(iv) Short or key overviews of violence prevention in schools and/or among children and young people

Note: Also see the bibliography of other works on violence prevention in schools and/or among children and young people, here.


Recent publications (2018-)

Bonell, C., Taylor, B., Berry, V., Priolo, S. R., Rizzo, A., Farmer, C., . . . Melendez-Torres, G. J. (2023). Re-orientating systematic reviews to rigorously examine what works, for whom and how: Example of a realist systematic review of school-based prevention of dating and gender violence. Research Synthesis Methods, 14(4), 582-595. doi:10.1002/jrsm.1644

Bruno, L. (2022). Violence prevention and youth. In L. Allen & M. L. Rasmussen (Eds.), The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Sexuality Education. Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-95352-2_14-1

Burton, O., Rawstorne, P., Watchirs-Smith, L., Nathan, S., & Carter, A. (2021). Teaching sexual consent to young people in education settings: a narrative systematic review. Sex Education, 1-17. doi:10.1080/14681811.2021.2018676

Crooks, C. V., Jaffe, P., Dunlop, C., Kerry, A., & Exner-Cortens, D. (2019). Preventing Gender-Based Violence among Adolescents and Young Adults: Lessons from 25 Years of Program Development and Evaluation. Violence Against Women, 25(1), 29-55. 10.1177/1077801218815778

Edwards, K. E., & Banyard, V. L. (2018). Preventing Sexual Violence among Adolescents and Young Adults. In D. A. Wolfe & J. R. Temple (Eds.), Adolescent Dating Violence: Theory, Research, and Prevention (pp. 415-435). London: Academic Press.

Ellsberg, M., Ullman, C., Blackwell, A., Hill, A. & Contreras, M. (2018). What Works to Prevent Adolescent Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence? A Global Review of Best Practices. In D. A. Wolfe & J. R. Temple (Eds.), Adolescent Dating Violence (pp. 381-414.). London: Academic Press.

Farmer, C., Shaw, N., Rizzo, A. J., Orr, N., Chollet, A., Hagell, A., . . . Melendez-Torres, G. J. (2023). School-Based Interventions to Prevent Dating and Relationship Violence and Gender-Based Violence: Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis. American Journal of Public Health, 113(3), 320-330. doi:10.2105/ajph.2022.307153

Finnie, R. K., Okasako-Schmucker, D. L., Buchanan, L., Carty, D., Wethington, H., Mercer, S. L., . . . Bishop, J. (2022). Intimate partner and sexual violence prevention among youth: a community guide systematic review. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 62(1), e45-e55. 

Gaffney, H., Ttofi, M. M., & Farrington, D. P. (2021). Effectiveness of school‐based programs to reduce bullying perpetration and victimization: An updated systematic review and meta‐analysis. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 17(2), e1143.

Kerr-Wilson, A.; Gibbs, A.; McAslan Fraser E.; Ramsoomar, L.; Parke, A.; Khuwaja, HMA.; and Rachel Jewkes. (2020). A rigorous global evidence review of interventions to prevent violence against women and girls. Pretoria, South Africa: What Works to prevent violence among women and girls global Programme. (See pp. 31-38)

Lee, C., & Wong, J. S. (2020). Examining the effects of teen dating violence prevention programs: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 1-40.

McNaughton Reyes, H. L., Graham, L. M., Chen, M. S., Baron, D., Gibbs, A., Groves, A. K., . . . Maman, S. (2021). Adolescent dating violence prevention programmes: a global systematic review of evaluation studies. The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health, 5(3), 223-232. doi:10.1016/S2352-4642(20)30276-5

Melendez-Torres, G. J., Bonell, C., Shaw, N., Orr, N., Chollet, A., Rizzo, A., Rigby, E., Hagell, A., Young, H., Berry, V., Humphreys, D. K., & Farmer, C. (2023). Are school-based interventions to prevent dating and relationship violence and gender-based violence equally effective for all students? Systematic review and equity analysis of moderation analyses in randomised trials. Preventive Medicine Reports, 34, 102277 

Mielke, M., & Farrington, D. P. (2021). School-based interventions to reduce suspension and arrest: A meta-analysis. Aggression and violent behavior, 56, 101518. 

Orr, N., Chollet, A., Rizzo, A. J., Shaw, N., Farmer, C., Young, H., . . . Melendez-Torres, G. J. (2022). School-based interventions for preventing dating and relationship violence and gender-based violence: A systematic review and synthesis of theories of change. Review of Education, 10(3), e3382. doi:https://doi.org/10.1002/rev3.3382

Our Watch. (2021). Respectful relationships education as part of a national approach to preventing gender-based violence: A brief for policy makers. Our Watch. 

Our Watch. (2021). Respectful Relationships Education in schools: evidence paper. Melbourne: Our Watch.

Rizzo, A. J., Orr, N., Shaw, N., Farmer, C., Chollet, A., Young, H., . . . Bonell, C. (2023). Exploring the activities and target audiences of school-based violence prevention programs: systematic review and intervention component analysis. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 24(5), 3593–3614. 

Ustunel, A. O. (2020). A feminist approach to dating violence prevention: Creating change towards safety, equality and mutuality. Feminism & Psychology, 30(2), 143-164.

Valdebenito, S., Eisner, M., Farrington, D. P., Ttofi, M. M., & Sutherland, A. (2018). School‐based interventions for reducing disciplinary school exclusion: A systematic review. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 14(1), i-216. 

van Leent, L., Walsh, K., Moran, C., Hand, K., & French, S. (2023). Effectiveness of relationships and sex education: A systematic review of terminology, content, pedagogy, and outcomes. Educational Research Review, 100527. 

Walsh, K., Zwi, K., Woolfenden, S., & Shlonsky, A. (2018). School-based education programs for the prevention of child sexual abuse: A Cochrane systematic review and meta-analysis. Research on Social Work Practice, 28(1), 33-55.

World Bank. (2022). Addressing Gender-Based Violence and Harassment (GBVH) in the Education Sector (English). Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group. https://documents.worldbank.org/en/publication/documents-reports/documentdetail/099956312022224443/idu0a2be669708cc204a170ad9e0cce8fb511448


Older publications (prior to 2018)

Bacchus, L. J., Colombini, M., Contreras Urbina, M., Howarth, E., Gardner, F., Annan, J., ... & Watts, C. (2017). Exploring opportunities for coordinated responses to intimate partner violence and child maltreatment in low and middle income countries: a scoping review. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 22(sup1), 135-165.

Barter, C. (2017). Preventing violence and abuse in young people’s relationships. In Taket, A. and Crisp, B. (Eds), Making a Difference: achieving effective society-wide action on gender-based violence, London: Routledge.

Carmody, M., S. Evans, C. Krogh, M. Flood, M. Heenan, and G. Ovenden. (2009). Framing Best Practice: National standards for the primary prevention of sexual assault through education. Sydney: National Sexual Assault Prevention Education Project for NASASV (National Association of Services Against Sexual Violence), University of Western Sydney.  

Coker, A. L., V. L. Banyard, and E. A. Recktenwald. (2017). Primary Intimate Partner Violence Prevention Programs for Adolescents and Young Adults. In C. M. Renzetti, D. R. Follingstad, and A. L. Coker (Eds.), Preventing Intimate Partner Violence (pp. 39-70): Policy Press. 

Cornelius, T. L., and N. Resseguie. (2007). Primary and secondary prevention programs for dating violence: A review of the literature. Aggression and Violent Behavior 12: 364-375.  

Cox, E., Leung, R., Baksheev, G., Day, A., Toumbourou, J.W., Miller, P., Kremer, P., & Walker, A. (2016). Violence prevention and intervention programmes for adolescents in Australia: A systematic review. Australian Psychologist, 51(3): 206-222.

David-Ferdon, C., Vivolo-Kantor, A. M., Dahlberg, L. L., Marshall, K. J., Rainford, N. & Hall, J. E. (2016). A Comprehensive Technical Package for the Prevention of Youth Violence and Associated Risk Behaviors. Atlanta, GA: National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

De Koker, P., Mathews, C., Zuch, M., Bastien, S., & Mason-Jones, A. J. (2014). A systematic review of interventions for preventing adolescent intimate partner violence. Journal of Adolescent Health, 54(1), 3-13. 

De La Rue, L., Polanin, J. R., Espelage, D. L., & Pigott, T. D. (2017). A meta-analysis of school-based interventions aimed to prevent or reduce violence in teen dating relationships. Review of Educational Research, 87(1): 7-34. 

Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. (2014). Building Respectful Relationships: Stepping Out Against Gender-Based Violence. Victoria.

Edwards, S. R., and V. B. Hinsz. (2014). A meta-analysis of empirically tested school-based dating violence prevention programs. Sage Open, 4(2), 1-8. 

Ellis, J. (2008). Primary Prevention of Domestic Abuse Through Education. In C. Humphreys, C. Houghton, and J. Ellis. (eds). Literature Review: Better Outcomes for Children and Young People affected by Domestic Abuse – Directions for Good Practice. Edinburgh: Scottish Government. 

Farrell, A.D., A.L. Meyer, E.M. Kung, and T.N. Sullivan. (2001). Development and evaluation of school-based violence prevention programs. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, vol 30: 207–20.

Fellmeth, G.L., Heffernan, C., Nurse, J., Habibula, S., & Sethi, D. (2013). Educational and skills‐based interventions for preventing relationship and dating violence in adolescents and young adults. The Cochrane Library. 6, Art. No.: CD004534, doi: 10.1002/14651858. CD004534.pub3.

Fields, S.A., and J.R. McNamara. (2003). The prevention of child and adolescent violence: A review. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 8(1): 61-91. 

Flood, M., L. Fergus, and M. Heenan. (2009). Respectful Relationships Education: Violence prevention and respectful relationships education in Victorian secondary schools. Melbourne: Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, State of Victoria. 

Fryda, C. M., & Hulme, P. A. (2015). School-Based Childhood Sexual Abuse Prevention Programs: An Integrative Review. The Journal of School Nursing, 31(3), 167-182.

Gavine, A. J., Donnelly, P. D., & Williams, D. J. (2016). Effectiveness of universal school-based programs for prevention of violence in adolescents. Psychology of Violence, 6(3), 390-399. doi:10.1037/vio0000052

Gleeson, C., S. Kearney, L. Leung and J. Brislane. (2015). Respectful Relationships Education in schools: evidence paper. Melbourne: Our Watch. 

Greenberg, M.T. (2004). Current and Future Challenges in School-Based Prevention: The Researcher Perspective. Prevention Science, 5(1), March: 5-13. 

Greene, M.B. (2005). Reducing violence and aggression in schools. Trauma, Violence & Abuse, 6(3): 236-53. 

Hahn, R., Fuqua-Whitley, D., Wethington, H., Lowy, J., Crosby, A., Fullilove, M., ... & Task Force on Community Preventive Services. (2007). Effectiveness of universal school-based programs to prevent violent and aggressive behavior: A systematic review. American journal of preventive medicine, 33(2), S114-S129. 

Hassall, I., and K. Hannah. (2007). School-Based Violence Prevention Programmes: A Literature Review. Accident Compensation Corporation, New Zealand. URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/274699523_School-based_violence_prevention_programmes_A_literature_review 

Hester, M., and N. Westmarland. (2005). Primary prevention: raising awareness and challenging attitudes among young people. Pages 15-26 in Tackling Domestic Violence: Effective Interventions and Approaches. London: Home Office Research Study 290, London: Home Office. 

Hickman, L.J., L.H. Jaycox, and J. Aronoff. (2004). Dating Violence Among Adolescents: Prevalence, gender distribution, and prevention program effectiveness. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 5(2), April. 

Hilton, N.Z., G.T. Harris, M.E. Rice, T.S. Krans, and S.E. Lavigne. (1998). Antiviolence Education in High Schools: Implementation and Evaluation. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 13(6): 726-742. 

Knerr, W, Gardner F & Cluver, L. (2011). Parenting and the Prevention of Child Maltreatment in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review of Interventions and a Discussion of Prevention of the Risks of Future Violent Behaviour among Boys. SVRI.  

Leach F, Dunne M and Salvi F. (2014). School-related gender-based violence: A global review of current issues and approaches in policy, programming and implementation responses to school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV) for the education sector. Background research paper prepared for UNESCO, 2014.

Leach, F., Slade, E. & Dunne, M. (2013). Desk Review for Concern: Promising Practice in School Related Gender Based Violence (SRGBV) Prevention and Response Programming Globally. London: Concern Worldwide.

Leen, E., Sorbring, E., Mawer, M., Holdsworth, E., Helsing, B., and Bowen, E. (2013). Prevalence, Dynamic Risk Factors and the Efficacy of Primary Interventions for Adolescent Dating Violence: An International Review. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 18(1): 159-174.

Lundgren, R., & Amin, A. (2015). Addressing Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Violence among Adolescents: Emerging Evidence of Effectiveness. Journal of Adolescent Health, 56(1), S42-S50. 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2014.08.012

Matjasko, J. L., Vivolo-Kantor, A. M., Massetti, G. M., Holland, K. M., Holt, M. K., & Cruz, J. D. (2012). A systematic meta-review of evaluations of youth violence prevention programs: Common and divergent findings from 25 years of meta-analyses and systematic reviews. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 17(6): 540-552.

Mattaini, M.A., and M.S. McGuire. (2006). Behavioral strategies for constructing nonviolent cultures with youth: A review. Behavior Modification, 30(2): 184-224.

Merrell, K.W., B.A. Gueldner, S.W. Ross, and D.M. Isava. (2008). How effective are school bullying intervention programs? A meta-analysis of intervention research. School Psychol Q, 23(1): 26-42. 

Messman, E., Heinze, J., Hsieh, H.-F., Hockley, N., Pomerantz, N., Grodzinski, A., . . . Zimmerman, M. (2022). Anonymous reporting systems for school-based violence prevention: a systematic review. Health Education and Behavior, ePub(ePub), ePub-ePub. Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/10901981211073734

Meyer, H., and N. Stein. (2004). Relationship Violence Prevention Education in Schools: What’s Working, What’s Getting in the Way, and What are Some Future Directions. American Journal of Health Education, Jul/Aug., 35(4): 198-205. 

Mikton, C., and A. Butchart. (2009). Child maltreatment prevention: a systematic review of reviews. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 87(5): 353-61. 

MMWR. (2007). The Effectiveness of Universal School-Based Programs for the Prevention of Violent and Aggressive Behavior: A Report on Recommendations of the Task Force on Community Preventive Services. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, Volume 56, No. RR-7, August 10. 

Molina, Irma A., Catherine N. Dulmus, and Karen M. Sowers. (2005). Secondary Prevention for Youth Violence: A Review of Selected School-Based Programs. Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention. Cary: Feb., Vol.5, Iss. 1. 

Molnar, B.E., A.L. Roberts, A. Browne, H. Gardener, and S.L. Buka. (2005). What girls need: recommendations for preventing violence among urban girls in the US. Social Science & Medicine, 60(10): 2191-2204. 

O’Leary, K. D., E. M. Woodin, et al. (2006). Can We Prevent the Hitting? Recommendations for Preventing Intimate Partner Violence Between Young Adults. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 13(3): 121-178.

Ozer, E. J., M. G. Wanis, et al. (2010). Diffusion of School-Based Prevention Programs in Two Urban Districts: Adaptations, Rationales, and Suggestions for Change. Prevention Science 11(1): 42-42-55.

Park-Higgerson, H.K., S.E. Perumean-Chaney, A.A. Bartolucci, D.M. Grimley, and K.P. Singh. (2008). The evaluation of school-based violence prevention programs: a meta-analysis. Journal of School Health, 78(9): 465-79. 

Pepler, D., and W. Craig. (2011). Promoting relationships and eliminating violence in Canada. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 35(5): 389-397. 

Rosewater, A. (2003). Promoting Prevention, Targeting Teens: An Emerging Agenda to Reduce Domestic Violence. San Francisco, CA: Family Violence Prevention Fund.

Social Policy Evaluation and Research Unit, Families Commission. (2013). Effectiveness of Relationship Education Programmes in Schools Years 7-13. Wellington: Families Commission, New Zealand. Accessed online 4 September 2015. URL: https://thehub.swa.govt.nz/assets/documents/relationship-education-in-schools.pdf

Stanley, N, Ellis J, Farrelly N, Hollinghurst S, Downe S. (2015). Preventing domestic abuse for children and young people: A review of school-based interventions. Child. Youth Serv. Rev, 59: 120-131.

Stanley, N., Ellis, J., Farrelly, N. J., Hollinghurst, S., Bailey, S., & Downe, S. (2015). Preventing domestic abuse for children and young people (PEACH): A mixed knowledge scoping review. Public Health Research, 3(7). Retrieved from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK304920/

Topping, K.J, and I.G. Barron. (2009). School-Based Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Programs: A Review of Effectiveness. Rev Educ Res; 79(1): 431-463. 

Townsend, S., and R. Campbell. (2006). School-based sexual violence prevention programs: Current evaluation findings and policy implications. In. K. Freeark & W. Davidson (Eds.), The crisis in youth mental health (pp. 177-196). Westport, CT: Praeger.

Tutty, L., and C. Bradshaw. (2004). Violence Against Children and Youth: do School-Based Prevention Programs Work? In Ateah, C and Mirwaldt, J (eds) Within Our Reach: Preventing Abuse Across the Lifespan, Black Point, Nova Scotia: Fernwood Publishing and RESOLVE.

Tutty, L., C. Bradshaw, W.E. Thurston, L. Tunstall, M.E. Dewar, D. Toy-Pries, D. Thomlinson, D. Este, L. Meadows, W. Josephson, S. Dobko, J. Proulx, S. Perrault, M. McDonald and K. Nixon. (2002). School-based Violence Prevention Programs: A resource manual to prevent violence against girls and young women. Calgary, AB: RESOLVE Alberta. Online at http://www.ucalgary.ca/resolve/violenceprevention/. 

 Walsh, K., Zwi, K., Woolfenden, S., & Shlonsky, A. (2015). School‐based education programmes for the prevention of child sexual abuse: A systematic review. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 11(1), 1-180.  

Weisz, Arlene, and Beverly Black. (2009). Programs to Reduce Teen Dating Violence and Sexual Assault: Perspectives on What Works. Columbia University Press.

Whitaker, D.J., S. Morrison, C. Lindquist, S.R. Hawkins, J.A. O’Neil, A.M. Nesius, A. Mathew, and L.R. Reese. (2006). A Critical Review of Interventions for the Primary Prevention of Perpetration of Partner Violence. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 11(2): 151-166. (got copy in PDF) √√ h’wr’n

Wilson, S. J., & Lipsey, M. W. (2007). School-based interventions for aggressive and disruptive behavior: Update of a meta-analysis. American journal of preventive medicine, 33(2), S130-S143. 

Wolfe, D. A., and P. G. Jaffe. (2003). Prevention of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault. National Resource Centre on Domestic Violence: VAWnet Applied Research Forum, January.  

Wolfe, D. A., P. G. Jaffe, and C. V. Crooks. (2006). Adolescent Risk Behaviors: Why Teens Experiment and Strategies to Keep Them Safe. New Haven: Yale University Press.

Women’s Health West. (2014). Best practice in respectful relationships education projects for young people aged 10 to 24 years: Literature review for Women’s Health West’s You, Me and Us project. Melbourne: Women’s Health West

World Health Organization. (2015). Preventing youth violence: An overview of the evidence. Geneva, Switzerland: WHO.

Wurtele, S.K. (2009). Preventing sexual abuse of children in the twenty-first century: preparing for challenges and opportunities. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 18(1): 1-18.

Zwi, K. J., Woolfenden, S. R., Wheeler, D. M., O’Brien, T. A., Tait, P., & Williams, K. W. (2008). Cochrane review: School‐based education programmes for the prevention of child sexual abuse. EvidenceBased Child Health: A Cochrane Review Journal, 3(3), 603-634.