03. Childhood exposure to violence (witnessing and/or experiencing)


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Further works

Benevolent Society. (2012). Research snapshot: The impact of domestic violence on children: a literature review. Benevolent Society, Sydney with Australian Domestic & Family Violence Clearinghouse and Centre for Gender Related Violence Studies.

Berg, K. A., Bender, A. E., Evans, K. E., Holmes, M. R., Davis, A. P., Scaggs, A. L., & King, J. A. (2020). Service needs of children exposed to domestic violence: Qualitative findings from a statewide survey of domestic violence agencies. Children and Youth Services Review, 118. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2020.105414

Black, D., Sussman, S., & Unger, J. (2010). A Further Look at the Intergenerational Transmission of Violence: Witnessing Interparental Violence in Emerging Adulthood. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 25(6), 1022–1042. https://doi.org/10.1177/0886260509340539

Black, T., Fallon, B., Nikolova, K., Tarshis, S., Baird, S., & Carradine, J. (2020). Exploring subtypes of children’s exposure to intimate partner violence. Children and Youth Services Review. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2020.105375

Brookmeyer, K. A., Henrich, C. C., Cohen, G., & Shahar, G. (2011). Israeli adolescents exposed to community and terror violence: The protective role of social support. Journal of Early Adolescence, 31, 577-603.doi:10.1177/0272431610366247.

Calvete, E., Fernández-González, L., Orue, I., & Little, T. D. (2018). Exposure to family violence and dating violence perpetration in adolescents: Potential cognitive and emotional mechanisms. Psychology of Violence, 8(1), 67-75. doi:10.1037/vio0000076

Campo, M., Kaspiew, R., Moore, S. & Tayton, S. (2014). Children affected by domestic and family violence: a review of domestic and family violence prevention, early intervention and response services. Ashfield: Australian Institute of Family Studies.

Cubellis, M.A., Peterson, B.E., Henninger, A.M., & Lee, D. (2016). Childhood sexual abuse and antisocial traits and behaviors: A gendered examination of the factors associated with perpetration of intimate partner violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, [ahead-of-print]. DOI: 10.1177/0886260516633692

Debowska, A., Boduszek, D., Jones, A. D., Willmott, D., & Sherretts, N. (2021). Gender-based violence-supportive cognitions in adolescent girls and boys: The function of violence exposure and victimization. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36(3-4), 1233-1255.

Delsol, Catherine, and Gayla Margolin. (2004). The role of family-of-origin violence in men’s marital violence perpetration. Clinical Psychology Review, 24(1): 99-122.

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