“The role of men and boys in achieving gender equality” - Expert Group Meeting , Organized by DAW in collaboration with ILO and UNAIDS 21-24 October 2003, Brasilia, Brazil. URL: http://www.un.org/womenwatch/daw/egm/men-boys2003/index.html.
Working Papers;
The Role of Men and Boys in Achieving Gender Equality / R. W. Connell
Report of the Online Discussion on the role of men and boys in achieving gender equality / R. W. Connell.
The role of men and boys in the fight against HIV/AIDS in the world of work / International Labour Organization (ILO), Geneva, Switzerland.
Men can make a difference / Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, Bertil Lindblad.
Papers by Experts;
Strategies and Approaches to Enhance the Role of Men and Boys in Gender Equality: Case Study of Yemen / Magda M. ElSanousi.
Why are Men Reluctant to Participate Fully in all Actions Towards Gender Equality? - A Case Study of Uganda / Emmanuel Ochora.
Gender Stereotypes and the Socialization process / Jivka Marinova.
The Role of Men in the Fight Against HIV/AIDS / Njoki Wainaina.
Men as Partners: Promoting Men’s Involvement in Care and Support Activities for People Living with HIV/AIDS and in Preventing Mother to Child Transmission of HIV/AIDS / Dean Peacock.
Addressing the sexual cultures of heterosexual men: Key strategies in involving men and boys in HIV/AIDS prevention / Michael Flood.
HIV Prevention with Men: Toward Gender Equality and Social Justice / Alan Greig.
Listen, Learn and Link Up for a more gender just society: Lessons Learnt from Working in HIV/AIDS in the Pacific / Steven Vete.
Work and Masculinity among Peruvian Urban Men / Norma Fuller.
Evolving the gender agenda ñ men, gender and development organisations / James L. Lang.
Gender Tension and Change in the Contemporary Caribbean / Linden Lewis.
Rethinking Pro-Feminism: Men, Work and Family in India / Radhika Chopra.
“The Role of Men and Boys in Achieving Gender Equality” - Some Swedish and Scandinavian Experiences / Lars Jalmert.
Fatherhood in adolescence: the construction of political agenda / Jorge Lyra.
Papers by Observers;
The Role of Men and Boys in Achieving Gender Equality / Carlos G¸ida.
How do we know if men have changed? Promoting and measuring attitude change with young men. Lessons from Program H in Latin America / Gary Barker.
Men, masculinities and gender violence / Benedito Medrado.
Aboim, S. (2010). Plural Masculinities. Farnham: Ashgate.
Addis, M. E., Mansfield, A. K., & Syzdek, M. R. (2010). Is “Masculinity” a Problem?: Framing the Effects of Gendered Social Learning in Men. Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 11(2), 77.
Ahmad, Ali Nobil. (2011). Masculinity, Sexuality and Illegal Migration: Human Smuggling from Pakistan to Europe. Ashgate.
Akira, Kakamura. (1994). Watashi-no Danseigaku (My Men’s Studies). Tokyo: Kindaiburgei-sha.
Allister, Mark (ed). (2004). Eco-Man: New perspectives on masculinity and nature. Charlottesville and London: University of Virginia Press.
Alsop, Rachel, Annette Fitzsimmons, and Kathleen Lennon. (2002). Theorizing men and masculinities. Chapter 6 in Theorizing Gender. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Anderson, Eric. (2009). Inclusive Masculinity: The Changing Nature of Masculinities. Routledge.
Introduction. Part One: Orthodox Masculinity 1. Orthodox Masculinity and Hegemonic Oppression 2. Costs Associated with Orthodox Masculinity 3. Reproducing Orthodoxy 4. Masculine Conformity. Summary of Part One. Part Two: Inclusive Masculinity Theory 5. From Homophobia to Homohysteria 6. Inclusive Masculinity Theory. Part Three: Inclusive Masculinities 7. Embracing Gay Men 8. Rethinking Misogyny and Anti-Femininity 9. Reconstructing Heterosexuality 10. Conclusions.
Andrews, John. (1994). Political Dreaming: Men, Politics and the Personal. Leichhardt. Sydney: Pluto Press.
Armengol, Josep M. (2008). Re/Presenting Men: Cultural and Literary Constructions of Masculinity in the U.S. Saarsbruck: VDM Publishing.
Ashe, Fidelma. (2007). The New Politics of Masculinity: Men, power and resistance. London & New York: Routledge.
1. Introduction -- 2. Men Doing Feminism: A Contemporary Movement? --3. Profeminism, Masculinity and Social Change: Contemporary Culture and Identity --4. Profeminism and Identity Politics: Masculinity, New Times, New Politics -- 5. The Politics of Non-feminist Men’s Groups: The Field of Men’s Gender Politics -- 6. The Problematic of Men and Feminism: Men’s Identity and Feminist Politics -- 7. John Stoltenberg: The Politics of Refusal -- 8. Victor J. Seidler: Pain and Politics -- 9. Jeff Hearn: Men, Identity and Power -- 10. Raewyn Connell: Masculinities, Power and Alliance Politics -- 11. Profeminism, Theory and Practice: Reflections.
Ashwin S., and T. Lytkina. (2004). Men in Crisis in Russia: The Role of Domestic Marginalization. Gender & Society, April, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 189-206.
Badinter, Elisabeth. (1995). XY: On Masculine Identity. (trans. Lydia Davis). New York: Columbia University Press
Baglia, J. (2005). The Viagra Adventure: Masculinity, Media and the Performance of Sexual Health. New York: Peter Lang.
Banerjee, Sikata. (2005). Make Me a Man! Masculinity, Hinduism, and nationalism in India. Albany, N.Y: State University of New York Press.
Bannon, Ian, and Maria C. Correia. (eds.). (2006). The Other Half of Gender: Men’s issues in development. Washington DC: The World Bank.
Introduction / Ian Bannon and Maria C. Correia.
Men’s issues in development / Joyce P. Jacobsen.
Men’s gender relations, identity, and work-family balance in Latin America / José Olavarría.
Men’s participation as fathers in Latin America and the Caribbean: critical literature review and policy options / Gary Barker.
The role of men in families in the Caribbean: a historical perspective / Barry Chevannes.
Masculinity and violence in Colombia: deconstructing the conventional way of becoming a man / Fredy Hernán Gómez Alcaraz and Carlos Iván García Suárez.
Growing up poor and male in the Americas: reflections from research and practice with young men in low-income communities in Rio de Janeiro / Gary Barker.
Fearing Africa’s young men: male youth, conflict, urbanization, and the case of Rwanda / Marc Sommers.
Young men and the construction of masculinity in sub-Saharan Africa: implications for HIV/AIDS, conflict, and violence / Gary Barker and Christine Ricardo.
Young men and gender in war and postwar reconstruction: some comparative findings from Liberia and Sierra Leone / Paul Richards.
Collapsing livelihoods and the crisis of masculinity in rural Kenya / Mary Amuyunzu-Nyamongo and Paul Francis.
Gender and its discontents: moving to men-streaming development / Maria C. Correia and Ian Bannon.
Barber, Kristen (year?). Styling Masculinity: Gender, Class, and Inequality in the Men’s Grooming Industry. Rutgers University Press.
Barker, G., Contreras, J.M., Heilman, B., Singh, A.K., Verma, R.K., and Nascimento, M. (2011). Evolving Men: Initial Results from the International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES). Washington, D.C.: International Center for Research on Women (ICRW) and Rio de Janeiro: Instituto Promundo. January.
Bartholome, Adreanna, Richard Tewksbury, and Alex Bruzzone. (2000). “I Want A Man”: Patterns of Attraction in All-male Personal Ads. Journal of Men’s Studies, 8(3), pp. 309-321.
Basso, Matthew, Laura McCall, and Dee Garceau. (eds). (2001). Across the Great Divide: Cultures of Manhood in the American West. Routledge.
Beasley, C. (2008). Rethinking Hegemonic Masculinity in a Globalizing World. Men and Masculinities, 11(1): 86-103.
Beasley, C. (2013). Mind the Gap? Masculinity Studies and Contemporary Gender/Sexuality Thinking. Australian Feminist Studies, 28(75): 108-124.
Beasley, C. (2013). The Challenge of Pleasure: Let’s Talk about Sex in Feminist and Masculinity Studies Theorising. In M. Fineman and M. Thomson eds, Exploring Masculinities: Feminist legal theory reflections, Ashgate Press, Farnham, Surrey, pp. 115-126.
Beasley, Chris. (2005). Gender/Masculinity Studies. Part 3 (6 chapters) in Gender & Sexuality: Critical theories, critical thinkers. London: Sage.
Beneke, Timothy. (1997). Proving Manhood: Reflections on Men and Sexism. University of California Press (Men and Masculinity, No. 5).
Benemann, William. (2006). Male-Male Intimacy in Early America: Beyond Romantic Friendships. San Francisco: Harrington Park Press.
Benwell, B. (ed.). (2004). Masculinity and Men’s Lifestyle Magazines. Blackwell.
Betcher, R.W., and William S. Pollack. (1993). In a Time of Fallen Heroes: The Re-Creation of Masculinity. New York & London: Guilford Press.
Beynon, John. (2002). Masculinities and Culture. Open University Press.
Bhattacharyya, Gargi. (2008). Dangerous Brown Men: Exploiting Sex, Violence and Feminism in the ‘War on Terror’. Zed Books.
Biber, Katherine, Tom Sear, and Dave Trudinger. (eds). (1999). Playing The Man: New Approaches to Masculinity. Sydney: Pluto Press.
David Caesar. Softening Them up.
Katherine Biber. ‘Turned Out Real Nice After All’: Death and Masculinity in Australian Cinema.
Mark Nicholls. Something for the Man Who Has Everything: Melancholia and the Films of Martin Scorsese.
Anthony Paxton. ‘Do You Want to Play With Fire, Little Boy?’ David Lynch and the Masculinity of Horror.
Elizabeth Stephens. Watchdogs of Desire: Representations of Homophobia in the Novels of Jean Genet.
Jeremy Mackinnon. Don’t Mention the Ward: The Phantom of Shell Shock In Pat Barker’s The Ghost Road.
Clare Scrine. Man or Monster?: Masturbation and the Challenge to Hegemonic Masculinity in the eighteenth century.
Robert McGregor. Military Masculinity and the Macaroni Challenge: The British Experience 1760-1780.
Melissa Harper. A Boy’s Own Adventure: George Morrison on Foot Across Australia.
Alexander Soucy. Masculinities and Buddhist Symbolism in Vietnam.
Simon French. Masculinity and Violence in the Playground.
Melinda Mawson. The Boy Who Played the Man: Narratives of Masculinity in the Aftermath of the Port Arthur Massacre.
Jeanne Ellard. What’s Love Got to do With it? Male Victims and the Family Court.
Mary Walsh And Mark Bahnisch. The Male Academic Body: Sex Inequality in Universities.
Laila Elmoos. The Deep Sea and the Shallow Water: Masculinity, Mateship and Work Practices on Sydney’s Waterfront in the 1950s.
Tom Sear. Playgirl Executives: Images of Men and Work in Early 1960s Australian Pulp Fiction.
Biddulph, Steve. (1994). Manhood: A Book About Setting Men Free. Sydney: Finch Publishing.
Biddulph, Steve. (ed.). (2000). Stories of Manhood: Journeys Into the Hidden Hearts of Men. Sydney: Finch Publishing
Blazina, Chris. (2003). The Cultural Myth of Masculinity. Westport, CT: Praeger.Blower, N., Gopinath, S., Jimenez, C., Laukkanen, T. I., Linnamäki, K., Manganas, N., ... & Unal, D. (2021). The Culture and Politics of Populist Masculinities. Rowman & Littlefield.
Boule, Jean Pierre. (2001). Viagra, heroic masculinity and France. French Cultural Studies, v 12 pt 2, June, pp. 207-26.
Bourdieu, Pierre. (2001). Masculine Domination. (trans. Richard Nice) Stanford Univ Press.
Boyd, K., and Michael Roper. (1989). Men, Masculinity and Social Theory. History Workshop: A Journal of Socialist and Feminist Historians, 27, pp. 222-224
Brady, S. (2005). Masculinity and Male Homosexuality in Britain, 1861--1913. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Brandth, Berit, and Marit S. Haugen. (2000). From lumberjack to business manager: Masculinity in the Norwegian forestry press. Journal of Rural Studies. 16(3):343-355, Jul.
Bredesen, Ole. (2004). Global Masculinities. Kvinneforskning (Journal of Gender Research in Norway), Special edition: North South. Gendered Views from Norway.
Bribiescas, R. (2006). Men: Evolutionary and Life History. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Brickell, Chris. (2005). Masculinities, Performativity, and Subversion: A Sociological Reappraisal. Men and Masculinities, 8(1), July, pp. 24-43.
Bridges, T. S. (2008). The New Politics of Masculinity: Men, Power and Resistance. The Journal of Men’s Studies, 16(2): 229.
Bridges, T., & Pascoe, C.J. (2014). Hybrid masculinities: new directions in the sociology of men and masculinities. Sociology Compass, 8(3), 246–258.
Brod, Harry. (ed.). (1987). The Making of Masculinities: The New Men’s Studies. Boston: Allen & Unwin
Brooks-Harris, Jeff E., Martin Heesacker, and Cristina Mejia-Millan. (1996). Changing men’s male gender-role attitudes by applying the elaboration likelihood model of attitude change. Sex Roles, November, Vol.35, Iss. 9/10.
Brownell, Susan, and Jeffrey N. Wasserstrom. (eds). (2002). Chinese Femininities, Chinese Masculinities: A Reader. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Bryson, Valerie. (1998). The Problem of Men. In Feminist Debates: Issues of Theory and Political Practice, Macmillan.
Buchbinder, D. (2003). ‘Past and Future Tense’: The Crisis in Masculinity. In Future Imaginings: Sexualities and Genders in the New Millennium, eds Delys Bird, Wendy Were and Terri-ann White, 27-40. Crawley, Western Australia: University of Western Australia Press.
Butera, K. J. (2008). ‘Neo-mateship’ in the 21st century: Changes in the performance of Australian masculinity. Journal of Sociology, 44(3): 265-281.
Bystydzienski, Jill M., and Steven P. Schacht. (eds). (2001). Forging Radical Alliances Across Difference: Coalition Politics for the New Millennium. Rowan & Littlefield.
Canaan, Joyce E. (1991). Is ‘doing nothing’ just boys’ play?: Integrating feminist and cultural studies perspectives on working-class young men’s masculinity. In Franklin, Sarah, Lury, Celia and Stacey, Jackie. (eds). Off-Centre: Feminism and Cultural Studies. London: HarperCollins.
Carabi, Àngels, and Josep M. Armengol (eds.) (2014). Alternative Masculinities for a Changing World.
Introduction / Àngels Carabi, Josep M. Armengol
Part I. Alternative Masculinities: An Interdisciplinary Perspective
Reconstructing Masculinity or Ending Manhood? The Potential and Limitations of Transforming Masculine Subjectivities for Gender Equality / Bob Pease
Men’s Anti-violence Activism and the Construction of Gender-Equitable Masculinities / Michael Flood
Alternative Cultures of Masculinity: An Anthropological Approach / Matthew Gutmann
Aging Beyond Masculinities, or, the Penis as Failed Synecdoche / David Leveren
Part II. Alternative Models of Manhood: Representations in U.S. Literature and Culture
New Fathers: On Learning Not to Love the Oedipus Complex / David Leverenz Authoritarian, Missing, or Nurturing? Fathers in American Drama / Barbara Ozieblo
Fathers Who Care: Alternative Father Figures in Annie Proulx’s The Shipping News and Jonathan Franzen’s The Corrections / Teresa Requena
Non-Violent Models of Manhood
Alternative Masculinities in Richard Ford’s Fiction and/vs. Susanne Bier’s In a Better World / Josep M Armengol
Facing Xenocidal Guilt: Atypical Masculinity in Orson Scott Card’s Ender’s Saga / Sara Mart’n
Alternative Gender Relations
Progressive Masculinities: Envisioning Alternative Models for Black Manhood in Toni Morrison’s Novels / Mar Gallego
Meeting Half Way: Contradictions, Transformation and Alternative Masculinities in Arturo Islas’ La Mollie and the King of Tears / Aishih Wehbe
The Alternative of Crossing Boundaries
Reconfiguring the Male: Masculinities Beyond Capitalism in Paul Auster’s Sunset Park / Mercè Cuenca
Transitory Masculinities in Post-9/11 Arab American Literature Written by Women/ Marta Bosch
Epilogue: Moving Ahead: Alternative Masculinities for a Changing World / Victor J. Seidler in conversation with the members of the CNM group of the University of Barcelona: Josep M Armengol, Marta Bosch, Àngels Carab’, Mercè Cuenca, Sara Mart’n, Bárbara Ozieblo, Teresa Requena, Aishih Wehbe
Carabi, Angels, and Josep M. Armengol. (2002). First Spanish National Conference on Men and Masculinities: Men Before the Challenge of Equality, 8-10 November 2001, Jerez de la Frontera, Spain. Men and Masculinities, 5(1), July.
Carabi, Angels, and Josep M. Armengol. (eds.). (2005). Debating Masculinity. Barcelona: Barcelona University Press. [DVD, 35 minutes. ISBN: 84-475-2941-X.]
Carabi, Angels, and Marta Segarra. (eds.). (2000). Nuevas masculinidades. (New Masculinities) Barcelona, Icaria.
Carabi, Angels, and Marta Segarra. (eds.). (2003). Grandes hombres escritos por mujeres. (Great Men Written By Women) Barcelona, Icaria.
Carby, H.V. (1998). Race Men. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
Carrigan, Tim, R.W. Connell, and John Lee. (1987). Hard and Heavy: Toward a New Sociology of Masculinity. In Michael Kaufman, (ed.) Beyond Patriarchy: Essays by Men on Pleasure, Power and Change. New York: Oxford University Press.
Carrigan, Tim, R.W. Connell, and John Lee. (1987). Toward a New Sociology of Masculinity. In Brod, Harry. (ed.). The Making of Masculinities: The New Men’s Studies. Boston: Allen & Unwin (First Printed in Theory and Society, 14, pp. 551-604)
Carroll, B. (ed.). (2003). American Masculinities: A Historical Encyclopedia. Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage.
Carver, T. (1996). “Public Man” and the Critique of Masculinities. Political Theory, 24(4): 673-686.
Carver, T. (2008). Men in the Feminist Gaze: What Does this Mean in IR? Millennium - Journal of International Studies, 37(1): 107-122.
Cassino, Yasemin, and Yasemin Besen-Cassino. (2021). Gender Threat: American Masculinity in the Face of Change. Stanford University Press.
Catano, James V. (2001). Ragged Dicks: Masculinity, Steel, and the Rhetoric of the Self-Made Man. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press.
Cazés, Daniel. (1993). Normas del ‘Hombre De Verdad’ en Kafka y Sartre: Una Metodología Para asumir la Masculinidad Crítica (The Rules for the ‘True Man’ in Kafka and Sartre: A Method to Adopt Critical Masculinity). In XIII International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, México.
Cazés, Daniel. (1998). Work Among Men in Latin America: Research and Practices, Results and Experiences (Trabajo entre Hombres en América Latina: Investigación y Prácticas, Resultados y Experiencias). In Seminar on Men, Family formation and Reproduction, IUSSP y CENEP, Bruges-Buenos Aires.
Chambers, C. (2005). Masculine domination, radical feminism and change. Feminist Theory, 6(3): 325-346.
Chang, Jui-shan. (2000). Agony-Resolution Pathways: How Women Perceive American Men in Cosmopolitan’s Agony (Advice) Column. Journal of Men’s Studies, 8(3), pp. 285-308.
Chant, Sylvia, and Matthew Guttman. (2000). Mainstreaming Men Into Gender and Development. Working Paper. Oxford: Oxfam GB.
Chapman, Mary, and Glenn Hendler. (1999). Sentimental Men: Masculinity and the Politics of Affect in American Culture. University of California Press.
Chapman, Rowena, and Jonathan Rutherford. (1988). Male Order - Unwrapping Masculinity. London: Lawrence & Wishart
Cheng, Cliff. (ed.). (1996). Masculinities in Organizations. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage..
Michael Kimmel Series Editor’s Introduction / Cliff Cheng Men and Masculinities Are Not Necessarily Synonymous: Thoughts on Organizational Behavior and Occupational Sociology / PART ONE: OCCUPATIONAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL HEGEMONIC MASCULINITY / Jennifer Pierce Rambo Litigators: Emotional Labor in a Male-Dominated Occupation / James W Messerschmidt Managing to Kill: Masculinities and the Space Shuttle Challenger Explosion / Judi Addelston and Michael Stirratt The Last Bastion of Masculinity: Gender Politics at The Citadel / PART TWO: SEX SEGREGATION, HOMOSOCIALITY, AND HEGEMONIC MASCULINITY / Rosemary Wright The Occupational Masculinity of Computing / Amy Wharton and Sharon Bird Stand by Your Man: Homosociality, Work Groups, and Men’s Perceptions of Difference / Martin Kilduff and Ajay Mehra Hegemonic Masculinity among the Elite: Power, Identity, and Homophily in Social Networks / PART THREE: MARGINALIZED MASCULINITIES / Laurie Telford Selves in Bunkers: Organizational Consequences of Failing to Verify Alternative Masculinities / Tomoko Hamada Unwrapping Euro-American Masculinity in a Japanese Multinational Corporation / Cliff Cheng ‘We Choose Not to Compete’: The ‘Merit’ Discourse in the Selection Process, and Asian and Asian-American Men and Their Masculinity
Chevannes, Barry. (1999). What You Sow Is What You Reap: Problems in the construction of male misidentity in Jamaica. Kingston, Jamaica: Grace, Kennedy Foundation Lecture.
Chevannes, Barry. (2001). Learning To be a Man: Culture, Socialization and Gender Identity in Five Caribbean Communities. Barbados: University of the West Indies Press.
Chopra, Radhika, Caroline Osella, and Filippo Osella. (eds.). (2004). South Asian Masculinities: Context of Change, Sites of Continuity. New Dehli: Women Unlimited (Kali for Women).
Introduction: Towards a More Nuanced Approach to Masculinity – Towards a Richer Understanding of South Asian Men / CAROLINE OSELLA, FILIPPO OSELLA & RADHIKA CHOPRA.
Encountering Masculinity: An ethnographer’s dilemma / RADHIKA CHOPRA.
The Workplace and the Neighbourhood: locating masculinities in the south Indian textile industry / GEERT DE NEVE.
Virginity vs. Decency: continuity and change in Pakistani men’s perception of sexuality and women / THOMAS MICHAEL WALLE.
‘My man (honour) is lost but I still have my iman (principle)’: sexual violence and articulation of masculinity / NAYANIKA MOOKHERJEE.
Gays, Paternity and Polyandry: making sense of new family forms in contemporary Sri Lanka / BOB SIMPSON.
The Masculinity of Dis-location: commodities, the metropolis, and the sex clinics of Delhi and Mumbai / SANJAY SRIVASTAVA.
Malayali Young Men and their Movie Heroes / CAROLINE & FILIPPO OSELLA.
The Importance of being Gandhi: gendering the national subject in Bombay cinema / KAREN GABRIEL.
Another History Rises to the Surface: melodrama in the age of digital simulation. Hey Ram! (Kamalahasan, 1999) / RAVI VASUDEVAN.
The Hero as Holy Man: a plea for a communal Hindu identity / ALESSANDRO MONTI.
Developing Powers: modernisation and the masculine hegemony of Hindu nationalism / P.K. VIJAYAN.
Christie, Alastair (ed.). (2001). Men and Social Work: Theories and Practices. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
Chu, Judy Y., Michelle V. Porche, and Deborah L. Tolman. (2005). The Adolescent Masculinity Ideology in Relationships Scale: Development and Validation of a New Measure for Boys. Men and Masculinities, 8(1), July, pp. 93-153.
Clare, Anthony. (2000). On Men: Masculinity in Crisis. London: Arrow.
Clatterbaugh, Kenneth. (1998). What is Problematic About Masculinities?. Men and Masculinities, 1(1), July, pp. 24-45
Cleaver, Frances (ed.). (2002). Masculinities Matter! Men, Gender and Development. New York: Zed Books.
New Directions in Gender and Development: The Case for Considering Men / Frances Cleaver.
Nationalism, Masculinity and the Developmental State: Exploring Hindutva Masculinities / Prem Vijayan.
Collapsing Masculinities and Weak States: A Case Study of Northern Uganda / Chris Dolan.
Forget Lenin: The Pinguero and the Jintero as the New Guides of the International Proletariat / David Forrest.
Deconstructing Domination: Gender Disempowerment and the Legacy of Colonialism and Apartheid in Omaheke, Namibia / Niki Kandirikirira.
Men in Women’s Groups: A Gender and Agency Analysis of Local Institutions / Helen Hambly Odame.
Boys Will Be Boys: Addressing the Social Construction of Gender / Marilyn Thomson.
Why Do Dogs Lick Their Balls? Gender, Desire and Change: A Case Study from Vietnam.
Targeting Men for a Change: AIDS Discourse and Activism in Africa / Janet Bujra
Clements, Barbara Evans et. al. (eds.). (2002). Russian Masculinities in History and Culture. St. Martin’s Press.
Coad, David. (2002). Gender Trouble Down Under: Australian Masculinities. Valenciennes, France: Presses Universitaires de Valenciennes.
Coad, David. (2008). The Metrosexual: Gender, sexuality, and sport. Albany: SUNY Press.
Cochran, S. V. (2010). Emergence and Development of the Psychology of Men and Masculinity. Handbook of Gender Research in Psychology (pp. 43-58): Springer.
Coffey, B.R. (ed.). (2000). Rough With the Smooth: Stories of Australian Men. Fremantle: Fremantle Arts Centre Press.
Cohen, Theodore F. (2001). Men and Masculinity: A text reader. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Thomson Learning.
Coles, T. (2008). Finding space in the field of masculinity: Lived experiences of men’s masculinities. Journal of Sociology, 44(3): 233-248.
Collinson, David L., and Jeff Hearn. (1995). Naming Men as Men: Implications for Work, Organization and Management. Gender, Work and Organization, 1(1), pp. 2-22.
Cones, James H., and Joseph L. White. (1999). Black Man Emerging: Facing the Past and Seizing a Future in America. Routledge.
Conference Proceedings. (2001). Men Aren’t From Mars: Masculinities and Non-Violence in Latin America and the Caribbean. 9-10 October, London.
Masculinity and Violence in Nicaragua / Patrick Welsh.
Masculinity, Identity and Culture / Victor Seidler.
AMAV’s Gender and Masculinity Work with Young People / Juan ‘Johnny’ Benicio Jimenez Vasquez.
Oxfam UK’s Poverty Programme: Exploring the Connections Between Gender Equity, Poverty and Masculinity / Sue Smith.
Project Crest: Community Experience of Working With Men / Colette Caroll.
A Feminist Perspective on Working With Men / Sukey Field.
Connell, R. (2008). A thousand miles from kind: men, masculinities and modern institutions. The Journal of Men’s Studies, 16(3): 237(16).
Connell, R. (2014a). Margin Becoming Centre: For a World-Centred Rethinking of Masculinities. NORMA: International Journal for Masculinity Studies, 9(4), 217-231.
Connell, R. (2014b). The Study of Masculinities. Qualitative Research Journal, 14(1), 5-15.
Connell, R.W. (1989). Cool Guys, Swots and Wimps: The Interplay of Masculinity and Education. Oxford Review of Education, 15(3)
Connell, R.W. (1990a). A Whole New World: Remaking masculinity in the context of the environmental movement. Gender and Society, 4(4), December. (Also in Connell, R.W. (1995). Masculinities. Sydney: Allen & Unwin).
Connell, R.W. (1990b). An Iron Man: The Body and Some Contradictions of Hegemonic Masculinity. In Messner, Michael A. and Sabo, Donald F. (eds). Sport, Men, and the Gender Order: Critical Feminist Perspectives. Illinois: Human Kinetics Books
Connell, R.W. (1990c). The State, Gender and Sexual Politics. Theory and Society, 19
Connell, R.W. (1991). Live Fast and Die Young: The Construction of Masculinity Among Young Working-Class Men on the Margin of the Labour Market. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Sociology, 27(2), August. (Also in Connell, R.W. (1995). Masculinities. Sydney: Allen & Unwin)
Connell, R.W. (1992). A Very Straight Gay: Masculinity, Homosexual Experience, and the Dynamics of Gender. American Sociological Review, 57(6), December. (Also in Connell, R.W. (1995). Masculinities. Sydney: Allen & Unwin).
Connell, R.W. (1993a). The Big Picture: Masculinities in Recent World History. Theory and Society, 22. (Also in Connell, R.W. (1995). Masculinities. Sydney: Allen & Unwin)
Connell, R.W. (1993b). Men and the Women’s Movement. Social Policy, 23(4), Summer.
Connell, R.W. (1993c). Disruptions: Improper Masculinities and Schooling. In Lois Weis and Michelle Fine. (eds). Beyond Silenced Voices: Class, Race, and Gender in United States Schools. New York: State University of New York Press.
Connell, R.W. (1995). Men Should Support Feminism. In Wekesser, Carol. (ed.). Feminism: Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego: Greenhaven Press
Connell, R.W. (1997). Men in the World: Masculinities and Globalization. Paper to Conference, Masculinities: Renegotiating Genders. University of Wollongong, 20 June
Connell, R.W. (2003). Masculinities, Change and Conflict in Global Society: Thinking about the Future of Men’s Studies. Journal of Men’s Studies, 11(3), Spring.
Connell, R.W. (2003a). Scrambling in the ruins of patriarchy: Neo-liberalism and men’s divided interests. in U. Pasero (ed), Gender: From costs to benefits, Westdeutscha, Verlag, Germany.
Connell, R.W. (2005). Change among the gatekeepers: Men, masculinities, and gender equality in the global arena. Signs, 30(3): 1801-1825.
Connell, R.W., and J. W. Messerschmidt. (2005). Hegemonic Masculinity: Rethinking the Concept. Gender & Society, 19(6): 829-859.
Connor, S. (2001). The Shame of Being a Man. Textual Practice. 15(2):211-230, Summer.
Conroy, M. (2016). Masculinity, Media, and the American Presidency. Springer.
Cook, Emma E. (2015). Reconstructing Adult Masculinities: Part-time Work in Contemporary Japan. Routledge.
Cornwall, A., J. Edström, and A. Greig. (eds.) (2011). Men and Development: Politicising Masculinities. London: Zed Books.
1. Introduction: Politicizing Masculinity - Andrea Cornwall, Jerker Edström & Alan Greig
Part 1: Embodiments and Transgressions
2. Performing Heterosexuality: Male Youth, Vulnerability and HIV in Malawi - Chimaraoke Izugbara & Jerry Okal
3. Is s/he More of a Man? Constructing Masculinity as a Female to Male Transsexual in India - Cath Sluggett
4. Meyeli Chhele becomes MSM: Transformation of Idioms of Sexualness into epidemiological forms in India - akshay khanna
5. The Good, The Bad and The Ugly: Constructions of Masculinity and Contemporary Understandings of Sex Work - Cheryl Overs
6. Beyond ‘Vulnerability’: Men, Power and HIV - Jerker Edström
Part 2: Structures: Inequities, Violence, Power
7. Organized Powers: Masculinities, Managers and Violence - Raewyn Connell
8. What Would Make Men Interested in Gender Equality? Reflections from East Africa - Margrethe Silberschmidt
9. Men in/and Gender Equality: A Conversation from South Africa - Robert Morrell and Penny Morrell
10. Militarized, Religious and Neo-colonial: The Triple-bind Confronting Men in Contemporary Uganda - Chris Dolan
11. Local Lives, Global Dialogues: Shifting Discourses of Masculinity in India - Radhika Chopra
Part 3: Engagements: Changing Masculinities
12. Gender Regimes Changing Men or Men Changing Gender Regimes? Challenges for National and Trans-national Social Policy, Gender Equality and Organizing with Men - Jeff Hearn
13. Masculinities, Social Exclusion and Prospects for Change: Reflections from Promundo’s Work in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Gary Barker, Marcos Nascimento, Christine Ricardo, Marianna Olinger and Marcio Segundo
14. Masculinities and Men’s Groups in China: A Conversation between Activists - Fang Gang, He Xiaopei and Susan Jolly
15. Women’s Empowerment: What do Men Have to Do with It? - Andrea Cornwall, Henry Armas and Mbuyiselo Botha
16. ‘Swimming Against the Tide is Easier as a Shoal’ Changing Masculinities in Nicaragua: a Community-based Approach - Patrick Welsh
17. Anxious States and Directions for Masculinities Work with Men - Alan Greig
Cornwall, Andrea, and Nancy Lindisfarne. (eds). (1993). Dislocating Masculinity: Comparative Ethnographies. London and New York: Routledge .
Includes: (1) Andrea Cornwall & Nancy Lindisfarne - Dislocating Masculinity: Gender, Power and Anthropology. (2) Angie Hart - Missing Masculinity? Prostitutes’ Clients in Alicante, Spain. (3) Peter Loizos - A Broken Mirror: Masculine Sexuality in Greek Ethnography. (4) Nancy Lindisfarne - Variant Masculinities, Variant Virginities: Rethinking ‘Honour and Shame’. (5) David Forrest - ‘We’re Here, We’re Queer, and We’re Not Going Shopping’: Changing Gay Male Identities in Contemporary Britain. (6) Andrea Cornwall - Gendered Identities and Gender Ambiguity Among Travestis in Salvador, Brazil. (7) Lin Foxhall - Pandora Unbound: A Feminist Critique of Foucault’s History of Sexuality. (8) Chenjerai Shire - Men Don’t go to the Moon: Language, Space and Masculinities in Zimbabwe. (9) Bonnie McElhinny - An Economy of Affect: Objectivity, Masculinity and the Gendering of Police Work. (10) Les Back - The ‘White Negro’ Revisited: Race and Masculinities in South London. (11) Helen Kanitkar - ‘Real True Boys’: Moulding the Cadets of Imperialism. (12) Deniz Kandiyoti - The Paradoxes of Masculinity: Some Thoughts on Segregated Societies.
Cose, Ellis. (2002). The Envy of the World: On Being a Black Man in America. New York: Washington Square Press.
Cowburn, M., and L. Dominelli. (2001). Masking Hegemonic Masculinity: Reconstructing the Paedophile as the Dangerous Stranger. British Journal of Social Work. 31(3):399-415, June.
Cox, Eva. (1996). About Men. Chapter 12 in Leading Women: Tactics for Making the Difference. Sydney: Random House
Crotty, Martin. (2001). Making the Australian Male: Middle-Class Masculinity 1870-1920. Melbourne: Melbourne University Press.
Cuordileone, K. A. (2005). Manhood and American Political Culture in the Cold War. New York: Routledge.
Cuordileone, Kyle A. (2005). Manhood and American Political Culture in the Cold War. New York: Routledge.
Cuordileone, Kyle. (2002). Politics in an Age of Anxiety: Masculinity, the Vital Center, and American Political Culture in the Cold War, 1949-1963. Routledge.
Davis, T. L. (2002). Voices of Gender Role Conflict: The Social Construction of College Men’s Identity. Journal of College Student Development, 43(4), 508-521.
Davison, K., and B. Frank. (eds). (2001). Masculinities, Sexualities and Schooling. Halifax, Nova Scotia: Fernwood.
Demetriou, D.Z. (2001). Connell’s Concept of Hegemonic Masculinity: A Critique. Theory & Society. 30(3):337-361, June.
Desacatos: Revissta de Antropologia Social, Numbers 15-16, October - November 2004, Special issue: Masculinidades diversas.
Los ìhombresî y el conocimiento. Reflexiones epistemolÛgicas para el estudio de ìlos hombresî como sujetos genÉricos / Guillermo N˙Òez Noriega.
De acomplejado a arrollador. SemiÛtica de la masculinidad / Juan Carlos RamÌrez RodrÌguez.
Intimidad en venta: øcÛmo se llega a ser trabajador sexual? / Michel Dorais.
Entre la temeridad y la responsabilidad. Masculinidad, riesgo y mortalidad por violencia en la sierra de Sonora / HÉctor Eloy Rivas S·nchez.
CrÛnica de aspectos, aspersiones, cambios, arquetipos y estereotipos de la masculinidad / Carlos Monsiv·is.
Dipiero, Thomas. (2002). White Men Aren’t. Duke Univ Press.
Donaldson, Mike, and Scott Poynting. (2007). Ruling Class Men: Money, Sex, Power. Bern, Berlin, New York: Oxford.
Donaldson, Mike, Raymond Hibbins, Richard Howson, and Bob Pease. (eds.). (2009). Migrant Men: Critical Studies of Masculinities and the Migrant Experience. Routledge.
Foreword / Michael Kimmel.
1. Men and Masculinities on the Move / Raymond Hibbins and Bob Pease.
Part I: Theorising Masculinities and Migration.
2. Theorising Hegemonic Masculinity: Contradiction, Hegemony and Dislocation / Richard Howson.
3. Policy, Men and Transnationalism / Jeff Hearn and Richard Howson.
4. Migrants, Masculinities and Work in the Australian National Imaginary / Jane Haggis and Susanne Schech.
Part II: Regional Patterns of Masculine Migration.
5. Immigrant Men and Domestic Life: Renegotiating the Patriarchal Bargain? / Bob Pease.
6. Rethinking Masculinities in the African Diaspora / Ndungi wa Mungai and Bob Pease.
7. Machismo and the Construction of Immigrant Latin American Masculinities / Paul Crossley and Bob Pease.
8. Looking for Respect: Lebanese Immigrant Young Men in Australia / Scott Poynting, Paul Tabar and Greg Noble.
9. The "New" Chinese Entrepreneur in Australia: Continuities in or Challenges to Traditional Hegemonic Masculinities? / Raymond Hibbins.
10. Indonesian Muslim Masculinities in Australia / Pam Nilan, Mike Donaldson and Richard Howson.
11. Navigating Masculinities Across the Cultural Ditch: Tales from Maori Men in Australia / Richard Pringle and Paul Whitinui.
12. Men, Migration and Hegemonic Masculinity / Mike Donaldson and Richard Howson.
Donaldson, Mike. (1991). Time of Our Lives: Labour and Love in the Working Class. North Sydney: Allen & Unwin.
Donaldson, Mike. (1993). What is Hegemonic Masculinity?. Theory and Society, 22.
Donaldson, Mike. (1997a). Growing Up Very Rich: The Masculinity of the Hegemonic. Paper to Conference, Masculinities: Renegotiating Genders. University of Wollongong, 20 June.
Donaldson, Mike. (1997b). Researching Ruling Class Men: Biography, Autobiography, Life History. Journal of Interdisciplinary Gender Studies, 2(1), pp. 93-104.
Donovan, Brian. (1998). Political Consequences of Private Authority: Promise Keepers and the Transformation of Hegemonic Masculinity. Theory and Society. 27.
Doty, William G. (1993). Myths of Masculinity. New York: Crossroad Publishing Company.
Douglas, Peter, and Bob Lingard. (1999). Men Engaging Feminisms: Profeminism, Backlashes and Schooling. Buckingham & Philadelphia: Open University Press
1. Men Engaging Feminisms in Education.
2. Contemporary Masculinity Politics.
3. The Structural Backlash and Emergent Emotional Economy in Education.
4. Deconstructing the ‘What About the Boys?’ Backlash.
5. Programmes for Boys in Schools.
6. Towards a Pro-feminist Politics of Alliance.
Dowd, Nancy E. (2010). The Man Question: Male Subordination and Privilege.
1 - Introduction
Part I - Theory
2 - Men, Masculinities, and Feminist Theory
3 - Masculinities Theory and Practice
4 - Toward a New Theory of Feminist Jurisprudence
Part II – Boys
5 - Boys and Education
6 - Boys and Juvenile Justice
Part III – Men
7 - Men and Fatherhood
8 - Men and Sexual Abuse
Dowsett, G. W. (2006). Moving Masculinities and Social Change: Why do men matter? Canberra: Gender Relations Centre, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University.
Dowsett, Gary. (1993). I’ll Show You Mine, If You’ll Show Me Yours: Gay Men, Masculinity Research, Men’s Studies, and Sex. Theory and Society, 22. (Also Reprinted in On The Level, 3(4), October 1995.)
Du Mez, K. K. (2020). Jesus and John Wayne: How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith and Fractured a Nation. New York: Liveright.
Ducat, Stephen. (2004). The Wimp Factor: Gender gaps, holy wars, and the politics of anxious masculinity. Beacon Press.
Dudink, Stefan, Karen Hagemann and Anna Clark. (eds.). (2007). Representing Masculinity: Male Citizenship in modern Western culture. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.
Dudink, Stefan, Karen Hagenamm, and John Tosh. (eds.). (2004). Masculinities in Politics and War: Gendering modern history. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Dummitt, Christopher. (2007). The Manly Modern: Masculinity in Postwar Canada. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.
Dupuis-Déri, Francis. (2019). La Crise de la masculinité: autopsie d’un mythe tenace (The Crisis of Masculinity: Autopsy of a Persistent Myth). Montréal: Remue-ménage Publishing.
Dynda, Russell S. (1999). Masculinity: The Hoax Enslaving Men. Pulpless.Com Inc.
Eberwein, Robert. (2007). Armed Forces: Masculinity and Sexuality in the American War Film. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
Edgar, Don. (1997). Men, Mateship, Marriage. Angus & Robertson.
Edley, N. (2001). Analysing masculinity: Interpretative repertoires, ideological dilemmas and subject positions. In M. Wetherell, S. Taylor, and S. Yates. (eds.), Discourse as data: a guide for analysis (pp. 189-229). London: Sage Publications.
Edley, N. (2017). Men and Masculinity: The Basics: Taylor & Francis.
Edley, N., and M. Wetherell. (1997). Jockeying for position: the construction of masculine identities. Discourse and Society, 8(2), 203-217.
Edström, J.; Aly, R.; Greig, A. and Walker, C. with Babenko, S.; Çağlar, M.; Kudaibergenova, D. and Müller, C. (2019). Masculinities and Transition: Enduring Privilege? Brighton, UK: IDSEdwards, Tim. (1993). Erotics and Politics: Gay Male Sexuality, Masculinity, and Feminism. New York: Routledge.
Edwards, Tim. (1997). Men in the Mirror: Men’s Fashion, Masculinity and Consumer Society. London: Cassell.
Elias, J. (2008). Hegemonic Masculinities, the Multinational Corporation, and the Developmental State: Constructing Gender in "Progressive" Firms. Men and Masculinities, 10(4): 405-421.
Elliott, K. (2020). Young men navigating contemporary masculinities. Palgrave.
Ellis, Anthony (2015). Men, Masculinities and Violence: An Ethnographic Study. Routledge.
Emig, Rainer, and Antony Rowland. (eds.). (2010). Performing Masculinity. Palgrave Macmillan.
Foreword / J. Bristow
Introduction / R. Emig and A. Rowland
Touching Byron: Masculinity and the Celebrity Body in the Romantic Period / D. Saglia
Turning into Subjects: The Male Dancer in Romantic Ballet / G. Siegmund
Industrial Heroes: Elizabeth Gaskell and Charlotte Bronts Constructions of the Masculine / J. L. Malay
Low on Assurance: The Troubled Masculinity of Victorian Comedy / R. Emig
Performing Imperial Masculinities: The Discourse and Practice of Cricket / A. Bateman
A Stoat Came to Tea: Camp Poetics and Masculinity / A. Rowland
Lethal Enclosure: Masculinity under Fire in James Joness The Thin Red Line / D. Boulting
In their Fathers’ Footsteps: Performing Masculinity and Fatherhood in the Work of Les Murray and Michael Ondaatje / K. Burkitt
Seeding Asian Masculinities in the U. S. Landscape: Representations of Mens Lives in Asian American Literature / W. Ho
From Glam Rock to Cock Rock: Revis(it)ing Rock Masculinities in Recent Feature Films; L. Krmer
Histories of Violence Fairytales of Identity and Masculinity in Martin McDonaghs The Lieutenant of Inishmore and The Pillowman / W. Funk
Ghosts of Sparta: Performing the God of Wars Virtual Masculinity / S. Schmalfu.
Enarson, E., & Pease, B. (eds.). (2016). Men, masculinities and disaster. Routledge.Enarson, Elaine, and Bob Pease. (eds.) (2016). Men, Masculinities and Disaster.
Foreword / Kenneth Hewitt
Section 1: Critical men’s studies and disaster
1.The Gendered Terrain of Disaster: Thinking About Men and Masculinities / Elaine Enarson and Bob Pease
2. Masculinism, Climate Change and ‘Man-Made’ Disasters: Towards an Environmental Profeminist Response / Bob Pease
3. Men and Masculinities in the Social Movement for a Just Reconstruction After Hurricane Katrina / Rachel E. Luft
4. Hyper-Masculinity and Disaster: The Reconstruction of Hegemonic Masculinity in the Wake of Calamity / Duke W. Austin
5. Re-Reading Gender and Patriarchy Through a ‘Lens of Masculinity:’ The ‘Known’ Story and New Narratives From Post-Mitch Nicaragua / Sarah Bradshaw
Section 2: The high cost of disaster for men: Coping with loss and change
6. Men, Masculinities and Wildfire: Embodied Resistance and Rupture / Christine Eriksen and Gordon Waitt
7. Emotional and Personal Costs for Men of the Black Saturday Bushfires in Victoria, Australia / Debra Parkinson and Claire Zara
8. The Tsunami’s Wake: Mourning and Masculinity in Eastern Sri Lanka / Malathi de Alwis
9. Japanese Families Decoupling Following the Fukushima Nuclear Plant Disaster: Men’s Choice between Economic Stability and Radiation Exposure / Rika Morioka
Section 3: Diversity of impact and response among men in the aftermath of disaster
10. Disabled Masculinities and Disasters / Mark Sherry
11. Masculinity, Sexuality and Disaster: Unpacking Gendered LGBT Experiences in the 2011 Brisbane Floods, Queensland, Australia / Andrew Gorman-Murray, Scott McKinnon and Dale Dominey-Howes
12. Indigenous Masculinities in a Changing Climate: Vulnerability and Resilience In the United States / Kirsten Vinyeta, Kyle Powys Whyte, and Kathy Lynn
13. Youth Creating Disaster Recovery and Resilience in Canada and the United States: Dimensions of the Male Youth Experience / Jennifer Tobin-Gurley, Robin Cox, Lori Peek, Kylie Pybus, Dmitriy Maslenitsyn and Cheryl Heykoop
Section 4: Transforming masculinity in disaster management
14. Firefighters, Technology and Masculinity in the Micro-management of Disasters: Swedish Examples / Mathias Ericson and Ulf Mellström
15. Resisting and Accommodating the Masculinist Gender Regime in Firefighting: An Insider View from the United Kingdom / Dave Baigent
16. Using a Gendered Lens to Reduce Disaster and Climate Risk in Southern Africa: The Potential Leadership of Men’s Organizations / Kylah Genade
17. Training Pacific Male Managers for Gender Equality in Disaster Response and Management / Stephen Fisher
18. Integrating Men and Masculinities in Caribbean Disaster Risk Management / Leith Dunn
19. Men, Masculinities and Disaster: An Action Research Agenda / Elaine Enarson
20. Afterword / Raewyn Connell
Enarson, Elaine, and Bob Pease. (eds.) (2016). Men, Masculinities and Disaster.
Foreword / Kenneth Hewitt
Section 1: Critical men’s studies and disaster
1.The Gendered Terrain of Disaster: Thinking About Men and Masculinities / Elaine Enarson and Bob Pease
2. Masculinism, Climate Change and ‘Man-Made’ Disasters: Towards an Environmental Profeminist Response / Bob Pease
3. Men and Masculinities in the Social Movement for a Just Reconstruction After Hurricane Katrina / Rachel E. Luft
4. Hyper-Masculinity and Disaster: The Reconstruction of Hegemonic Masculinity in the Wake of Calamity / Duke W. Austin
5. Re-Reading Gender and Patriarchy Through a ‘Lens of Masculinity:’ The ‘Known’ Story and New Narratives From Post-Mitch Nicaragua / Sarah Bradshaw
Section 2: The high cost of disaster for men: Coping with loss and change
6. Men, Masculinities and Wildfire: Embodied Resistance and Rupture / Christine Eriksen and Gordon Waitt
7. Emotional and Personal Costs for Men of the Black Saturday Bushfires in Victoria, Australia / Debra Parkinson and Claire Zara
8. The Tsunami’s Wake: Mourning and Masculinity in Eastern Sri Lanka / Malathi de Alwis
9. Japanese Families Decoupling Following the Fukushima Nuclear Plant Disaster: Men’s Choice between Economic Stability and Radiation Exposure / Rika Morioka
Section 3: Diversity of impact and response among men in the aftermath of disaster
10. Disabled Masculinities and Disasters / Mark Sherry
11. Masculinity, Sexuality and Disaster: Unpacking Gendered LGBT Experiences in the 2011 Brisbane Floods, Queensland, Australia / Andrew Gorman-Murray, Scott McKinnon and Dale Dominey-Howes
12. Indigenous Masculinities in a Changing Climate: Vulnerability and Resilience In the United States / Kirsten Vinyeta, Kyle Powys Whyte, and Kathy Lynn
13. Youth Creating Disaster Recovery and Resilience in Canada and the United States: Dimensions of the Male Youth Experience / Jennifer Tobin-Gurley, Robin Cox, Lori Peek, Kylie Pybus, Dmitriy Maslenitsyn and Cheryl Heykoop
Section 4: Transforming masculinity in disaster management
14. Firefighters, Technology and Masculinity in the Micro-management of Disasters: Swedish Examples / Mathias Ericson and Ulf Mellström
15. Resisting and Accommodating the Masculinist Gender Regime in Firefighting: An Insider View from the United Kingdom / Dave Baigent
16. Using a Gendered Lens to Reduce Disaster and Climate Risk in Southern Africa: The Potential Leadership of Men’s Organizations / Kylah Genade
17. Training Pacific Male Managers for Gender Equality in Disaster Response and Management / Stephen Fisher
18. Integrating Men and Masculinities in Caribbean Disaster Risk Management / Leith Dunn
19. Men, Masculinities and Disaster: An Action Research Agenda / Elaine Enarson
20. Afterword / Raewyn Connell
Erturk, Yakin. (2004). Considering the role of men in gender agenda setting: Conceptual and policy issues. Feminist Review, Volume 78, Number 1, pp. 3-21.
Ervo, Soren, and Thomas Johansson. (eds.). (2003) Bending Bodies: Moulding Masculinities, Volume Two. Hants, England: Aldershot.
2. The Body, the Will and the Fear of Falling: The history of masculine self-control / Claes Ekenstam.
3. Consuming Manhood: The feminization of American culture and the recreation of the male body, 1832-1920 / Michael S. Kimmel.
4. Men, Bodies and Identities / Victor J. Seidler.
5. What’s Behind the Mask? Bodybuilding and masculinity / Thomas Johansson.
7. When Boys Become Men: The martial arts as young people’s revolt against the youth rebellion / Hans Bonde.
8. Sylvester Stallone’s Body: “A peculiar, not to say pathological, interest” / Martti Lahti.
9. Searching for the Body: Making connections between health, bodies and men’s violence / Jeff Hearn.
10. Male Ways of Giving Birth / Klaus Theleweit.
12. Asthma: The construction of the masculine body / Arto Tiihonen.
13. Disabling Men: Masculinity and disability in Al Davison’s graphic autobiography The Spiral Cage / Paul McIlvenny.
Ervo, Soren, and Thomas Johansson. (eds.). (2003). Among Men: Moulding Masculinities, Volume One. Hants, England: Aldershot.
2. Men, Gender and the State / R.W. Connell.
3. A Theory of Gender, Patriarchy and Capitalism / Oystein Gullvag Holter.
4. The Emancipation from Gender: A critique of the utopias of postmodern gender theory / Mikael Carleheden.
5. Beautiful Men, Fine Women and Good Work People: Gender and skill in Northern Sweden 1850-1950 / Ella Johansson.
9. Technology and Masculinity: Men and their machines / Ulf Mellstrom.
Estes, Steve. (2005). I am a Man!: Race, manhood, and the civil rights movement. Chapel Hill, NC; London: University of North Carolina Press.
Faludi, Susan. (1999). Stiffed: The Betrayal of the American Man. William Morrow & Company
Fanning, Patrick, and Matthew McKay. (1993). Being a Man: A Guide to the New Masculinity. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications
Fee, D. (1992). Masculinities, Identity and the Politics of Essentialism: A Social Constructionist Critique of the Men’s Movement. Feminism & Psychology, 2(2), June
Ferrebe, Alice. (2005). Masculinity in Male-authored Fiction 1950-2000: Keeping it up. Basingstoke, Hampshire, England; New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Figlio, Karl. (2001). Psychoanalysis, Science and Masculinity. Philadelphia, PA: Brunner-Routledge.
Fine, Michelle et. al. (1997). (In)Secure Times: Constructing White Working-Class Masculinities in the Late 20th century. Gender & Society, 11(1), February
Flood, M. (2004). Men, Gender, and Development. Development Bulletin, No. 64, March, pp. 26-30.
Flood, M. (2020). Masculinities and Health: Attitudes towards men and masculinities in Australia. Melbourne: Victorian Health Promotion Foundation (VicHealth).
Folkesson, P., M. Nordberg, and G. Smirthwaite. (eds.). (2000). Hegemoni och Mansforskning [Hegemony and Men’s Studies]. Karlstad, Sweden: Institutionen församhällsvetenskap, Jämställdhetscentrum/Genusvetenskap.
Formaini, Heather. (1990). Men: The Darker Continent. London: Heinemann
Forth, Christopher E. (2004). The Dreyfus Affair and the Crisis of French Manhood. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Forth, Christopher E. (2008). Masculinity in the Modern West: Gender, Civilization and the Body. Palgrave Macmillan.
Futoshi, Taga. (2001). Dansei no Jendâ Keisei: “Otoko-Rashisa” no Yuragi no Naka de [The Gender Formation of Men: Uncertain Masculinity]. Tokyo: Tôyôkan Shuppan-sha.
Gardaphe, Fred L. (2006). From Wiseguys to Wise Men: The Gangster and Italian American Masculinities. New York: Routledge.
Gardiner, Judith Kegan. (2000). Masculinity, the teening of America, and empathic targeting. Signs. 25(4):1257-1261, Sum.
Garfinkel, Perry. (1992). In a Man’s World: Father, Son, Brother, Friend, and Other Roles Men Play. Berkeley, CA: Ten Speed Press
Gaylin, Willard. (1992). The Male Ego. New York: Viking
George, Amber E., and Russell Waltz. (eds.) (2021). Critical Pedagogical Strategies to Transcend Hegemonic Masculinity. Peter Lang.
Ghoussoub, Mai, and Emma Sinclair-Webb. (eds.). (2000). Imagined Masculinities: Male Identity and Culture in the Modern Middle East. I. B. Taurus.
1. Festivities of Violence: Circumcision and the Making of Men / Abdelwahab Bouhdiba, Abdu Kbal.
2. Circumcision, the First Haircut and the Torah: Ritual and Male Identity Among the Ultraorthodox Community of Israel / Yoram Bilu.
3. ‘Our Billent Is Now a Commando’: Military Service and Manhood in Turkey / Emma Sinclair-Webb.
‘Military service in spite of me’: Interview with L.S., Former Conscript.
4. Male Gender and Rituals of Resistance in the Palestinian Intifada: A Cultural Politics of Violence / Julie Peteet.
5. The Military as a Second Bar Mitzvah: Combat Service as Initiation to Zionist Masculinity / Danny Kaplan.
6. Reading ‘Wiles of Women’ Stories as Fictions of Masculinity / Afsaneh Najmabadi.
7. Male Homosexuality in Modern Arabic Literature / Frederic Lagrange.
8. Farid Shauqi: Tough Guy, Family Man, Cinema Star / Walter Armbrust.
9. Chewing Gum, Insatiable Women and Foreign Enemies: Male Fears and the Arab Media / Mal Ghoussoub.
10. ‘That’s how I am, world!’: Saddam, Manhood and the Monolithic Image / Hazim Saghieb.
11. Lentils in Paradise / Moris Farhi.
12. Not the Man My Father Was / Ahmad Beydoun.
13. Those Two Heavy Wings of Manhood: On Moustaches / Hassan Daoud.
Gilmore, David D. (2001). Misogyny: The Male Malady. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
1. Melanesian Misogynists.
2. Flesh and Blood.
3. Malevolent Maidens.
4. Scriptures.
5. Social Structure.
6. The Western Imagination.
7. Commonalities8. Psychological Theories.
9. Structural and Materialist Theories.
10. Gynophilia.
11. Ambivalences.
12. Conclusions.
Gittings, C.E. (ed.). (1997). Imperialism and Gender: Constructions of Masculinity. New Lambton, NSW: Dangaroo Press.
Godfrey, P. (2016). Hegemonic masculinity in three parts. In P. Godfrey & D. Torres (Eds.), System crises of global climate change: Intersections of race, class and gender. New York: Routledge.
Goldrick-Jones, Amanda. (2002). Dismantling the Master’s House: Men Who Believe in Feminism. Greenwood Press.
Gondola, Ch. Didier. (2016). Tropical Cowboys: Westerns, Violence, and Masculinity in Kinshasa. Indiana University Press.
Gonzalez, Ray. (ed). (1996). Muy Macho: Latino Men Confront Their Manhood. Anchor Books.
Gorman-Murray, Andrew, and Peter Hopkins. (eds.). (2014). Masculinities and Place. Ashgate.
Introduction: masculinities and place, Andrew Gorman-Murray and Peter Hopkins.
Part 1 Introducing and Theorising Masculinities and Place
Theorising, men, masculinities, place and space: local, national and transnational contexts and interrelations, Jeff Hearn, Alp Biricik and Tanja Joelsson
Spatio-temporal and spatio-sensual assemblages of youthful masculinities, Anna Hickey-Moody and Jane Kenway
Neoliberalism, masculinities and academic knowledge production: towards a theory of ‘academic masculinities’, Lawrence D. Berg, Levi Gahman and Neil Nunn
Part 2 Masculinities, Intersectionality and Relationality
‘I am lord, … I am local’: migrant masculinity, sex and making yourself at home, Greg Noble and Paul Tabar
Negotiating masculinised migrant rights and everyday citizenship in a global city: Brazilian men in London, Kavita Datta and Cathy McIlwaine
‘Where you are is what you wear’: the leather community, International Mr Leather and hyper-masculinity, Andrew Childs
Cowboy masculinities: relationality and rural identity, Chris Gibson
Part 3 Masculinities and Home
The geographies of military inculcation and domesticity: reconceptualising masculinities in the home, Stephen Atherton
Violence and men in urban South Africa: the significance of ‘home’, Paula Meth
‘My place of residence’: home and homelessness in the Greater Toronto Area, Jeff May.
Part 4 Masculinities and Domestic Labour: Reconceptualising ‘masculinity’ through men’s contributions to domestic foodwork, Angela Meah
Materiality, masculinity and the home: men and interior design, Andrew Gorman-Murray
Working on masculinity at home, Rosie Cox
Part 5 Masculinities and the Family
Domestic ageing masculinities and grandfathering, Anna Tarrant
Intergenerational relations and Irish masculinities: reflections from the Tyneside Irish, in the North-East of England, Michael Richardson
Emotional mappings and the ethnopoetics of fathering, Stuart C. Aitken
Part 6 Masculinities, Place and Care
Masculinities, embodiment and care, Kim England and Isabel Dyck
The gay bar as a place of men’s caring, Michael Brown, Stefano Bettani, Larry Knopp and Andrew Childs
‘It’s a place where all friends meet’: shared places, youth friendships and the negotiation of masculine identities in rural Estonia, Elen-Maarja Trell and Bettina van Hoven
Part 7 Masculinities, Health and Wellbeing
‘Being a man’ in treatment: health, masculinity and the drama of independence, Robert Wilton and Joshua Evans
Masculinities, life courses and sexual health: unpacking HIV risk and prevention among gay men in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, Nathaniel M. Lewis
Masculinities and mental health: geographies of hope ‘down under’, Jessica Jean Keppel
Part 8 Masculinities and Work
Representations, respect and resentment: labour market change and discourses of masculine disadvantage, Linda McDowell, Esther Rootham and Abby Hardgrove
Masculinity in the marketplace: geographies of post-colonial gender work in modern Fiji, Geir-Henning Presterudstuen
Crafting masculinities: a cultural economy of surfboard-making, Andrew Warren
Performing rural masculinities: a case study of diggers and dealers, Barbara Pini and Robyn Mayes.
Gosse, Douglas. (ed.). (2008). Breaking silences & exploring masculinities: A critical supplement to Jackytar (by Dr. Douglas Gosse). St. John’s, NL, Canada: Breakwater Books Ltd.
Lost lives, found identities: Questioning hetero-masculinity and its meaning in our lives / Robert Heasley.
Out of the shadows of the paternal closet: Jackytar as a tool to recover the invisibility of the father / Mark Giesler.
The Quest for Manhood and the Limitations of Masculinity / Janice Cools, Department of Language, Linguistics and Philosophy, University of the West Indies.
Nine Days in the Life of Alex Murphy: A Crisis of Integrity / Nedra R. Lander & Danielle Nahon.
Art & Masculinities: the Plight of a Male Elementary School Teacher / Will Penney.
Queer Theory: A Novel Approach / David V. Ruffolo.
Gottzén, L. (2018). Is Masculinity Studies Really the ‘Odd Man Out’? NORMA, 1-5.
Gottzén, L., U. Mellström, and T. Shefer. (eds.) (2019). Routledge International Handbook of Masculinity Studies. London: Routledge.
Gough, Brendan and Edwards, Gareth. (1998). The beer talking: Four lads, a carry out and the reproduction of masculinities. Sociological Review, 46(3), August
Gough, Brendan. (1998a). Men and the Discursive Reproduction of Sexism: Repertoires of Difference and Equality. Feminism & Psychology, 8(1), pp. 25-49.
Gough, Brendan. (2001). ‘Biting Your Tongue’: Negotiating Masculinities in Contemporary Britain. Journal of Gender Studies, Volume 10, Number 2, July, pp. 169-185.
Green, Toby. (1999). The Men’s Room. Random House.
Greig, A. (2009). Troublesome Masculinities: Masculinities in Trouble. Institute of Development Studies.
Greig, Alan, Michael Kimmel, and James Lang. (2000). Men, Masculinities & Development: Broadening our Work Towards Gender Equality. Gender in Development Programme, UNDP: Gender in Development Monograph Series #10.
Greig, Christopher J., and Wayne J. Martino (eds.) (2012). Canadian Men and Masculinities.Foreword / Blye Frank
Introduction: Masculinities in Post-Industrial and Neoliberal Times / Christopher J. Greig and Wayne J. Martino
Part 1: Historical Perspectives
1: Quebec Manhood in Historical Perspective / Jeff Vacante
2: Representing the Modern Man: Beauty Culture and Masculinity in Early Twentieth Century Canada / Jane Nicholas
3: The Importance of Not Being Earnest: Postwar Canadians Rethink Mackenzie King’s Christian Manhood / Christopher Dummitt
4: Fathers in Multiple Roles: Assessing Modern Canadian Fatherhood as a Masculine Category / Robert Rutherdale
5: Boys’ Underachievement in School in Historical Perspective: Exploring Masculnity and Schooling in the Postwar Era, 1945-1960 / Christopher J. Greig
Part 2: Contemporary Perspectives
6: Canadian Manhood(s) / Christopher J. Greig and Susan Holloway
7: The Day the White Ribbon Campaign Changed the Game: A New Direction in Working to Engage Men and Boys / Michael Kaufman
8: Failing Boys and the Question of What Counts as Evidence: Investigating Equity and Neoliberal Reform Agendas in Ontario / Wayne J. Martino and Goli Rezai-Rashti
9: Class, Race, and Schooling in the Performance of Black Male Athleticism
Carl E. James
10: Blackness, Masculinity, and the Work of Queer / Rinaldo Walcott
11: Queering Masculinities as a Basis for Gender Democratization: Towards Embracing a Transgender Imaginary / Wayne J. Martino
12: “Raise Them Jewish, Raise Them Proud!” Gay Jewish Fathers in Contemporary Israeli and Canadian Jewish Society / Marcus Benayon
13: Reformulating Masculinities: Renegotiating Masculinity after Spinal Cord Injury / David Mara
14: Indigenous Masculinities: Carrying the Bones of the Ancestors / Kim Anderson, Robert Alexander Innes, and John Swift
15: (Un)Settling Mulitcultural Masculinities in Contemporary Canadian Art / Ruthann Lee
16: The Promise of Intimacy as a Way of Learning and Performing Masculinities: Fred Herzog’s Barbershops / Donal O’Donoghue
17: Wrestling with Canadian Masculinities: Contesting Hegemony within WWE’s Masculinities Matrix / Doug Willcocks and Steve Garlick
18: Building a Body, Building a Life: Men, Masculinity, and the Birth of Bodybuilding Magazines in Montreal / Marc Lafrance.
Griffin, B. (2018). Hegemonic Masculinity as a Historical Problem. Gender & History, 0(0).
Griffin, Christine, and Margaret Wetherell. (1992). Feminist Psychology and the Study of Men and Masculinity. Part II: Politics and Practices. Feminism & Psychology, 2(2), June
Grimes, Ronald L. (1995). Marrying and Burying: Rites of Passage in a Man’s Life. Boulder, CA: Westview Press.
Gruner, Paul-Hermann, and Eckhard Kuhla. (eds.). (2009). Befreiungsbewegung für Männer: Auf dem Weg zur Geschlechterdemokratie. Essays und Analysen. (Liberation movement for males). Psychosozial-Verlag [German].
Gutmann, Matthew C. (1996). The Meanings Of Macho: Being a Man in Mexico City. University of California Press.
Gutmann, Matthew C. (ed). (2001). Men and Masculinities, Special Issue; Men and Masculinities in Latin America, 3(3), January
The Vicissitudes of Men and Masculinities in Latin America / Gutmann, Matthew C.
Contemporary Latin American Perspectives on Masculinity / Vigoya, Mara Viveros.
Philanderers, Cuckolds, and Wily Women: A Reexamination of Gender Relations in a Brazilian Working-Class Neighborhood / Fonseca, Claudia.
Verguenza and Changing Chicano and Chicana Narratives / Barriga, Miguel Diaz.
Machismo and Politics in Ecuador: The Case of Pancho Jaime / Andrade, Xavier.
The Social Constitution of Gender Identity among Peruvian Men / Fuller, Norma.
Gutmann, Matthew C. (ed). (2003). Changing Men and Masculinities in Latin America. Duke Univ Pr.
Halberstam, Judith. (1998). Female Masculinity. Durham & London: Duke University Press
Halberstam, Judith. (1999). F2M: The Making of Female Masculinity. In Price, Janet and Margrit Shildrick. (eds). Feminist Theory and the Body: A Reader. Routledge
Hällgren, Camilla, Elza Dunkels and Gun-Marie Frånberg. (eds.) (2015) Invisible Boy: The making of contemporary masculinities. Umeå: Umeå University.
Harper Gil, and Asha Moodley. (eds). (2005). Agenda, Special Focus: Gender, Culture and Rights.
Selected Contents;
Through men, by men, for men: Christianity and the quest for gender equality / Desmond Lesejane.
Youth, fathers and masculinity in South Africa today / Robert Morrell.
The role of men in the struggle for gender equality: possibilities for positive engagement / Bafana Khumalo.
Involving men in maternity care: health service delivery issues / Saiqa Mullick, Busi Kunene and Monica Wanjiru.
Creating spaces for men’s involvement in sexual and reproductive health / Mokgethi Tshabalala.
Redefining masculinity in the era of HIV/AIDS: Padare’s work on masculinity in Zimbabwe / Regis Munyaradzi Mtutu.
South African men care enough to act against HIV/AIDS and general inequality: the Men in Partnership act against HIV/AIDS (MIPAA) experience / Rabi Gobind.
Urgency and optimism: masculinities, gender equality and public health / Dean Peacock.
Harris, Ian M. (1995). Messages Men Hear: Constructing Masculinities. London: Taylor & Francis
Hartig, Kate. (2000). Claiming the Freeway: Young male drivers in pursuit of independence, space and masculinity. Journal of Interdisciplinary Gender Studies. 5(1), June.
Hawkins, Kate; Bisht, Preetha; Kelbert, Alexandra; Maldonado Pacheco, Carolina; Nesbitt-Ahmed, Zahrah; Edström, Jerker. (2013). Undressing Patriarchy: Redressing Inequalities. IDS Bulletin, 45(1), January (Brighton: Institute of Development Studies).
Hawley, Richard A. (1993). Boys Will Be Men: Masculinity in Troubled Times. Middlebury, Vermont: Paul S. Eriksson.
Häyrén, A., & Henriksson, H. W. (eds.). (2016). Critical Perspectives on Masculinities and Relationalities: In Relation to What? Springer.Haywood, C., Johansson, T., Hammarén, N., Herz, M., & Ottemo, A. (2017). The Conundrum of Masculinity: Hegemony, Homosociality, Homophobia and Heteronormativity: Routledge.
Haywood, Chris, and Mairtin Mac an Ghaill. (1997). ‘A Man in the Making’: Sexual Masculinities Within Changing Training Cultures. Sociological Review, 45(4), November.
Haywood, Chris, and Thomas Johansson. (eds.). (2017). Marginalized Masculinities: Contexts, Continuities and Change. Routledge.
Introduction / Chris Haywood and Thomas Johansson
Part one: Crisis, Risk and Socialization
Chapter One: Becoming a ‘real boy’: constructions of boyness in early childhood education / Anette Hellman & Ylva Odenbring
Chapter Two: Being at Risk or Being a Risk? Marginalized Masculinity in Contemporary Social Work / Marcus Herz
Part Two: Transformations of Work and Unemployment
Chapter Three: ‘Crack in the Ice’: Marginalization of Young Men in Contemporary Urban Greenland / Firouz Gaini
Chapter Four: Marginalized masculinities and exclusion in the new low-skill service sector in Sweden / Peter Håkansson
Chapter Five: Masculinity, socio-emotional skills and marginalization among emergency medical technicians? / Morten Kyed
Chapter Six: Male Migrant Workers and the Negotiation of ‘Marginalized’ Masculinities in Urban China / Xiaodong Lin
Part Three: Marginalization, Bodies and Identity
Chapter Seven: Derailed Self-Constructions: Marginalization and Self-construction in Young Boys’ Accounts of Well-being / Niels Ulrik Sørensen and Jens Christian Nielsen
Chapter Eight: Doped Manhood: Negotiating fitness doping and masculinity in an online community / Jesper Andreasson and Thomas Johansson
Part Four: Rethinking Marginalization
Chapter Nine: Epistemologies of Difference: Masculinity, marginalisation and young British Muslim men / Mairtin Mac an Ghaill and Chris Haywood
Chapter Ten: Marginalized adult ethnic minority men in Denmark: The case of Aalborg East / Ann-Dorte Christensen, Jeppe Fuglsang Larsen & Sune Qvotrup Jensen
Conclusion / Thomas Johansson and Chris Haywood.
Healey, Kaye. (ed.). (1995). A Man’s World?. Special edition of Issues for the Nineties. Sydney: Spinney Press.
Hearn, J. (2004). From Hegemonic Masculinity to the Hegemony of Men. Feminist Theory, 5(1): 49-72.
Hearn, J. (2008). The Personal is Work is Political is Theoretical: Continuities and Discontinuities in Women’s Studies, (Pro)feminism, ‘Men’ and My Selves. NORA-Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, 16(4): 241-256.
Hearn, J. (2010). Reflecting on men and social policy: Contemporary critical debates and implications for social policy. Critical Social Policy 30(2): 165-188.
Hearn, J. (2019). So What Has Been, Is, and Might Be Going on in Studying Men and Masculinities?: Some Continuities and Discontinuities. Men and Masculinities, 22(1), 53-63.
Hearn, Jeff, and David Morgan. (1995). Contested Discourses on Men and Masculinities. In Blair, M., Holland, J. and Sheldon, S. (eds). Identity and Diversity: Gender and the Experience of Education. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
Hearn, Jeff, and Emmi Lattu. (2002). The recent development of Finnish studies on men: A selective review and a critique of a neglected field. NORA: Nordic Journal of Women’s Studies, 10(1), pp. 49-60.
Hearn, Jeff, and Keith Pringle. (2006). European Perspectives on Men and Masculinities: National and Transnational Approaches.
Members of Critical Research on Men In Europe (CROME).
Studying Men in Europe; J. Hearn & K. Pringle.
Academic Research; J. Hearn, K. Pringle & The Collective.
Statistical Information; J. Hearn & The Collective.
Law and Policy; K. Pringle, J. Hearn & The Collective.
Media and Newspaper Representations; J. Hearn & The Collective.
Home and Work; J. Hearn, K. Pringle & The Collective.
Social Exclusion; K. Pringle & J. Hearn, with I. Novikova & D. Kambourov.
Violences; J. Hearn & K. Pringle.
Health; J. Hearn & V. Kolga, with K. Pringle.
Configurations of Europe; J. Hearn, K. Pringle & The Collective.
Hearn, Jeff, Ann Oakley, Jeanette Edwards, and Jennie Popay. (eds). (1998). Men, Gender Divisions and Welfare. London: Routledge.
Introduction: The Trouble With Men / Jeff Hearn, Jeanette Edwards and Jennie Popay [et. al.].
1. The Welfare of Men? / Jeff Hearn.
2. Troubled Masculinities in Social Policy Discourses: Young Men / Jeff Hearn.
3. Troubled Masculinities in Social Policy Discourses: Fatherhood / Fiona Williams.
4. Are Men Good for the Welfare of Women and Children? / Ann Oakley and Alan S. Rigby.
5. Out of Control: Men, Violence and Family Life / Jalna Hanmer.
6. Men Will Be Men: The Ambiguity of Men’s Support for Men Who Have Been Violent to Known Women / Jeff Hearn.
7. Male Carers in Marriage: Re-examining Feminist Analysis of Informal Care / Gillion Parker and Julie Seymour.
8. ‘I’m Just a Bloke Who’s Had Kids’: Men and Women on Parenthood / Sue Clarke and Jennie Popay.
9. ‘All Jumbled Up’: Employed Women With Unemployed Husbands / David Waddington, Chas Critcher and Bella Dicks.
10. Screening Out Men: or ‘Has Mum Changed Her Washing Powder Recently?’ / Jeanette Edwards.
11. Redundant Men and Overburdened Women: Local Service Providers and the Construction of Gender in Ex-Mining Communities / Bella Dicks, David Waddington and Chas Critcher.
12. Men and Childcare: Policy and Practice / Keith Pringle.
Hearn, Jeff, Keith Pringle, Ursula Muller, Elzbieta Oleksy, Emmi Lattu, Teemu Tallberg, Harry Ferguson, Oystein Gullvag Holter, Voldermar Kolga, Irina Novikova, and Alex Raynor. (2003). Critical Studies on Men in Ten European Countries: (4) Newspaper and media representations. Men and Masculinities, 6(2), October.
Hearn, Jeff. (1987). The Gender of Oppression: Men, Masculinity and the Critique of Marxism. New York: St. Martins’ Press.
(especially) The Problem of Fatherhood
The Politics of Childcare
Patriarchy and Men’s Practice
Changing Men’s Sexist Practice in the Social Sciences
Hearn, Jeff. (1989). Reviewing Men and Masculinities - Or Mostly Boys’ Own Papers. Theory, Culture & Society, 6
Hearn, Jeff. (1991). Men in the Public Eye: The Construction and Deconstruction of Public Men and Public Patriarchies. London: Harper Collins.
Hearn, Jeff. (1994). Research in Men and Masculinities: Some Sociological Issues and Possibilities. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Sociology, 30(1), April, pp. 47-70.
Hearn, Jeff. (1996). Is Masculinity Dead? A Critique of the Concept of Masculinity/Masculinities. In Mac an Ghaill, Mairtin. (ed.). Understanding Masculinities: Social Relations and Cultural Arenas. Buckingham & Philadelphia: Open University Press, pp. 202-217.
Hearn, Jeff. (1999). A Crisis in Masculinity, or New Agendas for Men?. Chapter 9 in Sylvia Walby, (ed.). New Agendas for Women. New York: St. Martin’s Press.
Hearn, Jeff. (2004). From Hegemonic Masculinity to the Hegemony of Men. Feminist Theory, 5(1): 49-72.
Hearn, Jeff. (2015). Men of the World: Genders, Globalizations, Transnational Times. Sage.
Introducing men of the world
Which men? Which worlds?
Locating selves
Deconstructing the dominant: Back to gendered globalization
From patriarchy to transpatriarchies
Transpatriarchies in practice
Bodies of emotion: violences and violations
Structures of organizing: empires, corporations and activisms
Processes of flows (1): movements, environments and migrations
Processes of flows (2): ICTs and sexualities
Transforming transpatriarchies: possible futures
Postscript: Towards the abolition of ‘men’?
Appendix: Men and Boys for Gender Justice. Delhi Declaration and Call to Action
Heartfield, James. (2002). There is no masculinity crisis. Genders Online Journal 35. http://www.genders.org/g35/g35_heartfield.html.
Hebert, L. A. (2007). Taking ‘Difference’ Seriously: Feminisms and the ‘Man Question’. Journal of Gender Studies, 16(1): 31-45.
Heilman, B., Barker, G., & Harrison, A. (2017). The Man Box: A Study on Being a Young Man in the US, UK, and Mexico. Washington, DC and London: : Promundo-US and Unilever.
Henslin, James M. (1993). On Becoming Male: Reflections of a Sociologist on Childhood and Early Socialisation. In Henslin. (ed.). Down to Earth Sociology: Introductory Readings. New York: The Free Press (7th edition).
Herman, Andrew. (1998). The ‘Better Angels’ of Capitalism: Rhetoric, Narrative and Moral Identity Among Men of the American Upper Class.
Heron, Sean et. al. (1996). 5 White Guys Sitting Around Talking. Bad Subjects, No. 26, May
Hill, David. (1997). The Future of Men. London: Phoenix (Orion Publishing), 56 pp.
Honeywell, R. (2016). The Man Problem: Destructive masculinity in Western culture. London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
hooks, bell. (2000). Feminist masculinity. Chapter 12, pp. 67-71, in Feminism Is For Everybody: Passionate Politics. London: Pluto Press.
hooks, bell. (2001). Malcolm X: The Longed-for Feminist Manhood 1994. pp. 714-724; IN: Tropp, Sandra Fehl and Pierson-D’Angelo, Ann. (eds). Essays in context. New York: Oxford University Press.
hooks, bell. (2003). We Real Cool: Black Men and Masculinity. Routledge.
hooks, bell. (2004). The Will to Change: Men, Masculinity, and Love. Routledge.
Hooper, Charlotte. (2001). Manly States: Masculinities, International Relations, and Gender Politics. New York: Columbia University Press.
Pt. 1. Theorizing Masculinities.
1. The Construction of Gender Identity.
2. Masculinities and Masculinism.
Pt. 2. Masculinities, IR, and Gender Politics.
3. Masculinities in International Relations.
4. The Economist’s Masculine Credentials.
5. The Economist, Globalization, and Masculinities.
6. The Economist/IR Intertext.
Conclusion: IR and the (Re)Making of Hegemonic Masculinity.
Horlacher, Stefan, Bettina Jansen, and Wieland Schwanebeck. (eds.) (2016). Männlichkeit? Ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch (Handbook of Masculinity Studies). Stuttgart, Germany: J.B. Metzler Verlag.
Horrocks, Roger. (1994). Masculinity in Crisis: Myths, Fantasies and Realities. Basingstoke: St Martin’s Press.
Horrocks, Roger. (1995). Male Myths and Icons: Masculinity in Popular Culture. St Martin’s Press.
Hudson, Liam, and Bernadine Jacot. (1991). The Way Men Think: Intellect, Intimacy and the Erotic Imagination. New Haven & London: Yale University Press.
Hurtado, Aida, and Mrinal Sinha. (2016). Beyond Machismo: Intersectional Latino Masculinities. University of Texas Press.
Hussey, Mark. (ed). (2002). Masculinities: Interdisciplinary Readings. Prentice Hall.
Paradoxes of Gender / Judith Lorber.
The Medical Construction of Gender: Case Management of Intersexed Infants / Suzanne J. Kessler.
Does Size Matter? / Susan Bordo.
X: A Fabulous Child’s Story / Lois Gould.
The Socialization Component / Eleanor E. Maccoby.
The “Act Like a Man” Box / Paul Kivel.
Through the Tunnel / Doris Lessing.
Girls and Boys Together.But Mostly Apart: Gender Arrangements in Elementary School / Barrie Thorne.
Schools and Gender / R.W. Connell.
“South Park”, Blue Men, Anality, and Market Masculinity / Judith Kegan Gardiner.
The Ninjas, the X-Men, and the Ladies: Playing with Power and Identity in an Urban Primary School / Anne Haas Dyson.
Boyhood, Organized Sports, and the Construction of Masculinities / Michael A. Messner.
“All-American Guys” / Bernard Lefkowitz.
The Making of a Bully / Susan Douglas.
Trigger-Happy Birthday / Kiku Adatto.
Who Needs Men? / Barbara Ehrenreich and Lionel Tiger.
Why Can’t a Good Man Be Sexy? Why Can’t a Sexy Man Be Good? / Naomi Segal.
A Father’s Story / Andre Dubus.
So I Guess You Know What I Told Him / Stephen Dobyns.
Advantages and Disadvantages of “Being a Man” / Jim Allan.
Managing to Kill: Masculinities and the Space Shuttle “Challenger” Explosion / James W. Messerschmidt.
The Men We Carry in Our Minds / Scott Russell Sanders.
The Glass Escalator: Hidden Advantages for Men in the “Female” Professions / Christine L. Williams.
Lust / Susan Minot.
Men-Only Spaces as Effective Sites for Education and Transformation in the Battle to End Sexual Assault / Stephen Montagna.
Using Pornography / Robert Jensen.
Sex, Friendship, and Gender Roles Among Gay Men / Peter M. Nardi.
The Heterosexual Questionnaire / M. Rochlin.
Between Apocalypse and Redemption: John Singleton’s “Boyz N the Hood” / Michael Eric Dyson.
Reconstructing Black Masculinity / bell hooks.
Like a Winding Sheet / Ann Petry.
Theorists on Constructions of Black Masculinities / Khaula Murtadha-Watts.
Wars, Wimps and Women: Talking Gender and Thinking War / Carol Cohn.
Paintball as Combat Sport / James William Gibson.
Seville Statement on Violence.
The Messenger of the Lost Battalion / Gregory Orfalea.
Healing from Manhood: A Radical Meditation on the Movement from Gender Identity to Moral Identity / John Stoltenberg.
Placing Multiracial Feminism at the Center of Political Discourse / Michael A. Messner.
Institute of Development Studies. (2008). Politicising Masculinities: Beyond the personal. UK: IDS.
Irvine, Leslie, and Brian Klocke. (2001). Redefining Men: Alternative Masculinities in a Twelve-Step Program. Men and Masculinities, 4(1), July, 27-48.
Ito, Kimio. (1996). An Introduction to Men’s Studies (Danseigaku Nyumon). Tokyo: Sakuhin Publishers.
Ito, Kimio. (1997). Directions for Masculinities (Otokorashisa-no-yukue). Tokyo: Shinyo-sha Publishers.
Jablonka, Iva. (2022). A History of Masculinity: From Patriarchy to Gender Justice. (Trans. Nathan Bracher). Penguin.
Jackson, Cecile. (ed.). (2001). Men at Work: Labour, Masculinities, Development. London: Frank Cass, in association with European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes, Bonn.
Men at Work / Cecile Jackson.
Continuites and Discontinuities in Political Constructions of the Working Man in Rural Sub-Saharan Africa: The ‘Lazy Man’ in African Agriculture. / Ann Whithead.
Men, Women and Work in Rural Zambia / Elizabeth Harrison.
Partners in Women-Headed Households: Emerging Masculinities? / Javier Pineda.
Work and Masculinity Among Peruvian Urban Men / Norma Fuller.
Exiled to the Home: Masculinity and Ageing in Urban Mexico / Ann Varley; Maribel Blasco.
Equitable Social Practices and Masculine Personal History: A Santiago Study / Diane Almeras.
The Work of the Nation: Heroic Masculinity in South African Autobiographical Writing of the Anti-Apartheid Struggle / Elaine Unterhalter.
Masculinity, Male Domestic Authority and Female Labour Participation in South India / Penny Vera-Sanso.
Men in Crisis? Reflections on Masculinities, Work and Family in North-West Costa Rica / Sylvia Chant.
All Change? Men, Women and Reproductive Work in the Global Economy / Ruth Pearson.
Jackson, David. (1990). Unmasking Masculinity: A Critical Autobiography. London: Unwin Hyman
Jackson, Ronald L., and Murali Balaji. (2011). (eds.). Global Masculinities and Manhood. University of Illinois Press.
Foreword / Molefi K. Asante
Introduction: Conceptualizing Current Discourses and Writing New Ones / Ronald L. Jackson II and Murali Balaji.
1. Negotiating Jamaican Masculinities / Maurice Hall.
2. Queer(y)ing Masculinities / Bryant Keith Alexander.
3. Disposable Masculinities in Istanbul / Nil Mutluer.
4. Wounded Masculinity and Nationhood in Peru / Margarita Saona.
5. Postcolonial Masculinity and Commodity Culture in Kenya / Mich Nyawalo.
6. War, Masculinity, and Native Americans / Kathleen Glenister Roberts.
7. Representing Aboriginal Masculinity in Howard’s Australia / Shino Konishi.
8. Beyond Jackie Chan / Murali Balaji.
9. Body Politics: Masculinities in Sport / Kath Woodward.
Jacobs, Michael P. (1997). Do Gay Men Have a Stake in Male Privilege? The Political Economy of Gay Men’s Contradictory Relationship to Feminism. Chapter 11 in Gluckman, Amy and Reed, Betsy. (eds). Homo Economics: Capitalism, Community, and lesbian and Gay Life. London & New York: Routledge.
Janssen, Diederik F. (ed.). (2008). International Guide To Literature On Masculinity. Men’s Studies Press.
Jefferson, Tony. (2002). Subordinating Hegemonic Masculinity. Theoretical Criminology, 6(1), pp. 63-88.
Jensen, Robert. (1998). Men’s Lives and Feminist Theory. In Kate Conway-Turner et. al. (eds). Women’s Studies in Transition: The Pursuit of Interdisciplinarity. Newark: University of Delaware Press (first Published in Race, Gender, and Class, 2(2), Winter 1995)
Jerome, Roy. (ed). (2001). Conceptions of Postwar German Masculinity. State Univ of New York Press.
Pt. I. Introductory Considerations
Pt. II. Theoretical Considerations to the Problematic of Postwar German Masculine Identity
Pt. III. Reading Masculinity in Postwar German Literature
Introduction / Roy Jerome
Hard-Cold-Fast: Imagining Masculinity in the German Academy, Literature, and the Media / Klaus-Michael Bogdal
An Interview with Tilmann Moser on Trauma, Therapeutic Technique, and the Constitution of Masculinity in the Sons of the National Socialist Generation / Roy Jerome
Paralysis, Silence, and the Unknown SS-Father: A Therapeutic Case Study on the Return of the Third Reich in Psychotherapy / Tilmann Moser
The German-Jewish Hyphen: Conjunct, Disjunct, or Adjunct? / Harry Brod
Masculinity and Sexual Abuse in Postwar German Society / Klaus-Jurgen Bruder
The Motif of the Man, Who, Although He Loves, Goes to War: On the History of the Construction of Masculinity in the European Tradition / Carl Pietzcker
“I have only you, Cassandra”: Antifeminism and the Reconstruction of Patriarchy in the Early Postwar Works of Hans Erich Nossack / Inge Stephan
Brutal Heroes, Human Marionettes, and Men with Bitter Knowledge: On the New Formulation of Masculinity in the Literature of the “Young Generation” after 1945 (W. Borchert, H. Boll, and A. Andersch) / Hans-Gerd Winter
Vaterliteratur, Masculinity, and History: The Melancholic Texts of the 1980s / Barbara Kosta
Homosexual Images of Masculinity in German-Language Literature after 1945 / Wolfgang Popp
Neo-Nazi or Neo-Man? The Possibilities for the Transformation of Masculine Identity in Kafka and Hasselbach / Russell West
Multiple Masculinities in Turkish-German Men’s Writing / Moray McGowan
Afterword / Michael Kimmel
Johnson, Sally, and Ulrike Hanna Meinhof. (eds). (1997). Language and Masculinity. Oxford: Blackwell.
Johnston, C. A., & Morrison, T. G. (2007). The Presentation of Masculinity in Everyday Life: Contextual Variations in the Masculine Behaviour of Young Irish Men. Sex Roles, 57(9-10), 661-674.
Jones, Adam. (2009). Gender Inclusive: Essays on violence, men, and feminist international relations. London and New York: Routledge.
Part I: The Home Front
1. The Globe and Males: The Other Side of Gender Bias in Canada’s National Newspaper
2. Of Rights and Men: Toward a Minoritarian Framing of Male Experience
Part II: Absent Subjects
3. Gender and Ethnic Conflict in Ex-Yugoslavia
4. Toward an International Politics of Gender
5. Effacing the Male: Gender, Misrepresentation, and Exclusion in the Kosovo War
6. Feminisms, Gender Analysis and Mass Violence: A Historiography
7. Worlding Men
Part III: Gendering Genocide
8. Pity the Innocent Men
9. The Murdered Men of Ciudad Juárez
10. Humiliation and masculine Crisis in Iraq
11. Gendercide and Genocide
12. Gender and Genocide in Rwanda
13. Problems of Gendercide
14. Why Gendercide? Why Root-and-Branch?
15. Genocide and Humanitarian Intervention: Incorporating the Gender Variable
16. Gendercidal Institutions Against Women and Girls
17. Straight as a Rule: Heteronormativity, Gendercide, and the Non-Combatant Male
Joseph, Frederick. (2022). Patriarchy Blues: Reflections on Manhood. Harper Perennial.
Journal of Interdisciplinary Gender Studies. (1998). Special Issue: Australian Masculinities, 3(2), December. Includes;
Introduction: Studying Australian Masculinities / Connell, R.W.
Wusses and Willies: Masculinity and Contemporary Sexual Politics / Dowsett, Gary W.
Under the Bonnet: Car Culture, Technological Dominance and Young Men of the Working Class / Walker, Linley.
‘He had to be a Poofter or Something’: Violence, Male Honour and Heterosexual Panic / Tomsen, Stephen.
The Making of Warriors: Men, Identity and Military Culture / Agostino, Katerina.
‘If Anyone Called Me a Wog, They Wouldn’t Be Speaking to Me Alone’: Protest Masculinity and Lebanese Youth in Western Sydney / Poynting, Scott, Noble, Greg and Tabar, Paul.
Growing up Very Rich: The Masculinity of the Hegemonic / Donaldson, Mike.
Jukes, Adam. (2010). Is There a Cure for Masculinity? London: Free Association Books. (got copy)
Kaminer, D., and J. Dixon. (1995). The Reproduction of Masculinity: A Discourse Analysis of Men’s Drinking Talk. South African Journal of Psychology, 25(3), pp. 168-174.
Karioris, Frank G., and Cassandra Loeser. (eds.) (2015). Reimagining Masculinities: Beyond Masculinist Epistemology. Inter-Disciplinary Press.
Re-Imagining Masculinities: Beyond Masculinist Epistemology / Cassandra Loeser and Frank G. Karioris.
Part I Masculinities, Sexualities and the Arts
Fear, Shame and the Crisis of Hegemonic Masculinity in Steve McQueen’s Shame (2011) / Barbara Braid.
The Subversive Power of Female Fantasy: Queering Boy’s Love Fandom on the Chinese Internet / Shuyan Zhou.
Shifting Male Bonds in the Visual Arts: Queer Visual Art Created by Heterosexual Male Artists / Ladislav Zikmund-Lender.
Part II Transversing the Boundaries of Masculinity
Consuming Masculinities: Representations of Male Literati in Chinese Men’s Lifestyle Magazines / Chen Siyu.
Joan of Arc and Radclyffe Hall: Martyrdom and Masculinity / Steven Macnamara.
Stylising the Sphere of Femininity: Women Impersonators on the Parsi Stage / Harmony Siganporia.
Part III Margins, Migrations and Relations
Masculinity in Crisis? Men’s Accounts of Masculinity, Power and Gendered Relations in Contemporary Cosenza / Sabrina Garofalo and Giovanna Vingelli.
Emerging Models of Islamic Masculinity in the European Maghreb Diaspora: Theoretical Contexts and Possible Perspectives / Valentina Fedele.
Part IV Changing Paradigms of Masculinity
The Potentialities of Post-Essentialism for Hearing (Dis)Abled Masculinities in Friendship / Cassandra Loeser.
Amicus et Sodalitas, Sicut: The Figure of Homosocial Relations in Men’s Lives / Frank G. Karioris.
Kasson, John F. (2001). Houdini, Tarzan, and the Perfect Man: The White Male Body and the Challenge of Modernity in America. New York: Hill and Wang.
Kato-Wallace, Jane (2016). Men, Masculinities & Climate Change: A discussion paper. MenEngage Alliance.
Kaufman, Michael. (ed.). (1987). Beyond Patriarchy: Essays by Men on Pleasure, Power and Change. New York: Oxford University Press.
Kay, Rebecca. (2006). Men in Contemporary Russia: The Fallen Heroes of Post-Soviet Change? Ashgate.
Introduction: studying men in Russia: historical perspectives and international contexts.
Heroes or villains?: ‘being a man’ in contemporary Russia.
Military service: rite of passage or waste of time?
‘What kind of a man doesn’t provide for his family?’: making ends meet in the new labour market.
‘What’s a man without capital?’: the pitfalls and potential of private enterprise.
‘I couldn’t live without my kids’: fatherhood as a contested identity.
‘A woman has a right to expect certain conditions’: personal relationships between men and women.
‘Just give me an aspirin and I’ll be fine’: the provision of social services and support for men: a case study of the Altai Regional Crisis Centre for Men.
Conclusions: new perspectives on men in contemporary Russia.
Keith, Thomas. (2017). Masculinities in Contemporary American Culture: An Intersectional Approach to the Complexities and Challenges of Male Identity. Routledge.
Kendall, Chris, and Wayne Martino. (eds.). (2006). Gendered Outcasts and Sexual Outlaws. Haworth Press.
Foreword (John Stoltenberg).
1. Introduction (Christopher Kendall and Wayne Martino).
2. Brettles (John Gascoigne).
3. The Relevance of Radical Feminism for Gay Men (Robert Jensen).
4. Sissyphobia and Everything After (Tim Bergling).
5. Straight-Acting Masculinities: Normalisation and Gender Hierarchies in Gay Men’s Lives (Wayne Martino).
6. Stats Please: Gay Men As Mimics, Robots, and Commodities in Contemporary Cultural Spaces (Anthony Lambert).
7. Narcissism, the Adonis Complex, and the Pursuit of the Ideal (Daryl Higgins).
8. Pornography, Hypermasculinity, and Gay Male Identity: Implications for Male Rape and Gay Male Domestic Violence (Christopher Kendall).
9. Queer Men and Sexual Assault: What Being Raped Says About Being a Man (Rus Ervin Funk).
10. HE and i =/ (does not equal) US (Peter Shuttlewood).
11. Reading Racial Gaze: Western Gay Society and Pornographic Depictions of Asian Men (Simon Obendorf).
Kendall, Lori. (1999). Nerd Nation: Images of Nerds in US Popular Culture. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 2(2): 260-283.
Kendall, Lori. (2000). ‘Oh No! I’m a Nerd!’ - Hegemonic Masculinity on an Online Forum. Gender & Society, 14(2): 256-274.
Kendall, Lori. (2002). Hanging Out in the Virtual Pub: Masculinities and Relationships Online. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Kiesling, Scott F. (2004). Dude. American Speech, 79(3), Fall, pp. 281-305.
Kilianski, Stephen E. (2003). Explaining Heterosexual Men’s Attitudes Toward Women and Gay Men: The Theory of Exclusively Masculine Identity. Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 4(1), pp. 37-56, January.
Kilmartin, Christopher T. (2000). The Masculine Self. (2nd ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill.
Kimmel, Michael S. (2005). The History of Men: Essays on the history of American and British masculinities. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
Kimmel, Michael S. (2008). Guyland: The Perilous World Where Boys Become Men. HarperCollins.
Kimmel, Michael, and Michael Messner. (1990). Men as ‘Gendered Beings’. In Sheila, Ruth. (ed.). Issues in Feminism: An Introduction to Women’s Studies, Mountain View, CA: Mayfield Publishing Company.
Kimmel, Michael, with Amy Aronson. (eds). (1999). The Gendered Society Reader. Oxford University Press.
Kimmel, Michael. (2010). Misframing Men: The Politics of Contemporary Masculinities. Rutgers University Press.
Introduction: Misframing Men
Part One: Reframings
1. Has “A Man’s World” Become “A Woman’s Nation”? Men’s Responses to Women’s Increased Equality in the Twenty-first Century
2. The Children’s Hour: Masculine Redemption in Contemporary Film (with Amy Aronson)
3. Reconciliation, Inspiration, Appropriation, and Conversation: Four Strategies of Racial Healing among White Men
Part Two: Reversals
4. Who Are the Real Male Bashers?
5. What About the Boys?
6. “Gender Symmetry” in Domestic Violence
Part Three: Restorations
7. Profiling School Shooters and Shooters’ Schools: The Cultural Contexts of Aggrieved Entitlement and Restorative Masculinity
8. Globalization and Its Mal(e)contents: Masculinity on the Extreme Right
9. Promise Keepers: Patriarchy’s Second Coming as Masculine Renewal
10. Saving the Males at VMI and Citadel
11. Janey Got Her Gun: A VMI Postscript
Part Four: Resistance
12. Who’s Afraid of Men Doing Feminism?
13. Profeminist Men: The “Other” Men’s Movement.
Kimmel, Michael. (ed.). (1987). Changing Men: New Directions in Research on Men and Masculinity. New York: Sage.
Kimmel, Michael. (ed.). (1990). Men Confront Pornography. New York: Crown
Knuttila, Murray. (2016). Paying for Masculinity: Boys, Men and the Patriarchal Dividend. Fernwood.
Introduction: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Towards Conceptual Clarity: Sex and Gender and Much More
Acquiring Gender
Boys Will Be(come) Men
Capitalism and Work: Sex, Gender and Economy
Family Men?
Violent Men or Men and Violence?
Representing Boys and Men
Defending, Resisting and Costing the Patriarchal Dividend
Koureas, Gabriel. (2007). Memory, Masculinity, and National Identity in British Visual Culture, 1914--1930: A Study of “Unconquerable Manhood.” Aldershot, Hampshire: Ashgate.
Kriegel, Leonard. (1998). Flying Solo: Reimagining Manhood, Courage and Loss. Boston: Beacon.
Kuypers, Joseph A. (1999). Men and Power. Prometheus Books.
La Manzana: Revista Internacional de Estudios sobre Masculinidades, Volumen I Numero I, Enero-Marzo 2006;
Horizontes para Caminar / Elva Rivera.
De las Ciencias del Hombre / GuittÉ Hartog.
Masculinidad y Diversidad Sexual / Salvador Cruz Sierra.
Questioning Adam / Victor J. Seidler.
Hasta donde el Cuerpo Aguante / Benno de Keijzer.
La De-construcciÛn de la Masculinidad / Carlos Fonseca.
Ladenson, Elisabeth. (ed). (2001). GLQ, Special issue: Men and Lesbianism, 7(3). Includes;
The special issue that shagged me / Ladenson, Elisabeth (pp. 371-376).
Male lesbianism / Schor, Naomi (pp. 391-399).
Oh behave! Austin Powers and the drag kings / Halberstam, Judith (pp. 425-452).
Lancaster, Roger N. (1992). Life is Hard: Machismo, Danger, and the Intimacy of Power in Nicaragua. Berkeley & Los Angeles: University of California Press.
Lang, James. (2002). Gender is Everyone’s Business: Programming with Men to Achieve Gender Equality. Workshop report, 10-12 June, Oxford: Oxfam GB.
Langvasbraten, T., and M. Teigen. (2006). Fostering Caring Masculinities. Institute of Social Reseach, Oslo.
Law, R., H. Campbell, and J. Dolan. (eds). (1999). Masculinities in Aotearoa/New Zealand. Dunmore Press: Palmerston North.
Section One: Foundations
1: Introduction / Robin Law, Hugh Campbell and Ruth Schick.
2: New Masculinities Theory: Poststructuralism and Beyond / Lynne Star.
3: Masculinity and A Man’s Country in 1998: An Interview with Jock Phillips / Ruth Schick with John Dolan.
Section Two: Colonial and Postcolonial Worlds
4: A (White) Man of his Times? Sir George Grey and the Narration of Hegemonic Masculinity in Victorian New Zealand / Lawrence D. Berg.
5: Nation of Heroes, Nation of Men: Masculinity in Maurice Shadbolt’s Once on Chunuk Bair / Annabel Cooper.
6: A Context for Writing Masculinities / Donna C. Matahaere-Atariki.
Section Three: Settings and Practices
7: Men and Machines: Manufacturing Work Sites in Mataura, Southland / Kirsten Lovelock.
8: Queer(y)ing Masculinities in Schools: Faggots, Fairies and the First XV / Shane Town.
9: It Takes Two to Tango: The Place of Women in the Construction of Hegemonic Masculinity in a Student Pub / Anna Kraack.
10: ‘What it Means to be a Man’: Hegemonic Masculinity and the Reinvention of Beer / Hugh Campbell, Robin Law and James Honeyfield.
Section Four: Representations.
11: Advertising, Cultural Criticism and Mythologies of the Male Body / Sue Tait.
12: Heartland Wainuiomata: Rurality to Suburbs, Black Singlets to Naughty Lingerie / Robyn Longhurst and Carly Wilson.
13: ‘Blacks are Back’: Ethnicity, Male Bodies, Exhibitionary Order / Lynne Star.
Leach, Mike. (1994). The Politics of Masculinity: An Overview of Contemporary Theory. Social Alternatives, 12(4), January
Leach, Mike. (1997). ‘Manly, True, and White’: Masculine Identity and Australian Socialism. In G. Stokes ed. The Politics Of Identity in Australia. Melbourne: Cambridge University Press, pp. 63-77.
Levant, Ronald F., and William S. Pollack. (eds). (1995). A New Psychology of Men. Dunmore, PA: Basic Books.
Levant, Ronald F., with Gina Kopecky. (1996). Masculinity Reconstructed: Changing the Rules of Manhood at Work, in Relationships, and in Family Life. New York: Plume
Levit, Nancy. (1996). Feminism for Men: Legal Ideology and the Construction of Maleness. UCLA Law Review, 43(4)
Levit, Nancy. (1998). The Gender Line: Men, Women, and the Law. New York: New York University Press.
Lloyd, Trefor, and Tristan Wood. (eds). (1996). What Next For Men?. London: Working With Men.
Looker, Peter. (1994). Doing It With Your Mates: Connecting Aspects of Modern Australian Masculinity. In Headon, David, Hooton, Joy and Horne, Donald. (eds). The Abundant Culture: Meaning and Significance in Everyday Australia. Sydney: Allen and Unwin.
Louie, Kam, and Morris Low. (eds). (2003). Asian Masculinities: The meaning and practice of manhood in China and Japan. London & New York: Routledge Curzon.
Louie, Kam. (2002). Theorising Chinese Masculinity: Society and gender in China. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Lunbeck, Elizabeth. (1998). American Psychiatrists and the Modern Man, 1900 to 1920. Men and Masculinities, 1(1), July
Lusher, D., and G. Robins (2009). Hegemonic and Other Masculinities in Local Social Contexts. Men and Masculinities, 11(4): 387-423.
Mac an Ghaill, Mairtin. (1994). The Making of Men: Masculinities, Sexualities and Schooling. Buckingham: Open University Press
Mac an Ghaill, Mairtin. (1996). Irish Masculinities and Sexualities in England. In Adkins, Lisa and Mercant, Vicki. (eds). Sexualizing the Social: Power and the Organization of Sexuality, Hampshire & London: Macmillan
MacInnes, John. (1998). The End of Masculinity: The Confusion of Sexual Genesis and Sexual Difference in Modern Society. Buckingham & Philadelphia: Open University Press.
Mackay, F. (2021). Female Masculinities and the Gender Wars: The Politics of Sex. Bloomsbury Publishing.
MacKinnon, Kenneth. (1998). Uneasy Pleasures: The Male as Erotic Object. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
Magaraggia, S., Mauerer, G., & Schmidbaur, M. (Eds.). (2019). Feminist Perspectives on Teaching Masculinities: Learning Beyond Stereotypes. Routledge.
Introduction / Sveva Magaraggia, Gerlinde Mauerer, and Marianne Schmidbaur
PART I: Higher Education
1 The Power of Feminist Pedagogy in Challenging “Learnification” and the Neoliberal Ethos / Kristiina Brunila
2 The Queer Researcher: Challenging Homonormativity in Research and Educational Settings / Marco Bacio and Cirus Rinaldi
3 “Grandpa is Doing Okay”: Teaching Studies on Aging Men and Masculinities In Educational Sciences / Miranda Leontowitsch
PART II: New Caring Perspectives
4 Caring Masculinities in Action: Teaching Beyond and Against the Gender-Segregated Labor Market / Elli Scambor, Daniela Jauk, Marc Gärtner and Erika Bernacchi
5 Decision-Making in a Poster Competition on Caring Fathers in Austria: Gender Theoretical Reflections on Prize-winning Posters and Media Images / Gerlinde Mauerer
6 Communist Discourse on Fatherhood: Historical and Documentary Analyses of Chinese Magazines from 1949-1966 / Tingting Tan
PART III: Anti-Violence. Gender Transformative - Work with Men and Boys
7 Beyond the Civilizing Mission: Contradictions and Potentials of Gender-Transformative Work with Male Refugees / Paul Scheibelhofer and Philipp Leeb
8 Deploying Tradition: Harnessing Positive Aspects of Southern African Tradition to Dismantle Toxic Masculinity and Hegemony in Swaziland / John Warner and Tom Churchyard
9 Transforming Gender Norms in Rakai, Uganda: Involving Men and Boys in Intimate Partner Violence Prevention / Erika Bonnevie and Jennifer A. Wagman
Epilogue Undoing the Crisis of Masculinities: Analyzing Social Change from a Feminist Perspective / Mélanie Gourarier
Mahalik, James R., Benjamin D. Locke, Larry H. Ludlow, Matthew A. Diemer, Ryan P.J. Scott, Michael Gottfried, and Gary Freitas. (2003). Development of the Conformity to Masculine Norms Inventory. Psychology of Men & Masculinity. 4(1), pp. 3-25, January.
Maharaj, Zarina. (1995). A Social Theory of Gender: Connell’s Gender and Power. Feminist Review, No. 49, Spring
Malin, Brenton J. (2005). American Masculinity Under Clinton: Popular Media and the Nineties “Crisis of Masculinity.” New York: Peter Lang.
Mandziuk, R.M. (2000). Necessary Vigilance: Feminist critiques of masculinity. Critical Studies in Media Communication. 17(1):105-108, Mar.
Mangan, J.A. (ed). (1999). Shaping the Superman: Fascist body as political icon – Ayran fascism. Frank Cass.
Mangan, J.A. (ed). (2000). Making European Masculinities: Sport, Europe, Gender. Frank Cass.
Mangan, J.A. (ed). (2000). Superman Supreme: Fascist body as political icon – Global fascism. Frank Cass.
Mankowski, E. and K. Maton (2010). A Community Psychology of Men and Masculinity: Historical and Conceptual Review. American Journal of Community Psychology 45(1): 73-86.
Mansfield, Harvey C. (2006). Manliness. New Haven: Yale UP.
Marsden, John. (1998). Secret Men’s Business: Manhood: The Big Gig. Sydney: Pan Macmillan.
Marsiglio, William. (1998). Procreative Man. New York & London: New York University Press
1. Men and procreation.
2. Transformations of the procreative man.
3. Gender, sex, and reproduction.
4. Birth control.
5. Abortion and gender politics.
6. Pathways to paternity and social fatherhood.
7. The future of procreative man.
Martino, Wayne, and Bronwyn Mellor. (1995). Gendered Fictions. Cottelsoe, WA: Chalkface Press.
Mason-Grant. (2004). Masculinity. In Lorraine Code (ed.), Encyclopedia of Feminist Theories. London: Routledge, pp. 322-323.
Mattia, Di Joanna L. (2002). Dumbing Masculinity Studies Down. Politics and Culture 2. http://www.politicsandculture.org/2010/08/10/dumbing-masculinity-studie…
McCall, Nathan. (2004). Makes Me Wanna Holler: A Young Black Man in America.
McCloughry, Roy. (1992). Men and Masculinity: From Power to Love. London: Hodder & Stoughton.
McCormack, Matthew. (2007). Public Men: Masculinity and Politics in Modern Britain. Palgrave.
Introduction / M.McCormack.
Men, ‘the Public’ and Political History / M.McCormack.
Masculinity as Governance: Police, Public Service and the Embodiment of Authority, c. 1700-1850 / F.Dodsworth.
The Father Governor: the British Administration of Aboriginal People in Port Jackson, 1788-92 / S.Konishi.
‘A Gallant Nation’: Chivalric Masculinity and Irish Nationalism in the 1790s / C.Kennedy.
Politics, Portraiture and Power: Reassessing the Public Image of William Ewart Gladstone / R.Clayton Windscheffel.
W. L. Jackson, Exemplary Manliness and Late-Victorian Popular Conservatism / M.Roberts.
‘Quit Ye Like Men’: Platform Manliness and Electioneering, 1895-1939 / K.Good.
The Bermondsey By-Election and Leftist Attitudes to Homosexuality / L.Robinson.
Conclusion: Chronologies in the History of British Political Masculinities, c. 1700-2000 / M.McCormack & M.Roberts
McCracken, S. (2001). From Performance to Public Sphere: The Production of Modernist Masculinities. Textual Practice. 15(1):47-65, Spring.
McGinley, Ann C. (2016). Masculinity at Work: Employment Discrimination through a Different Lens. NYU Press.
McLean, Chris, Maggie Carey, and Cheryl White. (eds). (1996). Men’s Ways of Being. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press
Contents (partial list only).
Carey, Maggie -- Healing the Mother Wound / Carey, Maggie -- Perspectives on the Men’s Movement / Denborough, David -- Step by Step: Developing Respectful and Effective Ways of Working With Young Men to Reduce Violence / Hall, Rob -- Partnership Accountability / Jenkins, Alan -- Moving Towards Respect: A Quest for Balance / Law, Ian -- Adopting the Principle of Pro-feminism / McLean, Chris -- Boys and Education in Australia / McLean, Chris -- The Politics of Men’s Pain / Smith, Gregory -- Dichotomies in the Making of Men / Tamasese, Kiri and Waldegrave, Charles -- Cultural and Gender Accountability in the Just Therapy Approach / White, Michael -- Men’s Culture, the Men’s Movement, and the Constitution of Men’s Lives.
McLean, Chris, Maggie Carey, and Cheryl White. (eds). (1996). Men’s Ways of Being. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press
McLean, Chris. The Politics of Men’s Pain.
Smith, Gregory. Dichotomies in the Making of Men.
McMahon, Anthony. (1993). Male Readings of Feminist Theory: The Psychologization of Sexual Politics in the Masculinity Literature. Theory and Society, 22, pp. 675-695
McMahon, Anthony. (1998). Blokus Domesticus: The Sensitive New Age Guy in Australia. Journal of Australian Studies, No. 56.
McMahon, Anthony. (1999). Taking Care of Men: Sexual Politics in the Public Mind. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
McMillan, Peter. (1992). Men, Sex & Other Secrets. Melbourne: Text Publishing Company.
MenEngage. (2014). Men, Masculinities, and Changing Power: A Discussion Paper on Engaging Men in Gender Equality from Beijing 1995 to 2015. New York: UNFPA. URL: https://www.unfpa.org/resources/men-masculinities-and-changing-power.
Meridian. (1996). Special Issue: Masculinities, 15(2), October.
Elliott, Anthony. The Ideology of Sexual Difference.
Wiltshire, John. Becoming a Man: From Macbeth to Muscle.
Donald, Tania. Treasure Island: A Book for Boys?.
Hammerton, A. James. ‘Men as well as Clerks’: Normative Masculinity in the English middle-Class 1870-1920.
Lucas, Rose. Dragging It Out: Tales of Masculinity in Australian Cinema.
Morissey, Philip. Fighting Men: Race, Sport and Masculinity.
Langer, Beryl. Hard-boiled and soft-boiled: Masculinity and Nation in Canadian and American Crime Fiction.
Crowle, Christine. Dangerous Crossings: The Phallic Order and Sex-Change.
Messerschmidt, James W. (1993). Masculinities and Crime: Critique and Reconceptualization of Theory. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
Messerschmidt, James W. (2015). Masculinities in the Making: From the Local to the Global. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers;
1. Hegemony and Beyond
2. Masculinities as Structured Action
3. Wimps: Sam and Jerry
4. Genderqueers: Jessie and Morgan
5. Presidents: Bush and Obama.
Messner, M., and N. Solomon, N. (2007). Social Justice and Men’s Interests: The case of Title IX. Journal of Sport and Social Issues, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 162-78.
Messner, Michael A. (1998). The Limits of ‘The Male Sex Role’: An Analysis of the Men’s Liberation and Men’s Rights Movements’ Discourse. Gender & Society, 12(3), June
Meuser, Michael. (1998). Geschlecht und Maennlichkeit. Soziologische Theorie und kulturelle Deutungsmuster (Gender and Masculinity: Sociological theory and cultural patterns of interpretation). Opladen: Leske and Budrich.
Meyer, Bente, and Susanne V. Knudsen. (2002). Nora, Special issue: Gender, Men and Masculinities. 10(2).
Introduction: Gender, men and masculinities / Jeff Hearn and Emmi Lattu.
Men’s violence, men’s parenting and gender politics in Sweden / Maria Eriksson.
Doing masculinities in organizational restructuring / Elin Kvande.
Middleton, Peter. (1992). The Inward Gaze: Masculinity and Subjectivity in Modern Culture. London: Routledge
Miedzian, Myriam. (1991). Boys Will Be Boys: Breaking the Link Between Masculinity and Violence. New York: Doubleday
Miles, E. F. (2017). Men of No Value: Contemporary Japanese Manhood and the Economies of Intimacy. Yale University.
Ministry of Health and Social Affairs (Equality Affairs Division), Sweden. (1995). Men on Men: Eight Swedish Men’s Personal Views on Equality, Masculinity and Parenthood. Sweden (trans. David Canter and Rebecka Charan).
Mirande, Alfredo. (1997). Hombres Y Machos: Masculinity and Latino Culture. Westview Press.
Moffatt, Ken. (ed.). (2012). Troubled Masculinities: Reimagining Urban Men. University of Toronto Press, Scholarly Publishing Division.
One: The Mestizo refuses to confess: Masculinity from the standpoint of a Latin American Man in Toronto;
Two: Yearning to break silence: Reflections on the functions of male silence;
Three: Instruction in the art of the masculine: The art of Daryl Vocat;
Four: Troubling role models: Seeing racialization in the discourse relating to ‘corrective agents’ for Black males;
Five: Queering Asian masculinities and transnationalism: Implications for anti-oppression and consciousness raising;
Six: “Keeping it real”: The art of the masculine;
Seven: Dancing without a floor: The artist’s politic of queer club space;
Eight: Boy to the Power of Three: Toronto’s Drag Kings;
Nine: Eyes of Excess: the darkness and the fire at the centre of growing up male in Toronto in the 1950s and 1960s.
Moller, M. (2007). Exploiting Patterns: A Critique of Hegemonic Masculinity. Journal of Gender Studies, 16(3): 263-276.
Moore, Clive, and Kay Saunders. (eds). (1998). Journal of Australian Studies, Special Issue: Australian Masculinities - Men and their Histories, No. 56
Guest editorial: Australian masculinities / Moore, Clive.
Commanding men: Masculinities and the convict system / Evans, Raymond and Thorpe, Bill.
Colonial manhood and masculinities / Moore, Clive.
Playing fields through to battle fields: The development of Australian sporting manhood in its imperial context, circa 1850-1918 / Adair, Daryl et. al.
The Australian legend: Writing Australian masculinity/writing ‘Australian masculine’ / Murrie, Linzi.
Lovable larrikins and awful ockers / Rickard, John.
War and masculinity in twentieth century Australia / Garton, Stephen.
‘Specimens of superb manhood’: The lifesaver as national icon / Saunders, Kay.
Percy Grainger and Manliness / Pear, David.
Fantasy worlds: The depiction of women and the mating game in men’s magazines in the 1950s / Laurie, Ross.
‘So tough’? Masculinity and rock’n’roll culture in post-war Australia / Evans, Raymond.
Dragging it out: Tales of masculinity in Australian cinema, from Crocodile Dundee to Priscilla, Queen of the Desert / Lucas, Rose.
Blokus domesticus: The Sensitive New Age Guy in Australia / McMahon, Anthony.
Behaving outrageously: Contemporary gay masculinity / Moore, Clive.
Changing masculinities: Disruption and anxiety in contemporary Australian writing / Murrie, Linzi.
Morgan, David. (1992). Discovering Men. London: Routledge
Morgan, David. (1996). Learning To Be a Man: Dilemmas and Contradictions of Masculine Experience. Chapter 4 in Luke, Carmen. (ed.). Feminisms and Pedagogies of Everyday Life. New York: State University of New York Press.
Morrell, R., Jewkes, R. & Lindegger, G. (2012). Hegemonic Masculinity/Masculinities in South Africa: Culture, Power, and Gender Politics. Men & Masculinities, 15(1) 11-30.
Morrell, R., Jewkes, R., Lindegger , G., & Hamlall, V. (2013) Hegemonic Masculinity: Reviewing the Gendered Analysis of Men’s Power in South Africa. South African Review of Sociology, 44, 3-21.
Morrell, Robert. (ed). (2001). Changing Men in Southern Africa. Sage.
The Times of Change: Men and Masculinity in Southern Africa - Robert Morrell.
1. Gun Violence and Masculinity in Contemporary South Africa - Jacklyn Cock.
2. Ukubekezela or Ukuzithemba: African Life Savers In Durban - Crispin Hemson.
3. ‘Man, gun and horse’: Hard Right Afrikaner Masculine Identity in Post-Apartheid South Africa - Sandra Swart.
4. Making Waves, Making Men: The Emergence of Competitive Surfing Masculinity in South Africa During the Late 1970s - Glen Thompson.
5. Masculinity and its Malcontents: The Confrontation between ‘Struggle Masculinity’ and ‘Post-Struggle Masculinity’. (1990-1997) - Thokozani Xaba.
6. Locusts fall from the sky: Manhood and Migrancy in KwaZulu - Benedict Carton.
7. Jandamarra, my Great-Grandfather and the British Empire: Reflections on Colonial War, Family History and the Making of Men and Women - Jon Hyslop.
8. Puritanism Transformed: Afrikaner Masculinities in the Apartheid and Post- Apartheid Period - Kobus Du Pisani.
9. Men Rule, but Blood Speaks: Gender, Identity, and Kinship at the Installation of a Female Chief in Matabeleland, Zimbabwe - Bjorn Lindgren.
10. ‘Men amongst Men’: Masculinity and Zulu Nationalism in the 1980s - Thembisa Waetjen and Gerhard Mare.
11. Disappointed Men: Masculine Myths and Hybrid Identities in Windermere - Sean Field.
12. ‘The Beer Drinkers Say I had a Nice Prostitute, but the Church Goers Talk About Things Spiritual’: Learning to be Men at a Teachers’ College in Zimbabwe - Rob Pattman.
13. Between ‘Ouens@: Everyday Makings of Black Masculinity - Kopano Ratele.
14. ‘Simply the Best’: Soweto Flying Squad, Professional Masculinities and the Rejection of Machismo - Joan Wardrop.
15. ‘Going Underground and Going after Women’: Masculinity and HIV Transmission amongst Black Workers on the Gold Mines - Catherine Campbell.
16. Mkhumbane and New Traditions of (Un)African Same-Sex Weddings - Ronald Louw.
17. Black Migrant Mine Labourers and the Vicissitudes of Male Desire - Dunbar Moodie.
18. ‘Dangerous’ Love: Reflections on Violence among Xhosa Township Youth - Kate Wood and Rachel Jewkes.
Afterword - Michael Kimmel.
Morris, Edward W., and Freedan Blume Oeur. (eds.). (2018). Unmasking Masculinities: Men and Society. Sage.
Part I. Theories of Masculinity
1. The Social Organization of Masculinity’ / Raewyn Connell
2. ‘Welcome to the Men’s Club: Homosociality and the Maintenance of Hegemonic Masculinity’ / Sharon R. Bird
3. ‘Men, Masculinity, and Manhood Acts’ / Douglas Schrock and Michael Schwalbe
4. ‘Inclusive Masculinity Theory’ / Eric Anderson
5. ‘Hybrid Masculinities: New Directions in the Sociology of Men and Masculinities’ / Tristan Bridges and C.J. Pascoe
Part II. Representations of Masculinity6. ‘Post-Princess Models of Gender: The New Man in Disney/Pixar’ / Ken Gillam and Shannon R. Wooden
7. ‘‘Cowboy Up!’ Non-Hegemonic Representations of Masculinity in Children’s Television Programming’ / Kristen Myers
8. ‘‘We Wear No Pants’: Selling the Crisis of Masculinity in the 2010 Super Bowl Commercials’ / Kyle Green and Madison van Oort
9. ‘Bitch, Slut, Skank, Cunt: Patterned Resistance to Women’s Visibility in Digital Publics’ / Sarah Sobieraj
10. ‘#TheFappening: Virtual Manhood Acts in (Homo)Social Media.’ / Mairead Eastin Moloney and Tony P. LovePart III. Politics and Nationhood
11. ‘Theodore Roosevelt: Manhood, Nation, and ‘Civilization’’ / Gail Bederman
12. ‘Our First Unisex President? Black Masculinity and Obama’s Feminine Side’ / Frank Rudy Cooper
13. ‘The Masculinity of the Governator: Muscle and Compassion in American Politics’ / Michael A. Messner
14. “‘White Men are this Nation’: Right-Wing Militias and the Restoration of Rural American Masculinity’ / Michael Kimmel and Abby L. Ferber
15. ‘Mourning Mayberry: Guns, Masculinity, and Socioeconomic Decline’ / Jennifer Carlson
Part IV. Masculine Strategies16. ‘The Sanctity of Sunday Football: Why Men Love Sports’ / Douglas Hartmann
17. ‘Getting in Trouble’ / Ann A. Ferguson18. ‘Epic Glory and Manhood Acts in Fantasy Role-Playing: Dagorhir as a Case Study’ / James S. Martin, Christian A. Vacarro, D. Alex Heckert, and Robert Heasley
19. ‘‘I Kick It to Both, But Not in the Street’: Behaviorally Bisexual Latino Men, Gender, and the Sexual Geography of New York City Metropolitan Area’ / Miguel Mu–oz-Laboy, Nicolette Severson, Jonathan Garcia, Richard G. Parker, and Patrick Wilson
20. ‘Economic Shifts, Consumption of Sex, and Compensatory Masculinity in Japan’ / Kumiko Nemoto
Part V. Relationships and Intimacy21. ‘Hooking Up: Sex in Guyland’ / Michael Kimmel
22. ‘Stigma and Status: Interracial Intimacy and Intersectional Identities among Black College Men’ / Amy C. Wilkins
23. ‘Fight or Flight’ / Kathryn Edin and Timothy J. Nelson
24. ‘The ‘Second-Wife’ Phenomenon and the Relational Construction of Class-Coded Masculinities in Contemporary China’ / Suowei Xiao
25. ‘Beyond Stoic Salarymen: Inside South Korea’s Father School Movement’ / Allen J. KimPart VI. Shifting Masculinities?26. ‘Look at My Masculinity! Girls Who Act Like Boys’ / C.J. Pascoe
27. ‘Just One of the Guys? How Transmen Make Gender Visible at Work.’ / Kristen Schilt
28. ‘‘Josh Wears Pink Cleats’’: Inclusive Masculinity on the Soccer Field.’ / Adi Adams
29. ‘Bud-Sex: Constructing Normative Masculinity among Rural Straight Men That Have Sex With Men’ / Tony Silva
30. ‘A Very ‘Gay’ Straight? Hybrid masculinities, Sexual Aesthetics, and the Changing Relationship between Masculinity and Homophobia’ / Tristan Bridges
Part VII. Power, Violence, and Resistance31. ‘Managing Emotional Manhood: Fighting and Fostering Fear in Mixed Martial Arts.’ / Christian A. Vaccaro, Douglas P. Schrock, and Janice M. McCabe
32. ‘Masculinities in Motion: Latino Men and Violence in Kentucky.” / Cristina M. Alcalde
33. ‘Reaching Out and Digging In: A Global Perspective on Engaging Men in Gender-Based Violence Prevention’ / Juliana Carlson
34. ‘The Former Lives of Anti-Sexist Men’ / Max Greenberg35. ‘College Men, Hypermasculinity, and Sexual Violence’ / Richard Mora and Mary Christianakis.
Mort, Frank. (1996). Cultures of Consumption: Commerce, Masculinities and Social Space in Late Twentieth Century Britain. Routledge.
Morton, Tom. (1997). Altered Mates: The Man Question. Sydney: Allen & Unwin
Mosse, George L. (1998). The Image of Man: The Creation of Modern Masculinity. Oxford University Press.
Mottier, V. (2002). Masculine domination: gender and power in Bourdieu’s writings. Feminist Theory, 3(3): 345-359.
Ms Magazine. (1997). Special Issue: Do Men Get It?. Vol. VIII No. 3, November/December
Kimmel, Michael. Real Men Join the Movement.
Johnson, Allan G. Can Men Take Responsibility for the Patriarchy?.
Ms roundtable: Men talk About Women, Feminism, Fatherhood, and Masculinity.
Murphy, Kevin P. (2008). Political Manhood: Red bloods, mollycoddles, & the politics of progressive era reform. New York: Columbia University Press.
Murphy, Peter F. (2001). Studs, Tools, and the Family Jewels: Metaphors Men Live By. Madison, Wis.: University of Wisconsin Press.
Sex as machine.
Sex as work and labor.
Sex as sport.
Sex as war and conquest.
Sex as exclusively heterosexual.
Insidious humor and the construction of masculinity.
From theory to practice: new metaphors of masculinity.
Murray, Rolland. (2005). How the Conjure-Man Gets Busy: Cultural Nationalism, Masculinity, and Performativity. Yale Journal of Criticism, Fall, Vol. 18, Iss. 2.
Nagel, Elizabeth, Rachel Kalish, and Michael Kimmel. (2015). Masculinity, Scripts of. In Wright, James D. (ed.). International encyclopedia of the social & behavioral sciences. 2nd edition.Nardi, Peter M. (ed.). (2000). Gay Masculinities. Thousand Oaks. Calif.: Sage Publications (Research on Men and Masculinities Series).
Pt. 1. Masculinities in Gay Relationships Pt. 2. Masculinities in Everyday Gay Life Pt. 3. Masculinities in Diverse Gay Groups
1. ‘Anything for a Sis, Mary’: An Introduction to Gay Masculinities / Nardi, Peter M.
2. Seeking Sexual Lives: Gay Youth and Masculinity Tensions / Mutchler, Matt G.
3. ‘One of the Guys’: Instrumentality and Intimacy in Gay Men’s Friendships With Straight Men / Fee, Dwight.
4. Gay Male Domestic Violence and the Pursuit of Masculinity / Cruz, J. Michael.
5. Risk and Masculinity in the Everyday Lives of Gay Men / Linneman, Thomas J.
6. Religion and Masculinity in Latino Gay Lives / Rodriguez, Eric M; Ouellette, Suzanne C.
7. Masculinity in the Age of AIDS: HIV-Seropositive Gay Men and the ‘Buff Agenda’ / Halkitis, Perry N.
8. Queer Sexism: Rethinking Gay Men and Masculinity / Ward, Jane.
9. Masculinity Among Working-Class Gay Males / Barrett, Donald C.
10. Asian American Gay Men’s (Dis)claim on Masculinity / Han, Shinhee.
11. Entre Hombres/Between Men: Latino Masculinities and Homosexualities / Cantu, Lionel.
12. Gay Female Impersonators and the Masculine Construction of ‘Other’ / Schacht, Steven P.
Neal, Mark A. (2005). New Black Man: Rethinking black masculinity.
Neal, Mark Anthony. (2013). Looking for Leroy: Illegible Black Masculinities.
Nelson, Dana. (1998). National Manhood: Capitalist Citizenship and the Imagined Fraternity of White Men. Durham and London: Duke University Press.
New, Caroline. (2001). Oppressed and Oppressors? The Systematic Mistreatment of Men. Sociology. 35(3):729-748, August.
Newberger, Eli H. (1999). The Men They Will Become: The Nature and Nurture of Male Character. New York: Perseus.
Newburn, Tim, and Elizabeth A. Stanko. (eds). (1994). Just Boys Doing Business? Men, Masculinities and Crime. London: Routledge
Newburn, Tim, and George Mairi. (eds). (1996). Working With Men. Dorset: Russell House Publishing.
Newkirk, Thomas. (2003). Misreading Masculinity: Boys, Literacy, and Popular Culture.
Prologue: The Believing Game
1. The “Crisis” in Boyhood
2. Making Sense of the Gender Gap
3. The Case Against Literacy
4. Taste and Distaste
5. Violence and Innocence
6. Misreading Violence
7. Making Way for Captain Underpants
8. A Big Enough Room
Newton, Judith. (1998). White Guys. Feminist Studies, 24(3), Fall.
Nichols, K. (2018). Moving Beyond Ideas of Laddism: Conceptualising ‘Mischievous Masculinities’ as a New Way of Understanding Everyday Sexism and Gender Relations. Journal of Gender Studies, 27(1), 73-85.
Nordic Journal for Masculinity Studies, Vol. 1, Issue 1, 2006;
Ekenstam, Claes / The History and Future of Studies on Men and Masculinity: Some Theoretical Reflections.
Holgersson, Charlotte / Homosociality as a gendered process.
Olsen, Bente Marianne and Helene Aarseth / Food and Masculinity in Late Modern Family Life.
Hearn, Jeff and Hertta Niemi / Is There a “Men’s Movement” in Finland?: The State of Men’s Gender-conscious Organising.
Jóhannesson, Ingólfur Ásgeir / To Be a Male Role Model – Or To Be a Teacher: Notes on the Discourse About Men Primary Teachers in Iceland.
Nordic Journal for Masculinity Studies, Vol. 1, Issue 2, 2006;
Niels Ulrik Sørensen / On the Edge The Aestheticization of the Masculine and the Heterosexual among Young Men in a Late-modern City.
Ilana Aalto / Self-evident, Unchanging, and Universal? Deconstructing interpretations of the history of fatherhood.
Taina Kinnunen and Jan Wickman / Pin-Up Warriors.
Jens Ljunggren / Unmanliness, a strategy for superiority? Divergent masculinities and the positioning of the masculine self, the example Fredrik Böök.
Nordic Journal for Masculinity Studies, Vol. 2, Issue 1, 2007;
Linn Egeberg Holmgren / Killing Bill - men as rebellious feminists in the politics of passing.
Michael Meuser / Serious Games Competition and the homosocial construction of masculinity.
Lena Abrahamsson and Margaret Somerville / Changing storylines and masculine bodies in Australian coal mining organizations.
Nordic Journal for Masculinity Studies, Vol. 2, Issue 2, 2007;
Linn Sandberg / Ancient monuments, mature men and those popping amphetamine: Researching the lives of older men.
Lucas Forsberg / Negotiating involved fatherhood: Household work, childcare and spending time with children.
Dag Balkmar / Implicit men in traffic safety discourse: A life course perspective on (auto)mobility, violations and interventions.
Kjerstin Andersson / To slap a “Kraxelhora”: Violence as category-bound activity in young men’s talk.
Paul Horton / Searching for traces of hegemonic masculinity in a New Zealand school setting.
Nordic Journal for Masculinity Studies, Vol. 3, Issue 1, 2008;
Thomas Johansson / The Full Monty – Masculinity undressed.
Ericka Johnson / Chemistries of Love. Impotence, erectile dysfunction and Viagra in Läkartidningen.
Henrik Eriksson, Jonas Sandberg and Keith Pringle / ‘It feels like a defoliation…’: Older men’s notions of informal support as primary caregivers.
Thomas Ugelvik / Reach the top, go down the river: Towards a vocabulary for male identity work.
Nordic Journal for Masculinity Studies, Vol. 3, Issue 2, 2008;
Teemu Tallberg and Johanna Valenius with Anders Ahlbäck, Ville Kivimäki and Jarna Soilevuo Grønnerød / Men, Militaries and Civilian Societies in Interaction.
Lee Jones / ‘The Others’: Gender and Conscientious Objection in the First World War.
Anders Ahlbäck and Ville Kivimäki / Masculinities at War: Finland 1918–1950.
Henri Myrttinen / Striking Poses – Notes on the Performances of Violent Masculinities in Conflict Situations.
Victoria Basham / Everyday Gendered Experiences and the Discursive Construction of Civilian and Military Identities in Britain.
Torunn Laugen Haaland / Invisible women and friendly war-fighters: Perceptions of gender and masculinities in the Norwegian armed forces.
Norton, J. (1991). My Love, She Speaks Like Silence: Men, Sex and Subjectivity. Melbourne Journal of Politics, Vol. 20
Norwood, Stephen H. (2002). Strikebreaking and Intimidation: Mercenaries and Masculinity in Twentieth Century America. Univ of North Carolina Press.
Novikova, I., and D. Kambourov. (eds.). (2003). Men in the Global World: Integrating Post-Socialist Perspectives. Helsinki: Kikimora Publications.
Nye, Robert A. (1993). Masculinity and Male Codes of Honour in Modern France. Oxford University Press.
Nylund, David. (2007). Beer, Babes, and Balls: Masculinity and Sports Talk Radio. New York: State University of New York Press.
O’Donnell, Anthony. (1997). Redesigning Men (Review Essay), Meridian, 16(2), October
O’Neil, J. M. (2008). Summarizing 25 Years of Research on Men’s Gender Role Conflict Using the Gender Role Conflict Scale: New Research Paradigms and Clinical Implications. The Counseling Psychologist, 36(3): 358-445.
Olson, Richard P. (1998). A Different Kind of Man: Changing Male Roles in Today’s World. Judson.
Ouzgane, Lahoucine (ed.). (2006). Islamic Masculinities. London and New York: Zed Books.
Islamic Masculinities: an introduction - Lahoucine Ouzgane.
Part I: Masculinities and Religion.
1. Gender and Islamic Spirituality: A Psychological View of ‘Low’ Fundamentalism - Durre S. Ahmed.
2. The Smile of Death and the Solemncholy of Masculinity - Banu Helvacioglu.
3. Alternate Images of the Prophet Muhammad’s Virility - Ruth Roded.
4. The Trial of Heritage and the Legacy of Abraham - Najat Rahman.
Part II: Masculinities and the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict.
5. My wife is from the jinn: Palestinian men, diaspora, and love - Celia Rothenberg.
6. Chasing Horses, Eating Arabs - Rob K. Baum.
7. Stranger Masculinities: Gender and Politics in a Palestinian-Israeli ‘Third Space’ - Daniel Monterescu.
Part III: Masculinities and Social Practice.
8. Gender, Power and Social Change in Morocco - Don Conway-Long.
9. Masculinity and Gender Violence in Yemen - Mohammed Baobaid.
10. Opportunities for Masculinity and Love: Cultural Production in Ba’thist Iraq during the 1980s - Achim Rohde.
11. On Being Homosexual and Muslim: Conflicts and Challenges - Asifa Siraj.
12. “The Worms Are Weak”: Male Infertility and Patriarchal Paradoxes in Egypt - Marcia C. Inhorn.
Ouzgane, Lahoucine. (ed). (2003). Men and Masculinities, Special Issue: Islamic Masculinities. 5(3), January.
Islamic masculinities: Introduction / Lahoucine Ouzgane.
“The worms are weak”: Male infertility and patriarchal paradoxes in Egypt / Marcia C. Inhorn.
Mullahs, martyrs, and men: Conceptualizing masculinity in the Islamic Republic of Iran / Shain Gerami.
Building a man on stage: Masculinity, romance, and performance according to Farid al-Atrash / Sherifa Zuhur.
The trial of heritage and the legacy of Abraham / Najat Rahman.
Gender (and) imperialism: Structures of masculinity in Tayeb Salih’s Season of Migration to the North / Wail S. Hassan.
Oxfam. (ed.). (1997). Men and Masculinity. Oxford: Oxfam (UK and Ireland) (originally published in Gender and Development, vol. 5 no. 2).
Editorial / Sweetman, Caroline.
Men, Masculinity, and ‘Gender in Development’ / Cornwall, Andrea.
Men, Masculinities and the Politics of Development / White, Sarah C.
Disintegration Conflicts and the Restructuring of Masculinity / Large, Judith.
The Role of Men in Families: Achieving Gender Equity and Supporting Children / Engle, Patrice L.
Violence, Rape and Sexual Coercion: Everyday Love in a South African Township / Wood, Katherine and Rachel Jewkes.
‘Crabs in a bucket’: Reforming Male Identities in Trinidad / Sampath, Niels.
Gender Workshops With Men: Experiences and Reflections / Bhasin, Kamla.
New Masculinity: A Different Route / Falabella, Gonzalo G.
Parpart, Jane L., and Marysia Zalewski. (eds). (2008). Rethinking the Man Question: Sex, Gender, and Violence in International Relations. London: Zed Books.
Preface: The Man Question, Gender and Global Power - Raewyn Connell
Introduction - Rethinking the Man Question - Marysia Zalewski and Jane Parpart
1. Cognitive Shortcuts - Kimberly Hutchings
2. Interrogating White Male Privilege - Kevin Dunn
3. The Machine in the May - Terrell Carver
4. Bodies of Technology and the Politics of Flesh - Cristina Masters
5. Militarized Masculinity and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - Sandra Whitworth
6. Contesting the Masculine State - Daniel Conway
7. National Myths and the Creation of Heroes - Jamie Munn
8. ‘Porno-Nationalism’ and the Male Subject - Dibyesh Anand
9. Masculinity/ies, Gender and Violence in the Struggle for Zimbabwe - Jane Parpart
Afterword - Cynthia Enloe
Pascoe, C.J., and Tristan Bridges. (eds.) (2015). Exploring Masculinities: Identity, Inequality, Continuity and Change. New York: Oxford University Press.
Patton, Paul, and Ross Poole. (eds). (1985). War/Masculinity. Sydney: Intervention Publications
Masculinity, Violence and War / Connell, R.W.
Working Class Boys and Crime: Theorising the Class/Gender Mix / Cunneen, Chris.
Pearce, Sharyn, and Vivienne Muller. (eds). (2002). Manning the Next Millennium: Studies in Masculinities. Black Swan Press.
R.W. Connell – Masculinities: The Global Dimension.
Sharyn Pearce and Vivienne Muller.
David Buchbinder – Unruly Age: Representing the Aging Male Body.
Gary Ianziti – Unpacking the Codpiece.
Kerry Mallan – Just Looking? The Body, The Gaze, and the Male Artist.
Cassandra Loeser – Bounded Bodies, Mobile Selves: The Significance of the Muscular Body in Young Hearing-Impaired Men’s Constructions of Masculinity.
John Oliffe – In Search of a Social Model of Prostate Cancer: Finding Out About Bronch.
Brennen Shaw – It’s a Man’s Beach: Gender Dynamics in Australian Surf Life Saving Culture.
Cameron Boyd – Transmission Accomplished?: The Implications of Theories of Inter-Generational Transmission of Violence for Boys Who Live With Domestic Violence.
Heather Scutter – The Country of Feral Boys.
Vivienne Muller – Spacing the Body, Shaping the Self: Spaces and Bodies in the Formation of the Male Subject in David Malouf’s 12 Edmondstone Street.
Priscilla Walton – Queering Oral History: Vietnam and Katherine V. Forrest’s Liberty Square.
Natasha Cortis and Eileen Newmarch – Boys in Schools: What’s Happening?.
Martin Mills – Boys, Schooling and Backlash Politics.
Helen Hatchell – Masculinities And Adolescent Males At School: Disrupting Or Recreating Homophobic Discourses.
Michael Flood – Between Men and Masculinity: An Assessment of the Term ‘Masculinity’ in Recent Scholarship on Men (pp. 203-213).
Ben Wadham – What Does the White Man Want? White Masculinities and Aboriginal Reconciliation.
Kay Saunders and Katie McConnel – The Men Behind Pauline Hanson: Problematic Masculinity and Queensland Politics.
Karen Brooks and Chris McConville – ‘Wussy Boys’: The Re-modelling of Masculinity in the New Millennium.
Sharyn Pearce – Boys Behaving Badly?: Treating American Pie as a New Millennium Sex Manual.
Kelly Farrell – Keeping Mum About Dad: Maternity, Masculinity and Masquerade in Hollywood Films of the 90s.
Pease, Bob, and Keith Pringle. (eds). (2002). A Man’s World: Changing Men’s Practices in a Globalized World. London: Zed Books.
Pease, Bob. (1996). Reforming Men: Masculine Subjectivities and the Politics and Practices of Profeminism. PhD thesis. Melbourne: Graduate School of Social Work, Faculty of Social Sciences, La Trobe University
Pease, Bob. (1997). Men and Sexual Politics: Towards a Profeminist Practice. Adelaide: Dulwich Centre Publications.
Men’s Groups: Limitations and Political Potential / Masculinity and Health: The Emotional and Physical costs of Dominance / Understanding Men’s Lives: From Mythopoetic to Sociopolitical Perspectives / Men’s festivals: Experiencing the Contradictions / Men Against Sexual Assault: Organising Men Against Sexual Violence / Patriarchy Awareness Education: Education to Make a Difference / Programs for Men Who are Violent: Issues, Dilemmas and Priorities / Challenging Internalised Domination in Social Work Education / Teaching Anti-Patriarchal Men’s Studies / Researching Men’s Lives From a Pro-feminist Perspective.
Pease, Bob. (2006). Governing men and boys in public policy in Australia. In Analysing Social Policy: A Governmental Approach. Greg Marston, and Catherine McDonald, (eds). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar: 127-143.
Penley, Constance, and Sharon Willis. (eds). (1993). Male Trouble. Minneapolis & London: University of Minnesota Press.
Petersen, Alan. (2003). Research on Men and Masculinities: Some Implications of Recent Theory for Future Work. Men and Masculinities, 6(1), July.
Pfeffer, C. A., Rogalin, C. L., & Gee, C. A. (2016). Masculinities through a cross‐disciplinary lens: lessons from sociology and psychology. Sociology Compass, 10(8), 652-672.
Pfeil, Fred. (1995). Sympathy for the Devils: Notes on Some White Guys in the Ridiculous Class War. New Left Review, No. 213, September/October.
Pfeil, Fred. (1995). White Guys: Studies in Postmodern Domination and Difference. London & New York: Verso.
Phillips, Angela. (1993). The Trouble With Boys: Parenting the Men of the Future. London: Pandora.
Pitts, M. (2019). A New Man: Feminist Utopias and the Representation of Alternative Masculinities. University of Arkansas.
Pleck, J. H. (1995). The Gender Role Strain Paradigm: An Update. In A New Psychology of Men, edited by R. L. Levant and W. S. Pollack, 1–32. New York: Basic Books.
Pleck, J. H., F. L. Sonenstein, and L. C. Ku. (1994). Problem Behaviours and Masculinity Ideology in Adolescent Males. In Adolescent Problem Behaviours: Issues and Research, edited by R. D. Ketterlinus and M. E. Lamb, 165–186. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Pleck, Joseph H., Freya Lund Sonenstein, and Leighton C. Ku. (1993). Masculinity Ideology and its Correlates. In Oskamp, Stuart and Costanzo, Mark. (eds). Gender Issues in Contemporary Society. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Plummer, David. (1999). One of the Boys: Masculinity, Homophobia, and Modern Manhood. New York: Harrington Park Press.
Porter, David. (ed.). (1992). Between Men and Feminism. London & New York: Routledge
Potts, Annie. (2001). The Man With Two Brains: Hegemonic Masculine Subjectivity and the Discursive Construction of the Unreasonable Penis-Self. Journal of Gender Studies, Volume 10, Number 2, July, pp. 145-156.
Poudyal, R. (2000). Alternative Masculinities in South Asia - An Exploration Through Films for Schools. IDS Bulletin-Institute of Development Studies. 31(2):75-+, April.
Poulson-Bryant, Scott. (2005). Hung: A Meditation on the Measure of Black Men in America. Doubleday.
Prime, Jeanine, and Corinne A. Moss-Racusin. (2009). Engaging Men in Gender Initiatives: What Change Agents Need to Know. Catalyst.
Pringle, Keith. (1995). Men, Masculinities and Social Welfare. London: UCL Press
Quayson, Valentina Napolitano. (2005). Social Suffering and Embodied States of Male Transnational Migrancy in San Francisco, California. Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power, Volume 12, Number 3, July-September, pp. 335-362.
Rabinowitz, Fredric E., and Sam V. Cochran. (1994). Man Alive: A Primer of Men’s Issues. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.
Ramazanoglu, Caroline. (1992). What Can You Do With a Man? Feminism and the Critical Appraisal of Masculinity. Women’s Studies International Forum, 15(3), pp. 339-350.
Ramirez, Rafael L. (1999). What it Means To Be a Man: Reflections on Puerto Rican Masculinity. (trans. Rosa E. Casper), Rutgers University Press.
Ramsay, C. (2011) Making It Like a Man: Canadian masculinity in practice. Wilfrid Laurier University: Waterloo.
Introduction | Christine Ramsay
Section One: Identity, Agency and Manliness in the Colonial and the National
1 Ken Wilson | Carnival and Masculinity in the Travel Fiction of James De Mille
2 Jarett Henderson | “No Money, But Muscle and Pluck”: Cultivating Trans-Imperial Manliness for the Fields of Empire, 1870–1901
3 Michael Brendan Baker | Who’s on the Home Front? Canadian Masculinity in the NFB’s WWW II Series Canada Carries On
Section Two: Emotional Geographies of Anxiety, Eros and Impairment
4 David Garneau | Making Art Like a Man!
5 Piet Defraeye | “Above Mere Men”: The Heterogeneous Male in Attila Richard Lukacs
6 Christina Stojanova | Stranger than Paradise: Immigration and Impaired Masculinities
Section Three: The Minority Male
7 D.L. McGregor and Sheila Petty | “The Hood” Reconfigured: Black Masculinity in Rude
8 Charity Marsh | “Keepin it Real”? Masculinity, Indigeneity, and Media Representations of Gangsta’ Rap in Regina
9 Peter Cumming | Fixing Stories “Is Sure a Lot of Work”: Watching the “Men’s Dance” in Medicine River and Green Grass, Running Water
10 Nicole Côté, | Masculinity in a Minority Setting: The Emblematic Body in Simone Chaput’s Le coulonneux
Section Four: Capitalized, Corporatized, Compromised Men
11 Kit Dobson | The Politics of Marginalization at the Centre: Canadian Masculinities and Global Capitalism in Douglas Coupland’s Generation X
12 Sally S. Hayward Dangerous Homosexualities and Disturbing Masculinities: The Disabling Rhetoric of Difference in Barbara Gowdy’s Mister Sandman
Section Five: Abject Masculinities
13 Thomas Waugh | What Do Heterosexual Men Want? Or “The (Wandering) Queer Eye on the (Straight) Guy”‘
14 Bobby Noble | Boy to the Power of Three: Toronto’s Drag Kings
15 Christine Ramsay | Life Without Death? Space, Affect and Masculine Identity in the Work of Frank Cole
Rayner, Jennifer. (2018). Blue Collar Frayed: Working Men in Tomorrow’s Economy.
Reay, Diane. (2002). Shaun’s Story: Troubling discourses of white working-class masculinities. Gender and Education, 14(3), September, pp. 221-234.
Reddock, R. (2004). Interrogating Caribbean Masculinity. Kingston, Jamaica: University of the West Indies Press.
Redman, P. D. Epstein, M.J. Kehily, and M. Mac An Ghaill. (2002). Boys Bonding: same-sex friendship, the unconscious and heterosexual discourse. Discourse, 1 August, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 179-191.
Redpath, Jean, Robert Morrell, Rachel Jewkes and Dean Peacock. (2008). Masculinities and Public Policy in South Africa: Changing Masculinities and Working toward Gender Equality. Johannesburg: Sonke Gender Justice Network.
Reese, Renford. (2004). American Paradox: Young black men. Durham, N.C.: Carolina Academic Press.
Riley, S. (2001). Maintaining Power: Male Constructions of ‘Feminists’ and ‘Feminist Values’. Feminism & Psychology. 11(1 Special Issue SI):55-78, Feb.
Roberts, Steven. (ed.). (2014). Debating Modern Masculinities: Change, Continuity, Crisis?. Springer.
Introduction: Masculinities in Crisis? Opening the Debate / Roberts, Steven
The Limits of Masculinity: Boys, Taste and Cultural Consumption / Cann, Victoria
Degrees of Masculinity: Working and Middle-Class Undergraduate Students’ Constructions of Masculine Identities / Ingram, Nicola (et al.)
‘We’re Different from Everyone Else’: Contradictory Working-Class Masculinities in Contemporary Britain / Ward, Michael R. M.
Oppression, Acceptance or Civil Indifference? Middle-Aged Gay Men’s Accounts of ‘Heterospaces’ / Simpson, Paul
Brothers of Metal! Heavy Metal Masculinities, Moshpit Practices and Homosociality / Riches, Gabby
Straight Guys Do Wear Make-Up: Contemporary Masculinities and Investment in Appearance / Gough, Brendan (et al.)
Theorising Masculinities in Contemporary Britain / Anderson, Eric (et al.)
Robinson, Sally. (2000). Marked Men: White Masculinity in Crisis. Columbia University Press.
Robinson, V. (2008). Men, Masculinities and Feminism. In D. Richardson and V. Robinson (eds) Introducing Gender and Women’s Studies, 3rd edn. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Robinson, V. and Hockey, J. (2011) Masculinities in Transition. Palgrave, London.
Meeting Men on the Move
Masculinities in Transition
Home and Work in Historical Context
Continuities, Conflicts and Contradictions
Masculinities in Prospect: The Life Course and Chronology
Belonging: Scrutiny, Irony and Performance
Embodiment: Masculinity and the Body
‘I’m a suit man’: Embodying Occupational Masculinities
The Sociable Body
The Performing Body
Embodying Mundane and Life Course Transitions
Masculinity and Emotionality
Emotional Labour Revisited
Sharing Emotion: Men’s Experiences of Vulnerability
Men and Friendship
Emotionality and the Research Process
Undoing Gender/Gender Undone
Robinson, Victoria. (2003). Radical Revisionings?: The theorizing of masculinity and (radical) feminist theory. Women’s Studies International Forum, 26(2), pp. 129-137.
Rosenberg, Warren. (2001). Legacy of Rage: Jewish Masculinity, Violence, and Culture. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press.
1. Bugsy and Me: Jewish Men and Violence.
2. ‘Devoted to Destruction’: God and Violence in the Hebrew Scriptures.
3. ‘A Heritage of Rage’: Golems and Gimpels in Jewish Literature of the Early Twentieth Century.
4. White Negroes and Protestant Jews: Norman Mailer’s Hybrid Heroes and Jewish Male Violence.
5. Mailer’s Brothers: The ‘Counterlife’ of Violence in Saul Bellow, Bernard Malamud, and Philip Roth.
6. Jewish Men with Guns: Remasculinization in Contemporary Jewish American Literature and Film.
7. Beyond Mailer: Imagining an End to Violence in Cynthia Ozick and Tony Kushner.
Epilogue: Saving Private Ryan.
Rosenfeld, Dana, and Christopher A. Faircloth. (eds.). (2006). Medicalized Masculinities. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.Introduction Medicalized Masculinities: The Missing Link? – Dana Rosenfeld and Christopher A. Faircloth
1. The Viagra Blues: Embracing or Resisting the Viagra Body – Meika Loe.
2. Sex the Natural Way: The Marketing of Cialis and Levitra – Chris Wienke.
3. The Leaky Male Body: Forensics and the Construction of the Sexual Suspect – Lisa Jean Moore and Heidi Durkin.
4. Medicalizing the Aging Male Body: Andropause and Baldness – Julia E. Szymczak and Peter Conrad.
5. Dissecting Medicine: Gender Biases in the Discourses and Practices of Medical Anatomy – Alan Petersen and Sam Regan de Bere.
6. Making the Grade: The Gender Gap, ADHD, and the Medicalization of Boyhood – Nicky Hart with Noah Grand and Kevin Riley.
7. The Sexual Savage: Race Science and the Medicalization of Black Masculinity – Ann Marie Hickey.
8. Medicalizing Military Masculinity: Reconstructing the War Veteran in PTSD Therapy – Marisa M. Smith.
Ross, Marlon Bryan. (2004). Manning the Race: Reforming Black Men in the Jim Crow Era. NYU Press.
Roussel, J. -F., and C. Downs. (2007). Epistemological Perspectives on Concepts of Gender and Masculinity/Masculinities. Journal of Men’s Studies, 15(2): 178.
Roussel, J.-F. and C. Downs. (2007). Epistemological Perspectives on Concepts of Gender and Masculinity/Masculinities. Journal of Men’s Studies, 15(2): 178.
Rowan, John. (1997). Healing the Male Psyche: Therapy as Initiation. London & New York: Routledge.
Rudolph, J. (2012). Embodying Latino Masculinities: Producing Masculatinidad. Palgrave Macmillan.
Ruspini, E., J. Hearn, B. Pease, and K. Pringle. (eds.). (2011). Men and Masculinities Around the World: Transforming Men’s Practices. New York: Palgrave.
Introduction: Transforming Men and Masculinities Around the World; K.Pringle, J.Hearn, B.Pease & E.Ruspini
Slow, Passive and Hesitant...Transforming Men’s Practices in Austria; E.Foster
Interventions on and of Men in the Finnish State, Civil Society and Media; J.Hearn & H.Niemi
Care-free Masculinities in Ireland; N.Hanlon & K.Lynch
And Yet Something is on the Move...Education for New Forms of Masculinity and Paternity in Italy; E.Ruspini
(Re)constructing Masculinity a la Polonais; K.Wojnicka
Unravelling the Maze: Gender Equality and Men’s Practices in Norway; Øystein Gullvåg Holter
Working with Men in a Gender Equality Paradise? The Case of Sweden; M.Eriksson & K.Pringle
What’s Happening in Men’s Work in the UK? Reflections on Policies and Processes; C.Wright &M.Cowburn
Masculinities and Social Intervention in Colombia; M.V.Vigolla
Young Mexican Men Divided: A Possibility for Transforming Masculinity; J.C.R.Rodríguez
Engaging Men in the United States: Soft Essentialism and the Obstacles to Coherent Initiatives in Education and Family Policy; T.Bridges & M.Kimmel
Governing Men’s Violence in Australia; B.Pease
Masculinities in Crisis? Men and Boys in Contemporary China; X.Zhang
Transforming Men and Masculinities in Contemporary Japan; J.Roberson
From Benevolent Patriarchy To Gender Transformation: A Case Study of Pakistan’s ‘We Can End Violence Against Women’ Program; J.Wu
Poverty, Masculine Violence and the Transformation of Men: Ethnographic Notes from Kenyan Slums; C.Izugbara
Navigating Past ‘the White Man’s Agenda’ in South Africa: Organising Men for Gendered Transformation of Society; K.Ratele, T.Shefer & M.Botha.
Russo, N.F. (1996). Masculinity, Male Roles, and the Future of Feminist Psychology. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 20(1), pp. 1-2.
Rutherford, Jonathan. (1992). Men’s Silences: Predicaments in Masculinity. New York: Routledge
Rutherford, Jonathan. (1997). Forever England: Reflections on Race, Masculinity and Empire. Lawrence & Wishart.
Ruxton, Sandy (ed). (2004). Gender Equality and Men: Learning from Practice. Oxford: Oxfam GB.
Introduction / Sandy Ruxton.
Transforming Our Interventions For Gender Equality by Addressing and Involving Men and Boys / Michael Kaufman.
How do we know if men have changed? Promoting and Measuring Attitude Change with Young Men. Lessons from Program ‘H’ in Latin America / Gary Barker et. al.
Strategies and Approaches to Enhance the Role of Men and Boys in Gender Equality: A Case Study from Yemen / Magda El Sanousi.
What Do Men Think about Gender Equality?: Reflections of Oxfam GB staff in Delhi and Dhaka / Sharon Rogers.
Men as Partners: Lessons Learned from Engaging Men in Clinics and Communities / Manisha Mehta, Dean Peacock, and Lissette Bernal.
Evolving the Gender Agenda – The Responsibilities and Challenges for Development Organisations / James Lang and Sue Smith.
Masculinities: Resistance and Change / Benno de Keijzer.
The Things They Didn’t Tell You about Working with Men in Gender Workshops / Maree Keating.
“How do you eat between harvests?”: Engaging men in Gender and Livelihoods / Thalia Kidder.
Fatherwork in the Caribbean: Examples of Support for Men’s Work in relation to Family Life / Janet Brown.
Addressing Men’s Role in Family Violence: The Experience of Sakhli / Rusudan Pkharkadze and Nana Khoshtaria.
Taking the Bull by the Horns: Working with young men on HIV/Aids in South Africa / Gaetane le Grange.
“Liberation for everyone, not just men”: A case study of the Men’s Association against Violence (AMKV) in Timor Leste / Mario De Araujo.
Mainstreaming a Male Perspective into UK Regeneration / Cinnamon Bennett.
Conclusion / Sandy Ruxton.
Salzman, Marian, Ira Matathia, and Ann O’Reilly. (2005). The Future of Men. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Savran, David. (1996). The Sadomasochist in the Closet: White Masculinity and the Culture of Victimization. Differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies, 8(2)
Savran, David. (1998). Taking It Like a Man: White Masculinity, Masochism, and Contemporary American Culture. Princeton University Press.
Schacht, Steven P., and Doris W. Ewing. (eds). (1997). Feminism and Men: Towards a Relational Understanding of Patriarchy and Cooperative Social Change. Special Issue of International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 17(1/2), Includes;
Schacht, Steven P. and Ewing, Doris W. Introduction: Feminism and Men: Towards a Relational Understanding of Patriarchy and Cooperative Social Change..
Kimmel, Michael. From Conscience and Common Sense to Feminism for Men: Pro-feminist Men’s rhetoric of Support for Women’s Equality.
Lemons, Gary. To be Black, Male and ‘Feminist’ -- Making Womanist Space for Black Men.
Connell, R.W. Gender Politics for Men.
Stoltenberg, John. ‘I am not a Rapist!:’ Why College Guys are Confronting Rape.
Jensen, Robert. Patriarchal Sex.
Sheperd, Matthew. Feminism, Men and the Study of Masculinity -- Which Way Now?.
James, Christine. Feminism and Masculinity: Reconceptualising the Dichotomy of Reason and Emotion.
Hagan, Kay Leigh. A Good Man is Hard to Bash: Confessions of an Ex-man-hater.
Schacht, Steven P., and Doris W. Ewing. (eds). (1998). Feminism and Men: Reconstructing Gender Relations. New York University Press.
1. Introduction / Doris W. Ewing and Steven P. Schacht.
Part I: Relational Examples From our Past and Present.
2. From ‘Conscience and Common Sense’ to ‘Feminism for Men’: Pro-feminist Men’s Rhetorics of Support for Women’s Equality / Michael S. Kimmel.
3. To be Black, Male, and ‘feminist’: Making Womanist Space for Black Men on the Eve of a New Millennium / Gary Lemons.
4. Radical Feminist and Socialist Feminist Men’s Movements in the U.S. / Michael Messner.
Part II: Some Personal Considerations.
5. I am not a Rapist: Why College Guys are Confronting Sexual Violence / John Stoltenberg.
6. Patriarchal Sex / Robert Jensen.
7. The Many Paths of Feminism: Can Men Travel Any of Them? / Steven P. Schacht and Doris Ewing.
8. Healing From Manhood: A Radical Mediation on the Difference Between Gender Identity and Moral Identity / John Stoltenberg.
9. A Good Man is Hard to Bash: Confessions of an Ex-man-hater / Kay Leigh Hagan.
Part III: Reconstructing Gender Relations.
10. Feminism, Men, and the Study of Masculinity: Which Way Now? / Matthew Shepherd.
11. Feminism and Masculinity: Reconceptualizing the Dichotomy of Reason and Emotion / Christine A. James.
12. The Multiple Genders of the Court: Issues of Identity and Performance in a Drag Setting / Steven P. Schacht.
13. Gender Politics for Men / R.W. Connell.
14. Sex, Gender, and Transformation: From Scoring to Caring / Riane Eisler.
15. Men: Comrades in Struggle / bell hooks.
Part IV: Profeminist Men’s Groups Working Toward Meaningful Change.
Schaeffer-Grabiel, Felicity. (2006). Planet-Love.com: Cyberbrides in the Americas and the Transnational Routes of U.S. Masculinity. Signs, Winter, Vol. 31, Iss. 2.
Schmitt, Richard. (2001). Proud to Be a Man? Men and Masculinities, 3(4), April (and Response by Brod, Schmitt)
Schoenberg, B. Mark. (1993). American Manhood: The Psychology of Masculinity. Westport, CT: Bergin & Garvey.
Schrock, Douglas, and Michael Schwalbe. (2009). Men, Masculinity, and Manhood Acts. Annual Review of Sociology, 35: 277-295.
Schwalbe, M.L. (2005). Identity stakes, manhood acts, and the dynamics of accountability. In Studies in Symbolic Interaction, ed. N Denzin, pp. 65–81. New York: Elsevier.
Schwalbe, Michael. (1992). Male Supremacy and the Narrowing of the Moral Self. Berkeley Journal of Sociology, 37.
Schwalbe, Michael. (1996). The Mirrors in Men’s Faces. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 25(1), April, pp. 58-82.
Scientific American. (1999). Special Issue. Men: The Scientific Truth About Their Work, Play, Health & Passions. 10(2), Summer
Scott-Samuel, A., D. Stanistreet, et al. (2009). Hegemonic masculinity, structural violence and health inequalities. Critical Public Health, 19(3): 287-292.
Scott, Travers D. (2020). Gay Men and Feminist Women in the Fight for Equality: “What Did You Do During the Second Wave, Daddy?” New York: Peter Lang.
Scourfield, Jonathan, and Mark Drakeford. (2002). New Labour and the ‘problem of men.’ Critical Social Policy, 22(4): 619-640.
Segal, Lynne. (1993). Changing Men: Masculinities in Context. Theory and Society, 22, pp. 625-641.
Segal, Lynne. (2001). Back to the Boys? Temptations of the good gender theorist. Textual Practice, 15(2), pp. 231-250.
Seidler, Victor J. (1989). Rediscovering Masculinity: Reason, Language and Sexuality. London & New York: Routledge.
Seidler, Victor J. (1991). Recreating Sexual Politics: Men, Feminism and Politics. London & New York: Routledge.
Seidler, Victor J. (1994). Unreasonable Men: Masculinity and Social Theory. London: Routledge.
Seidler, Victor J. (1997). Man Enough: Embodying Masculinities. Sage.
Seidler, Victor J. (ed.). (1991). The Achilles Heel Reader: Men, Sexual Politics and Socialism. London & New York: Routledge.
Seidler, Victor J. (ed.). (1992). Men, Sex and Relationships: Writings From Achilles Heel. London: Routledge.
Seifert, Lewis C. (2009). Manning the Margins: Masculinity and Writing in Seventeenth-Century France. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
Self, Will, and David Gamble. (2000). Perfidious Man. London: Penguin.
Shamir, Milette, and Jennifer Travis. (2002). Boys Don’t Cry?: Rethinking Narratives of Masculinity and Emotion in the U.S. Columbia University Press.
What Feels an American? Evident Selves and Alienable Emotions in the New Man’s World / Evan Carton.
Loving with a Vengeance: Wieland, Familicide and the Crisis of Masculinity in the Early Nation / Elizabeth Barnes.
“The Manliest Relations to Men”: Thoreau on Privacy, Intimacy, and Writing / Milette Shamir.
Manly Tears: Men’s Elegies for Children in Nineteenth-Century America / Eric Haralson.
How to be a (Sentimental) Race Man: Mourning and Passing in W.E.B. Du Bois’s The Souls of Black Folk / Ryan Schneider.
The Law of the Heart: Emotional Injury and its Fictions / Jennifer Travis.
“The Sort of Thing You Should Not Admit”: Hemingway’s Aesthetics of Emotional Restraint / Thomas Strychacz.
Road Work: Rereading Kerouac’s Midcentury Melodrama of Beset Sonhood / Stephen Davenport.
Men’s Tears and the Roles of Melodrama / Tom Lutz.
Men’s Liberation, Men’s Wounds: Emotion, Sexuality, and the Reconstruction of Masculinity in the 1970s / Sally Robinson.
The Politics of Feeling: Men, Masculinity, and Mourning on the Capital Mall / Judith Newton.
Sheehy, Gail. (1998). Understanding Men’s Passages: Discovering the New Map of Men’s Lives. Random House.
Shefer, T., Ratele, K., Strebel, A., Shabalala, N., and Buikema, R. (eds.) (2007). From boys to men: social constructions of masculinity in contemporary society. Cape Town: UCT Press.
Shields, C. A., L. R. Brawley and K. A. M. Ginis. (2007). Interactive Effects of Exercise Status and Observer Gender on the Impressions Formed of Men. Sex Roles, 56(3-4): 231.
Signs, Volume 30, Number 3, Spring 2005, Special Issue: Masculinities.
Change among the Gatekeepers: Men, Masculinities, and Gender Equality in the Global Arena / R. W. Connell.
The Hidden Discourse of Masculinity in Gender Discrimination Law / Tyson Smith and Michael Kimmel.
Masculinity, Masquerade, and Genetic Impersonation: Gattaca’s Queer Visions / Jackie Stacey.
The Male Consumer as Loser: Beer and Liquor Ads in Mega Sports Media Events / Michael A. Messner and Jeffrey Montez de Oca.
The Families of Man: Gay Male Intimacy and Kinship in a Global Metropolis / Judith Stacey.
REVIEW ESSAY: Locating Masculinity: Some Recent Work on Men / Robert A. Nye.
Saints, Sinners, Saviors: Strong Black Women in African American Literature by Trudier Harris; Constructing the Black Masculine: Identity and Ideality in African American Men’s Literature and Culture, 1775-1995 by Maurice O. Wallace / Cynthia Young.
Cold Warriors: Manliness on Trial in the Rhetoric of the West by Suzanne Clark; Conceptions of Postwar German Masculinity edited by Roy Jerome; Manly States: Masculinities, International Relations, and Gender Politics by Charlotte Hooper / Matthew Basso.
Masculinity Besieged? Issues of Modernity and Male Subjectivity in Chinese Literature of the Late Twentieth Century by Xueping Zhong; Some of Us: Chinese Women Growing Up in the Mao Era, edited by Xueping Zhong, Wang Zheng, and Bai Di / Megan M. Ferry.
Taking the Field: Women, Men, and Sports by Michael A. Messner; Spoilsports: Understanding and Preventing Sexual Exploitation in Sport by Celia H. Brackenridge / Ann Chisholm.
Gender and Community in the Social Construction of the Internet by Leslie Shade; Hanging Out in the Virtual Pub: Masculinities and Relationships Online by Lori Kendall / Wendy Harcourt.
Silverman, Eric. (2001). Masculinity, Motherhood, and Mockery: Psychoanalyzing Culture and the Iatmul Naven Rite in New Guinea. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
Silverman, Kaja. (1992). Male Subjectivity at the Margins. New York: Routledge
Simpson, Mark. (1994). Male Impersonators: Men Performing Masculinity. New York: Routledge
Siyanda Update. (2008). Quick Guide: Men, Gender and Power, Issue No. 65, May:
Politicising Masculinities: Beyond the Personal, Esplen, E and Greig, A., March 2008.
Militarised and Religious: the Double-bind Confronting Ugandan Men, Dolan, C., October 2007.
Masculinities, Power and the Epidemic: Messages of Social Research, Connell, R., October 2007.
“Bring Me My Machine Gun”: Contesting Patriarchy and Rape Culture in the Wake of the Jacob Zuma Rape Trial, Peacock, D. and Khumalo, B., October 2007.
Careful Interventions: Masculinity and the Condom Crisis, Lewis, J., October 2007.
Changing Masculinities in Nicaragua: A Community Based Approach, Welsh, P., October 2007.
The Individual and the Political: Promundo’s Evolving Approaches in Engaging Young Men in Transforming Masculinities, Barker, G., Nascimento, M., Ricardo, C. and Segundo, M., October 2007.
Skelton, C. (2002). Constructing Dominant Masculinity and Negotiating the ‘Male Gaze’. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 1 January, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 17-31.
Slane, Andrea. (2001). A Not So Foreign Affair: Fascism, sexuality, and the cultural rhetoric of American democracy. Durham [N.C]: Duke University Press.
Smiedt, David. (1999). Delivering the Male: A Guide to Modern Men. Penguin.
Smiler, A. (2006). Conforming to Masculine Norms: Evidence for Validity among Adult Men and Women. Sex Roles, 54(11): 767-775.
Smiler, Andrew P. (ed.). (2006). Sex Roles, Special issue: Manifestations of Masculinity, Volume 55, Numbers 9-10, November.
Introduction to manifestations of Masculinity / Andrew P. Smiler.
Biased-Interaction Theory of Psychosexual Development: “How Does One Know if One is Male or Female?” / Milton Diamond.
Never the Twain Shall Meet: A Critical Appraisal of the Combination of Discourse and Psychoanalytic Theory in Studies of Men and Masculinity / Nigel Edley.
Prejudicial Expressions in Defense of Adolescent Masculine Identities in Interaction / Luke Moissinac.
Living the Image: A Quantitative Approach to delineating Masculinities / Andrew P. Smiler.
Images of Old Men’s Masculinity: Still a Man? / Edward H. Thompson.
Ten Years of Psychological Research on Men and Masculinity in the United States: Dominant Methodological Trends / MySha R. Whorley and Michael E. Addis.
Men’s Likely Responses to Clinical Depression: What Are They and Do Masculinity Norms Predict Them? / James R. Mahalik and Aaron B. Rochlen.
Paternal Involvement with School-aged Children in Brazilian Families: Association with Childhood Competence / Silvia Pereira da Cruz Benetti and Jaipaul L. Roopnarine / Masculinity Ideology and Forgiveness of Racial Discrimination among African American Men: Direct and Interactive Relationships / Wizdom Powell Hammond, Kira Hudson Banks and Jacqueline S. Mattis.
Smith, Paul. (ed.). (1996). Boys: Masculinities in Contemporary Culture. Harpercollins..
1. Introduction / Paul Smith .
2. A Buffalo, New York Story / Fred Pfeil .
3. Father Figure / Danae Clark .
4. Dinge / Robert Reid-Pharr .
5. Homo Academicus / John Champagne .
6. Male Horror: On David Cronenberg / Christine Ramsay .
7. Telling Differences: Race, Gender, and Sexuality in The Crying Game / Sharon Willis .
8. Scattered Speculations on the Value of Harvey Keitel / Clint Burnham .
9. Hot Damme! Reflections on Gay Publicity / Eric Clarke and Mathew Henson .
10. The Prettiest Postcolonial: Muhammad Ali / Grant Farred .
11. "Beat me outta me": Alternative Masculinities / Cynthia Fuchs .
12. Prosthetic Gender and Universal Intellect: Stephen Hawking’s Law / John Michael .
13. Conservative Cowboy Stories: Adventures of the Chosen Sons / Linda Kintz .
14. Of Newts and Quayles: National-Political Masculinity in the Current Conjuncture / Matthew Ruben .
15. A White Boy Is Being Beaten / Lisa Frank.
Smith, Terry. (ed.). (1997). In Visible Touch: Modernism and Masculinity. University of Chicago Press.
Snodgrass, Jon. (ed.). (1977). A Book of Readings: For Men Against Sexism. Albion CA: Times Change Press
Social Alternatives. (1997). Special Issue: Masculinity Politics, 16(3), July
Lingard, Bob and Mills, Martin. Masculinity Politics: An Introduction.
Connell, R.W. Men, Masculinities and Feminism.
Flood, Michael. Pro-feminist Publishing: Delights and Dilemmas..
Frey, Ron. How We Prevent Men From Parenting By Insisting They Remain Fathers.
Luke, Allam. Representing and Reconstructing Asian Masculinities: This is Not a Movie Review.
Mac an Ghaill, Mairtin and Haywood, Chris. Masculinity and Social Change: Rethinking Sexual Politics.
Mahony, Pat. The Underachievement of Boys in the UK: Old tunes for New fiddles.
Martino, Wayne. ‘A Bunch of Arseholes’: Exploring the Politics of Masculinity for Adolescent Boys in Schools.
Mills, Martin and Lingard, Bob. Reclaiming the ‘What About the Boys?’ Discourse for Gender Justice in Schools and Society.
Pallotta-Chiarolli, Maria. The Boys and the Binaries: Within, Between and Beyond Opposition in Boys’ Education Debates.
Wadham, Ben. The New Men’s Health: A Media Marvel!.
Wedgwood, Nikki. ‘Spewin’, Mate!’ - A Day at the Cricket.
Song, Geng. (year?). The Fragile Scholar: Power and masculinities in Chinese culture. Hong Kong: Hong Kong.
Spackman, Barbara. (1996). Fascist Virilities: Rhetoric, Ideology, and Social Fantasy in Italy. University of Minnesota Press.
Speer, Susan A. (2001). Participants’ Orientations, Ideology and the Ontological Status of Hegemonic Masculinity: A Rejoinder to Nigel Edley. Feminism & Psychology, February, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 141-144.
Speer, Susan A. (2001). Reconsidering the Concept of Hegemonic Masculinity: Discursive Psychology, Conversation Analysis and Participants’ Orientations. Feminism & Psychology. 11(1 Special Issue SI):107-135, Feb. (plus rejoinders by Nigel Edley and Speer)
Spongberg, Mary. (1997). Are Small Penises Necessary For Civilisation? The Male Body and the Body Politic. Australian Feminist Studies, 12(25)
Stearns, Peter N. (1990). Be a Man! Males in Modern Society. New York: Holmes and Meier (2nd edition).
Stegner, Wallace, and Bob Blauner. (1998). Our Mother’s Spirits: Great Writers on the Death of Mothers and Grief of Men. Harpercollins.
Stoltenberg, John. (1990). Refusing To Be a Man: Essays on Sex and Justice. CA & Suffolk: Fontana/Collins
Stoltenberg, John. (1993). The End of Manhood: A Book for Men of Conscience. New York: Dutton. (Also available from Baker & Taylor Replica Books, 1998)
Stoltenberg, John. (n.d.) Why I Stopped Trying To Be a Real Man. Feminista (online Journal), http://www.feminista.com/v1n2/stoltenberg.html
Sumerau, J. E. (2020). Violent Manhood. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Sweetman, Caroline. (1997). Men and Masculinity. Oxford, England, Oxfam.
Sweetman, Caroline. (ed.). (2001). Men’s Involvement in Gender and Development Policy and Practice: Beyond Rhetoric. Oxford: Oxfam.
Introduction / Caroline Sweetman.
Men, women, and organizational culture: Perspectives from donors / Anne Coles.
Middle-aged man seeks gender team / Chris Roche.
Men in the kitchen, women in the office? Working on gender issues in Ethiopia / Feleke Tadele.
Gender training with men: Experience and reflections from South Asia / Kamla Bhasin.
Gender training with men: Experiences and reflections from East Africa / Milton Obote Joshua.
Male involvement in perpetuating and challenging the practice of female genital mutilation in Egypt / Nadia Wassef.
Men’s roles, gender relations, and sustainability in water supplies: Some lessons from Nepal / Shibesh Chandra Regmi; Ban Fawcett.
Tackling male exclusion in post-industrialised settings: Lessons from the UK / Sue Smith.
Challenging machismo to promote sexual and reproductive health: Working with Nicaraguan men / Peter Sternberg.
Men and child-welfare services in the UK / Sandy Ruxton.
‘Sitting on a rock’: Men, socio-economic change, and development policy in Lesotho / Caroline Sweetman.
Synnott, Anthony. (2001). Men and Masculinities. American Anthropologist, March, 103(1), pp. 212-217.
Tacey, David. (1990). Reconstructing Masculinity: A Post-Jungian Response to Contemporary Men’s Issues. Meanjin, 49(4), Summer
Tacey, David. (1997). Remaking Men: The Revolution in Masculinity. Ringwood, VIC: Viking (Penguin Books).
Tarrant, Shira. (ed.). (2007). Men Speak Out: Views on gender, sex, and power. Routledge.
Section 1: Masculinity and Identity.
1. Daytona Beach: Beyond Beats and Rhymes 2. The Real Slim Shady 3. The Enemy Within: On Becoming a Straight White Guy 4. Redefining Manhood: Resisting Sexism 5. Straight Guys Can Dance, Too 6. Stepping Out of Bounds 7. Hombres y Machos.
Section 2: Sexuality.
8. Just a John?: Pornography and Men’s Choices 9. Staring at Janae’s Legs 10. Trying to be Sexy and Anti-Sexist … at Exactly the Same Time 11. Bye-Bye Bi?: Bailey, Biphobia, and Girlie-Men 12. Darker Shades of Queer: Race and Sexuality at the Margins 13. Let us be Seen 14. How We Enter
Section 3: Feminism.
15. How Two aspiring Pornographers Turned Me into the Ultimate F Word 16. Exposed in Iraq: Sexual Harassment and Hidden Rank Structure of the U. S. Army 17. Why I am not a Feminist 18. Preaching to the Choir 19. The Starbucks Intervention 20. This is What a Feminist Looks Like 21. From Oppressor to activist: Reflections of a Feminist Journey 22. It’s Just Common Sense.
Section 4: Points and Perspectives.
23. Abandoning the Barricades: Or How I became a Feminist 24. Confessions of a Premature Pro-Feminist 25. Learning From Women 26. A Tribute to my Father 27. Playground Vertigo 28. Judging Fathers: The Case for Gender-Neutral Standards 29. What’s Wrong With Fathers’ Rights? 30. Engendering the Classroom: Experiences of a Man in Women’s and Gender Studies 31. Gender in Jakarta: Lessons on Discourse and Disparity.
Section 5: Taking Action, Making Change.
32. Sport, Strong Women, and Feminist Epiphanies 33. Violation 34. Steel-Toed Boots 35. Men’s Manifest 36. Breaking the Silence One Mile at a Time 37. Being a Social Justice Ally: A Feminist’s Perspective on Preventing Male Violence 38. Good Ol’ Boy: A Tale of Transformation in the Rural South 39. How Can I be Sexist?: I’m an Anarchist!
Taylor, Gary. (2002). Castration: An Abbreviated History of Western Manhood. New York: Routledge.
Taylor, Karen. (1991). Patriarchy and Male Oppression: Suffering the Responsibilities of Manhood. In Frese, Pamela R. and Coggeshall, John M. (eds). Transcending Boundaries: Multi-disciplinary Approaches to the Study of Gender. New York: Bergin & Garvey.
The Men’s Project & Flood, M. (2018) The Man Box: A Study on Being a Young Man in Australia. Melbourne: Jesuit Social Services. URL: https://jss.org.au/what-we-do/the-mens-project/the-man-box/
The Men’s Project, & Flood, M. (2020). Unpacking the Man Box: What is the impact of the Man Box attitudes on young Australian men’s behaviours and well-being? Melbourne: Jesuit Social Services. URL: https://jss.org.au/what-we-do/the-mens-project/the-man-box/
Theweleit, Klaus. (1987). Male Fantasies Vol. 1: Women, Floods, Bodies, History. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Theweleit, Klaus. (1989). Male Fantasies Vol. 2: Male Bodies: Psychoanalysing the White Terror. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Thomas, Calvin. (1996). Male Matters: Masculinity, Anxiety, and the Male Body on the Line. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
Thompson, D. C. (2000). The male role stereotype. In V. Cyrus (Ed.), Experiencing race, class, and gender in the United States (3rd ed., pp. 85-87). Mountain View, CA: Mayfield Publishing Company.
Thompson, Denise. (2001). Masculinity and Dehumanization. Ch. 9, in Radical Feminism Today. London: Sage
Thornton, Brendan Jamal. (2016). Negotiating Respect: Pentecostalism, Masculinity, and the Politics of Spiritual Authority in the Dominican Republic. University Press of Florida.
Thurnell-Read, Thomas, and Mark Casey. (eds.). (2014). Men, Masculinities, Travel and Tourism. Palgrave.
1. Introduction; Mark Casey and Thomas Thurnell-Read
2. Masculinity, Tourism and Adventure in English Nineteenth-Century Travel Fiction; Helen Goodman
3. Heroes and Villains: Travel, Risk and Masculinity; Kristin Lozanski
4. ‘Just Blokes doing Blokes’ Stuff’: Risk, Gender and the Collective Performance of Masculinity during the Eastern European Stag Tour Weekend; Thomas Thurnell-Read
5. Masculinity and the Gay Games: A Consideration of Hegemonic and Queer Debates; Nigel Jarvis
6. Working Class Men’s Masculinities on the Spanish Costas: Watching ITV’s Benidorm; Mark Casey
7. ‘You Get a Reputation if You’re From the Valleys’: The Stigmatisation of Place in Young Working Class Men’s Lives; Michael R. M. Ward
8. ‘I Don’t Want to Think I am a Prostitute’: Embodied Geographies of Men, Masculinities and Clubbing in Seminyak, Bali, Indonesia; Gordon Waitt and Kevin Markwell
9. Ephemeral Masculinities? Tracking Men, Partners and Fathers in the Geography of Family Holidays; Rosalina Costa
10. Taiwanese Men’s Wife Finding Tours in Southeast Asian Countries and China; Chun-Yu Lin
11. Risky Business: How Gender, Race and Culture influence the Culture of Risk-Taking among Sex Tourists; Yasmina Katsulis
12. Recognising Homoeroticism in Male Gay Tourism: A Mexican Perspective; Carlos Monterrubio and ¡lvaro LÛpez-LÛpez
13. The Lads Just Playing Away: An Ethnography with England’s Hooligan Fringe during the 2006 World Cup; James Treadwell
14. What is Old and What is New? Representation of Masculinity in Travel Brochures; Monica Gilli and Elisbetta Ruspini
15. Afterword: Men’s Touristic Practices: How Men Think They’re Men and Know Their Place; Hazel Andrews.
Toerien, M., and K. Durrheim. (2001). Power Through Knowledge: Ignorance and the ‘Real Man’. Feminism & Psychology. 11(1 Special Issue SI):35-54, Feb.
Tolson, Andrew. (1977). The Limits of Masculinity. London: Tavistock
Tomsen, Stephen, and Mike Donaldson. (eds.). (2003). Male Trouble: Looking at Australian Masculinities. Sydney, Pluto Press.
Tremblay, G., and B. François-Olivier (eds). (2012). Future Perspectives for Intervention, Policy and Research on Men and Masculinities: An International Forum. Harriman, TN: Men’s Studies Press.
Status and Future Prospects of the Men’s Social Movement in the Province of Quebec from 1975 to 2010 / JOCELYN LINDSAY, GILLES RONDEAU, & JEAN-YVES DESGAGNÉSThe Status of Men’s Mental Health: Conceptual and Empirical Obstacles and Opportunities / MICHAEL E. ADDIS
Crossing Borders: Exploring the Margins and Intersections of Masculinities / ROBERT HEASLEY
Men and Women: What New Challenges / CHRISTINE CASTELAINMEUNIER
Young Mexican Men Divided: A Possibility for Transforming Masculinity / JUAN CARLOS RAMÍREZ RODRÍGUE
Change Is Possible: Deconstructing Masculinities / SANJAY AND MADHU KUSHWAHA
State of the Field in Engaging Men in Activism and Programme: An Introduction with Specific Reference to Experiences from South Asia / SATISH KUMAR SINGH
State of the Field in Activism, Programs and Policy for Engaging Men and Boys to Promote Gender Transformation / TIM SHAND, LAURA PHILLIPS, and LAURA PASCOE
The Importance of Retaining a Focus on Masculinities in Future Studies on Men and Health
Epistemology of Critical Studies on Men and Masculinity: Perspective of a Boy from France, After 25 Years of Research on These Topics / DANIEL WELZER-LANG
The Need to Change Our Way of Looking at Men’s Health: Australian Perspectives / JOHN MACDONALD
Tripartite Considerations in Masculinities and Men’s Health Research / JOHN OLIFFE
Going Beyond Frontiers, Interculture-action to Better Advance Studies on Men and Masculinities / GILLES TREMBLAY
Tuzin, Donald F. (1997). The Cassowary’s Revenge: The Life and Death of Masculinity in a New Guinea Society. University of Chicago Press.
Vale De Almeida, Miguel. (1996). The Hegemonic Male: Masculinity in a Portugese Town. Berghahn Books.
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VanLeeuwen, Mary Stewart. (2002). My Brother’s Keeper: What the Social Sciences Do (and Don’t) Tell Us About Masculinity. InterVarsity Press.
Varley, A., and M. Blasco. (2000). Exiled to the Home: Masculinity and Ageing in Urban Mexico. European Journal of Development Research, 12(2), December, pp. 115-138.
Vonk, R., and D. van Nobelen. (1993). Masculinity and Femininity in the Self with an Intimate Partner: Men are Not Always Men in the Company of Women. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 10(4): 627-630.
Wade, J. C. (1998). Male Reference Group Identity Dependence: A Theory of Male Identity. The Counseling Psychologist, 26(3): 349-383.
Waling, A. (2019). Problematising ‘Toxic’ and ‘Healthy’ Masculinity for Addressing Gender Inequalities. Australian Feminist Studies, 34(101), 362-375. doi:10.1080/08164649.2019.1679021
Waling, A. (2019). White Masculinity in Contemporary Australia: The Good Ol’ Aussie Bloke. Routledge.
Walker, J.C. and Hunt, C. (1988). Louts and Legends: Male Youth Culture in an Inner-City School. Sydney & London: Allen & Unwin.
Walker, Rebecca (ed.). (2004). What Makes a Man: 22 Writers Imagine the Future. Riverhead Books.
Walter, Natasha. (1998). Hello Boys! Chapter 7 in The New Feminism. London: Little, Brown
Walzer, Andrew. (2002). Narratives of Contemporary Male Crisis: The (Re)production of a National Discourse. Journal of Men’s Studies, 10(2), Winter.
Ward, Michael R.M. (2015). From Labouring to Learning: Working-Class Masculinities, Education and De-Industrialization.
Watson, J. (2015). Multiple Mutating Masculinities: Of Maps and Men. Angelaki, 20(1), 107-121.
Wearing, Betsy. (1996). The Masculinist Response. Chapter 3 in Gender: The Pain and Pleasure of Difference. Melbourne: Longman
Webb, John. (1998). Junk Male. Sydney: HarperCollins
Wendt, S., & Andersen, P. D. (eds.). (2016). Masculinities and the Nation in the Modern World: between Hegemony and Marginalization. Springer.West, Lois A. (2001). Negotiating Masculinities in American Drinking Subcultures. Journal of Men’s Studies, 9(3), Spring, pp. 371-392.
West, Peter. (1996). Fathers, Sons & Lovers: Men Talk About Their Lives From the 1930s to Today. Sydney: Finch Publishing
Wetherell, M., & Edley, N. (2009). Masculinity manoeuvres: Critical discursive psychology and the analysis of identity strategies. In N. Coupland & A. Jaworski (Eds.), The new socio- linguistics reader (pp. 201-214). Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
Wetherell, Margaret and Edley, Nigel. (1999). Negotiating Hegemonic Masculinity: Imaginary Positions and Psycho-discursive Practices. Feminism and Psychology, 9(3), pp. 335-356
Wetherell, Margaret, and Christine Griffin. (1991). Feminist Psychology and the Study of Men and Masculinity. Part I: Assumptions and Perspectives. Feminism & Psychology, 1(3)
Whelehan, Imelda. (2000). Men Under Siege (Chapter Six) and Lads: The Men Who should Know better (Chapter Three) in Overloaded: Popular Culture and the Future of Feminism. London: Women’s Press.
White, Aaronette M. (2008). Ain’t I a Feminist? African American Men Speak Out on Fatherhood, Friendship, Forgiveness, and Freedom. Albany, NY: State University New York Press.
White, Michael. (1992). Men’s Culture, the Men’s Movement, and the Constitution Of Men’s Lives. Dulwich Centre Newsletter, No’s 3 & 4
White, S.C. (2000). ‘Did the earth move?’ - The hazards of bringing men and masculinities into gender and development. IDS Bulletin-Institute of Development Studies. 31(2):33-+, Apr.
Whitehead, Stephen (ed.). (2006). Men and Masculinities: Critical Concepts in Sociology. 5 Volumes.
Volume 1.
1. T. Carrigan, B. Connell and J. Lee. (1985) ‘Hard and Heavy: Toward a New Sociology of Masculinity’, Theory and Society.
2. M. Messner. (1997). ‘Men and Masculinities’, Politics of Masculinities.
3. M. Roper and J. Tosh. (1991). ‘Historians and the politics of masculinity’, Manful Assertions.
4. K. Clatterbaugh. (1990) ‘The Conservative Legacy’, Contemporary Perspectives on Masculinity.
5. R. W. Connell. (1993). ‘The Big Picture: Masculinities in recent world history’, Theory and Society.
6. M.S. Kimmel. (2003). ‘Globalisation and its Mal(e)contents’, International Sociology.
7. J. Hanmer. (1990) ‘Men, power and the exploitation of women’, Men, Masculinities and Social Theory.
8. M. Kaufman. (1994). ‘Men, Feminism, and Men’s Contradictory Experiences of Power’, Theorizing Masculinities.
9. I. Craib. (1987) ‘Masculinity and male dominance’, The Sociological Review.
10. B. Ehrenreich. (1995). ‘The Decline of Patriarchy’, Constructing Masculinity.
11. T. Jefferson. (2001). ‘Subordinating hegemonic masculinity’, Theoretical Criminology.
12. D.J. Tracey. (1997). ‘Polemical Introduction: Jungian thought and the post-patriarchal psyche,’ Remaking Men.
13. L. Segal. (1997). ‘Men at Bay: The Contemporary ‘Crisis’ of Masculinity’, Slow Motion.
14. M.S. Kimmel. (1995). ‘“Born to Run”: Nineteenth-Century Fantasies of Masculine Retreat and Re-creation (or The Historical Rust on Iron John).’ The Politics of Manhood.
15. H. Brod. (1987) ‘A Case For Men’s Studies’, Changing Men.
16. D.H.J. Morgan. (1992). ‘Problems of studying men’, Discovering Men.
17. S. Heath. (1987) ‘Male Feminism’, Men in Feminism.
18. J. Hearn. (2004). ‘From hegemonic masculinity to the hegemony of men’. Feminist Theory.
Volume 2.
19. D. Kerfoot and D. Knights. (1993). ‘Management, masculinity and manipulation: from paternalism to corporate strategy in financial services’, Journal of Management Studies.
20. Messerschmidt, J. W. (1996). ‘Managing to Kill: Masculinities and the Space Shuttle Challenger Explosion’, Masculinities in Organizations.
21. S. M. Whitehead. (1999). ‘Contingent Masculinities: Disruptions to ‘Man’agerialist Identity’, Practising Identities: Power and Resistance.
22. A. Prokos and I. Padavic. (2002). ‘There oughta be a law against bitches’: Masculinity lessons in police academy training.’ Gender, Work and Organization.
23. L.N. Rosen, K.H. Nudson and P. Francher. (2003). ‘Cohesion and the Culture of Hypermasculinity in U.S. Army Units’, Armed Forces and Society.
24. A. Tolson (1977) ‘Boys will be boys’, The Limits of Masculinity.
25. E. A. Rotundo. (1987) ‘Patriarchs and Participants: A Historical Perspective on Fatherhood in the United States’, Beyond Patriarchy.
26. M. Ishii-Kuntz. (1993). ‘Japanese Fathers: Work Demands and Family Roles’, in Men, Work, and Family.
27. M. Mac an Ghaill. (1994). ‘Local student cultures of masculinity and sexuality’, The Making of Men.
28. J. Kenway. (1995). ‘Masculinities in schools: under siege, on the defensive and under reconstruction?’ Discourse.
29. J. N. Price. (1999). ‘Schooling and Racialized Masculinities’, Youth and Society.
30. D. Epstein. (1998). ‘Real boys don’t work: ‘underachievement’, masculinity and the harassment of ‘sissies’, Failing Boys?.
31. D. Whitson. (1990) ‘Sport in the Social Construction of Masculinity’, Sport, Men and the Gender Order.
32. L.A.West. (2001). ‘Negotiating Masculinities in American Drinking Subcultures’, The Journal of Men’s Studies.
33. J. Hughson. (2000). ‘The Boys Are Back in Town’, Journal of Sport and Social Issues.
34. J. Hearn. (1998). ‘Definitions and Explanations of Men’s Violences’, The Violences of Men.
35. D. Gadd. (2002). ‘Masculinities and Violence Against Female Partners’, Social and Legal Studies.
36. C. O’Sullivan. (1998). ‘Ladykillers: Similarities and Divergences of Masculinities in Gang Rape and Wife Battery’, Masculinities and Violence.
37. D.H.J. Morgan. (1994). ‘Theater of War: Combat, the Military and Masculinities’, Theorizing Masculinities.
Volume 3.
38. T. Jefferson. (1994). ‘Theorizing Masculine Subjectivity’, Just Boys Doing Business.
39. J. H. Pleck. (1995). ‘The Gender Role Strain Paradigm: An Update’, A New Psychology of Men.
40. A. Petersen. (2003). ‘Research on Men and Masculinities’, Men and Masculinities.
41. S. M. Whitehead. (2002). ‘Desires of the masculine subject’, Men and Masculinities: Key themes and new directions.
42. D. Jackson. (1990) ‘Falling Apart, men’s bodies, and masculine identities’, Unmasking Masculinity.
43. D. Morgan. (1993). ‘You Too Can Have a Body Like Mine: Reflections on the Male Body and Masculinities’, Body Matters.
44. R. Dyer. (1997). ‘The White Man’s Muscles’, Race and the Subject of Masculinities.
45. T. Edwards. (1994). ‘Sexual Politics and the Politics of Sexuality’, Erotics and Politics.
46. T.J. Linneman. (2000). ‘Risk and Masculinity in the Everyday Lives of Gay Men’, Gay Masculinities.
47. E. Anderson. (2002). ‘Openly Gay Athletes: Contesting Hegemonic Masculinity in a Homophobic Environment’, Gender and Society.
48. J. Rutherford. (1999). ‘Silence’, I am No Longer Myself Without You.
49. V. Seidler. (1992). ‘Men, sex and relationships’, Men, Sex and Relationships: Writings from Achilles Heel.
50. A. Singleton. (2003). ‘Men Getting Real?’ Journal of Sociology.
51. S. Johnson. (1997). ‘Theorizing Language and Masculinity: A Feminist Perspective’, Language and Masculinity.
52. V.J. Seidler. (1997). ‘Language’, Man Enough: Embodying Masculinities.
53. S.F. Keisling. (2004). ‘Dude’, American Speech.
54. E. H. Thompson, Jr. (1994). ‘Older Men as Invisible Men in Contemporary Society’, Older Men’s Lives.
55. R. Staples. (1995). ‘Health Among Afro-American Males’, Men’s health and Illness.
56. W. H. Courtenay. (2000). ‘Constructions of masculinity and their influence on men’s well-being: a theory of gender and health’, Social Science and Medicine.
57. G. W. Dowsett. (2003). ‘Johnnie Comes Marching.Where?’ Australian gay men, masculinity, HIV/AIDS and sex’, Culture, Health and Sexuality.
58. P. Jackson, N. Stevenson and K. Brooks. (2000). ‘The Politics of ‘New’ Men’s Lifestyle Magazines’, European Journal of Cultural Studies.
59. S. E. Hatty. (2000). ‘Boys on Film: Masculinities and the Cinema’, Masculinities, Violence and Culture.
60. R. H. Kylo-Patrick. (2004). ‘We’re Here, We’re Queer - and We’re Better Than You: The Representational Superiority of Gay Men to Heterosexuals on ‘Queer Eye for a Straight Guy’, The Journal of Men’s Studies.
Volume 4.
61. D. Marriott. (1996). ‘Reading Black Masculinities’, Understanding Masculinities.
62. L. Archer. (2001). ‘Muslim Brothers, Black Lads, Traditional Asians’, Feminism and Psychology.
63. B. K. Alexander. (2004). ‘Passing, Cultural Performance and Individual Agency: Performative Reflections on Black Masculine Identity’, Cultural Studies-Critical Methodologies.
64. R. E. Hall. (2001). ‘The Ball Curve: Calculated Racism and the Stereotype of African American Men’, Journal of Black Studies.
65. bell hooks. (2004). ‘don’t make me hurt you’: black male violence’, We Real Cool: Blac.
Wiegman, Robyn. (2001). Object Lessons: Men, Masculinity, and the Sign Women. Signs. 26(2):355-388, Winter.
Willer, R., Rogalin, C. L., Conlon, B., & Wojnowicz, M. T. (2013). Overdoing Gender: A Test of the Masculine Overcompensation Thesis. American Journal of Sociology, 118(4), 980-1022.
Witz, Anne, and Barbara L. Marshall. (2002). The Quality of Manhood: Masculinity and embodiment in the sociological tradition. The Sociological Review, 51(3), pp. 339-356.
Wong, Y. Joel, and Stephen R. Wester. (eds.). (2016). APA Handbook of Men and Masculinities.
History and Future of the Psychology of Men and Masculinities / Gary R. Brooks and William B. Elder
The Gender Role Strain Paradigm and Masculinity Ideologies / Ronald F. Levant and Katherine Richmond
An Empirical Review of Gender Role Conflict Research: New Conceptual Models and Research Paradigms / James M. O’Neil and Robyn Denke
Social Norms, Social Construction, and the Psychology of Men and Masculinity / Michael E. Addis, Christopher S. Reigeluth, and Joseph R. Schwab
Moving Beyond Essentialism in the Contemporary Psychodynamic Psychology of Men: Implications for Theory and Research / Chris Blazina and Anne Bartone
Accentuating Positive Masculinity: A New Foundation for the Psychology of Boys, Men, and Masculinity / Mark S. Kiselica, Sheila Benton-Wright, and Matt Englar-Carlson
Feminist Masculinities: The End of Gender as We Know It / Louise Bordeaux Silverstein
Masculinity at the National Cultural Level / Geert Hofstede
Biological Influences on Masculinity / Richard A. Lippa
Evolutionary Influences on Men’s Lives / David C. Geary, Benjamin Winegard, and Bo Winegard
Enhancing and Diversifying Research Methods in the Psychology of Men and Masculinities / Y. Joel Wong and Angela J. Horn
Everyday Racism as a Threat to the Masculine Social Self: Framing Investigations African American Male Health Disparities / Wizdom Powell Hammond, Paul J. Fleming, and Laura Villa-Torres
Asian American Men / Derek Kenji Iwamoto and Aylin Kaya
Latino American Men / Lizette Ojeda and Kurt C. Organista
American Indians, Alaska Natives, and the Psychology of Men and Masculinity / Leah M. Rouse
Masculinity Issues Among Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Men / Francisco J. Sánchez
The Psychology of Boys / Timea Farkas and Campbell Leaper
Masculinity Across the Life Span: Implications for Older Men / Melanie J. Robbins, Stephen R. Wester, and Nancy B. McKean
Social Class and Masculinity / William Ming Liu, Alexander James Colbow, and Alexander James Rice
The Double-Edged Sword of Stereotypes of Men / Mia Steinberg and Amanda B. Diekman
An Elephant in the Room: Men’s Emotion From Sex Differences to Social Neuroscience / Stephen R. Wester, Martin Heesacker, and Steven J. Snowden
Men’s Sexism: Causes, Correlates, and Trends in Research / Jonathan P. Schwartz, Ryon C. McDermott, and Justin W. Martino-Harms
Men and Men’s Careers / Nadya A. Fouad, Susan C. Whiston, and Rachel Feldwisch
Furthering Fathering: What We Know and What We Need to Know / Ryan A. McKelley and Aaron B. Rochlen
Pornography and Male Socialization / Paul J. Wright and Soyoung Bae
Boys’ and Men’s Intimate Relationships: Friendships and Romantic Relationships / Andrew P. Smiler and Robert Heasley
Men’s Body Image / Mike C. Parent, Esther N. Schwartz, and Tyler C. Bradstreet
Violence and Masculinities / Christopher Kilmartin and Ryon C. McDermott
Education and Masculinities / Wayne Martino and Jennifer Ingrey
Masculinities in Sport: Incorporating Heterogeneity Into Hegemony / Jesse A. Steinfeldt, I. S. Keino Miller, and Jessica L. David
Men, Masculinities, and Help-Seeking Patterns / David L. Vogel and Patrick J. Heath
Men’s Physical Health and Health Behaviors / Derek M. Griffith and Roland J. Thorpe Jr.
Men’s Mental Health: A Biopsychosocial Critique / Ryon C. McDermott, Jonathan P. Schwartz, and Jamey Leeanne Rislin
Men and Psychotherapy / Johanna Strokoff, Tyler C. Halford, and Jesse Owen.
Wood, John C. (1999). When Men are Women: Manhood among Gabra Nomads of East Africa. Madison: Wisconsin University Press.
Worth, Heather, Anna Paris, and Louisa Allen. (eds). (2002). The Life of Brian: Masculinities, Sexualities and Health in New Zealand. Dunedin: University of Otago Press.
1. Masculinities and Globalisation / R.W. Connell.
2. Late Twentieth-Century Auckland Perspective on Samoan Masculinities / Julie Park et. al.
3. Living the Contradictions: A Foucauldian Examination of my Youthful Rugby Experiences / Richard Pringle.
4. Managing the Margins: Gay-Disabled Masculinity / Terry O’Neill.
5. I didn’t have to go to a finishing school to learn how to be gay: Maori Gay Men’s Understandings of Cultural and Sexual Identity / Clive Aspin.
6. The Man With Two Brains: The Discursive Construction of the Unreasonable ‘Penis-Self’ / Annie Potts.
7. ‘Tits is Just an Accessory’: Masculinity and Femininity in the Lives of Maori and Pacific Queens / Heather Worth.
8. ‘As far as sex goes, I don’t really think about my body’: Young men’s corporeal experiences of (hetero)sexual pleasure / Louisa Allen.
9. Young Pakeha Men’s Conceptions of Health, Illness and Health Care / Anthony M. O’Connor.
Zulehner, P., and R. Volz. (1998). Maenner im Aufbruch. Wie Deutschlands Maenner sich selbst und wie sie Frauen sehen (Men on the move. How men in Germany see themselves and how they see women). Schwabenverlag: Ostfildern.
Academic Journals
Culture, Society, and Masculinities (USA, 2009-2017)
Journal of Men’s Studies (USA, 1992-)
Masculinities: A Journal of Identity and Culture (Turkey, 2014-)
Masculinities and Social Change (Spain, 2012-)
Men and Masculinities (USA. Formerly Masculinities, and before that Men’s Studies Review) (Sage)
NORMA: International Journal for Masculinity Studies
Psychology of Men & Masculinity (2000-)
On particular areas
American Journal of Men’s Health
Fathering: A Journal of Theory and Research about Men as Parents (Final issue, 13(3), 2015)
International Journal of Men’s Health. (2002-)
Journal of Men, Masculinities and Spirituality (2007-)
Journal of Men’s Health and Gender
Boyhood Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal [Formerly: Thymos: Journal of Boyhood Studies (2011- 2015)]
Achilles Heel (UK, 1979 - 1999)
Changing Men (USA, defunct since 1994)
Voice Male (USA, Men’s Resource Centre of Western Massachussetts. Previously Valley Men, to 1999 or so.)
Working With Men (UK)
XY: Men, Sex, Politics (Australia, 1990 - 1999)