Note: Many of the works listed in the general works on men and masculinity above could be considered to offer a “men’s liberation” perspective.
-. (1977). Various pieces in section “Men’s Liberation.” In Snodgrass, Jon. (ed.). A Book of Readings: For Men Against Sexism, Albion CA: Times Change Press
Biddulph, Steve. (1994). Manhood: A Book About Setting Men Free. Sydney: Finch Publishing.
Clatterbaugh, Kenneth. (1990). Feminist Allies: Profeminist Men. In Contemporary Perspectives on Masculinity: Men, Women, and Politics in Modern Society, Colarado & Oxford: Westview Press
Farrell, Warren. (1974). The Liberated Man. New York: Bantam Books.
Messner, Michael A. (1997). The Limits of ‘the Male Sex Role’: The Men’s Liberation and Men’s Rights Movements. In Politics of Masculinities: Men in Movements. University of Southern California: Sage Publications
Messner, Michael A. (1998). The Limits of ‘the Male Sex Role’: An Analysis of the Men’s Liberation and Men’s Rights Movements’ Discourse. Gender & Society, 12(3), June
Neitlich, Ann. (1985). Building Bridges: Men’s and Women’s Liberation. Cambridge, MA: Stonehill.
Nichols, Jack. (1975). Men’s Liberation: A New Definition of Masculinity. New York: Penguin.
Sawyer, Jack. (1971). On Male Liberation. Pennsylvania: KNOW, Inc.