(xxv) Preventing child marriage

Greene, Margaret E., Stephanie Perlson, Alice Taylor and Giovanna Lauro. (2015). Engaging Men and Boys to Address the Practice of Child Marriage. Washington, DC: GreeneWorks.

Gupta, S., Mukherjee, S., & Sing, S. (2008). Knot Ready: Lessons from India on Delaying Age at Marriage. Washington, DC: ICRW.

Hervish, A., & Feldman-Jacobs, C. (2011). Who Speaks for Me? Ending Child Marriage. Washington, DC: Population Reference Bureau.

Jain, S., & Kurz, K. (2007). New Insights on Preventing Child Marriage: A Global Analysis of Factors and Programs. Washington, DC: International Center for Research on Women (ICRW).