Abbott, F. (Ed.) (1993). Boyhood, growing up male: a multicultural anthology. Freedom, Calif.: Crossing Press.
Acker, J. (2004). Gender, capitalism and globalization. Critical sociology, 30(1), 17–41.
Ashworth, Lucian M., & Swatuk, Larry A. (1998). Masculinity and the fear of emasculation in international relations theory. In Zalewski, M., & Parpart, J. L. (Eds.), The “man question” in international relations. Boulder, Colo: Westview Press.
Bell, D., Caplan, P., & Wazir–Jahan Begum Karim. (Eds.) (1993). Gendered fields: women, men, and ethnography. London: Routledge. Includes: Between autobiography and method: being male, seeing myth and the analysis of structures of gender and sexuality in the eastern interior of Fiji / Allen Abramson; Gendered participation: masculinity and fieldwork in a south London adolescent community / Les Back.
Berg, Lawrence D. (2006). Masculinities. In B. Warf, A. J. Cravey, D. DeLyser, L. Knopp, D. Sui & D. Wilson (Eds.). The Encyclopedia of Human Geography (pp. 296–298). London: Sage.
Berg, Lawrence D., & R. Longhurst (2003). Placing Masculinities and Geography. Gender, Place and Culture, 10(4), 351–360.
Best, D. L. (2001). Gender concepts: convergence in cross–cultural research and methodologies. Cross–cultural research, 35(1), 23–43.
Beynon, J. (2002). Masculinities and culture. Issues in cultural and media studies. Phildelphia, Pa: Open University.
Blackwood, E. (Ed.) (1986). The many faces of homosexuality: anthropological approaches to homosexual behavior. New York: HarringtonPark Press. Includes: Age, structure, and sexuality: reflections on the anthropological evidence on homosexual relations / Barry D. Adam —The hijras of India: cultural and individual dimensions of an in- stitutionalized third gender role / Serena Nanda —Growing yams and men: an interpretation of Kimam male ritualized homosexual behavior / J. Patrick Gray —Mexican male homosexual interaction in public contexts / Clark L. Taylor —Male homosexuality and spirit possession in Brazil / Peter Fry —Masculinity, feminin- ity, and homosexuality: on the anthropological interpretation of sexual meanings in Brazil / Richard Parker —Men and not men: male gender–mixing statuses and homosexuality / Charles Callender, Lee M. Kochems —Why was the berdache ridiculed? / David F. Greenberg —Persistence and change in the berdache tradi- tion among contemporary Lakota Indians / Walter L. Williams.
Bleys, R. (1995). The geography of perversion: male–to–male sexual behaviour outside the West and the ethnographic imagination, 1750–1918. Washington Square, N.Y.: New York University Press.
Bosworth, M., & Flavin, J. (2007). Race, gender, and punishment: from colonialism to the war on terror. New Brunswick, N.J.: RutgersUniversity Press.
Breines, I., Connell, R. W., & Eide, I. (Eds.) (2004). Rôles masculins, masculinités et violence: perspectives d’une culture de paix. Cultures de paix. Paris: éditions UNESCO. Includes: Part II: Études locales ou régionales sur les masculinités, la violence et le rétablissement de la paix, p. 111 / 7. Les hommes sud–africains dans l’ère post–apartheid: réactions, dangers et possibilités, Robert Morrell, p. 113 / 8. Les masculinités soviétiques et postsoviétiques: les guerres des hommes dans les souvenirs des femmes, Irina Novikova, p. 123 / 9. Chasser, 9 dicter sa loi, faire des sacrifices: les pratiques masculines traditionnelles dans les cultures balkaniques contem- poraines, Svetlana Slapšak, p. 137 / 10. Les hommes et l’égalité entre les sexes dans les pays nordiques, Knut Oftung, p. 151 / 11. “Les meilleurs de nos garçons” ou la formation de la masculinité dans la société israélienne, Uta Klein, p. 173 / 12. Éducation, masculinité et violence, Mirjana Najcevska, p. 191 / 13. Les rôles masculins et la genèse du drame somalien, Hassan Keynan, p. 199 / 14. La masculinité”à la russe”: la problématique des rapports sociaux de genre dans la Russie d’aujourd’hui, Andrei Sinelnikov, p. 211.
Brettell, C., & Sargent, C. F. (Eds.) (1997). Gender in cross–cultural perspective. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall. Includes: Rituals of Manhood: Male Initiation in Papua New Guinea / Gilbert H. Herdt —The Manhood Puzzle / David D. Gilmore.
Broude, Gwen J. (1990).Protest Masculinity: A Further Look at the Causes and the Concept. Ethos, 18(1), 103–122.
Brunotte, U. (1998). Helden, Cyborgs und Rituale: Inszenierungen der Männlichkeit jenseits der Geschlechterspannung. Paragrana: internationale Zeitschrift fur historische Anthropologie, 7(1), 197–214.
Campbell, J. C. (1985). Beating of wives: a cross–cultural perspective. Victimology, 10(1–4), 174–185.
Chandler, T. J. L., & Nauright, J. (Eds.) (1999). Making the rugby world: race, gender, commerce. Sport in the global society. London: F. Cass. Includes: More than the making of men, the world(s) of rugby / John Nauright and Timothy J.L. Chandler —Of warriors and blokes: the problem of Maori rugby for Pakeha masculinity in New Zealand / Malcolm MacLean —Rugby, carnival, masculinity and identities in ‘coloured’ Cape Town / John Nauright —Recognition through resistance: rugbyin the USA / Timothy J.L. Chandler —Learning to be a man: French rugby and masculinity / Thierry Terret —Rugby: the game for ‘real Italian men’ / Gherardo Bonini —High school rugby and the construction of masculinity in Japan/ Richard Light.
Charsley, K. a. (2005). Unhappy husbands: masculinity and migration in transnational Pakistani marriages. The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 11(1), 85–105.
Chatterjee, P., & Jeganathan, P. (2000). Community, gender and violence. New York: ColumbiaUniversity Press.
Chick,G., &Loy, J.W. (2001). Making men of them: male socialization for warfare and combative sports. World Cultures, 12(1), 2–17.
Chow, E. N. l., Pyle, J. L., Ward, K. B., Denis, A. B., Lindio McGovern, L., Osirim, M. J., et al. (2003). Special issue: Gender, globalization and social change in the 21st century. International sociology, 18(3), 443–620.
Christensen, M. J. (2002). Of rebellions and revolutions: Masculinity, race, and transnational modernity in late twentieth–century United States and Sierra Leonean representations of the Amistad slave revolt. Unpublished Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles, United States— California.
Clark, G. (2003). Gender at work in economic life. Walnut Creek, Calif.: Altamira Press.
Cleaver, Frances (Ed.) (2006). Masculinities Matter! Men, Gender and Development. London, Zed Books. Foreword – Michael Kimmel / 1. Men and Masculinities: New Directions in Gender and Development – Frances Cleaver / 2. Nationalism, Masculinity and the Developmental State: Exploring Hindutva Masculinities – Prem Vijayan / 3. Collapsing Masculinities and Weak States – A Case Study of Northern Uganda – Chris Dolan / 4. Lenin, the Pinguero and the Cuban Imaginings of Maleness in Times of Scarcity – David Forrest / 5. De- constructing Domination: Gender Disempowerment and the Legacy of Colonialism and Apartheid in Oma- heke, Namibia – Niki Kandirikirira / 6. Men in Women’s Groups: a Gender and Agency Analysis of Local Institutions – Helen Hambly Odame / 7. Boys will be Boys: Addressing the Social Construction of Gender – Marilyn Thomson / 8. Why Do Dogs Lick their Balls? Gender, Desire and Change – A Case Study from Viet- nam – Neil Doyle / 9. Targeting Men for a Change: AIDS Discourse and Activism in Africa – Janet Bujra.
Cohen, M. G., & Brodie, M. J. (Eds.) (2007). Remapping gender in the new global order. London; New York: Rout- ledge. Includes: Remapping gender in the new global order / by Marjorie Griffin Cohen and Janine Brodie — The shifts in gender norms through globalization: gender on the semi–periphery of power / by Marjorie Griffin Cohen — Gender, care work and globalization: local problems and transnational solutions in the Nor- wegian welfare state / by Lise Widding Isaksen — Northward bound Mexican labour migration with a gen- der perspective / by Elaine Levine — The problem of social reproduction under neoliberalism: reconfiguring the male–breadwinner model in Australia / by Ray Broomhill and Rhonda Sharp — Masculinity and mas- culinism under globalization: reflections on the Canadian case / by Satoshi Ikeda — Indigenous peoples and the topography of gender in Mexico and Canada / by Isabel Altamirano Jiménez — Canada’s 3–D’s: the rise and decline of the gender–based policy capacity / by Janine Brodie — Engendering accountability in gov- ernment budgets in Mexico / by Jennifer Cooper and Rhonda Sharpe — Transnational class and gender net- working between the north and the south: overcoming diversity or reproducing dependencies? / by Edmé Dominguez.
Coleman, D. (1998). Masculine migrations: Reading the postcolonial male in ‘New Canadian’narratives. Toronto; Buffalo: University of Toronto Press.
Coltrane, S. (1992). The micropolitics of gender in nonindustrial societies. Gender & Society, 6(1), 86–107.
Connell, R. W. (1995). Masculinities. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Connell, R. W. (1998). Masculinities and globalization. Men and Masculinities, 1(1), 3–23. Translated as: Männer in der Welt: Männlichkeiten und Globalisierung, Widersprüche, 67(1998), 91–105; “Masculinités et mondialsation”. In Daniel Welzer–Lang (Ed.), Nouvelles approches des hommes et du masculin, Presses Universitaires du Mirail, 2000, pp. 195–219; Maskulinitates un globalizacija. In Elizabete Picukane & Irina Novikova (Eds.), Musdienu Feministiskas Teorijas. Riga: Latvijas Universitates Dzimtes studiju centru, pp. 315–341. Reprinted in Michael S. Kimmel & Michael A. Messner (Eds.), Men’s Lives, 5th ed., Boston, Allyn & Bacon, 2001, pp. 56–70. Section reprinted as: Masculinity politics on a world scale. In Stephen M. Whitehead & Frank J. Barrett (Eds.), The Masculinities Reader. Cambridge: Polity, 2001, pp. 369–374.
Connell, R. W. (2000a). The men and the boys. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Connell, R. W. (2000b). Globalisierung und Männerkörper – ein Überblick. Feministische Studien, 18(2), 78–87.
Connell, R. W. (2003a). Masculinities, change and conflict in global society: Thinking about the future of men’s studies. Journal of Men’s Studies, 11(3), 249–266.
Connell, R. W. (2003b). Globalisation and the future of gender. In Delys Bird, Wendy Were & Terri–ann White (Ed.), Future Imaginings: Sexualities and Genders in the New Millennium. Perth: University of Western Australia Press, pp. 1–10.
Connell, R. W. (2003c). Men, gender and the state. In Søren Ervø & Thomas Johansson (Eds.). Among Men: Moulding Masculinities. Vol. 1. Aldershot, Ashgate, pp. 15–28.
Connell, R. W. (2003d). Masculinities and Masculinity Politics in World Society. IRW/IWL seminar. Lecture.
Connell, R. W. (2005). Change among the gatekeepers: men, masculinities, and gender equality in the global arena. Signs, 30(3), 1801–1825.
Connell, R. W., & Messerschmidt, J. W. (2005). Hegemonic masculinity: rethinking the concept. Gender and society, 19(6), 829–859.
Connell, R. W., & Wood, J. (2005). Globalization and business masculinities. Men and masculinities, 7(4), 347–364.
Connell, R.W. (1993). The big picture: Masculinities in recent world history. Theory and Society, 22(5), 597–623.
Connell, Raewyn (2011), Masculinity Research and Global Society, in Esther Ngan-Ling Chow, Marcia Texler Segal, Lin Tan (ed.) Analyzing Gender, Intersectionality, and Multiple Inequalities: Global, Transnational and Local Contexts (Advances in Gender Research, Volume 15), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp.51-72.
Connell, Raewyn. (2010). Southern bodies: bodies, gender and sexuality in world society. In B. M. Pirani & I. Varga (Ed.), Acting Bodies and Social Networks: A Bridge between Technology and Working Memory (Vol. 1, pp. 145–156), Lanham & Plymouth: University Press of America.
Cornwall, A., & Lindisfarne, N. (Eds.) (1994). Dislocating masculinity: comparative ethnographies. London; New York: Routledge. Contents: Dislocating masculinity: gender, power and anthropology / Andrea Cornwall and Nancy Lindisfarne —Missing masculinity? Prostitutes’ clients in Alicante, Spain / Angie Hart —A broken mirror: masculine sexuality in Greek ethnography / Peter Loizos —Variant masculinities, variant virginities: rethink- ing ‘honor and shame’ / Nancy Lindisfarne —’We’re here, we’re queer, and we’re not going shopping’: chang- ing gay male identities in contemporary Britain / David Forrest —Gendered identities and gender ambiguity among travestis in Salvador, Brazil / Andrea Cornwall —Pandora unbound: a feminist critique of Foucault’s History of sexuality / Lin Foxhall —Men don’t go to the moon: language, space and masculinities in Zim- babwe / Chenjerai Shire —An economy of affect: objectivity, masculinity and the gendering of police work / Bonnie McElhinny —The ‘White Negro’ revisited: race and masculinities in south London / Les Back — ‘Real true boys’: moulding the cadets of imperialism / Helen Kanitkar —The paradoxes of masculinity: some thoughts on segregated societies / Deniz Kandiyoti.
Creighton, M. S., & Norling, L. (Eds.) (1996). Iron men, wooden women: gender and seafaring in the Atlantic world, 1700–1920. Gender relations in the American experience. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Derne, S. (2002). Globalization and the reconstitution of local gender arrangements. Men and masculinities, 5(2), 144–164.
Donaldson, M. J., Nilan, P., & Howson, R. (2006). Comparative masculinities: why Islamic Indonesian men are great mates and Australian men are girls. In A. H. Vickers, & M. Hanlon (Eds.). Asia Reconstructed: From Critiques of Development to Postcolonial Studies: the 16th Biennial Conference of the Asian Studies Association of Australia, Asian Studies Association of Australia Inc. and the Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Canberra.
Doss, B. D. (1997). The psychosocial model of masculinity: cross–cultural explorations of masculinity ideology. Thesis (B.A., Honors Program)—St. Mary’s College of Maryland.
Doss, B. D., et. al. (1998). The Multicultural Masculinity Ideology Scale: validation from three cultural perspectives. Sex Roles, 38(9–10), 719–741.
Dudink, Stefan (2001b). Mannelijkheid en natie. Notities over hegemoniale mannelijkheid en geschiedenis. Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies, 4(2), 22–37. [Dutch]
Dudink, Stefan(1998). The trouble with men: problems in the history of masculinity. European journal of cultural studies, 1(3), 419–431.
Dudink, Stefan(2001a). Cults and bruises and democratic contestation: male bodies, history and politics. European journal of cultural studies, 4(2), 153–170.
Duncan, N. (Ed.) (1996). BodySpace: destabilizing geographies of gender and sexuality. London: Routledge. Includes: s if the mirrors had bled: masculine dwelling, masculinist theory and feminist masquerade / Gillian Rose — Masculinity, dualisms and high technology / Doreen Massey —Displacing the field in fieldwork: masculin- ity, metaphor and space / Matthew Sparke.
Ember, Carol R. & Melvin Ember (1994). War, Socialization, and Interpersonal Violence: A Cross–Cultural Study. The Journal of Conflict Resolution,38(4), 620–646.
Ember, Carol R. & Melvin Ember (Eds.) (2003). Encyclopedia of sex and gender: men and women in the world’s cultures. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers. 2 vols. Contents includes: Glossary; Cultural Conceptions of Gender; Gender Roles, Status, and Institutions; Sexuality and Male–Female Interaction; Sex and Gender in the World’s Cultures (pp. 246–1015).
Enloe, C. H. (2007). Globalization and militarism: feminists make the link. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
Farough, S. D. (2001). Contemporary white masculinities. Thesis (Ph. D.)—Boston College.
Farough, S. D. (2004). The Social Geographies of White Masculinities. Critical Sociology, 30(2), 241–264.
Ferré, Joan Vendrell (2002). La masculinidad en cuestión: reflexiones desde la antropología. Nueva Antropología, [Mexico], 18(61), 31-52.
Flood, Michael, Judith Kegan Gardiner, Bob Pease & Keith Pringle (Eds.) (2007). International Encyclopedia of Men and Masculinities. Routledge. [various regionalist contributions; also entries on “Global Masculinities”; “Diasporic and Migrant Masculinities”; “Colonial and Imperialist Masculinities”; “Globalization”]
Fouz–Hernández, Santiago (Ed.) (forthcoming). Male Bodies / Global Cinema. London: I.B. Tauris.
Frick, P. (1997). What is a man? Antropologiska studier, 58(9), 63–73.
Frykman, J. (1997). On the hardening of men. Ethnologia scandinavica, 27, 5–20.
Gallo, E. (2006). Italy is not a good place for men: narratives of places, marriage and masculinity among Malayali migrants. Global networks, 6(4), 357–372.
Gerholm, L. (2003). Overcoming temptation: on masculinity and sexuality among Muslims in Stockholm. Global networks, 3(3), 401–416.
Giancarlo, C. (2001). The contribution of the Western concept of masculinity to worldview. Unpublished Ph.D., Capella University, United States — Minnesota.
Gibson, D., & Hardon, A. (Eds.) (2005). Rethinking masculinities, violence, and AIDS. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis; New Brunswick Distributed in the U.S., Canada, Latin America & UK by Transaction Publishers. Contents: Social construction of masculinity in Mexico / Fenneke Reysoo —’I am the man’: rethinking masculinities in Northern Namibia / Heike Becker —’There is a time to fool around and a time to grow up’: belancing [sic] sex, relationships and notions of masculinity in Nairobi / Rachel Spronk —Masculinities in South Africa: a critical review of contemporary literatureon men’s sexuality / Tamara Shefer ... [et al.] —The practice of mas- culinity in Soweto shebeens: implications for safe sex / Sakhumzi Mfecane ... [et al.] —Some notions of mas- culinity in Manenberg, Cape Town: the gangster and the respectable male / Heidi Sauls —Strategies of safety: when threats of violence become everyday life / Marie Rosenkrantz Lindegaard & Ann–Karina Henriksen —Gender and violence in a Cape Town township / Diana Gibson, Ann Dinan & George McCall —Tack- ling sexual distress: two casestudies from the Central Asian Republic of Tajikistan / Colette Harris.
Gillis, J. R. (2000). Marginalization of Fatherhood in Western Countries. Childhood, 7(2), 225–38.
Gilmore, David D. (1990). Manhood in the making: cultural concepts of masculinity. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press. (Hacerse hombre: concepciones culturales de la masculinidad, Barcelona: Paidós, 1994) (Mythos Mann: Rollen, Rituale, Leitbilder. München; Zürich: Artemis &Winkler, 1991) (De man als mythe: mannelijkheid in verschillende culturen. Amsterdam: Muntinga, 1994). Contents: The manhood puzzle —Performative excellence: circum–Mediterranean —Looking for manhood: Truk Island —Performance anxiety: Mehinaku —Inter- lude: other men, other manhoods —Markers to manhood: Samburu —Rites of manhood: Sambia —Ac- tion and ambiguity: East and South Asia —Exceptions: Tahiti and Semai]
Gilmore, David D. (1997). The Manhood Puzzle. InBrettell, C., & Sargent, C. F. (Eds.). Gender in cross–cultural perspective(pp. 207–220). Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall.
Gilmore, David D. (2001). Misogyny: the male malady. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. [Contents: 1. Melanesian misogynists —2. Flesh and blood —3. Malevolent maidens —4. Scriptures —5. Social struc- ture —6. The Western imagination —7. Commonalities —8. Psychological theories —9. Structural and ma- terialist theories —10. Gynophilia — 11. Ambivalences —12. Conclusions]
Girelli, E. (2005). Transnational Maleness: The Italian Immigrant in Hell Drivers. Cinema Journal, 44(4), 44–56.
Goldstein, J. S. (2001). War and gender: how gender shapes the war system and vice versa. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Gosine, Andil (2007). Marginalization Myths and the Complexity of “Men”: Engaging Critical Conversations about Irish and Caribbean Masculinities. Men and Masculinities, 9(3), 337–357.
Gottfried, H., Acker, J., Salzinger, L., Ward, K., Rahman, F., Islam, A. K. M. S., et al. (2004). Gender, globalization and work restructuring [special issue]. Critical sociology, 30(1), 9–108.
Grundvall, S. T. (2005). Vagabond MC. Gemenskap, manlighet och marginalitet. En studie av en vastsvensk bikerklubb. Unpublished Fil.Dr., Goteborgs Universitet, Sweden.
Gutmann, M. C. (1997). Trafficking in men: the anthropology of masculinity. Annual Review of Anthropology,26, 385–409. Spanish version: Traficando con hombres: La antropología de la masculinidad. La Ventana (Guadalajara), 8, 47-99, 1998. Revised Spanish version, Horizontes Antropológicos(Porto Alegre) 10, 245-86, 1999. Span-
Hansen, P. H. (2000). Confetti of empire: the conquest of Everest in Nepal, India, Britain, and New Zealand. Comparative studies in society and history, 42(2), 307–332.
Hashmi, M. (2006). No longer the iconic American? The changing cultural and economic value of white masculinity in the global economy. Unpublished Ph.D., The University of Wisconsin – Madison, United States —Wisconsin.
Herdt, G. H. (Ed.) (1994). Third sex, third gender: beyond sexual dimorphism in culture and history. New York: Zone Books. Contents: Introduction: third sexes and third genders / Gilbert Herdt —Living in the shadows: eu- nuchs and gender in Byzantium / Kathryn M. Ringrose —London’s Sapphists: from three sexes to four gen- ders in the making of modern culture / Randolph Trumbach —Sodomy and the pursuit of a third sex in the early modern period / Theo van der Meer —”A female soul in a male body”: sexual inversion as gender in- version in nineteenth–century sexology / Gert Hekma — Woman becomes man in the Balkans / René Gré- maux —Polynesian gender liminality through time and space / Niko Besnier —How to become a berdache: toward a unifed analysis of gender diversity / Will Roscoe —Hijras: an alternative sex and gender role in India / Serena Nanda —Mistaken sex: culture, biology and the third sex in New Guinea / Gilbert Herdt —Tran- scending and transgendering: male–to–female transsexuals, dichotomy and diversity / Anne Bolin.
Higate, P. (Ed.) (2003). Military masculinities: identity and the state. Westport, Conn: Praeger. Contents: Foreword: On men, women, militarism, and the military / Jeff Hearn —Introduction: Putting men and the military on the agenda / Paul R. Higate —The roots of military masculinity / Marcia Kovitz —No more heroes: masculin- ity in the infantry / John Hockey —”Soft clerks” and “hard civvies”: pluralizing military masculinities / Paul R. Higate —Locating military masculinities: space, place, and the formation of gender identity and the British army / Rachel Woodward —The home guard in Britain in the second World War: uncertain masculinities? / Penny Summerfield and Corinna Peniston–Bird —Violence in the military community / Deborah Harri- son —Masculinity in work and family lives: implications for military service and resettlement / Samantha Regan de Bere —The state and military masculinity / John Hopton —Conscientious objectors in the Great War: the consequences of rejecting military masculinities / Lois Bibbings —The popular press andthe cre- ation of military masculinities in Georgian Britain / Robert McGregor —The militarization of masculinity in the former German Democratic Republic / Andrew Bickford —Militarism and masculinity as keys to the “Jewish question” in Germany / Gregory A. Caplan —The military and masculinities in Israeli society / Uta Klein —Concluding thoughts: Looking to the future / Paul R. Higate.
Hofstede, G. H. (1998). Masculinity/femininity as a dimension of culture. In Hofstede, G. H. (Ed.), Masculinity and femininity: the taboo dimension of national cultures. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.
Hofstede, G. H. (Ed.) (1998). Masculinity and femininity: the taboo dimension of national cultures. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications. Includes: Masculinity/femininity as a dimension of culture / Geert Hofstede —Val- idating the masculinity/femininity dimension on elites from 19 countries / Michael H. Hoppe —Masculin- ity/femininity and consumer behavior / Marieke de Mooij —The cultural construction of gender / Geert Hofstede —Masculinity and femininity in the self and ideal self descriptions of university students in 14 countries / Deborah L. Best & John E. Williams —Gender role gaps, competitiveness, and temperature / Evert Van de Vliert —Why children play: American versus Dutch boys and girls / Jacques H.A. Van Rossum —Religion, masculinity, and sex / Geert Hofstede.
Hoglund, A. T. (2006). Vad har kon med kriget mot terrorismen att gora? Internasjonal politikk, 64(1), 7–28.
Holden, P. (200[8]).Autobiography and decolonization modernity, masculinity, and the nation–state.Wisconsin studies in autobiography. Madison, Wis: University of Wisconsin Press.
Hooper, C. (2000). Manly states masculinities, international relations, and gender politics. New York: Columbia Uni- versity Press. Includes: Part II — Masculinities, IR, and Gender Politics —Ch.3: Masculinities in International Relations —Ch.4: The Economist’s Masculine Credentials —Ch.5: The Economist, Globalization, and Mas- culinities —Ch.6: The Economist/ IR Intertext —Conclusion: IR and the (Re)Making of Hegemonic Mas- culinity.
Hooper, Charlotte (1998). Masculinist practices and gender politics: the operation of multiple masculinities in international relations. In Zalewski, M., & Parpart, J. L. (Eds.). The “man question” in international relations. Boulder, Colo: Westview Press.
Hoppe, Michael H. (1998). Validating the masculinity/femininity dimension on elites from 19 countries. In Hofstede, G. H. (Ed.), Masculinity and femininity: the taboo dimension of national cultures. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.
Hunt, K., & Rygiel, K. (2006). (En)gendering the war on terror: war stories and camouflaged politics. Aldershot, England; Burlington, VT: Ashgate.
ish version in Angela Inés Robledo and YolandaPuyana (Eds.) (2000). Ética: Masculinidades y feminidades (pp. 177-227). Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
Jansen, S. C., & Sabo, D. (1994). The Sport/War metaphor: Hegemonic. Masculinity, the Persian Gulf War, and the New World Order. Sociology of Sport Journal, 11(1), 1–17.
Janssen, D. F. (2006–7). EncycloPaideia: A Thematic Poly–Lingual Dictionary of Male Initiation/Passage Rituals. Work in progress.
Janssen, D. F. (2007). BOY —Linguistic Anthropological Notes. Thymos: Journal of Boyhood Studies,1(1), 43–67.
Jones, A. (Ed.) (2006). Men of the global south: a reader. New York, NY: Zed Books Ltd. Contents arranged in the following sections: 1. Family & Sexuality / 2. Ritual & Belief / 3. Work / 4. Governance & Conflict / 5. Mi- grations / 6. Masculinities in Motion. Includes Editor’s intro: ‘Worlding Men’, xii–xxii] Kandiyoti, D., Sluga, G., Walby, S., Cusack, T., Bracewell, W., Huysseune, M., et al. (2000). Gender and national- ism. Nations and nationalism, 6(4), 491–629.
Kessler–Harris, A. (2007). Gendering labor history. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
Kim, J. (2004). The Legend of the White–and–Yellow Black Man: Global Containment and Triangulated Racial Desire in Romeo Must Die. Camera Obscura, 19(1), 150–179.
Kimmel, M. S. (2001). Global Masculinities: Restoration and Resistance. In Pease B. & Pringle, K. (Eds.), A Man’s World? Changing Men’s Practices in a Globalized World, London, Zed Books, pp. 21–37.
Kimmel, M. S. (2003). Globalization and its mal(e)contents: the gendered moral and political economy of terrorism. International sociology, 18(3), 603–620. Reprinted in Kimmel, M. S., Hearn, J., & Connell, R. (Eds.) (2005). Handbook of studies on men & masculinities. Thousand Oaks, Calif: Sage Publications.
Kimmel, M. S., & Messner, M. A. (Eds.) (2007). Men’s lives(7th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Allyn and Bacon.
Kimmel, M. S., Hearn, J., & Connell, R. (Eds.) (2005). Handbook of studies on men & masculinities. Thousand Oaks, Calif: Sage Publications. Includes: Part II. Global and Regional Patterns // 5. Globalization, Imperial- ism and Masculinities / R. W. Connell 6. Men in the Third World: Postcolonial Perspectives on Masculinity / Robert Morrell 7. Masculinities in Latin America / Matthew C. Gutmann 8. East Asian Masculinities / Taga Futoshi 9. Men, Masculinities and ‘Europe’ / Committee for Research on Men and Masculinities in Europe (CROME).
Knodel, John, & Ofstedal, Mary Beth (2003). Gender and Aging in the Developing World: Where Are the Men? Population and Development Review, 29(4), 677–698
Kondo, Dorinne (1999). Fabricating masculinity: gender, race, and nation in a transnational frame. Kaplan, C., Alarcón, N., & Moallem, M. (Eds.). Between woman and nation: nationalisms, transnational feminisms, and the state (pp. 296–319). Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
Kreisky, E. (2001). Weltwirtschaft als Kampffeld: Aspekte des Zusammenspiels von Globalismus und Maskulinismus. Osterreichische Zeitschrift fur Politikwissenschaft, 30(2), 137–160.
Kreisky, E., Veil, M., Mulyampiti, T., Braunmuhl, C. v., & Ruppert, U. (2001). Globalisierungsmythen: Feministische Perspektiven. Osterreichische Zeitschrift fur Politikwissenschaft, 30(2), special issue [137–219].
Kreisky,Eva, & Spitaler,Georg (Eds.) (2006). Arena der Männlichkeit: Über das Verhältnis von Fußball und Geschlecht. Frankfurt: Campus. [Includes: Vedran Dzihic: Fußball am Balkan – Erkundungen zwischen (nationalistischem) Wahn, heroischer Männlichkeit und der (Schein)Normalität einer Region im Umbruch / Kurt Wachter: Fuß- ball in Afrika: Kolonialismus, Nationsbildung und Männlichkeiten / Andrei S. Markovits: Fußball in den USA als prominenter Ort der Feminisierung: Ein zusätzlicher Aspekt des allgegenwärtigen ‘amerikanischen Son- derwegs’ / Wolfram Manzenreiter: Fußball und die Krise der Männlichkeit in Japan]
Kulkarni, Mangesh. (ed.). (2018). Global Masculinities: Interrogations and Reconstructions. Routledge.
Foreword by Raewyn Connell; Foreword by Abhijit Das
Preface by Rimjhim Jain; Acknowledgments
Introduction by Mangesh Kulkarni
1. Making Men: The Cultural Politics of Male Initiation Rites in South Africa; Nolwazi Mkhwanazi
2. Social Norms, Social Structure and Law in Nepal: Patriarchy, Violence against Women and the Three Headed Hydra; Sanjeev Uprety
3.Transforming Masculinities as a Contribution to Conflict Prevention?; Hannah Wright
4. Masculinity and Violence against Women: Exploring the Practices of Young Men in Bangladesh; Shashish Shami Kamal
5. Beyond Male Role Models: Gender Identities and Work with Young Men in the UK; Sandy Ruxton, Martin Robb, Brid Featherstone, Michael R.M Ward
6. Can Recent Research in Interpersonal Neurobiology and Solution-Focused Therapies Help Us Move Beyond Gender-Based Violence?; Baron Oron and Alice Welbourn
7. Masculinities, Faith and Ending Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Great Lakes Region; Prabu Deepan and Lizle Loots
8. Engaging Men in Ending Men’s Violence against Women: Beyond the Mantras and Towards More Effective Practice; Michael Flood
9. Involving Men in Sharing the Contraceptive Burden: Experiences from a Community Intervention with Men in Madhya Pradesh, India; Sana Contractor, Shreeti Shakya, Satish Kumar Singh, Mahendra Kumar
10. The Role of Male Dais (Huarku) in Childbirth in a Tribal Block in Nandurbar District of Maharashtra State (India); Sneha Baldeo Makkad and Dr Mira Sadgopal
11. Opportunities and Challenges for Promoting New Concepts of Fatherhood in Bosnia and Herzegovina; Srđan Dušanić
12. Migrating Males and Gender Role Exchange: A Study on How Indonesian Males Perceive Their Masculinities through Caregiving Activities; Valentina Yulita Dyah Utari
13. A Brazilian Policy Toward Men’s Health, Fatherhood and Care, and Gender Equity; Eduardo Schwarz and Daniel Costa Lima
Leggett, William H. (2007). Expatriate ethnoscapes: transnational masculinity and sexual transgressions. In Hutchison, R., & Krase, J. (Eds.). Ethnic landscapes in an urban world. Research in urban sociology. Vol. 8. Amsterdam: Elsevier JAI.
Lenz, Claudia & Gabriele Boutrif (Eds.) (2003). Männlichkeiten –Gemeinschaften –Nationen, Historische Studien zur Geschlechterordnung des Nationalen. VS Verlag Wiesbaden. Contributions by Claudia Bruns/Claudia Lenz, Su- sanne Lettow, Teresa Orozco, Stefan Dudink, Ann–Catrin Östman, Claudia Lenz, and Alexandra Lübcke.
Lenz, I., Ullrich, C., & Fersch, B. (Eds.) (2007). Gender orders unbound: globalisation, restructuring and reciprocity. Opladen, Germany: Barbara Budrich. Contents: The changing economic and political participation of women: hybridization, reversals and contradictions in the context of globalization / Diane Elson —Men, masculinity research and gender justice / Raewyn Connell —Migration, gender, empowerment / Mirjana Morokvasic —Power people, working people, shadow people—: gender, migration, class and practices of (in)equality / Ilse Lenz —The gender–free concept in Japan and transcultural civil society / Michiko Mae —On–line identi- ties and organizational connections: networks of transnational feminist websites / Myra Marx Ferree —Chal- lenges for intersectionality in the transnational organization of European equality movements: forming platforms and maintaining turf in today’s European Union / Alison E. Woodward —Between gender main- streaming, managing diversity and anti–discrimination: what are the implications of the European equality patchwork for migrants? / Helen Schwenken —Soldiers’ mothers fighting the military patriarchy: re–inven- tion of responsible activist motherhood for human rights’ struggle / Elena Zdravomyslova —Changing the subject: labor regulations and gender (in)equality / Heidi Gottfried —Combining bottom–up and top–down approaches: the gender mainstreaming policy of the International Labour Organization / Verena Schmidt — The livelihood security system and social exclusion: the male breadwinner model revisited / Mari Osawa — Modifying, reforming or transforming gender regimes?: effects of the new women’s movement on the Ger- man welfare state / Regina–Maria Dackweiler —Gender boundaries in organizational development: body and culture in German police / Ursula Müller —Changes in parenthood and childhood in Europe and their impact on solidarity and reciprocity in the parent–child relationships / Norbert F. Schneider.
Liddle, J., Wright, C., Jackson, S., Skeggs, B., Beckett, C., Macey, M., et al. (2001). Understanding local/global identities: towards a materialist discursive feminism. Women’s studies international forum, 24(3–4), 273–478.
Liu, W. M. (2005). The study of men and masculinity as an important multicultural competency consideration. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 61(6), 685–697.
Long, R. E. (2004). Men, homosexuality, and the Gods: an exploration into the religious significance of male homosexuality in world perspective. Haworth gay & lesbian studies. New York: Harrington Park Press.
Lorentzen, J. (1997). A comparative study on masculinity and domestic violence in Norway and Zimbabwe. Colloquium Masculinities in Southern Africa [27]. [Durban: University of Natal.
Louie, Kam (2002). Theorising Chinese masculinity: society and gender in China. Cambridge; Oakleigh, Vic.: CambridgeUniversity Press. Includes chapters: 8. Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan and Chow Yun Fat: internationalising wu masculinity; 9. Wen–wu reconstructed: Chinese masculinity hybridised and globalised.
Lusher, D., & Robins, G. (2007). Hegemonic and Other Masculinities in Local Social Contexts. Men and Masculinities, in press.
MacAloon, J. J. (Ed.) (2007). Muscular Christianity and the colonial and post–colonial world. Sport in the global society. London: Routledge. Contents: Preface. John J. Macaloon, University of Chicago / 1. Introduction, Muscular Christianity after 150 Years. John J, Macaloon, The University of Chicago / 2. Muscular Christianity and Value Centred Sport, The Legacy of Tom Brown. Bruce Kidd, University of Toronto / 3. Muscular Christianity in Japan, The Growth of a Hybrid. Ikuo Abe, Tsukuba University / 4. From Trobriand Cricket to Rugby Na- tion, The Mission of Sport in Papua, New Guinea. Robert Foster, University of Rochester /5. Yoga at The Fin– de–siècle, Muscular Christianity With a ‘hindu’ Twist. Joseph Alter, University of Pittsburgh / 6. Christ and The Imperial Playing Fields, Thomas Hughes’s Ideological Heirs in Empire. J.A. Mangan, De Montfort University / 7. Tom Brown Goes Global, The “Brown Ethic” and Colonial and Post–colonial India. Boria Majumdar, Cal- cutta University / 8. Baseball and Decolonizaion, The Caribbean, 1945–75. John Kelly, The University of Chicago / 9. The Muscular Christian Ethos in Post–second World War American Liberalism, Women in The Outward Bound 1962–1975. Matt Milikan, University of Chicago /10. High Ropes and Hard Times, Wilder- ness and The Sublime in Adventure–based Education, Alex Dent, University of Chicago.
Majumdar, B. (2006). Tom Brown goes global: the ‘Brown’ ethic in colonial and post–colonial India. International journal of the history of sport, 23(5), 805–820.
Mangan, J. A. (1999). Shaping the superman: fascist body as political icon: Aryan fascism.London; Portland, OR: Frank Cass.
Margold, J. A. (1994). Global disassembly: migrant masculinity in the transnational workplace. Masculinities, 2(3), 18–36.
Matta, T. F. (2001). The voices of men: the shaping of masculinities in three subcultural contexts. New York: McGraw–Hill Primis Custom Publishing. (Matta, T. F. (1996). The voices of men: the shaping of masculinities in three subcultural contexts. Thesis (Ph. D.)—University of Southern California.
Matthei, L., & Smith, D. (2004). Globalization, migration and the shaping of masculinity in Belize. In Rhonda Reddock (Ed.), Interrogating Caribbean Masculinities. Port of Spain: University of West Indies Press, pp. 267–285.
McDonald, Mary G. (2005). Imagining benevolence, masculinity and nation: tragedy, sport and the transnational marketplace. In Silk, M. L., Andrews, D. L., & Cole, C. L. (Eds.). Sport and corporate nationalisms. Sport, commerce and culture. Oxford: Berg.
Mejía, M. R. (2004). Socialización de la familia en la globalización. Pensar los valores desde las representaciones de lo masculino y lo femenino. Educación hoy: perspectivas latinoamericanas, 157, 57–84.
Mills, M. B. (2003). Gender and inequality in the global labor force. Annual review of anthropology, 32, 41–62.
Moon, Y. S. & Chan, K. (2006). Gender portrayals and the gender of nations: an extended study. in Asian cultures. In Diehl, S., & Terlutter, R. (2006). International advertising and communication: current insights and empirical findings. Wiesbaden: Deutscher Universitäts-Verlag, pp. 343–357.
Morrell, Robert & Sandra Swart (2005). Men in the Third World: postcolonial perspectives on masculinity. In Kimmel, Michael, Jeff Hearn & R.W. Connell (Eds.), The Handbook of Studies on Men and Masculinities. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Morris, Desmond (2008). The naked man: a study of the male body. London: Jonathan Cape. Forthcoming. Comparative ethno-zoological perspective on the male body, follows author’s The Naked Woman(Jonathan Cape, 2004) and author’s The human sexes: a natural history of man and woman(St. Martin’s Press, NY, 1998).
Müller, E. W. (Eds.) (1985). Geschlechtsreife und Legitimation zur Zeugung. Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Historische Anthropologie e.V., Vol. 3. Freiburg: Alber.
Murphy, Craig N. (1998). Six masculine roles in international relations and their interconnection: a personal investigation. In Zalewski, M., & Parpart, J. L. (Eds.), The “man question” in international relations. Boulder, Colo: Westview Press.
Murphy, P. F. (Ed.) (1994). Fictions of masculinity: crossing cultures, crossing sexualities.New York: New York University Press. Contents: The last real man in America: from Natty Bumppo to Batman / David Leverenz —Barthelme, Freud, and the killing of Kafka’s father / Peter Schwenger —Gunter Grass’s Cat and mouse and the phenomenology of masculinity / Leonard Duroche —Naguib Mahfouz, men, and the Egyptian underworld / Miriam Cooke —Man among men: David Mamet’s homosocial order / David Radavich —Male heterosexuality in John Hawkes’s the Passion artist / Peter F. Murphy —Living degree zero: masculinity and the threat of desire in the Roman noir / Christopher Metress —Fighting words: the talk of men at war in the Red badge of courage / Alfred Habegger —The ambiguous outlaw: John Rechy and complicitous homotextuality / Rafael Perez–Torres —The lack of gender in Frank O’Hara’s love poems to Vincent Warren / Jim Elledge —Engendering the imperial subject: the (de)construction of (western) masculinity in David Henry Hwang’s M. Butterfly and Graham Greene’s the Quiet American / Suzanne Kehde —J. R. Ackerley and the ideal friend / David Bergman —E. M. Forster at the end / Richard Dellamora —Richard Rodriguez’s poetics of manhood / Martin A. Danahay.
Murray, S. O. (2000). Homosexualities. Worlds of desire. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Contents: pt. 1. Age– structured homosexualities — 1. The reproduction of warriors — 2. Neither masculinizing nor feminizing re- lations — 3. Boy “tops” — 4. Age–stratified female homosexualities — pt. 2. Gender–stratified organization of homosexuality — 5. Gender–stratified female homosexualities — 6. Male receptacles for phallic discharges — 7. Purportedly sacralized male homosexual roles — pt. 3. Egalitarian homosexualities — 8. Premodern — 9. Modern egalitarian homosexualities — 10. Conclusions.
Nagel, J. (1998). Masculinity and nationalism: gender and sexuality in the making of nations. Ethnic and racial studies, 21(2), 242–269.
Nanda, S. (2000). Gender diversity: crosscultural variations. Prospect Heights, Ill: Waveland Press. [Contents: 1. Mul- tiple genders among North American Indians —2. Hijra and Sädhin: neither man nor woman in India —3. Men and not–men: sexuality and gender in Brazil —4. Liminal gender roles in Polynesia —5. Transgendered males in Thailand and the Philippines —6. Sex/gender diversity in Euro–American cultures —7. Variations on a theme]
Nardi, P. M. (Ed.) (2000). Gay masculinities. Research on men and masculinities series, 12. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. Includes: Religion and masculinity in Latino gay lives / Eric M. Rodriguez and Suzanne C. Ouellette —pt. 3. Masculinities in diverse gay groups —Masculinity among working class gay males / Don- ald C. Barrett —Asian American gay men’s (dis)claim on masculinity / Shinhee Han —Entre hombres/be- tween men: Latino masculinities and homosexualities / Lionel Cantu —Gay female impersonators and the masculine construction of other / Steven P. Schacht.
Nayak, A. (2003). Last of the ‘real Geordies’? White masculinities and the subcultural response to deindustrialisation. Environment and planning D, 21(1), 7–26.
Newman, C. (2005). Healthy, wealthy and globalized? Reader letters to Australian Men’s Health magazine. Continuum, 19(2), 299–313.
Niva, Steve (1998). Tough and tender: new world order masculinity and the Gulf War. In Zalewski, M., & Parpart, J. L. (Eds.). The “man question” in international relations. Boulder, Colo: Westview Press.
Novikova, I., & Kamburov, D. (Eds.) (2003). Men in the global world: integrating postsocialist perspectives. Kikimora publications, 29. [Helsinki]: Aleksanteri Institute. Includes: Oleksy, E. et al.: Newspaper Representations of Men, Masculinities and Men’s Practices: An European Perspective; Irina Novikova et al.: „Men”, „Europe” and Postsocialism; Picukane, E.: “The Representation of Masculinities in the Parliamentary Election Campaign of 2002 in Latvia”; Slapšak, Svetlana: “Masculinities and Sexuality in the Balkans after 1968”; Šmídová, Iva: Men in the Czech Republic (According to Different Men); Ursula Müller: Masculinities: Structures and Discourses. A Closer Look at German Developments after Reunification.
Nurse, Keith (2004). Masculinities in transition: gender and the global problematique. In Rhonda Reddock (Ed.), Interrogating Caribbean Masculinities. University of West Indies Press.
Nye, Robert A. (2000). Kinship, male bonds, and masculinity in comparative perspective. American Historical Review,105, 1656–1666.
Nye, Robert A. (2007). Western Masculinities in War and Peace. American Historical Review, 112(2), 417–438.
Odekerken-Schröder, G., de Wulf, K. & Hofstee, N. (2002). Is gender stereotyping in advertising more prevalent in masculine countries? A cross-national analysis. International Marketing Review, 19(4–5), 408–419. [also circulated in Vlerick Leuven Gent Working Paper Series, 2003/15]
Parpart, Jane (1998). Conclusion: new thought and new directions for the “man” question in international relations. In Zalewski, M., & Parpart, J. L. (Eds.), The “man question” in international relations. Boulder, Colo: Westview Press.
Patton, P., & Poole, R. (Eds.) (1985). War/masculinity. Sydney NSW, Australia: Intervention Publications. Con- tents: Masculinity, violence and war / Bob Connell —A state of seeing, unsighted...: notes on the visual in Nazi war culture / Terry Smith—Staging the bases: scenarios for destruction 1963–74 / Noel Sanders — Thinking new thoughts: Australian responses to the question of nuclear armaments / Jocelyn Dunphy — Men at war in Sydney suburbs / Gavin Harris and Leigh Raymond —War: machining male desire / Adam Farrar —Structures of identity: gender and nationalism / Ross Poole —Working class boys and crime: the- orising the class/gender mix / Chris Cunneen —The social construction of Australian peace movement de- mands / Brian Martin —The political economy of arms and disarmament / Brian Pinkstone.
Pearson, R. (2000). All change? Men, women and reproductive work in the global economy. European journal of development research, 12(2), 219–237.
Pease, B., & Pringle, K. (Eds.) (2001). A man’s world?: Changing men’s practices in a globalized world. London; New York. Includes: 1. Introduction: Studying Men’s Practices and Gender Relations in a Global Context – Bob Pease and Keith Pringle // Part 1: Transnational Contexts / 2. Global Masculinities: Restoration and Resist- ance – Michael Kimmel / 3. The White Ribbon Campaign: Involving Men and boys in Ending Global Vio- lence against Women – Michael Kaufman / 4. Adopting a Global Perspective on Fatherhood – Graeme Russell / 5. Global Men’s Health and the Crisis of Western Masculinity – Ben Wadham // Part 2: National Contexts / 6. Nation, State and Welfare: The Cases of Finland and the UK – Jeff Hearn / 7. Men as Social Workers in the UK: Professional Locations and Gendering global Discourses of Welfare – Alastair Christie 8. Men and Mas- culinities in Late–Modern Ireland – Harry Ferguson / 9. Men’s Practices in Prostitution: The Case of Swe- den – Sven–Axel Mansson / 10. Toward the End of ‘Black Macho’ in the United States: Preface to a (Pro) Womanist Vision of Black Manhood – Gary Lemon / 11. Maculinities in Brazil: The Case of Brazilian Tele- vision Advertisements – Benedito Medrado, Jorge Lyra and Marko Monteiro / 12. Unlearning Machismo: Men Changing Men in Post–Revolutionary Nicaragua – Patrick Welsh / 13. Moving Beyond Mateship: Recon- structing Australian Men’s Practices – Bob Pease / 14. Gendering Services for Men in Hong Kong: Backlash or Pursuit of Gender Equity? – Chan Kam Wah / 15. Saris, Men and Non–violence: Reflections on Indian Masculinity – Siddartha / 16 Cultural Practices of Masculinity in Post–Apartheid South Africa – Ira Horowitz.
Poster, W. R. (2002). Racialism, Sexuality, and Masculinity: Gendering “Global Ethnography” of the Workplace. Social politics,9(1), 126–158.
Ramaswami, S. (2006). Masculinity, Respect, and the Tragic. International review of social history, Suppl., 51(14), 203–228.
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Saunders, B., & Foblets, M.–C. (Eds.) (2002). Changing genders in intercultural perspectives. Studia anthropologica, 5. Leuven: Leuven University Press. Contents: Introduction: intermediate onologies / Barbara Saunders — Guardians of distinctiveness / Maurits Eycken —Family disputes involving Muslim women in contemporary Belgium: Moroccan women between Islamic family law and women’s rights / Marie–Claire Foblets —Sewing up the globe: information & communication technologies and re/materialised gender–power relations / Mar- ianne I. Franklin —Marrying wealth, marrying money: repositioning Igbo women and men / Patrick Iroegbu —Dynamics of sex, gender and culture: the Native American berdache or “two–spirit people” in discourse and context / Chia Longman —Engendering Blackfoot histories / Lea Zuyderhoudt —Planting seeds, mak- ing cheese, moulding faces, feeding children—men making babies?: the virgin–birth controversy revisited / G. Bambi Ceuppens —Afterword: discussing genders in times of change / Massimiliano Carocci.
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Seidler, V. J. (2006). Young men and masculinities: global cultures and intimate lives. London; New York:: Zed Books. Contents: Introduction: young men and masculinities –– Masculinities, histories, cultures and religions –– Lis- tening, speaking and learning –– Questioning Adam: men, power and love –– Rethinking fatherhood –– Mas- culinities, bodies and emotional life –– Bodies, desires, pleasures and love –– Authority, identities, bodies and intimacy –– Bodies, ethics, fears and desires –– Friends, risks and transgressions –– Risks, fears, race and be- longings –– Risk, self–harm, abuse and control –– Young men, bodies, sexualities and health –– Young men’s sexual and reproductive health –– Young men, heroes, violence and conflict.
Shukalo, A. M. (2005). Communing with the Gods: Bodybuilding, masculinity, and United States imperialism, 1875—1900. Unpublished Ph.D., The University of Texas at Austin, United States — Texas.
Smith, Steve (1998). “Unacceptable conclusions” and the “man” question: masculinity, gender, and international relations. In Zalewski, M., & Parpart, J. L. (Eds.), The “man question” in international relations. Boulder, Colo: Westview Press.
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Springwood, C. F. (Ed.) (2007). Open fire: understanding global gun cultures(English ed.). Oxford, UK; New York: Berg. Contents: The social life of guns: an introduction / Charles Fruehling Springwood —Gunscapes: to- ward a global geography of the firearm / Charles Fruehling Springwood —Gun politics: reflections on Brazil’s failed gun ban referendum in the Rio de Janeiro context / Donna Goldstein —Of guns, children, and the maelstrom: determining purposive actions in Israeli–perpetrated firearm deaths of Palestinian children and minors / Frank M. Afflitto —Silent but still deadly: guns and the peace process in Northern Ireland / Jeffrey A. Sluka —Warriors and guns: the anthropology of cattle rustling in northeastern Africa / Nene Mburu — Arming desire: the sexual force of guns in the United States / C. Richard King —Drawing a virtual gun / Katherine Gregory —”Gun rights are civil rights”: racism and the right to keep and bear arms in the United States / Christy Allen —”Man to man”: power and male relationships in the gunplay film / Robert Arjet — Aiming for manhood: the transformation of guns into objects of American masculinity / Amy Ann Cox — “I shot the sheriff”: gun talk in Jamaican popular music / Carolyn Cooper —Playing at hate: war games, the Aryan World Congress, and the American psyche / Robert Rinehart —The celebration of violence: a live– fire demonstration carried out by Japan’s contemporary military / Eyal Ben–Ari & Sabine Frühstück.
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Sylvester, Christine (1998). “Masculinity,” “femininity,” and “international relations”: Or who goes to the “moon” with Bonaparte and the adder? In Zalewski, M., & Parpart, J. L. (Eds.). The “man question” in international relations. Boulder, Colo: Westview Press.
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van Hoven, B. & Hoerschelmann K. (Eds.) (2005). Spaces of Masculinities. London: Routledge. Contents: Introduction: from geographies of men to geographies of women and back again? / Bettina van Hoven, Kathrin Horschelmann; 2. The men and the boys: bankers, burger makers and barmen / Linda McDowell; 3. The logic and limitations of male working–class culture in a resource hinterland / Thomas Dunk, David Bartol; 4 Masculinity and rurality / Paul Cloke; 5. The maladies of manhood in the Buzerplatz: Czech military officers in transition’ / Hana Cervinkova; 6. Transient masculinities: Indian IT–professionals in Germany / Bettina van Hoven, Louise Meijering; 7. Globalization and masculine space in India and Fiji / Steve Derne; 8. Latin American urban masculinities: going beyond ‘the macho’ / Katie Willis; 9. Ethnic violence and crises of masculinity: Lebanon incomparative perspective / Michael Johnson; 10. Mobilizing the rhetoric of defence: exploring working–class masculinities in the divided city / Karen Lysaght; 11. Deviant masculinities: representations of neo–fascist youth in Eastern Germany / Kathrin Horschelmann; 12. Shifting spaces of masculinity: from Carisbrook to the MCG / C. Michael Hall; 13. ‘Man–breasts’: spaces of sexual difference, fluidity and abjection / Robyn Longhurst; 14. Tattoos in prison: men and their pictures on the edge of society /Janine Janssen; 15. ‘You questioning my manhood, boy?’: using work to play with gender roles in a regime of male skilled–labour / Rhys Evans; 16. Exploring notions of masculinity and fatherhood: when gay sons ‘come out’ to heterosexual fathers / Tracey Skelton, Gill Valentine; 17. The awkward spaces of fathering / Stuart C. Aitken; 18. Stages and streets: reading and (mis)reading female masculinities / Kath Browne.
Vianello, M., & Moore, G. (2000). Gendering elites: economic and political leadership in 27 industrialised societies. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Macmillan Press.
Völger, G. (Ed.) (1997). Sie und Er: Frauenmacht und Männerherrschaft im Kulturvergleich. Köln: Rautenstrauch–Joest–Museum. 2 vols. “Materialsammlung zu einer Ausstellung des Rautenstrauch–Joest–Museums für Völkerkunde in der Josef–Haubrich–Kunsthalle Köln vom 25. November 1997 bis 8. März 1998”. [95 contributions in 2 volumes]. Vol. I includes: 13. Londa Schiebinger: Männer und Frauen in der anthropologischen Seinskette des 18. Jahrhunderts / 17. Ulrike Brunotte: Herakles: Der Heros der Männlichkeit und die Geschlechterspan- 22 nung / 45. Maria–Barbara & Watson–Franke: Maskulinität in matrilinearen Gesellschaften / 51. Beverly J. Stoeltje / Spuren weiblicher und männlicher Macht im Königreich der Ashanti in Westafrika / 52. Rupert Moser / Der Mann als Bettler: Geschlechterbeziehungen beiden mutterrechtlichen Mwera von Südtansa- nia.Vol. II includes: 53. Daphne Spain: Männerhaus und Geschlechtersegregation / 54. Wolfgang Decker / Frauen und Männer in Olympia / 57. Matthias Rudlof: Die Produktion von Männlichkeit: Zur Gefühls– und Körpersozialisation des Jungen in der Moderne / 64. Birgitt Röttger–Rössler: Männer, Frauen und andere Geschlechter: Zur Relativierung der Zweigeschlechtlichkeit in außereuropäischen Kulturen / 65. Christian Pel- ras: Geschlechterrollen und Transvestiten bei den Buginesen in Südsulawesi, Indonesien / 66. Gisela Bleibtreu–Ehrenberg: Zur Rolle der ‘Weibmänner’ im Schamanismus / 67. Serena Nanda: Weder Mann noch Frau: Die Hijra in Indien / 69. Sabine Lang: Geschlechtsrollenwechsel und kulturelle Konstruktionen von Heterosexualität und Homosexualität in indigenen Kulturen Nordamerikas / 70. Will Roscoe: Das Dritte Geschlecht im Mythos und Ritual der Zuni, Nordamerika / 71. Veronika Bennholdt–Thomsen: Muxe’ — Das Dritte Geschlecht in Juchitän, Südmexiko: Erkenntnistheoretische Überlegungen / 72. Heike Behrend: Geist- besessenheit und Geschlecht: Königsfrauen in Buganda / 73. Dieter Haller: Transvestitismus und Bisexualität im Mittelmeerraum: Männliche Homosexualität in einer machistischen Gesellschaft / 83. Monika Weiderer: Das Frauen– und Männerbild im deutschen Fernsehen nach 1945 / 89. Hans Bosse: Männliche Identität und das Individuum der Modernein Papua Neuguinea / 91. Ruth Göhlen: Mobilität und Entscheidungsfreiraum von Frauen und Männern im Astor–Tal (Westhimalaya) / 92. Katharina Hüsers–Döhmen: Von geschlechtli- cher Arbeitsteilung zur Männergesellschaft: Die renzüchtenden Sämi in Schweden.
Völger, G., & Welck, K. v.(Eds.) (1990). Männerbande, Männerbünde: zur Rolle des Mannes im Kulturvergleich. Köln: Rautenstrauch–Joest–Museum. 2 vols. [96 contributions in 2 volumes, entries grouped by world religions and world regions. In German]
Way, N., & Chu, J. Y. (Eds.) (2004). Adolescent boys: exploring diverse cultures in boyhood. New York: New York Uni- versity Press. Contents: Hmong American masculinities: creating new identities in the U.S. / Stacey J. Lee — Frames of self: capturing working class British boys’ identities through photographs / Barbara M. Walker — Boys in men’s clothing: racial socialization and neighborhood safety as buffers to hypervulnerability in African American adolescent males / Howard C. Stevenson —A relational perspective on boys’ identity development / Judy Y. Chu —Psychological well–being, school adjustment, and problem behavior among Chinese ado- lescent boys from poor families: does family functioning matter? / Daniel T. L. Shek —Experiences of trust with parents: a qualitative investigation of African American, Latino, and Asian American boys from low–income families / Elena D. Jeffries & Niobe Way —The role of father support in the prediction of suicidal ideation among black adolescent males / Darian B. Tarver [et al.] —Peer relationships among Chinese boys: a cross–cultural perspective —Xinyin Chen [et al.] —Intimacy, desire, and betrayal in the friendships of adolescent boys / Niobe Way —The influence of peer experiences on bravado attitudes among African American males / Michael Cunningham & Leah Newkirk Meunier —Boys–on–boy sexuality / Ritch C. Savin–Williams —Getting close, staying cool: early adolescent boys’ experiences with romantic relationships / Deborah L. Tolman [et al.] —Adolescent boys’ heterosexual behavior /Joseph H. Pleck, Freya L. Sonen- stein & Leighton Ku —Immigrant boys’ experiences in U.S. schools / Carola Suárez–Orozco & Desirée Bao- lian Qin–Hilliard —Understanding the exceptions: how small schools support the achievement of academically successful black boys / Gilberto Q. Conchas & Pedro A. Noguera —From preschool to mid- dle–school: the role of masculinity in low–income urban adolescent boys’ literacy skills and academic achieve- ment / Michelle V. Porche, Stephanie J. Ross & Catherine E. Snow.
Wedgwood, N., & Connell, R. W. (2004). Männlichkeitsforschung: Männer und Männlichkeiten im internationalen Forschungskontext. In Ruth Becker, & Beate Kortendiek (Eds.), Handbuch Frauen– und Geschlechter-forschung: Theorie, Methoden, Empirie.Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, pp. 112–121.
Weis, L. (2006). Masculinity, whiteness, and the new economy: an exploration of privilege and loss. Men and masculinities, 8(3), 262–272.
Westwood, S. (1995). Gendering Diaspora: Space, Politics, and South Asian Masculinities in Britain. In Veer, P. v. d. (Ed.). Nation and migration: the politics of space in the South Asian diaspora. South Asia seminar series. Philadelphia: University of Philadelphia Press, pp. 197–221.
Whitehead, S. (2006). Men and masculinities: critical concepts in sociology. London; New York: Routledge.
Yeoh, Brenda, & Willis, Katie (2004). Constructing masculinities in transnational space: Singapore men on the ‘regional beat’. In Jackson, P., Crang, P., & Dwyer, C. (Eds.). Transnational spaces. London: Routledge.
Zalewski, M., & Parpart, J. L. (Eds.) (1998). The “man question” in international relations. Boulder, Colo: Westview Press. Includes: Introduction: from the “woman” question to the “man” question in international relations / Marysia Zalewski —”New times” and new conversations / V. Spike Peterson and Jacqui True —Masculinist practices and gender politics: the operation of multiple masculinities in international relations / Charlotte Hooper —”Unacceptable conclusions” and the “man” question: masculinity, gender, and international rela- tions / Steve Smith —Masculinity and the fear of emasculation in international relations theory / Lucian M. Ashworth and Larry A. Swatuk —Six masculine roles in international relations and their interconnection: a personal investigation / Craig N. Murphy —Tough and tender: new world order masculinity and the Gulf War / Steve Niva —Gays in the military: texts and subtexts / Carol Cohn —Something’s missing: male hys- teria and the U.S invasion of Panama / Cynthia Weber —Sex, power, and the grail of positive collaboration / Ralph Pettman —”Masculinity,” “femininity,” and “international relations”: Or who goes to the “moon” with Bonaparte and the adder? / Christine Sylvester —Conclusion: new thought and new directions for the “man” question in international relations / Jane Parpart.
Zalewski, Marysia (1998). Introduction: from the “woman” question to the “man” question in international relations. In Zalewski, M., & Parpart, J. L. (Eds.). The “man question” in international relations. Boulder, Colo: Westview Press.
Zoja, L. (2001). The father: historical, psychological, and cultural perspectives. East Sussex: Brunner–Routledge.