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Introduction-an overview of the book / Ronald J. Burke and Debra A. Major.
1 Advancing women’s careers: why men matter / Ronald J. Burke and Debra A. Major.
2 The gender role socialization of boys to men / Ronald F. Levant and Thomas J. Rankin.
3 Taking the obvious apart: critical approaches to men, masculinities, and the gendered dynamics of leadership / David L. Collinson and Jeff Hearn.
4 The imperative for servant-leadership: reflections on the (enduring) dysfunctions of corporate masculinity / Mark Maier.
5 Relations, emotions and differences: re-gendering emotional labour in the context of men doing care / Ruth Simpson.
6 Men, masculinity, well-being, and health / Ronald J. Burke.
7 The causes and consequences of workaholism / Shahnaz Aziz and Benjamin Uhrich.
8 Gendered organizational cultures, structures and processes: the cultural exclusion of women in organizations / Sarah Rutherford.
9 Is this a man’s world? Obstacles to women’s success in maletyped domains / Suzette Caleo and Madeline E. Heilman.
10 Unspeakable masculinities in business schools / Elisabeth Kelan.
11 Male backlash: penalties for men who violate gender stereotypes / Corinne A. Moss-Racusin.
12 Stereotype threat impacts on women in the workforce / Valerie N. Streets and Hannah-Hanh D. Nguyen.
13 Barriers to women in science: examining the interplay between individual and gendered institutional research cultures on women scientists’ desired futures / Susan Schick Case and Bonnie A. Richley.
14 Individual, organizational, and societal backlash against women / Ronald J. Burke.
15 How can men and women be allies in achieving work–family balance? The role of coping in facilitating positive crossover / Michael L. Litano, Dante P. Myers and Debra A. Major.
16 Engaging men through inclusive leadership / Jeanine Prime, Mike Otterman and Elizabeth R. Salib.
17 Preventing violence against women and girls / Michael Flood.
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Chalmers, Lee V. (2001). Marketing Masculinities: Gender and Management Politics in Marketing Work. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
Pt. I. Gender and Management.
Pt. II. Marketing, Masculinity, and Management Politics.
1. Gendering Work.
2. Putting the Man into Management.
3. Who Delivers the Goods? The Entrepreneurial Man and the Marketing Man in Computer Systems.
4. Getting the Best of Both Worlds: The Practical Man and the Marketing Man in Equipment Manufacturing.
5. Paternalism Confronts Prowess: The Insurance Man and the Marketing Man.
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Cheng, Cliff. (ed.). (1996). Masculinities in Organizations. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Series Editor’s Introduction / Michael Kimmel.
Men and Masculinities Are Not Necessarily Synonymous: Thoughts on Organizational Behavior and Occupational Sociology / Cliff Cheng.
PART ONE: Occupational and Organizational Hegemonic Masculinity
Rambo Litigators: Emotional Labor in a Male-Dominated Occupation / Jennifer Pierce.
Managing to Kill: Masculinities and the Space Shuttle Challenger Explosion / James W. Messerschmidt.
The Last Bastion of Masculinity: Gender Politics at The Citadel / Judi Addelston and Michael Stirratt.
PART TWO: Sex Segregation, Homosociality, and Hegemonic Masculinity
The Occupational Masculinity of Computing / Rosemary Wright.
Stand by Your Man: Homosociality, Work Groups, and Men’s Perceptions of Difference / Amy Wharton and Sharon Bird.
Hegemonic Masculinity among the Elite: Power, Identity, and Homophily in Social Networks / Martin Kilduff and Ajay Mehra.
PART THREE: Marginalized Masculinities
Selves in Bunkers: Organizational Consequences of Failing to Verify Alternative Masculinities / Laurie Telford.
Unwrapping Euro-American Masculinity in a Japanese Multinational Corporation / Tomoko Hamada.
‘We Choose Not to Compete’: The ‘Merit’ Discourse in the Selection Process, and Asian and Asian-American Men and Their Masculinity / Cliff Cheng.
Chesters, J. (2021) Gender attitudes and occupational aspirations in Germany: Are young men prepared for the jobs of the future? Work, Employment and Society https://doi.org/10.1177/09500170211017046.
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Cross, Simon, and Barbara Bagilhole. (2002). Girls’ Jobs for the Boys? Men, Masculinity and Non-Traditional Occupations. Gender, Work and Organization, April, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 204-226.
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Dellinger, Kirsten. (2004). Masculinities in “Safe” and “Embattled” Organizations: Accounting for Pornographic and Feminist Magazines. Gender & Society, Vol. 18 No. 5, October, pp. 545-566.
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2. Men, Gender and the State / R.W. Connell.
3. A Theory of Gender, Patriarchy and Capitalism / Oystein Gullvag Holter.
4. The Emancipation from Gender: A critique of the utopias of postmodern gender theory / Mikael Carleheden.
5. Beautiful Men, Fine Women and Good Work People: Gender and skill in Northern Sweden 1850-1950 / Ella Johansson.
9. Technology and Masculinity: Men and their machines / Ulf Mellstrom.
Faludi, Susan. (1999). Nothing But Big Work. Chapter Two in Stiffed: The Betrayal of the American Man, William Morrow & Company.
Fanning, Patrick, and Matthew McKay. (1993). Being Useful: Finding Meaningful Work. Chapter 5 in Being a Man: A Guide to the New Masculinity, Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications
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2. The Innovation Ecosystem: Interrogating [Trans]national Gender [Un]sustainability in the New Business Centre
3. Transnational Football’s Male Elite: The Unsustainability of FIFA?
4. Hegemony Self-critique: How Men in Finance Question Aspects of Masculine and Economic Hegemony from Within
5. The Ends of Imagination: Hindu Nationalism, Masculine Networks and Political Transformation
6. Intentional Impossibility: Sustainable Transnational (Male) Clientelism Versus an Unsustainable Environment
7. Contradictory Consciousness: Men and Feminist Activism in the Caribbean
8. Men, Automobility, Movements, and the Environment: Imagining (Un)sustainable, Automated Transport Futures
9. ‘ The Performing Rights of Man’: The Global Music Industries and Transnational Hegemonies of Men
10. Electronic Pornography and the Transnational Assemblage o f Sexuality
11. Gender Trouble in Cyberwar: Multiple Masculinities and Femininities of a Cyberspy in the War on Terror
12. The Dynamics of Displacement: Diasporic Masculinities between Margins and Centres
13. Transnational “Winner” Masculinities: Modernity and the Transformation of Intimacy
14. Men and Masculinities Offside? The [Un]sustainability of the Power of Men.
Hearn, Jeff, Ann Oakley, Jeanette Edwards, and Jennie Popay. (eds.). (1998). Men, Gender Divisions and Welfare. London: Routledge.
1. The Welfare of Men? / Jeff Hearn.
4. Are Men Good for the Welfare of Women and Children? / Ann Oakley and Alan S. Rigby.
9. ‘All Jumbled Up’: Employed Women With Unemployed Husbands / David Waddington, Chas Critcher and Bella Dicks.
11. Redundant Men and Overburdened Women: Local Service Providers and the Construction of Gender in Ex-Mining Communities / Bella Dicks, David Waddington and Chas Critcher.
Hecker, S. (2007). Working Construction: Why Working-Class Men Put Themselves - and the Labor Movement - in Harm’s Way. Journal of Men’s Studies, 15(2).
Heilman, M. E., & Wallen, A. S. (2010). Wimpy and Undeserving of Respect: Penalties for Men’s Gender-Inconsistent Success. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 46(4), 664-667.
Hemstrom, O. (1999). Does the work environment contribute to excess male mortality? Social Science & Medicine, 49(7): 879-894.
Hodgson, Damian. (2003). ‘Taking It Like a Man’: Masculinity, Subjection and Resistance in the Selling of Life Assurance. Gender, Work and Organization, January, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 1-21.
Holgersson, C. (2013). Recruiting managing directors: Doing homosociality. Gender, Work & Organization, 20(4), 454-466.
Hood, Jane C. (ed). (1993). Men, Work, and Family. London: Sage.
Hopton, John. (1999). Militarism, Masculinism and Managerialisation in the British Public Sector. Journal of Gender Studies, 8(1), March, pp. 71-82.
Horowitz, Roger, and Philip B. Scranton. (eds.). (1999). Men and Masculinities, Special Issue: Boys and Their Toys, 2(2), October. Includes;.
Work, Play and Power: Masculine Culture on the Automotive Shop Floor, 1930-1960 / Stephen Meyer.
Rereading Man’s Conquest of Nature: Skill, Myths, and the Historical Construction of Masculinity in Western Extractive Industries / Nancy Quam-Wickham.
‘Building Better Men’: The CCC boy and the Changing Social Ideal of Manliness / Jeffrey Ryan Suzik.
Masculinity, Hierarchy, and the Auto Racing Fraternity: The Pit Stop as a Celebration of Social Roles / Ben A. Shackleford.
Everyday Peter Pans: Work, Manhood, and Consumption in Urban America, 1900-1930 / Woody Register.
Horowitz, Roger. (ed). (2001). Boys and their Toys: Masculinity, Class and Technology in America. (Hagley Center Studies in the History of Business and Technology) Routledge.
Introduction / Roger Horowitz.
1. Work, Play, and Power: Masculine Culture on the Automotive Shop Floor, 1930-1960 / Stephen Meyer.
2. ‘To Make Men out of Crude Material’: Work Culture, Manhood, and Unionism in the Railroad Running Trades, c. 1870-1900 / Paul MichelTaillon.
3. ‘Now That We Have Girls in the Office’: Clerical Work, Masculinity, and the Refashioning of Gender for a Bureaucratic Age / Janet F. Davidson.
4. Rereading Man’s Conquest of Nature: Skill, Myths, and the Historical Construction of Masculinity in Western Extractive Industries / NancyQuam-Wickham.
5. ‘Building Better Men’: The CCC Boy and the Changing Social Ideal of Manliness / Jeffrey Ryan Suzik.
6. Boys and Their Toys: The Fisher Body Craftman’s Guild, 1930-1968, and the Making of a Male Technical Domain / Ruth Oldenziel.
7. Masculine Guidance: Boys, Men, and Newspapers, 1930-1939 / Todd Alexander Postol.
8. Everyday Peter Pans: Work, Manhood, and Consumption in Urban America, 1900-1930 / Woody Register.
9. Masculinity, the Auto Racing Fraternity, and the Technological Sublime: The Pit Stop as a Celebration of Social Roles / Ben A. Shackleford.
10. Rights of Men, Rites of Passage: Hunting and Masculinity at Reo Motors of Lansing, Michigan, 1945-1975 / Lisa Fine.
Iacuone, David. (2005). “Real Men Are Tough Guys”: Hegemonic Masculinity and Safety in the Construction Industry. Journal of Men’s Studies, 13(2).
Ibarra, H., Carter, N. M., & Silva, C. (2010). Why Men Still Get More Promotions Than Women. Harvard Business Review, 88(9), 80-85.
Ingram, N. (2009). Working-class boys, educational success and the misrecognition of working-class culture. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 30(4): 421-434.
Izugbara, C. (2015). ‘We are the real men’: Masculinity, poverty, health, and community development in the slums of Nairobi, Kenya.
Izugbara, C. O. (2015). ‘Life is not designed to be easy for men’: Masculinity and poverty among urban marginalized Kenyan men. Gender Issues, 32(2), 121-137.
Izugbara, C., Tikkanen, R., & Barron, K. (2014). Men, masculinity, and community development in Kenyan slums. Community Development, 45(1), 32-44.
Jayme, W. (2006). Redundant Masculinities? Employment Change and White Working Class Youth. Association of American Geographers. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 96(1): 205.
Johnson, P. (2008). ‘Rude Boys’: The Homosexual Eroticization of Class. Sociology, 42(1): 65-82.
Journal of Social Issues. (2018). Special Issue: Work as a Masculinity Contest, 74(3), September, pp. 415-653.Kane, J. (2006). School exclusions and masculine, working-class identities. Gender and Education, 18(6): 673-685.
Kaster, Gregory L. (2001). Labour’s True Man: Organised Workingmen and the Language of Manliness in the USA, 1827-1877. Gender & History, 13(1).
Kaufman, G., & White, D. (2014). “For the Good of Our Family” Men’s Attitudes Toward Their Wives’ Employment. Journal of Family Issues, 0192513X14546719.
Kennedy, J., & Russell, C. (2020). Hegemonic masculinity in outdoor education. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 1-10.
Kerfoot, D., and D. Knights. (1998). Managing Masculinity in Contemporary Organizational Life: A ‘man’agerial project. Organization, 5(1), pp. 7-26.
Kirsi T., A. Hervonen, and M. Jylhä. (2004). Always One Step Behind: Husbands’ Narratives about Taking Care of their Demented Wives. Health, April, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 159-181.
Kivel, B. D., & Johnson, C. W. (2009). Consuming media, making men: using collective memory work to understand leisure and the construction of masculinity. Journal of Leisure Research, 41(1), 109-133.
Knights, D., & Tullberg, M. (2012). Managing Masculinity/Mismanaging the Corporation. Organization, 19(4), 385-404.
Knights, D., and D. McCabe. (2001). ‘A Different World’: Shifting Masculinities in the Transition to Call Centres. Organization, 8(4): 619-645.
Knights, David. (1994). Managers Divided: Organisation Politics and Information Technology Management. New York: Wiley.
Includes Chapter 6. Business Application Software: Masculinity and the Making of Software.
Knoppers, Annelies, and Anton Anthonissen. (2005). Male Athletic and Managerial Masculinities: Congruencies in Discursive Practices? Journal of Gender Studies, Volume 14 Number 2, July.
Koball, H. L. (2004). Crossing the threshold: Men’s incomes, attitudes toward the provider role, and marriage timing. Sex roles, 51(7-8), 387-395.
Kvande, Elin. (2002). Doing Masculinities in Organizational Restructuring. Nora, 10(1), pp. 16-25.
Lantz, Jenny (2006) The Making of Men at Kastrup. Men and Masculinities, April, Volume 8, No. 4: 518-524.
Laurie, Nina. (2005). Establishing Development Orthodoxy: Negotiating Masculinities in the Water Sector. Development and Change, Volume 36, Issue 3, pp. 527-549, May.
Lawrence, Liz. (1994). Feminizing the Unions: Challenging the Culture of Masculinity. Journal of Gender Studies, 3(3), November, pp. 360-361.
Lee, C., & Owens, R. G. (2002). Men, work and gender. Australian Psychologist, 37(1), 13-19.
Leonard, Pauline. (1998). Gendering Change? Management, Masculinity and the Dynamics of Incorporation. Gender and Education. 10(1), pp. 71-84.
Levant, Ronald F., with Gina Kopecky. (1996). Men and Work: Life after the Death of the ‘Good Provider’ Ideal. Chapter 7 in Masculinity Reconstructed: Changing the Rules of Manhood at Work, in Relationships, and in Family Life. New York: Plume.
Lewis, Sue, Chris McLean, Jane Copeland and Sue Lintern. (1999). Further Explorations of Masculinity and the Culture of Engineering. http://www.adelaide.edu.au/EO/fur_expl.htm, 14 October
Linceviciute, S., Ridge, D., Gautier, C., Broom, A., Oliffe, J., & Dando, C. (2022). ‘We're welcomed into people's homes every day’ versus ‘we're the people that come and arrest you’: The relational production of masculinities and vulnerabilities among male first responders. Sociology of Health & Illness, n/a(n/a). doi:https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9566.13481
Lippert, J. (1977). Sexuality as Consumption. In Snodgrass, Jon. (ed.). For Men Against Sexism, Albion CA, Times Change Press
Lohan, Maria, and Wendy Faulkner. (eds.). (2004). Men and Masculinities, Special Issue: Masculinities and Technologies, 6(4), April.
Masculinities and Technologies: Some introductory remarks / Maria Lohan and Wendy Faulkner.
“It’s Different for Men”: Masculinity and IVF / Karen Throsby and Rosalind Gill.
“Astronauts in the Sperm World”: The renegotiation of masculine identities in discourses on male contraception / Nelly Oudshoorn.
Machines and Masculine Subjectivity: Technology as an integral part of men’s life experiences / Ulf Mellstrom.
The Gendered Construction of the Engineering Profession in the United States, 1893-1920 / Lisa M. Frehill.
Book Reviews
Technology and In/Equality: Questioning the Information Society, edited by Sally Wyatt, Flis Henwood, Nod Miller, and Peter Senker / reviewed by Aphra Kerr.
Cracking the Gender Code: Who rules the wired world, by Melanie Stuart Millar / reviewed by Sophie Taysom.
Lovelock, Kirsten (1999) Men and Machines: Manufacturing Work Sites in Mataura, Southland. In Masculinities in Aotearoa/New Zealand, (eds.). R. Law, H. Campbell, and J. Dolan. Dunmore Press: Palmerston North.
Lynch, Colin. (1997). Larrikins in the labour market: Masculinity, class struggle and union leadership in the NSW building industry. Journal of Interdisciplinary Gender Studies, v.2 no.2, Nov: (75)-88.
Mac an Ghaill, Mairtin. (1996). ‘What About The Boys?’ Schooling, Class and Crisis Masculinity. Sociological Review, 44(3), August.
MacDougall, Graham. (1997). Caring - A Masculine Perspective. Journal of Advanced Nursing, April, 25(4), pp. 809-813.
MacInnes, John. (1996). Analysing Men. Gender, Work and Organization, 3(1), January, pp. 51-63.
Marchant, T. (2013). Keep going: career perspectives on ageing and masculinity of self-employed tradesmen in Australia. Construction Management and Economics, 31(8), 845-860.
Margold, Jane A. (1994). Global Disassembly: Migrant Masculinity in the Transnational Workplace. Masculinities, 2(3), Fall, pp. 18-36 .
Martin, Patricia Yancey. (2001). ‘Mobilizing Masculinities’: Women’s Experiences of Men at Work. Organization 8(4): 587-618.
Martin, Patricia Yancey. (2001). Mobilizing masculinities: Women’s experiences of men at work. Organization, 8(4): 587-618.
Marusza, J. (1997). Urban White Working-Class Males and the Possibilities of Collective Anger: Patrolling Riley Road. The Urban Review, 29(2): 97-112.
Massey, Doreen. (1996. Masculinity, Dualism and High Technology. In Bodyspace: Dislocating Geographies of Gender and Sexuality. Nancy Duncan, editor. London and New York: Routledge. pp. 109-126.
McCreary, Donald R., and Stanley W. Sadava. (1995). Mediating the Relationship Between Masculine Gender Role Stress and Work Satisfaction: The Influence of Coping Strategies. Journal Of Men’s Studies, 4(2), November, pp. 141-152.
McDowell, Linda. (2000). Learning to Serve? Employment aspirations and attitudes of young working class men in an era of labor market restructuring. Gender, Place and Culture, 7(4), pp. 389-416.
McDowell, Linda. (2002). Transitions to Work: Masculine identities, youth inequality and labour market change. Gender, Place and Culture - A Journal of Feminist Geography, 1 March, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 39-59.
McDowell, Linda. (2003). Masculine Identities and Low-Paid Work: Young Men in Urban Labour Markets. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 27(4), December: 828-848.
McDowell, Linda. (2004). Masculinity, Identity and Labour Market Change: Some Reflections on the Implications of Thinking Relationally About Difference and the Politics of Inclusion. Human Geography, March, vol. 86, no. 1, pp. 45-56.
McGinley, Ann C. (2016). Masculinity at Work: Employment Discrimination through a Different Lens. NYU Press.
McGinley, Anne C. (2004). Masculinities at work. Oregon Law Review, 83(2).
McMahon, Anthony. (1999). Taking Care of Men: Sexual Politics in the Public Mind. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Mellstrom, U. (2002). Patriarchal Machines and Masculine Embodiment. Science Technology Human Values, 27(4): 460-478.
Messerschmidt, James W. (1995). Managing to Kill: Masculinities and the Space Shuttle Challenger Explosion. Masculinities, 3(4), Winter.
Messner, Michael A. (1988). Masculinities and Athletic Careers. Gender & Society, 3, pp. 71-88.
Miller, G. E. (2004). Frontier Masculinity in the Oil Industry: The Experience of Women Engineers. Gender, Work and Organization 11(1), January, pp. 47-73.
Mills, Albert J. (1998). Cockpits, Hangars, Boys and Galleys: Corporate Masculinities and the Development of British Airways. Gender, Work and Organization, Volume 5, Issue 3, pp. 172-188, July.
Mills, Martin. (2000). Issues in Implementing Boys’ Programmes in Schools: Male Teachers and Empowerment. Gender and Education, Volume 12, Number 2.
Milner, A., Shields, M., Scovelle, A. J., Sutherland, G., & King, T. L. (2020). Health literacy in male-dominated occupations. American journal of men’s health, 14(5), 1557988320954022.
Moisio, R., Arnould, E. J., & Gentry, J. W. (2013). Productive consumption in the class-mediated construction of domestic masculinity: Do-It-Yourself (DIY) home improvement in men’s identity work. Journal of Consumer Research, 40(2), 298-316.
Monaghan, Lee F. (2002). Embodying Gender, Work and Organization: Solidarity, cool loyalties and contested hierarchy in a masculinist occupation. Gender, Work and Organization 9(5), November.
Monaghan, Lee F. (2002). Hard Men, Shop Boys and Others: Embodying competence in a masculinist occupation. Sociological Review, 50(3), August.
Morgan, David. (1992). Discovering Men. London: Routledge (3 Relevant Chapters)
Morris, E. W. (2008). “Rednecks,” “Rutters,” and `Rithmetic: Social Class, Masculinity, and Schooling in a Rural Context. Gender & Society, 22(6): 728-751.
Morton, Tom. (1998). Democratizing Domesticity: Men and the Post-Industrial Family. Australian Options, February, No. 12
Moskos, M. (2012). How occupational sex segregation shapes low-skilled men’s employment opportunities in Australia. Labour & Industry: a journal of the social and economic relations of work, 22(4), 415-432.
Murgia, A. and B. Poggio (2009). Challenging Hegemonic Masculinities: Men’s Stories on Gender Culture in Organizations. Organization 16(3): 407-423.
Murgia, Annalisa, and Barbara Poggio. (2009). Challenging Hegemonic Masculinities: Men’s Stories on Gender Culture in Organizations. Organisation, 16.
Nayak, A. (2006). Displaced Masculinities: Chavs, Youth and Class in the Post-industrial City. Sociology, 40(5): 813-831.
Nelson, Dana. National Manhood: Capitalist Citizenship and the Imagined Fraternity of White Men.
Nielsen, K. J., Hansen, C. D., Bloksgaard, L., Christensen, A.-D., Jensen, S. Q., & Kyed, M. (2015). The impact of masculinity on safety oversights, safety priority and safety violations in two male-dominated occupations. Safety Science, 76, 82-89.
Nixon, D. (2009). ‘I Can’t Put a Smiley Face On’: Working-Class Masculinity, Emotional Labour and Service Work in the ‘New Economy’. Gender, Work & Organization 16(3): 300-322.
Nixon, D. (2009). ‘I Can’t Put a Smiley Face On’: Working‐Class Masculinity, Emotional Labour and Service Work in the ‘New Economy’. Gender, Work & Organization, 16(3), 300-322.
Nordberg, M. (2002). Constructing Masculinity in Women’s Worlds: Men working as pre-school teachers and hairdressers. NORA: Nordic Journal of Women’s Studies, 1 March, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 26-37.
Norwood, Stephen H. (2002). Strikebreaking and Intimidation: Mercenaries and Masculinity in Twentieth Century America. Univ of North Carolina Press.
Novikova, I., and D. Kambourov. (eds.). (2003). Men in the Global World: Integrating Post-Socialist Perspectives. Helsinki: Kikimora Publications.
Nowell, David Z. (1995). A Man’s Work is Never Done: The Art of Balancing Priorities Between Work and Home.
O’Donnell, Carol. (1984). The Basis of the Bargain: Gender, Schooling and Jobs. Australia: Allen & Unwin.
O’Hara, Bruce. (1988). Put Work in its Place: How to Redesign Your Job To Fit Your Life. Victoria, B.C.: Work Well Publications.
O’Sullivan, J., and A. Sheridan. (2005). The king is dead, long live the king: Tall tales of new men and new management in The Bill. Gender Work and Organization, 12(4): 299-318.
Ochberg, Richard L. (1988). Middle-Aged Sons and the Meaning of Work. Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Research Press.
Ouellet, Lawrence J. (1994). Pedal to the Metal: The Work Lives of Truckers. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
Includes Chapter 9. Careers, Magic, and Masculinity.
Owen, Charlie et.al. (eds.). (1998). Men as Workers in Services for Young Children: Issues of a Mixed Gender Workforce. Institute of Education. University of London: Bedford Way Papers.
Oyler, Celia, Gregory T. Jennings, and Philip Lozada. (2001). Silenced Gender: The Construction of a Male Primary Educator. Teaching and Teacher Education, 17(3): 367-79; April.
Paap, Kris. (2006). Working Construction: Why White Working-Class Men Put Themselves and the Labor Movement in Harm’s Way. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
Page, D. (2014). Desirable organisational masculinities: competition and entrepreneurialism in schools of construction in further education colleges. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 35(6), 895-913.
Panayiotou, A. (2010). ‘Macho’ managers and organizational heroes: competing masculinities in popular films. Organization: 1350508410366275.
Pelham, B. W., and J. J. Hetts. (2001). Underworked and Overpaid: Elevated Entitlement in Men’s Self-Pay. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 37(2): 93-103.
Pena, M. (1991). Class, Gender and Machismo: The ‘Treacherous Woman’ Folklore of Mexican Male Workers. Gender & Society, 5, pp. 30-46.
Perrott, T. A. (2019). Doing hot and ‘dirty’work: Masculinities and occupational identity in firefighting. Gender, Work & Organization, 26(10), 1398-1412.
Perry, D. L. (2005). Wolof women, economic liberalization, and the crisis of masculinity in rural Senegal. Ethnology, 44(3): 207-226.
Picone, P. M., Dagnino, G. B., & Minà, A. (2014). The Origin of Failure: A Multidisciplinary Appraisal of the Hubris Hypothesis and Proposed Research Agenda. Academy of Management Perspectives, 28(4), 447-468. doi:10.5465/amp.2012.0177
Pini, Barbara (2008). Masculinities and management in agricultural organisations worldwide. Aldershot: Ashgate.
Pleck, J. (1981). The Work-Family Problem: Overloading the System. In Forisha, B. and Goldman, B. (eds.). Outsiders on the inside, Prentice Hall.
Pocock, Barbara. (ed). (1997). Strife: Sex and Politics in Labour Unions. Sydney: Allen & Unwin.
Thomson, Claire and Pocock, Barbara. Moving on From Masculinity? Australian Unions’ Industrial Agenda.
Poster, W. (2013). Subversions of Techno-masculinity: Indian ICT Professionals in the Global Economy. In J. Hearn, M. Blagojević & K. Harrison (eds.) Rethinking Transnational Men: Beyond, Between and Within Nations (pp. 113–133). New York: Routledge.
Powell, A., Galea, N., Salignac, F., Loosemore, M., & Chappell, L. (2018). Masculinity and workplace wellbeing in the Australian construction industry. Proc., Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 321-330.
Prokos, A., and I. Padavic. (2002). ‘There Oughtta Be a Law Against Bitches’: Masculinity Lessons in Police Academy Training. Gender, Work and Organization, August, 9(4), pp. 439-459.
Puchert, Ralf, Marc Gärtner, and Stephan Höyng. (eds.) (2005). Work Changes Gender: Men and equality in the transition of labour. Opladen: Barbara Budrich Publishers.
Puchert, Ralf. (2004) Work Changes. And Gender? Blind spots and new visions of a gender democratic working world. In: Ulrich Rauter, Katharina Küpper-Schreiber, Hans Georg Nelles (eds.): Half-Half. Family and work (gender-) fairly allocated. Does the problem work out exactly? Workshop proceedings, Berlin 30th June, 2004, Moers: IMBSE.
Pyke, Karen D. (1996). Class-Based Masculinities: The Interdependence of Gender, Class, and Interpersonal Power. Gender & Society, 10(5), October, pp. 527-549.
Quam-Wickham, N. (1999). Rereading Man’s Conquest of Nature: Skill, Myths, and the Historical Construction of Masculinity in Western Extractive Industries. Men and Masculinities, 2(2): 135-151.
Ranson, Gillian. (2001). Men at Work: Change - or No Change? - in the Era of the ‘New Father’. Men and Masculinities, 4(1), July.
Reay, Diane. (2002). Shaun’s Story: Troubling discourses of white working-class masculinities. Gender and Education, 14(3), September, pp. 221-234.
Riley, Sarah C.E. (2003). The Management of the Traditional Gender Role: A discourse analysis of the constructions and functions of provision. Journal of Gender Studies, 12(2).
Roberts, S. (2018). Young Working-class Men in Transition. Routledge.
Robertson, John M., and Cia Verschelden. (1993). Voluntary Male Homemakers and Female Providers: Reported Experiences and Perceived Social Reactions. Journal of Men’s Studies, 1(4), May, pp. 383-402.
Robinson, V. (1998). Masculinities at Work. Work Employment Society, 12(2): 379-381.
Roche, A. M., Pidd, K., Fischer, J. A., Lee, N., Scarfe, A., & Kostadinov, V. (2016). Men, work, and mental health: a systematic review of depression in male-dominated industries and occupations. Safety and Health at Work, 7(4), 268-283.
Rogers, Barbara. (1988). Men Only: An Investigation Into Men’s Organisations. London: Pandora.
Roper, Michael. (1994). Masculinity and the British Organisation Man Since 1945. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Rose, Sonya O. (1986). ‘Gender at Work’: Sex, Class and Industrial Capitalism. History Workshop, 21, Spring.
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Royster, D. A. (2007). What Happens to Potential Discouraged? Masculinity Norms and the Contrasting Institutional and Labor Market Experiences of Less Affluent Black and White Men. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 609(1): 153-180.
Ruby, S., & Scholz, S. (2018). Care, care work and the struggle for a careful world from the perspective of the sociology of masculinities. Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 43(1), 73-83.
Rugg, lan. (2015). A few good men: The male experience of minority status in a clinical psychology doctoral program. In Becoming a clinical psychologist: Personal stories of doctoral training, by Knafo, Danielle (Ed); Keisner, Robert (Ed); Fiammenghi, Silvia (Ed), 143-161. Lanham, MD, US:Rowman & Littlefield.
Rumens, N. (2016). Queer Company: The Role and Meaning of Friendship in Gay Men’s Work Lives: Routledge.
Russell, G., & O’Leary, J. (2012). Men Get Flexible! Mainstreaming Flexible Work in Australian Business. Sydney: Diversity Council Australia.
Russell, Graeme, and Anne O’Leary. (2012). Men Get Flexible: Mainstreaming Flexible Work in Australian Business. Sydney: Diversity Council Australia.
Ruxton, Sandy. (2002). Men, Masculinities and Poverty in the UK. London: Oxfam GB.
Sadler-Smith, E., Akstinaite, V., Robinson, G., & Wray, T. (2017). Hubristic leadership: A review. Leadership, 13(5), 525-548. doi:10.1177/1742715016680666
Salzinger, L. (2004). Revealing the Unmarked: Finding masculinity in a global factory. Ethnography, 5(1): 5-27.
Sargent, Paul. (2000). Real Men or Real Teachers? Contradictions in the Lives of Men Elementary Teachers. Men and Masculinities, 2(4), April.
Sattari, N., & Sandefur, R. L. (2019). Gender in academic STEM: A focus on men faculty. Gender, Work & Organization, 26(2), 158-179.
Schwerma, Klaus, Christian Scambor, and Paco Abril. (2005). Towards a New Positioning of Men. In Ralf Puchert, Marc Gärtner, and Stephan Höyng, (eds.) Work Changes Gender. Men and equality in the transition of labour. Opladen: Barbara Budrich Publishers.
Scourfield, Jonathan B. (2001). Constructing Men in Child Protection Work. Men and Masculinities, 4(1), July
Seidler, Victor J. (1991). Work. In Recreating Sexual Politics: Men, Feminism and Politics. London & New York: Routledge
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Sheridan, A. (2004). Chronic presenteeism: The multiple dimensions to men’s absence from part-time work. Gender, Work and Organization, 11(2), 207-225.
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