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Part 1: Introduction - Shireen J. Jejeebhoy and Sarah Bott.
Part 2: Non-consensual sexual experiences and underlying gender norms - Mary C. Ellsberg, K.G. Santhya and Shireen J. Jejeebhoy, Wassana Im-em, Churnrurtai Kanchanachitra and Kritaya Archvanitkul, Rachel Jewkes, Ademola J. Ajuwon, Nancy Luke.
Part 3: Young men as victims and perpetrators - Carlos F. Caceres, Carolyne Njue, Ian Askew and Jane Chege, David John Wilkinson, Luke Samuel Bearup and Tong Soprach.
Part 4: Outcomes of non-consensual sex - Anuja Gupta and Ashwini Ailawadi, Michael A. Koenig, Iryna Zablotska, Tom Lutalo, Fred Nalugoda, Jennifer Wagman and Ron Gray, Vikram Patel and Gracy Andrew.
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Part 6: Approaches to the study of non-consensual sex - Cicely Marston, Philip Guest, Patchara Rumakom, Philip Guest, Waranuch Chinvarasopak, Watit Utarmat and Jiraporn Sontanakanit, John W. Townsend.
Part 7: Moving forward - Shireen J. Jejeebhoy, Iqbal H. Shah and Shyam Thapa.
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