b) Workplace violence (in general): Further works

Anfuso, D. (1994). Violence-prevention strategies limit legal liabilities. Personnel Journal, 73(10).

Baron, S. A. (1993). Violence in the Workplace. Ventura, CA: Pathfinder Publishing of California.

Bensimon, H. (1994). Violence in the workplace. Training and Development, 48, 26-28.

Branch, W. J. (1993). Dealing with dangerous employees. Security Management, 37(9), 81.

Callender Knefel, Ann M., and Clifton D. Bryant. (2004). Workplace as combat zone: Reconceptualizing occupational and organizational violence. Deviant Behavior, Volume 25, Number 6, November-December.

Capozzoli, T. & McVey, R.S. (1996). Managing Violence in the Workplace. Delray Beach, FL: St. Lucie Press.

Cawood, J. (1991, September). On the edge: assessing the violent employee. Security Management.

Cummings, T., & Worley, C. (1993). Organization Development and Change. St. Paul, MN: West Publishing.

Einarsen, S., and B.I. Raknes. (1997). Harassment in the workplace and the victimization of men. Violence and Victims, Volume 12 Issue 3, Fall, pp. 247-263.

Fischer, S. (1986). Stress and strategy. London, England: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Friend, D. (1990). Safeguarding your staff. Security Management, 34(6), 57.

Kenway, Jane, Lindsay Fitzclarence, and Lindsay Hasluck. (2000). Toxic shock: Understanding violence against young males in the workplace. Journal of Men’s Studies, 8(2), Winter.

Kinney, J., & D. Johnson (Ed.). (1992). National Safe Workplace Institute report. Chicago, IL. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health: Report on workplace violence statistics. (1994). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.

Kurland, O. (year?). Workplace violence. Risk Management, 40(6), 76.

Lissy, W. (1994). Workplace violence. Supervision, 55(4).

Mayhew, Claire, and P. McCarthy. (2005). Occupational violence/bullying in public service organisations. Journal of Occupational Health and Safety Australia and New Zealand, v.21, no.1, Feb.: 33-42.

Melzer, Scott A. (2002). Gender, work, and intimate violence: Men’s occupational violence spillover and compensatory violence. Journal of Marriage and Family, November, Vol. 64, Iss. 4.

Neilson, E. (1976). Understanding and managing intergroup conflict. In P. Lawrence, L. Barnes, and J. Lorsche (Eds.) Organizational Behavior and Administration (pp. 291-305). Homewood, IL: Richard Irwin.

Reeves, C.A., and A.M. Leary-Kelly. (2009). Study of the Effects of Intimate Partner Violence on the Workplace. Final Research Report submitted to US Department of Justice, USA. http://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/227266.pdf.

Rothman, E. F. and P. S. Corso (2008). Propensity for Intimate Partner Abuse and Workplace Productivity: Why Employers Should Care. Violence Against Women, 14(9): 1054-1064.

Schneider, Beth. (1991). Put Up and Shut Up: Workplace Sexual Assaults. Gender & Society, 5(4), December.

Stuart, P. (1992). Murder on the Job. Personnel Journal, 71, 79-88.

Weisinger, H. (1995). Anger at Work. New York, NY: William Morrow and Company Incorporated.