareeCrabbe
Sexuality and relationships education (SRE): The evidence is that comprehensive SRE programs delay the initiation of sexual activity among young people, and reduce the incidence and frequency of unprotected sex and number of sex partners, pp. 17-18 of: https://xyonline.net/sites/xyonline.net/files/2023-07/Sundaram%2C%20Glo…
[Plus graphic, Thomas, School-Based Sex and Relationships Education - Title.png]
Also see the “Review of the evidence on sexuality education: report to inform the update of the UNESCO International technical guidance on sexuality education” (2016), free here:
Big W has withdrawn Welcome to Sex from its stores to protect staff – but teen sex education can keep young people safe
By Emma Whatman
https://theconversation.com/big-w-has-withdrawn-welcome-to-sex-from-its-stores-to-protect-staff-but-teen-sex-education-can-keep-young-people-safe-209979 @emmawhatman @Zosogis
Not all therapy is a force for good. I give you exhibit A: the actor Jonah Hill
The star wrote his controlling texts to a girlfriend in language he learned on the couch
By Martha Gill
Ignore the moral panic: the book “Welcome to Sex” is a valuable resource for kids
By Giselle Woodley @Zosogis
10 ways to help the boys in your life read for enjoyment (not just for school)
By Margaret Kristin Merga
https://theconversation.com/10-ways-to-help-the-boys-in-your-life-read-for-enjoyment-not-just-for-school-205997 via @ConversationEDU
How to talk to boys about misogyny
By Sophie King-Hill
Economic security and intimate partner violence
This research synthesis by @ANROWS focuses on the nexus of women’s safety and women’s economic security.
To achieve gender equality, men and boys must join the call for paid & unpaid care to be central to political, social and economic plans, says the new #StateoftheWorldsFathers report, launched as part of @MenCareGlobal at @WomenDeliver
Read more: https://www.equimundo.org/resources/state-of-the-worlds-fathers-2023/
State of the World's Fathers: This new report makes recommendations for urgent, structural action on caring that includes men and boys. Its recommendations include:
Center care systems in policies and public institutions.
Advocate for a culture of care in all workplaces.
Revolutionize the way boys are taught about care.
Normalize equal, nontransferable parental leave.
Generate mainstream media that portrays men and boys as caring and competent caregivers
Read more: https://www.equimundo.org/resources/state-of-the-worlds-fathers-2023/
@MenCareGlobal @equimundo_org
[Plus graphic, Equimundo, State of the World's Fathers 2023 – Cover]
"RESPECT Women: Preventing violence against women" is an evidence-based framework for policy makers to strengthen and scale up efforts to prevent violence against women. It outlines a set of action-oriented steps to support policy makers and others.
See https://respect-prevent-vaw.org/
Can Domestic Violence and Community Violence Be Interrupted at the Same Time?
A novel program in Brownsville, Brooklyn, is working to break the links between two of the most common types of shootings.
A modest proposal for breaking the gender and care connection — why not encourage shared paid parental leave?
By Associate Professor Luara Ferracioli
Wales launches campaign to help tackle misogyny and violence against women
Campaign aims to put onus on men to stop violence against women as figures suggest most already feel country safe place for women
The fourth leading cause of death in the US? Cumulative poverty
Reverend William Barber and Gregg Gonsalves
We hear so much about crime rates, opioids, and gun violence in America, but so little from our elected leaders about the poverty crisis
The Crisis Over American Manhood Is Really Code for Something Else
Male malaise in the United States goes back to the founders, and it is a preoccupation of elites in particular. They might teach us something about this current wave of manliness panic.
The Best Way to Find Out If Someone Is a Trump Voter? Ask Them What They Think About Manhood.
A new POLITICO/IPSOS poll shows that people have very different ideas on the solutions to the challenges facing men and boys, and these affect how they vote.
Portrait of a ‘Pink-Collar’ Working Man
Eric Cromer found an unlikely and promising path out of the wreckage of the industrial Midwest.
She’s had a whip-smart Hollywood facelift, but Barbie still isn’t much of a role model
Mattel has reinvented its doll in the language of empowerment, but it’s a hollow, plastic form of feminism
By Natasha Walter
Men in feminist classrooms: The men who take Women’s and Gender Studies classes at university find them a positive experience, and more positive than other undergraduate classes. Review (2011) on men as students and teachers in Gender Studies, here: http://xyonline.net/sites/xyonline.net/files/Flood%2C%20Men%20as%20Stud…
Men’s groups and movements: What is the ‘men’s movement’? Are there different men’s groups and organisations out there with differing agendas and focuses? How do they compare to other groups and movements? Handy overview (2007), in full text here: http://goo.gl/wgBTq6
“Are You Man Enough?” Millions of boys have been socialized to believe strength is synonymous with manhood. It’s time to redefine what ‘manhood’ means - Justin Baldoni and Tony Porter (Aug. 2018). https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/a22778743/are-you-man-enough/
Parenting arrangements after separation: 97% of parents in Australia do not go to court to decide arrangements for parenting after separation. Court ordered arrangements are less likely to involve no contact between children and father: 3% of court orders https://aifs.gov.au/publications/parenting-arrangements-after-separation
Why Being a “Real Man” Will Kill You: Some men think worrying about their health or caring about climate change is feminine - or for “pussies”. These ideals of manhood are a detriment to people everywhere. By Jennifer Wright, Aug 2019. https://www.harpersbazaar.com/culture/politics/a28814382/how-masculinity-affects-health-care-climate-change/
Whose alpha male is this? Donald Trump and America’s sad, failed model of masculinity. (As author Tom Digby explains, Trump’s "cartoon masculinity" is a desperate attempt to cling to a fading ideal.) https://www.salon.com/2020/08/22/whose-alpha-male-is-this-donald-trump-…
Also see this XY collection: https://xyonline.net/content/donald-trump-and-masculinity-xy-collection
Men and boys have a vital role to play in preventing and reducing men’s violence against women and girls. Massive collection of resources here: readings, speeches, manuals, discussions of key debates, bibliographies, my book (free in PDF), etc. http://www.xyonline.net/content/violence-walking-tour-some-xy%E2%80%99s…
6 Action-Packed YA Novels With Positive Role Models for Boys
Next Gen Men blog
https://www.nextgenmen.ca/blog/6-action-packed-ya-novels-with-positive-… @NextGenMen
Mothers and Sons program helps women raise boys to become non-violent, respectful men
(A story on a program run by the Illawarra Women's Health Centre, March 2021)
6 Ways Parents Can Help End 'The Boy Crisis'
We raise boys to be islands, then wonder why men are so shut down
Also see XY's collection on raising gender-equitable, feminist sons, here: https://xyonline.net/content/raising-feminist-sons-xy-collection
Can ‘positive masculinity’ influencers beat the sway of Andrew Tate?
We sincerely hope so.
By Lucy Morgan
https://www.glamourmagazine.co.uk/article/positive-masculinity-influenc… @glamourmag @Beyond_Equality
What the murders of two women say about the dangerous, ‘heart-broken’ young men of India
A warped sense of masculinity and a sexual culture that invisibilises gender inequality produces entitled men who cannot see women as equal sexual citizens.
The Perils and Promises of Penis-Enlargement Surgery
One doctor’s Promethean quest to grow the male member is leaving some men desperate and disfigured.
New Yorker magazine
"Joy Ride" delivers a full-frontal subversion of sexuality for Asian women
Both hilarious and empowering, the raunchfest doesn't use its R rating for mere titillation or transgression
The testosterone primary of 2024 is ‘getting out of hand’
The presidential contest is careening into a frenetic fit boy summer sidequest in which candidates are skirmishing over feats of strength.
What About Men? by Caitlin Moran review – bantz gone bad
A tendentious take on masculinity that takes unoriginal thoughts and confirms them in the echo chamber of Twitter
Moran's book does look poor and uneven, including in feminist terms. But there *is* excellent writing out there on men and masculinities. Including introductory, accessible books and scholarship. Here's a list I've compiled: https://xyonline.net/books/bibliography/2-best-reading-men-masculinities
Male celebrities: A US study finds that celebrity men are much more likely to engage in infidelity than men in the U.S. general population, and that celebrity men are far more likely to commit sexual transgressions than celebrity women.
https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12119-023-10119-6 [Plus graphic, Lankford, Celebrity Infidelity and Sex Crimes 2023 – Abstract]
Jonah Hill’s alleged texts reveal a bigger issue
There are men that have taken the old fashion misogyny that ruined our mothers’ lives and given it a hipster makeover. They're still trying to control women. It's a prime example of how far we haven’t come.
(I had an interesting chat with my partner about this last night. She and I agree, there’s no problem with one person in a monogamous relationship saying that they are not okay with their partner having flirtatious or sexualised friendships with other people. But there *is* 1/2
But there *is* a problem with men policing female partners' platonic friendships and contact with men, careers, or pictures in their swimmers (especially when dating a surfer!).
Building Networks & Addressing Harm: A Community Guide to Online Youth Radicalization
Resources for trusted adults, mentors & community leaders, from the Southern Poverty Law Center
https://www.splcenter.org/sites/default/files/splc-peril-addressing-harm-community-guide.pdf [Plus graphic, SPLC, Building Networks & Addressing Harm - A Community Guide to Online Youth Radicalization – Cover]
Gender norms can be changed by collecting individuals’ true beliefs and then sharing the group’s average beliefs
Study: Correcting men’s misperceptions of other men’s attitudes had a positive impact on their support for their wives' independence.
Case study: 79% of men aged 18-35 in Saudi Arabia would support their wives working outside the home, yet they mistakenly believed that other men do not hold this view. They estimated that only 63% of men support women working outside the home.
Researchers provided husbands with accurate information on other husbands’ views. This led to an update of beliefs in the long-term and a change in behaviour. The intervention led to a 180% increase in job applications from wives, rising from 5.8% to 16.2%.
The intervention also made husbands more more open to other changes, such as allowing their wives to attend driving lessons.
Details: https://www.gendereconomy.org/how-sharing-information-about-others-beli… @GenderEconomy
Female delivery drivers plagued with sexual harassment: ‘He opened the door, he was completely naked’ ‘Very often the guy is in his underwear or is shirtless and acts in a sexually provocative way,’ a Deliveroo driver tells Maya Oppenheim
Josh Hawley’s horrifically misogynistic book signals a much bigger problem
Soraya Chemaly on traditional, patriarchal masculinity and the harms it causes.
https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/josh-hawley-conservative-wh… @schemaly
By men, about men: how bad is the gender research gap for women in exercise science? Most research is done on men and men’s bodies, risking the injury, misdiagnosis and mistreatment of women. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/jul/09/sports-research-…
Promote gender equality to sports leaders – tools
Our Watch has developed a set of tools to support sports leaders and athletes in taking action to address the drivers of violence against women.
https://sport.ourwatch.org.au/resource/promote-gender-equality-to-sport… @OurWatchAus
How did patriarchy actually begin?
For centuries, people have held mistaken assumptions about the origins of male-dominated societies, writes Angela Saini.
Work with men and boys in Australia: Five trends in the field.
Growth: The healthy masculinities field is growing.
The number of initiatives is increasing. And expanding into new areas (parenting, women’s economic empowerment, parliamentary politics, and violent extremism).
Evidence base: There is a growing body of research on the impacts of these efforts. Very few initiatives in Australia have been evaluated. But international impact evaluations show that well-designed interventions among men and boys can make positive and lasting change.
Support for engaging men: There is widespread support for men’s positive roles for example in ending violence against women. A 2020 Australian survey found that just under 80% of people agree that “There are things that all men can do to help prevent violence against women".
Policy support: There is growing policy support for engaging men and boys, particularly in frameworks and policies on violence prevention.
Professor Michael Flood's speech, Healthy Masculinities Network: https://xyonline.net/content/state-play-australian-men-and-boys
Men’s and boys’ sexual violence against girls and women *starts young*.
2 major US studies find that the average age of first perpetration among males is 16. In a longitudinal study, with 11 waves of data, the most common age of first perpetration of sexual violence was 16.
By the age of 20, 88% of respondents who were going to become sexual assaulters had already done so. In other words, nearly nine in ten male sexual violence perpetrators reported their first assault by age 20.
Report, p. 48: https://research.qut.edu.au/centre-for-justice/wp-content/uploads/sites…
Mary-Lou says elder abuse by her son left her 'humiliated, horrified and alone'
Mary-Lou says her son used to park his car in the driveway to block her in her home before demanding money. Now the program that helped her escape elder abuse is ending.
The pornification of everything
In today’s dating market, women who would prefer porn practices kept out of their bedrooms have little negotiating power
https://thecritic.co.uk/the-pornification-of-everything/ @HJoyceGender
Three quarters of universities aren’t being transparent about sexual violence
https://www.smh.com.au/education/three-quarters-of-universities-aren-t-… @eroc
‘It was so shocking’: why robodebt’s dark legacy will linger long after royal commission report
The stabbing attack at the University of Waterloo shows the dangers of polarizing rhetoric about gender
Patterns of violence online & offline "against women, racialized, disabled, queer and gender nonconforming people are forms of stochastic terrorism”
Daniel wishes the rest of the world could witness what he sees in Australia’s high schools
On pornography, sexism, masculinity, and Daniel Principe’s work with Collective Shout
https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/daniel-wishes-the-rest-of-the-world… @anthonysegaert @CollectiveShout
Halfway through a domestic violence inquest, the NT coroner is unravelling a system in crisis
'He had this secret life': Eliza's husband had sex with more than a hundred people during their marriage
Husband's sex addiction shook Eliza's life like an 'earthquake' but she found support for both of them
5 Online Dating Tips for Guys
Helpful, thoughtful discussion on online dating, from Next Gen Men
https://www.nextgenmen.ca/blog/5-tips-for-online-dating @NextGenMen
Boys experience depression differently than girls. Here’s why that matters
Surveys of teen mental health may underestimate boys’ despair
Science News, June 2023
The origins of sexism: How men came to rule 12,000 years ago
Human societies weren’t always male-dominated. The switch came when we became farmers – and that suggests ways to roll back towards a more equal system
New Scientist, 18 April 2018
Sex education must engage boys to tackle harassment - MPs
BBC News: https://www.bbc.com/news/education-66101396
Full Women and Equalities Committee Report: https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm5803/cmselect/cmwomeq/331/repor… @Commonswomequ
Men when their friends make sexist jokes… Men when they find other men sending threats to women… Men when someone says “Men are trash”… [Plus graphic, Men when their friends make sexist jokes]
But here is a collection of resources on what men (and women) *can* do to challenge sexist and violence-supportive comments and behaviours. Practical actions, strategies, and resources, at https://xyonline.net/content/bystander-intervention-xy-collection [Plus graphic, Stand Speak Act - Bystander intervention]
To add some data... More men (20%) than women (11%) agree that “there is no harm in men making sexist jokes about women when they are among their male friends”, from a nationally representative Australian survey (Main report, https://ncas.au, p. 190). https://ncas.au/
Among those who said they would be bothered, women were significantly more likely than men to say they would disapprove immediately in public (65% versus 47%) and less likely than men to say they would disapprove later in private (26% of women; 42% of men) (pp. 189-190).
Women in Melbourne’s top music venues report high rates of sexual violence
Live music is a huge part of Melbourne’s cultural scene, yet a new study from Monash University has revealed that it’s not always a safe space for women.
https://womensagenda.com.au/latest/women-in-melbournes-top-music-venues… @WomensAgenda
Sexual violence in music spaces: Check out this comprehensive report, by Dr Andrea Baker. Explores the extent and character of the problem, and makes recommendations for prevention and reduction.
https://figshare.com/s/62519f8c95bab5ca4c32 @andreajeanbaker 2/2
How to Meaningfully Address Men in the Women, Peace and Security Agenda
More countries are recognizing men and boys in their gender-sensitive security policies. But can commitment turn into action?
By David Duriesmith
Want good national and international news on violence against women and its prevention? The AWAVA e-bulletin, by the Australian Women Against Violence Alliance, is an excellent fortnightly bulletin. Subscribe here: https://awava.org.au/contact @AWAVA_women
Efforts to engage men in preventing violence against women and building gender equality are growing around the world. What changes do we aim to encourage among men? Excellent table, pp. 37-39, on desired behaviours and outcomes, in this: https://preventdomesticviolence.ca/building-a-movement-of-men-and-boys-…. Excerpt below. [plus graphics, Wells, Building a movement of men and boys committed to violence prevention and gender equality in Alberta 2022 – Cover; Wells, Building a movement of men and boys committed to violence prevention and gender equality in Alberta 2022 Table 1 some]
Men Overboard: Why the right can never outgrow the masculinity crisis.
"American boys and men are suffering because an American culture that outlines how to perform manliness following a solitary, stoic script of violent self-assertion is ruinous."
Are South Korea’s New Policies Silencing Rape Survivors?
Seoul’s crackdown on false accusations is having unintended consequences.
Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg and our new age of hyper-masculinity
The embarrassing rise of the “anti-woke” alpha male shows how a crisis of masculinity makes one seek to aggressively perform it.
By Sarah Manavis
Why do men keep resorting to public violence to settle disputes, and why do people enjoy watching?
15-minute radio interview on the Musk and Zuckerberg cage fight, violence between men, and masculinity, with Professor Michael Flood
Inside the hateful and lonely world of incel men | Uncovering Incels | Short Documentary
SBS The Feed
The single dad taking on toxic masculinity in Colombia one nappy at a time
Henry Murrain believes that working with men is a path towards reducing violence against women. He’s leading Bogota’s first anti-machismo program.
"Mass killers practice at home": How domestic violence and mass shootings are linked
CBS News, June 17 2023
Why Japan is rethinking its rape laws and raising the age of consent from 13
By Jessie Yeung and Eru Ishikawa, CNN
Gender-based Violence is Notoriously Hard to Address – But Accurate Data Helps
Health Policy Watch, June 2023
Universities urged to improve how staff sexual-assault claims are handled
Early-career researchers are often poorly served when they come forward, says the author of a report investigating the response to #MeToo at UK institutions.
Francis never got taught how to use condoms in China. Then he came to Australia
A compulsory online module is teaching international students at Australian universities about consent and inspiring some to take their new-found sex education back home.
The spike in eating disorders among men is an ‘uphill battle’—and porn is partly to blame
Age-Appropriate Sexual Behavior
Understanding what expected sexual behaviour looks like for children can help adults recognise when a youth may need additional support or information
Tip sheet from US child sexual abuse prevention organisation Stop It Now
Guide for Transformative Prevention Programming: Sexual violence & individuals who identify as LGBTQ |
This US resource provides information to sexual violence prevention educators and practitioners on preventing sexual violence against LGBTQ individuals
Tweets in June 2023
Preventing violence against women: There is an excellent international literature on how best to prevent and reduce men's violence against women. It includes major, systematic reviews of effective practice in this field. Find key guides and reports here: http://xyonline.net/content/preventing-violence-against-women-xy-collec…
Erin told a family court report writer her father abused her. She was then forced to live with him full time
Experts warn a culture of disbelief in Australia's family court system is resulting in children being sent to live with their alleged abusers.
Positive Masculinity Programs, Gender Attitudes and Practices, and Health Behaviors among Men and Boys in Poor Urban Settlements in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Nigeria, and Rwanda
New report by ICRW, here: https://www.icrw.org/publications/positive-masculinity-programs-gender-attitudes-and-practices-and-health-behaviors-among-men-and-boys-in-poor-urban-settlements-in-the-democratic-republic-of-congo-nigeria-and-rwanda/
Positive masculinity interventions provide a critical opportunity for challenging gender norms and masculine ideals obstructing sexual and reproductive health and perpetuating gender inequality in poor urban sub-Saharan African communities. @icr
Report: https://www.icrw.org/publications/positive-masculinity-programs-gender-…
Know, Care, Do: A Theory of Change for Engaging Men and Boys in Family Planning
Breakthrough ACTION’s new 2-hour online course, free, for programs and services aiming to increase and improve men’s and boys’ engagement in family planning and sexual health: https://learning.breakthroughactionandresearch.org/courses/know-care-do/
The Hollow Man: What Do You Mean 'Just' Ken?
In anticipation of the Barbie movie, starring Margot Robbie as the leggy doll and Ryan Gosling as her gelded beau, Esquire gets beneath the plastic of an uncomfortably freighted icon of anti-masculinity
When Your Boyfriend Becomes an Andrew Tate Fan
“I am at a point where I'm grieving the loss of almost ten years of my life.”
Behind the Rise of the Online ‘Tradwife’ Movement
Trad ideology doesn't just extend to 1950s housewife videos. It also has sinister connections with right-wing extremism, experts say.
Women, Men and Criminal Justice
Jo Phoenix examines how a woman’s journey through the criminal justice system is structured by profound sex-based inequalities.
https://www.philosophersmag.com/essays/317-women-men-and-criminal-justi… @JoPhoenix1 @philosophersmag
How I Was Red-Pilled, and Survived It
Three men recount their journeys beyond the lure of radical politics.
Power to create inclusive gender equality in the workplace
New discussion guide from Champions of Change, on individual power, the power systems and structures in organisations, and how these systems and structures can impact gender equality.
"If I were younger, I would ask for your number." Older men and sexism
Animah Kosai on older men, sexism, and the things it's important to learn.
https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/older-men-sexism-animah-kosai/ @SpeakUpAtWork
Hannah’s Story: A podcast by 9News focused on Rowan Baxter’s murder of Hannah Clarke and their three children. Six episodes, on the case, coercive control, lessons learned, and more.
See https://linkstre.am/9NewsQueensland
@9NewsQueensland @9MelissaDownes @jess_lodg
#SmallSteps4Hannah #9News
Workplaces, including Australia’s Parliament, can involve ‘masculinity contest’ cultures. Based on 1) Show no weakness. 2) Show physical strength and endurance. 3) Work comes first. 4) Win at all costs
Such organisations are not functional or productive. They tend to have higher rates of bullying, sexual harassment and physical intimidation, burnout, turnover, work-family conflict, and illness and depression, among both male and female employees.
Workplaces with masculinity contest cultures also tend to have leaders with toxic tendencies, including a quest to protect and preserve their own egos.
Also see: https://hbr.org/2018/03/emergency-responders-and-the-dangers-of-masculi…
The long road to gender equality: Overcoming institutional resistance to change
#MonashLens @DrLisaWheildon @AsherFlynn @JacquiTrue
Glass ceilings: gendered inequality in the housing system
This paper by the Centre for Equitable Housing explores some of the gendered inequalities within the housing system, based on data from the Australian Housing Monitor.
Women who have been sexually assaulted in workplaces – or bedrooms or parks – hear the ways we talk about it. And so do the men who sexually assault them. What lessons do they learn?
How gender stereotypes of men and masculinity are perpetuated in the media, and the impact this has on gender-balanced leadership in organisations:
New industry-first research project by Innocean and The 100 Percent Project
The ‘manning up of boys begins in the cradle.’ But what boys really need is emotional support from their dads
By Andrew Reiner, author of "Better Boys, Better Men: The New Masculinity That Creates Greater Courage and Emotional Resiliency".
Women who have been sexually assaulted in workplaces – or bedrooms or parks – hear the ways we talk about it. And so do the men who sexually assault them. What lessons do they learn?
How gender stereotypes of men and masculinity are perpetuated in the media, and the impact this has on gender-balanced leadership in organisations:
New industry-first research project by Innocean and The 100 Percent Project
Her son said his stepdad was sexually abusive. A judge gave the stepdad custody anyway. Then she found the photographs.
How the 'junk science' of parental alienation infiltrated US family courts and allowed accused child abusers to win custody of children
‘He forces himself to eat more’: One mum’s struggle with her son’s ‘bigorexia’
Worries about muscularity and body image are affecting more boys than ever before.
By Sally Leeds
A year ago Roe v Wade was overturned. Grieve for the new America
The supreme court’s decision has created a two-tiered class of US citizenship: one for men and one for women. It is a generational tragedy.
By Moira Donegan @MoiraDonegan
Tackling economic and financial abuse linked to domestic and family violence
A partnership between UNSW’s Gendered Violence Research Network and Commonwealth Bank is raising awareness around groups at greater risk of economic and financial abuse.
Minecraft + Mental Health: A Discord Server for Boys
On NGM Boys Club, a positive, inclusive, and supportive community on Discord for boys and nonbinary youth
https://www.nextgenmen.ca/blog/minecraft-mental-health-a-discord-server… @NextGenMen [Plus graphic, Next Gen Men, Boys Club poster.jpg]
What Josh Hawley is missing about the ‘masculinity crisis’
By Jake Stika, the executive director of Next Gen Men, a Canadian non-profit that seeks to change ideas about masculinity.
https://readwise.io/reader/shared/01h34z7eq4rmdqbcy25y6ax4ax/ @NextGenMen
Andrew Tate's latest sexual abuse charges prove it: Online misogyny breeds rape culture irl [in real life]
Sexual violence among teens is rising — no wonder when so many boys idolize an accused rapist and sex trafficker
By Amanda Marcotte @AmandaMarcotte https://www.salon.com/2023/06/22/andrew-tates-latest-abuse-charges-prov…
The millions of Australians in the survivor community are asking: what does justice look like for us?
Van Badham
To have our experience retried daily in the kangaroo courts of leaks, political expedience and sloppy journalism looks nothing like justice.
Women Get Worse Sex: A Confound in the Explanation of Gender Differences in Sexuality
Gender differences in sexuality have gained considerable attention. One of the main unacknowledged reasons for these differences is simply that women experience worse sex than men do.
1/2 [Plus graphic, Conley, Women Get Worse Sex - A Confound in the Explanation of Gender Differences in Sexuality 2022 – Abstract]
This journal article explores four arenas in which women’s experience of sexuality often is worse than men’s: (a) anatomical differences, (b) sexual violence, (c) stigma, and (d) masculine cultures of sexuality
Full text: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ag92sm05ezsg7d8/Conley%2C%20Women%20Get%20Wor…
For further introductions to the intersections of sexuality and gender (gender norms, gender relations, gendered inequalities), many in full text, see the bibliography here: https://xyonline.net/books/bibliography/25-sexuality/g-women-and-sexuality/i-introductions-gendered-sexualities
How to prevent child sexual abuse material offending The Australian Institute of Criminology has released an international review of prevention initiatives for child sexual abuse material (CSAM) offending, including evidence of effectiveness @AICriminology
Incels are the new shock troops
Victoria Smith criticises accounts of incel culture, toxic masculinity and young men led astray.
https://thecritic.co.uk/incels-are-the-new-shock-troops/ @glosswitch
"I am not convinced “normal” men — no matter how “anti-incel” their posturing — are ready for a world in which female submissiveness is not the norm"
"The belief that men have the right to use female bodies in any way they see fit, is not niche — it is the norm. Incel culture is just one manifestation of it. Including how “progressive” men position access to prostituted women and surrogate mothers as a human right."
Romance novels ditch hunks for 'squishy-centered' men
Welcome to the era of sensitive woke men, and the women who desire them.
https://nypost.com/2023/06/17/romance-novels-ditch-hunks-for-squishy-ce… via @nypost
Jordan Peterson blasts Andrew Tate, likens 'king of masculinity' to 'violent rapper': 'I'm not a great admirer of pimps' https://meaww.com/jordan-peterson-blasts-andrew-tate-likens-king-of-mas…
[But then, some of us aren't admirers of Jordan Peterson either... See critical commentaries here: https://xyonline.net/blogs/4/jordan-peterson-critical-commentaries.]
The podcast bros profiting off the loneliness epidemic
In a post-Roe world, so-called podcast bros convince lonely men to seek control over women for a sense of power.
How 'toxic' are men in Germany? [A new survey shows that significant minorities of young men in Germany condone violence against women, support men's domination over women, endorse homophobia, and see Andrew Tate as a role model.]
The Fetishization of Black Men
@BlackLensLGW on the power, aggression, and lust stereotypically associated with Black men, whether in popular culture or in pornography.
Caregiving costs women nearly US $300,000 in lost pay over their lifetimes, Department of Labor finds
A first-of-its-kind report calculated how much women lose as a result of their caregiving responsibilities for children and parents.
Illawarra program gives victims of violence an equal voice to help deliver change
An Australia-first program will help victims of domestic, family and sexual violence use their experience to build new skills to advocate for change in the community.
Media don’t help. They enable violence against women and fuel the backlash
Hard-won momentum gained over the past decade when it comes to the media's reporting of violence against women seems to have stalled.
By Kristine Ziwica @KZiwica
Gender-based violence and environment linkages: the violence of inequality This report builds a comprehensive knowledge base on addressing gender-based violence (GBV) and its linkages to the environment.
RESPECT Women: Preventing violence against women – Implementation package
This suite of practical resources and tools aims to support national- and sub-national-level policy and programming to prevent violence against women and girls.
https://www.unwomen.org/en/digital-library/publications/2020/07/respect… @UN_Women
Technology-facilitated coercive control This 10-page practice guide describes the research evidence on technology-facilitated coercive control (TFCC). It explores what TFCC is and how practitioners can support victims and survivors
https://aifs.gov.au/resources/practice-guides/technology-facilitated-co… @aifs_gov_au
"As a Muslim woman, I'm disgusted by Andrew Tate's attempts to align himself with Islam."
Taking on the identity of a persecuted religion like Islam allows Tate to mask his vitriol in the politics of persecution.
Also see further commentary on Andrew Tate and other male supremacist social influencers, here: https://xyonline.net/content/andrew-tate-and-other-male-supremacist-influencers
Engaging men in change towards gender equality: There is an excellent account of emerging best practices in the IRCW report “Gender Equity and Male Engagement”, pp. 88-.
See the report here: https://www.icrw.org/publications/gender-equity-male-engagement-report/
Use messaging that avoids a zero-sum game mentality, but that also discusses power imbalances and sets realistic expectations. Be cautious of using a “soft approach” to engaging males.
Programming: Work across ecological levels - individual, community, institutional, and policy.
Start young and adapt through life transitions.
Use a gender-synchronized approach.
Promote alternative, positive masculinities.
Use positive messaging that promotes men as agents of change instead of “shaming and blaming” them. But do not portray men as saviors
Promote men’s role in caregiving.
Use male role models and advocates.
Unpack gender norms among male facilitators and role models.
Identify and work with community influencers.
Focus on norm change among powerful individuals within institutions.
Engage male leaders to create more gender equitable workplace policies.
Promote the voices of female policymakers, but also listen to voices 'from the ground'.
Ensure that programs move from gender sensitization towards gender transformation.
Acknowledge and address the intersectionality of other systems of oppression.
Create mechanisms that allow interventions to regularly assess whether programming is accountable to women.
Worried about how a mate behaves around women? You can do something about it without shaming them or calling them out in front of pals. Find the right time to have a quiet word. #DontBeThatGuy who stands by and says nothing. For more advice: https://that-guy.co.uk
Who is a real man? Most Australians believe outdated ideals of masculinity are holding men back. Article by me in The Conversation, summarising @VicHealth work on Australians’ attitudes to masculinity. https://theconversation.com/who-is-a-real-man-most-australians-believe-… via @ConversationEDU
What We Know About Masculinity and Asking for Emotional Support. Men are often told to value strength, control, and self-sufficiency, and to avoid being vulnerable, or asking for help. https://www.equimundo.org/what-we-know-about-masculinity-and-asking-for… @equimundo_org
1) Many young men get the message about manhood that asking for help is a sign of weakness. 2) When men do seek support, it is often from women. 3) Young men are eager for spaces to talk about their feelings, and to talk about gender, power, and their relationships with other men
So, we must shift societal expectations of men’s social connections and of manhood more generally. https://www.equimundo.org/what-we-know-about-masculinity-and-asking-for… @equimundo_org
Wanted: More Fathers on the Front Lines of Social Change
Like mothers, dads can parlay caring for their children into caring for the future—from gun violence to the climate crisis.
By Rob Okun
https://msmagazine.com/2023/06/18/fathers-day-activism-gun-violence-cli… @MsMagazine @voicemalemag
Aboriginal Family Violence Prevention Evidence Review
Common features of effective prevention approaches include:
Holistic, involving the whole family
Designed and delivered by the community
Cultural strengthening and reconnection to Aboriginal culture
‘Measly’ paternity rights mean nearly a third of UK fathers take no leave – report
More than 62% of fathers would take more time off after births if statutory pay rate was increased, poll finds.
Radical feminism and sexuality: This thread is a good account of radical feminist critiques of the patriarchal social organisation of heterosexuality: https://twitter.com/aletheia327/status/1534680758685777920?s=43&t=XMNE8wTvskaiG2-_wmX_Nw
Radical feminism is widely misrepresented and misunderstood. See here for some useful introductions, many in full text: https://xyonline.net/books/bibliography/4-introductory-and-general-writing-gender/g-introductions-radical-feminism-new
The Men Fight Back
After MeToo, a regressive vision of masculinity became increasingly popular. Here’s a guide.
Eamon Whalen, Mother Jones, June 2023 https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/06/after-metoo-andrew-tate-jo…
'I Was Raped—But I Didn't Report It. Here's Why'
By Kristen Dold, Women’s Health, August 2017
Facebook 'bans' awareness posts from women's hygiene company for using terms period, vulva and clitoris for 'being too sexual'
Analysis of 3.5 million comments uncovers disturbing insights into the incel community
Misogynistic language is extremely prevalent on discussion boards for involuntarily celibates (so-called ‘incels’), according to new research.
Working with young people to promote respectful, healthy relationships? The brilliant violence prevention organisation Our Watch has put together an excellent guide to key resources for practitioners and educators. See https://www.theline.org.au/educators-and-practitioners/ @OurWatchAus
Violence prevention education: This report offers guidance on key dimensions of practice. Effective programs have sufficient duration, pp.44-46. Mixed-gender and single-gender classes both have advantages, pp.47-50. Evidence on educators' gender, pp.53-54. https://xyonline.net/content/respectful-relationships-education-violenc…
There are at least two distinct types of violence in intimate relationships: 1) intimate terrrorism (what many would call domestic violence ‘proper’), and situational couple violence (mutually escalating conflicts between partners that lead to violence).
Intimate terrorism (IT) involves a partner seeking to control their partner, often through dominance and possibly violence, while situational couple violence (SCV) does not. In IT, a violent perpetrator uses violence in combination with a variety of other coercive control tactics
A systematic review of 44 studies supports this distinction. And helps us understand differing findings regarding men's and women's use of DV, where some studies find gender symmetry while other studies find that DV is more often by men against women. 3/5
Situational couple violence is perpetrated at comparable rates by men and women. In contrast, IT is most often perpetrated by men against women, is more likely to be frequent and severe, and results in more negative outcomes than SCV. 4/5
Intimate terrorism is rooted in patriarchal norms and control motives. Situational couple violence, instead, is situated in particular conflicts.
See the systematic review here:
https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10896-022-00416-3 5/5 [Plus graphic, Conroy, Assessing the State of Empirical Research on Johnson’s Typology of Violence 2022 – Abstract]
Sexual harassment: The vast majority of harassers of women, and most harassers of men, are men. And much harassment is by peers, not superordinates. See this review by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 2018, free here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK519455/ [Plus graphic, National Academies, Sexual Harassment of Patterns of harassment]
Gender and domestic violence: One reason why many studies seemingly show that similar numbers of men and women have suffered DV is because these studies use the Conflict Tactics Scale (CTS), only counting violent acts rather than asking about their impact, meaning, or context 1/3
An Australian study found that CTS-style studies often mistakenly counted as domestic violence behaviours that were undertaken in a light-hearted or non-abusive context. That is, they mistakenly counted behaviours that were playful, unintentional, and so on. 2/3
This ‘over-reporting’ was twice as common among men as women. In fact, one quarter of men’s experiences were overreports (Ackerman, 2016). This may shape the apparent findings of gender symmetry in domestic violence victimisation. Paper here: https://academic.oup.com/bjc/article-abstract/56/4/646/2747208 3/3
10 Things People Don’t Realise About Masculinity. 1. High heels were for blokes. 3. Boys do cry. 4. Men aren’t emotionless. 5. Boys used to wear pink. 6. Lacey clothing used to be masculine. 7. Being gay used to mean you were more masculine. Etc. https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/dave-chawner/10-things-people-dont-rea…
Changing the Global Mindset on Fathers: Lessons From the MenCare Campaign. @equimundo_org’s Gary Barker, Ruti Levtov, and Brian Heilman with an overview of evidence and lessons learned, including how to achieve equality in care work. See pp. 44-50 of this: https://men-care.org/resources/changing-the-global-mindset-on-fathers/
Dads Group: We promote positive parenting for men and give new Dads the support and connection they need. An Australian network and website. Provides new dathers with positive social relationships and easier pathways to health services if they need them. https://www.dadsgroup.org/
‘Pick-up artists’ and PUA cultures and communities: are often virulently anti-feminist. Focus on coercive strategies: manipulate women, ignore what women say, push past ‘No’, etc. A commodity model of sex. Premised on male entitlement. Critiques: https://xyonline.net/blogs/4/pick-artist-culture-feminist-critiques
Who Are You Calling a Mama’s Boy? A strong mother-son bond is crucial, but heaven help the mom who admits being emotionally close to her son. By Kate Stone Lombardi, 2012. https://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970203960804577241610532233… via @WSJ
Gender and COVID: Men with higher conformity to traditional masculine norms are less likely to wear masks, US study finds. But mediated by perceived benefits/barriers, confidence in scientists, empathy toward vulnerable persons, and political ideology. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1359105321990793 [Plus graphic, Mahalik, Men’s attitudes toward mask-wearing during COVID-19 2021 – Abstract]
Understanding and preventing internet-facilitated radicalisation
This paper from the Australian Institute of Criminology reviews available research on how the internet facilitates radicalisation and measures to prevent it.
Men Think They Are Strong Workplace Allies. Women Disagree
Men and women often disagree on how much support women receive from male colleagues. The differences hurt women’s well-being at work
Also see this collection on the profeminist website XY on men’s positive roles in building workplace gender equality: https://xyonline.net/content/men-building-gender-equality-workplace
Includes tipsheets, commentaries, and my report, “Men: Make a Difference”.
Schools need more support to stop the spread of toxic masculinity
By Stephanie Wescott and Steven Roberts
https://www.canberratimes.com.au/story/8231717/toxic-masculinity-is-cre… @SteveRoberts_
Also see:
Andrew Tate and other male supremacist influencers: notes and commentaries: https://xyonline.net/content/andrew-tate-and-other-male-supremacist-inf…
Promoting Healthier Masculinities in Primary & Secondary Schools: https://xyonline.net/content/promoting-healthier-masculinities-primary-…
What to do about male partners who have no friends? Take them to Man Park!
Comedy, Saturday Night Live (Facebook video, 2:34 minutes)
Violence-supportive attitudes are a consistent predictor of men's and boys' perpetration of domestic, family and sexual violence. Men are more likely to use violence against women and girls if they subscribe to attitudes that condone, minimise, excuse or justify that violence.
This is evident in four recent meta-analyses and systematic analyses of well over 300 studies.
As summarised in the State of Knowledge Report on Violence Perpetration.
The report (80 pp.) is available at full at https://research.qut.edu.au/centre-for-justice/wp-content/uploads/sites… @QUT un@theEQI @DLulabele
Peer support is an important influence on men’s sexual violence perpetration. Men are more likely to be sexually aggressive if they have sexually aggressive peers, that is, male friends who themselves tolerate or perpetrate sexual aggression.
That’s the finding of a variety of studies, summarised on pp. 38-39 of the State of Knowledge Report on Violence Perpetration.
The report (80 pp.) is available at full at https://research.qut.edu.au/centre-for-justice/wp-content/uploads/sites… @QUT @theEQI @DLulabele
A third influence on the likelihood of perpetration is settings. In most settings, most men do not use violence against women. But there are higher levels of perpetration in settings (e.g. fraternities, sports clubs, military units) based on sexist norms, gender inequalities, etc
Pornography and body image: A systematic review, of 21 studies involving 29,881 people, finds that pornography exposure is associated with poor body image. Including body dissatisfaction, body surveillance, physical self-esteem, drive for muscularity, and sexual body image. [Plus graphic, Paslakis, Associations between pornography exposure, body image and sexual body image 2020 - Abstract]
Pornography viewing predicts later sexual assault perpetration. In a longitudinal study of US middle and high school students over 3 years, young people who had viewed porn were between 4.2 and 14.4 times more likely to go on to perpetrate sexual assault than other young people. [Plus graphic, Waterman, Prospective Associations Between Pornography Viewing and Sexual Aggression Among Adolescents 2022 – Abstract]
Also see the further research on pornography and sexual violence summarised here, including on pornography’s role in the sexual socialisation particularly of boys and men: https://xyonline.net/content/pornography-men-and-boys
And on strategies for reducing pornography’s harmful impacts.
New research reveals the 30 critiques holding women back from leadership that most men will never hear
Practically any characteristic can be proclaimed problematic to question a woman’s competence and suitability for leadership.
New @UNDP report shows no progress in level of bias against women:
50% believe men make better political leaders
40% believe men make better business executives
25% believe it is justified for a man to beat his wife
News story: https://news.un.org/en/story/2023/06/1137532 @UN_News_Centre
Find the full report here:
Factors influencing silencing of women who experience intimate partner violence: This integrative review documents that microsystem factors (self-blame, concern for family, and concern for children) were the most common factors that reinforced the silencing of women.
Macrosystem factors (societal expectations, normalization of violence, religious values, and immigration policies) also were influential.
Journal article: https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S1359178919301752
2/2 [Plus graphic, Pokharel, Factors influencing silencing of women who experience intimate partner violence 2020 - Fig 2 ecological model]
'Star Trek's Captain Pike: From Misogyny to Non-Toxic Masculinity
On the progression from more sexist to more gender-equitable portrayals in successive versions of Star Trek
https://www.themarysue.com/star-treks-captain-pike-from-misogyny-to-non… via @themarysue
Calling out a friend on their sexism? Great article on men’s experience of hearing other male friends say sexist things, the impact of sexist jokes & comments, and what mates can do to call out mates in constructive ways. By Moataz Hamde. I’m interviewed. https://www.abc.net.au/life/calling-out-sexist-behaviour/11371228
What Motivates Men to Champion Gender Diversity? Men become champions of gender equity in any number of ways, but research shows that a sense of fair play, empathy, and life experiences are key contributors.
7-pp. review: https://swe.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/What-Motivates-Men-to-Champi… @SWETalk
Men, masculinities, and power: Handy introduction to these issues, in this MenEngage report (2014) on men’s positive roles in building gender equality. Available here: https://www.unfpa.org/resources/men-masculinities-and-changing-power @UNFPA @MenEngage [Plus graphic, Ricardo, Beijing+20 Men Masculinities and Changing Power (MenEngage 2014) p. 17]
On Feminism: A How-to Guide for Dudes. (By Sarah Ratchford, 2014.) If you claim to be a feminist, you should be a practicing one. 1) Read. 2) Know that it’s not about you. 3) Be cognizant of the space you occupy. https://www.vice.com/en_au/article/nnqd8x/on-feminism-a-how-to-guide-fo… @sarratch 1/3
On Feminism: A How-to Guide for Dudes. (By Sarah Ratchford, 2014.) 4) Support women’s viewpoints and stories. 5) Try not to be self-congratulatory. 6) Don’t remain silent. https://www.vice.com/en_au/article/nnqd8x/on-feminism-a-how-to-guide-for-dudes @sarratch 2/3
Men and gender equality: Also see this wide-ranging collection on the profeminist website XY on men's roles in building gender equality: https://xyonline.net/content/men-building-gender-equality-guide-xys-content
Rape and sexuality education: Sexuality education helps prevent rape. If adolescents have greater knowledge about sexuality, they are less likely to develop rape-supportive beliefs. French longitudinal study among adolescents. Mallet, in full text here: https://xyonline.net/sites/xyonline.net/files/2018-05/Mallet%2C%20Does%20knowledge%20about%20sexuality%20prevent%20adolescents%202011.pdf [Plus graphic, Mallet, Does knowledge about sexuality prevent adolescents 2011 – Abstract]
So You’ve Sexually Harassed Or Abused Someone: What Now? Excellent piece by Ijeoma Oluo on the 7 steps individuals must take. https://medium.com/the-establishment/so-youve-sexually-harassed-or-abused-someone-what-now-ed49a934bab1 [Plus graphic, Oluo, So You’ve Sexually Harassed Or Abused Someone – Summary]
‘Stepping in’, VicHealth’s bystander action toolkit, is designed to help State Sporting Associations to become workplace leaders in promoting gender equity and respect for women. But useful for other workplaces and organisations too. https://www.vichealth.vic.gov.au/sites/default/files/Bystander-action-t… @VicHealth
Men: Paying for sex is incompatible with gender equality. (A short piece, arguing that paying someone to have sex with them is unethical.) http://www.xyonline.net/content/men-paying-sex-incompatible-gender-equa….
Also see more on ending demand, here: https://xyonline.net/content/pornography-men-and-boys #Prostitution #Sexwork #Enddemand [Plus graphic, Paying for sex is incompatible.jpeg]
How to Talk to Your Children About Developing Healthy Relationships. A parent’s handbook, from Love Is Not Abuse. 13 pages. One of the useful guides compiled in this XY collection on consent: https://xyonline.net/content/consent-xy-collection [Plus graphic, Love Is Not Abuse, A parent’s handbook – Cover]
#MeToo: The evidence is that false allegations of sexual assault and domestic violence are *rare*. Summary of the research on the extent of false allegations (and the problems with the studies that show apparently high rates), here: https://xyonline.net/content/false-allegations-sexual-and-domestic-viol…
#MeToo: 2 more points on false allegations.
(1) False allegations of violence are far less common than false denials of perpetration.
(2) Men are far more likely to be sexually assaulted – 230 times as likely – than they are to be falsely accused. See https://www.channel4.com/news/factcheck/factcheck-men-are-more-likely-t…
Gender inequalities predict domestic and sexual violence against women: Analysis of data from 44 countries finds that factors related to women’s status, gender norms, & gender inequality predict the prevalence of partner violence within the past 12 months: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/langlo/article/PIIS2214-109X(15)00013-3/fulltext [Plus graphic, Heise, Cross-national and multilevel correlates of partner violence 2015 – Abstract]
Domestic violence: Intersecting relations of gender and ethnicity (racism & white privilege) shape women’s victimisation, men’s perpetration, & community & institutional responses. Eg, white men less likely to be criminalised. Pp 347-354 of FREE book: https://xyonline.net/content/new-book-engaging-men-and-boys-violence-pr…
Street harassment: 87% of Australian women have experienced at least one form of verbal or physical street harassment. Including being followed, grabbed or groped; blocked, flashed, kissed without consent. Australia Institute survey 2015. See http://www.tai.org.au/content/everyday-sexism #MeToo [Plus graphic, Everyday Sexism - Summary]
What are the links between masculine norms and men’s likelihood to perpetrate or experience violence? What implications do these have for efforts to prevent the many forms of men’s violence? Accessible, evidence-based account here by @equimundo_org (2018): https://www.equimundo.org/resources/masculine-norms-violence-making-connections/ [Plus graphic, Promundo, Masculine Norms and Violence - Making the Connections 2018 – Cover]
Woke: adjective
aware, especially of social problems such as racism and inequality
Don’t let anyone try to persuade you that being woke is a bad thing.
Credit for original post to Dr Jess Isom @DrJessIsomMDMPH
Knowledge Hub: Learning and resources on gender in education
A digital library featuring all types of learning content relating to gender in education, dedicated to organizations and individuals working to advance gender equality in and through education.
Achieving gender equality in education: Don't forget the boys
Gender norms constrain boys’ schooling, particularly at the secondary level and amongst those from the poorest families. Addressing boys’ disadvantage and disengagement in education is essential
Catching the men who sell subway groping videos
A detailed BBC investigation on the men who make, sell, and buy videos of men sexually assaulting women on the subways in East Asia. This is patriarchal porn and misogynist male sexuality at their worst.
Ozempic has won, body positivity has lost
I am fat, healthy, happy – and entirely unsurprised at how quickly the small gains of the body positivity movement have been rolled back with the arrival of a new ‘miracle’ drug. By Rachel Pick.
Workplace Equality and Respect Communications guide
Useful guide by Our Watch for workplaces and organisations in promoting the prevention of violence against women. Here: https://media-cdn.ourwatch.org.au/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2019/02/15… @OurWatchAus
Deepfakes: How AI Porn Is Being Used As A Weapon Against Women
"It’s a shocking violation to have to see yourself in that way.”
By Harriet Sim, Marie Claire
https://www.marieclaire.com.au/ai-porn-deepfakes-violence-against-women… @marieclaire #Pornography #Deepfakes #VAWG
Consent: Some men say they don’t ask about consent because they might hear ‘no’. Would you rather rape than risk a ‘no’? Weinberg, in full text here: http://www.xyonline.net/content/consent-xy-collection [Plus graphic, Weinberg, The conversations – asking]
Preventing violence against women: What policies, processes, and structures *should* state and national governments have in place to prevent and reduce domestic and sexual violence? Brilliant “Counting on Change” framework identifies what’s needed https://www.ourwatch.org.au/What-We-Do/Counting-on-change-A-guide-to-prevention-monitorin [Plus graphic, Our Watch, Counting on Change - A guide to prevention monitoring 2017 – Cover]
Working with organisations for violence prevention and gender equality: Effective elements include senior leadership, resources, education, communication for culture change, victim support, reporting processes, and assessment. See Chapter 8 of (free) book: https://xyonline.net/content/new-book-engaging-men-and-boys-violence-pr…
Violence prevention: Language matters. Compare these sentences:
John raped Mary.
Mary was raped by John.
Mary was raped.
Mary is a victim.
See Tabachnick on the different meanings these generate, among the introductions to violence prevention here: http://www.xyonline.net/content/preventing-violence-against-women-xy-co…
“Women are taught to live with a constant humming fear of men, an instinctive reflex, one that waxes and wanes on any given day, minute, moment. [... Women] learn early that this is seen as a man’s world, we’re just living in it.” https://xyonline.net/content/how-men-can-help-guide-undoing-harm-and-being-better-ally 1/2
“To enter into public space is to do so at a potential cost to yourself, an eternal risk assessment.
Of course, women know that not all men present a danger, but we can also never be sure which ones do.” 2/2
The Ugly Ways TikTok Corrupted the Johnny Depp-Amber Heard Trial
A new documentary examines the shameless influencers who profited off pro-Depp content during the popular defamation trial over the screen icon being branded an abuser.
https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-ugly-ways-tiktok-corrupted-the-johnny… via @thedailybeast
About 29% of college men in the US and Canada – close to one in three – report having perpetrated sexual coercion. 6.5% - about 1 in 15 – have perpetrated rape. Findings from a systematic review of 78 samples of 25,524 college men.
Men who want to be feminist... need to take the space they have in society & make it feminist. More resources here: https://xyonline.net/content/men-building-gender-equality-guide-xys-content [Plus graphic]
Speak up: Simple ways to speak up about everyday bigotry, whether sexism, racism, etc. From the ‘Teaching Tolerance’ website. Includes guides to speaking up in families, among friends, at school, at work, and in public. 47-pp guide to download here: https://www.learningforjustice.org/sites/default/files/2017-07/Speak%20Up%21%20Responding%20to%20Everyday%20Bigotry_5.pdf [Plus graphic, Speak Up - Responding to Everyday Bigotry5 – Cover]
“There’s no ONE way to be a man…” A campaign from @OurWatchAus, “Never Follow”. It’s all too easy to copy the negative behaviours that we see around us. But we have a choice... to never follow. https://www.theline.org.au/never-follow
Engaging men in feminist change: “The key challenge here is to engage men positively, recognize their diversity [...] and promote the idea that men can be agents of change, while holding them accountable for sexist and/or violent behaviors.” https://www.icrw.org/publications/gender-equity-male-engagement-report/ [Plus graphic, ICRW, Gender Equity and Male Engagement – Cover]
Male musicians who have abused women are headlining events and performing gigs, but a new campaign by Male Allies Challenging Sexism (UK) aims to challenge them and other abusers.
https://menchallengingsexism.org.uk/2023/06/06/we-are-launching-our-noa… @MenVSexism
Coercive Control Literature Review
Commissioned by the Attorney-General’s Department, this literature review reports on coercive control in the context of domestic and family violence in Australia.
A History of Women's Bodies
Throughout history, ideas about women's bodies have been used to reinforce and, occasionally, to challenge women's social position.
A timeline by Rose Weitz, Dec. 2000
To have better disagreements, change your words – here are 4 ways to make your counterpart feel heard and keep the conversation going https://theconversation.com/to-have-better-disagreements-change-your-wo… via @ConversationUS
Domestic violence: In some couples there is occasional, minor violence, that tends not to escalate or cause injury & fear. In other couples, one partner uses violence in combination with other controlling tactics to dominate & coerce their partner, with devastating effects.
That’s one of the main points in the State of Knowledge Report on Violence Perpetration (80 pp.). Available at full at https://research.qut.edu.au/centre-for-justice/wp-content/uploads/sites….
The report also is summarised e.g. in a short piece in the Centre for Women's Safety and Wellbeing newsletter: https://cwsw.org.au/2023/05/31/autumn-edition-of-insights-from-the-cent…
The Right Is All Wrong About Masculinity
Ukraine war: why Putin's appeals to masculinity to recruit for the military won't work
The Kremlin’s recruitment campaign is designed to appeal to men’s sense of national pride and injured masculinity, but it’s unlikely to succeed with working-class men.
Breaking Down Biases: Men as Allies for Women in Leadership
How men can be part of the solution—and 5 actions organizations can take now.
Also see the XY collection on men’s roles in building gender equality in workplaces, here: https://xyonline.net/content/men-building-gender-equality-workplace. It includes tipsheets, guides, reports, and scholarship.
The Process of Leaving Jordan Peterson Behind
How one Peterson fan lost his faith, and what lessons we can learn about drawing people away from right-wing ideology.
Also see further critical commentaries on Jordan Peterson in the XY collection here: https://xyonline.net/blogs/4/jordan-peterson-critical-commentaries
“A History of Masculinity: From Patriarchy to Gender Justice”, by Ivan Jablonka, and “What Do Men Want?: Masculinity and Its Discontents”, by Nina Power
Review of these two books on men and masculinity, here: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2022/08/08/how-toxic-is-masculinity
“Although their diagnoses of the problem are almost diametrically opposed, both authors make the case for a more generous and humane feminist discourse, capable of recognizing the suffering of men as well as of women.”
Buff billionaires are latest sign that bulk is now beautiful for male body image
Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg have been busy morphing from nerds to musclemen – even action figures are piling on the beef.
In China, AI-Generated Fashion Models Are Hugely Popular — and Sexist
China’s fashion models are rapidly being replaced by doe-eyed, big-breasted, AI-generated bots. Women are horrified.
Rory's using music to take on a 'toxic mindset', and 100 boys' voices have joined in
At just 16, Rory Phillips is challenging the centuries-old view that the strong, silent bloke is the epitome of Australian manhood.
Fox wants to protect kids from gay Pride, but not abusers in the church
Fox News aired more than 2 hours of coverage of the backlash to Target’s LGBTQ Pride Month displays, and less than a minute of coverage on a report on sex abuse in the Catholic Church.
Why some women ignore sexual discomfort and settle for bad sex
Women aren't just more likely to experience consensual sex that's bad and painful; they are also socialised to prioritise men's pleasure over their own.
The real manhood crisis is conservatives whining about manhood
By Paul Waldman, The Washington Post
The spray umpire Caena, 14, copped from a male spectator almost drove her from the game she loves. She's not alone
Experiences like Ceana's are deterring umpires, especially juniors and women, and that's adding to a shortage of match officials.
The Fantasies of Josh Hawley
The senator’s new book, Manhood, is an exercise in cowardice.
Korea’s low birth rates: Although economic factors are often blamed for low fertility rates, critics have begun to recognise the adverse effect of gender roles, workplace discrimination and trends of violence towards women as important factors.
Nine years after deadly ‘incel’ attack, threat of male supremacism is growing
By Rachel Fugardi, Southern Poverty Law Center
Decades of Hard-Won Gains for Women Are Unraveling Fast. How Can We Stop It?
By Natalie Samarasinghe, May 15, 2023
https://www.passblue.com/2023/05/15/decades-of-hard-won-gains-for-women… via @pass_blue
Do men shun household chores? Spain is launching an app to find out
How Patriarchy Hurts Men Too
By Veronika Ilich, Next Gen Men
https://www.nextgenmen.ca/blog/why-patriarchy-hurts-men-too @NextGenMen
Ted Lasso, and the Fantasy of Soft Masculinity
A fan-favorite show wraps up a series in which the mostly male characters became more vulnerable, empathetic and comfortable being themselves with other men.
Focusing on consent ignores better ways of preventing sexual violence
By Nicole K. Jeffrey
5 reasons we should stop focusing on #consent and start thinking about more ethical values and norms to help prevent #sexualviolence and promote equitable #sex.
https://theconversation.com/focusing-on-consent-ignores-better-ways-of-preventing-sexual-violence-205631 @nicolekjeffrey
The myth of widespread false memories of abuse: My bedside reading was Manson’s “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck”. I'm really dismayed though that this best-seller repeats the myth of an epidemic of false claims of child abuse. Salter has the truth: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/oct/02/attacks-on-the-cr…
When men tell women, in effect, that their bodies are not their own: A woman’s experience of going on dates, where men have touched her in intimate ways without her invitation or consent. She offers a handshake, and they hug her. It’s the patriarchy. https://longreads.com/2018/04/20/to-hug-or-not-to-hug/
Guns: Research finds that if you are carrying a gun, you are 4+ times *more likely to be shot* in an assault than if you’re not carrying a gun. Carrying a gun makes getting shot far more likely. Full paper: https://xyonline.net/sites/xyonline.net/files/2020-02/Branas%2C%20Investigating%20the%20Link%20Between%20Gun%20Possession%20and%20Gun%20Assault%202009.pdf [Plus two graphic, Branas, Investigating the Link Between Gun Possession and Gun Assault 2009 – Abstract; Branas, Investigating the Link Between Gun Possession and Gun Assault 2009 - Stroebe summary]
Why I didn’t report the violence I experienced… Victim-blaming: “You lead him on” “He would never do that” “That’s exaggerating” “You have no proof” “Boys will be boys” “You never said no” “Did you scream?” Etc. #WhyIDidntReport #MeToo [Plus graphic, Why I didn’t report]
Putting perpetrators in the picture: This Briefing Paper (4pp) on domestic and sexual violence from the QUT Centre for Justice, by Michael Flood and Lula Dembele, calls for reframing how this violence is understood, measured, and addressed. https://research.qut.edu.au/centre-for-justice/wp-content/uploads/sites… @DLulabele [Plus graphic, Flood and Dembele, Putting perpetrators in the picture Briefing Paper - Cover some]
F**k You, Men’s Rights Activists. Kate Harding has some harsh words for men’s rights activists (2012). (“You have forever tainted those issues with your rage-filled, obsessively anti-woman horseshit...”) https://jezebel.com/fuck-you-mens-rights-activists-5967923 via @jezebel
MRAs / men’s rights advocates fail to address important forms of pain and suffering among men, and when they do, they blame the wrong targets for these. Perhaps the best example is to do with violence against men. p. 341: https://xyonline.net/sites/xyonline.net/files/2019-05/Flood%2C%20Engaging%20Men%20and%20Boys%20in%20Violence%20Prevention%202018.pdf [Plus graphic, Flood, Engaging Men and Boys in Violence Prevention 2018 p. 341a]
How can we respond to anti-feminist men / MRAs? 1) Assert a feminist-supportive men’s perspective. 2) Speak to pain: Take up MRA issues, but differently. 3) Show that MRA strategies are harmful to men themselves.
Book chapter (2004), free in PDF here: http://xyonline.net/content/backlash-angry-mens-movements
White House focuses on prevention in National Plan to End Gender-Based Violence
The Biden-Harris administration has launched The National Plan to End Gender-Based Violence
Eating disorders in men and boys: All you need to know
Healthy Male website, May 2023
Explainer - The reform of sexual consent laws in NSW (June 2022)
Under changes to sexual consent laws in NSW from June 2022, people having sex have a responsibility to take steps to find out whether the other person is consenting.
An accused person can no longer assert that their belief that the other person was consenting was reasonable unless there is evidence that they took steps – by words and/or actions – to find out.
Other changes include...
Other changes include clearer recognition that sexual consent involves ongoing and mutual communication, that a person has the right to withdraw consent at any time, and that if someone gives consent to one sexual act, it doesn’t mean they’ve consented to other sexual acts.
Also see this piece by Rachael Burgin, “Sexual assent law is a triumph for Saxon, common sense and common decency”: https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/sexual-assent-law-is-a-triumph-for-…
Exposure to intimate partner violence and the physical and emotional abuse of children
National survey of female carers in Australia finds that 1 in 7 women (14.1%) who had a child in their care during the past 12 months said that a child was exposed to intimate partner violence.
One in nine (11.5%) said a child in their care had been the target of direct abuse perpetrated by their current or most recent former partner (11.5%).
One-third of female carers (34.8%) who experienced IPV said a child was exposed to the violence at least once in the past year.
Report: Exposure to intimate partner violence and the physical and emotional abuse of children: Results from a national survey of female carers
Trump symbolized powerful men’s impunity for sexual abuse – until now
By Moira Donegan
https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/may/11/donald-trump-liab… @MoiraDonegan
Trump is “a symbol of casual misogyny, of droning and repetitive male sexual entitlement, and of the dismissiveness – ranging from vulgar indifference to seething contempt – that many men feel for the proposition that they should treat women as their equals”.
“It’s often said that justice for sexual assault accusers is a matter of believing women. But what seemed most at stake in E Jean Carroll’s lawsuit against Trump was not whether she would be believed, but whether it would matter.”
Charlie fell for a sextortion scam on Snapchat — he's now warning others of the pitfalls of online romance.
White Masculinity and the US Capitol insurrection
Political commentary on the drivers of the Capitol insurrection (Jan 2021) has ignored gender. The insurrection was dominated by white men, and it was “an overt and violent assertion of white male centrality and entitlement”.
“Trumpism is rooted in the aggrieved entitlement of millions of white men who are enraged at the loss of their cultural centrality—both as white people *and* as men.”
Let’s make retrograde beliefs about manhood visible, dishonourable, and unacceptable.
Tweets in May 2023
New research reveals harrowing stories of murdered Indigenous women and the failure of police to act
Professor Kyllie Cripps notes that many women did not receive the support that potentially could have saved them.
https://theconversation.com/new-research-reveals-harrowing-stories-of-murdered-indigenous-women-and-the-failure-of-police-to-act-205655 @CrippsKyllie @MonashUni
Gender biases in fictional dialogue are well documented in media. In film, television and books, female characters tend to talk less than male characters, talk to each other less than male characters talk to each other, and have a more limited range of things to say. 1/2
And now we know that’s true of video games too. This major study of video game dialogue finds that there is half as much dialogue from female characters as from male characters
https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rsos.221095 2/2
Community-level violence prevention: Community-level strategies are a vital next step in the prevention of domestic and sexual violence. Most prevention efforts address risk and protective factors only at individual and relationship levels, but wider-level change is needed.
Community-level strategies address the social norms, relations, and inequalities that underpin domestic and sexual violence. They target modifiable characteristics of the community – structural, economic, political, cultural – to reduce risk for perpetration and victimisation
Community-level strategies move violence prevention closer to the general ideal that initiatives be comprehensive, relevant, and engaging. Community-level approaches ideally engage whole communities, are based on community ownership, and empower community members.
New 4-page Briefing Paper on community-level violence prevention, from the Queensland University of Technology's Centre for Justice, by Professor Michael Flood, free here: https://blogs.qut.edu.au/crime-and-justice-research-centre/files/2023/0… @QUT
Yes, you should be worried about AI – but Matrix analogies hide a more insidious threat: bias and discrimination, surveillance and policing, state-sanctioned violence, and recommender systems driving online extremism
What Josh Hawley and the Right Get Wrong About Manhood
The Republican senator identifies a real crisis among US men and boys that some on the left deny. But like other conservatives, he’s looking for scapegoats, not solutions, and for recruits not results
How did patriarchy actually begin?
For centuries, people have held mistaken assumptions about the origins of male-dominated societies, writes Angela Saini.
https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20230525-how-did-patriarchy-actually… via @BBC_Future
Coercive control: a vital concept in domestic abuse
A useful explainer on coercive control by Women for Women France @WFWFrance. First published in French in 2021 (https://www.womenforwomenfrance.org/fr/a-propos-de-nous/actualites/le-controle-coercitif-un-concept-essentiel-dans-les-violences-conjugales)
https://www.womenforwomenfrance.org/en/about-us/news/coercive-control-a-vital-concept-in-domestic-abuse @SarahMc_G
The gendered nature of loneliness
Article in Healthy Male about higher rates of loneliness among men and their social and cultural causes.
Men and loneliness: New campaign by Healthy Male for Men’s Health Week 2023
Check out the resources, tips, and research
Abusive & disrespectful behaviour in relationships: Stop the excuses. Good campaign addressing excuses for violence. Here’s a summary on male stereotypes. https://www.respect.gov.au/resources/recognising-disrespect/ [Plus graphic, Excuse interpreter - Male stereotypes]
Abusive & disrespectful behaviour in relationships: Stop the excuses. Good campaign addressing excuses for violence. Here’s a summary on female stereotypes. https://www.respect.gov.au/resources/recognising-disrespect/ [Plus graphic, Excuse interpreter - Female stereotypes]
Sexual violence and abuse: Tabachnick (2013) has a useful introduction to prevention strategies at the individual, relationship, community, and societal levels. Full text among the short reports on prevention here: http://www.xyonline.net/content/preventing-violence-against-women-xy-co… [Plus graphic, Tabachnick, Why Prevention Why Now 2013 p. 57]
Campaign, “This is not an invitation to rape me”. ‘We’ve kissed & touched, it doesn’t mean I’ve consented to sex.’ http://www.thisisnotaninvitationtorapeme.co.uk/home/ [Plus graphic, This is not an invitation to rape me - Kiss in car]
Campaign, “This is not an invitation to rape me”. ‘Marriage is not permission to take sex when you want it.’ http://www.thisisnotaninvitationtorapeme.co.uk/home/ [Plus graphic, This is not an invitation to rape me – Wedding]
Violence against women: Some people defend or excuse domestic or sexual violence by referring to *culture* or *tradition*. Here are some ways to respond, p. 367 of the book ‘Engaging Men and Boys in Violence Prevention’, FREE here: https://xyonline.net/sites/xyonline.net/files/2019-05/Flood%2C%20Engagi… [Plus graphic, Flood, Engaging men and boys – p. 367
The 'right to recover': Healing from family, domestic and sexual violence requires community-wide action
Marisa Lo Bartolo reports on the recent Inaugural Family, Domestic and Sexual Violence Healing & Recovery Conference.
https://www.powertopersuade.org.au/blog/right-to-recovery @marisalobartolo
The new imitation game
Feminist commentator Deborah Cameron on AI companions and their implications
Chinese Courts Want Abused Women to Shut Up
Personal and political violence are intermixed in authoritarian societies.
https://foreignpolicy.com/2023/05/27/china-violence-family/ @ForeignPolicy
The extraordinary legal tactics institutions are using to block abuse victims seeking justice
Reforms after the royal commission made it easier for victims to seek compensation, but now some organisations push to have cases thrown out altogether.
Five Ways Men Can Improve Gender Diversity at Work
By Matt Krentz, Olivier Wierzba, Katie Abouzahr, Jennifer Garcia-Alonso, and Frances Brooks Taplett, 2017
https://www.bcg.com/publications/2017/people-organization-behavior-culture-five-ways-men-improve-gender-diversity-work via @BCG
Also see this comprehensive collection on men’s roles in building gender equality at work, including articles, tips, and reports, on the pro-feminist website XY: https://xyonline.net/content/men-building-gender-equality-workplace
(Yes, the website XY really is an excellent clearinghouse for male allies and advocates!)
The Emerging Roles of Collective Care for Global Feminist Movements
Based on interviews with 141 activists in 63 countries on how they integrate care into their activism and work
By the Urgent Action Funds, a consortium of four autonomous feminist funds
Rape: Neuroscience counters a rape myth.
Victims frequently report immobility (‘freezing’) during sexual assault. Neuroscientific evidence suggests fear and threat can block cortical neural circuits for action control, leading to involuntary immobility.
Male entitlement - when a man... Treats his partner as if has sexual rights over her and her body. Believes that he “owns” his partner or that she “belongs to him”. Expects that he should be “the leader” in the relationship and “the head of the household”.
Expects that his partner will “wait on him” and take care of his wishes, whatever they happen to be. Believes that it is his partner’s “primary job” to take care of all his (and their children’s) emotional and physical needs and issues
Believes that what he says and thinks is far more important and valid than what she…
And so on.
A useful 6-pager from David Decker, from his work with men who use violence against their partners.
Can we change our culture of masculine entitlement?
Steven Ogden on family violence and some men’s excess sense of entitlement.
Down Girl by Kate Manne review – #MeToo and the logic of misogyny
The philosopher Kate Manne is compelling on misogyny and sexism but it is crucial to understand how neoliberalism and anti-feminism work together. There is an alternative.
In the Gendered Economy, Women Are Perpetual Debtors
On the insights, and limitations, of Kate Manne’s book “Entitled”
"Men's rights" & misogynist social influencers: Not only are they harmful and oppressive for women and limiting for men, they're a hotbed of crypto scams and con men.
Over $40 Million In Crypto-Related Activity Linked To ‘Manosphere’ Influencers Like Tate.
Half of British female gamers experience abuse when playing online
Campaign to raise awareness of issues reports that 80% of those affected receive messages that are sexual in nature
#MeToo – Stop asking women & girls to fix the problem! Men, #MeToo is on us
Rev Graham Hill examines how men can refuse to be complicit in violence against women
Instagram and Snapchat are the most-used platforms for 'sextortion', with young men most at risk
Reports of "sextortion" to the eSafety Commissioner triple in the first quarter of 2023, with victims most likely to be young men.
Faith-based communities and family violence in Victoria
Research Brief by the Monash Gender and Family Violence Prevention Centre
Reproductive coercion and abuse
This practice guide describes the evidence on what RCA is; strategies used by perpetrators; impacts; factors that influence a person’s risk of experiencing RCA; how to ask about RCA victimisation; and supporting survivors.
Protecting kids from porn is simple. Why are we making it look difficult?
By Chloe Shorten
Also see the materials on pornography here, including evidence of its impacts on sexual attitudes and behaviours, including sexual violence: https://xyonline.net/content/pornography-men-and-boys
OECD Toolkit for Mainstreaming and Implementing Gender Equality
Implementing the 2015 OECD Recommendation on Gender Equality in Public Life
Chapters on governance frameworks for gender equality, gender-sensitive practices in Parliaments and the Judiciary, gender-sensitive employment systems, etc.
Learning Brief: Risks of Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence to Publicly Visible Women This brief from the GBV AoR HelpDesk examines technology-facilitated GBV among women politicians, journalists, human rights defenders, and others.
Website | Monitoring And Action For Gender and Equity (Mage)
This site promotes gender- and equity-intentional monitoring and evaluation. Includes tools and guides for integrating gender into monitoring and evaluation practices. Links to data portals.
Adventures in the manosphere
Andrew Tate has turned five months of Romanian detention into a rallying cry. I went to a bootcamp for “alpha males” to find out why. https://www.newstatesman.com/the-weekend-report/2023/05/adventures-mano…
Intersectionality in Primary Prevention
A new 9-page resource from Safe and Equal (Victoria)
https://safeandequal.org.au/resources/intersectionality-primary-prevent… @safe_and_equal
The State of American Men: From crisis and confusion to hope. This new report finds that many men are struggling, and embracing uhealthy masculinity. It calls for supporting healthy, connected versions of manhood for the good of all.
https://www.equimundo.org/resources/state-of-american-men/ @equimundo_org
‘I didn’t even know men could get it’: the hidden impact of male postnatal depression
Postnatal depression affects up to 15% of new mothers, but studies suggest almost as many fathers also show symptoms – and little is being done to help them.
Gender Lens on the May 2023 Budget
Detailed analysis of the Australian Government’s latest budget, the good and the bad, by the National Foundation for Australian Women
Why Outspoken Women Scare Trump
Mocking the sexual-harassment reckoning is a feature of Donald Trump’s political persona.
By Ronald Brownstein
The Atlantic, May 18 2023
Podcast: Interview with Professor Michael Flood, on various topics including: Feminism. ‘Toxic masculinity’: rigid, patriarchal models of masculinity and how they limit men and boys and oppress girls and women. Sexuality education and violence prevention. 1/2
Part of Sexual Health Victoria’s “Doing ‘IT’” series.
Host page: https://doingit.podbean.com/e/66-professor-michael-flood/
Apple podcast link:
One in four young men agree with Andrew Tate’s views on women, poll finds
Campaigners say the influencer is a ‘legitimising force’ for misogynistic ideas.
Alpha Males Are A Myth That Has Hijacked Modern Masculinity
In "Are Men Animals?" anthropologist Matthew Gutmann explores how modern ideas of masculinity repress and harm men.
by Lizzy Francis
How to be a man? Josh Hawley has the (incoherent) answers.
In “Manhood,” the senator joins a long tradition of those who bemoan masculinity’s endangerment and offer advice for saving it. https://www.washingtonpost.com/books/2023/05/18/manhood-josh-hawley-rev…
Manhood review: Josh Hawley, moraliser, neo-Confederate and Tucker Carlson of the US Senate
The Missouri Republican senator thinks something is amiss with American men. Something is definitely up with him
Depp comes up smelling of roses despite defamation trial’s catalogue of misogyny
The actor who joked about drowning and burning his then wife Amber Heard has been the toast of Cannes and has snagged $20m to hawk perfume
By Arwa Mahdawi
Why is Johnny Depp forgiven and celebrated while Amber Heard is blacklisted?
The redemption arc is underway.
"ample evidence has shown that socially constructed gender norms that socialize men to value hierarchy, aggression, power, respect, and emotional suppression may be a primary root cause of violence-related disparities"
Fleming et al.'s paper, here: https://xyonline.net/sites/xyonline.net/files/Fleming%2C%20Men%27s%20violence%20against%20women%20and%20men%20are%20inter-related%202015.pdf [Plus graphic, Fleming, Men's violence against women and men are inter-related 2015 – Abstract]
Flexible work is feminist–and women won’t return to a system that hasn’t served them well to spare the feelings of powerful men
Can We Reclaim “Mama’s Boy?”
Maybe it’s time to stop using “mama’s boy” to describe unhealthy mother-son relationships. Perhaps it’s more effective to locate the problems in the specific behaviours — like a lack of boundaries or independence. @acalltomen
The Australian Government’s family law bill is a big step forward. But it doesn’t do enough to address family violence
Higher unemployment and less income: how domestic violence costs women financially
Building Gender Equality For Young People: This resource, by White Ribbon UK, helps professionals working with children and youth to nurture positive gender traits that foster healthy and respectful relationships.
https://www.whiteribbon.org.uk/learning-resources @WhiteRibbon_UK
[Plus graphic, White Ribbon UK, Building Gender Equality for Young People 2023 – Cover]
Trump’s sexual assault verdict marks a rare moment of accountability. And women are noticing
AP News, May 12
At times devastating, always powerful: new SBS drama Safe Home looks at domestic violence with nuance, integrity and care https://theconversation.com/at-times-devastating-always-powerful-new-sb… via @ConversationEDU
Online predators target children’s webcams, study finds
There has been a tenfold increase in sexual abuse imagery created with webcams and other recording devices worldwide since 2019.
Women should help design UK parks to tackle safety fears, says study
West Yorkshire research shows women and girls affected ‘on daily basis by misogyny and harassment’
Addressing gender norms key to promoting peace, finds International Alert
New research by peacebuilding organisation International Alert shows how patriarchal gender roles contribute to violent conflict and prevent pathways to peace.
Josh Hawley’s New Book on Manhood Is Wrong on Everything, Everywhere, All at Once
By Rob Okun, Ms Magazine
https://msmagazine.com/2023/05/16/josh-hawley-book-manhood/ @MsMagazine @voicemalemag
Are You There, God? My Nude Photos Are All Over the Internet.
Slut-shaming has become more rampant and acceptable than ever before in our surveillance-saturated culture. Girls deserve better.
By Leora Tanenbaum
https://msmagazine.com/2023/05/12/are-you-there-god-girls-sex-internet-… @MsMagazine
Abortion Bans are Gifts for Abusive Men
Men who want to control women lending a hand to men who want to control women.
By Jill Filipovic @JillFilipovic
Anna was 10 when a boy first showed her porn on his iPad
Exposure to violent porn is adversely affecting teenagers’ sexual experiences. But how can we restrict their access to such websites?
By Jordan Baker
https://www.smh.com.au/national/anna-was-10-when-a-boy-first-showed-her… #Porn
Lost in a Sea of Pixels: Men, Pornography, and the Illusion of Control
Is pornography sabotaging men’s emotional connections and ability to experience authentic intimacy?
By Professor Robert Jensen
What Are Gender Trainers Struggling With When They Work With Men?
Trainers working on masculinity bring up all the complications of the good men vs bad men approach.
By Juhi Jotwani, India
Gender and prison: Women are generally charged with low-level and non-violent offences, and most women in prison have gendered experiences of trauma and victimisation.
Facts about the criminal justice system, by the Centre for Innovative Justice
https://cij.org.au/cms/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/community-attitudes-t… @RMIT
Healing our children and young people: a framework to address the impacts of domestic and family violence
For working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children who have experienced DFV and have come into contact with child protection systems.
Rejecting Violence: A Necessary Response to Toxic Masculinity
"He had to respond with violence. If he didn't, it would've threatened his manhood and his standing."
Youth Guide To End Online Gender-Based Violence: A 48-page guide, written for young people, on ending violence enabled or perpetrated by using technology or online. From the UN Women Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (ROAP).
https://asiapacific.unwomen.org/sites/default/files/2022-12/Youth-Toolk… @UN_Women @unwomenasia [Plus graphic, UN Women ROAP, Youth Guide To End Online Gender-Based Violence 2022 – Cover]
'He is always there to listen': friendships between young men are more than just beers and banter
By Professor Damien Ridge and Professor Alex Broom
https://theconversation.com/he-is-always-there-to-listen-friendships-be… via @ConversationUK
The right-wing Proud Boys organisation is focusing its violent tactics on policing the borders of traditional masculinity.
Far-right ideology contains a dangerous mix of racism, misogyny, homophobia and anti-trans bigotry.
By Jackson Katz
https://msmagazine.com/2023/05/09/proud-boys-trump/ @MsMagazine
What if Your Job is to Teach Men and Boys to be Better Men and Boys?
How does training in masculinity work exactly? Juhi Jotwani on healthy masculinities work in India
Why should men embrace feminism? First, for justice: it’s the right thing. If we take seriously the values of dignity, solidarity, and equality, we should support feminism. Second, out of self-interest. Yes, patriarchy gives men various advantages. But they come at a cost.
Feminists offer men a gift. “Feminism gives men a chance to be fully human, to strive for richer and more meaningful lives than patriarchy could ever offer.”
Improving gender balance at conferences: Good tips and strategies for invited speakers, responses to common excuses for common imbalance, and more
[Link to The Brussels Binder, Improving Gender Balance at Conferences 2020]
Why can't we believe that "kind" and "gentle" men can be abusers and murderers?
Eulogising violent white men must stop.
Looking for the perfect Mother’s Day gift? Why not smash the patriarchy
While Mother’s Day is often surrounded by cloying sentiment, Australian mums have a long history of political activism and forcing social change.
https://theconversation.com/looking-for-the-perfect-mothers-day-gift-why-not-smash-the-patriarchy-159335 #MothersDay #MothersDay2023
Trump symbolized powerful men’s impunity for sexual abuse – until now
By Moira Donegan