(ii) Key overviews on masculinity and sexual violence

Note: This section focuses on masculinity and the perpetration of sexual violence. For literature on men's roles instead in the prevention of sexual violence, see here.


Berkowitz, Alan D. (2002). Fostering Men’s Responsibility for Preventing Sexual Assault. In Preventing Violence in Relationships. Ed. P. Schewe. Washington, DC, American Psychological Association.

Cowburn, M. (2010). Invisible men: Social reactions to male sexual coercion: Bringing men and masculinities into community safety and public policy. Critical Social Policy, 30(2): 225-244.

Cowburn, Malcolm. (2004). ‘Normals’ and ‘Offenders’: Classification systems, complacency and critical masculinities. In A. Boran and B. Murphy, Gender in flux: Papers of the Second Chester Conference. Chester, Chester Academic Press.

DeKeseredy, Walter S., and Martin D. Schwartz. (2005). Masculinities and Interpersonal Violence. In The Handbook of Studies on Men and Masculinities. Eds Michael Kimmel, Jeff Hearn, and R.W. Connell. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Fahlberg, A., & Pepper, M. (2016). Masculinity and sexual violence: Assessing the state of the field. Sociology Compass, 10(8): 673-683.

Funk, Rus Ervin. (1993). Stopping Rape: A Challenge for Men. Philadelphia, PA: New Society Publishers.

Jewkes R, Sikweyiya Y, Morrell R, Dunkle K. (2011). Gender inequitable masculinity and sexual entitlement in rape perpetration South Africa: findings of a cross-sectional study. PLoS One, 6(12).

Jewkes, Rachel (2012). Rape Perpetration: A review. Pretoria: Sexual Violence Research Initiative (SVRI). URL: http://www.svri.org/sites/default/files/attachments/2016-02-29/RapePerpetration.pdf.

Katz, Jackson. (2006). The Macho Paradox: Why some men hurt women and how all men can help. Naperville, Illinois: Sourcebooks.
1. Violence Against Women Is a Men’s Issue.
2. Facing Facts.
3. Taking It Personally.
4. Listening To Women.
5. Male-Bashing?
6. Stuck in (Gender) Neutral.
7. Bystanders.
8. Race and Culture.
9. It Takes a Village to Rape a Woman.
10. Guilty Pleasures: Pornography, Prostitution and Stripping.
11. MVP: Athletes and Marines.
12. Teach Our Children Well.
13. More Than A Few Good Men.

Lutz-Zois, C. J., Moler, K. A., & Brown, M. J. (2015). Mechanisms for the relationship between traditional masculine ideologies and rape myth acceptance among college men. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 24(1), 84-101.

McDermott, R. C., Kilmartin, C., McKelvey, D. K., & Kridel, M. M. (2015). College Male Sexual Assault of Women and the Psychology of Men: Past, Present, and Future Directions for Research. Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 16(4), 355.

Morris, E. W., & Ratajczak, K. (2019). Critical Masculinity Studies and Research on Violence Against Women: An Assessment of Past Scholarship and Future Directions. Violence Against Women, 25(16), 1980-2006. doi:10.1177/1077801219875827

Murnen, S.K., C. Wright, and G. Kaluzny. (2002). If “Boys Will Be Boys,” Then Girls Will Be Victims? A Meta-Analytic Review of the Research That Relates Masculine Ideology to Sexual Aggression. Sex Roles, 46(11-12): 359-375.

Pease, Bob. (2002). Masculinities and Violence: Breaking the Equation. Chapter 13 in Men and Gender Relations. Melbourne: Tertiary Press.

Smith, R.M., Parrott, D.J., Swartout, K.M., & Teten-Tharp, A. (2014). Deconstructing hegemonic masculinity: The roles of antifemininity, subordination to women, and sexual dominance in men’s perpetration of sexual aggression. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 16(2), 160-169.

Swartout, K. M. (2013). The company they keep: How men’s social networks influence their sexually aggressive attitudes and behaviors. Psychology of Violence, 2(4), 309-312.

Vechiu, C. (2019). The Role of Hypermasculinity as a Risk Factor in Sexual Assault Perpetration. In Handbook of Sexual Assault and Sexual Assault Prevention (pp. 257-273): Springer.

Warshaw, Robin. (1988). I Never Called It Rape. New York: Harper & Row.

Weinberg, Joseph, and Michael Biernbaum. (1992). The conversations of consent: Sexual intimacy without sexual assault. Changing Men, No. 25, Winter/Spring.
(Also In Emilie Buchwald, Pamela Fletcher, and Martha Roth. (eds.). (1993) Transforming a Rape Culture. Minneapolis: Milkweed Editions.)