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Relationship Violence Perpetrator Intervention Programs: History and Models / Christopher M. Murphy, Alan Rosenbaum, L. Kevin Hamberger (pp. 3387-3415)
The Efficacy of Psychosocial Interventions for Partner Violent Individuals / Christopher M. Murphy, Tara N. Richards (pp. 3417-3444)
Alternative to Violence, a Violence-Focused Psychotherapy for Men Using Violence Against Their Female Partner / Ingunn Rangul Askeland, Bente Lømo, Marius Råkil, Per Isdal (pp. 3445-3470)
Perpetrators and Interventions for Intimate Partner Violence
Couples Counseling to End Intimate Partner Violence / Sandra M. Stith, Chelsea M. Spencer (pp. 3471-3489)
Female Perpetrators of Intimate Partner Violence / Lynn Dowd, Lesley Lambo (pp. 3491-3516)
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Positioning as a Tool in Work with Fathers Who Have Been Violent in the Family / Helena Päivinen, Heli Siltala and Juha Holma;
Re-Envisioning Interventions for Partner Violent Men in the Global South Through Decolonial Feminist Praxes / Taryn Van Niekerk;
Rethinking Masculinities, Culture and Interventions with Partner-violent Men in Brazil / Adriano Beiras
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Foreword - Evan Stark
Part 1: Moving the Focus to Perpetrators and their Impact
1. Introduction: Why a Focus on Perpetrators of Intimate Partner Sexual Violence is Essential / Louise McOrmond-Plummer, Patricia Easteal AM, and Jennifer Y. Levy-Peck
2. Talking to Killers: What Can They Tell Us About Sexual Assault as a Risk Factor for Homicide? / David Adams
3. Children’ Exposure to Intimate Partner Sexual Violence / Kathryn Ford
Part 2: Who Are the Perpetrators of Intimate Partner Sexual Violence?
4. The Mindset of Intimate Partner Sexual Violence Perpetrators: Motivations and Myths / Patricia Easteal AM and Louise McOrmond-Plummer
5. Intimate Partner Sexual Violence Perpetrators and Entitlement / Debra Parkinson
6. Perpetrators of Intimate Partner Sexual Violence: Characteristics, Motivations, and Implications for Assessment and Intervention / Joseph A. Camilleri and Melissa M. Miele
7. What Type of Men Sexually Assault Their Partners, and Why Do Women Love Them? Beyond Stereotyping / Louise McOrmond-Plummer
Part 3: Perpetrators’ Strategies for Control
8. What Intimate Partner Sexual Violence Looks Like: Coercive Methods of Perpetrators / Louise McOrmond-Plummer
9. "But He Didn’t Hit Me" / Living with a Non-Physical-Battering Sexual Abuser / Lindsey Mason
10. Lucky to Be Alive: A Battering Partner Rapist / Louise McOrmond-Plummer
11. Perpetrators and Reproductive Coercion / Jennifer Y. Levy-Peck
Part 4: How Perpetrators are Condoned: The Social Context of Intimate Partner Sexual Violence
12. The Role of Male Peer Support in Intimate Partner Sexual Violence Perpetrators’ Offending / Walter S. DeKeseredy
13. The Role of Adult Pornography in Intimate Partner Sexual Violence Perpetrators’ Offending / Walter S. DeKeseredy and Rus Ervin Funk
14. The Court’ Response to Intimate Partner Sexual Violence Perpetrators / Anna Carline and Patricia Easteal AM
15. Intimate Partner Sexual Violence and Family Law / Angela Lynch, Janet Loughman, and "Eleanor," with commentary by Thomas P. Alongi
16. When Intimate Partner Sexual Violence Intersects with Faith Traditions and Practices / Marie M. Fortune
Part 5: Community Prevention and Intervention with Perpetrators
17. Addressing and Combatting Intimate Partner Sexual Violence / Rus Ervin Funk and Lundy Bancroft
18. Intimate Partner Sexual Violence and Perpetrator Programs: Project Mirabal Research Findings / Nicole Westmarland and Liz Kelly
19. Law Enforcement Response to Intimate Partner Sexual Violence Perpetrators / Mike Davis
20. Intimate Partner Sexual Violence Prevention with Young People / Kat Monusky and Jennifer Y. Levy-Peck
21. Preventing Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment with Young People: A One-Year Follow-up on the Shifting Boundaries Intervention / Bruce G. Taylor, Elizabeth A. Mumford, Weiwei Liu, and Nan D. Stein
22. Conclusion: A Fresh Approach to Prevention, Identification, and Accountability of Intimate Partner Sexual Violence Perpetrators / Jennifer Y. Levy-Peck, Patricia Easteal AM, and Louise McOrmond-Plummer
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