Barker, Gary, and C. Ricardo. (2005). Young Men and the Construction of Manhood in sub-Saharan Africa: Implications for HIV/AIDS, Conflict and Violence. Background document prepared for the World Bank.
Barker, Gary. (2000). What about Boys? A Literature Review on the Health and Development of Adolescent Boys. Geneva: World Health Organization.
Barker, Gary. (2005). Dying to be Men: Youth, Masculinities and Social Exclusion. Routledge, London.
Bola, J. J. (2019). If I Were a Boy: Gender Equality and Feminism. Chapter 5 in Mask Off: Masculinity Redefined. Pluto Press.
Canada, Geoffrey. (1998). Reaching Up for Manhood: Transforming the Lives of Boys in America. Boston, MA: Beacon Press.
Chu, Judy Y. (2014). When boys become boys: Development, relationships, and masculinity. NYU Press.
Chu, J. Y., & Gilligan, C. (2019). Boys’ Development in a New Era of APA Guidelines. Men and Masculinities, 22(5), 909-913.
Chu, Judy Y., and Niobe Way. (eds.). (2004). Adolescent Boys: Exploring diverse cultures of boyhood. New York University Press.
Part I Identity Development.
1 Hmong American Masculinities: Creating New Identities in the United States / Stacey J. Lee.
2 Frames of Self: Capturing Working-Class British Boys’ Identities through Photographs / Barbara M. Walker.
3 Boys in Men’s Clothing: Racial Socialization and Neighborhood Safety as Buffers to Hypervulnerability in African American Adolescent Males / Howard C. Stevenson.
4 A Relational Perspective on Adolescent Boys’ Identity Development / Judy Y. Chu.
Part II Family Relationships.
5 Experiences of Trust with Parents: A Qualitative Investigation of African American,Latino, and Asian American Boys from Low-Income Families / Elena D. Jeffries.
6 Psychological Well-Being, School Adjustment, and Problem Behavior among Chinese Adolescent Boys from Poor Families: Does Family Functioning Matter? / Daniel T. L. Shek.
7 The Role of Father Support in the Prediction of Suicidal Ideation among Black Adolescent Males / Darian B. Tarver, Naima T. Wong, Harold W. Neighbors, and Marc A. Zimmerman.
Part III Friends and Peers.
8 Intimacy, Desire, and Distrust in the Friendships ofAdolescent Boys / Niobe Way.
9 Peer Relationships among Chinese Boys: A Cross-Cultural Perspective / Xinyin Chen, Violet Kaspar, Yuqing Zhang, Li Wang, and Shujie Zheng.
10 The Influence of Peer Experiences on Bravado Attitudes among African American Males / Michael Cunningham and Leah Newkirk Meunier.
Part IV Sexuality and Romantic Relationships.
11 Getting Close, Staying Cool: Early Adolescent Boys’ Experiences with Romantic Relationships / Deborah L. Tolman, Renée Spencer, Tricia Harmon, Myra Rosen-Reynoso, and Meg Striepe.
12 Adolescent Boys’ Heterosexual Behavior / Joseph H. Pleck,Freya L. Sonenstein, and Leighton Ku.
13 Boy-on-Boy Sexuality / Ritch C. Savin-Williams.
Part V Schooling.
14 Immigrant Boys’ Experiences in U.S. Schools / Carola Suárez-Orozco and Desirée Baolian Qin-Hilliard.
15 Understanding the Exceptions: How Small Schools Support the Achievement of Academically Successful Black Boys / Gilberto Q. Conchas and Pedro A. Noguera.
16 From Preschool to Middle School: The Role of Masculinity in Low-Income.
Urban Adolescent Boys’ Literacy Skills and Academic Achievement / Michelle V. Porche, Stephanie J. Ross, and Catherine E. Snow.
Davison, K., and B. Frank. (eds). (2001). Masculinities, Sexualities and Schooling. Halifax, Nova Scotia: Fernwood.
Drummond, Murray. (2019). Boys’ Bodies - Sport, Health and Physical Activity. Palgrave.
Elliott, K. (2020). Young Men Navigating Contemporary Masculinities. Palgrave.
Epstein, Debbie. (ed.). (2001). Men and Masculinities. Special Issue: Disciplining and Punishing Masculinities. 4(2), October.
Epstein, Debbie / Disciplining and Punishing Masculinities: An Introduction.
Fitzclarence, Lindsay and Christopher Hickey / Real Footballers Don’t Eat Quiche: Old Narratives in New Times.
Morrell, Robert / Corporal Punishment and Masculinity in South African Schools. pp. 140-157.
Epstein, Debbie, Mary Kehily, Mairtin Mac an Ghaill and Peter Redman / Boys and Girls Come Out to Play: Making Masculinities and Femininities in School Playgrounds. pp. 158-172 .
Kehily, Mary / Bodies in School: Young Men, Embodiment, and Heterosexual Masculinities.
Redman, Peter / The Discipline of Love: Negotiation and Regulation in Boys’ Performance of a Romance-Based Heterosexual Masculinity.
Exner‐Cortens, D., Wright, A., Claussen, C., & Truscott, E. (2021). A systematic review of adolescent masculinities and associations with internalizing behavior problems and social support. American Journal of Community Psychology.
Frosh, Stephen, Ann Phoenix, and Rob Pattman. (2002). Young Masculinities: Understanding Boys in Contemporary Society. Hampshire & New York: Palgrave.
Boys Talk.
Lads, Machos and Others: Developing ‘Boy-Centred’ Research.
‘Hegemonic’ Masculinities.
Boys Talking About Girls.
Girls About Boys.
Ethnic Identity, ‘Race’ and Young Masculinities.
Policing Young Masculinities.
Boys and Schooling.
On the Way to Adulthood: Relationships with Parents.
Garbarino, James. (1999). Lost Boys: Why Our Sons Turn Violent and How We Can Save Them. New York: Free Press.
Gurian, Michael. (1996). The Wonder of Boys: What Parents, Mentors and Educators Can Do to Shape Boys Into Exceptional Men. New York: Tarcher/Putnam.
Gurian, Michael. (1999). The Good Son: Shaping the Moral Development of Our Boys and Young Men. New York: Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnam.
Gurian, Michael. (2010). The Purpose of Boys: Helping our sons find meaning, significance, and direction in their lives. John Wiley & Sons.
Harland, Ken, and Sam McCready. (2015). Boys, Young Men and Violence: Masculinities, Education and Practice. Palgrave Macmillan.
Harrison, Lyn, and Deana Leahy. (eds.). (2002). Health Education Australia, Special issue: Young Males, their Health and Responsive Health Education. 2(2).
Boys’ health, boys’ education and health education for boys / Lori Beckett.
Counting the cost of alienation and abuse in schools / Christopher Hickey.
Bacteria, bottles and buddies: Some issues for health educators working with young males / Lindsay Fitzclarence.
Working with same-sex attracted young peopole in schools in order to minimise harassment and to support sexual diversity / Michael Crowhurst.
Pathways to Manhood: The social and sexual ordering of young men’s lives / Michael Flood.
Young men, masculinity and health / Richard de Visser.
Sex Happens: An education program for senior AFL players / Lea Trafford and Kathy McNamee.
Boys’ health program / Kaye Mills.
Eating disorders in males? / Reinhild Robertson and John Doherty.
Hartley-Brewer, Elizabeth. (2001). Raising Confident Boys: 100 tips for parents and teachers. Cambridge, MA: Fisher Books.
Hawkes, Tim. (2001). Boy Oh Boy: How to Raise and Educate Boys. Frenchs Forest, NSW: Pearson Education Australia.
Horne, Arthur M., and Mark S. Kiselica. (eds). (1999). Handbook of Counseling Boys and Adolescent Males: A Practitioner’s Guide. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.
Preface: For the Sake of Our Nation’s Sons / Kiselica, Mark S; Horne, Arthur M.
Pt. I. Developmental Considerations
Pt. II. Cultural Considerations
Pt. III. Special Populations
1. Growing Up Male: The Development of Mature Masculinity / Jolliff, David; Horne, Arthur M.
2. A Cultural Critique of Current Practices of Male Adolescent Identity Formation / Spielberg, Warren
3. Male Career Development in the Formative Years / Brown, Steve D.
4. Promoting Life Skills for Adolescent Males Through Sport / Hodge, Ken; Danish, Steven J.
5. Counseling African American Male Youth / Leonard, Shawn; Lee, Courtland C; Kiselica, Mark S.
6. Counseling Asian American Boys and Adolescent Males / Sue, David
7. Hispanic American Boys and Adolescent Males / Arcaya, Jose
8. Helping Native American Indian and Alaska Native Male Youth / Herring, Roger D
9. Counseling Non-Hispanic White Boys / Powell, K. Lynn; Kiselica, Mark S; Cunningham, Allison
10. Counseling Gay Adolescents / Barber, Jill; Mobley, Michael
11. Counseling Teen Fathers / Kiselica, Mark S.
12. Abused Boys and Adolescents: Out of the Shadows / Cabe, Neil
13. Treating Adolescent Sex Offenders / Jolliff, David; Newbauer, John Blanks, Bill
14. Helping Mentally Retarded Boys and Their Families / Dean, James; Kiselica, Mark S.
15. Counseling Anxious Male Youth / Keat, Donald B.
16. Counseling Depressed Boys / Caldwell, Chris
17. Counseling Boys With Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder / Tripp, Gail; Sutherland, Dougald M.
18. Bullies and Victims: A Theme of Boys and Adolescent Males / Newman, Dawn A; Horne, Arthur M.; Webster, Cynthia B.
19. Counseling the Juvenile Offender / Calhoun, Georgia B; Glaser, Brian A; Bartolomucci, Christi L.
20. Counseling Substance-Abusing Young Males / Page, Richard C.
Kato-Wallace, J., Barker, G., Sharafi, L., Mora, L., Lauro, G. (2016). Adolescent Boys and Young Men: Engaging them as supporters of gender equality and health and understanding their vulnerabilities. Washington, D.C.: Promundo-US. New York City: UNFPA.
Kenway, Jane, and Sue Willis, with J. Blackmore and L. Rennie. (1997). Answering Back: Girls, Boys and Feminism in Schools. Sydney: Allen and Unwin.
Kimmel, Michael S. (2000). A War Against Boys? Tikkun v 15 no 6, Nov/Dec., pp. 57-60.
Kimmel, Michael S. (2000). What About the Boys?. WEEA Digest. November. Newton, MA: Women’s Educational Equity Act Resource Centre
Kimmel, Michael S. (2008). Guyland: The Perilous World Where Boys Become Men. HarperCollins.
Kindlon, Dan, and Michael Thompson. (1999). Raising Cain: Protecting the Emotional Life of Boys. New York: Ballantine.
Kipnis, Aaron. (1999). Angry Young Men: How Parents, Teachers, and Counselors Can Help ‘Bad Boys’ Become Good Men. San Francisco: Jossey Bass Publishers.
Kivel, Paul. (1999). Boys Will Be Men: Raising Our Sons for Courage, Caring and Community. Gabriola Island, BC: New Society Publishers.
Lloyd, Trefor. (1997). ‘Let’s Get Changed Lads’: Developing Work With Boys and Young Men. London: Working With Men
Mac an Ghaill, Mairtin. (1994). The Making of Men: Masculinities, Sexualities and Schooling. Buckingham & Philadelphia: Open University Press.
Marcus, R., Stavropoulou, M., & Archer-Gupta, N. (2018). Programming with adolescent boys to promote gender‐equitable masculinities: A rigorous review. London: Gender and Adolescence: Global Evidence (UK Aid).
Martino, Wayne, and Maria Pallotta-Chiarolli. (eds). (2001). Boys’ Stuff: Boys Talking About What Matters. Sydney: Allen & Unwin.
O’Donnell, Mike, and Sue Sharpe. (2000). Uncertain Masculinities: Youth, Ethnicity and Class in Contemporary Britain. London & New York: Routledge
Pease, Bob. (2002). Growing Up Male: Masculinities and boyhood. Chapter 4 in Men and Gender Relations. Melbourne: Tertiary Press.
Phillips, Angela. (1993). The Trouble With Boys: Parenting the Men of the Future. London: Pandora
Plummer, David. (1999). One of the Boys: Masculinity, Homophobia, and Modern Manhood. New York: Harrington Park Press.
Pollack, William, and T. Shuster. (2000). Real Boys’ Voices. New York: Random House.
Pollack, William. (1998). Real Boys: Rescuing our Sons From the Myths of Boyhood. New York: Random House.
Ravn, S., and Roberts, S. (2020) Young masculinities: masculinities in youth studies. In Routledge international handbook of masculinity studies (Routledge International Handbooks).
Reichert, M. C., & Nelson, J. D. (2020). The State of America’s Boys: An Urgent Case for a More Connected Boyhood. Washington, DC: Promundo-US.
Richardson, D. (2010). Youth masculinities: compelling male heterosexuality. British Journal of Sociology, 61(4), 737-756.
Robson, M. E. M. (2019). Young men’s negotiation of hetero-masculinity within the contemporary UK. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Salisbury, Jonathon, and David Jackson. (1996). Challenging Macho Values: Practical Ways of Working With Adolescent Boys. London: Falmer Press.
Silverstein, Olga, and Beth Rashbaum. (1994). The Courage to Raise Good Men. New York: Viking
Swain, Jon. (2005). Masculinities in Education. In The Handbook of Studies on Men and Masculinities. Eds Michael Kimmel, Jeff Hearn, and R.W. Connell. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Thompson, Michael. (2000). Speaking of Boys: Answers to the Most Commonly Asked Questions About Raising Sons. Sydney: Simon & Schuster.