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Feminist Theory, August 2006, Volume 7, No. 2;
Claire Colebrook / Introduction.
Janet Wolff / Groundless beauty: feminism and the aesthetics of uncertainty.
Maxine Leeds Craig / Race, beauty, and the tangled knot of a guilty pleasure.
Ruth Holliday and Jacqueline Sanchez Taylor / Aesthetic surgery as false beauty.
Liz Conor / ‘This striking ornament of nature’: The ‘native belle’ in the Australian colonial scene.
Llewellyn Negrin / Ornament and the feminine.
Maggie Humm / Beauty and Woolf.
Sarah Banet-Weiser and Laura Portwood-Stacer / ‘I just want to be me again!’: Beauty pageants, reality television and post-feminism.
Rita Felski / ‘Because it is beautiful’: new feminist perspectives on beauty.
Finkelstein, Joanne. (1995). After a Fashion. Melbourne University Press.
Forbes, G. B., L. L. Collinsworth, R. L. Jobe, K. D. Braun and L. M. Wise (2007). Sexism, Hostility toward Women, and Endorsement of Beauty Ideals and Practices: Are Beauty Ideals Associated with Oppressive Beliefs? Sex Roles, 56(5-6): 265.
Fraser, Suzanne. (2003). ‘Woman-made women’: Mobilisations of nature in feminist accounts of cosmetic surgery. Hecate, v.27 no.2, 2001: 115-132.
Fraser, Suzanne. (2003). Cosmetic Surgery, Gender, and Culture, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke.
Fraser, Suzanne. (2003). The Agent Within: Agency Repertoires in Medical Discourse on Cosmetic Surgery. Australian Feminist Studies. 18(40), March.
Gagne, Patricia, and Deanna McGaughey. (2002). Designing women: Cultural hegemony and the exercise of power among women who have undergone elective mammoplasty. Gender & Society 16(6), December, pp. 814-838.
Gillespie, R. (1996). Women, the body and brand extension in medicine: Cosmetic surgery and the paradox of choice. Women’s Health, 24(4), pp. 69-85.
Gilman, Sander L. (1999). Making the Body Beautiful: A cultural history of aesthetic surgery. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Gimlin, Debra. (2000). Cosmetic surgery: beauty as commodity. Qualitative Sociology, vol. 23, no. 1, Pp. 77–98.
Gimlin, Debra. (2002). Bodywork: Beauty and self-image in American culture. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
Glynn, Prudence. (1982). Skin to Skin: Eroticism in Dress.
Green, Fiona J. (2005). From clitoridectomies to ‘designer vaginas’: The medical construction of heteronormative female bodies and sexuality through female genital cutting. Sexualities, Evolution & Gender, Volume 7 Number 2, August.
Haiken, Elizabeth. (1997). Venus Envy: A history of cosmetic surgery. Baltimore, MD & London: John Hopkins University Press.
Hargreaves, D. A. and M. Tiggemann (2006). ‘Body Image is for Girls’: A Qualitative Study of Boys’ Body Image. J Health Psychol, 11(4): 567-576.
Heyes, C. (2007). Self-Transformations: Foucault, Ethics, and Normalized Bodies. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Heyes, C., and M. Jones. (eds.) (2009). Cosmetic Surgery: A Feminist Primer. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing.
Cosmetic surgery in the age of gender / Cressida J. Heyes and Meredith Jones;
Part 1 Revisiting Feminist Critique
20 years in the twilight zone / Susan Bardo;
Revisiting feminist debates on cosmetic surgery: some reflections on suffering / agency, and embodied difference / Kathy Davis;
Women and the knife: cosmetic surgery and the colonization of women’s bodies / Kathryn Pauly Morgan;
Scary women: cinema, surgery, and special effects / Vivian Sobchack.
Part 2 Representing Cosmetic Surgery
Agency made over? Cosmetic surgery and femininity in women’s magazines and makeover television / Suzanne Fraser;
The ‘natural look’: extreme makeovers and the limits of self-fashioning / Dennis Weiss and Rebecca Kukla;
Selling the ‘perfect’ vulva / Virginia Braun.
Part 3 Boundaries and Networks
‘Engineering the erotic’: aesthetic medicine and modernization in Brazil / Alexander Edmonds;
Pygmalion’s many faces / Meredith Jones;
All cosmetic surgery is ‘ethnic’: Asian eyelids, feminist indignation, and the politics of whiteness / Cressida J. Heyes.
Part 4 Ambivalent Voices
In your face / Cindy Patton and John Liesch;
Crossing the cosmetic/reconstructive divide: the instructive situation of breast reduction surgery / Diane Naugler;
Farewell my lovelies / Diana Sweeney.
Heyes, Cressida J. (2007) Cosmetic Surgery and The Televisual Makeover. Feminist Media Studies, 7:1, 17-32.
Hobson, Janell. (2005). Venus in the Dark: Blackness and Beauty in Popular Culture. Routledge.
Hollander, Anne. (1994). Sex and Suits: The Evolution of Modern Dress. New York: Kodansha.
Jeffreys, S. (2005). Beauty and Misogyny: Harmful cultural practices in the West. London: Routledge.
1. The “grip of culture on the body”: Beauty practices as women’s agency or women’s subordination.
2. Harmful cultural practices and western culture.
3. Transfemininity: “Dressed” men reveal the naked reality of male power.
4. Pornochic: Prostitution constructs beauty.
5. Fashion and misogyny.
6. Making up is hard to do.
7. Men’s foot and shoe fetishism and the disabling of women.
8. Cutting up women: Beauty practices as self-mutilation by proxy.
Conclusion: A culture of resistance.
Jones, M. (2008). Makeover Culture’s Dark Side: Breasts, Death and Lolo Ferrari. Body & Society, 14(1): 89-104.
Jones, Meredith (2006) Makeover Culture: Landscapes of Cosmetic Surgery, Doctoral Dissertation, Centre for Cultural Research, University of Western Sydney.
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McDowell, Colin. (1992). Dressed to Kill: Sex, Power and Clothes. London: Hutchison.
Mcwhorter, Ladelle (1999) Bodies and Pleasures: Foucault and the Politics of Sexual Normalization. Indiana University Press, Bloomington.
Medical Journal of Australia. (2002), Vol. 176, 17 June. Includes;
Cosmetic surgery history and health service use in midlife: Women’s Health Australia / Hussain, Rufat et al.
Using “anti-ageing” to market cosmetic surgery: Just good business, or another wrinkle on the face of medical practice? / Anne L. Ring.
Does cosmetic surgery improve psychosocial wellbeing? / David J. Castle et al.
Merskin, Debra. (2004). Reviving Lolita? A Media Literacy Examination of Sexual Portrayals of Girls in Fashion Advertising. American Behavioral Scientist, September; 48: 119-129.
Mills, J. S. and S. R. D’Alfonso (2007). Competition and male body image: increased drive for muscularity following failure to a female. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 26(4).
Monaghan, L. F. (2007). McDonaldizing Men’s Bodies? Slimming, Associated (Ir)Rationalities and Resistances. Body & Society, 13(2): 67-93.
Morgan, Kathryn P. (1991). Women and the Knife: Cosmetic Surgery and the Colonization of Women’s Bodies. Hypatia, 6(3), Fall.
Negrin, Llewellyn. (2002). Cosmetic surgery and the eclipse of identity. Body & Society, 8(4), pp. 21-42.
Newman, Lesley. (1991). Some Body to Love: A Guide to Loving The Body You Have. Third Side Press.
Niessen, Sandra, A. M. Leshkowich, and Carla Jones. (eds.). (year?). Re-Orienting Fashion: The Globalization of Asian Dress.
Paquette, M.-C., and K. Raine. (2004). Sociocultural context of women’s body image. Social Science & Medicine, 59(5): 1047-1058.
Parasecoli, F. (2007). Bootylicious: Food And The Female Body In Contemporary Black Pop Culture. Women’s Studies Quarterly, 35(1/2): 110.
Parker, Lisa S. (1997). Beauty and Breast Implantation: How Candidate Selection Affects Autonomy and Informed Consent. In DiQuinzio, Patrice and Iris Marion Young. (eds.). Feminist Ethics and Social Policy. Bloomington: Indiana University Press
Rogers, Mary F. (1998). Barbie Culture. Sage.
Rudman, L. A. and K. Fairchild (2007). The F Word: Is Feminism Incompatible With Beauty And Romance? Psychology of Women Quarterly, 31(2): 125-136.
Shirazi, Faegheh. (year?). The Veil Unveiled: The Hijab in Modern Culture.
Tebbel, Cyndi. (2000). The Body Snatchers: How the Media Shapes Women. Sydney: Finch Publishing.
Tiggemann, Marika, and Sarah J. Kenyon. (1998). The hairlessness norm: The removal of body hair in women. Sex Roles, Dec., Vol. 39, Iss. 11/12.
Urla, Jacqueline, and Alan C. Swedlund. (1995). The Anthropometry of Barbie: Unsettling Ideals of the Feminine Body in Popular Culture. In Jennifer Terry and Jacqueline Urla, (eds.). Deviant Bodies: Critical Perspectives on Difference in Science and Popular Culture. Bloomington & Indianopolis: Indiana University Press.
Walter, Natasha. (1998). Let boys wear pink. Chapter 5 in The New Feminism. London: Little, Brown
Weitz, Rose. (ed). (1998). The Politics of Women’s Bodies: Sexuality, Appearance and Behavior.
Wiley, Carol. (1994). (ed.). Journeys to Self Acceptance: Fat Women Speak. Crossing Press.
Wilson, Tamar D. (2002). Pharaonic Circumcision Under Patriarchy and Breast Augmentation Under Phallocentric Capitalism: Similarities and differences. Violence Against Women, 8(4), April.
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Body and Society