(ii) Further works

Archives of Sexual Behavior (2019). Special issue: Bisexual Health,Volume 48 Number 1.

Ault, Amber. (1996). Ambiguous Identity in an Unambiguous Sex/Gender Structure: The Case of Bisexual Women. Sociological Quarterly, 37(3).

Ault, Amber. (1996). The Dilemma of Identity: Bi Women’s Negotiations. In Seidman, Steven. (ed.). (1996). Queer Theory/Sociology. Cambridge, Ma: Blackwell.

Brownfain, John J. (1985). A Study of the Married Bisexual Male: Paradox and Resolution. Journal of Homosexuality, 11, Spring.

Buchbinder, David, and Charles Waddell. (1992). Myth-Conceptions About Bisexual Men. Southern Review, 25(2), July.

Cantarella, Eva. (year?). Bisexuality in the Ancient World. Yale University Press.

Clausen, Jan. (1990). My Interesting Condition. Out/Look, Winter.

Coleman, Eli. (1985). Bisexual Women in Marriages. Journal of Homosexuality, 11, Spring.

Couch, Murray, and Marian Pitts. (2006). The positioning of bisexuals and ‘men who have sex with men’ in sex, sexuality and sexual health research, 1990 - 2004. Health Sociology Review, v. 15 no. 3, Aug.: 269-276.

D’Augelli, A. R., and C. J. Patterson. (1995). (eds). Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Identities over the Lifespan: Psychological Perspectives. New York: Oxford.

Daumer, Elisabeth D. (1992). Queer Ethics; or, The Challenge of Bisexuality to Lesbian Ethics. Hypatia, 7(4), Fall.

De Cecco, John P. (ed.). Bisexual and Homosexual Identities: Critical Clinical Issues. New York: Haworth Press.

De Cecco, John P., and Michael G. Shively. (eds). (1984). Bisexual and Homosexual Identities: Critical Theoretical Issues. New York: Haworth Press.

Duberman, Martin B. (year?). Bisexuality. In About Time: Exploring the Gay Past. Meridian (2nd edition. 1st, 1986).

Dulwich Centre Journal. (1999). Special Issue: Bisexuality: Identity, Politics and Partnerships, No. 1.

Eadie, Jo. (1996). Indigestion: Diagnosing the Gay Malady. In Simpson, Mark. (ed.). Antigay: Homosexuality and its Discontents. London & New York: Cassell.

Esterberg, Kristin G. Lesbian and Bisexual Identities: Constructing Communities, Constructing Selves. Temple University Press.

Faderman, Lillian. Chloe Plus Olivia: An Anthology of Lesbian and Bisexual Literature From the Seventeenth century to the Present. Viking Penguin.

Hill, Ivan. (ed.). (1987). The Bisexual Spouse. Barline Books.

Jeffreys, Sheila. (1999). Bisexual Politics: A Superior Form of Feminism?. Women’s Studies International Forum, 22(3), May-June.

Journal Of Gay, Lesbian And Bisexual Identity. (1997). Special edition: Bisexual Theory: A Bi Academic Intervention, (January) Includes;
Jo Eadie “Living in the Past: Savage Nights and Bisexual Temporalities”.
Rebecca Stott “Posting Signs on the Bog: Fixing and Unfixing HD, Imagiste”.
Ann Kaloski “Bisexuals Making Out With Cyborgs”.
Michael S Montgomery “The Marrying Kind: Bisexual Life, Partnered Identity”.
B.C. Roberts Report in International Bisexual Symposium 1996.
Cath Stowers “Sexual Stigma/ta”.

Klein, Fred, and Thomas Schwartz. (eds). (2001). Bisexual and Gay Husbands: Their Stories, Their Words. New York: Harrington Park Press.

Klein, Fritz and Wolf, Timothy J. (eds). (1985). Two Lives to Lead: Bisexuality in Men and Women. New York: Harrington Park Press.

Klein, Fritz and Wolf, Timothy J. (eds). Bisexualities: Theory and Research. New York: Haworth Press.

Klein, Fritz. (1993). The Bisexual Option. (2nd edition), Birmingham: Harrington Park Press.

Klesse, Christian. (2005). Bisexual Women, Non-Monogamy and Differentialist Anti-Promiscuity Discourses. Sexualities, Volume 8, No. 4, October, pp. 445-464.

McLean, Kirsten. (2001). Living Life in the Double Closet: Bisexual Youth Speak Out. Hecate. 27(1).

Orlando, Lisa. (1984). Bisexuality: Loving Whom We Choose. Gay Community News, 25 February.

Rodriguez, Paula C. (2000). Bisexuality in the United States: A Social Science Reader. Columbia University Press.

Rust, Paula C. (1992). The Politics of Sexual Identity: Sexual Attraction and Behaviour Among Lesbian and Bisexual Women. Social Problems, 39(4), November.

Rust, Paula C. (1996). Bisexuality and the Challenge to Lesbian Politics: Sex, Loyalty and Revolution. New York & London: New York University Press.

Shuster, R. (1987). Sexuality as a Continuum: The Bisexual Identity. In Boston Lesbian Psychologies Collective. (eds). Lesbian Psychologies. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press.

Storr, Merl. (1999). Postmodern Bisexuality. Sexualities, 2(3): 309-325.

Storr, Merl. (ed.). (1999). Bisexuality: A Critical Reader. Routledge

Valverde, Mariana. (1987). Bisexuality: Coping with Sexual Boundaries. Ch. 4 in Sex, Power and Pleasure. Philadelphia, PA: New Society Publishers.

Wark, McKenzie. (1997). Bisexual Mediations: Beyond the Third Term. In Matthews, Jill J. (ed.). Sex in Public: Australian Sexual Cultures. Sydney: Allen & Unwin.

Weinberg, Martin S., Williams, Colin J. and Pryor, Douglas W. (1994). Dual Attractions: Understanding Bisexuality. New York & London: Oxford University Press.

Wilkinson, Sue. (1996). Bisexuality a la Mode. Women’s Studies International Forum, 19(3).

Wofford, Carrie. (1991). The Bisexual Revolution. Outweek, February 6.

Wolf, Timothy J. (1985). Marriages of Bisexual Men. Journal of Homosexuality, 11, Spring.

Young, Stacey. (1997). Dichotomies and Displacements: Bisexuality in Queer Theory and Politics. In Phelan, Shane. (ed.). Playing With Fire: Queer Politics, Queer Theories. New York & London: Routledge.

Zita, Jacquelyn N. (ed.). (1997). Hypatia, Special Issue: Third wave Feminisms, 12(3), Summer. Includes:
Swear by the Moon / Bedecarre, Corinne..
In Praise of Unreliability / Heldke, Lisa..
Warning! Contents Under Heterosexual Pressure / O’Connor, Peg.




Journal of Bisexuality (Haworth Pres, 2001-)

Journal of Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Identity (to 1999)