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Islamic Masculinities: an introduction - Lahoucine Ouzgane.
Part I: Masculinities and Religion.
1. Gender and Islamic Spirituality: A Psychological View of ‘Low’ Fundamentalism - Durre S. Ahmed.
2. The Smile of Death and the Solemncholy of Masculinity - Banu Helvacioglu.
3. Alternate Images of the Prophet Muhammad’s Virility - Ruth Roded.
4. The Trial of Heritage and the Legacy of Abraham - Najat Rahman.
Part II: Masculinities and the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict.
5. My wife is from the jinn: Palestinian men, diaspora, and love - Celia Rothenberg.
6. Chasing Horses, Eating Arabs - Rob K. Baum.
7. Stranger Masculinities: Gender and Politics in a Palestinian-Israeli ‘Third Space’ - Daniel Monterescu.
Part III: Masculinities and Social Practice.
8. Gender, Power and Social Change in Morocco - Don Conway-Long.
9. Masculinity and Gender Violence in Yemen - Mohammed Baobaid.
10. Opportunities for Masculinity and Love: Cultural Production in Ba’thist Iraq during the 1980s - Achim Rohde.
11. On Being Homosexual and Muslim: Conflicts and Challenges - Asifa Siraj.
12. “The Worms Are Weak”: Male Infertility and Patriarchal Paradoxes in Egypt - Marcia C. Inhorn.
Ouzgane, Lahoucine. (ed). (2003). Men and Masculinities, Special Issue: Islamic Masculinities. 5(3), January.
Islamic masculinities: Introduction / Lahoucine Ouzgane.
“The worms are weak”: Male infertility and patriarchal paradoxes in Egypt / Marcia C. Inhorn.
Mullahs, martyrs, and men: Conceptualizing masculinity in the Islamic Republic of Iran / Shain Gerami.
Building a man on stage: Masculinity, romance, and performance according to Farid al-Atrash / Sherifa Zuhur.
The trial of heritage and the legacy of Abraham / Najat Rahman.
Gender (and) imperialism: Structures of masculinity in Tayeb Salih’s Season of Migration to the North / Wail S. Hassan.
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