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Girman, C. (2004). Mucho macho: seduction, desire, and the homoerotic lives of Latin men. New York: HarringtonPark Press. [Contents: Machismo and macho performance —Head, hands, balls, and ass —The Dominican tíguere and hegemonic masculinities —Desire in a Costa Rican prison —Historical representations of same–sex de- sire in Esteban Echeverría’s “El Matadero”and Reinaldo Arena’s “Comienza Desfile” —Familiar, familial voices:Latino men speak out —Performing matter(s):masculinities, the male body, and the evocation of the (not) real —The final act: why it all matters]
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Gutmann, M. (2002). La politique populaire a-t-elle un genre? Un exemple mexicain. Cahiers des Ameriques Latines (Paris) 39: 109-26. (Spanish version: El género de la política popular en el México contemporáneo. In Debates sobre masculinidades: Poder, desarrollo, políticas públicas y ciudadanía. Gloria Careaga and Salvador Cruz Sierra, eds. Pp. 429-47. Mexico City: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. 2006.)
Gutmann, M. (2002). Las mujeres y la negociación de la masculinidad. Nueva Antropología (Mexico City) 61: 99-116.
Gutmann, M. (2004). Dystopian Travels in Gringolandia: Engendering Ethnicity among Mexican Migrants to the United States. Ethnicities 4(4): 477-500. (Portuguese version: Quando se cruzam fronteiras diaspóricas e identidades distópicas. Revista de Antropologia 51(1): 155-76. 2008.)
Gutmann, M. (2005). Masculinities in Latin America. With Mara Viveros. In Handbook of Studies on Men and Masculinities. Michael Kimmel, R.W. Connell, and Jeff Hearn, eds. Pp. 114-28. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. (Spanish version: Masculinidades en América Latina. Tratado de psicología social: Perspectivas socioculturales. Miguel Ángel Aguilar and Anne Reid, eds. Pp. 120-39. Barcelona: Anthropos. 2007.)
Gutmann, M. (2005). Men Who Abandon their Families: Households As Border Zones In Mexico City. Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe (Tel Aviv) 16(1): 133-46.
Gutmann, M. C. (2001). The Vicissitudes of Men and Masculinities in Latin America. Men and Masculinities, 3(3): 235-236.
Gutmann, Matthew C. (1994). The Meanings of Macho: Changing Mexican Male Identities. Masculinities, 2(1), Spring.
Gutmann, Matthew C. (1994). The Meanings of Macho: Changing Mexican Male Identities. Masculinities, 2(1), Spring. Reprinted in Lamphere, L., Ragoné, H., & Zavella, P. (Eds.) (1997). Situated lives: gender and culture in everyday life. New York: Routledge, pp. 223–234.
Gutmann, Matthew C. (1996). Reflexiones sobre los aportes y dilemas de etnografias recientes acerca de la masculinidad. Acta sociólogica [Mexico], 16, 71–83.
Gutmann, Matthew C. (1996). The Meanings of Macho: Being a Man in Mexico City. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Gutmann, Matthew C. (1996). The Meanings of Macho: Being a Man in Mexico City. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Gutmann, Matthew C. (1997). Seed of the Nation: Men’s Sex and Potency in Mexico. In The Gender/Sexuality Reader: Culture, History, Political Economy. Roger N. Lancaster and Micaela di Leonardo. (eds.). Pp. 194-206. Routledge.
Gutmann, Matthew C. (1997). The Cultural Genealogy of Machismo: Mexico and the United States, Cowboys and Racism. Horizontes Antropológicos (Porto Alegre) 5:105-39.
Gutmann, Matthew C. (1997). The Ethnographic (G)ambit: Women and the Negotiation of Masculinity in Mexico City. American Ethnologist, 24(4), pp. 833-855.
Gutmann, Matthew C. (1998). Mamitis and the Traumas of Development in a Colonia Popular of Mexico City. In Small Wars: The Cultural Politics of Childhood. Nancy Scheper-Hughes and Carolyn Sargent. (eds.). Pp. 130-48. University of California Press.
Gutmann, Matthew C. (1999). Do we need ‘masculinist’ defenses of feminist archaeology? Commentary on Who’s come a long way baby? Masculinist approaches to a gendered archaeology, by Bruce Knapp. Archaeological Dialogues (Leiden) 5(2):112-15.
Gutmann, Matthew C. (2000). A (Short) Cultural History of Mexican Machos and Hombres. In Gender Matters: Rereading Michelle Z. Rosaldo. Alejandro Lugo and Bill Maurer. (eds.). Pp. 160-84. University of Michigan Press.
Gutmann, Matthew C. (2000). Male Discretion and Sexual Indiscretions in Working Class Mexico City. In Gender Through the Prism of Difference. 2nd ed. Maxine Baca Zinn, Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo, Michael A. Messner. (eds.). Pp. 171-87. Allyn and Bacon.
Gutmann, Matthew C. (ed). (2001). Men and Masculinities, Special Issue; Men and Masculinities in Latin America, 3(3), January
The Vicissitudes of Men and Masculinities in Latin America / Gutmann, Matthew C.
Contemporary Latin American Perspectives on Masculinity / Vigoya, Mara Viveros.
Philanderers, Cuckolds, and Wily Women: A Reexamination of Gender Relations in a Brazilian Working-Class Neighborhood / Fonseca, Claudia.
Verguenza and Changing Chicano and Chicana Narratives / Barriga, Miguel Diaz.
Machismo and Politics in Ecuador: The Case of Pancho Jaime / Andrade, Xavier.
The Social Constitution of Gender Identity among Peruvian Men / Fuller, Norma.
Gutmann, Matthew C. (ed). (2003). Changing Men and Masculinities in Latin America. Duke Univ Pr.
Introduction: Discarding Manly Dichotomies in Latin America / Matthew C. Gutmann.
Contemporary Latin American Perspectives on Masculinity / Mara Viveros Vigoya.
Urban Men and Masculinities.
Philanderers, Cuckolds, and Wily Women: Reexamining Gender Relations in a Brazilian Working-Class Neighborhood / Claudia Fonseca.
Men and Their Histories: Restructuring, Gender Inequality, and Life Transitions in Urban Mexico / Agustin Escobar Latapi.
Malandros, Maria Lionza, and Masculinity in a Venezuelan Shantytown / Francisco Ferrandiz.
The Social Constructions of Gender Identity among Peruvian Males / Norma Fuller.
Drink, Abstinence, and Male Identity in Mexico City / Stanley Brandes.
Representations and Practices.
Barbudos, Warriors, and Rotos: The MIR, Masculinity, and Power in the Chilean Agrarian Reform, 1965-74 / Florencia E. Mallon.
Sexuality and Revolution: On the Footnotes to El beso de la mujer arana / Daniel Balderston.
Measures of Manhood: Honor, Enlisted Army Service, and Slavery’s Decline in Brazil, 1850-90 / Peter M. Beattie.
Verguenza and Changing Chicano/a Narratives / Miguel Diaz Barriga.
Pancho Jaime and the Political Uses of Masculinity in Ecuador / X. Andrade.
Sexuality and Paternity.
Changing Sexualities: Masculinity and Male Homosexualities in Brazil / Richard Parker.
Men at Home? Child Rearing and Housekeeping among Chilean Working-Class Fathers/ Jose Olavarria.
Neither Machos nor Maricones: Masculinity and Emerging Male Homosexual Identities in Mexico / Hector Carrillo.
Rape and the Politics of Masculine Silence in Argentina / Donna J. Guy.
Gutmann, Matthew Charles (1993). Los hombres cambiantes, los machos impenitentes y las relaciones de genero en Mexico en los noventa. Estudios sociologicos, 33, 725–740. English version: The Meanings of Macho: Changing Mexican Male Identities. Masculinities, 2(1), 21–33, 1994. English version reprinted in Louise Lamphere, Helena Ragoné, & Patricia Zavella (Eds.) (1997). Situated Lives: Gender and Culture in Everyday Life (pp. 223–234). New York: Routledge. Also in Amber Ault (Ed.)(1999). Perspectives: Race and Ethnicity(pp. 99–106). Madison, WI: Coursewise Publishing, Inc.
Gutmann, Matthew Charles (1994). The Meanings of Macho: Changing Mexican Male Identities. Masculinities, 2(1). Reprinted in Lamphere, L., Ragoné, H., & Zavella, P. (Eds.) (1997). Situated lives: gender and culture in everyday life. New York: Routledge, pp. 223–234.
Gutmann, Matthew Charles (1995). Meanings of macho: The cultural politics of masculinity in Mexico City.Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Berkeley, United States— California.
Gutmann, Matthew Charles (1996a). Reflexiones sobre los aportes y dilemas de etnografias recientes acerca de la masculinidad. Acta sociólogica [Mexico], 16, 71–83.
Gutmann, Matthew Charles (1996b). The meanings of macho: Being a man in Mexico City. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Gutmann, Matthew Charles (1997a). The Cultural Genealogy of Machismo: Mexico and the United States, Cowboys and Racism. Horizontes Antropológicos(Porto Alegre), 5, 105–139.
Gutmann, Matthew Charles (1997b). Seed of the Nation: Men’s Sex and Potency in Mexico. In Roger N. Lancaster and Micaela di Leonardo (Eds.). The Gender/Sexuality Reader: Culture, History, Political Economy. Pp. 194–206. Routledge.
Gutmann, Matthew Charles (1997c). The ethnographic (g)ambit: women and the negotiation of masculinity in Mexico city. American ethnologist, 24(4), 833–855. Partial translation as: El (g)ámbito etnográfico: Las mujeres en la negociación de la masculinidad. In Bob Hodge, Rose Lema & Hans Saettele (Eds.) (2002). Discurso, sociedad y lenguaje: Una anamorfosis en el nuevo milenio(pp. 174–195). Munich: Lincom Studies in Pragmatics.
Gutmann, Matthew Charles (1997d). Los verdaderos machos mexicanos nacen para morir. In Teresa Valdés & José Olavarría (Eds.), Masculinidad/es: Poder y Crisis. Santiago: Ediciones de las Mujeres, ISIS Internacional 24, 153–168. [Translation of ch. 1, Ser hombre de verdad en la ciudad de México, 1999]
Gutmann, Matthew Charles (1998a). Reflexiones sobre el machismo en América Latina. In Valdés, Teresa; Olavarría, José; Olavaría Aranguren; FLACSO (Organization) (Eds.). Masculinidades y equidad de género en América Latina. Santiago: FLACSO–Chile; UNFPA. 1998
Gutmann, Matthew Charles (1998b). Los machos que no tienen ni madre: La paternidad y la masculinidad en la ciudad de México. La Ventana(Guadalajara), 7, 120–165. (Pastora Rodríguez Aviñoá, trans.)
Gutmann, Matthew Charles (2000a). A (Short) Cultural History of Mexican Machos and Hombres. In Alejandro Lugo & Bill Maurer (Eds). Gender Matters: Rereading MichelleZ. Rosaldo (pp.160–184). University of Michigan Press. Reprinted in Jessica Perkins & Karen Campbell (Eds.) (2007). Across Borders: Diverse Perspectives on Mexico(pp. 135–156). Toronto: ISCMexico.
Gutmann, Matthew Charles (2000b). Ser hombre de verdad en la ciudad de Mexico: ni macho ni mandilón. Mexico, D.F.: El Colegio de México.
Gutmann, Matthew Charles (2001a). Cambio contextualizado: Las masculinidades contemporáneas en Chile, Colombia y el Perú. In Mara Viveros, Norma Fuller & José Olavarría (Eds.), Hombres e identidades de género: Investigaciones desde América Latina. Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, pp. 15–33.
Gutmann, Matthew Charles (2001b). The Vicissitudes of Men and Masculinities in Latin America. Men and Masculinities, 3(3), 235–236.
Gutmann, Matthew Charles (2002). La politique populaire a–t–elle un genre? Un exemple mexicain. Cahiers des Ameriques latines, 39, 109–128.
Gutmann, Matthew Charles (2003a). Introduction: Discarding manly dichotomies in Latin America. In Gutmann, Matthew Charles (Ed.). Changing men and masculinities in Latin America. Durham: Duke University Press.
Gutmann, Matthew Charles (2005). Scoring men: vasectomies and the totemic illusion of male sexuality in Oaxaca. Culture, medicine and psychiatry, 29(1), 79–101.
Gutmann, Matthew Charles (2006a). Mexican Machos and Hombres. In Miguel Díaz Barriga (Ed.), Key Issues and Debates in Latin American Anthropology: Social Movements, Mestizaje, Globalization, and the Politics of Representation. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers.
Gutmann, Matthew Charles (2006b). El género de la política popular en el México contemporáneo. In Gloria Careaga & Salvador Cruz Sierra (Eds.), Debates sobre masculinidades: Poder, desarrollo, políticas públicas y ciudadanía (pp. 429–447). Mexico City: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
Gutmann, Matthew Charles (2007). Fixing Men: Sex, Birth Control, and AIDS in Mexico. Berkeley: University of California Press. In press.
Gutmann, Matthew Charles (Ed.) (2003). Changing men and masculinities in Latin America. Durham: Duke Uni- versity Press. Contents: Introduction: Discarding manly dichotomies in Latin America / Matthew C. Gut- mann —Contemporary Latin American perspectives on masculinity / Mara Viveros Vigoya —Pt: Urban Men and Masculinities —Philanderers, cuckolds, and wily women: reexamining gender relations in a Brazil- ian working–class neighborhood / Claudia Fonseca —Men and their histories: restructuring, gender in- equality, and life transitions in urban Mexico / Agustín Escobar Latapí—Malandros, María Lionza, and masculinity in a Venezuelan shantytown / Francisco Ferrándiz —Social constructions of gender identity among Peruvian males / Norma Fuller —Drink, abstinence, and male identity in Mexico City / Stanley Brandes —Pt: Representations and Practices —Barbudos, warriors, and rotos: the MIR, masculinity, and power in the Chilean agrarian reform, 1965–74 / Florencia E. Mallon —Sexuality and revolution: on the foot- notes to El beso de la mujer araña/ Daniel Balderston —Measures of manhood: honor, enlisted army service, and slavery’s decline in Brazil, 1850–90 / Peter M. Beattie —Verguenza and changing Chicano/a narratives / Miguel Díaz Barriga —Pancho Jaime and the political uses of masculinity in Ecuador / X. Andrade —Pt: Sexuality and Paternity —Changing sexualities: masculinity and male homosexualities in Brazil / Richard Parker —Men at home?: child rearing and housekeeping among Chilean working–class fathers / JoséOlavar- ría—Neither machos nor maricones: masculinity and emerging male homosexual identities in Mexico / Héc- tor Carrillo —Rape and the politics of masculine silence in Argentina / Donna J. Guy.
Gutmann, Matthew Charles & Gloria González–López (2005a). Machismo. In Maryanne Cline Horowitz (Ed.), New Dictionary of the History of Ideas(pp. 1328–30). New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons. Translated in Roberto Garda Salas & Fernando Huerta Rojas (Eds.) (2007). Estudios sobre la Violencia Masculina(pp. 15–20). Mexico City: Indesol.
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