(iii) Research with victims

Note: This section focuses on ethical and methodological issues in research among victims and survivors. The section further below includes references on methodological issues in research on victimisation.


Campbell, R., A. E. Adams, et al. (2009). Training Interviewers for Research on Sexual Violence: A Qualitative Study of Rape Survivors’ Recommendations for Interview Practice. Violence Against Women, 15(5): 595-617.

Campbell, R., Goodman-Williams, R., & Javorka, M. (2019). A trauma-informed approach to sexual violence research ethics and open science. Journal of interpersonal violence, 34(23-24), 4765-4793.

Campbell, R., Greeson, M. R., & Fehler-Cabral, G. (2014). Developing recruitment methods for vulnerable, traumatized adolescents: A feminist evaluation approach. American journal of evaluation, 35(1), 73-86.

Chynoweth, S., and Martin S. (2019). Ethics and accountability in researching sexual violence against men and boys. Forced Migration Review, 61.

Fohring, S. (2020). The risks and rewards of researching victims of crime. Methodological Innovations, 13(2), 2059799120926339

Hoover, S. M. (2010). Women's participation in an interview-based study on sexual assault disclosures. The University of Utah.

Hoover, S. M., & Morrow, S. L. (2015). Qualitative Researcher Reflexivity: A Follow-Up Study with Female Sexual Assault Survivors. Qualitative Report, 20(9).

World Health Organisation. (2001). Putting Women First: Ethical and Safety Recommendations for Research on Domestic Violence Against Women. Geneva: World Health Organisation. URL: www.who.int/gender/documents/violence/who_fch_gwh_01.1/en/index.html.

Zimmerman, Cathy, and Charlotte Watts. (2003). WHO ethical and safety recommendations for interviewing trafficked women.