d) Empirical research on men involved in advocacy on behalf of gender equality, or on men and gender attitudes etc.

NOTE: Also see this bibliography of research among male anti-violence advocates and activists.


ALIGN. (2024). Unpacking political masculinities in Liberia. Monrovia, Liberia: Nunlai Research and Consulting (Tanya Ansahta Garnett, Toushi Itoka and Paul Yennie Harry). 

Barker, G. (2001) ‘Cool Your Head, Man’: Preventing gender-based violence in Favelas. Development, 44(3), September.

Barron, A. (2022). Understanding the Factors that Influence Men's Support and Resistance to the Movement for Gender Equality. (PhD), Flinders University, College of Education, Psychology and Social Work, 

Bih, H. D. (2017). Pathways Toward Progressive Gender Consciousness for Young Men in Taiwan. In East Asian Men (pp. 237-258). Palgrave Macmillan, London.

Bojin, Kate C. (2012). “All Our Work is Political”: Men’s Experience in Pro-Feminist Organizing. Ma thesis, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto.

Brickell, Chris. (2005). Masculinities, Performativity, and Subversion: A Sociological Reappraisal. Men and Masculinities, 8(1), July, pp. 24-43.

Broido, E. M. (2000). The Development of Social Justice Allies During College: A Phenomenological Investigation. Journal of College Student Development, 41, 3-18.

Butera, K. J. (2008). ‘Neo-mateship’ in the 21st century: Changes in the performance of Australian masculinity. Journal of Sociology, 44(3): 265-281.

Cannedy, M. (2022). White Emerging Adult Males’ Experiences with Multiculturalism and Female Empowerment. (PhD), Regent University, 

Carian, E. K. (2024). Good Guys, Bad Guys: The Perils of Men’s Gender Activism. NYU Press.

Casey, E. A., Ihrig, A., Roman, M., Hoxmeier, J. C., Carlson, J., & Greer, K. (2022). Life course and socioecological influences on gender-equitable attitudes among men: a scoping review. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 23(3), 764-777

Cohan, Mark. (1997). Political Identities and Political Landscapes: Men’s Narrative Work in Relation to Women’s Issues. Sociological Quarterly, 38(2), Spring.

Cornish, P. A. (1997). Understanding Pro-feminist Male Experiences: A Model of Personal Change and Social Transformation. Unpublished Doctoral dissertation, University of Saskatchewan.

Coulter, Rebecca P. (2003). Boys Doing Good: Young men and gender equity. Educational Review, 55(2).

Davis, T. L. (2002). Voices of Gender Role Conflict: The Social Construction of College Men’s Identity. Journal of College Student Development, 43(4), 508-521.

Davis, Tracy L., and Rachel Wagner. (2005). Increasing Men’s Development of Social Justice Attitudes and Actions. New Directions for Student Services, Volume 2005, Issue 110, Summer, Pages: 29-41.

De Souza, L. L. (2019). What inhibits male allyship? Examining the influence of (mis) perceptions of other men's beliefs. (Masters), University of British Columbia, 

De Wolf, P. (2015). Des hommes engagés pour les droits des femmes: le féminisme masculin au-delà des idées reçues [Men committed to women’s rights: masculine feminism beyond conventional wisdom]. Etudes des Femmes Prévoyantes Socialistes, 1-38.

Delap, L. (2018). Feminism, Masculinities and Emotional Politics in Late Twentieth Century Britain. Cultural and Social History, 15(4), 571-593. 

Dunkle, K.L., and R. Jewkes. (2007). Effective HIV prevention requires gender-transformative work with men. Sex Transm Infec, 83(3): 173-174.

Edley, N. (2001). Analysing masculinity: Interpretative repertoires, ideological dilemmas and subject positions. In M. Wetherell, S. Taylor, and S. Yates. (eds.), Discourse as data: a guide for analysis (pp. 189-229). London: Sage Publications.

Edley, Nigel, and Margaret Wetherell. (2001). Jekyll and Hyde: Men’s Constructions of Feminism and Feminists. Feminism & Psychology, November, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 439-457.

Edström, J., Shahrokh, T., Kumar Singh, S., with Jamdade, S. (2015). Swapping the Stick for a Broom: Men Supporting women in Local Politics in India. EMERGE Case Study 4, Promundo-US, Sonke Gender Justice and the Institute of Development Studies, Brighton: IDS.

Fahadi, P. R. (2022). Social Media Advocacy for Gender Equality by Indonesian Men: The Case of Aliansi Laki-laki Baru (New Men’s Alliance). Asiascape: Digital Asia, 9(3), 302-333. 

Flood, M. (2014). Men’s Anti-violence Activism and the Construction of Gender-equitable Masculinities. In Alternative Masculinities for a Changing World, Eds. Àngels Carabí and Jose Armengol, Palgrave (pp. 35-50). [FREE at https://www.academia.edu/10441399/Men_s_Anti-violence_Activism_and_the_Construction_of_Gender-equitable_Masculinities]

Godenzi, Alberto. (1999). Style or Substance: Men’s Response to Feminist Challenge. Men and Masculinities, 1(4), April, pp. 385-392.

Goicolea, I., Coe, A. B., & Ohman, A. (2014). Easy to oppose, difficult to propose: Young activist men’s framing of alternative masculinities under the hegemony of machismo in Ecuador. Young, 22(4), 399-419.

Goldrick-Jones, Amanda. (2001). Pessimism, Paralysis, and Possibility: Crisis-Points in Profeminism. Journal of Men’s Studies, Vol. 9, No. 3, Spring: 323-339.

Goldrick-Jones, Amanda. (2002). Dismantling the Master’s House: Men Who Believe in Feminism. Greenwood Press.

Goldrick-Jones, Amanda. (2002). Men and Feminism: Relationships and Differences. In Gender, Race, and Nation: A Global Perspective. Ed. Vanaja Dhruvarajan and Jill Vickers. Toronto: U of Toronto P: 184-204.

Gough, Brendan. (1998a). Men and the Discursive Reproduction of Sexism: Repertoires of Difference and Equality. Feminism & Psychology, 8(1), pp. 25-49.

Gough, Brendan. (2001). ‘Biting Your Tongue’: Negotiating Masculinities in Contemporary Britain. Journal of Gender Studies, Volume 10, Number 2, July, pp. 169-185.

Greig, A. Shahrokh, T., Preetha, S. (2015). We do it ourselves: Nijera Kori and the struggle for economic and gender justice in Bangladesh. EMERGE Case Study 2, Promundo-US, Sonke Gender Justice, Institute of Development Studies (IDS), Brighton: IDS.

Hasyim, Nur. (2020). Good Boys Doing Feminism: Maskulinitas dan Masa Depan Laki-Laki Baru. Yogyakarta: EA Books.

Henderson, M. (2008). Feminism in the Hearts and Minds and Words of Men: Revisiting Men’s Cultural Remembrance of Australian Feminism in the New Millennium. Dialogue (Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia), 27(3): 29-46.

Henriksen, Robyn G. (2000). Questioning Masculinity: The Whys and Hows of Resistance Amongst Radical Profeminist Men. Honours thesis, School of Social Inquiry, Faculty of Arts, Deakin University.

Holmgren, L. E., & Hearn, J. (2009). Framing ‘men in feminism’: theoretical locations, local contexts and practical passings in men’s gender-conscious positionings on gender equality and feminism. Journal of Gender Studies, 18(4), 403-418.

Holmgren, L. Egeberg (2011). IngenMansLand. Om män som feminister, intervjuframträdanden och passerandets politik [No Man’s Land. Men as Feminists, Interview Performances and the Politics of Passing]. Thesis, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala.

Humbert, A. L., Kelan, E., & van den Brink, M. (2019). The perils of gender beliefs for men leaders as change agents for gender equality. European Management Review, 16(4), 1143-1157. 

Hurtado, A., and M. Sinha (2008). More than Men: Latino Feminist Masculinities and Intersectionality. Sex Roles, 59(5-6): 337.

Institute of Development Studies. (2008). Papers from Politicising Masculinities: Beyond the personal. Includes;
Men And The Search For Gender Equity: South African Conversations With My Sister / Robert Morrell.
‘Brothers Are Doing It For Themselves’: Remaking Masculinities In South Africa / Steven Robins.
Are Men Interested In Engaging In The Struggle For Gender Justice And Broader Social Change ‑ Or What Would Make Them Interested? / Margrethe Silberschmidt.

Johnston, C. A., and T. G. Morrison. (2007). The Presentation of Masculinity in Everyday Life: Contextual Variations in the Masculine Behaviour of Young Irish Men. Sex Roles, 57(9-10), 661-674.

Kelan, E. K. (2019). The Inclusive Leader, the Smart Strategist and the Forced Altruist: Subject Positions for Men as Gender Equality Partners. European Management Review

Kilianski, Stephen E. (2003). Explaining Heterosexual Men’s Attitudes Toward Women and Gay Men: The Theory of Exclusively Masculine Identity. Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 4(1), pp. 37-56, January.

Malm, M., & Skyllbäck, H. (2015). När Man Blir Feminist. En Kvalitativ Studie Om Erfarenheter Och Upplevelser Av Att Identifiera Sig Som Man Och Feminist.

McKnight Jr, J. F. (2015). Brothers in the Struggle: A Phenomenological Study of White Male College Student Development as Social Justice Allies. PhD, Indiana University of Pennsylvania.

Médiné, S. (2016). Positive Opposition: Narratives of Anti-Hegemonic Masculinity Performance. Ma thesis, City University of Seattle.

Minieri, Alexandra M. (2014). Not Just a Women’s Issue: How Male Undergraduate Students Understand Their Development As Social Justice Allies For Preventing Men’s Violence Against Women. Thesis, University of Kentucky. URL: http://uknowledge.uky.edu/edp_etds/20.

Minnings, Amber. (2014). How Men Are Transforming Masculinities and Engaging Men and Boys to End Violence against Women and Girls in Zimbabwe: A Case Study. Research paper, Masters, University of Ottawa.

Mudge, Ben. (1997). Sexism & Stoicism: Theorising Profeminist Strategies. Honours Thesis, Women’s Studies Department, Faculty of Social Sciences, Flinders University of South Australia.

Nardini, K. (2013). Men’s antiviolence activism – The case of two men’s networks in contemporary Italy and Spain. Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies, 16(4), 41-53.

Nardini, K. (2016). Men’s Networking for Gender Justice: Thinking through Global/Local Strategies Starting from the Italian and Spanish Cases. The Journal of Men’s Studies, 24(3), 241-258.

Nardini, K. (2019). Uneven routes of mobilizing “as Men”: reconfiguring masculinities among anti-sexist groups of men in Italy and Spain. Doctoral dissertation, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.

Nelson, J. J. (1998). Alternate Locations: Strategies and Concerns in the Canadian Pro-feminist Men’s Movement: National Library of Canada.

Newton Poling, J., C. Grundy, and H. Min. (2002). Men helping men to become pro-feminist. Journal of Religion & Abuse, 4(3): 107-122.

Newton, Judith, and Judith Stacey. (1997). The Men We Left Behind Us: Narratives Around and About Feminism from White, Leftwing, Academic Men. In Long, Elizabeth. (ed.). From Sociology to Cultural Studies: New Perspectives, Malden, MA: Blackwell.

Pease, Bob. (1996). Reforming Men: Masculine Subjectivities and the Politics and Practices of Profeminism. PhD thesis. Melbourne: Graduate School of Social Work, Faculty of Social Sciences, La Trobe University..

Peretz, T., Lehrer, J., & Dworkin, S. L. Impacts of Men’s Gender-Transformative Personal Narratives: A Qualitative Evaluation of the Men’s Story Project. Men and Masculinities, 0(0), 1097184X18780945.

Population Council. (ed.). (2003). “My Father Didn’t Think This Way”: Nigerian boys contemplate gender equality. Quality, No. 14, New York: The Population Council.

Prime, Jeanine, and Corinne A. Moss-Racusin. (2009). Engaging Men in Gender Initiatives: What Change Agents Need to Know. Catalyst.

Prime, Jeanine, Corinne A. Moss-Racusin, and Heather Foust-Cummings. (2009). Engaging Men in Gender Initiatives: Stacking the Deck for Success. Catalyst.

Ravindra, R. P., Harish Sadani, S. N. Mukund, and V. M.Geetali. (eds.). (2007). Breaking the Moulds: Indian men look at patriarchy looking at men. Delhi: Books for Change.

Riley, S. (2001). Maintaining Power: Male Constructions of ‘Feminists’ and ‘Feminist Values’. Feminism & Psychology. 11(1 Special Issue SI):55-78, Feb.

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Santos, S. (2015). MenCare in Latin America: Challenging harmful masculine norms and promoting positive changes in men’s caregiving. EMERGE Case Study 5, Promundo-US, Sonke Gender Justice and the Institute of Development Studies (IDS), Brighton: IDS.

Sharik, Lisa. (2000). Feminism and Men: Exploring the lived experiences of men involved with feminism. Honours Thesis. St Catharines, Ontario: Dept of Women’s Studies, Brock University.

Sigmarsson, Hjálmar Gunnar. (2014). Becoming and Being: The Experiences of Young Feminist Men in Iceland. PhD thesis, Central European University.

Sills, R. A. (2017). (Pro)Feminist Men: Looking at What Life Experiences Contribute to Men’s Feminist ValuesDoctoral dissertation, Azusa Pacific University.

Spindler, E. (2015). Beyond the Prostate: Brazil’s National Healthcare Policy for Men. EMERGE Case Study 1, Promundo-US, Sonke Gender Justice and the Institute of Development Studies, Brighton: IDS.

Subašic, E., Hardacre, S., Elton, B., Branscombe, N. R., Ryan, M. K., & Reynolds, K. J. (2018). “We for She”: Mobilising men and women to act in solidarity for gender equality. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 21(5), 707-724.

Toerien, M., and K. Durrheim. (2001). Power Through Knowledge: Ignorance and the ‘Real Man’. Feminism & Psychology. 11(1 Special Issue SI):35-54, Feb.

Torres, V. M. S., Goicolea, I., Edin, K., & Öhman, A. (2012). ‘Expanding your mind’: the process of constructing gender-equitable masculinities in young Nicaraguan men participating in reproductive health or gender training programs. Global health action, 5.

Vajda, T. (2023). The Contribution of Male Allyship to the Struggle for Gender Equity in the Workplace: A Study in Experimental Sociology. (Masters), Brock University, 

Verma, Ravi K., Julie Pulerwitz, Vaishali Mahendra, Sujata Khandekar, Gary Barker, P. Fulpagare, and S.K. Singh. (2006). Shifting support for inequitable gender norms among young Indian men to reduce HIV risk and partner violence. Horizons Research Summary. New Delhi: Population Council.

Walzer, Andrew. (2002). Narratives of Contemporary Male Crisis: The (Re)production of a National Discourse. Journal of Men’s Studies, 10(2), Winter.

Wing, Bradley Wayne. (2008). Degendering And Regendering: Recomposing Masculinities Through Anti-sexist Masculinity Projects. PhD thesis, Sociology, University of Missouri-Columbia.

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Zackariasson, Maria. (2009). Angry young men? Masculinities and emotion among young male activists in the global justice movement. The Journal of Men’s Studies, 17(1).