(ii) General works

-. (1980). Signs, 5(4), Special Issue: Sex and Sexuality.

-. (1981). Heresies, No 12, Sex Issue.

-. (1982). Feminist Review, No 11, Special Issue: Sexuality.

-. (1984). The Feminist Sexuality Debates. Signs, 10(1), pp. 102-5.

-. (1992). Contemporary French Civilization, XVI(2), Summer/Fall, Special Issue on Sexuality.

-. -. (1992). World Encyclopedia of Sexuality. London: Pandora.

-. (1993). New Formations, Special Issue: Perversity. 19, Spring.

-. (1993). Textual Practice, 7(3), Winter, Special Issue: Desire.

-. (1994). Broadsheet, Special Issue: Sexuality, Issue 202, Winter.

-. (1994). Gender & Society, Special Issue: Sexual Identities/Sexual Communities, 8(3), September.

-. (1995). English in Australia, Special Issue: Sexuality.

-. (1995). Ms, Special edition: Feminism and Sex, 6(3), November/December.

-. (1996). Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power, Special Issue: The Nation/State and its Sexual Dissidents, 2(3), January.

Abbott, Pamela and Wallace, Claire. (eds). (1991). Gender, Power and Sexuality.

Abelove, Henry, Michele Aina Barale, and David M. Halperin. (eds). (1993). The Lesbian and Gay Studies Reader. New York & London: Routledge.

Abramson, Paul R., and Steven D. Pinkerton. (1995). With Pleasure: Thoughts on the Nature of Human Sexuality. New York & Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Abramson, Paul R., and Steven D. Pinkerton. (eds). Sexual Nature, Sexual Culture. Chicago & London: University of Chicago Press.

Adkins, Lisa, and Vicki Mercant. (eds). (1996). Sexualizing the Social: Power and the Organization of Sexuality. Hampshire & London: Macmillan.

Aggleton, Peter, and Cathy Campbell. (2000). Working With Young People: Towards an Agenda for Sexual Health. Sexual & Relationship Therapy, Volume 15, Number 3

Aggleton, Peter, Ball, Andrew and Mane, Purnima. (2000). Young People, Sexuality and Relationships. Sexual & Relationship Therapy, Volume 15, Number 3

Allen, Matthew, and Sue Turnbull. (eds). (1997). Media International Australia, Special Issue: Too true to be good?, No. 84, May.

Allgeier, Albert R., and Elizabeth R. Allgeier. (1995). Sexual Interactions. 4th edition, Lexington, MA: D.C. Health and Company.

Allison, Dorothy. (1994). Skin: Talking About Sex, Class and Literature, Ithaca. New York: Firebrand Books.

Altman, Dennis, Carole Vance, Martha Vicinus, and Jeffrey Weeks. (eds). (1989). Homosexuality, Which Homosexuality?. London: GMP.

Altman, Dennis. (2001). Global Sex. Sydney: Allen & Unwin

Altman, Dennis. (2004). Sexuality and Globalization. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 1(1), January: 63-68.

Angelides, Steven. (1994). The Queer Intervention: Sexuality, Identity, and Cultural Politics. Melbourne Journal of Politics, 22.

Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health. (2003). Special issue: The Australian Study of Health and Relationships. 27(2), April.
Sex in Australia: A guide for readers.
The rationale and methods of the Australian Study of Health and Relationships.
Attitudes towards sex in a representative sample of adults.
Selected characteristics of regular sexual relationships.
First experiences of vaginal intercourse and oral sex among a representative sample of adults / Chris E. Rissel, Juliet Richters, Andrew E. Grulich, Richard O. de Visser, and Anthony M.A. Smith (pp. 131-137)
Sexual identity, sexual attraction and sexual experience among a representative sample of adults.
Heterosexual experience and recent heterosexual encounters among a representative sample of adults.
Homosexual experience and recent homosexual encounters.
Sexual difficulties in a representative sample of adults.
Sexual and emotional satisifaction in regular relationships and preferred frequency of sex among a representative sample of adults.
Autoerotic, esoteric and other sexual practices engaged in by a representative sample of adults / Juliet Richters, Andrew E. Grulich, Richard O. de Visser, Anthony M.A. Smith, and Chris E. Rissel. (pp. 180-190).
Experiences of commercial sex in a representative sample of adults / Chris E. Rissel, Juliet Richters, Andrew E. Grulich, Richard O. de Visser, and Anthony M.A. Smith (pp. 191-197).
Experiences of sexual coercion among a representative sample of adults.
Reproductive experiences and reproductive health among a representative sample of women.
Contraceptive practices among a representative sample of women.
Experience of condom failure among a representative sample of men.
Safer sex and condom use among a representative sample of adults.
Knowledge about sexually transmissible infections and blood-borne viruses in a representative sample of adults.
Sexually transmissible infection and blood-borne virus history in a representative sample of adults.
Injecting and sexual risk behaviour in a representative sample of adults.
Reflections and recommendations for future research.

Badgett, M.V. Lee, and Rhonda M. Williams. (1992). The Economics of Sexual Orientation: Establishing a Research Agenda. Feminist Studies, 18(3), Fall.

Baker, Robin. (1995). Sperm Wars: Infidelity, Sexual Conflict and Other Bedroom Battles. Fourth Estate.

Balderston, Daniel and Guy, Donna J. (eds). Sex and Sexuality in Latin America. New York University Press.

Bancroft, John. (ed.). Researching Sexual Behaviour.

Bancroft. (1989). Human Sexuality and its Problems. New York.

Barry, Kathleen. (1979). Female Sexual Slavery. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Bashford, Kerry, Jasper Laybutt, Anna Munster, and Kimberley O’Sullivan. (1993). Kink: A Wicked Collection of Queer Commentary and Sex Radical Writing. Sydney: Wicked Women Publications.

Bell, David, and Gill Valentine. (eds). (1995). Mapping Desire: Geographies of Sexualities. London & New York: Cassell

Bell, Vikki. (1991). ‘Beyond the Thorny Question’: Feminism, Foucault and the Desexualisation of Rape. International Journal of the Sociology of Law, 19(1), February.

Belliotti, Raymond A. (1994). Good Sex: Perspectives on Sexual Ethics. University Press of Kansas.

Benjamin, Jessica. Like Subjects, Love Objects: Essays on Recognition and Sexual Difference. Yale University Press.

Bennett, Paula, and Vernon A. Rosario. (eds). (1995). Solitary Pleasures: The Historical, Literary and Artistic Discourses of Autoeroticism. New York & London: Routledge.

Berlant, Lauren. (ed.). (2000). Intimacy. Chicago & London: University of Chicago Press.

Bernstein, E., and L. Shaffner (eds.). (2004). Controlling Sex: The Regulation of Intimacy and Identity. New York: Routledge Perspectives on Gender.

Berry, Chris. (year?). A Bit on the Side: East-West Topographies of Desire. EM Press.

Bhattacharyya, Gargi. (2002). Sexuality and Society: An Introduction. London & New York: Routledge.

Biale, David. (1993). Eros and the Jews: From Biblical Israel to Contemporary America. Westview Press.

Binnie, J. (2004). The Globalization of Sexuality. London: Sage.

Bishop, Ryan, and Lillian S. Robinson. Night Market: Sexual Cultures and the Thai Economic Miracle. Routledge.

Blackburn, Maddie. (2002). Sexuality and Disability. Oxford, England: Butterworth-Heinemann.

Blue, Adrianne. (1997). Kissing: From the Metaphysical to the Erotic. London: Indigo.

Bohan, Janis, and Glenda M. Russell. (1999). Conversations About Psychology and Sexual Orientation. NYU Press.

Boone, Joseph Allen. (1998). Libidinal Currents: Sexuality and the Shaping of Modernism. University of Chicago Press.

Borch-Jacobsen, Mikkel Remembering Anna O.: A century of mystification. Routledge.

Bornoff, Nicholas. (1991). Pink Samurai: Love, Marriage and Sex in Contemporary Japan. New York: Pocket Books.

Boswell, John. (1983). Toward the long view: Revolutions, universals and sexual categories. Salmagundi, 58-59, Fall/Winter.

Bouhdiba, Abdelwahab. Sexuality in Islam.

Bradley, Anthony, and Maryann Valiulis. (eds). Gender and Sexuality in Modern Ireland. University of Massachusetts Press.

Brake, Mike. (ed.). (1982). Human Sexual Relations: A Reader in Human Sexuality. Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin (especially his Sexuality as Praxis. pp. 13-31).

Brehm, Sharon S. (1992). Intimate Relationships. New York: McGraw-Hill (2nd edition).

Bright, Susie. (1995). Sexwise. Pittsburgh: Cleis.

Bright, Susie. (1997). The Sexual State of the Union. Simon And Schuster.

Bristow, Joseph. (1995). Post-Sexuality? The Wilde Centenary. Radical Philosophy, 71, May/June.

Bristow, Joseph. (1997). Sexuality. London & New York: Routledge.

Bristow, Joseph. (2011). Sexuality. London & New York: Routledge, 2nd edition.

Britton, Dana M. (1990). Homophobia and Homosociality: An Analysis of Boundary Maintenance. Sociological Quarterly, 31(3), Fall.

Brodribb, S. (1991). Discarnate Desires: Thoughts on Sexuality and Poststructuralist Discourse. Women’s Studies International Forum, 14(3).

Bulbeck, Chilla. (1998). Sexual Identities: Western Imperalism?. Chapter 4 in Re-orienting Western Feminisms: Women’s Diversity in a Postcolonial World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Bullough, Vern L. (1995). Science in the Bedroom: A History of Sex Research. Westview Press.

Burkitt, Ian. (1998). Sexuality and Gender Identity: From a Discursive to a Relational Analysis. Sociological Review, 46(3), August.

Burr, Viv, and Jeff Hearn. (eds). (2008). Sex, Violence and the Body: The Erotics of Wounding. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

Butler, Judith. (1993). Bodies That Matter: On the Discursive Limits of ‘Sex’. New York: Routledge.

Butt, Trevor, and Jeff Hearn. (1998). The Sexualization of Corporal Punishment: The Construction of Sexual Meaning. Sexualities, 1(2), May

Byer, Curtis, Louis Shainberg, Grace Galliano, and Sharon Shriver. (2001). Dimensions In Human Sexuality. McGraw Hill.
Part 1 Sexual Dimensions
1 Thinking About Human Sexuality
2 Communication and Sexuality
3 Attraction, Love, and Partnerships
Part 2 Physical Sexuality
4 Female Anatomy, Physiology, and Sexual Health
5 Male Sexual Anatomy, Physiology, and Sexual Health
6 Sexually Transmitted Infections
7 HIV and AIDS
Part 3 Sexual Response and Pleasuring
8 Sexual Response, Dysfunction, and Therapy
9 Sexual Pleasuring
10 Sexuality in Disability and Illness
Part 4 Developmental Sexuality
11 Biological Sexual Development
12 Gender Identity and Gender Roles
13 Childhood and Adolescent Sexuality
14 Adult Sexuality
Part 5 Reproductive Sexuality
15 Fertility Management
16 Conception, Pregnancy, and Childbirth
Part 6 Social Issues in Sexuality
17 Variations in Sexual Behavior
18 The Commercialization of Sex

Califia, Pat. (1994). Public Sex: The Culture of Radical Sex. Pittsburgh, PA: Cleis Press.

Campbell, Beatrix. (1983). Sex: A Family Affair. In Segal, Lynne. (ed.). What is to be Done About the Family?. London: Penguin.

Carrera, Michael A. (1992). The Language Of Sex: An A to Z Guide. New York: Facts On File.

Carter, Julian B. (2007). The Heart of Whiteness. Normal Sexuality and Race in America, 1880-1940. Durham, NC and London: Duke University Press.

Cartledge, Sue and Ryan, Joanna. (eds). (1983). Sex and Love: New Thoughts on Old Contradictions. London: Women’s Press.

Chapple, Steve and Talbot, David. (1989). Burning Desires: Sex in America. New York: Doubleday.

Chodorow, Nancy. (1994). Femininities, Masculinities, Sexualities: Freud and Beyond. Lexington, Kentucky: University Press of Kentucky.

Christopher, F. Scott, and Susan Sprecher. (2000). Sexuality in Marriage, Dating, and Other Relationships: A Decade Review. Journal of Marriage and Family, Volume 62 Issue 4, November.

Cline, Sally. (1993). Women, Celibacy and Passion. London: Optima.

Connell, R.W., and G.W. Dowsett. (1992). (eds). Rethinking Sex: Social Theory and Sexuality Research. Carlton, VIC: Melbourne University Press.

Cooper, Davina. (1996). Power in Struggle: Feminism, Sexuality and the State. Open University Press.

Coote, Anna, and Beatrix Campbell. (1982). Sex. In Sweet Freedom: The Struggle for Women’s Liberation in Britain. Oxford: Blackwell.

Cornell, Drucilla. (1993). Transformations: Recollective Imagination and Sexual Difference. New York & London: Routledge.

Coslow, Jane T., Stephanie Sandler, and Judith Vowles. (eds). Sexuality and The Body in Russian Culture. Stanford University Press.

Coveney, Lal, Margaret Jackson, Sheila Jeffreys, Leslie Kay, and Pat Mahony. (1984). The Sexuality Papers: Male Sexuality and the Social Control of Women. London: Hutchinson.

Davidson, J. Kenneth, and Nelwyn B. Moore (eds.). (2005). Speaking Of Sexuality: Interdisciplinary Readings. Second Edition.
Preface by Pepper Schwartz.
Foreword by John D. DeLamater.
1: The Stalled Sexual Revolutions of This Century / Ira L. Reiss and Harriet M. Reiss.
2: Alfred Kinsey / Vern L. Bullough.
3: Masters and Johnson / Vern L. Bullough.
4: Theoretical Backgrounds: The Social Organization of Sexuality / Edward O. Laumann, John H. Gagnon, Robert T. Michael, and Stuart Michaels.
5: Sex Among the Americans / Joseph Adelson.
6: Kiss and Tell: Surveying Sex in the Twentieth Century / Julia A. Ericksen with Sally A. Steffen.
7: Sexuality in Marriage, Dating, and Other Relationships.
F. Scott Christopher and Susan Sprecher.
8: Human Sexual Development / John D. DeLamater and William N. Friedrich.
9: Current Religious Doctrines of Sexual and Erotic Development in Childhood / Robert T. Francoeur.
10: Early Childhood Exposure to Parental Nudity and Scenes of Parental Sexuality / Paul Okami, Richard Olmstead, Paul R. Abramson, and Laura Pendleton.
11: Negotiation of First Sexual Intercourse Among Latina Adolescent Mothers / Pamela I. Erickson.
12: College Virgins: How Men and Women Perceive Their Sexual Status / Susan Sprecher and Pamela C. Regan.
13: Communicating With New Sex Partners / Nelwyn B. Moore and J. Kenneth Davidson, Sr.
14: Sexual Infidelity Among Married and Cohabiting Americans / Judith Treas and Deirdre Giesen.
15: Pretending Orgasm During Sexual Intercourse / Michael W. Wiederman.
16: Passionate Marriage / David M. Schnarch.
17: Race, Gender, and Class in Sexual Scripts / Jenna Mahay, Edward O. Laumann, and Stuart Michaels.
18: The Impact of Aging on Sexual Function in Women and Their Partners / Sheryl A. Kingsberg.
19: Affection and Sexuality in the Presence of Alzheimer’s Disease / Lore K. Wright.
20: In the Garden of Tabloid Delight: Notes on Sex, Americans, Scandal, and Morality / Lewis H. Lapham.
21: Sexual Desire and Gender / Pepper Schwartz and Virginia E. Rutter.
22: Venus in Furs: Estrogen and Desire / Natalie Angier.
23: Marital Style and Its Effects on Sexual Desire and Functioning / Barry W. McCarthy.
24: Sexual Satisfaction and Sexual Drive in Spinal Cord Injured Women / Kimberly Black, Marca L. Sipski, and Susanne S. Strauss.
25: Having an Abortion Using Mifepristone and Home Misoprostol / Stephen L. Fielding, Emme Edmunds, and Eric A. Schaff.
26: Community: Risk, Identity, and Love in the Age of AIDS / Judith Levine.
27: Predominant Risk Factors for Genital Papillomavirus Infection / Robert D. Burk, Gloria Y. F. Ho, Leah Beardsley, Michele Lempa, Michael Peters, and Robert Bierman.
28: Human Sexual Orientation Has a Heritable Component / Richard C. Pillard and J. Michael Bailey.
29: Why We Cannot Conclude Sexual Orientation Is a Biological Phenomenon / William M. Byne.
30: Do Parents Influence the Sexual Orientation of Their Children? / Susan E. Golombok and Fiona L. Tasker.
31: Dating and Romantic Relationships Among Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Youths / Ritch C. Savin-Williams.
32: The War Over Gay Marriage / Evan W. Thomas.
33: Sexual Abuse in a National Survey of Adult Men and Women / David Finkelhor, Gerald Hotaling, I. A. Lewis, and Christine Smith.
34: Token Resistance to Sex: New Perspectives on an Old Stereotype / Charlene L. Muehlenhard and Carie S. Rodgers.
35: Tactics of Sexual Coercion / Cindy J. Struckman-Johnson, David L. Struckman-Johnson, and Peter B. Anderson.
36: Sexual Aggression Among Asian Americans / Gordon C. Nagayama Hall, Amy K. Windover, and Gloria Gia Maramba.
37: Effects of Cybersex Addiction on the Family / Jennifer P. Schneider.
38: Pathways to a Career in Stripping / Nova D. Sweet and Richard Tewksbury.
39: SIECUS Looks at States’ Sexuality Laws and the Sexual Rights of Citizens / Daniel Daley, Susie Orenstein, and Vivian Wong.
40: Sex, God, & Greed / Daniel Lyons.
41: Naked Capitalists / Frank Rich.
42: Religiosity and Sexual Responsibility: Relationships of Choice / J. Kenneth Davidson, Sr. and Nelwyn B. Moore.
43: Where’d You Learn That? / Ron Stodghill, II.
44: Sexuality Education: Philosophies and Practices In Search of a Meaningful Difference / Terrance D. Olson.

Dawson, Maria Teresa, Sandra Gifford, and Rocio Amezquita. (2000). Donde hay doctor?: Folk and Cosmopolitan Medicine for Sexual Health Among Chilean Women Living in Australia. Culture, Health & Sexuality, 2(1), January.

De Ras, Marion, and Victoria Grace. (eds). Bodily Boundaries, Sexualised Genders and Medical Discourses. Palmerston North: The Dunmore Press.

Dean, Tim. (2000). Beyond Sexuality. University of Chicago Press.

Dekkers, Midas. (2000). Dearest Pet: On Bestiality. Verso.

Devor, Holly. (1989). Sexuality and Gender. In Gender Blending: Confronting the Limits of Duality. Bloomington & Indianapolis: Indiana University Press.

Di Mauro, Diane. (2006). (ed.). Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 3(3), September, Special issue: New Trends in Sexuality Research: Contributions From Fellows in the Sexuality Research Fellowship Program.
Introduction to New Trends in Sexuality Research: Contributions From Fellows in the Sexuality Research Fellowship Program / Diane di Mauro (1-6).
From the Footnotes to the Headlines: Sterilization Apologies and Their Lessons / Johanna Schoen (7-22).
Making Gender Identity Disorder of Childhood: Historical Lessons for Contemporary Debates / Karl Bryant (23-39).
Give-and-Take in Safer Sex Negotiations: The Fluidity of Gender-Based Power Relations / Julie Pulerwitz, Shari L. Dworkin (40-51).
Sexuality Discussions in Santer’a: A Case Study of Religion and Sexuality Negotiation / Salvador Vidal-Ortiz (52-66).
Heterosexual Fronteras: Immigrant Mexicanos, Sexual Vulnerabilities, and Survival / Gloria Gonz·lez-Lûpez (67-81).
Other Articles:
Emotional Scripts of Sex Panics / Janice M. Irvine (82-94).
Book Reviews:
Authorizing Marriage? Canon, Tradition, and Critique in the Blessing of Same-Sex Unions By Mark D. Jordan, Meghan T. Sweeney, and David M. Mellott. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2006 / Rebecca Alpert.
Manliness By Harvey C. Mansfield,New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2006 / Robert Jensen.

Diamond, Jared. (1997). Why is Sex Fun? The Evolution of Human Sexuality. London: Weidenfeld & Nicholson.

Diprose, Rosalyn. (1991). Foucault, Derrida and the Ethics of Sexual Difference. Social Semiotics, 1(2).

Dollimore, Jonathan. (1991). Sexual Dissidence: Augustine to Wilde, Freud to Foucault. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Domenici, Thomas, and Ronnie C. Lesser (eds). (1996). Disorienting Sexuality: Psychoanalytic Reappraisals of Sexual Identities. New York & London: Routledge.

Donnelly, Denise. (2001). Involuntary celibacy: A life course analysis. Journal of Sex Research, 38(2), May.

Douglas, Carol Anne. (1990). Love and Politics: Radical Feminist and Lesbian Theories. San Francisco: Ism Press.

Dowsett, G. W. (2004). Baring Essentials: Science as Desire. Sexuality Research & Social Policy, 1(1): 69-82.

Dowsett, Gary W. (2000). The Role of Theory in Sex Research - A Discussion Paper. In J Bancroft. (ed.), The Role of Theory in Sex Research. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 125-133.

Duggan, Lisa, and Nan D. Hunter (eds). (1995). Sex Wars: Sexual Dissent and Political Culture. New York & London: Routledge.

Duggan, Lisa. (1992). Making It Perfectly Queer. Socialist Review, 22(1).
(Also in Duggan, Lisa and Hunter, Nan D. (eds). (1995). Sex Wars: Sexual Dissent and Political Culture. New York & London: Routledge).

Duggan, Lisa. (1995). The Discipline Problem. GLQ 2(3)

Duncan, Nancy. (ed.). (1996). Body Space: Destabilising Geographies of Gender and Sexuality. London & New York: Routledge.

Eberwein, Robert. (1999). Sex Ed: Film, Video, and the Framework of Desire. Rutgers University Press.

Echols, Alice. (1983). The New Feminism of Yin and Yang. In Snitow, Ann, Stansell, Christine and Thompson, Sharon. (eds). Desire: The Politics of Sexuality. New York: Monthly Review Press.

Eisler, Riane. (1995). Sacred Pleasure: Sex, Myth, and the Politics of the Body - New Paths to Power and Love. New York: HarperSanFrancisco.

Ekins, Richard. (1993). On Male Femaling: Some Relations Between Sex, Sexuality and Gender. Sociological Review, 41(1), February.

Ellis, L., B. Robb, et al. (2005). Sexual orientation in United States and Canadian college students. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 34(5): 569-581.

England, Kim. (1999). Sexing Geography, Teaching Sexualities. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 23(1), pp. 94-101.

English, Deidre, Amber Hollibaugh, and Gayle Rubin. (1982). Talking Sex: A Conversation on Sexuality and Feminism. Feminist Review, 11, pp. 40-52 (Also in Feminist Review. (eds). (1987). Sexuality: A Reader. London: Virago Press).

Epstein, Steven. (1991). Sexuality and Identity: The Contribution of Object Relations Theory to a Constructionist Sociology. Theory and Society, 20(6), December.

Epstein, Steven. (1994). A Queer Encounter: Sociology and the Study of Sexuality. Sociological Theory, 12(2), July.

Ericksen, Julia A., with Sally A. Steffen. (1999). Kiss and Tell: Surveying Sex in the Twentieth Century. Harvard University Press

Estlund, David M., and Martha C. Nussbaum. (eds). (1997). Sex, Preference, and Family: Essays on Law and Nature. Oxford University Press.

Evans, David T. (1993). Sexual Citizenship: The Material Construction of Sexualities. London & New York: Routledge

Evans, Mary. (2002). Love.

Fausto-Sterling, Anne. (2000). Sexing the Body: Gender Politics and the Construction of Sexuality. Basic Books.

Feminist Review. (eds). (1987). Sexuality: A Reader. London: Virago Press.
A Feminist Sexual Politics: Now You See It, Now You Don’t / Campbell, Beatrix.

Ferguson, Ann. (1983). The Sex Debate in the Women’s Movement: A Socialist-Feminist View. Against the Current, September-October.

Ferguson, Ann. (1989). Blood at the Root: Motherhood, Sexuality and Male Dominance. London: Pandora Press.

Fessenden, Tracy Nicholas F. Radel, and Magdalena J. Zaborowska. (eds). (2000). The Puritan Origins of American Sex: Religion, Sexuality and National Identity in American Culture. Routledge.

Finch, Lynette M. (1991). Sexuality and the Working Class: An Australian Case Study. PhD thesis.

Finch, Lynette M. (1993). The Classing Gaze: Sexuality, Class and Surveillance. St Leonards, NSW: Allen & Unwin.

Finn, Geraldine. (1989). Nobodies Speaking: Subjectivity, Sex and the Pornography Effect. Philosophy Today, 33, Summer.

Fisher, William A., and Jeffrey D. Fisher. (1998). Understanding and Promoting Sexual and Reproductive Health Behavior: Theory and Method. Annual Review of Sex Research, Volume IX.

Flandrin, Jean-Louis. (1991). Sex in the Western World: The Development of Attitudes and Behaviour. Reading, UK.

Flowers, Paul, Claire Marriott, and Graham Hart. (2000). ‘The Bars, the Bogs, and the Bushes’: The Impact of Locale on Sexual Cultures. Culture, Health & Sexuality, 2(1), January.

Ford Foundation. (2006). Sexuality and Social Change: Making the Connection.

Foster, Thomas, Carol Siegel, and Ellen E. Berry. (eds). Sex Positives? The Cultural Politics of Dissident Sexualities. New York University Press.

Foucault, Michel. (1976). The History of Sexuality, Volume 1: An Introduction. (trans.: Robert Hurley) London: Penguin.

Foucault, Michel. (1984). The History of Sexuality, Volume 2: The Uses of Pleasure. (trans.: Robert Hurley) London: Penguin.

Foucault, Michel. (1984). The History of Sexuality, Volume 3: The Care of the Self. (trans.: Robert Hurley) London: Penguin.

Fout, John C., and Maura S. Tantillo. (eds). American Sexual Politics: Sex, Gender, and Race since the Civil War. Chicago & London: University of Chicago Press.

Freccero, Carla. (1990). Notes of a Post-Sex Wars Theoriser. In Hirsch, Marianne and Keller, Evelyn Fox. (eds). Conflicts in Feminism. New York: Routledge.

Freedman, Estelle, and Barrie Thorn. (1984). Introduction to ‘The Feminist Sexuality Debates’. Signs, 10(1), pp. 102-5.

Freyser and Whitby. (1987). Studies in Human Sexuality.

Fu, T.-C., Herbenick, D., Dodge, B., Owens, C., Sanders, S. A., Reece, M., & Fortenberry, J. D. (2019). Relationships among Sexual Identity, Sexual Attraction, and Sexual Behavior: Results from a Nationally Representative Probability Sample of Adults in the United States. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 48(5), 1483-1493. 10.1007/s10508-018-1319-z

Fuss, Diana. (1989). Lesbian and Gay Theory: The Question of Identity Politics. Ch. 6 in Essentially Speaking: Feminism, Nature and Difference. New York: Routledge.

Fuss, Diana. (ed.). (1991). Inside/Out: Lesbian Theories, Gay Theories. New York/London: Routledge.

Gagnon, John H., and William Simon. (1973). Sexual Conduct: The Social Sources of Human Sexuality. London: Hutchinson & Co..

Gamson, J. (2000) Sexualities, queer theory, and qualitative research. In Denzin, N. K. & Lincoln, Y. S. (Eds.) Handbook of Qualitative Research. Thousand Oaks, Sage Publications.

Gamson, Joshua. (1999). Freaks Talk Back: Tabloid Talk Shows and Sexual Nonconformity. University of Chicago Press.

Gangestad, S.W., J.M. Bailey, and N.G. Martin. (2000). Taxometric analyses of sexual orientation and gender identity. J Pers Soc Psychol, Jun;78(6):1109-21.

Garrison, Jayne et al. (eds). (1994). Sexuality, Poverty and the Inner City. Menlo Park, CA: Kaiser Family Foundation.

Giddens, Anthony. (1992). Transformation of Intimacy: Love, Sexuality and Emotion in Modern Societies. Polity Press.

Gilbert, Harriet. (ed.). (1993). The Sexual Imagination: A Feminist Companion. Jonathon Cape.

Goldberg, Jonathon. (1992). Sodometries: Renaissance Texts, Modern Sexualities. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.

Goodison, L. Moving Heaven and Earth: Sexuality, Spirituality and Social Change.

Grant, Linda. (1993). Sexing the Millenium: A Political History of the Sexual Revolution. London: HarperCollins.

Green, Sarah F. (1997). Difference and Desire: The Sexuality Debates. Chapter 6 in Urban Amazons: Lesbian Feminism and Beyond in the Gender, Sexuality and Identity Battles of London. Macmillan.

Gregerson, Edgar. (1992). The World of Human Sexuality: Behaviours, Customs and Beliefs. New York: Irvington.

Grey, Anthony. (1993). Speaking of Sex: The Limits of Language. London & New York: Cassell.

Grey, Anthony. (1996). Seeking Sexual Sanity: Writings on Sex, Society, law and Politics. Cassell.

Gribbin, John, and Jeremy Cherfas. (2001). The Mating Game: In search of the meaning of sex. London: Penguin.

Gross, N. (2005). The Detraditionalization of Intimacy Reconsidered. Sociological Theory, 23: 286-311.

Gross, N., and S. Simmons. (2002). Intimacy as a Double-Edged Phenomenon?: An Empirical Test of Giddens. Social Forces, 81(2): 531-555.

Grosz, Elizabeth, and Elspeth Probyn. (eds). (1995). Sexy Bodies: The Strange Carnalities of Feminism. London & New York: Cassell.

Grosz, Elizabeth. (1994). Theorising Corporeality: Bodies, Sexuality and the Feminist Academy. Melbourne Journal of Politics, 22.

Grunseit, Anne C. (2001). Sex and the School Leaver: A Comparison of the Sexual Practice of University and Technical College Students. Venereology. 14(1).

Guy, Donna. (1991). Sex and Danger in Buenos Aires: Prostitution, Family and Nation in Argentina. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.

Harwood, Victoria et.al. (eds). (1993). Pleasure Principles: Politics, Sexuality and Ethics. London: Lawrence & Wishart.

Haste, Helen. (1993). The Sexual Metaphor. New York: Harvester Wheatsheaf .

Hawkes, Gail. (1996). A Sociology of Sex and Sexuality. Open University Press.

Hearn, Jeff, and Simon Shepard. (1989). The Sexuality of Organisation. London: Sage.

Heath, Stephen. (1982). The Sexual Fix. London: Macmillan

Heath, Stephen. (1990). The Ethics of Sexual Difference. Discourse, 12(2), Spring-Summer.

Hendenry, John. (1997). What Wild Ecstasy: The Rise and Fall of the Sexual Revolution. Kew, VIC: William Heinemann.

Hennessy, Rosemary. (2000). Profit and Pleasure: Sexual Identities in Late Capitalism. Routledge

Herdt, Gilbert. (ed.). (2004). Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 1(1), January. Special Issue: Sexuality and Social Change.
Inaugural Editorial / Gilbert Herdt.
Introduction to Sexuality and Social Change: Toward an Integration of Sexuality Research, Advocacy, and Social Policy in the Twenty-First Century / Richard Parker
Sexuality, Human Rights, and Demographic Thinking: Connections and Disjunctions in a Changing World / Sonia CorrÍa, Richard Parker
Sexual Development, Social Oppression, and Local Culture / Gilbert Herdt.

Hester, Marianne. (1992). Lewd Women and Wicked Witches: A Study of the Dynamics of Male Domination. London & New York: Routledge.

Hirshman, Linda R., and Jane E. Larson. (1999). Hard Bargains: The Politics of Sex. Oxford University Press.

Holland, Janet, and Lisa Adkins. (eds). (1996). Sex, Sensibility and the Gendered Body. Hampshire & London: Macmillan.

Holland, Janet, Caroline Ramazanoglu, Sue Sharpe, and Rachel Thomson. (2000). Deconstructing Virginity: Young People’s Accounts of First Sex. Sexual & Relationship Therapy, Volume 15, Number 3.

Hollway, Wendy. (1984). Gender Differences and the Production of Subjectivity. In Henriques, Julian et.al. (eds). Changing the Subject: Psychology, Social Regulation and Subjectivity. London: Methuen.

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hoogland, Renée c. (1999). First Things First: Freud and the Question of Primacy in Gendered Sexuality. Journal of Gender Studies, 8(1), March.

Hopkins, Patrick D. (ed.). (1999). Sex/Machine: Readings in Culture, Gender, and Technology. Indiana University Press.

Horrocks, Roger. (1997). An Introduction to the Study of Sexuality. Macmillan.

Hubbard, P. (2001). Sex Zones: Intimacy, Citizenship and Public Space. Sexualities, 4(1): 51-71.

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Hunt, Mary E., and Radhika Balakrishnan. (eds). (2001). Good Sex: Feminist Perspective From the World’s Religions. Rutgers University Press.

Hutton, Julia. (ed.). (1992). Good Sex: Real Stories From Real People. Pittsburgh, PA: Cleis Press.

Hyde, Janet, and John DeLamater. (2008).
 Understanding Human Sexuality. 10th ed. McGraw Hill.
1. Sexuality in Perspective
2. Theories of Sexuality
3. Sex Research
4. Sexual Anatomy
5. Sex Hormones and Sexual Differentiation
6. Conception, Pregnancy, and Childbirth
7. Contraception and Abortion
8. Sexual Arousal
9. Sexuality and the Life Cycle: Childhood and Adolescence
10. Sexuality and the Life Cycle: Adulthood
11. Attraction, Love, and Communication
12. Gender and Sexuality
13. Sexual Orientation: Gay, Straight, or Bi?
14. Variations in Sexual Behavior
15. Sexual Coercion
16. Sex for Sale
17. Sexual Disorders and Sex Therapy
18. Sexually Transmitted Diseases
19 Ethics, Religion, and Sexuality
20. Sex and the Law
Looking to the Future: Sexuality Education

Illouz, Eva. (year?). Consuming the Romantic Utopia: Love and the Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism.

Ingraham, Chrys. (1994). The Heterosexual Imaginary: Feminist Sociology and Theories of Gender. Sociological Theory, 12(2), July (Also in Seidman, Steven. (ed.). (1996). Queer Theory/Sociology. Cambridge, Ma: Blackwell).

Jackson, Margaret. (1989). Sexuality and Struggle: Feminism, Sexology and the Social Construction of Sexuality. In Jones, Carol and Mahoney, Pat. (eds). Learning our Lines: Sexuality and Social Control in Education. London: Women’s Press.

Jackson, Margaret. (1994). The Real facts of Life: Feminism and the Politics of Sexuality, c. 1850-1940. London: Tayle & Francis.

Jackson, Stevi, and Sue Scott. (eds). (1996). Feminism and Sexuality: A Reader. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Includes;
Sexual skirmishes and feminist factions: Twenty-five years of debate on women and sexuality / Scott, Sue and Jackson, Stevi

Jaggar, Alison M., and Susan R. Bordo. (eds). Gender/Body/Knowledge: Feminist Reconstructions Of Being and Knowing. (material on sexuality).

Jakobsen, Janet R. (1997). Agency and Alliance in Public Discourses About Sexualities. In DiQuinzio, Patrice and Iris Marion Young. (eds). Feminist Ethics and Social Policy. Bloomington: Indiana University Press

Jamieson, Lynn. (1997). Intimacy: Personal Relationships in Modern Societies. Polity Press.

Janus, Samuel S., and Cynthia L. Janus. (1993). The Janus Report on Sexual Behaviour. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Jeffreys, Sheila. (1990). Anti-Climax: A Feminist Perspective on the Sexual Revolution. London: The Women’s Press.

Jeffreys, Sheila. (1993). The Lesbian Heresy. North Melbourne, VIC: Spinifex.

Jeffreys, Sheila. (ed.). (1987). The Sexuality Debates. New York: Routledge & Kegan Paul.

Johnson, A.M., Wadsworth, J., Wellings, K. and Field, J. (1994). Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications.

Johnson, Katherine (2015). Sexuality: A Psychosocial Manifesto. Polity.

Johnson, Mark, Peter Jackson and Gilbert Herdt. (2000). Critical Regionalities and the Study of Gender and Sexual Diversity in South East and East Asia. Culture, Health & Sexuality, 2(4), October.

Johnson, Merri Lisa (ed.). (2002). Jane Sexes It Up: True confessions of feminist desire. New York and London: Four Walls Eight Windows.

Johnston, Carolyn. Sexual Power: Feminism and the Family in America. Tuscaloosa & London: University of Alabama Press.

Johnston, Susan. (1995). Not for Queers Only: Pedagogy and Postmodernism. NWSA Journal, 7(1), Spring.

Juraska, Janice M. (1998). Neural Plasticity and the Development of Sex Differences. Annual Review of Sex Research, Volume IX.

Kane, Roslyn, and Kaye Wellings. (1999). Integrated Sexual Health Services: The Views of Medical Professionals. Culture, Health & Sexuality, 1(2), June.

Kaplan, C. (1988). Pandora’s box: Subjectivity, Class and Sexuality in Socialist Feminist Criticism. Argument, 30(3).

Karioris, F. G., & Allan, J. A. (2019). When two become one: sexuality studies and critical studies of men and masculinities. Journal of Gender Studies, 28(3), 247-256. doi:10.1080/09589236.2018.1429257Karioris, F. G., & Allan, J. A. (2019). When two become one: sexuality studies and critical studies of men and masculinities. Journal of Gender Studies, 28(3), 247-256. doi:10.1080/09589236.2018.1429257

Kelly, B. C., and M. A. Mu-oz-Laboy. (2005). Sexual Place, Spatial Change, and the Social Reorganization of Sexual Culture. Journal of Sex Research, 42(4).

Kelly, Gary. (2008). Sexuality Today. McGraw Hill.
PART 1 Social and Biological Foundations of Human Sexuality
1 Cultural, Historical, and Research Perspectives on Sexuality
Educating about Sex
Culture and Sexuality
Milestones in Sex Research: A Brief Historical Survey
The Methods of Sexological Research Attitude Questionnaire
Self-Evaluation: You and Your Sexuality
2 Female Sexual Anatomy and Physiology
The Vulva
The Vagina
The Uterus and Ovaries
Female Breasts
The Menstrual Cycle
Self-Evaluation : You and Your Body
3 Male Sexual Anatomy and Physiology
The Testes and Scrotum
The Penis
Internal Male Organs
Male Hormones and the Male Climacteric
Self-Evaluation: Your Sexuality Education: Past, Present, and Future
4 Human Sexual Arousal and Response
Models of Sexual Arousal: Activating the Mind and the Body
Models of Human Sexual Response
Female Sexual Response
Male Sexual Response
Hormones and Sexual Arousal
Effects of Aging on Sexual Response
Self-Evaluation: Sexual Arousal and Response in Your Life
5 Developmental and Social Perspectives on Gender
How Many Sexes Are There?
Sexual Differentiation
Interpretations of Gender
Theories of Gender Role Development
Gender in Society and Culture
Self-Evaluation: Masculinity and Femininity in Your Life
PART 2 Understanding Sexuality in Ourselves and in Our Relationships
6 Sexuality in Infancy, Childhood,and Adolescence
Psychosexual Development
Sexuality in Infancy and Childhood
Sexuality in Adolescence
Adolescent Sexual Health
Sexuality Education
7 Adult Sexuality and Relationships
Hurdles of Young Adulthood
Patterns in Partnerships
Sexuality and Aging
Sexual Effects of Health and Illness
Self-Evaluation Looking Ahead: Sex in Later Years
8 Sexual Individuality and Sexual Values
Labeling Sex: Establishing Standards
Sexual Individuality
Sex and Values
Sexuality and Disability Groups
9 Sexuality, Communication, and Relationships
Communicating about Sex
Effective Communication
What?s Love Got to Do With It?
Connecting: For Better or for Worse
Self-Evaluation: Communicating about Sex
PART 3 Human Reproduction, Contraception, and Abortion: Sexuality Confronts Social Policy
10 Reproduction, Reproductive Technology, and Birthing
Fertilization and Fetal Development
Reproduction and Fetal Technology
Pregnancy and Birthing
11 Decision Making about Pregnancy and Parenthood
Historical Perspectives
World Population and the Status of Children
Deciding About Contraceptives
Methods of Birth Control
Unintended Pregnancy: The Options
Self-Evaluation: Contraceptive Comfort and Confidence Scale
PART 4 Sexual Behavior and Contemporary Society
12 Solitary Sex and Shared Sex
Solitary Sex: The Private World
Shared Sexual Behavior
Same-Gender Sexual Sharing
Heterosexual Intercourse
13 Sexual Orientation, Identity, and Behavior
Understanding Same-Gender Sexual Orientation
Conceptualizing Same-Gender Sexual Orientation
Developing a Sexual Orientation Identity
Sexual Orientation and Society
14 The Spectrum of Human Sexual Behavior
Varying Degrees of Sexual Interest and Activity
Transgender Identities and Behaviors
The Desire to Enhance Sexual Arousal
Atypical and Potentially Problematic Sexual Connections
Self-Evaluation: Your Sexual Fantasies
15 Sex, Art, the Media, and the Law
Nudity and Sex in Art
Sex and the Printed Page
Sex in the Media
Effects of Sexually Explicit Materials
Legal Aspects of Sexual Behavior
PART 5 Dealing with Sexual Problems
16 Sexual Consent, Coercion, Rape, and Abuse
When and How Does Sex Become a Problem?
Sexual Harassment
Sexual Boundary Violations by Professionals
Consent, Coercion, and Forced Sex
Sexual Abuse of Children and Adolescents
Preventing and Dealing with Problematic Sex
Self-Evaluation: Your Sexual Concerns and Problems
17 Sexually Transmitted Diseases, HIV/AIDS, and Sexual Decisions
History and Incidence of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and HIV
Nonviral Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Viral Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Other Sexually Transmitted Diseases
HIV: The Virus and the Infection
HIV Testing, Treatment, and Vaccines
Can Sex Be Safe and Satisfying?
Self-Evaluation: Examining Your Attitudes toward Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Self-Evaluation: Considering Being Tested
18 Sexual Dysfunctions and Their Treatment
Understanding Sexual Dysfunctions
Causes of Sexual Dysfunctions
Treating Sexual Dysfunctions
Behavioral Approaches to Sex Therapy
Is Sex Therapy Effective and Ethical?

Kelly, Kathryn. (1987). Females, Males and Sexuality: Theory and Research. Albany: State University of New York Press.

Kennedy, Duncan. (1993). Sexy Dressing etc: Essays on the Power and Politics of Cultural Identity. Harvard University Press.

King, Katie. (1990). Producing Sex, Theory, and Culture: Gay/Straight Remappings in Contemporary Feminism. In Hirsch, Marianne and Keller, Evelyn Fox. (eds). Conflicts in Feminism. New York: Routledge. (Also in King, Katie. (1994). Theory in its Feminist Travels: Conversations in U.S. Women’s Movements. Bloomington & Indianopolis: Indiana University Press).

Kinnish, K. K., D. S. Strassberg, and C. W. Turner. (2005). Sex differences in the flexibility of sexual orientation: A multidimensional retrospective assessment. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 34(2): 173-183.

Kinsman, Gary. (1987). The Regulation of Pleasure: Sexuality in Canada. Montreal/New York: Black Rose Books.

Kinsman, Gary. (1991). ‘Homosexuality’ Historically Reconsidered Challenges Heterosexual Hegemony. Journal of Historical Sociology, 4(2), June.

Kipnis, Laura. (1993). Ecstasy Unlimited: The Interpenetrations of Sex, Capital, Gender and Aesthetics. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Kittay, Eva Feder. (1984). Pornography and the Erotics of Domination. In Gould, Carol E. (ed.). Beyond domination: New Perspectives on Women and philosophy, Totowa, NJ: Rowman & Allanheld.

Kitzinger, Celia. (year?). Problematizing Pleasure: Radical Feminist Deconstructions of Sexuality and Power. In Radtke, H. Lorraine and Stam, Henderikus J. (eds). Power/Gender: Social Relations in Theory and Practice. London: Sage Publications, pp. 194-209.

Kleinplatz, P., A. Ménard, et al. (2009). The components of optimal sexuality: A portrait of “great sex”. The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 18(1/2): 1.

Kon, Igor, and James Riordan. (eds). (1993). Sex and Russian Society. London: Pluto Press.

Kroker, Arthur, and Marilouise Kroker. (1993). The Last Sex: Feminism and Outlaw Bodies. New York: St Martin’s Press.

Kwok, Wei Leng. (1996). Sex and Sexualities: Contemporary Feminist Debates. In Hughes, Kate Pritchard. (ed.). Contemporary Australian Feminism. Melbourne: Longman Chesire (2nd edition).

Lancaster, Roger, and Micaela Di Leondardo. (eds). (1997). The Gender/Sexuality Reader: Culture, History, Political Economy. Routledge.

Landry, Donna, and Gerald MacLean. (1993). Identity and Sexuality. In Materialist Feminisms. Cambridge, MA: Blackwell.

Långström, N., and M. Seto. (2006). Exhibitionistic and Voyeuristic Behavior in a Swedish National Population Survey. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 35(4): 427-435.

Långström, N., and R. Hanson. (2006). High Rates of Sexual Behavior in the General Population: Correlates and Predictors. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 35(1): 37-52.

Lano, Kevin, and Claire Parry. (eds). (1995). Breaking the Barriers to Desire: New Approaches to Multiple Relationships. Nottingham: Five Leaves Publications.

Laqueur, T. (2003). Solitary Sex: A Cultural History of Masturbation. New York: Zone Books.

Laumann, Edward O., John H. Gagnon, Robert T. Michael, and Stuart Michaels. (1994). The Social Organization of Sexuality: Sexual Practices in the United States. Chicago & London: University of Chicago Press.

Le Moncheck, Linda. (1997). Loose Women, Lecherous Men: A Feminist Philosophy of Sex. New York & Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Lear, Dana. (1997). Sex and Sexuality: Risk and Relationships in the Age of AIDS. Sage.

Leicholdt, Dorchen and Raymond, Janice G. (eds). (1990). The Sexual Liberals and the Attack on Feminism. New York: Pergamon Press.

LeVay, Simon et al. Discovering Human Sexuality. Sinauer, 2nd edition.

LeVay, Simon, and Janice Baldwin. Human Sexuality. Sinauer, 4th edition.

Lorentzen, Jørgen, and Wencke Mühleisen (eds.). (2007). Nora, Nordic Journal of Women’s Studies, Special issue: New Forms of Intimacy. Volume 15 Issue 2 & 3;
Editorial / Tutta Palin; Elina Oinas.
Introduction: New Forms of Intimacy / Jørgen Lorentzen; Wencke Mühleisen.
Queer Individualization: The Transformation of Personal Life in the Early 21st Century / Sasha Roseneil.
Fun in Gender—Youth and Sexuality, Class and Generation / Harriet Bjerrum Nielsen; Monica Rudberg.
No Sex, No Crime, No Shame: Privatized Care and the Seduction into Responsibility / Antke Engel.
Between Labour and Love: The Re-erotization of Home-making in Egalitarian Couples within a Nordic Context / Helene Aarseth.
Making Places of Intimacy—Ethnicity, Friendship, and Masculinities in Oslo / Thomas Michael Walle.
 (In)Visibility and the Display of Gendered Desire: Masculinity in Mainstream Soft- and Hardcore Pornography / Anja Hirdman.
Mainstream Sexualization and the Potential for Nordic New Feminism / Wencke Mühleisen.
Love and Intimacy in Men’s Lives / Jørgen Lorentzen.

Lovaas, Karen E., and Mercilee M. Jenkins. (eds.). Sexualities and Communication in Everyday Life: A Reader. Sage.
Introduction: Setting the Stage / Karen E. Lovaas and Mercilee M. Jenkins.
Part I: Foundations for Thinking About Sexualities and Communication.
1. The Invention of Heterosexuality: The Debut of the Heterosexual / Jonathan Ned Katz.
2. Necessary Fictions: Sexual Identities and the Politics of Diversity / Jeffrey Weeks.
3. On Judith Butler and Performantivity / Sara Salih.
4. “Quare” Studies, or (Almost) Everything I Know About Queer Studies I Learned From My Grandmother [Part I] / E. Patrick Johnson.
5. The Use of the Erotic: The Erotic as Power / Audre Lorde.
Part II: Performing and Disciplining Sexualities in Interpersonal Contexts.
6. Language, Socialization, and Silence in Gay Adolescence / William Leap.
7. “Having a Girlfriend Without Knowing It”: Intimate Friendships Among Adolescent Sexual-Minority Women / Lisa M. Diamond.
8. Accounts of Sexual Identity Formation in Heterosexual Students / Michele J. Eliason.
9. M. Dragonfly: Two-Spirit and the Tafoya Principle of Uncertainty / Terry Tafoya.
10. Migrancy and Homodesire / Myron Beasley.
11. Performing “I Do”: Wedding, Pornography, and Sex / Elizabeth Bell.
12. A Critical Appraisal of Assimiliationist and Radical Ideologies Underlying Same-Sex Marriage in LGBT Communities in the United States / Gust A. Yep, Karen E. Lovaas, and John P. Elia.
Part III: Performing and Disciplining Sexualities in Public Discourses.
13. Performing the Rhetoric of Science: Dr. Laura’s Portrayal of Homosexuality / Paul Turpin.
14. Disciplining the Transgendered: Brandon Teena, Public Representation, and Normativity / John M. Sloop.
15. “Ah, Yes, I Remember It Well”: Memory and Queer Culture in Will and Grace / Christopher Castiglia and Christopher Reed.
16. Living in the Middle: Performances Bi-Men / John T. Warren and Nicholas A. Zoffel.
17. “Holly Kowalski”: Sex Across the Curriculum / Jennifer Tuder.
18. Queering the (Sacred) Body Politic: Considering the Performative Cultural Politics of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence / Cathy B. Glenn.
Part IV: Transforming Sexualities and Communication: Visions and Praxis.
19. The Spirituality of Sex and the Sexuality of Spirit: BDSM Erotic Play as Soulwork and Social Critique / Robert G. Westerfelhaus.
20. Menopause and Desire, or 452 Positions on Love / Mercilee M. Jenkins.
21. “Quare” Studies, or (Almost) Everything I Know About Queer Studies I Learned From My Grandmother [Part II] / E. Patrick Johnson.
22. Activism and Identity Through the Word: A Mixed-Race Woman Claims Her Space / Wendy M. Thompson.
23. Making Alliances / Gloria E. Anzaldua.

Luker, Kristin. (1998). Sex, Social Hygiene, and the State: The Double-Edged Sword of Social Reform. Theory and Society. 27(5), October.

MacKay, Judith. (2001). Global Sex: Sexuality and Sexual Practices Around the World. Sexual & Relationship Therapy, Volume 16, Number 1, February, pp. 71 - 82.

MacKinnon, Catherine A. (1990). Sexuality, Pornography, and Method: ‘Pleasure under Patriarchy’. In Sustein, Cass R. (ed.). Feminism and Political Theory. Chicago & London: University of Chicago Press (Also in Ethics, 1989, 99(2)).

MacKinnon, Catherine A. (1994). Sexuality/ In Theorizing Feminism: Parallel trends in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Eds A. Hermann and A. Steward. Boulder: Westview Press.

Maglin, Nan Bauer, and Donna Perry. (eds). ‘Bad Girls’/’Good Girls’: Women, Sex, and Power in the Nineties. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.

Magonet, Jonathan. (ed.). (1996). Jewish Explorations of Sexuality. Berghahn Books.

Mamo, Laura, and Jennifer R. Fishman. (2001). Potency in all the right places: Viagra as a technology of the gendered body. Body & Society, 7(4), pp. 13-35.

Manderson, Lenore, and Margaret Jolly. (eds). Sites of Desire, Economies of Pleasure: Sexualities in Asia and the Pacific.

Manderson, Lenore, and Pranee Liamputtong. (eds). (2001). Coming of Age in South and Southeast Asia: Youth, courtship, and sexuality. Curzon Press.

Manderson, Lenore, Linda Rae Bennet, and Michelle Sheldrake. (1999). Sex, Social Institutions, and Social Structure: Anthropological Contributions to the Study of Sexuality. Annual Review of Sex Research, Volume X.

Mann, Patricia. (1994). Micro-Politics: Agency in a Post Feminist Era.

Marie Smith, Anna. (1994). New Right Discourses on Race and Sexuality, Britain 1968-1990. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Markowitz, Fran, and Michael Ashkenazi. (1999). Sex, Sexuality, and the Anthropologist. University of Illinois Press.

Marshall, Barbara L. (2002). ‘Hard science’: Gendered constructions of sexual dysfunction in the ‘Viagra Age’. Sexualities, Volume 5 Issue 2.

Matthews, Jill J. (ed.). (1997). Sex in Public: Australian Sexual Cultures. Sydney: Allen & Unwin.

McCammon, Susan L., David Knox, and Caroline Schacht. (1993). Choices in Sexuality. Minneapolis: West Publishing Co.

McGinn, Colin. (1992). Sex. In Moral Literacy, or How to Do the Right Thing. London: Duckworth.

McKinney, Kathleen, and Susan Sprecher. (1991). Sexuality in Close Relationships. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

McLaren, Angus. (1999). Twentieth-Century Sexuality. Oxford: Blackwell.

Melody, M.E., and Linda M. Peterson. (1999). Teaching America About Sex: Marriage / Sex Manuals From the Late Victorians to Dr. Ruth. New York University Press.

Menck, Mandy. (1993). Perversions: Deviant Readings. New York: Routledge.

Michael, Robert T., John H. Gagnon, Edward O. Laumann, and Gina Kolata. (1994). Sex in America: A Definitive Survey. Boston: Little, Brown and Company.

Milan Women’s Bookstore Collective. (1990). Sexual Difference: A Theory of Social-Symbolic Practice. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Mills, Jane. (year?). Sex Words.

Misra, Geetanjali, and Radhika Chandiramani (eds.). (2005). Sexuality, Gender and Rights: Exploring Theory and Practice in South and Southeast Asia. Sage India.

Money, John (1995) Gendermaps: Social constructionism, feminism, and sexosophical history. New York: Continuum.

Morrow, Ross. (1994). The Sexological Construction of Sexual Functioning. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Sociology, 30(1), April.

Morrow, Ross. (1995). Sexuality as Discourse - Beyond Foucault’s Constructionism. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Sociology, 31(1), March.

Morrow, Ross. (1995). Sexuality as Discourse - Beyond Foucault’s Constructionism. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Sociology, 31(1), March.

Mort, Frank, and Lynda Nead. (eds). (2000). Sexual Geographies. Lawrence and Wishart.

Morton, Donald. (1993). The Politics of Queer Theory in the Post(Modern) Moment. Genders, 17, Fall.

Moscovici, Claudia. From Sex Objects to Sexual Subjects. Routledge.

Nagel, J. (2000). Sexualizing the Sociological: Queering and Querying the Intimate Substructure of Social Life. The Sociological Quarterly, 41(1): 1-17.

Namaste, Ki. (1994). The Politics of Inside/Out: Queer Theory, Poststructuralism and a Sociological Approach to Sexuality. Sociological Theory, 12(2), July.

Newton, Esther. (1993). My Best Informant’s Dress: The Erotic Equation in Fieldwork. Cultural Anthropology, 8.

Nixon, D. (2008). ‘No More Tea, Vicar’. An Exploration of the Discourses which Inform the Current Debates about Sexualities within the Church of England. Sexualities, 11(5): 595-620.

Nussbaum, Martha C. (1998). Sex and Social Justice. Oxford University Press.

O’Byrne, P., D. Holmes, and K. Woodend (2008). Understanding human sexual networks: a critique of the promiscuity paradigm. Critical Public Health, 18(3): 333 - 345.

O’Sullivan, Sue. (1996). I Used to be Nice: Sexual Affairs. Cassell.

Oattes, M. K., and A. Offman (2007). Global self-esteem and sexual self-esteem as predictors of sexual communication in intimate relationships. The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 16(3/4): 89.

Obermeyer, Carla Makhlouf. (2000). Sexuality in Morocco: Changing Context and Contested Domain. Culture, Health & Sexuality, 2(3), July.

Ong, Walter. (1989). Fighting for Life: Contest, Sexuality and Consciousness. Amherst, MA: University of Massachussetts Press.

Oosterhuis, H. (2000). Stepchildren of Nature: Krafft-Ebing, Psychiatry, and the Making of Sexual Identity. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Ortner, Sherry B., and Harriet Whitehead. (1981). Sexual Meanings: The Cultural Construction of Gender and Sexuality. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press.

Padgug, Robert. (1979). Sexual Matters: On Conceptualising Sexuality in History, Radical History Review, 20 (Also in Duberman, Martin B., Vicinus, Martha and Chauncey, George Hidden From History: Reclaiming the Gay and Lesbian Past, Meridian).

Paglia, Camille. (year?). Sex, Art and American Culture. Viking.

Pallotta-Chiarolli, Maria. (1993). Intersections of Ethnicity, Gender and Sexuality. Lilith: A Feminist History journal, No. 8, Summer.

Parker, Andrew, Mary Russo, Doris Sommer, and Patricia Yaeger. (eds). (1992). Nationalisms and Sexualities. New York/London: Routledge.

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Parker, Richard, and Delia Easton. (1998). Sexuality, Culture, and Political Economy: Recent Developments in Anthropological and Cross-Cultural Sex Research. Annual Review of Sex Research, Volume IX.

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1. Perspectives on Human Sexuality / Sexuality, Popular Culture, and the Media / Sexuality across Cultures and Times / Societal Norms and Sexuality
2. Studying Human Sexuality / Sex, Advice Columnists, and Pop Psychology / Thinking Critically about Sex / Sex Research Methods / The Sex Researchers / Contemporary Research Studies / Emerging Research Perspectives / Ethnicity and Sexuality
3. Female Sexual Anatomy, Physiology, and Response / Female Sex Organs: What Are They For? / Female Sexual Physiology / Female Sexual Response
4. Male Sexual Anatomy, Physiology, and Response / Male Sexual Organs: What Are They For? / Male Sexual Physiology / Male Sexual Response
5. Gender and Gender Roles / Studying Gender and Gender Roles / Gender Role Learning / Contemporary Gender Roles / When Gender Is Ambiguous: Intersexuality, Transsexuality, and Transgenderism
6. Sexuality Over the Life Span / Sexuality in Infancy and Childhood / Sexuality in Adolescence / Sexuality in Early Adulthood / Sexuality in Middle Adulthood / Sexuality in Late Adulthood
7. Love, Intimacy, and Sexuality / Love and Sexuality / How Do I Love Thee? Approaches and Attitudes Related to Love / Unrequited Love / Jealousy / The Transformation of Love: The Role of Commitment
8. Communicating about Sex / The Nature of Communication / Sexual Communication / Developing Communication Skills / Conflict and Intimacy
9. Sexual Expression / Sexual Attractiveness / Sexual Scripts / Autoeroticism / Interpersonal Sexuality
10. Atypical and Paraphilic Sexual Behavior / Atypical Versus Paraphilic Behavior / Noncoercive Paraphilias / Coercive Paraphilias / Origins and Treatment of Paraphilias
11. Contraception and Birth Control / Risk and Responsibility / Methods of Contraception and Birth Control / Abortion
12. Conception, Pregnancy, and Childbirth / Fertilization and Fetal Development / Being Pregnant / Infertility / Giving Birth / Becoming a Parent
13. The Sexual Body in Health and Illness / Living in Our Bodies: The Quest for Physical Perfection / Alcohol, Drugs, and Sexuality / Sexuality and Aging / Sexuality and Disability / Sexuality and Cancer / Other Sexual Health Issues
14. Sexual Enhancement and Therapy / Sexual Enhancement / Sexual Disorders and Dysfunctions / Physical Causes of Sexual Dysfunctions / Psychological Causes of Sexual Dysfunctions / Treating Sexual Problems
15. Sexually Transmitted Diseases / X-rated Diseases: The Psychological Impact of Stds / The Std Epidemic / Principal Stds / Stds and Women / Preventing Std
16. HIV and AIDS / What is AIDS? / Epidemiology and Transmission of HIV / AIDS Demographics / Prevention and Treatment / Living with HIV or AIDS
17. Sexual Coercion: Harassment, Aggression, and Abuse / Sexual Harassment / Anti-Gay/Lesbian Harassment, Prejudice, and Discrimination / Sexual Aggression / Child Sexual Abuse
18. Commercial Sex: Sexually Oriented Material and Prostitution / Sexually Oriented Material in Contemporary America / Prostitution.

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Introduction to Special Issue: Through a Lens of Embodiment: New Research From the Center for Research on Gender and Sexuality / Deborah L. Tolman (1-7).
Dis/Embodied Voices: What Late-Adolescent Girls Can Teach Us About Objectification and Sexuality / Celeste Hirschman, Emily A. Impett, Deborah Schooler (8-20).
On Bodies and Research: Transgender Issues in Health and HIV Research Articles / Rita M. Melendez, Lathem A. Bonem, Robert Sember (21-38).
Minding the Body: Yoga, Embodiment, and Well-Being / Emily A. Impett, Jennifer J. Daubenmier, Allegra L. Hirschman (39-48).
Setting Rules or Sitting Down: Parental Mediation of Television Consumption and Adolescent Self-Esteem, Body Image, and Sexuality / Deborah Schooler, Janna L. Kim, Lynn Sorsoli (49-62).
Risky Business: Sexuality Education and Research in U. S. Schools / Jessica Fields, Deborah L. Tolman (63-76).
Other articles:
Sensation Seeking as a Moderator of Internet Use on Sexual Risk Taking Among Men Who Have Sex With Men / Keith J. Horvath, Blair Beadnell, Anne M. Bowen (77-90).
Barebacking: Psychosocial and Public Health Approaches, Edited by Perry N. Halkitis, Leo Wilton, Jack Drescher. Binghamton, NY: The Haworth Medical Press/Harrington Park Press, 2005 / Robert Paul Cabaj (91-93).
Without Condoms: Unprotected Sex, Gay Men & Barebacking, by Michael Shernoff. New York: Routledge, 2006 / Barry D. Adam (94-95).

Topp, Libby, Julie Hando and Paul Dillon. (1999). Sexual Behaviour of Ecstasy Users in Sydney, Australia. Culture, Health & Sexuality, 1(2), June.

Traeen, Bente and Dagfinn Sorensen. (2000). Breaking the Speed of the Sound of Loneliness: Sexual Partner Change and the Fear of Intimacy. Culture, Health & Sexuality, 2(3), July.

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Wakeford, Nina. (2000). Networks of Desire: Gender, Sexuality and Computer Culture. Routledge.

Waldby, Sylvia. (1990). Sexuality. Chapter 5 in Theorizing Patriarchy. Oxford & Cambridge: Blackwell.

Walsh, Mary. (1994). Sexual Indifference and Political Theory. Social Alternatives, 12(4), January.

Walters, Ronald G. (ed.). (2000). Primers for Prudery: Sexual Advice to Victorian America. Johns Hopkins University Press

Weeks, Jeffrey and Holland, Janet. (eds). (1996). Sexual Cultures: Communities, Values and Intimacy. Hampshire & London: Macmillan.

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Weeks, Jeffrey. (1991). Against Nature: Essays on History, Sexuality and Identity. London: Rivers Oram Press.

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Wilton, Tamsin. (2000). Sexualities in Health and Social Care. Open University Press.

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Zinn, Maxine Baca, Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo, and Michael A. Messner (eds.). (2005). Through the Prism of Difference: Readings on Sex and Gender. 3rd edition. Oxford University Press.
Introduction: Sex and Gender Through the Prism of Difference.
I. Perspectives on Sex, Gender, and Difference.
1. Anne Fausto-Sterling / The Five Sexes, Revisited.
2. Maxine Baca Zinn & Bonnie Thornton Dill / Theorizing Difference from Multiracial Feminism.
3. Deniz Kandiyoti / Bargaining with Patriarchy.
4. R W. Connell / Masculinities and Globalization.
5. Barbara Ehrenreich and Arlie Russell Hochschild / Global Woman.
6. Chandra Talpade Mohanty / Antiglobalization Pedagogies and Feminism.
7. Jane Sprague Zones / Beauty Myths and Realities and Their Impact on Women’s Health.
8. Nomy Lamm / It’s a Big Fat Revolution.
9. Tamara Beauboeuf-Lafontant / Strong and Large Black Women? Exploring Relationships Between Deviant Womanhood and Weight.
10. Jen’nan Ghazal Read and John P. Bartkowski / To Veil or Not to Veil? A Case Study of Identity Negotiation Among Muslim Women in Austin, Texas.
11. Don Sabo / Doing Time, Doing Masculinity: Sports in Prison.
12. Betsy Lucal / What it Means to be Gendered Me: Life on the Boundaries of a Dichotomous Gender System.
13. Cecilia Menjívar and Olivia Salcido / Immigrant Women and Domestic Violence: Common Experiences in Different Countries.
14. Afroza Anwary / Acid Violence and Medical Care Bangladesh: Women’s Activism as Carework.
15. Patricia Albanese / Nationalism, War, and Archaization of Gender Relations in the Balkans.
16. Michael Kimmel / Gender, Class, and Terrorism.
17. Karin A. Martin / “I couldn’t ever picture myself having sex..”: Gender Differences in Sex and Sexual Subjectivity.
18. Matthew C. Guttman / Male Discretion and Sexual Indiscretion in Working Class Mexico City.
19. Kevin Bales / Because She Looks Like a Child.
20. Julie O’Connell Davidson / The Sex Tourist, The Expatriate, His Ex-Wife, and her “Other”: The Politics of Loss, Difference, and Desire.
Sexuality and Identity.
21. Dennis Altman / The Globalization of Sexual Identities.
22. Michael A. Messner / Becoming 100% Straight.
23. Yen Le Espiritu / “Americans Have a Different Attitude”: Family, Sexuality, and Gender in Filipina American Lives.
24. Audre Lorde / Age, Race, Class, and Sex: Women Redefining Difference.
25. Elliott Femynye Bat Tzedek / The Rights and Wrongs of Identity Politics and Sexual Identities.
26. Almas Sayeed / Chappals and Gym Shorts: An Indian Muslim Woman in the Land of Oz.
27. Karen D. Pyke and Denise L. Johnson / Asian American Women and Racialized Femininities: “Doing” Gender Across Cultural Worlds.
28. Peggy McIntosh / White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack.
29. Patricia Hill Collins / The Meaning of Motherhood in Black Culture and Black Mother-Daughter Relationships.
30. Lisa J. Udell / Revision and Resistance: The Politics of Native Women’s Motherwork.
31. Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo and Ernestine Avila / “I’m Here but I’m There”: The Meanings of Latina Transnational Motherhood.
32. Marcia C. Inhorn / “The Worms are Weak”: Male Infertility and Patriarchal Paradoxes in Egypt.
33. Pei-Chia Lan / Maid or Madam? Filipina Migrant Workers and the Continuity of Domestic Labor.
34. M. Patricia Fernández Kelly / Delicate Transactions: Gender, Home, and Employment Among Hispanic Women.
35. Elizabeth Higginbotham and Lynn Weber / Moving Up with Kin and Community: Upward Social Mobility for Black and White Women.
36. Kathryn Edin / What Do Low-Income Single Mothers Say About Marriage?.
37. Peter Levin / Gendering the Market: Temporality, Work, and Gender on a National Futures Exchange.
38. Patti A. Giuffre and Christine L. Williams / Boundary Lines: Labeling Sexual Harassment in Restaurants.
39. Karen J. Hossfield / “Their Logic Against Them”: Contradictions in Sex, Race, and Class in Silicon Valley.
40. Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo / Go Away.. But Stay Close Enough.
41. Ann Arnett Ferguson / Naughty by Nature.
42. Julie Bettie / How Working-Class Chicas Get Working-Class Lives.
43. Nancy Lopez / Homegrown: How the Family Does Gender.
44. Yoshiko Nozaki / Feminism, Nationalism, and the Japanese Textbook Controversy Over “Comfort Women”.
45. Barry Glassner / Black Men: How to Perpetuate Prejudice Without Really Trying.
46. Catherine A. Lutz and Jane L. Collins / The Color of Sex: Postwar Photographic Histories of Race and Gender in National Geographic Magazine.
47. Susan Jane Gilman / Klaus Barbie, and Other Dolls I’d Like to See.
48. Mimi Schippers / Sexuality and Gender Maneuvering.
49. Laurie Kendall / “Oh No! I’m a Nerd!” Hegemonic Masculinity on an Online Forum.
50. King-To Yeung and Mindy Stombler / Gay and Greek: The Identity Paradox of Gay Fraternities.
51. Mary Pardo / Mexican American Women, Grassroots Community Activists: “Mothers of East Los Angeles”.
52. Radhika Gajjala and Annapurna Mamidipudi / Cyberfeminism, Technology, and International “Development”.
53. Kevin Powell / Confessions of a Recovering Misogynist.



Critical inQueeries (Australia)

Journal of the History of Sexuality

Journal of Homosexuality

Journal of Sex Research

Sexualities (began 1997).