v) Further works

-. (1991). Special Issue of Social Problems, 38(2), May: Punishment and Violence.

-. (1998). Papers to National Forum on Men and Family Relationships, Canberra, 9-11 June.
Anderson, Stuart. Working With Men for Responsibility, Intimacy and Respect in Relationships: Responding to Men’s Calls for Support in Ending Their Violence.
Boyle, Mick. The Men’s Referral Service: A Community Development Response to Male Family Violence.
Cavanagh, Jo. Family Violence and Separation: Men as Parents and Partners. Preliminary Findings From Practice-Based Research.
Compton, Andrew. Some Reflections From a Profeminist Men’s Behaviour Change Program.
Frances, Ruth. What is Appropriate Evaluation of Programs for Men.
Gillian, Clare, Pedlar, Kim and Allen, Jim. The Change Process in Men Who have been using Abusive and Violent Behaviour in Their Relationships.
Goff, Tony. Behind closed doors.
Hacker, Andrew. Masculinity, Family Violence and Violent Men’s Help Seeking Behaviours.
Laming, Chris. SHED tools: Constructive Alternatives to Harmful Behaviour.
MacRae, Rory. Court-Mandated and Voluntary Men’s Programs: A World Apart? Reflections From Scotland and Victoria.
Pogue, Graham. If You Want to See in The Mirror, Turn on the Light: A Male Journey of Self-Respect.

Abracen, J., and J. Looman. (2004). Issues in the treatment of sexual offenders: Recent developments and directions for future research. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 9(3): 229-246.

Adams, David, and A. McCormick. (1982). Men unlearning violence: A group approach based on a collective model. In Roy, M. (ed.). The Abusive Partner: An Analysis of Domestic Battering. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.

Adams, David. (1988a). Stages of anti-sexist awareness and change for abusive men. In Dickstein, L. and Nadelson, C. (eds). Family Violence. Washington DC: Appi Press.

Adams, David. (1988b). Treatment models of men who batter: A profeminist analysis. In Yllo, Kirsti and Bograd, Michelle. (eds). Feminist Perspectives on Wife Abuse. London: Sage

Adams, David. (1989). Feminist-based interventions for battering men. In Caesar, L. and Hamberger, K. (eds). Therapeutic Interventions With Batterers: Theory and Practice. New York: Springer.

Akoensi, T. D., Koehler, J. A., Lösel, F., & Humphreys, D. K. (2013). Domestic violence perpetrator programs in Europe, Part II: A systematic review of the state of evidence. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 57(10), 1206-1225.

Allan, Robert L., and Paul Kivel. (1994). Men changing men. Ms, 5(2), September/October (Special Issue on Domestic Violence), pp. 50-53. 

Andrews, S., Gallant, D., Humphreys, C., Ellis, D., Bamblett, A., Briggs, R., & Harrison, W. (2021). Holistic programme developments and responses to Aboriginal men who use violence against women. International Social Work, 64(1), 59-73. doi:10.1177/0020872818807272.

Arias, E., Arce, R., & Vilariño, M. (2013). Batterer intervention programmes: A meta-analytic review of effectiveness. Psychosocial Intervention, 22(2), 153-160.

Astor, Hilary. (1990). Domestic violence and mediation. Australian Dispute Resolution Journal, 1(3), August

Astor, Hilary. (1991). Mediation and Violence Against Women. Paper for the National Committee on Violence Against Women, December

Astor, Hilary. (1994). Swimming against the tide: Keeping violent men out of mediation. In Stubbs, Julie. (ed.). Women, Male Violence and the Law. Sydney: Institute of Criminology.

Auchter, Bernard. (ed.). (2008). Violence Against Women, February, Vol. 14, No. 2.
A Longitudinal Study of Arrested Batterers, 1995-2005: Career Criminals / Andrew R. Klein and Terri Tobin (136-157). 
Resistance Among Domestic Violence Offenders: Measurement Development and Initial Validation / Deborah A. Levesque, Wayne F. Velicer, Patricia H. Castle, and R. Neil Greene (158-184). 
Does Judicial Monitoring Deter Domestic Violence Recidivism?: Results of a Quasi-Experimental Comparison in the Bronx / Michael Rempel, Melissa Labriola, and Robert C. Davis (185-207). 
Implementation of Case Management for Batterer Program Participants / Edward W. Gondolf (208-225). 
Findings From an Outcome Examination of Rhode Island’s Specialized Domestic Violence Probation Supervision Program: Do Specialized Supervision Programs of Batterers Reduce Reabuse? / Andrew R. Klein and Ann Crowe (226-246).

Augusta-Scott, and T. Augusta-Scott. (2003) Dichotomies in the power and control story: Exploring multiple stories about men who choose abuse in intimate relationships. In Responding to violence: A collection of papers relating to child sexual abuse and violence in intimate relationships, pp. 204-224. Adelaide: Dulwich Centre Publications. 

Australian Centre for the Study of Sexual Assault (ACSSA). (2006). Sexual violence offenders: prevention and intervention approaches. ACSSA Issues No. 5, June.

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2021). Monitoring perpetrator interventions in Australia. Canberra: AIHW.

Australian Psychologist. (2002). Volume 37, Number 3, November;
The rehabilitation of offenders: Introduction / Tony Ward.
An overview of offender rehabilitation: Something old, something borrowed, something new / Clive R. Hollin.
“We are neutral therapists”: Psychology, the state and social control / Mark Brown.
The management of risk and the design of good lives / Tony Ward.
Therapeutic jurisprudence and “good lives”: a rehabilitation framework for corrections / Astrid Birgden.
Culturally relevant assessment of indigenous Offenders: a literature review / Robin Jones, Mary Masters, Alison Griffiths, Nicole Moulday.
Treatment needs of female offenders: a review / Laura Sorbello, Lynne Eccleston, Tony Ward, Robin Jones.
The rehabilitation of child sex offenders / Anthony R. Beech and Dawn D. Fisher.
Rehabilitating rapists: Reconsidering the issues / Devon L. L. Polaschek and Lucy L. King.
Grasping the nettle: Treating and rehabilitating the violent offender / Kevin Howells and Andrew Day.
Rehabilitation of the mentally disordered offender / Lorraine Childs and Philip Brinded.
The RUSH program -- real understanding of self-help: a suicide and self-harm prevention initiative within a prison setting / Lynne Eccleston and Laura Sorbello.
Offender rehabilitation: From “nothing works” to what next? / James R. P. Ogloff.

Aymer, S. R. (2011). A case for including the “lived experience” of African American men in batterers’ treatment. Journal of African American Studies, 15(3), 352-366. Aymer, S. R. (2021). Intimate partner violence: Clinical interventions with women, men, and their children. Rowman & Littlefield. 1. The Traditional Framing of Intimate Partner Violence
2. Centering Black and Brown Women
3. An Object Relations Framework
4. Practice Issues
5. Mothering and Motherhood in the Context of IPV
6. Toxic Masculinity and Men Who Batter
7. A Self Psychological Frame for Working with an Abused Woman
8. A Call to Action Concerning Violence against Women and Girls

Babcock, J. C., Gallagher, M. W., Richardson, A., Godfrey, D. A., Reeves, V. E., & D'Souza, J. (2024). Which battering interventions work? An updated meta-analytic review of intimate partner violence treatment outcome research. Clinical psychology review, 102437. 

Babcock, J. C., Green, C. E., & Robie, C. (2004). Does batterers’ treatment work? A meta-analytic review of domestic violence treatment. Clinical Psychology Review, 23(8), 1023-1053.

Babcock, J., Armenti, N., Cannon, C., Lauve-Moon, K., Buttell, F., Ferreira, R., Cantos, A., Hamel, J., Kelly, D., & Jordan, C. (2016). Domestic violence perpetrator programs: A proposal for evidence-based standards in the United States. Partner abuse, 7(4), 355-460. 

Barnes, R., & Donovan, C. (2016). Developing interventions for abusive partners in lesbian, gay bisexual and/or transgender relationships. In S. Hilder, & V. Bettinson (Ed.), Domestic violence: Interdisciplinary perspectives on protection, prevention and intervention. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Bartholomew, Terry. (2000). Family violence interventions and mandatory behaviour change programs: Explicating some obstacles to integration. Paper to Institute of Family Studies Conference. Sydney, 24 July

Bates, E. A., Graham-Kevan, N., Bolam, L. T., & Thornton, A. J. (2017). A review of domestic violence perpetrator programs in the United Kingdom. Partner Abuse, 8(1), 3-46. 

Bates, Elizabeth and Graham-Kevan, N. (2020) Intimate partner violence perpetrator programmes. In: Wormith, J.S., Craig, L.A. and Hogue, T.E., (eds.) The Wiley Handbook of What Works in Violence Risk Management: Theory, Research, and Practice. Wiley, London, pp. 437-450.

Baum, F., Brand, R., Colley, D. and Cooke, R. (1987). Preventing family violence: The evaluation of a group for men who are violent towards their partners. Australian Journal of Sex, Marriage and Family, Vol. 8, November.

Beaumont, Bill. (ed.). (1998). Work With Offenders: A Progressive Approach. Macmillan.

Beiras, A., Nascimento, M., & Incrocci, C. (2019). Programs for men who have used violence against women: an overview of interventions in Brazil. Saúde e Sociedade, 28, 262-274. 

Benoit, Jeffrey, and Wallace Kennedy. (1992). The abuse history of male adolescent sex offenders. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 7(4), pp. 543-548.

Besharov, Douglas J. (ed.). (1990). Family Violence: Research and Public Policy Issues. Washington DC: AEI Press (material on Men’s Programs etc).

Blagg, Harry. (2001). Pilot Counselling Programs for Mandated and Non-Mandated Indigenous Men: Research and Program Development. Perth: Crime Research Centre. 

Blokland, A., & P. Lussier (Eds.). (2015). Sex offenders: A criminal career approach. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons.

Bograd, M. (ed.). (1990). Feminist Approaches for Men in Family Therapy. New York: Haworth Press.

Bouchard, J., & Wong, J. S. (2021). Pathways to Engagement: An Exploratory Qualitative Analysis of Factors That Facilitate Men’s Engagement in IPV Intervention Programs. Violence Against Women, 1077801220981144. 

Boyd, C. (2007). Perspectives on the treatment of men and boys who sexually abuse. Aware: Australian Centre for the Study of Sexual Assault Newsletter no. 15, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Melbourne.

Brand, R. (1990). Why should we be surprised when wife-bashers change?. Criminology Australia, 1(4), April/May

Brown, A., and B. Caddick. (eds.). (1993). Groupwork with Offenders. Whiting and Birch.

Brown, Catrina, and Tod Augusta-Scott. (eds.). (2007). Narrative Therapy: Making Meaning, Making Lives. Sage.
Augusta-Scott, T. (2007) “Conversations with men about women’s violence: Ending men’s violence by challenging gender essentialism”. pp. 197-210. 
Augusta-Scott, T. (2007) Letters from prison: Re-authoring identity with men who have perpetrated sexual violence. pp. 251-268. 

Butters, R. P., Droubay, B. A., Seawright, J. L., Tollefson, D. R., Lundahl, B., & Whitaker, L. (2021). Intimate partner violence perpetrator treatment: Tailoring interventions to individual needs. Clinical Social Work Journal, 49(3), 391-404. 

Caesar, P. Lynn, and L. Kevin. Hamberger. (eds). (1989). Treating Men Who Batter: Theory, Practice, and Programs. New York: Springer.

Calcia, M. A., Bedi, S., Howard, L. M., Lempp, H., & Oram, S. (2021). Healthcare experiences of perpetrators of domestic violence and abuse: a systematic review and meta-synthesis. BMJ Open, 11(5), e043183. 

Calder, Martin C. (2007). Working with children and young people who sexually abuse: Taking the field forward. Lyme Regis: Russell House.

Campbell, J. K., Nicolla, S., Weissman, D. M., & Moracco, K. E. (2024). The uptake and measurement of alternative approaches to domestic violence intervention programs: a scoping review. Trauma, Violence, and Abuse, ePub(ePub), ePub-ePub. Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/15248380241244398

Campbell, M., Neil, J. A., Jaffe, P. G., & Kelly, T. (2010). Engaging Abusive Men in Seeking Community Intervention: A Critical Research & Practice Priority. Journal of Family Violence, 25(4), 413-422. doi: 10.1007/s10896-010-9302-z

Cant, R, R. Downie, C. Fisher, P. Henry, and I. Froyland. (2002). Evaluation of perpetrator programs for mandated and voluntary participants in Western Australia. Perth: Centre for Research for Women.

Cantos, A. L., & O’Leary, K. D. (2014). One size does not fit all in treatment of intimate partner violence. Partner Abuse, 5(2), 204-236.

Catlett, B., M. Toews, et al. (2010). Men’s Gendered Constructions of Intimate Partner Violence as Predictors of Court-Mandated Batterer Treatment Drop Out. American Journal of Community Psychology 45(1): 107-123.

Cavanagh, Kate, and Ruth Lewis. (1996). Interviewing violent men: Challenge or compromise?. In Cavanagh, Kate and Cree, Viviene E. (eds). Working With Men: Feminism and Social Work. London & New York: Routledge

Chaffin, Mark, and Barbara Bonner. (eds). (1998). Child Maltreatment, Special issue: Interventions with Adolescent Sexual Abusers and Children with Sexual Behavior Problems. 3(4), Nov.

Coleman, E., S.M. Dwyer, and N.J. Pallone. (1996). Sex Offender Treatment: Biological Dysfunction, Intrapsychic Conflict, Interpersonal Violence. New York: Haworth Press.

Corvo, K., Dutton, D., & Chen, W.-Y. (2008). Toward evidence-based practice with domestic violence perpetrators. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 16(2), 111-130. 

Costello, S. (2006). Invitations to collusion: a case for greater scrutiny of men’s behaviour change programs. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, 27(1): 38-47.

Cowburn, Malcolm, and H. Pengelly. (1999). Values and processes in groupwork with men. In Working with Men for Change, ed. Wild J. London; UCL Press.

Cowburn, Malcolm, and P. Modi. (1995). Justice in an Unjust Context: Implications for working with adult male sex offenders. In Ward, D. and Lacey, M. R., Probation: Working for Justice, London, Whiting and Birch, pp. 185-207.

Cowburn, Malcolm. (1990). Work with male sex offenders in groups. Groupwork, 3(2) .

Cowburn, Malcolm. (1992). Changing Men: a practice guide to working with adult male sex offendersJointly with Wilson, C. & Loewenstein, P. (eds.). Nottingham; Nottinghamshire Probation Service.

Cowburn, Malcolm. (1996). The Black Male Sex Offender in Prison: images and issues. Journal of Sexual Aggression, 2(2): 122-142. 

Cowburn, Malcolm. (1998). A Man’s World: Gender Issues in Working with Male Sex Offenders in Prison. Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, Volume 37, Issue 3, pp. 234-251, August.

Cowburn, Malcolm. (2000). Consultancy to groupwork programmes for adult male sex offenders: some reflections on knowledge and processes. British Journal of Social Work, 30, 635-648.

Crane, C. A., & Easton, C. J. (2017). Integrated treatment options for male perpetrators of intimate partner violence. Drug and Alcohol Review, 36(1), 24-33. 

Cull, Denise. (1992). Treatment services to men who rape as a measure of prevention. Paper to Conference Without Consent: Confronting adult Sexual Violence, 27-29 October. Melbourne: Australian Institute of Criminology.

Cunha, O., & Gonçalves, R. A. (2014). The current practices of intervention with batterers. Archives of Clinical Psychiatry (São Paulo), 41(2), 40-48.

Currie. David W. et.al (year?). Treatment groups for violent men: Two approaches. In Garvin, C. and Reed, B. (eds). Groupwork With Women/groupwork With Men, Social Work With Groups, Vol. 6, Nos 3/4.

Daly, K., and J. Stubbs. (2006). Feminist Engagement With Restorative Justice. Theoretical Criminology, vol. 10, no. 9, pp. 9-28.

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Davis, M., & Padilla-Medina, D. M. (2019). Brief intimate partner violence perpetration screening tools: A scoping review. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 1524838019888545. 

Day, A. , Vlais, R. , Chung, D. and Green, D. (2018), Standards of Practice in Domestic and Family Violence Behaviour Change Programs in Australia and New Zealand. Aust N Z J Fam Ther, 39: 501-513. doi:10.1002/anzf.1332 

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Hansen, M., and M. Harway. (eds). (1993). Battering and Family Therapy: A Feminist Perspective. Sage Publications. New York.
5. Studying battered women and batterers: Feminist perspectives on methodology.
7. Conjoint therapy with violent couples: Some valid considerations.
9. Treating the batterer / Edward W. Gondolf.
18. Intervening with violent families: Directions for future generations of therapists.

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International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology

Journal of Interpersonal Violence

Violence Against Women

Violence and Abuse Abstracts: Current Literature in Interpersonal Violence

Violence and Victims

Women Against Violence: An Australian Feminist Journal (began 1996, CASA house, Melbourne)