Note: This list focuses particularly on sociological introductions to gender.
Adichie, C. N. (2014). We should all be feminists. London: Fourth Estate.
Alexander, Jeffrey C., and Kenneth Thompson. (2008). Gender. Chapter 9 in A Contemporary Introduction to Sociology. Boulder & London: Paradigm.
Benokraitis, Nijole V. (2018). Gender and Sexuality. Chapter 9 in SOC. Cengage.
Bessant, J., and R. Watts. (2001). Sociology Australia. 2nd edition. Sydney: Allen & Unwin. (Chapter 8: Sex in Australia)
Bilton, T., K. Bonnett, P. Jones, T. Lawson, D. Skinner, M. Stanworth, and A. Webster. (2002). Gender Relations. Chapter 6 in Introductory Sociology. 4th edition. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan (pp. 128-156).
Bradley, Harriet. (1997). Gender: Rethinking Patriarchy. Chapter 4 in Fractured Identities: Changing Patterns of Inequality. Polity Press.
Brickell, Chris. (2007). Gendering. In S. Matthewman, C.L. West-Newman, and B. Curtis. (2007). Being Sociological. Palgrave.
Coffey, Julia, and Akane Kanai. (2019). Gender and Sexualities. Chapter 12 in John Germov and Marilyn Poole, (eds.) Public Sociology: An introduction to Australian society. 4th edition Sydney: Allen & Unwin.
Farrer, Vanessa. (1993). Gender and Patriarchy. Chapter 15 in Smith, Rodney. (ed.). Politics in Australia. (2nd edition) Sydney: Allen & Unwin.
Fulcher, James, and John Scott. (2011). Sociology. 4th edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Chapter 5: Sex, Gender, and Sexuality)
Furze, Brian, Pauline Savy, Robert Webb, Sara James, Theresa Petray, Robert J. Brym, and John Lie. (2015). Sociology in Today’s World. 3rd edition. Cengage (Chapter 16: Sexuality and Gender)
Giddens, Anthony. (2005). Sexuality and Gender. Chapter 12 in Sociology. 5th edition. Polity Press.
Henslin, James M. (2017). Sociology: A down-to-earth approach. 13th edition, Boston: Pearson. (Chapter 11: Sex and Gender)
Henslin, James M., Adam Possamai, and Alphia Possamai-Inesedy. (2011). Sociology: A down-to-earth approach. Frenchs Forest NSW: Pearson. (Chapter 10: Sex, Gender, and Ageing)
Heywood, Andrew. (2021). Feminism. Chapter 8 in Political ideologies: An introduction. Bloomsbury Publishing.
Holmes, D., K. Hughes, and R. Julian. (2003). Australian Sociology. Sydney: Pearson Education. (Chapter 4: Sex, gender and sexualities, pp. 125-150)
Macionis, John C., and Ken Plummer. (2002). The Gender Order and Sexuality. Chapter 12 in Sociology: A global introduction. 2nd ed., Prentice Hall (pp. 286-319).
Newman, David M. (2004). The Architecture of Inequality: Sex and gender. Chapter 12 in Sociology: Exploring the architecture of everyday life. 5th edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press.
Poole, M. (2003). Gender. In Sociology: Australian connections, eds. R. Jureidini and M. Poole. 3rd edition. Sydney: Allen & Unwin.
Porter, Elizabeth. (2002). Feminist Analysis. In Government, Politics, Power and Policy in Australia. (7th edition). Eds John Summers, Dennis Woodward, and Andrew Parkin. Frenchs Forest, NSW: Longman.
Richardson, Diane. (2008). Conceptualising Gender. In Diane Richardson and Victoria Robinson (eds) Introducing Gender and Women’s Studies. Third Edition. Palgrave Macmillan.
Roseneil, Sahsa. (1995). The Coming of Age of Feminist Sociology: Some Issues of Practice and Theory for the Next Twenty Years. British Journal of Sociology, 46(2), June
Ruane, Janet M., and Karen A. Cerulo. (2004). You’ve Come a Long Way, Baby. In Second Thoughts: Seeing Conventional Wisdom Through the Sociological Eye. 4th ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press.
Walby, Sylvia. (2001). Developments in the Sociology of Gender and Women’s Studies. Chapter 6 in R.G. Burgess and A. Murcott. (eds.). (2001). Developments in Sociology. Harlow, Scotland: Pearson Education.
Witt, Jon. (2011). SOC. McGraw Hill. (Chapter 12: Gender & Sexuality)
Zadjow, Grazyna. (2007). The Gender Order. In John Germov and Marilyn Poole, (eds.) Public Sociology: An introduction to Australian society. Crows Nest, NSW: Allen & Unwin.