What can men do to stop sexism and men's violence against women? What can men do to build gender equality and prevent and reduce men's violence against women?
This XY collection focuses on the practical actions men can take to make a difference. It includes detailed accounts of the kinds of actions men can take such as my report, Men Speak Up: A toolkit for action in men’s daily lives, and short infographics and other materials.
Men Speak Up outlines exactly what it is we are trying to reduce and prevent, identifies how speaking up and taking action make a difference, explores what men can do, and notes the strategies with which to nourish personal strength, support and inspiration.
I wrote a flyer about the steps men can take to end violence against women way back in 1998 (below). Later, I compiled a collection of tips and guides, from a range of sources, in 2009. I've included this below. But I have now also added a range of other guides and sources. Chris Crass's piece is a particularly strong, intersectional account. Also see Julian Real's piece, available on XY here and this detailed account of how to challenge everyday sexism.
Also see these XY collections on:
- Men's roles in building gender equality
- Men's roles in preventing and reducing violence against women
- Male feminists, male allies, men supporting feminism
- Men building gender equality in workplaces
- Bystander intervention
Please see below for various downloadable articles. Additions are most welcome.
What men can do:
- 20 things that men can do to challenge patriarchy
- 6 things men can do to stop street harassment (jpeg)
- ABC, Here's how you can support the women in your life, May 4 2021
- Beckett, Dani, 100 Easy Ways to Make Women's Lives More Bearable, March 9 2018
- Breakthrough, 9 Ways to Be That Guy on Campus, 2021
- Breakthrough, 10 Ways to Be That Guy Online, 2021
- Catalyst, Actions Men Can Take to Create an Inclusive Workplace, 2009
- Clark, 35 Practical Tools for Men to Further Feminist Revolution, May 28 2014
- Clark, 35 Practical Tools for Men to Further Feminist Revolution, FAQs June 29 2014
- Crass, Against Patriarchy - 20 Tools for Men to Further Feminist Revolution, 2014
- Dawes, Six positive things all men can do to make the world safer for women, Oct 19 2017
- Eaton, Dear men Here are 5 things you can do to support your wife or girlfriend in a sexist world, April 6 2019;
- Farrand, Suggestions for Men Regarding Conduct in Feminist Spaces, 2007
- Feminist Current, 11 ways men can respond productively to MeToo, Oct 22 2017
- Flood, Michael. (2011). Men Speak Up: A toolkit for action in men’s daily lives. Sydney: White Ribbon Prevention Research Series, No. 4
- Flood, Thirteen steps men can take, 1998
- Flood, What men can do to promote gender equality, Speech, 2006
- Futures Without Violence, The Top 10 Things Men Can Do Right Now to Address Sexual Harassment in the Workplace, Dec 6 2017
- karnythia, The Dos and Don'ts of Being a Good Ally, 2009
- Johnson and Smith, How Men Can Confront Other Men About Sexist Behavior, Oct 16 2020
- Katz, 10 things men can do Flyer, 1999 English
- Katz, 10 things men can do Flyer, 1999 Espanol
- Khan, 6 Ways to Respond to Sexist Microaggressions in Everyday Conversations, 2015
- Kivel, Guidelines for Challenging Sexism, 2007
- Mardoll, Feminism - How To Be A Male Ally, 2012
- Men Can Stop Rape, What men can do - Handout
- Men Taking Action Against Gendered Violence, March 2015
- Montano, What is a man's role in gender equality activism? Plan International blog, 2019
- Pagano, So You Want to Be an Ally, 2010
- Pease, Things that men can do to challenge sexism
- Pickett, How to be a male feminist ally, 2013
- Plan International, Walk Like a Woman campaign, Feb 2019 (Tips for men in public spaces);
- Promundo, 16 Days of Activism 16 Ways to Act Against Gender-Based Violence
- Promundo, Men - Enough with our silence We must act, Mar 2021
- Reynolds, How men can show solidarity with the MeToo movement, Feb 24 2018
- Ruiz, 5 crucial ways men can help end sexual assault, October 17 2017
- Silverberg, Men, you want to treat women better Here's a list to start with, October 17 2017
- Ten things men can do (jpeg)
- Tunks, Dear men: How to support women's rights, October 27 2019
- Urbina, 101 Everyday Ways for Men to Be Allies to Women (doc format)
- Urbina, 101 Everyday Ways for Men to Be Allies to Women (PDF)
- Utt, 10 Ways Men Can Combat Sexist Entitlement in Public, 2014
- Ward, 4 Ways Men Can Be Better Allies To Female Gamers, Sept 23 2021
- What men can do to stop sexism and violence against women, 2006