Note: For materials focused on fathers and fathering in general, see here. For materials focused on working with fathers for violence prevention in particular, see here.
Recent overviews or introductions
Barker, G., Garg, A., Heilman, B., van der Gaag, N., & Mehaffey, R. (2021). State of the World’s Fathers: Structural Solutions to Achieve Equality in Care Work. Washington, DC: Promundo-US.
Bateson, K., Darwin, Z., Galdas, P., & Rosan, C. (2017). Engaging fathers: acknowledging the barriers. Journal of Health Visiting, 5(3), 126-132.
Berlyn, C., Wise, S., & Soriano, G. (2008). Engaging Fathers in Child and Family Services (Occasional Paper No. 22). Canberra: Department of Families, Housing, Community Services, and Indigenous Affairs.
Best Start Resource Centre. (2012). Step By Step: Engaging Fathers in Programs for Families. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Bronte-Tinkew, J., Burkhauser, M., & Metz, A. J. (2012). Elements of Promising Practices in Fatherhood Programs: Evidence-Based Research Findings on Interventions for Fathers. Fathering: A Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice about Men as Fathers, 10(1): 6-30.
Centre for Health and Social Justice (CHSJ). (2015). Windows to Working with Men and Boys: Compendium of Interventions and Research from the 2nd MenEngage Global Symposium 2014, Men and Boys for Gender Justice, New Delhi. New Delhi: CHSJ.
Ewald, A., Gilbert, E., & Huppatz, K. (2020). Fathering and Flexible Working Arrangements: A Systematic Interdisciplinary Review. Journal of Family Theory & Review, 12(1), 27-40. doi:10.1111/jftr.12363
Fleming J, Hunt T, King A. (2014). Recruiting and engaging men as fathers in social work practice. In: Pack M, Cargill J, editors. Evidence discovery and assessment in social work practice. Hershey, PA 17033, USA: IGI Global, pp. 235-260.
Fletcher, R., May, C., St George, J., Stoker, L., and Oshan, M. (2014). Engaging fathers: Evidence review. Canberra: Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth (ARACY).
Freiband, A. & Barker, G. (2022). Who Cares About America’s Male Caregivers? Laying the Groundwork for a National Strategy to Support Fathers. Washington, DC: Equimundo.
Ghates, D., C. Shaw, and N. Hazel. (2000). Fathers and Family Centres: Engaging fathers in preventative services. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
Gilmer, C., Buchan, J. L., Letourneau, N., Bennett, C. T., Shanker, S. G., Fenwick, A., & Smith-Chant, B. (2016). Parent education interventions designed to support the transition to parenthood: A realist review. International journal of nursing studies, 59, 118-133. doi:
Hassink, A. and Baringer, L. (2015). Fatherhood, Unpaid Care and Care Economy. In J. Edström, A. Hassink, T. Shahrokh, and E. Stern (eds), Engendering Men: A Collaborative Review of Evidence on Men and Boys in Social Change and Gender Equality, EMERGE Evidence Review, Promundo-US, Sonke Gender Justice and the Institute of Development Studies: Brighton.
Henry, J. B., Julion, W. A., Bounds, D. T., & Sumo, J. N. (2020). Fatherhood Matters: An Integrative Review of Fatherhood Intervention Research. The Journal of School Nursing, 36(1), 19-32.
King, Andrew. (2008). Introduction to Working With Men and Family Relationships Guide. Canberra: Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA).
King, Andrew, Joe Fleming, and Mohamed Dukuly. (2019). Generative Fathering: Engaging fathers in family based programs. Sydney: Groupwork Solutions.
Levtov, R; van der Gaag N; Greene M; Kaufman M and Barker G. (2015). State of the World’s Fathers: A MenCare Advocacy Publication, Washington, DC: Promundo, Rutgers, Save the Children, Sonke Gender Justice, and the MenEngage Alliance.
Maxwell, N., Scourfield, J., Featherstone, B., Holland, S., & Tolman, R. (2012). Engaging Fathers in Child Welfare Services: A Narrative Review of Recent Research Evidence. Child & Family Social Work, 17(2), 160-169.
McAllister, F., Burgess, A., Kato, J., & Barker, G. (2012). Fatherhood: Parenting Programs and Policy – A critical review of best practice. Washington, D.C.: The Fatherhood Institute, Promundo, and MenCare.
McKelley, R. A. (2017). Fathers in Families. In Encyclopedia of Couple and Family Therapy (pp. 1-5). Springer, Cham.
Panter‐Brick, C., Burgess, A., Eggerman, M., McAllister, F., Pruett, K., & Leckman, J. F. (2014). Practitioner Review: Engaging fathers–recommendations for a game change in parenting interventions based on a systematic review of the global evidence. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 55(11), 1187-1212.
Pfitzner, N., Humphreys, C., & Hegarty, K. (2017). Research Review: Engaging men: a multi‐level model to support father engagement. Child & Family Social Work, 22(1), 537-547.
Pfitzner, N., Humphreys, C., & Hegarty, K. (2020). Bringing men in from the margins: Father‐inclusive practices for the delivery of parenting interventions. Child & Family Social Work.
Scourfield, J. (2015). Fathers and Fathering: Social Work Perspectives. In Wright, James D. (ed.). International encyclopedia of the social & behavioral sciences. 2nd edition.
Tehan, B., & McDonald, M. (2010). Engaging Fathers in Child and Family Services. Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
van der Gaag, N., Heilman, B., Gupta, T., Nembhard, C., and Barker, G. (2019). State of the World’s Fathers: Unlocking the Power of Men’s Care. Washington, DC: Promundo-US.
van der Gaag, N., Gupta, T., Heilman, B., Barker, G., & van den Berg, W. (2023). State of the World’s Fathers: Centering care in a world in crisis. Washington, DC: Equimundo.
Working with separated fathers
Aoun, A., & Zhu, H. (2017). Supporting Fathers after Separation and Divorce through Programmatic Intervention-Fortsatt Foreldre in Norway as an Example. Fokus på familien, 45(01), 45-63.
Braver, Sanford L., and William A. Griffin. (2000). Engaging Fathers in the Post-Divorce Family. In H. Elizabeth Peters and Randal D. Day. (eds) Fatherhood: Research, Interventions and Policies (pp. 247-267). New York: Haworth Press.
Braver, Sanford L., William A. Griffin, and Jeffrey T. Cookson. (2005). Prevention Programs for Divorced Nonresident Fathers. Family Court Review, 43(1), January: 81-96.
Brown, Thea. (2008). An evaluation of a new post-separation and divorce parenting program. Family Matters, 78.
Child Support Agency. (2000). Back on Track: Finding a way through separation and repartnering. Canberra: Department of Family and Community Services, Commonwealth of Australia.
Desrochers, Stephan. (2004). Fathering at Risk: Helping Nonresidential Fathers. Family Relations, July, Vol. 53, Iss. 4.
Devlin, Ann S., Elizabeth H. Brown, Josephine Beebe, and Elaine Parulis. (1992). Parent Education for Divorced Fathers. Family Relations, 41(3), July: 290-296.
Douglas, Gillian, and Richard Moorhead. (2005). Providing advice for lone parents: from parent to citizen? Child and Family Law Quarterly, March, 17(1).
Dudley, J., and G. Stone. (2001). Fathering at Risk: Helping non-residential fathers. New York: Springer Publishing Co.
Emery, R. (2004). The Truth About Children and Divorce: Dealing with your emotions so you and your children can thrive. New York: Penguin.
Fischer, Robert L. (2002). Gaining Access to One’s Children: An Evaluation of a Visitation Program for Noncustodial Parents. Families in Society, v. 83, no. 2: 163-174.
Foster, Richard J., Andrew S. Chudleigh, Raymond Lenton, and Penny S. Gibson. (2005). Fathers and the separation pathway: the Family Court of Australia in dialogue with men’s groups. Journal of Family Studies, v. 11 no. 2 October: 187-195.
Frieman, Barry B. (2002). Challenges faced by fathers in a divorce support group. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, Vol. 37, Iss. 1/2: 163-173.
Greif, Geoffrey L. (2005). Group Work with Noncustodial Parents. In Group work with populations at risk (2nd ed.), edited by Greif, Geoffrey L., Ephross, Paul H., 126-134. New York, NY, US:Oxford University Press, 2005.
Killeen, Damian, and Jennifer Lehmann. (2004). Non-residential fathers and their support needs. Children Australia, v.29 no.4: 12-19.
King, Andrew. (2008). Introduction to working with men and family relationships guide. Canberra: Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA).
King, A; Slocombe, L; Fletcher, R; Clugston, H; McKenzie, P; Chudleigh, A; Kerr, P. (2002). Hey, Dad! for separated fathers: A parenting education program for men. Wahroonga, NSW: Centacare Broken Bay, 96p, ill., forms.
King, Andrew, and Ross Fletcher. (2007). Re-engaging separated fathers with their children after contact has broken down. Children Australia, v. 32 no. 3: 21-28.
Maldonado, Solangel. (2005). Beyond Economic Fatherhood: Encouraging Divorced Fathers to Parent. University of Pennsylvania Law Review, January, Vol.153 Iss. 3.
Perkins, Daniel F., and Sylvia J. Ansay. (1998). The Effectiveness of a Visitation Program in Fostering Visits with Noncustodial Parents. Family Relations 47 (3): 253-258.
Philip, G., & O’brien, M. (2017). Are interventions supporting separated parents father inclusive? Insights and challenges from a review of programme implementation and impact. Child & Family Social Work, 22(2), 1114-1127.
Turner, Sharon, Peter Monk, and Bala Mudaly. (1999). Supporting Male Sole Parents. Children Australia, 24(2), pp. 32-36.
Wilson, John. (1988). Working With Single Fathers: Suggestions for Effective Practice. Australian Child and Family Welfare, 13(4).
Further works
Adams, G., Pitman, K., Adams-Taylor, S., and M. Morich. (1988). Adolescent and Young Adult Fathers: Problems and Solutions. Washington, D.C.: Children’s Defense Fund.
Alliance, M.F. (1992). Working With Fathers: Methods and Perspectives. Stillwater, MN: NU Ink Unlimited.
Anderson, Elaine A., Julie K. Kohler, and Bethany L. Letiecq. (2002). Low-income fathers and “responsible fatherhood” programs: a qualitative investigation of participants’ experiences. Family Relations, April, Vol. 51, Iss. 2; pp. 148-155.
Areán, J. C., Davis, L., Wasik, H., Scott, M. E., Laurore, J. & Bair-Merritt, M. (2020). Healing and supporting fathers: Principles, practices, and resources for fatherhood programs to help address and prevent domestic violence, OPRE Report # 2020-65, Washington, DC: Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Barker J, Kolar V, Mallett S, McArthur M, Saunders V. (2011). Supporting Fathers Who Are Homeless. Australian Catholic University, Institute of Child Protection Studies. August.
Barker, G. (2008). Engaging Men and Boys in Caregiving: Reflections from Research, Practice and Policy Advocacy in Latin America. New York: Division for the Advancement of Women Department of Economic and Social Affairs United Nations.
Barker, G. (2014). A Radical Agenda for Men’s Caregiving. IDS Bulletin 45.1: 85–90.
Barker, G., Levtov, R., & Heilman, B. (2018). Changing the Global Mindset on Fathers. ZERO TO THREE, 44.
Barth, R.P., M. Claycomb, and A. Loomis. (1988). Services to Adolescent Fathers. Health and Social Work, 13, 277-287.
Baum, N. (2017). Gender‐Sensitive Intervention to Improve Work with Fathers in Child Welfare Services. Child & Family Social Work, 22(1), 419-427.
Bogenschneider, Karen. (2000). Has family policy come of age? A decade review of the state of U.S. family policy in the 1990s. Journal of Marriage and Family. Nov., Vol. 62, Iss. 4.
Brown, S. (1990). If the Shoes Fit: Final Report and Program Implementation Guide of the Maine Young Fathers Project. Portland, ME: University of Southern Maine, Human Services Development Institute.
Burgess, Adrienne, and Sandy Ruxton. (1996). Men and Their Children: Proposals for Public Policy. London: Institute for Public Policy Research.
Cabrera, N., and H.E. Peters. (2000). Public policies and father involvement. Marriage and Family Review, 29, pp. 295-314.
Campbell, N.R. (1992). Adaptation to Emergent Fathering in a Prenatal Education Support Group [Microfilm], Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International.
CANFaCS (Canberra Fathers and Children’s Service). (2004). “Dad, where are we going to live now?” A report on sole father families who are homeless, or at risk of homelessness. Canberra: Department of Family and Community Services and CANFaCS Inc.
Casey, P., Cowan, P. A., Cowan, C. P., Draper, L., Mwamba, N., & Hewison, D. (2017). Parents as Partners: A UK Trial of a US Couples‐Based Parenting Intervention For At‐Risk Low‐Income Families. Family Process.
Chan, K. L., Emery, C. R., Fulu, E., Tolman, R. M., & Ip, P. (2017). Association Among Father Involvement, Partner Violence, and Paternal Health: UN Multi-Country Cross-Sectional Study on Men and Violence. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 52(5), 671-679. doi:10.1016/j.amepre.2016.12.017
Community Paediatric Review, Special issue: Involving Fathers in Community Child Health Services, 32(2), 1 June 2015
Cooper, M., Wells, L., & Dozois, E. (2013). Promoting positive father involvement: a strategy to prevent intimate partner violence in the next generation. Calgary, AB: The University of Calgary, Shift: The Project to End Domestic Violence.
Cottingham, M. D. (2014). Recruiting men, constructing manhood: How health care organizations mobilize masculinities as nursing recruitment strategy. Gender & Society, 28(1), 133-156.
Cowan, P.A., Cowan, C.R, Pruett, M.K., Pruett, K., & Wong, J.J. (2009). Promoting fathers’ engagement with children: Preventive interventions for low-income families. Journal of Marriage and Family, 71, 663-679.
Curran, Laura, and Laura S. Abrams. (2000). Making Men into Dads: Fatherhood, the State, and Welfare Reform. Gender & Society. 14(5), pp. 662-678.
Curran, Laura. (2003). Social work and fathers: Child support and fathering programs. Social Work, 48(2): 219-227.
Daniel, Brigid, and Julie Taylor. (2001). Engaging with Fathers: Practice Issues for Health and Social Care. London; Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley.
Doyle, K., Kato-Wallace, J., Kazimbaya, S., & Barker, G. (2014). Transforming gender roles in domestic and caregiving work: preliminary findings from engaging fathers in maternal, newborn, and child health in Rwanda. Gender & Development, 22(3), 515-531. doi:10.1080/13552074.2014.963326
Doyle, K., Levtov, R. G., Barker, G., Bastian, G. G., Bingenheimer, J. B., Kazimbaya, S., . . . Sharma, V. (2018). Gender-Transformative Bandebereho Couples’ Intervention to Promote Male Engagement in Reproductive and Maternal Health and Violence Prevention in Rwanda: Findings from a Randomized Controlled Trial. PloS one, 13(4), e0192756.
Dozois E., Wells, L., Exner-Cortens, D., & Esina, E. (2016). No Man Left Behind: How and Why to Include Fathers in Government-Funded Parenting Strategies. Calgary, AB: The University of Calgary, Shift: The Project to End Domestic Violence.
ECPAT Guatemala, Puntos de Encuentro, Red de Masculinidad por la Igualdad de Género, and Promundo-US. (2015). MenCare in the Public Health Sector in Central America: Engaging Health Providers to Reach Men for Gender Equality in Maternal, Sexual, and Reproductive Health. Washington, DC, USA: Promundo-US.
Engle, Patrice L. (1997). The Role of Men in Families: Achieving Gender Equity and Supporting Children. In Oxfam. (ed.). Men and Masculinity. Oxford: Oxfam (UK and Ireland) (originally published in Gender and Development, vol. 5 no. 2)
Fagan, J. (2008). Randomized study of a pre-birth coparenting intervention with adolescent and young fathers. Family Relations, 57(3), 309-323.
Fagan, J., and A. Iglesias. (1999). Father involvement program effects on fathers, father figures, and their Head Start children: A quasi-experimental study. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 14(2), 243-269.
Fagan, J., and A.J. Hawkins. (eds.). (2001). Clinical and Educational Interventions With Fathers. New York: Haworth.
Fagan, Jay, and Howard C. Stevenson. (2002). An experimental study of an empowerment-based intervention for African American Head Start fathers. Family Relations, July, Vol. 51, Iss. 3.
Fletcher, R. (2008). Father-inclusive practice and associated professional competencies. Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse Briefing, No. 9, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Melbourne.
Fletcher, R., Hammond, C., Faulkner, D., Turner, N., Shipley, L., Read, D., & Gwynn, J. (2017). Stayin’ on Track: The Feasibility of Developing Internet and Mobile Phone-Based Resources to Support Young Aboriginal Fathers. Australian Journal of Primary Health, 23(4), 329-334.
Fletcher, R., May, C., Kay Lambkin, F.-., Gemmill, A. W., Cann, W., Nicholson, J. M., . . . Foureur, M. (2017). SMS4dads: Providing information and support to new fathers through mobile phones–a pilot study. Advances in Mental Health, 15(2), 121-131.
Fletcher, R., May, C., St George, J., Stoker, L., and Oshan, M. (2014). Engaging fathers: Evidence review. Canberra: Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth (ARACY).
Fletcher, R., May, C., Wroe, J., Hall, P., Cooke, D., Rawlinson, C., . . . Kelly, B. (2016). Development of a set of mobile phone text messages designed for new fathers. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 34(5), 525-534.
Fletcher, Richard, Paul Prichard, Andrew King, and Ross Fairbank (2011?). Engaging Fathers: A report of the Fatherhood Engagement Research Project 2009-2010. Government of South Australia.
Flood, Michael. (2003). Fatherhood and Fatherlessness. The Australia Institute, Discussion Paper No. 59, November. URL:
Frank, T. J., Keown, L. J., & Sanders, M. R. (2015). Enhancing Father Engagement and Interparental Teamwork in an Evidence-Based Parenting Intervention: A Randomized-Controlled Trial of Outcomes and Processes. Behavior Therapy, 46(6), 749-763.
Haney, Lynne, and Miranda March. (2003). Married Fathers and Caring Daddies: Welfare Reform and the Discursive Politics of Paternity. Social Problems, November, Vol. 50, Iss. 4.
Haryanto, S. (2017). Engaging Men: Results of the Mencare+ Gender Justice Program in Indonesia. The Journal of Men’s Studies, 26(1), 40–55
Ho, Hsiu-Zu, and Diana B. Hiatt-Michael (eds.). (2012). Promising Practices for Fathers’ Involvement in Children’s Education. Charlotte, N.C.: Information Age Publishing.
Hobson, Barbara Meil. (ed.). (2002). Making Men into Fathers: Men, Masculinities, and the Social Politics of Fatherhood. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Holmes, E. K., Galo van, A.M., Yoshida, K., & Hawkins, AJ. (2010). Meta-analysis of the effectiveness of resident fathering programs: Are family life educators interested in fathers? Family Relations, 59(3), 240-252.
James, Deidre. (1988). Fathers: An Emerging Frontier for Social Workers?. Australian Social Work, 41(2), June Karberg, Elizabeth, Jenita Parekh, Mindy E. Scott, Juan Carlos Areán, Lisa Kim, Jessie Laurore, Samuel Hanft, Ilana Huz, Heather Wasik, Lonna Davis, Bonnie Solomon, Brooke Whitfield, and Megan Bair-Merritt (2020). Preventing and Addressing Intimate Violence when Engaging Dads (PAIVED): Challenges, Successes, and Promising Practices from Responsible Fatherhood Programs, OPRE Report # 2020-22, Washington, DC: Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Kato-Wallace, J., Barker, G., Eads, M., & Levtov, R. (2014). Global pathways to men’s caregiving: Mixed methods findings from the International Men and Gender Equality Survey and the Men Who Care study. Global Public Health, 9(6), 706-722.Kedde, H., Rehse, K., Nobre, G., & van den Berg, W. (2018). Mencare+ in South Africa: Findings from a Gender Transformative Young Men’s Group Education on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights. Sex Education, 18(2), 206-218.
Kelly, Timothy. (2004). Advancing Change with Maltreating Fathers. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, Spring, Vol. 11, Iss. 1.
Kerr, Penelope J. (2001). Parent Education for Fathers. Journal of Family Studies, 7(2), October, pp. 242-246.
King, A., Fleming, D., Hughes, D., Dukuly, M., Daley, M., Welsh, R. (2014). Practitioners’ Guide to Men and Their Roles as Fathers. Men’s Health Resource Kit 3, Penrith, MHIRC, University of Western Sydney.
King, Andrew, Steve Sweeney, and Ross Fletcher. (2005). A checklist for organisations working with fathers using the non-deficit approach. Children Australia, v.30 no.3: 32-39.
Kiselica, Mark S. (1995). Multicultural Counseling With Teenage Fathers: A Practical Guide. London: Sage.
Lachman, J. M., Cluver, L., Ward, C. L., Hutchings, J., Mlotshwa, S., Wessels, I., & Gardner, F. (2017). Randomized controlled trial of a parenting program to reduce the risk of child maltreatment in South Africa. Child Abuse & Neglect, 72, 338-351.
Lachman, J. M., Kelly, J., Cluver, L., Ward, C. L., Hutchings, J., & Gardner, F. (2016). Process evaluation of a parenting program for low-income families in South Africa. Research on social work practice, 1049731516645665.
Lamb, Michael E., and A. Sagi. (eds). (1983). Fatherhood and Family Policy. Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Lane, T.S., and C.M. Clay. (2000). Meeting the Service Needs of Young Fathers. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, February, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 35-54.
Levine, J., D. Murphy, and S. Wilson. (1993). Getting Men Involved: Strategies for Early Childhood Programs. New York: Scholastic Press.
Marsiglio, William, and Kevin Roy. (2012). Nurturing Dads: Social Initiatives for Contemporary Fatherhood. New York: ASA Rose Monograph Series. Russell Sage Foundation.
May, J. (1991). Fathers of Children With Special Needs: New Horizons. Bethesda, MD: Association for the Care of Children’s Health.
May, J. (1992). Circles of Care and Understanding: Support Programs for Fathers of Children With Special Needs. Bethesda, MD: Association for the Care of Children’s Health.
McBride, Brent A., and Johnna Darragh. (1995). Interpreting the Data on Father Involvement: Implications for Parenting Programs for Men. Families in Society, v. 76, no. 8, pp. 490-497.
McBride, Brent A., and Rebecca J. McBride. (1993). Parent education support programs for fathers. Childhood Education. Olney: Fall, Vol. 70, Iss. 1.
McConnell, N., Barnard, M., & Taylor, J. (2017). Caring Dads Safer Children: Families’ Perspectives on an Intervention for Maltreating Fathers. Psychology of Violence, 7(3), 406.
Meyers, Steven A. (1993). Adapting parent education programs to meet the needs of fathers: An ecological perspective. Family Relations, October, Vol. 42, Iss. 4.
Miller, M. K. (2006). Through the Eyes of a Father: How PRWORA Affects Non-Resident Fathers and Their Children. International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family, 20(1): 55-73.
Morris, S.N., D.C. Dollahite, and A.J. Hawkins. (1999). Virtual family life education: A qualitative study of father education on the World Wide Web. Family Relations, 48, 23-30.
NCVCCO. (2000). Fathers at the centre: Family centres, fathers and working with men: The Conference Report. London: National Council for Voluntary Child Care Organisations.
Nepomnyaschy, L. (2007). Child support and father-child contact: testing reciprocal pathways. Demography, 44(1): 93.
O’Brien, Margaret. (1988) Men and fathers in therapy. Journal of Family Therapy, Volume 10, Issue 2, pp. 109-123, January.
Orloff, Ann. (2003). Markets Not States? Men and social provision in the U.S. Pp. 27-44 in Families of a New World: Gender, politics, and state development in social context, edited by Lynne Haney and Lisa Pollard. New York: Routledge.
Pascall, G. (1999). UK family policy in the 1990s: the case of new labour and lone parents. International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family. Dec., Vol. 13, Iss. 3.
Payne, J. (2019). Exploring the perceptions, experiences and challenges of families after the father’s exposure to a fatherhood intervention programme.
Perelberg, Rosine, and Ann Miller. (eds). (1990). Gender and Power in Families. London & New York: Tavistock/Routledge.
Includes O’Brien, Margaret. The Place of Men in a Gender-Sensitive Therapy.
Mason, Barry. and Ed Mason. Masculinity and Family Work.
Peters, H. Elizabeth, and Randal D. Day. (eds). (2000). Fatherhood: Research, Interventions and Policies. New York: Haworth Press.
Pfitzner, N., Humphreys, C., & Hegarty, K. (2015). Research Review: Engaging men: a multi-level model to support father engagement. Child & Family Social Work, 22(1): 537-547.
Pfitzner, N., Humphreys, C., & Hegarty, K. (2018). Engaging men as fathers: How gender influences men’s involvement in Australian family health services. Journal of Family Issues, 39(16), 3956-3985.
Promundo, World Vision, and MenCare . (2018). A More Equal Future: A MenCare Manual to Engage Fathers to Prevent Child Marriage in India.
Pruett, M. K., Pruett, K. D., Cowan, C. P., & Cowan, P. A. (year?). Enhancing Paternal Engagement in a Coparenting Paradigm. Child Development Perspectives, n/a-n/a. doi:10.1111/cdep.12239
Pruett, M. K., Pruett, K., Cowan, C. P., & Cowan, P. A. (2017). Enhancing Father Involvement in Low‐Income Families: A Couples Group Approach to Preventive Intervention. Child Development, 88(2), 398-407.
Randles, J. (2019). Role Modeling Responsibility: The Essential Father Discourse in Responsible Fatherhood Programming and Policy. Social Problems. 10.1093/socpro/spy027
Resnick, J. (year?). Fathering Classes: A Psycho/Educational Model. The Counselling Psychologist, 7(4).
Richter, Linda, and Robert Morrell. (eds.). (2005). Baba: Men and Fatherhood in South Africa.
22. The new gender platforms and fatherhood / Dean Peacock and Mbuyiselo Botha.
23. The child’s right to shared parenting / Patrice Engle, Tom Beardshaw, and Craig Loftin.
24. Taking forward work with men in families / Tom Beardshaw.
Robertson, S., Woodall, J., Henry, H., Hanna, E., Rowlands, S., Horrocks, J., . . . Long, T. (2016). Evaluating a community-led project for improving fathers’ and children’s wellbeing in England. Health promotion international, daw090.
Rudolph, J., Zimmer-Gembeck, M. J., Shanley, D. C., & Hawkins, R. (2018). Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Opportunities: Parenting, Programs, and the Reduction of Risk. Child Maltreatment, 23(1), 96-106.
Russell, Graham, Lesley Barclay, Gay Edgecombe, Jenny Donovan, George Habib, Helen Callaghan, and Quinn Pawson. (1999). Fitting Fathers Into Families: Men and the Fatherhood Role in Contemporary Australia. Canberra: Commonwealth Dept of Family and Community Services.
Rypma, C., and G. Kolarik. (1981). A Training Project for Fathers. In Lewis, Robert A. (ed.). Men in Difficult Times. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Santos, José S. (2015). MenCare in Latin America: challenging harmful masculine norms and promoting positive changes in men’s caregiving. EMERGE Case Study 5, Promundo-US, Sonke Gender Justice and the Institute of Development Studies.
Scourfield, J., Allely, C., Coffey, A., & Yates, P. (2016). Working with Fathers of at-Risk Children: Insights from a Qualitative Process Evaluation of an Intensive Group-Based Intervention. Children and Youth Services Review, 69, 259-267.
Self-Brown, S., Osborne, M. C., Lai, B. S., Brown, N. D. V., Glasheen, T. L., & Adams, M. C. (2017). Initial Findings from a Feasibility Trial Examining the Safecare Dad to Kids Program with Marginalized Fathers. Journal of Family Violence, 32(8), 751-766.
Sherriff, Nigel, Hall, Valerie & Panton, Christina. (2014). Engaging and supporting fathers to promote breast feeding: A concept analysis. Midwifery, 30, 667–677.
Sherriff, Nigel. (2007). Supporting Young Fathers: Examples of Promising Practice. Trust for the Study of Adolescence.
Siu, G. E., Wight, D., Seeley, J., Namutebi, C., Sekiwunga, R., Zalwango, F., & Kasule, S. (2017). Men’s Involvement in a Parenting Programme to Reduce Child Maltreatment and Gender-Based Violence: Formative Evaluation in Uganda. The European Journal of Development Research, 29(5), 1017-1037.
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