(i) General works

Amidon, K. S. and D. Krier (2009). On Rereading Klaus Theweleit’s Male Fantasies. Men and Masculinities, 11(4): 488-496.

Anderson, Warwick. (1997). The Trespass Speaks: White Masculinity and Colonial Breakdown. American Historical Review. DEC 01 v 102 n 5.

Anonymous. (2005). Racial Myths and Masculinity in African American Literature. Black Issues in Higher Education, 22(2).

Anthony, D. (2005). “Gone Distracted”: “Sleepy Hollow,” Gothic Masculinity, and the Panic of 1819. Early American Literature, 40(1).

Appelbaum, Robert. (1997). ‘Standing to the Wall’: The Pressures of Masculinity in Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare Quarterly. Fall v 48 n 3.

Armengol, Josep M. (2004). ‘Attention, attention must be finally paid to such a person’: A Men’s Studies Rereading of Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman. Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos [Journal of American Studies], 10: 21-46.

Armengol, Josep M. (2007) Gendering Men: Re-Visions of Violence as a Test of Manhood in American Literature. Atlantis, 29.2: 75-92.

Armengol, Josep M. (2008). Re/Presenting Men: Cultural and Literary Constructions of Masculinity in the U.S. Saarsbruck: VDM Publishing.

Armengol, Josep M. (2015). Masculinities in Black and White: Manliness and Whiteness in (African) American Literature. Palgrave Macmillan.

Armengol, Josep M., Marta Bosch Vilarrubias, Àngels Carabí, and Teresa Requena. (eds.) (2017). Masculinities and Literary Studies: Intersections and New Directions. Routledge.

Ashcraft, K. L., & Flores, L. A. (2003). “Slaves with White Collars”: Persistent Performances of Masculinity in Crisis. Text and Performance Quarterly, 23(1), 1-29.

Ashcraft. C. (2003). Adolescent Ambiguities in American Pie: Popular Culture as a Resource for Sex Education. Youth & Society, September, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 37-70.

Auger, Philip. (1995). A Lesson About Manhood: Appropriating ‘The Word’ in Ernest Gaines’s A Lesson Before Dying. The Southern Literary Journal, Spring, 27(2).

Bach, Rebecca Ann. (2001). Tennis balls: Henry V and testicular masculinity. IN: Masten, Jeffrey and Wall, Wendy. (eds.). Institutions of the Text. Evanston [Ill.]: Northwestern University Press.

Baker, Houston A. (ed). (2001). Critical memory: Public spheres, African American writing, and Black fathers and sons in America. Athens: University of Georgia Press.

Baldwin, Clive. (2020). Anxious Men: Masculinity in American fiction of the mid-twentieth century. Edinburgh University Press. 

Barsham, Diana. (2000). Arthur Conan Doyle and the Meaning of Masculinity. Ashgate Publishing

Baxter, Kent. (2000). Desire and the Literary Machine: Capitalism, Male Sexuality, and Stratemeyer Series Books for Boys. Men and Masculinities, 3(2), October.

Bayers, P. L. (2006). William Apess’s Manhood and Native Resistance in Jacksonian America. MELUS, 31(1): 123.

Bernier, Celeste-Marie. (2003). ‘Emblems of Barbarism: ‘ Black Masculinity and Representations of Toussaint L’Ouverture in Frederick Douglass’s Unpublished Manuscripts. American Nineteenth Century History, Volume 4, Number 3, Fall, pp. 97-120.

Billingham, S.E. (2001). Fraternizing with the Enemy: Constructions of Masculinity in the Short Fiction of Timothy Findley. Yearbook of English Studies, Volume 31, Number 1, January, pp. 205-217. 

Bode, Katherine. (2008). Damaged Men Desiring Women: Male bodies in contemporary Australian women’s fiction. Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller.

Boheemen, Christine van, and Colleen Lamos. (eds.). (2001). Masculinities in Joyce: Postcolonial Constructions. Amsterdam; Atlanta: Rodopi.

Boone, Joseph A., and Michael Cadden. (eds.). (1990). Engendering Men: The Question of Male Feminist Criticism. New York & London: Routledge.

Borenstein, Eliot. (2000). Men without Women: Masculinity and Revolution in Russian Fiction, 1917-1929. Duke University Press

Boyd, K. (1990). Knowing Your Place: The Tensions of Manliness in Boys’ Story Papers, 1918-39. In Roper, Michael and Tosh, John. (eds.). Manful Assertions: Masculinities in Britain since 1800. London & New York: Routledge.

Brabon, B. A. (2007). The Spectral Phallus: Re-Membering the Postfeminist Man Postfeminist Gothic (pp. 56-67): Springer.

Breu, C. (2004). Going Blood-Simple in Poisonville: Hard-Boiled Masculinity in Dashiell Hammett’s Red Harvest. Men and Masculinities, 7(1): 52-76.

Brodey, I.S. (1999). Masculinity, sensibility, and the ‘man of feeling’: The gendered ethics of Goethe’s ‘Werther’. Papers on Language & Literature. 35(2):115-140, Spr.

Brody, Miriam. (1993). Manly Writing: Gendered Virtue in Rhetoric & the Rise of Composition. Southern Illinois University Press.

Bromley, Roger. (1989). Rewriting the Masculine Script: The novels of Joseph Hansen. In Derek Longhurst. (ed.). Gender, Genre and Narrative Pleasure. London: Unwin Hyman.

Broughton, Trev Lynn. (1999). Men of Letters, Writing Lives: Masculinity and Literary Auto/Biography in the Late Victorian Period. Routledge.

Brown, Carolyn. (1987). ‘Great Expectations’: Masculinity and Modernity. Essays and Studies, 40.

Brown, Jeffrey A. (2001). Reading Comic Book Masculinity. pp. 167-188; IN: Black superheroes, Milestone Comics, and Their Fans; Jackson: University Press of Mississippi.

Buchanan, B. (2002). “An Anthropomorphic Insolence of Short Duration”: Oedipus, Masculinity, and the Death of “Man” in the Work of Samuel Beckett. Men and Masculinities, 4(4): 357-367.

Bullock, Chris J. (1994). From Castle to Cathedral: The Architecture of Masculinity in Raymond Carver’s ‘Cathedral’. Journal of Men’s Studies, 2(4), May, pp. 343-351.

Bullock, Chris J. (1995). Men and Depression: Saul Bellow’s Seize the Day. Journal of Men’s Studies, 4(2), November, pp. 153-168.

Bullock, Chris J., Glenn Burger, Daniel Coleman, and Andrew Mactavish. (eds.). (1995). Masculinities, Special Issue: Masculine Fictions: Literature and the Production of Masculinities, 3(1), Spring.

Cannon, Kelly. (1994). Henry James and Masculinity: The Man at the Margins. New York: St Martin’s Press.

Carabi, Angels, and Marta Segarra. (eds.). (2003, in press). Grandes hombres escritos por mujeres(Great Men Written By Women) Barcelona, Icaria.

Carson, J. P. (2005). Gothic masculinity: Effeminacy and the supernatural in English and German romanticism. Keats-Shelley Journal, 54: 185-188.

Chapman, Mary, and Glenn Hendler. (1999). Sentimental Men: Masculinity and the Politics of Affect in American Culture. University of California Press.

Cheung, King-Kok. (2002). Art, Spirituality, and the Ethic of Care: Alternative Masculinities in Chinese American Literature. In Gardiner, Judith Kegan. (ed.). Masculinity Studies and Feminist Theory: New Directions. Columbia University Press.

Clabough, S. (2003). Negotiating the Afterglow: Masculinity in Willa Cather’s A Lost Lady. Women’s Studies, vol. 32, no. 6, pp. 719-734.

Claridge, Laura, and Elizabeth Langland. (eds.). (1990). Out of Bounds: Male Writers and Gender(ed) Criticism. University of Massachusetts Press.

Clark, J. Michael. (2004). Railroads, Racism, and Region: Re-Reading the Apocalyptic “Southern Grotesque”. Journal of Men’s Studies, Spring, 12(3). 

Clark, Keith. (ed.). (2001). Contemporary Black Men’s Fiction and Drama. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. Contents;
Introduction / Keith Clark.
1. Rescuing the Black Homosexual Lambs: Randall Kenan and the Reconstruction of Southern Gay Masculinity / Sheila Smith McKoy.
2. The Disease Called Strength: The Masculine Manifestation in Raymond Andrew’s Appalachee Red / Trudier Harris.
3. Looking Homewood: The Evolution of John Edgar Wideman’s Folk Imagination / Raymond E. Janifer.
4. Commodity Culture and the Conflation of Time in Ishmael Reed’s Flight to Canada / A. T. Spaulding.
5. Clarence Major’s All-Night Visitors: Calibanic Discourse and Black Male Expression / James W. Coleman.
6. ‘I Was My Father’s Father, and He My Child’: The Process of Black Fatherhood and Literary Evolution in Charles Johnson’s Fiction / William R. Nash.
7. Prodigal Agency: Allegory and Voice in Ernest J. Gaines’s A Lesson before Dying / Herman Beavers.
8. Without a Cosmology: The Psychospiritual Condition of African-American Men in Brent Wade’s Company Man and Melvin Dixon’s Trouble the Water / Melvin B. Rahming.
9. Are Love and Literature Political? Black Homopoetics in the 1990s / Kenyatta Dorey Graves.
10. Healing the Scars of Masculinity: Reflections on Baseball, Gunshots, and War Wounds in August Wilson’s Fences / Keith Clark.

Clark, Steve. (1994). Sordid Images: The Poetry of Masculine Desire. Routledge.

Clifford, Stephen P. (1999). Beyond the Heroic ‘I’: Reading Lawrence, Hemingway, and Masculinity. Bucknell University Press.

Coleman, James W. (2001). Black Male Fiction and the Legacy of Caliban. Lexington, Ky.: University Press of Kentucky.
Introduction: Defining Calibanic Discourse in the Black Male Novel and Black Male Culture.
1. The Conscious and Unconscious Dimensions of Calibanic Discourse Thematized in Philadelphia Fire.
2. The Thematized Black Voice in John Edgar Wideman’s The Cattle Killing and Reuben.
3. Clarence Major’s Quest to Define and Liberate the Self and the Black Male Writer.
4. Charles Johnson’s Response to. Caliban’s Dilemma.
5. Calibanic Discourse in Postmodern and Non-Postmodern Black Male Texts.
6. Ralph Ellison and the Literary Background of Contemporary Black Male Postmodern Writers.
Conclusion: The ‘Special Edge’ Tension Between the Conscious and Unconscious in the Contemporary Black Male Postmodern Novel.

Cooper, L. R. (2021). The Routledge Companion to Masculinity in American Literature and Culture. Routledge.

Corber, Robert J. (1994). Gore Vidal and the Erotics of Masculinity. Western Humanities Review, Spring, Vol. 48 No. 1.

Cosgrove, A., and T. Bruce. (2005). “The way New Zealanders would like to see themselves”: Reading white masculinity via media coverage of the death of Sir Peter Blake. Sociology of Sport Journal, 22(3): 336-355.

Cousins, Sara. (1999). Drunken selfish ‘boors?’: Images of masculinity in The Dawn. Hecate, v.25, no. 2: 85-96.

Crain, Caleb. (2001). American Sympathy: Men, Friendship, and Literature in the New Nation. Yale Univ Press.

Creech, James. (1996). Forged in Crisis: Queer Beginnings of Modern Masculinity in a Canonical French Novel. Studies in the Novel, Special Issue: Queerer Than Fiction. 28, Fall.

Crompton, L. (1987). Byron and Male Love: The Classical Tradition. In Brod, Harry. (ed.). The Making of Masculinities: The New Men’s Studies. Boston: Allen & Unwin

Crowley, J. W. (1987). Howells, Stoddard, and Male Homosocial Attachment in Victorian America. In Brod, Harry. (ed.). The Making of Masculinities: The New Men’s Studies. Boston: Allen & Unwin

Cunningham, John Christopher. (1999). Literary Intersections of Masculinity, Garland Publ.

Cunningham, John Christopher. (2002). Race-Ing Masculinity: Identity in Contemporary U.S. Men’s Writing. Routledge.

Curnutt, Kirk. (2004). Hemingway’s Theaters of Masculinity. The Hemingway Review. Moscow: Spring, Vol. 23, Iss. 2.

D’Cruze, S. (2004). ‘Dad’s Back’: Mapping Masculinities, Moralities and the Law in the Novels of Margery Allingham. Cultural and Social History, 1(3): 256.

Davenport-Hines, R. (2006). Oxbridge men - British masculinity and the undergraduate experience, 1850-1920. TLS-the Times Literary Supplement(5365): 12-12.

Davenport, Stephen. (2000). From Big Sticks to Talking Sticks: Family, Work, and Masculinity in Stephen King’s The Shining. Men and Masculinities, 2(3), January 2000.

Deardorff, Donald L. (1999). Dancing in the End Zone: Don DeLillo, Men’s Studies, and the Quest for Linguistic Healing. Journal of Men’s Studies, 8(1), Fall.

Del Gizzo, S. (2005). Hemingway’s theaters of masculinity. Mfs-Modern Fiction Studies, 51(3): 679-683.

Delfino, A. (2008). Becoming the New Man in Post-Post Modernist Fiction: Portrayals of Masculinities in David Foster Wallace’s Infinite Jest and Chuck Palahniuk’s Fight Club. Saarbrücken, Germany. VDM Verlag Dr. Mueller e.K.

Diekman, A. B., and S. K. Murnen. (2004). Learning to be Little Women and Little Men: The Inequitable Gender Equality of Nonsexist Children’s Literature. Sex Roles, 50(5/6): 373.

Donahue, James J. (2015). Failed Frontiersmen: White Men and Myth in the Post-Sixties American Historical Romance. University of Virginia Press.

Donald, Tania. (1996). Treasure Island: A Book for Boys?. Meridian, Special Issue: Masculinities, 15(2), October.

Du Plessis, M. (2000). Nostalgia for a Homogeneous Gay Masculinity [Review], Modern Fiction Studies. 46(2):501-514, Sum.

Dudley, J. (2005). Henry James and the suspense of masculinity. American Literature, 77(1): 188-189.

Dunton, Chris. (2004). Tatamkhulu Afrika: The Testing Of Masculinity. Research in African Literatures, Spring, Vol. 35, Iss. 1.

Ellison, Julie. (1992). The Gender of Transparency: Masculinity and the Conduct of Life. American Literary History, 4(4), Winter.

Elsadda, H. (2007). Imaging The “New Man” Gender And Nation In Arab Literary Narratives In The Early Twentieth Century. Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies, 3(2): 31.

Elsadda, H. (2007). Imaging The “New Man” Gender And Nation In Arab Literary Narratives In The Early Twentieth Century. Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies, 3(2): 31.

Emig, Rainer. (2001). ‘All the Others Translate’: W.H. Auden’s Poetic Dislocations of Self, Nation, and Culture. In: Translation and Nation, Hrsg. Roger Ellis und Liz Oakley-Brown, Topics in Translation, 18 (Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, 2001), 167-204.

Emig, Rainer. (2003). False Memories: The Strange Return of the First World War in Contemporary British Fiction. Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, 240, 259-271.

Emig, Rainer. (2008). Madness, Eccentricity, Sociability: Menry Mackenzie’s The Man of Feeling (1771) and the Trials of Modernising the British Subject. In: Einsamkeit und Geselligkeit um 1800, Hrsg. Susanne Schmid, Regensburger Beiträge zur Gender Forschung, 3 (Heidelberg: Winter), 163-175.

Emig, Rainer. (2009). Inflationary Masculinity in Shakespeare: Gendering the Early Modern Subject. In: Shakespearean Culture – Cultural Shakespeare, Hrsg. Jürgen Kamm und Bernd Lenz, PALK, 8 (Passau: Stutz), 47-63.

Emig, Rainer. (2009). Inflationary Masculinity in Shakespeare: Gendering the Early Modern Subject. In: Shakespearean Culture – Cultural Shakespeare, Hrsg. Jürgen Kamm und Bernd Lenz, PALK, 8 (Passau: Stutz), 47-63.

Emig, Rainer. (2010). Assimilating the ‘pretty youngster’: George Eliot’s Eroticized Men on the Borderlines of Morality, Religion, Race, and Nation. In: Women Constructing Men: Female Novelists and Their Male Characters, 1750-2000, Hrsg. Sarah S.G. Frantz und Katharina Rennhak (Lanham et al.: Lexington Books), 119-135.

Emig, Rainer. (2013). Staging the Phallus: Naked Boys Singing!. Journal of Contemporary Drama in English, 1:1 (2013), 126-136.

Engel, Leonard. (1988). Sam Peckinpah’s Heroes: Natty Bumppo and the Myth of the Rugged Individual Still Reign. Literature Film Quarterly, 16(1).

Erisman, Fred. (2006). Boys’ Books, Boys’ Dreams, and the Mystique of Flight. Fort Worth: Texas Christian University Press.

Evans, L., and K. Davies. (2000). No Sissy Boys Here: A Content Analysis of the Representation of Masculinity in Elementary School Reading Textbooks. Sex Roles. 42(3-4):255-270, Feb..

Fagley, R. M. (2006). Narrating (French) Masculinities: Building Male Identity in André Gide’s The Immoralist. Journal of Men’s Studies, 14(1): 79.

Fagley, Robert M. (2006). Narrating (French) Masculinities: Building Male Identity in André Gide’s The Immoralist. Journal of Men’s Studies, Vol. 14 Issue 1.

Fasick, L. (1999). Authorial angels: Writing and Masculinity in Thackeray’s The ‘English Humourists of the Eighteenth Century’. Nineteenth Century Prose. 26(1):100-117, Spr.

Feather, J., & Thomas, C. (Eds.). (2013). Violent Masculinities: Male Aggression in Early Modern Texts and Culture. Springer.Federico, Annette. (1991). Masculine Identity in Hardy and Gissing. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.

Ferguson, Stuart. (1997). Homophobia and Male Aggression in Literature - A Case in Point: The Heine-Platen feud. Paper to Conference, Masculinities: Renegotiating Genders. University of Wollongong, 20 June.

Fernbach, A. (2000). The Fetishization of Masculinity in Science Fiction: The Cyborg and the Console Cowboy. Science-Fiction Studies. 27(Part 2):234-255, Jul..

Ferrebe, Alice. (2005). Masculinity in Male-authored Fiction 1950-2000: Keeping it up. Basingstoke, Hampshire, England; New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Ferry, Peter. (2015). Masculinity in Contemporary New York Fiction. Routledge.

Ferry, Peter. (2020). Beards and Masculinity in American Literature. Routledge.

Firminger, Kirsten B. (2006). Is He Boyfriend Material? Representation of Males in Teenage Girls’ Magazines. Men and Masculinities, Vol. 8 No. 3, January, pp. 298-308.

Fitting, Peter. (1987). Constructing Our Future: Men, Women, and Feminist Utopian Fiction. In Kaufman, Michael. (ed.). Beyond Patriarchy: Essays by Men on Pleasure, Power and Change. New York: Oxford University Press

Flannigan-Saint-Aubin, Arthur. (1994). The Male Body and Literary Metaphors for Masculinity. In Brod, Harry and Kaufman, Michael. (eds.). Theorizing Masculinities. London: Sage

Fone, Byrne R. (1991). Masculine Landscapes: Walt Whitman and the Homoerotic Text. Southern Illinois University Press.

Fore, D. (2007). Life Unworthy Of Life?: Masculinity, Disability, And Guilt In The Sun Also Rises. The Hemingway Review, 26(2): 74.

Forman, James. (1994). Men’s Worst Fears: Exploring Troubled Masculinity in Mickey Spillane and the Paperback Novel. Masculinities, 2(3), Fall.

Forter, Greg. (2000). Murdering Masculinities: Fantasies of Gender and Violence in the American Crime Novel. New York University Press

Fujii, H. (2007). Journey to the End of the Father: Battlefield of Masculinity in The Mosquito Coast. Critique, 48(2): 168.

Gill, R. (2014). Powerful Women, Vulnerable Men and Postfeminist Masculinity in Men’s Popular Fiction. Gender and Language, 8(2), 185-204.

Gilmore, Paul. (2002). The Genuine Article: Race, Mass Culture, and American Literary Manhood. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press.

Goins, Darren. (2007). Performative Masculinities in Eric Bogosian’s Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll. Men and Masculinities, October, 10(2): 248-255.

Goldsmith, M. (2005). The year of the rose: Jewish masculinity in The House of Mirth. Mfs-Modern Fiction Studies, 51(2): 374-392.

Green, Martin Burgess. (2000). The Great American Adventure. Beacon Press.

Greenbaum, Andrea. (1999). Brass Balls: Masculine Communication and the Discourse of Capitalism in David Mamet’s Glengarry Glen Ross. Journal of Men’s Studies, 8(1), Fall.

Greiner, Donald J. (1991). Women Enter the Wilderness: Male Bonding and the American Novel of the 1980s. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press.

Griffin, Susan M. (1997). Scar Texts: Tracing the Marks of Jamesian Masculinity. The Arizona Quarterly. Winter, v 53 n 4.

Gunn, Michelle Wallace. (2004). Serious Tourists: Mexican Landscape and Masculine Identity in Mina Loy’s “Mexican Desert” and William Carlos Williams’s “Desert Music”. Men and Masculinities, 7(2), October.

Gwilliam, Tassie. (1993). Samuel Richardson’s Fictions of Gender. Stanford University Press.

Hall, Vanessa. (2009). ‘It all fell in on him’: masculinities in Raymond Carver’s short stories and American culture during the 1970s and 1980s. The Journal of Men’s Studies, 17(2).

Haralson, Eric. (1992). Jame’s The American: Aman is Being Beaten. American Literature: A Journal of Literary History, Criticism, and Bibliography, 64(3), September.

Hassan, W. S. (2003). Gender (and) Imperialism: Structures of Masculinity in Tayeb Salih’s Season of Migration to the North. Men and Masculinities, 5(3): 309-324.

Hatten, C. (2007). Bad Mommies and Boy-Men: Postfeminism and Reactionary Masculinity in Tom Perrotta’s Little Children. Critique, 48(3): 230.

Hatten, C. (2007). Bad Mommies and Boy-Men: Postfeminism and Reactionary Masculinity in Tom Perrotta’s Little Children. Critique, 48(3): 230.

Heep, Hartmut. (1995). Manly Poets: A Men’s Study of the Poetry of Randall Jarrell and Robert Lowell. Journal of Men’s Studies, 3(4), May, pp. 283-296.

Hendershot, Cyndy. The Animal Within: Masculinity and the Gothic. Univ of Michigan Press.

Henderson, Desiree. (2004). Mourning, Masculinity and the Drama of the American Revolution. American Drama, Winter, Vol. 13, Iss. 1.

Hoeller, H. (2006). A ‘man’s game’: Masculinity and the anti-aesthetics of American literary naturalism. American Literature, 78(1): 187-189.

Hoffmann, K.A. (2004). “Am I no better than a eunuch?”: Narrating Masculinity and Empire in Ford Madox Ford’s The Good Soldier. Journal of Modern Literature, 27(3): 30.

Hollows, J. (2003). Oliver’s Twist: Leisure, Labour and Domestic Masculinity in The Naked Chef. International Journal of Cultural Studies, June 2003, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 229-248.

Hopkins, David. (1998). Men Before the Mirror: Duchamp, Man Ray and Masculinity. Art History, Volume 21, Issue 3, pp. 303-323, September.

Horlacher, Stefan. (2000). The ‘Priest of Love’ as ‘Poet of Love’: Liebe und Sexualität in der lyrischen Dichtung von D.H. Lawrence. In: St. Horlacher u. Th. Stemmler. (eds.) Sexualität im Gedicht. Vorträge eines interdisziplinären Kolloquiums. Gunter Narr Verlag, Tübingen, 211-257.

Horlacher, Stefan. (2002). Cruelty and Love, or: What Does It Take To Be a Man? Überlegungen zur Geschlechterkonzeption in ausgewählten Gedichten von D.H. Lawrence.” Anglistik. Mitteilungen des Deutschen Anglistenverbandes 13, 2, 55-71.

Horlacher, Stefan. (2005). ‘The letter killeth but the spirit giveth life’ – Masculinity in Thomas Hardy’s Jude the Obscure. In: Lilo Moessner u. Christa M. Schmidt. (eds.) Proceedings. Anglistentag 2004 Aachen. WVT, Trier, 171-182.

Horlacher, Stefan. (2006). Masculinities: Konzeptionen von Männlichkeit im Werk von Thomas Hardy und D.H. Lawrence – Masculinities: Conceptions of Maleness in the Works of Thomas Hardy and D.H. Lawrence. Gunter Narr Verlag Tübingen (PhD thesis).

Horlacher, Stefan. (ed.). (2015). Configuring Masculinity in Theory and Literary Practice. Brill.
Configuring Masculinity / Stefan Horlacher
Concepts of Masculinity and Masculinity Studies / Todd W. Reeser
Masculinities: The Field of Knowledge / Raewyn Connell
On Reading Men, Law and Gender: Legal Regulation and the New Politics of Masculinity / Richard Collier
Masculinity in Thomas Malory’s Morte Darthur / Christoph Houswitschka
From Antisocial to Prosocial Manhood: Shakespeare’s Rescripting of Masculinity in As You Like It / Mark Bracher
Sentimental Masculinity: Henry Mackenzie’s The Man of Feeling (1771) / Rainer Emig
‘Joseph the Dreamer of Dreams’: Jude Fawley’s Construction of Masculinity in Thomas Hardy’s Jude the Obscure / Stefan Horlacher
From Angry Young Scholarship Boy to Male Role Model: The Rise of the Working-Class Hero / Sebastian MŸller
‘Filiarchy’ and Masculinity in the Early Novels of Ian McEwan / Fatemeh Hosseini
‘What Is a Man?’, or the Representation of Masculinity in Hanif Kureishi’s Short Fiction / Bettina Schštz
Of Invisible Men and Native Sons: Male Characters in Caryl Phillips’ Fiction / BŽnŽdicte Ledent
Surrogate Dads: Interrogating Fatherhood in Will Self’s The Book of Dave / Daniel Lukes

Humm, P., and P. Stigant. (1989). The Masculine Fiction of William McIlvanney. In Longhurst, Derek. (ed.). Gender, Genre and Narrative Pleasure. London: Unwin Hyman.

Imaz, M. (2005). Anality, homosexual desire and (de)construction of masculinity in Osvaldo Lamborghini’s ‘Tadeys’. Chasqui-Revista De Literatura Latinoamericana, 34(1): 130-141.

Ismail, S., & Fazliyaton, S. (2014). In Pursuit of Mr. Right: Constructed Masculinities in Malay Teen Magazine. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 155, 477-483.

James, P. (2005). History and masculinity in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s This side of paradise. Mfs-Modern Fiction Studies, 51(1): 1-33.

Jardine, Alice, and Paul Smith. (1987). Men in Feminism. London & New York: Methuen

Jeffords, Susan. (1991). Tattoos, Scars, Diaries, and Writing Masculinity. In Rowe, John Carlos and Berg, Rick. (eds.). The Vietnam War and American Culture. New York: Columbian University Press.

Jensen, Kai. (1996). Whole Men: The Masculine Tradition in New Zealand Literature. Auckland: Auckland University Press.

Jerome, Roy. (ed). (2001). Conceptions of Postwar German Masculinity. State Univ of New York Press.
Pt. I. Introductory Considerations
Pt. II. Theoretical Considerations to the Problematic of Postwar German Masculine Identity
Pt. III. Reading Masculinity in Postwar German Literature
Introduction / Roy Jerome
Hard-Cold-Fast: Imagining Masculinity in the German Academy, Literature, and the Media / Klaus-Michael Bogdal
An Interview with Tilmann Moser on Trauma, Therapeutic Technique, and the Constitution of Masculinity in the Sons of the National Socialist Generation / Roy Jerome
Paralysis, Silence, and the Unknown SS-Father: A Therapeutic Case Study on the Return of the Third Reich in Psychotherapy / Tilmann Moser
The German-Jewish Hyphen: Conjunct, Disjunct, or Adjunct? / Harry Brod
Masculinity and Sexual Abuse in Postwar German Society / Klaus-Jurgen Bruder
The Motif of the Man, Who, Although He Loves, Goes to War: On the History of the Construction of Masculinity in the European Tradition / Carl Pietzcker
‘I have only you, Cassandra’: Antifeminism and the Reconstruction of Patriarchy in the Early Postwar Works of Hans Erich Nossack / Inge Stephan
Brutal Heroes, Human Marionettes, and Men with Bitter Knowledge: On the New Formulation of Masculinity in the Literature of the ‘Young Generation’ after 1945 (W. Borchert, H. Boll, and A. Andersch) / Hans-Gerd Winter
Vaterliteratur, Masculinity, and History: The Melancholic Texts of the 1980s / Barbara Kosta
Homosexual Images of Masculinity in German-Language Literature after 1945 / Wolfgang Popp
Neo-Nazi or Neo-Man? The Possibilities for the Transformation of Masculine Identity in Kafka and Hasselbach / Russell West
Multiple Masculinities in Turkish-German Men’s Writing / Moray McGowan
Afterword / Michael Kimmel

Johnson, Michael K. (2002). Black Masculinity and the Frontier Myth in American Literature. Norman, Okla.: University of Oklahoma Press.

Jonnes, Denis. (1990). Mothers, Men and the Crisis of Masculinity in Brecht’s Wartime Drama. Cultural Science Reports of Kagoshima University, November, No. 32.

Justad, Mark J. (1996). A Transvaluation of Phallic Masculinity: Writing With and Through the Male Body. Journal of Men’s Studies, 4(4), May, pp. 355-374.

Kahf, Mohja, and Nadine Sinno (eds.). (2021). Constructions of Masculinity in the Middle East and North Africa: Literature, Film, and National Discourse. Cairo and New York: American University of Cairo Press.

Kahn, Coppelia. (1981). Man’s Estate: Masculine Identity in Shakespeare. Berkeley: University of California Press.

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Ventriloquizing the Male: Two Portraits of the Artist as a Young Man by May Sinclair and Edith Wharton / Diana Wallace.
Love and Hate in D.H. Lawrence / Hugh Stevens.
‘I’m Stronger Than You’: Quentin Compson’s Suicide in William Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury / Anna Foca.
‘An Anthropometric Insolence of Short Duration’: Oedipus, Masculinity, and the Death of ‘Man’ in the Work of Samuel Beckett / Brad Buchanan.
Marxism, Not Manhood: Accommodation and Impasse in Seamus Heaney’s Beowulf and Chuck Palahniuk’s Fight Club / Matt Jordan

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Martín, Sara. (2019). Masculinity and Patriarchal Villainy in British Fiction: From Hitler to Voldemort. London and New York: Routledge.
Introduction. Defining the Patriarchal Villain
1. Adolf Hitler: The Threat of Absolute Villainy
2. Big Brother and O’Brien: The Mystique of Power and the Reproduction of Patriarchal Masculinity
3. Morgoth and Sauron: The Problem of Recurring Villainy
4. Steerpike: Gormenghast’s Angry Young Man
5. Ernst Stavro Blofeld, Larger Than Life: The Villain in the James Bond Series
6. Richard Onslow Roper and the ‘Labyrinth of Monstrosities’: John le Carré’s Post-Cold War Villains
7. Michael Dobbs’s Francis Urquhart Trilogy: Democracy at Risk
8. Big Ger Cafferty, Crime Boss: The Constant Struggle to Retain Power
9. Voldemort and the Limits of Dark Magic: Self-empowerment as Self-destruction

Martín, Sara. (2020). Representations of Masculinity in Literature and Film: Focus on Men. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Introduction: Why We Should Focus on Men
One. Queerying Antonio: Michael Radford’s The Merchant of Venice and the Problem of Heterosexism
Two. Heathcliff’s Blurred Mirror Image: Hareton Earnshaw and the Reproduction of Patriarchal Masculinity in Wuthering Heights
Three. In Bed with Dickens: Ralph Fiennes’s The Invisible Woman and the Problematic Masculinity of the Genius
Four. Recycling Charlie, Amending Charles: Dodger, Terry Pratchett’s Rewriting of Oliver Twist
Five. Between Brownlow and Magwitch: Sirius Black and the Ruthless Elimination of the Male Protector in the Harry Potter Series
Six. Odysseus’s Unease: The Post-war Crisis of Masculinity in Melvyn Bragg’s The Soldier’s Return and A Son of War
Seven. A Demolition Job: Scottish Masculinity and the Failure of the Utopian Tower Block in David Greig’s Play The Architect and Andrew O’Hagan’s Novel Our Fathers
Eight. Rewriting the American Astronaut from a Cross-cultural Perspective: Michael Lopez-Alegria in Manuel Huerga’s Documentary Film Son & Moon
Nine. Discovering the Body of the Android: (Homo)Eroticism and (Robo)Sexuality in Isaac Asimov’s Robot Novels
Ten. Educating Dídac, Humankind’s New Father: The End of Patriarchy in Manuel de Pedrolo’s Typescript of the Second Origin
Eleven. Obi-Wan Kenobi and the Problem of the Flawed Mentor: Why Anakin Skywalker Fails as a Man
Twelve. The Anti-Patriarchal Male Monster as Limited (Anti)Hero: Richard K. Morgan’s Black Man/Th3rteen

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4. Taste and Distaste
5. Violence and Innocence
6. Misreading Violence
7. Making Way for Captain Underpants
8. A Big Enough Room 

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