b) Recent and important works

- “The Role of Men and Boys in Achieving Gender Equality” - Expert Group Meeting , Organized by DAW in collaboration with ILO and UNAIDS 21-24 October 2003, Brasilia, Brazil. URL: http://www.un.org/womenwatch/daw/egm/men-boys2003/index.html.
Working Papers;
The Role of Men and Boys in Achieving Gender Equality / R. W. Connell
Report of the Online Discussion on the role of men and boys in achieving gender equality / R. W. Connell.
The role of men and boys in the fight against HIV/AIDS in the world of work / International Labour Organization (ILO), Geneva, Switzerland.
Men can make a difference / Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, Bertil Lindblad.
Papers by Experts;
Strategies and Approaches to Enhance the Role of Men and Boys in Gender Equality: Case Study of Yemen / Magda M. ElSanousi.
Why are Men Reluctant to Participate Fully in all Actions Towards Gender Equality? - A Case Study of Uganda / Emmanuel Ochora.
Gender Stereotypes and the Socialization process / Jivka Marinova.
The Role of Men in the Fight Against HIV/AIDS / Njoki Wainaina.
Men as Partners: Promoting Men’s Involvement in Care and Support Activities for People Living with HIV/AIDS and in Preventing Mother to Child Transmission of HIV/AIDS / Dean Peacock.
Addressing the sexual cultures of heterosexual men: Key strategies in involving men and boys in HIV/AIDS prevention / Michael Flood.
HIV Prevention with Men: Toward Gender Equality and Social Justice / Alan Greig.
Listen, Learn and Link Up for a more gender just society: Lessons Learnt from Working in HIV/AIDS in the Pacific / Steven Vete.
Work and Masculinity among Peruvian Urban Men / Norma Fuller.
Evolving the gender agenda – Men, gender and development organisations / James L. Lang.
Gender Tension and Change in the Contemporary Caribbean / Linden Lewis.
Rethinking Pro-Feminism: Men, Work and Family in India / Radhika Chopra.
“The Role of Men and Boys in Achieving Gender Equality” - Some Swedish and Scandinavian Experiences / Lars Jalmert.
Fatherhood in adolescence: the construction of political agenda / Jorge Lyra.
Papers by Observers;
The Role of Men and Boys in Achieving Gender Equality / Carlos G¸ida.
How do we know if men have changed? Promoting and measuring attitude change with young men. Lessons from Program H in Latin America / Gary Barker.
Men, masculinities and gender violence / Benedito Medrado.

- (2009). The Rio Declaration: Global Symposium on Engaging Men and Boys on Achieving Gender Equality. Rio de Janeiro, March 29 – April 3, 2009.

Action Against Hunger. (2022). Understanding Masculinities in Gender Programming: How To Engage Men and Reorient Programming and Advocacy Activities Targeting Women in the Gaza Strip, Palestine.

Halvorsen, J., Humphrey, T., Lorenzetti, L., & Rolle, M. (2024). Engaging White Men in Allyship for Structural Change: A Systematic Review. The Journal of Men’s Studies, 0(0), 10608265241254240. doi:10.1177/10608265241254240

Carian, E. K. (2024). Good Guys, Bad Guys: The Perils of Men’s Gender Activism. NYU Press.

Pamungkas, M. D., & Ningtiyas, L. A. (2023). New Masculinities Movement for Gender Equality: The Role of Men to Achieving SDGS. Global and Policy Journal of International Relations, 11(02). 

Wells, L., Pascoe, L., & Litviniuc, A. (2022). Building a movement of men and boys committed to violence prevention and gender equality in Alberta: Informing the Alberta primary prevention framework collaborative.

Ali, H. (2021). Her Allies: A Practical Toolkit to Help Men Lead Through Advocacy. Neem Tree Press.

Alonso, Bakea, and Isabel Tajehuerce. (2022). Hombres, masculinidad(es) e igualdad [Men, masculiniti(es) and equality]. Navarra: Aranzadi.

Alonso, Bakea, Fernández de Avilés, Hilario Sáez Méndez, Miguel Lázaro, and Jesús Moreno Pizarro. (2021). Comparativa Internacional en Políticas de Masculinidades (Policies on masculinities: An international study). Ministerio de Igualdad, Gobierno de España [in Spanish].

Ashe, Fidelma. (2007). The New Politics of Masculinity: Men, power and resistance. Routledge.
1. Introduction -- 2. Men Doing Feminism: A Contemporary Movement? --3. Profeminism, Masculinity and Social Change: Contemporary Culture and Identity --4. Profeminism and Identity Politics: Masculinity, New Times, New Politics -- 5. The Politics of Non-feminist Men’s Groups: The Field of Men’s Gender Politics -- 6. The Problematic of Men and Feminism: Men’s Identity and Feminist Politics -- 7. John Stoltenberg: The Politics of Refusal -- 8. Victor J. Seidler: Pain and Politics -- 9. Jeff Hearn: Men, Identity and Power -- 10. Raewyn Connell: Masculinities, Power and Alliance Politics -- 11. Profeminism, Theory and Practice: Reflections. 

Baily, Jessica. (2015). Contemporary British Feminism: Opening the Door to Men?, Social Movement Studies, 14:4, 443-458, DOI: 10.1080/14742837.2014.947251.

Baines, Donna, Bindi Bennett, Susan Goodwin, Margot Rawsthorne, and Alankaar Sharma. (2020). Allyship and Social Justice: Men as Allies in Challenging Men’s Violence and Discrimination Against Women. In Working Across Difference: Social Work, Social Policy and Social Justice. Eds Donna Baines, Bindi Bennett, Susan Goodwin, and Margot Rawsthorne. Macmilland Education UK.

Baldor, T. (2019). No girls allowed?: Fluctuating boundaries between gay men and straight women in gay public space. Ethnography, 20(4), 419-442. 

Bannon, Ian, and Maria C. Correia. (eds.). (2006). The Other Half of Gender: Men’s issues in development. Washington DC: The World Bank.
Introduction / Ian Bannon and Maria C. Correia.
Men’s issues in development / Joyce P. Jacobsen.
Men’s gender relations, identity, and work-family balance in Latin America / José Olavarría.
Men’s participation as fathers in Latin America and the Caribbean: critical literature review and policy options / Gary Barker.
The role of men in families in the Caribbean: a historical perspective / Barry Chevannes.
Masculinity and violence in Colombia: deconstructing the conventional way of becoming a man / Fredy Hernán Gómez Alcaraz and Carlos Iván García Suárez.
Growing up poor and male in the Americas: reflections from research and practice with young men in low-income communities in Rio de Janeiro / Gary Barker.
Fearing Africa’s young men: male youth, conflict, urbanization, and the case of Rwanda / Marc Sommers.
Young men and the construction of masculinity in sub-Saharan Africa: implications for HIV/AIDS, conflict, and violence / Gary Barker and Christine Ricardo.
Young men and gender in war and postwar reconstruction: some comparative findings from Liberia and Sierra Leone / Paul Richards.
Collapsing livelihoods and the crisis of masculinity in rural Kenya / Mary Amuyunzu-Nyamongo and Paul Francis.
Gender and its discontents: moving to men-streaming development / Maria C. Correia and Ian Bannon.

Barker, G., C. Ricardo, M. Nascimento, A. Olukoya, and C. Santos. (2010). Questioning gender norms with men to improve health outcomes: Evidence of impact. Global Public Health,5(5): 539-553.

Barker, G., Contreras, J.M., Heilman, B., Singh, A.K., Verma, R.K., and Nascimento, M. (2011). Evolving Men: Initial Results from the International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES). Washington, D.C.: International Center for Research on Women (ICRW) and Rio de Janeiro: Instituto Promundo. January.

Bimstrand, Josefine. (2021). Engaging in Work for Gender Equality: A Quantitative Study of Male Engagement in the Work for Gender Equality and Against Violence. Ma thesis, Lund University.

Bola, J. J. (2019). If I Were a Boy: Gender Equality and Feminism. Chapter 5 in Mask Off: Masculinity Redefined. Pluto Press.

BRIDGE. (n.d.). Review of Research on Collective Action and Engaging Men to Tackle Gender Based Violence. Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies (IDS).

Burke, R., and D. Major. (eds.) (2013). Gender in Organizations: Are men allies or adversaries to women’s career advancement? Edward Elger Publishers.
Introduction-an overview of the book / Ronald J. Burke and Debra A. Major.
1 Advancing women’s careers: why men matter / Ronald J. Burke and Debra A. Major.
2 The gender role socialization of boys to men / Ronald F. Levant and Thomas J. Rankin.
3 Taking the obvious apart: critical approaches to men, masculinities, and the gendered dynamics of leadership / David L. Collinson and Jeff Hearn.
4 The imperative for servant-leadership: reflections on the (enduring) dysfunctions of corporate masculinity / Mark Maier.
5 Relations, emotions and differences: re-gendering emotional labour in the context of men doing care / Ruth Simpson.
6 Men, masculinity, well-being, and health / Ronald J. Burke.
7 The causes and consequences of workaholism / Shahnaz Aziz and Benjamin Uhrich.
8 Gendered organizational cultures, structures and processes: the cultural exclusion of women in organizations / Sarah Rutherford.
9 Is this a man’s world? Obstacles to women’s success in maletyped domains / Suzette Caleo and Madeline E. Heilman.
10 Unspeakable masculinities in business schools / Elisabeth Kelan.
11 Male backlash: penalties for men who violate gender stereotypes / Corinne A. Moss-Racusin.
12 Stereotype threat impacts on women in the workforce / Valerie N. Streets and Hannah-Hanh D. Nguyen.
13 Barriers to women in science: examining the interplay between individual and gendered institutional research cultures on women scientists’ desired futures / Susan Schick Case and Bonnie A. Richley.
14 Individual, organizational, and societal backlash against women / Ronald J. Burke.
15 How can men and women be allies in achieving work–family balance? The role of coping in facilitating positive crossover / Michael L. Litano, Dante P. Myers and Debra A. Major.
16 Engaging men through inclusive leadership / Jeanine Prime, Mike Otterman and Elizabeth R. Salib.
17 Preventing violence against women and girls / Michael Flood.

Burrell, S., & Flood, M. (2019). Which Feminism? Dilemmas in Profeminist Men’s Praxis to End Violence against Women. Global Social Welfare. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40609-018-00136-x. Free at https://xyonline.net/content/which-feminism-dilemmas-profeminist-mens-praxis-end-violence-against-women

CARE. (2014). Engaging men and boys for gender equality series: Lessons learnt (Brief 2). London: CARE.

CARE. (2014). Engaging men and boys for gender equality series: Stories of engagement (Brief 1). London: CARE.

Case, K. A. (ed.). (2013). Deconstructing privilege: Teaching and learning as allies in the classroom. New York, NY: Routledge.

Case, K. A., Hensley, R., & Anderson, A. (2014). Reflecting on heterosexual and male privilege: Interventions to raise awareness. Journal of Social Issues, 70, 722–740.

Casey, E. A., Ihrig, A., Roman, M., Hoxmeier, J. C., Carlson, J., & Greer, K. (2022). Life course and socioecological influences on gender-equitable attitudes among men: a scoping review. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 23(3), 764-777

Catalyst. (2020). Interrupting Sexism at Work: What Drives Men to Respond Directly or Do Nothing. https://www.catalyst.org/reports/interrupting-sexism-workplace-men/

Chowdhury, Romit, and Zaid Al Baset. (2018). Men and Feminism in India. Routledge India.

Cleaver, Frances. (ed.). (2002). Masculinities Matter! Men, Gender and Development. New York: Zed Books.
New Directions in Gender and Development: The Case for Considering Men / Frances Cleaver.
Nationalism, Masculinity and the Developmental State: Exploring Hindutva Masculinities / Prem Vijayan.
Collapsing Masculinities and Weak States: A Case Study of Northern Uganda / Chris Dolan.
Forget Lenin: The Pinguero and the Jintero as the New Guides of the International Proletariat / David Forrest.
Deconstructing Domination: Gender Disempowerment and the Legacy of Colonialism and Apartheid in Omaheke, Namibia / Niki Kandirikirira.
Men in Women’s Groups: A Gender and Agency Analysis of Local Institutions / Helen Hambly Odame.
Boys Will Be Boys: Addressing the Social Construction of Gender / Marilyn Thomson.
Why Do Dogs Lick Their Balls? Gender, Desire and Change: A Case Study from Vietnam.
Targeting Men for a Change: AIDS Discourse and Activism in Africa / Janet Bujra

Coalition on Men and Boys. (2009). Man Made: Men, masculinities and equality in public policy. London: COMAB.

Conlin, S. E., & Heesacker, M. (2017). Feminist Men?: Examining Men’s Feminist Self-Identification, Activism and the Impact of Language. Journal of Gender Studies, 1-15.

Connell, R.W. (2003). The Role of Men and Boys in Achieving Gender Equality. Consultant’s paper for ‘The Role of Men and Boys in Achieving Gender Equality’, Expert Group Meeting, organised by DAW in collaboration with ILO and UNAIDS, 21-24 October 2003, Brasilia, Brazil.

Cornwall, A., J. Edström, and A. Greig. (eds.) (2011). Men and Development: Politicising Masculinities. London: Zed Books.
1. Introduction: Politicizing Masculinity - Andrea Cornwall, Jerker Edström & Alan Greig 
Part 1: Embodiments and Transgressions
2. Performing Heterosexuality: Male Youth, Vulnerability and HIV in Malawi - Chimaraoke Izugbara & Jerry Okal 
3. Is s/he More of a Man? Constructing Masculinity as a Female to Male Transsexual in India - Cath Sluggett 
4. Meyeli Chhele becomes MSM: Transformation of Idioms of Sexualness into epidemiological forms in India - akshay khanna 
5. The Good, The Bad and The Ugly: Constructions of Masculinity and Contemporary Understandings of Sex Work - Cheryl Overs
6. Beyond ‘Vulnerability’: Men, Power and HIV - Jerker Edström 
Part 2: Structures: Inequities, Violence, Power
7. Organized Powers: Masculinities, Managers and Violence - Raewyn Connell 
8. What Would Make Men Interested in Gender Equality? Reflections from East Africa - Margrethe Silberschmidt 
9. Men in/and Gender Equality: A Conversation from South Africa - Robert Morrell and Penny Morrell 
10. Militarized, Religious and Neo-colonial: The Triple-bind Confronting Men in Contemporary Uganda - Chris Dolan 
11. Local Lives, Global Dialogues: Shifting Discourses of Masculinity in India - Radhika Chopra 
Part 3: Engagements: Changing Masculinities
12. Gender Regimes Changing Men or Men Changing Gender Regimes? Challenges for National and Trans-national Social Policy, Gender Equality and Organizing with Men - Jeff Hearn 
13. Masculinities, Social Exclusion and Prospects for Change: Reflections from Promundo’s Work in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Gary Barker, Marcos Nascimento, Christine Ricardo, Marianna Olinger and Marcio Segundo 
14. Masculinities and Men’s Groups in China: A Conversation between Activists - Fang Gang, He Xiaopei and Susan Jolly 
15. Women’s Empowerment: What do Men Have to Do with It? - Andrea Cornwall, Henry Armas and Mbuyiselo Botha 
16. ‘Swimming Against the Tide is Easier as a Shoal’ Changing Masculinities in Nicaragua: a Community-based Approach - Patrick Welsh 
17. Anxious States and Directions for Masculinities Work with Men - Alan Greig

Critical Half. (2007). Special issue: Engaging Men in “Women’s Issues”: Inclusive approaches to gender and development. Vol. 5 No. 1, Winter. (https://xyonline.net/content/engaging-men-womens-issues-inclusive-approaches-gender-and-development);
Involving Men in Gender Practice and Policy / M. Flood.
“Gender is Society”: Inclusive lawmaking in Rwanda’s Parliament / E. Powley and E. Pearson.
Combating Gender-Based Violence in Kenya: The experience of “Men for Gender Equality Now” / O. Miruka.
Gender Dynamics and HIV/AIDS: Engaging Ugandan men in disease prevention / A. Simoni.
Negotiating with Men to Help Women: The success of Somali women activists / S. Dini.
Women Are Not Islands: Engaging men to empower women / P.T. Morris.

Das, A., & Singh, S. K. (2014). Changing men: Challenging stereotypes. Reflections on working with men on gender issues in India. IDS Bulletin, 45(1), 69-79. 

Das, A., Singh, S. K., Jain, R., & Contractor, S. (2020). Gender Transformative Change With Men: Lessons From Two Decades of Field Interventions in India. In Handbook of Research on New Dimensions of Gender Mainstreaming and Women Empowerment (pp. 472-486): IGI Global.

Davis, T. L., & Wagner, R. (2005). Increasing men’s development of social justice attitudes and actions. New Directions for Student Services 110: 29-41. (Also in R. D. Reason, E. M. Broido, T. L. Davis & N. J. Evans (eds.), Developing social justice allies (New Directions for Student Services No. 110, pp. 29-42). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.)

Davis, T. L., LaPrad, J., & Dixon, S. (2011). Masculinities reviewed and reinterpreted: Using a critical approach to working with men in groups. In J. A. Laker & T. L. Davis (eds.), Masculinities in higher education: Theoretical and practical considerations (pp. 147-160). New York, NY: Routledge.

Digby, Tom. (ed). (1998). Men Doing Feminism. New York & London: Routledge.

Drury, B. J., & Kaiser, C. R. (2014). Allies against sexism: The role of men in confronting sexism. Journal of Social Issues, 70(4), 637-652.

Duban, Elisabeth, and Jamila Seftaoui. (eds.) (2011). Mending Inequalities: Men and Gender Equality in the OSCE Region. Vienna: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). 

Dworkin, S.L., Colvin, C., Hatcher, A. and Peacock, D. (2012). Men’s perceptions of women’s rights and changing gender relations in South Africa: Lessons for working with men and boys in HIV and antiviolence programs. Gender and Society, 26(1): 97-120.

Dworkin, S.L., S. Treves-Kagan, and S.A. Lippman. (2013). Gender-transformative interventions to reduce HIV risks and violence with heterosexually-active men: A review of the global evidence. AIDS & Behavior, 17(9): 2845-2863.

Ekelund, R. (2020). Young Feminist Men Finding their Way: On young Swedish Men’s Experiences of and Orientations in Feminist Settings. Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research, 12(3), 506-526. 

Equimundo. (2022). The International Men and Gender Equality Survey: A status report on men, women, and gender equality in 15 headlines. Washington, DC: Equimundo.

Equimundo. (2022). The International Men and Gender Equality Survey: A status report on men, women, and gender equality in 15 headlines. Washington, DC: Equimundo.

Erturk, Yakin. (2004). Considering the role of men in gender agenda setting: Conceptual and policy issues. Feminist Review, 78(1): 3-21.

Esplen, E. (2006). Engaging Men in Gender Equality: Positive Strategies and Approaches. Overview and Annotated Bibliography, October. Brighton, UK: BRIDGE, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex.

Estevan-Reina, L., de Lemus, S., Megías, J. L., Kutlaca, M., Belmonte-García, M., & Becker, J. (2021). Allies Against Sexism: The Impact of Men’s Egalitarian Versus Paternalistic Confrontation on Women’s Empowerment and Well-Being. Sex Roles, 84(9), 536-553. doi:10.1007/s11199-020-01184-4

Expert Group. (2003). The Role of Men and Boys in Achieving Gender Equality: Report of the Export Group Meeting, ‘The Role of Men and Boys in Achieving Gender Equality’, organised by DAW in collaboration with ILO and UNAIDS, 21-24 October 2003, Brasilia, Brazil.

Fahadi, P. R. (2022). Social Media Advocacy for Gender Equality by Indonesian Men: The Case of Aliansi Laki-laki Baru (New Men’s Alliance). Asiascape: Digital Asia, 9(3), 302-333. 

Fleming, Paul J., Gary Barker, Jennifer McCleary-Sills, and Matthew Morton. (2013). Engaging Men and Boys in Advancing Women’s Agency: Where we stand and new directions. World Bank.

Flood, M. (2014). Men’s Anti-violence Activism and the Construction of Gender-equitable Masculinities. In Alternative Masculinities for a Changing World, Eds. Àngels Carabí and Jose Armengol, Palgrave (pp. 35-50). [FREE at https://www.academia.edu/10441399/Men_s_Anti-violence_Activism_and_the_Construction_of_Gender-equitable_Masculinities]

Flood, M. (2022). Living a Pro-feminist Life. In Antisexist: Challenge sexism, champion women’s rights, and create equality, Ed. L. Schmidt. Bobo Publishing (pp. 139-148).

Flood, M., and D. Ertel. (2020). Concluding critical commentary: Men’s experiences as agents of feminist change. In Masculine Power and Gender Equality: Masculinities as Change Agents, Eds. Russell Luyt and Kathleen Starck, Springer (pp. 181-199). URL: https://xyonline.net/content/mens-experiences-agents-feminist-change.

Flood, M., O’Donnell, J., Brewin, B., and Myors, B. (2020). Engaging Men: Reducing Resistance and Building Support. Melbourne: Eastern Health, Eastern Domestic Violence Service (EDVOS), and Queensland University of Technology (QUT).

Flood, Michael, and Bob Pease. (2006). Undoing Men’s Privilege and Advancing Gender Equality in Public Sector Institutions. Policy and Society, 24. (Available at: http://www.xyonline.net/content/undoing-mens-privilege-and-advancing-gender-equality-public-sector-institutions-2006)

Flood, Michael, and Graeme Russell. (2017). Men Make a Difference: How to Engage Men on Gender Equality. Sydney: Diversity Council Australia. URL: https://xyonline.net/sites/xyonline.net/files/2020-05/DCA%2C%20Men%20Make%20a%20Difference%20-%20Full%20report.pdf

Flood, Michael, Dean Peacock, Orly Stern, Gary Barker, and Alan Greig. (2010). World Health Organization Men and Gender Policy Brief: Policy approaches to involving men and boys in achieving gender equality and health equity. Sonke Gender Justice Network, Johannesburg. (Available at: http://www.xyonline.net/content/who-policy-brief-policy-approaches-involving-men-and-boys-achieving-gender-equality-and-heal)

Flood, Michael, with Richard Howson (eds.) (2015). Engaging Men in Building Gender Equality. Cambridge Scholars Press.

Flood, Michael. (2010). Where Men Stand: Men’s roles in ending violence against women. Sydney: White Ribbon Prevention Research Series, No. 2. http://www.xyonline.net/content/where-men-stand-men%E2%80%99s-roles-ending-violence-against-women.

Flood, Michael. (2011). Men Speak Up: A toolkit for action in men’s daily lives. Sydney: White Ribbon Prevention Research Series, No. 4. https://www.whiteribbon.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Men_speak_up_Flood_2011-1.pdf

Flood, Michael. (2015). Men and Gender Equality. In Engaging Men in Building Gender Equality. Ed M. Flood, with R. Howson, Cambridge Scholars Press, pp. 1-31. URL: https://xyonline.net/content/men-and-gender-equality-book-chapter

Flood, Michael. (2015). Work with men to end violence against women: A critical stocktake. Culture, Health & Sexuality, 17(S2), S159-S176. DOI: 10.1080/13691058.2015.1070435. 

Flood, Michael. (2017). The turn to men in gender politics. Women’s Studies Journal (Women’s Studies Association of Aotearoa/New Zealand), 31(1): 48-58. URL: http://wsanz.org.nz/journal/docs/WSJNZ311Flood48-58.pdf

Flood, Michael. (2019). Engaging Men and Boys in Violence Prevention. Palgrave Macmillan. [FREE at https://xyonline.net/content/new-book-engaging-men-and-boys-violence-prevention]

Flood, M., Hewson-Munro, S., & Keddie, A. (2024). A Critical Stocktake of Community-Based Healthy Masculinities Programs in Victoria, Australia. Journal of Men’s Studies, 32(3): 595-615. 

Ford, Gary, Stephen Koch, and Jill Armstrong. (2021). The Accidental Sexist: A handbook for men on workplace diversity and inclusion.

Fotheringham, S., & Wells, L. (2019). Tomorrow’s Men Today: Canadian Men’s Insights on Engaging Men and Boys in Creating a More Gender Equal Future. Calgary, AB: The University of Calgary, Shift: The Project to End Domestic Violence. 1-67.

Funk, Rus. (2006). Reaching Men: Strategies for Preventing Sexism and Violence. Jist Publishing (304 pp.).

Gallagher, Sophie. (2022). How Men Can Help: A guide to undoing harm and being a better ally. Welbeck.

Gender & Development, Vol. 21, No. 1, March 2013: Special Issue: Working with men on gender equality;
Introduction: Working with men on gender equality / Caroline Sweetman.
‘I can do women’s work’: reflections on engaging men as allies in women’s economic empowerment in Rwanda / Henny Slegh, Gary Barker, Augustin Kimonyo, Prudence Ndolimana & Matt Bannerman.
Promoting male involvement in family planning in Vietnam and India: HealthBridge experience / Lisa MacDonald, Lori Jones, Phaeba Thomas, Le Thi Thu, Sian FitzGerald & Debra Efroymson.
‘Before the war, I was a man’: men and masculinities in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo / Desiree Lwambo.
Sympathetic advocates: male parliamentarians sharing responsibility for gender equality / Sonia Palmieri.
‘Because I am a man, I should be gentle to my wife and my children’: positive masculinity to stop gender-based violence in a coastal district in Vietnam / Tu-Anh Hoang, Trang Thu Quach & Tam Thanh Tran.
Domestic violence prevention through the Constructing Violence-free Masculinities programme: an experience from Peru / Rhoda Mitchell.
‘One Man Can’: shifts in fatherhood beliefs and parenting practices following a gender-transformative programme in Eastern Cape, South Africa / Wessel van den Berg, Lynn Hendricks, Abigail Hatcher, Dean Peacock, Patrick Godana & Shari Dworkin.
Whose turn to do the dishes? Transforming gender attitudes and behaviours among very young adolescents in Nepal / Rebecka Lundgren, Miranda Beckman, Surendra Prasad Chaurasiya, Bhawna Subhedi & Brad Kerner.
Where the boys are: engaging young adolescent boys in support of girls’ education and leadership / Stephanie Baric.
Men’s involvement in gender equality – European perspectives / Sandy Ruxton & Nikki van der Gaag.
Resources / Compiled by Liz Cooke.

Goldrick-Jones, Amanda. (2002). Dismantling the Master’s House: Men Who Believe in Feminism. Greenwood Press.

Greig, Alan, with Jerker Edström. (2012) Mobilising Men in Practice: Challenging sexual and gender-basedviolence in institutional settings. Institute of Development Studies, Brighton: IDS.

Hartless, J. (2023). Insider-allies: The precarious politics of men in identity-fluid feminism. Sociology Compass, n/a(n/a), e13154. doi:https://doi.org/10.1111/soc4.13154

Hasyim, Nur. (2020). Good Boys Doing Feminism: Maskulinitas dan Masa Depan Laki-Laki Baru. Yogyakarta: EA Books.

Hawkins, Kate; Bisht, Preetha; Kelbert, Alexandra; Maldonado Pacheco, Carolina; Nesbitt-Ahmed, Zahrah; Edström, Jerker. (2013). Undressing Patriarchy: Redressing Inequalities. IDS Bulletin, 45(1), January (Brighton: Institute of Development Studies).

Hearn, Jeff. (2015). Men as a target for action in gender equality policies. In Visions for Gender Equality. Edited by Francesca Bettio and Silvia Sansonetti. Brussels: European Network of Gender Equality Experts (ENEGE) for the European Commission, pp. 24–27.

Hook, C., Miller, A., Shand, T., & Stiefvater, E. (2018). Getting to Equal: Engaging Men and Boys in Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights and Gender Equality. Washington, DC: Promundo-US.

ICRW and Instituto Promundo. (2007). Engaging Men and Boys to Achieve Gender Equality: How can we build on what we have learned? International Center for Research on Women (ICRW) and Instituto Promundo.

International Labour Organization. (2014). Engaging Men in Women’s Economic and Entrepreneurship Development Interventions: an ILO-WED Issue Brief. Retrieved from Geneva: 

IPPF. (2010). Men are Changing: Case study evidence on work with men and boys to promote gender equality and positive masculinities. London: International Planned Parenthood Federation.

Jablonka, I. (2022). A History of Masculinity: From Patriarchy to Gender Justice. London: Allen Lane.

Jablonka, Iva. (2022). A History of Masculinity: From Patriarchy to Gender Justice. (Trans. Nathan Bracher). Penguin.Johnson, Allan G. (1997). The Gender Knot: Unraveling our Patriarchal Legacy. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.

Kaufman, Michael. (2003). The AIM Framework: Addressing and involving men and boys to promote gender equality and end gender discrimination and violence. UNICEF, March 31, <http://www.michaelkaufman.com/articles/pdf/the-aim-framework.pdf&gt; (Accessed online, 3 February 2004).

Keddie, A. (2020). Engaging boys in gender activism: issues of discomfort and emotion. Gender and Education, 1-15. doi:10.1080/09540253.2020.1716956

Keddie, A. (2021). NGOs working for gender justice with boys and men: exploring challenges of accountability. Gender, Work & Organization

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Men as Partners: Lessons Learned from Engaging Men in Clinics and Communities / Manisha Mehta, Dean Peacock, and Lissette Bernal.
Evolving the Gender Agenda – The Responsibilities and Challenges for Development Organisations / James Lang and Sue Smith.
Masculinities: Resistance and Change / Benno de Keijzer.
The Things They Didn’t Tell You About Working with Men in Gender Workshops / Maree Keating.
“How do you eat between harvests?”: Engaging Men in Gender and Livelihoods / Thalia Kidder.
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“Liberation for everyone, not just men”: A Case Study of the Men’s Association Against Violence (AMKV) in Timor Leste / Mario De Araujo.
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8. Just a John?: Pornography and Men’s Choices 9. Staring at Janae’s Legs 10. Trying to be Sexy and Anti-Sexist … at Exactly the Same Time 11. Bye-Bye Bi?: Bailey, Biphobia, and Girlie-Men 12. Darker Shades of Queer: Race and Sexuality at the Margins 13. Let us be Seen 14. How We Enter.
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