Note: Materials are in this category rather than “Important and Recent Works” above because they are less substantial, less important to the field, minor, obscure, out of date or I simply don’t know anything about them.
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Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 1(1), January 2000.
Engendering Health: A Social Constructionist Examination of Men’s Health Beliefs and Behaviors / Courtenay, Will H., pg. 4-15.
References on Men and Women in Psychology (1887-1997): PsycINFO as an Archival Research Tool / Moon, Michelle; Hoffman, Charles D., pg. 16-20.
Male-Male Dimensions of Male-Female Battering: A New Look at Domestic Violence / Jennings, Jerry L.; Murphy, Christopher M., pg. 21-29.
Masculine Gender Role Stress and Intimate Abuse: Effects of Gender Relevance of Conflict Situations on Men’s Attributions and Affective Responses / Eisler, Richard M.; Franchina, Joseph J.; Moore, Todd M.; Honeycutt, Hunter G.; Rhatigan, Deborah L, pg. 30-36.
Borderline Personality Organization, Dissociation, and Willingness to Use Force in Intimate Relationships / Conrad, Sheree Dukes; Morrow, Rachael Stevens, pg. 37-48.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Pair Bonding, Fathering, and Alliance Formation: Disease Avoidance Behaviors as a Proposed Element in Human Evolution / Mackey, Wade C.; Immerman, Ronald S., pg. 49-61.
Revisiting the Structural Validity of the Gender Role Conflict Scale / Moradi, Bonnie; Tokar, David M.; Schaub, Michael; Jome, LaRae M.; Serna, George S.
Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 1(2), July 2000.
Ethnic Belonging and Traditional Masculinity Ideology Among African Americans, European Americans, and Latinos / Abreu, Jose M.; Goodyear, Rodney K.; Campos, Alvaro; Newcomb, Michael D., pg. 75-86.
Machismo, Gender Role Conflict, and Mental Health in Mexican American Men / Fragoso, Jose M.; Kashubeck, Susan, pg. 87-97.
What Are Eight Popular Masculinity-Related Instruments Measuring? Underlying Dimensions and Their Relations to Sociosexuality / Walker, Donald F.; Tokar, David M.; Fischer, Ann R., pg. 98-108.
Identifying Gender Role Conflict Messages That Distinguish Mildly Depressed From Nondepressed Men / Mahalik, James R.; Cournoyer, Robert J., pg. 109-115.
Gender Role Conflict and Psychological Distress in Male Counseling Center Clients / Hayes, Jeffrey A.; Mahalik, James R., pg. 116-125.
Separation/Individuation, Parental Attachment, and Male Gender Role Conflict: Attitudes Toward the Feminine and the Fragile Masculine Self / Blazina, Christopher; Watkins, C. Edward Jr., pg. 126-132.
Consistency of Reports of Rape Behaviors Among Nonincarcerated Men / Ouimette, Paige C.; Shaw, Jennifer; Drozd, John F.; Leader, Julie, pg. 133-139.
Male University Employees’ Experiences of Sexual Harassment-Related Behaviors / Gerrity, Deborah A.
Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 2(1), January 2001.
Reclaiming Kindergarten: Making Kindergarten Less Harmful to Boys / Leonard Sax.
Cultural Construction of Manhood in Prison / Jenny Phillips.
Examining Masculine Gender Role Conflict and Stress in Relation to Religious Orientation and Spiritual Well-Being / James R. Mahalik and Hugh D. Lagan.
Masculine Gender Role Stress and Intimate Abuse: Effects of Masculine Gender Relevance of Dating Situations and Female Threat on Men’s Attributions and Affective Responses / Joseph J. Franchina, Richard M. Eisler, and Todd M. Moore.
Men’s Attitudes Toward Race and Gender Equity: The Importance of Masculinity Ideology, Gender-Related Traits, and Reference Group Identity Dependence / Jay C. Wade and Chris Brittan-Powell.
Support for the Existence of an Independent Man-to-Child Affiliative Bond: Fatherhood as a Biocultural Invention / Wade C. Mackey.
Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 2(2), July 2001.
Psychological Effects of Partner Abuse Against Men: A Neglected Research Area / Denise A. Hines and Kathleen Malley-Morrison.
An Integrated Feminist/Cognitive-Behavioral and Psychodynamic Group Treatment Model for Men Who Abuse Their Partners / David M. Lawson, Thomas E. Dawson, Kevin M. Kieffer, Lissette M. Perez, Jana Burke, and Frederick J. Kier.
Roles of Cardiovascular Activity and Negative Affect on Attributions of Men to Provocative and Nonprovocative Female Behavior / Keryl A. Cosenzo and Joseph J. Franchina.
Gender Differences in Relationships Among Perceived Attractiveness, Life Satisfaction, and Health in Adults as a Function of Body Mass Index and Perceived Weight / Donald R. McCreary and Stanley W. Sadava.
The Vital Relationship Between Work and Masculinity: A Psychoanalytic Perspective / Steven D. Axelrod.
Perceptions About Tactile Intimacy in Same-Sex and Opposite-Sex Pairs Based on Research Participants’ Sexual Orientation / Valerian J. Derlega, Diane Catanzaro, and Robin J. Lewis
Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 3(1), January 2002.
A negative state of mind: Patterns of depressive symptoms among men with high gender role conflict / Shepard, David S.
The relation of male gender role conflict and attitudes toward career counseling to interest in and preferences for different career counseling styles / Rochlen, Aaron B.; O’Brien, Karen M.
The feminist male therapist: Attitudes and practices for the 21st century / Szymanski, Dawn M.; Baird, M. Kathleen; Kornman, Christopher L.
Influences of beliefs and values on male adolescents’ decision to commit violent offenses / Lopez, Vera A.; Emmer, Edmund T.
Enhancing critical consciousness in young African American men: A psychoeducational approach / Watts, Roderick J.; Abdul-Adil, Jaleel K.; Pratt, Terrance.
Masculine gender role conflict and stress in relation to parental attachment and separation / DeFranc, William; Mahalik, James R.
Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 3(2), July 2002.
Developmental and Contextual Factors That Influence Gay Fathers’ Parental Competence: A Review of the Literature / Jorge C. Armesto.
Fathers’ Recognition of Their Newborns by Visual-Facial and Olfactory Cues / Alan P. Bader and Roger D. Phillips.
The Development of the Discourses About Fathers Inventory: Measuring Fathers’ Perceptions of Their Exposure to Discourses / Chris Brownson and Lucia Albino Gilbert.
The Role of Masculine Ideology and Masculine Gender Role Stress in Men’s Perpetration of Relationship Violence / Matthew Jakupcak, David Lisak, and Lizabeth Roemer.
Exploring the Lives of Asian American Men: Racial Identity, Male Role Norms, Gender Role Conflict, and Prejudicial Attitudes / William M. Liu.
Psychological Predictors of Sexual Harassment: Authoritarianism, Hostile Sexism, and Rape Myths / Joseph J. Begany and Michael A. Milburn.
Gender Role Conflict, Attitudes Toward Career Counseling, Career Decision-Making, and Perceptions of Career Counseling Advertising Brochures / Aaron B. Rochlen, Christopher Blazina, and Rajagopal Raghunathan.
Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 4(1), January 2003.
Development of the Conformity to Masculine Norms Inventory / Mahalik, James R.,5; Locke, Benjamin D.; Ludlow, Larry H.; Diemer, Matthew A.; Scott, Ryan P. J. Gottfried, Michael Freitas, Gary, pg. 3-25.
Masculinity Ideology Among Russian and U.S. Young Men and Women and Its Relationship to Unhealthy Lifestyle Habits Among Young Russian Men / Levant, Ronald F.,7; Richmond, Katherine; Sellers, Alfred; Cuthbert, Adele; Matveev, Alexander; Mitina, Olga; Sokolovsky, Matvey; Heesacker, Martin 6. pg. 26-36.
Explaining Heterosexual Men’s Attitudes Toward Women and Gay Men: The Theory of Exclusively Masculine Identity / Kilianski, Stephen E., pg. 37-56.
Three Dimensions of the Male Gender Role as Correlates of Alcohol and Cannabis Involvement in Young Australian Men / Monk, Debra; Ricciardelli, Lina A.,2, pg. 57-69.
Effects of Hypermasculinity on Physical Aggression Against Women / Parrott, Dominic J.; Zeichner, Amos, pg. 70-78.
Gender Role Conflict and Shame in College Men / Durham Thompkins, Christine; Rando, Robert A.
Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 4(2), July 2003.
A Multicultural Investigation of Masculinity Ideology and Alexithymia / Levant, Ronald F.,8; Richmond, Katherine; Sellers, Alfred; Majors, Richard G. Inclan, Jaime E. Rossello, Jeannette M. Heesacker, Martin Rowan, George T., pg. 91-99.
Macho Man: Narcissism, Homophobia, Agency, Communion, and Authoritarianism-A Comparative Study Among Israeli Bodybuilders and a Control Group / Rubinstein, Gidi, pg. 100-110.
Striving for Bodily Perfection? An Exploration of the Drive for Muscularity in Canadian Men / Morrison, Todd G.,4; Morrison, Melanie A.; Hopkins, Christine, pg. 111-120.
Interpersonal Behavior, Perception, and Affect in Status-Discrepant Dyads: Social Interaction of Gay and Heterosexual Men / Miller, Scott; Malloy, Thomas E., pg. 121-135.
Escaping Stereotypes: Educational Attitudes of Male Alumni of Single-Sex and Coed Schools / James, Abigail Norfleet; Richards, Herbert C., pg. 136-148.
Research Mentoring and Men in Clinical Psychology / Dohm, Faith-Anne; Cummings, Wendy, pg. 149-153.
Variables in Addition to Gender That Help to Explain Differences in Perceived Sexual Interest / Fisher, Terri D.; Walters, Andrew S., pg. 154-162.
Men’s Anger: A Phenomenological Exploration of Its Meaning in a Middle-Class Sample of American Men / Thomas, Sandra P.
Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 5(1), January 2004.
Construction and Preliminary Validation of the Auburn Differential Masculinity Inventory / Burk, Linnea R.; Burkhart, Barry R.; Sikorski, Jason F., pg. 4-17.
Measuring Male Body Image: A Review of the Current Methodology / Cafri, Guy; Thompson, J Kevin, pg. 18-29.
Muscle Mania: Development of a New Scale Examining the Drive for Muscularity in Canadian Males / Morrison, Todd G.; Morrison, Melanie A.; Hopkins, Christine; Rowan, E. Tyler, pg. 30-39.
Clothing and Embodiment: Men Managing Body Image and Appearance / Frith, Hannah; Gleeson, Kate, pg. 40-48.
Measuring the Drive for Muscularity: Factorial Validity of the Drive for Muscularity Scale in Men and Women / McCreary, Donald R.; Sasse, Doris K.; Saucier, Deborah M.; Dorsch, Kim D., pg. 49-58.
Personality Styles: Predictors of Masculine Gender Role Conflict in Male Prison Inmates / Schwartz, Jonathan P.; Buboltz, Walter C.; Seemann, Eric; Flye, Anita, pg. 59-64.
Relationship Between Gender Role Conflict and Attitudes Toward Women and African Americans / Robinson, Dianne T.; Schwartz, Jonathan P., pg. 65-71.
Male Gender Role Conflict, Sexual Harassment Tolerance, and the Efficacy of a Psychoeducative Training Program / Kearney, Lisa K.; Rochlen, Aaron B.; King, Eden B.
Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 5(2), July 2004.
Associations of Gender and Gender-Role Ideology With Behavioral and Attitudinal Features of Intimate Partner Aggression / Fitzpatrick, Marcia K.; Salgado, Dawn M.; Suvak, Michael K.; King, Lynda A.; King, Daniel W., pg. 91-102.
Effects of Masculine Gender-Relevant Task Instructions on Men’s Cardiovascular Reactivity and Mental Arithmetic Performance / Cosenzo, Keryl A.; Franchina, Joseph J.; Eisler, Richard M.; Krebs, Desiree, pg. 103-111.
Biceps and Body Image: The Relationship Between Muscularity and Self-Esteem, Depression, and Eating Disorder Symptoms / Olivardia, Roberto; Pope, Harrison G. Jr.; Borowiecki, John J. III; Cohane, Geoffrey H., pg. 112-120.
Authoritarian Hegemony, Dimensions of Masculinity, and Male Antigay Attitudes / Wilkinson, Wayne W., pg. 121-131.
Effects of Masculine Gender Role Stress on Men’s Cognitive, Affective, Physiological, and Aggressive Responses to Intimate Conflict Situations / Moore, Todd M.; Stuart, Gregory L., pg. 132-142.
Attachment Styles: Relationship to Masculine Gender Role Conflict in College Men / Schwartz, Jonathan P.; Waldo, Michael; Higgins, Anissa J., pg. 143-146.
Women’s Perceptions of Male Partners’ Gender Role Conflict as Predictors of Psychological Well-Being and Relationship Satisfaction / Rochlen, Aaron B.; Mahalik, James R., pg. 147-157.
Perceptions of the Sexual Harassment of Men / Stockdale, Margaret S.; Berry, Cynthia Gandolfo; Schneider, Robert W.; Cao, Feng., pg. 158-167.
Understanding Men’s Psychological Distress: Contributions of Problem-Solving Appraisal and Masculine Role Conflict / Good, Glenn E.; Heppner, P. Paul; DeBord, Kurt A. ; Fischer, Ann R., pg. 168-177.
Inoculating Against Prejudice: A Discursive Approach to Homophobia and Sexism in Adolescent Male Talk / Korobov, Neill, pg. 178-189.
Male Restrictive Emotionality and Evaluations of Online Versus Face-to-Face Counseling / Rochlen, Aaron B.; Land, Lee N.; Wong, Y. Joel.
Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 6(1), January 2005.
Effects of Sexual Prejudice and Anger on Physical Aggression Toward Gay and Heterosexual Men / Parrott, Dominic J.; Zeichner, Amos.
Popular Child-Rearing Books: Where Is Daddy? / Fleming, Linda M.; Tobin, David J.
Childhood Experiences and Psychosocial Influences on Risky Sexual Behavior, Condom Use, and HIV Attitudes-Behaviors Among Latino Males / Locke, Thomas F.; Newcomb, Michael D.; Goodyear, Rodney K.
An Adaptation of the Gender Role Conflict Scale for Adolescents: Psychometric Issues and Correlates With Psychological Distress / Blazina, Christopher; Pisecco, Stewart; O’Neil, James M.
A Review of the Literature on Masculinity and Partner Violence / Moore, Todd M.; Stuart, Gregory L.
Demystifying Men’s Emotional Behavior: New Directions and Implications for Counseling and Research / Wong, Y Joel; Rochlen, Aaron B.
Impact of Gender Role Conflict, Traditional Masculinity Ideology, Alexithymia, and Age on Men’s Attitudes Toward Psychological Help Seeking / Berger, Jill M.; Levant, Ronald; McMillan, Katharine Kaye; Kelleher, William; Sellers, Al.
Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 6(2), April 2005.
The Drive for Muscularity and Masculinity: Testing the Associations Among Gender-Role Traits, Behaviors, Attitudes, and Conflict / McCreary, Donald R.; Saucier, Deborah M.; Courtenay, Will H.
Measurement of Men’s Help Seeking: Development and Evaluation of the Barriers to Help Seeking Scale / Mansfield, Abigail K.; Addis, Michael E.; Courtenay, Will.
Gender-Role Conflict and Self-Esteem: Factors Associated With Partner Abuse in Court-Referred Men / Schwartz, Jonathan P.; Waldo, Michael; Daniel, David.
Being a Man About It: Manhood Meaning Among African American Men / Hammond, Wizdom Powell; Mattis, Jacqueline S.
Linking Gender-Role Conflict to Nonnormative and Self-Stigmatizing Perceptions of Alcohol Abuse and Depression / Magovcevic, Mariola; Addis, Michael E.
Real and Ideal Gender-Role Conflict: Exploring Psychological Distress Among Men / Liu, William Ming; Rochlen, Aaron; Mohr, Jonathan J.
Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 6(3), July 2005.
Male Gender Role Conflict and Patterns of Help Seeking in Costa Rica and the United States / Lane, Jennifer M.; Addis, Michael E.
Containing and Resisting Masculinity: Narratives of Renegotiation Among Resilient Male Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse / Kia-Keating, Maryam; Grossman, Frances K.; Sorsoli, Lynn; Epstein, Marina.
The Real Men. Real Depression Campaign: Overview, Theoretical Implications, and Research Considerations / Rochlen, Aaron B.; Whilde, Margaret R.; Hoyer, Wayne D.
Male Gender Role Conflict, Gay Men, and Same-Sex Romantic Relationships / Wester, Stephen R.; Pionke, David R.; Vogel, David L.
College Men’s Perceptions of Ideal Body Composition and Shape / Ridgeway, Rebekah T.; Tylka, Tracy L.
Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 6(4), October 2005.
Sociocultural Influences and Muscle Building in Adolescent Boys / Smolak, Linda; Murnen, Sarah K.; Thompson, J. Kevin.
The Influence of Restrictive Emotionality in Men’s Emotional Appraisal of Sexual Harassment: A Gender Role Interpretation / Glomb, Stephen M.; Espelage, Dorothy L.
Men’s Conformity to Traditional Masculinity and Relationship Satisfaction / Burn, Shawn Meghan; Ward, A. Zachary.
Italian and American Masculinities: A Comparison of Masculine Gender Role Norms / Tager, David; Good, Glenn E.
Masculinity, Shame, and Fear of Emotions as Predictors of Men’s Expressions of Anger and Hostility / Jakupcak, Matthew; Tull, Matthew T.; Roemer, Lizabeth.
Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 7(1), January.
A Preliminary Examination of the “Real Men. Real Depression” Campaign / Rochlen, Aaron B.; McKelley, Ryan A.; Pituch, Keenan A.
Parental Reactions to their Sons’ Sexual Orientation Disclosures: The Roles of Family Cohesion, Adaptability, and Parenting Style / Willoughby, Brian L. B.; Malik, Neena M.; Lindahl, Kristin M.
Average Joes: Men’s Relationships With Media, Real Bodies, and Sexuality / Schooler, Deborah; Ward, L. Monique.
Parsons and Bales Revisited: Young Adult Children’s Characterization of the Fathering Role / Finley, Gordon E.; Schwartz, Seth J.
Psychometric Evaluation of two Scales Examining Muscularity Concerns in Men and Women / Wojtowicz, Amy E.; von Ranson, Kristin M.
Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 7(2), April 2006.
Emotional Expression, Perceptions of Therapy, and Help-Seeking Intentions in Men Attending Therapy Services / Cusack, Jason; Deane, Frank P.; Wilson, Coralie J.; Ciarrochi, Joseph
Multicultural Coping: Chinese Canadian Adolescents, Male Gender Role Conflict, and Psychological Distress / Wester, Stephen R.; Kuo, Ben C. H.; Vogel, David L.
Fathers’ Caregiving and Breadwinning: A Gender Congruence Analysis / Maurer, Trent W.; Pleck, Joseph H.
Men’s Restrictive Emotionality: An Investigation of Associations With Other Emotion-Related Constructs, Anxiety, and Underlying Dimensions / Wong, Y Joel; Pituch, Keenan A.; Rochlen, Aaron B.
Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 7(3), July 2006.
Does Size Matter? Men’s and Women’s Views on Penis Size Across the Lifespan / Lever, Janet; Frederick, David A.; Peplau, Letitia Anne.
Describing Differences Among a Sample of Low-Income Fathers: A Glimpse Into Their Romantic Relationships / Chambers, Anthony L.; Schmidt, Karen M.; Wilson, Melvin N.
Asian American Men’s Gender Role Conflict: The Role of Asian Values, Self-Esteem, and Psychological Distress / Liu, William Ming; Iwamoto, Derek Kenji.
Masculine Roles and Rehabilitation Outcomes Among Men Recovering from Serious Injuries / Good, Glenn E.; Schopp, Laura H.; Thomson, Doug; Hathaway, Stefani; Sanford-Martens, Tiffany; Mazurek, Micah O.; Mintz, Laurie B.
Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 7(4), October 2006.
Effects of Masculine Identity and Gender Role Stress on Aggression in Men / Cohn, Amy; Zeichner, Amos.
Health Behaviors and Masculinity in Kenyan and U.S. Male College Students / Mahalik, James R.; Lagan, Hugh D.; Morrison, Jay A.
Implications of Masculine Gender Role Stress in Male Veterans With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder / Jakupcak, Matthew; Osborne, Travis L.; Michael, Scott; Cook, Jessica W.; McFall, Miles.
The Normative Male Alexithymia Scale: Measurement of a Gender-Linked Syndrome / Levant, Ronald F.; Good, Glenn E.; Cook, Stephen W.; O’Neil, James M.; Smalley, K Bryant; Owen, Karen; Richmond, Katherine.
Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 8(1), January 2007.
The Role of Emotional Responding and Childhood Maltreatment in the Development and Maintenance of Deliberate Self-Harm Among Male Undergraduates / Gratz, Kim L.; Chapman, Alexander L.
Oh To Be Lean and Muscular: Body Image Ideals in Gay and Heterosexual Men / Tiggemann, Marika; Martins, Yolanda; Kirkbride, Alana.
Conformity to Masculine Norms, Asian Values, Coping Strategies, Peer Group Influences and Substance Use Among Asian American Men / Liu, William Ming; Iwamoto, Derek Kenji.
Examining the Relations Between Masculine Gender Role Conflict and Men’s Expectations About Counseling / Schaub, Michael; Williams, Christine.
The Practice of Coaching: Exploring Alternatives to Therapy for Counseling-Resistant Men / McKelley, Ryan A.; Rochlen, Aaron B.
Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 8(2), April 2007.
Feminist Identity Development and Practice Among Male Therapists / Baird, M Kathleen; Szymanski, Dawn M.; Ruebelt, Sara G.
Predictors of Perpetration of Verbal, Physical, and Sexual Violence: A Prospective Analysis of College Men / Gidycz, Christine A.; Warkentin, Jennifer B.; Orchowski, Lindsay M.
Effects of Exposure to Objectified Male and Female Media Images on Men’s Psychological Well-Being / Johnson, Philip Jai; McCreary, Donald R.,; Mills, Jennifer S.
Desiring the Muscular Ideal: Men’s Body Satisfaction in the United States, Ukraine, and Ghana / Frederick, David A.; Buchanan, Gregory M.; Sadehgi-Azar, Leila; Peplau, Letitia Anne; Haselton, Martie G.; Berezovskaya, Anna; Lipinski, Ryan E.
The Cycle of Violence: The Life Histories of 43 Death Row Inmates / Lisak, David; Beszterczey, Sara.
Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 8(3), July 2007.
Socialization and Sexual Aggression in College Men: The Role of Observational Influence in Detecting Risk Cues / Loh, Catherine; Orchowski, Lindsay M.; Gidycz, Christine A.; Elizaga, Ronald A.
Media Images of Men: Trends and Consequences of Body Conceptualization / Farquhar, Jamie C.; Wasylkiw, Louise.
What About Men? Social Comparison and the Effects of Media Images on Body and Self-Esteem / Hobza, Cody L.; Walker, Karen E.; Yakushko, Oksana; Peugh, James L.
Father Transitions in the Household and Young Children’s Injury Risk / Schwebel, David C.; Brezausek, Carl M.
“I Just Feel Safe With Him”: Emotional Closeness in Male Youth Mentoring Relationships / Spencer, Renee.
Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 8(4), October 2007.
Men’s Fear of Unintentional Rape: Measure Development and Psychometric Evaluation / Holz, Kenna Bolton; DiLalla, David L.
Gender Role Conflict and Psychological Distress: The Role of Social Support / Wester, Stephen R.; Christianson, Heidi Fowell; Vogel, David L.; Wei, Meifen.
Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms Among Men Who Sustain Partner Violence: An International Multisite Study of University Students / Hines, Denise A.
Masculinity and Health Behaviors in Australian Men / Mahalik, James R.; Levi-Minzi, Micol; Walker, Gordon.
Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 9(1), January 2008.
How Do We Understand Masculinity? An Editorial / Levant, Ronald F.
Masculinity Ideology, Male Reference Group Identity Dependence, and African American Men’s Health-Related Attitudes and Behaviors / Wade, Jay C.
Predictors of Relationship Satisfaction, Psychological Well-Being, and Life Satisfaction Among Stay-at-Home Fathers / Scaringi, Vanessa.
Labile Affect as a Risk Factor for Aggressive Behavior in Men / Cohn, Amy M.; Zeichner, Amos; Seibert, L. Alana.
The Roles of Gender Role Conflict and Internalized Heterosexism in Gay and Bisexual Men’s Psychological Distress: Testing Two Mediation Models / Szymanski, Dawn M.; Carr, Erika R.
Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 9(2), April 2008.
Treatment Type and Emotional Control as Predictors of Men’s Self-Assessed Physical Well-Being Following Treatment for Prostate Cancer / Burns, Shaun Michael,; Mahalik, James R.
Exploring Entitlement as a Moderator and Mediator of the Relationship Between Masculine Gender Role Conflict and Men’s Body Esteem / Schwartz, Jonathan P.; Tylka, Tracy L.
Domains of Masculine Gender Role Stress and Intimate Partner Violence in a Clinical Sample of Violent Men / Moore, Todd M.; Stuart, Gregory L.; McNulty, James K.; Addis, Michael E.; Cordova, James V.; Temple, Jeff R.
Attachment, Interpersonal Problems, and Family of Origin Functioning: Differences Between Partner Violent and Nonpartner Violent Men / Lawson, David M.
Steroid Use in Gay, Bisexual, and Nonidentified Men-Who-Have-Sex-With-Men: Relations to Masculinity, Physical, and Mental Health / Halkitis, Perry N.; Moeller, Robert W.; DeRaleau, Lauren B.
Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 9(3), July 2008.
The Masculine Depression Scale: Development and Psychometric Evaluation / Magovcevic, Mariola; Addis, Michael E.
Socioeconomic Status and Cultural Predictors of Male Role Attitudes Among Mexican American Men: [inverted question mark]Son Mas Machos? / Ojeda, Lizette; Rosales, Rocio; Good, Glenn E.
Masculinity Ideology, Covert Sexism, and Perceived Gender Typicality in Relation to Young Men’s Academic Motivation and Choices in College / Leaper, Campbell; Van, Stephanie R.
Heterosexual Men’s Attitudes Toward Gay Men: A Hierarchical Model Including Masculinity, Openness, and Theoretical Explanations / Barron, Joseph M.; Struckman-Johnson, Cindy; Quevillon, Randal; Banka, Sarah R.
Correlates of Anger in Response to Gay Men: Effects of Male Gender Role Beliefs, Sexual Prejudice, and Masculine Gender Role Stress / Parrott, Dominic J.; Peterson, John L.; Vincent, Wilson; Bakeman, Roger.
Can the Theory of Planned Behavior Help Explain Men’s Psychological Help-Seeking? Evidence for a Mediation Effect and Clinical Implications / Smith, Joshua P.; Tran, Giao Q.; Thompson, Rachel D.
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Men and masculinities research in the European dimension: guest editors’ introduction / Katarzyna Wojnicka, Urszula Kluczy?ska.
Men, masculinities and physical violence in contemporary Europe / Katarzyna Wojnicka
European perpetrator programmes: a survey on day-to-day outcome measurement / Oriol Gine?s Canales, Heinrich Geldschla?ger, David Nax, A?lvaro Ponce
Men’s share of care for children and professional care / Elli Scambor, Majda Hrz?enjak, Nadja Bergmann, ÿystein Gullva?g Holter
Older husbands as carers: constructions of masculinity in context of care-giving / Urszula Kluczy?ska
Couples dealing with breast cancer: the role of husbands in supporting their wives / Edyta Zierkiewicz, Emilia Mazurek
Caught between breadwinning and emotional provisions: the case of Polish migrant fathers in Norway / Paula Pustu?ka, Justyna Struzik, Magdalena S?lusarczyk
Naturalisation of the difference: the experience of fatherhood in Sweden and Poland / Katarzyna Suwada
Power challenges for head doctors in maternity hospitals: beyond hegemonic masculinities / Iva S?mi?dova?
Transsexual masculinity construction in Poland / Ma?gorzata Bie?kowska
Queering the Warsaw Uprising (with a little help from Miron Bialoszewski) / Piotr Sobolczyk
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1) Toward A New Psychology of the Contemporary Man
2) Psychological Pitfalls: Males and Mental Health Issues
3) Manhood in the Making: Social and Cultural Influences on Masculinity in America
4) Education for Self-Efficacy: Breaking the Cycle of Male Underachievement in Post-Secondary Education
5) Making Their Way into the World: Finding that Just Right Career Fit
6) The Myth of Being the Macho Man: Aggression, Competition, Bullying, and Violence in Contemporary Society
7) Being Batman: Media Portrayals of Masculine Behavior
8) Does Father Know Best? The Many Paths to Contemporary Fatherhood Among Young Males.
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