b) Critiques of men’s rights etc.

Note: Also see the section above on “Fathers’ rights“, as there is considerable overlap between men’s rights and fathers’ rights groups. Note that the full text of some of these critiques is available here. Other, non-academic critiques are here.


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My Position as a Scholar
Chapter Outline
Antifeminist “Men’s Rights” and “Fathers’ Rights” Groups
The Social Ecology of Woman Abuse
Booth v. Hvass
Why Equal Protection Arguments Matter
The Equal Protection Claim
Claims and Evidence
Defense Response
Antifeminist Discourses on Woman Abuse
Patriarchy in Batterer Narratives
Learning from the Narratives of Men Who Batter Women
The Booth Plaintiffs’ Sources
Research Demonstrating Sex Differences in Violence against Intimates
Separation Assault
Sexual Assault
Sublethal Injury
Implications of Sex Differences in Violence against Intimates
Patriarchy, Gender, and Violence across the Social Ecology
Cultural Factors
Community Factors
Interpersonal Factors
Change over Time (Chronosystem)
Interaction of Multiple Factors (Mesosystem)
Scholarly Evidence of Patriarchal Peer Support of Violence against Women
Directions for Future Research
Policy Recommendations

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State Antifeminism / Francis Dupuis-Déri
Masculist Groups in Poland: Aids of Mainstream Antifeminism / Katarzyna Wojnicka
The Harper Government’s New Right Neoliberal Agenda and the Dismantling of Status of Women Canada and the Family Violence Initiative / Ruth M Mann
Sexual Violence in the ‘Manosphere’: Antifeminist Men’s Rights Discourses on Rape / Lise Gotell, Emily Dutton 
Defending Battered Women in the Public Sphere / Elizabeth Sheehy
The Trolls Disappear in the Light: Swedish Experiences of Mediated Sexualised Hate Speech in the Aftermath of Behring Breivik / Maria Edstrom
‘I’d just lose it if there was any more stress in my life’: Separated Fathers, Fathers’ Rights and the News Media / Vivienne Elizabeth.

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