(xii) Communications and social marketing strategies

Note: Also see this bibliography on social marketing and communication in the 'Working with men' section.


Berkowitz, A. D., Bogen, K. W., Lopez, R., Mulla, M. M., & Orchowski, L. M. (2021). The social norms approach as a strategy to prevent violence perpetrated by men and boys: A review of the literature. In L. M. Orchowski & A. Berkowitz (Eds.), Engaging Boys and Men in Sexual Assault Prevention: Theory, Research and Practice (pp. 149-182). Elsevier.

Castelino, T., Colla, M. & Boulet, J. (2013). Social Marketing for Preventing Violence Against Women: Making every action matter - Literature Review for the Challenge Family Violence Project. Melbourne: Borderlands Cooperative.

Donovan, Robert J., and Rodney Vlais. (2005). VicHealth Review of Communication Components of Social Marketing / Public Education Campaigns Focused on Violence Against Women. Melbourne: Victorian Health Promotion Foundation.

Drezin, Jenny, and Megan Lloyd-Laney. (2003). Making a Difference: Strategic Communications to End Violence against Women. New York: United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM). 

Fulu, E., A. Kerr-Wilson, and J. Lang (2014). What works to prevent violence against women and girls? Evidence Review of interventions to prevent violence against women and girls. Pretoria, South Africa: Medical Research Council. (See pp. 6-7)

Haskell, L. (2011). Key best practices for effective sexual violence public education campaigns: A summary. Toronto: Queen’s Printer for Ontario.

Henley, N. (2004). Social marketing: “Selling” injury prevention. In R. McClure, M. Stevenson, & S. McEvoy (Eds.), The scientific basis of injury prevention and control (pp. 318–333). Melbourne, Australia: IP Communications.

Henley, N., Donovan, R. & Francas, M. (2007). Developing and implementing communication messages. In In L. S. Doll, S. Bonzo, J. Mercy, and D. Sleet (eds.), Handbook of Injury and Violence Prevention. New York: Springer.

Kerr-Wilson, A.; Gibbs, A.; McAslan Fraser E.; Ramsoomar, L.; Parke, A.; Khuwaja, HMA.; and Rachel Jewkes. (2020). A rigorous global evidence review of interventions to prevent violence against women and girls. Pretoria, South Africa: What Works to prevent violence among women and girls global Programme. (See pp. 26-28)

Lee, C., Bouchard, J., & Wong, J. S. (2023). A Popular Approach, but Do They Work? A Systematic Review of Social Marketing Campaigns to Prevent Sexual Violence on College Campuses. Violence Against Women, 29(3-4), 495-526.

McKenzie-Mohr, Doug. (2011). Fostering Sustainable Behavior: An Introduction to Community-based Social Marketing. 3rd edition. Gabriola, B.C.: New Society Publishers. 

Paluck, Elizabeth Levy, and Laurie Ball. (2010). Social norms marketing aimed at gender based violence: A literature review and critical assessment. New York: International Rescue Committee.

Respect Victoria, Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety, the Victorian Health Promotion Foundation, Swinburne University of Technology. (2020). Re-shaping Attitudes: A toolkit for using the National Community Attitudes towards Violence against Women Survey (NCAS) in the primary prevention of violence against women. Melbourne; Respect Victoria.

Seff, I. (2021). Social norms sustaining intimate partner violence: a systematic review of methodologies for proxy measures. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 15248380211013141.

Semahegn, A., Torpey, K., Manu, A., Assefa, N., Tesfaye, G., & Ankomah, A. (2019). Are interventions focused on gender-norms effective in preventing domestic violence against women in low and lower-middle income countries? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Reprod Health, 16(1), 1-31.

Smith-Darden, J., McCauley, H., Kynn, J., Orchowski, L., & Reidy, D. (2022). Raising Awareness about Men’s Violence Against Women: Theory, Research and Practice. In L. Orchowski & A. Berkowitz (Eds.), Engaging boys and men in sexual assault prevention: Theory, research, and practice (pp. 237-264): Elsevier.

Svejkar, Domenic, Lucy Klippan, and Tasman Munro. (2020). Communications, Campaigns and Messaging about Domestic and Family Violence: Literature Review Findings. Sydney: UTS Design Innovation Research Centre for NSW Justice.

USAID. (2021). USAID’s Collective Action to Reduce Gender-Based Violence (CARE-GBV): How to identify and advance equitable social norms. Guidance Note, USAID.


Note: For guidance on conducting evaluations of social marketing, see here.


Further references

Ahlenback, V., & Fraser, E. (2022). Effectives social norms approaches in FCAS contexts. Ending Violence Helpdesk research report No. 1. London UK: Ending Violence Helpdesk.

Allen, S. H. (2018). The Short-Term Effects of Gendered Primary Prevention Campaigns on Ambivalent Sexism and Beliefs about the Acceptability of Intimate Partner Violence.

Beres, M. A. (2018). The Proliferation of Consent-Focused Rape Prevention Social Marketing Materials. In Orienting Feminism (pp. 181-196), Eds. C. Da.e and R. Overell. Springer.

Blakeslee, K. M., Patel, D. M., & Simon, M. A. (eds.). (2012). Communications and Technology for Violence Prevention: Workshop Summary. National Academies Press.

Bowman, N. D., Knight, J., Schlue, L, & Cohen, E. L. (2019). What if it happened to me? Socially conscious music videos can address campus assault: Narrative engagement and rape myth acceptance. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 8(4), 454-463. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/ppm0000189

Boyko, J. A., Wathen, C. N., & Kothari, A. (2017). Effectively engaging stakeholders and the public in developing violence prevention messages. BMC Women’s Health, 17(1), 35. doi:10.1186/s12905-017-0390-2

Campbell, M., Neil, J. A., Jaffe, P. G., & Kelly, T. (2010). Engaging abusive men in seeking community intervention: A critical research & practice priority. Journal of Family Violence, 25(4), 413-422.

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Gabler, L. (2016). Men against Violence: Analysis of Social Awareness Campaigns in Poland. (Masters thesis), Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden.

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Goehring, C., Renegar, V., & Puhl, L. (2017). “Abusive furniture”: Visual metonymy and the Hungarian stop violence against women campaign. Women’s studies in communication, 40(4), 440-457.

Goldrick-Jones, Amanda. (2004). The Ribbon and the Rose: Visual Rhetorics Against Violence to Women. Ethnologies, 26(1): 95-123.

Haas, Emily Joy, Marifran Mattson, and Kathlyn Wilkinson. (2011). “Flirting is Not Consent. Ask Everyone, Every Time”: Designing, Implementing, and Evaluating a Health Communication Campaign to Prevent Sexual Violence. Cases in Public Health Communication and Marketing, 5(1): 47-54.

Haskell, Lori. (2011). Key best practices for effective sexual violence public education. Presentation, context unknown.

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Henley, N., Donovan, R. & Francas, M. (2007). Developing and implementing communication messages. In In L. S. Doll, S. Bonzo, J. Mercy, and D. Sleet (eds.), Handbook of Injury and Violence Prevention. New York: Springer.

Horsfall, Briony, Leah Bromfield, and Myfanwy McDonald. (2010). Are social marketing campaigns effective in preventing child abuse and neglect? NCPC Issues (National Child Protection Clearinghouse), No. 32.

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Social marketing: General guides

French, Jeff, and Ross Gordon. (2019). Strategic Social Marketing: For Behaviour and Social Change. London: Sage.

Noar, S. M. (2006). A 10-year retrospective of research in health mass media campaigns: Where do we go from here? Journal of Health Communication, 11(1): 21–42.

Tellis, Gerard J. (2004). Effective advertising: Understanding when, how and why advertising works. Sage Publications, University of South Carolina.

Wallack, Laurence. (2000). The role of mass media in creating social capital: A new direction for public health. In B. D. Smedley & S. L. Syme (Eds.), Promoting health: Intervention strategies from social and behavioral research (pp. 337-365). Washington, DC: National Academy Press.

Wallack, Laurence. (2002). Public health, social change, and media advocacy. Social Marketing Quarterly, 8(2): 25-31.

Sonenshein, S. (2012). Being a positive social change agent through issue selling. In: K. Golden-Biddle & J. Dutton (Eds.), Exploring positive social change in organization: building a theoretical and research foundation, (pp. 49-67). Routledge.



Social norms campaigns

Berkowitz, A. D. (2005). An Overview of the Social Norms Approach. Chapter 13 in Lederman, LC & Stewart, LP (eds), Changing the Culture of College Drinking: A Socially Situated Health Communication Campaign. Hampton Press, Cresskill, NJ.

Berkowitz, A. D. (2010). Fostering Healthy Norms to Prevent Violence and Abuse: The Social Norms Approach. In Keith Kaufman, ed. The Prevention of Sexual Violence: A Practitioner’s Sourcebook (pp. 147-171). Holyoke MA: NEARI Press.

Berkowitz, A. D. (2011). Using How College Men Feel About Being Men And “Doing The Right Thing” To Promote Men’s Development. In Jason Laker and Tracy Davis, editors, Masculinities in Higher Education, New York: Routledge.

Berkowitz, A. D. (2013). A Grassroots Guide to Fostering Healthy Norms to Reduce Violence in Our Communities: Social Norms Toolkit. Atlanta, GA: New Jersey Coalition Against Sexual Assault.

Bohner, G., Pina, A., Tendayi Viki, G., & Siebler, F. (2010). Using social norms to reduce men’s rape proclivity: Perceived rape myth acceptance of out-groups may be more influential than that of in-groups. Psychology, Crime & Law, 16(8), 671-693.

Bruce, S. (2002). The “A Man” Campaign: Marketing Social Norms to Men to Prevent Sexual Assault. The Report on Social Norms. Working Paper #5, Little Falls, NJ: PaperClip Communications.

Fabiano, Patricia, H. Wesley Perkins, Alan Berkowitz, Jeffrey Linkenbach, and Christopher Stark. (2004). Engaging men as Social Justice Allies in Ending Violence Against Women: Evidence for a Social Norms Approach. Journal of American College Health, 52(3), pp. 105-112.

Gidycz, C. A., L. M. Orchowski, and A. D. Berkowitz. (2011). Preventing Sexual Aggression Among College Men: An Evaluation of a Social Norms and Bystander Approach Intervention Program. Violence Against Women, 17(6): 720-42.

Hillenbrand-Gunn, T. L., Heppner, M. J., Mauch, P. A., & Park, H. J. (2010). Men as allies: The efficacy of a high school rape prevention intervention. Journal of Counseling & Development, 88(1), 43-51.

Kilmartin, C., T. Smith, A. Green, H. Heinzen, M. Kuchler, and D. Kolar (2008). A Real Time Social Norms Intervention to Reduce Male Sexism. Sex Roles, 59(3): 264-273.

Paluck, Elizabeth Levy, and Laurie Ball. (2010). Social norms marketing aimed at gender based violence: A literature review and critical assessment. New York: International Rescue Committee.

Rogers, M., Rumley, T. & Lovatt, G. (2019). The Change Up Project: Using social norming theory with young people to address domestic abuse and promote healthy relationships, Journal of Family Violence, 34(507).

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Zounlome, N. O. O., & Wong, Y. J. (2019). Addressing male-targeted university sexual aggression: An experimental evaluation of a social norms approach. Psychology of Men & Masculinities, 20(4), 528-540. doi:10.1037/men0000181