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6. War, Masculinity, and Native Americans / Kathleen Glenister Roberts.
Jacobs, S.–E., Thomas, W., & Lang, S. (Eds.) (1997). Two–spirit people: Native American gender identity, sexuality, and spirituality. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. Contents: Is the “North American berdache”merely a phantom in the imagination of Western social scientists? / Sue–Ellen Jacobs —The Northern Athapaskan “berdache”reconsidered: on reading more than there is in the ethnographic record / Jean–Guy A. Goulet —Cross–dressing and shamanism among selected Western North American tribes / Arnold R. Pilling —Various kinds of two–spirit people: gender variance and homosexuality in Native American communities / Sabine Lang —Traditions of gender diversity and sexualities: a female–to–male transgendered perspective / Jason Cromwell —Changing Native American rolesin an urban context and changing Native American sex roles in an urban context / Beatrice Medicine (Standing Rock Lakota) —Navajo cultural constructions of gen- der and sexuality / Wesley Thomas (Navajo) —A Navajo worldview and Nádleehí: implications for Western categories / Carolyn Epple —M. Dragonfly: two–spirit and the Tafoya Principle of Uncertainty / Terry Tafoya (Taos/Warm Springs) —I am a Lakota womyn / Beverly Little Thunder (Standing Rock Lakota) —Tradi- tional influences on a contemporary gay–identified Sisseton Dakota / Michael Red Earth (Sisseton Dakota) —A postcolonial colonial perspective on Western [mis]conceptions of the cosmos and the restoration of in- digenous taxonomies / Anguksuar [Richard LaFortune](Yupík) —Navajo warrior women: an ancient tradi- tion in a modern world / Carrie H. House (Navajo/Oneida) —I ask you to listen to who I am / Doyle V. Robertson (Sisseton/Wahpeton Dakota) —A “berdache”by any other name—is a brother, friend, lover, spouse: reflections on a Mescalero Apache singer of ceremonies / Claire R. Farrer —Gender statuses, gender features, and gender/sex categories: new perspectives on an old paradigm / Lee M. Kochems and Sue–Ellen Jacobs —On the incommensurability of gender categories / Alice B. Kehoe —You anthropologists make sure you get your words right / Clyde M. Hall (Lemhi Shoshoni) —The dilemmas of desire: from “berdache”to two–spirit / Gilbert Herdt —Native American genders and sexualities: beyond anthropological models and misrepresentations / Evelyn Blackwood —Dealing with homophobia in everyday life.
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Lang, Sabine (1996). There is More Than Just Women and Men: Gender Variance in North American Indian Culture. In Sabina Ramet (Ed.). Gender Reversals and Gender Cultures: Anthropological and Historical Perspectives. New York: Routledge, pp. 183–196.
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Mays, Dorothy A. (2004). Women in Early America: Struggle, Survival, and Freedom in a New World. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO. Entry: Manly Hearted Women, pp. 243–4.
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Shoemaker, N. (1999). An Alliance between Men: Gender Metaphors in Eighteenth–Century American Indian Diplomacy East of the Mississippi. Ethnohistory, 46(2), 239–263.
Thomas, W., & Jacobs, S.–E. (1999). “—And we are still here”: from berdache to two–spirit people. American Indian Culture and Research Journal, 23(2), 91–107.
Trexler, Richard C. (2002). Making the American Berdache: choice or constraint? Journal of Social History, 35(3), 613–636.
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Williams, Walter L. (2003). Native American Masculinities. In Kimmel, Michael & Amy Aronson (Eds.), Men and Masculinities: A social, cultural, and historical encyclopedia. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-Clio Press, pp. 564–5. Other entry by author: Two Spirit People, pp. 798-9.