Men have a vital role to play in contributing to the prevention and reduction of sexual harassment, in workplaces and elsewhere. Although men’s involvement is often constrained by poor understanding of sexual harassment and barriers preventing their advocacy, there are effective ways to invite them in to the work of sexual harassment prevention, and practical actions men can take to make change.
Sexual harassment, family and domestic violence, and other forms of violence and abuse are now firmly on the public agenda. While most men do not perpetrate violence, these behaviours often are perpetrated by men, against women and other men. There are growing calls for men to join with women in supporting efforts to end harassment and violence.
This article explores men’s positive roles in ending sexual harassment. It describes the barriers that men face, and the practical steps men can take to help prevent and reduce harassment, drawing on both sociological research on sexual harassment and insights from violence prevention education and advocacy.
For the remainder of the article, please see this PDF document.
Citation: Flood, M. (2022). Men's positive roles in ending sexual harassment. Precedent, No. 170, May-June (Australian Lawyers’ Alliance).
For further resources on men's positive roles in preventing and reducing men's violence against women, see here.
For further resources on men's roles in building workplace gender equality, see here.