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1 Unmasking Heterosexuality.
2 Theories of Heterosexuality Reconsidered.
3 A Heterosexual Life: Agency and Structure.
4 Heterosexuality Across the 20th Century.
5 Getting the story Straight.
6 Getting it Together? Carnal and Romantic Discourses.
7 What’s Sex Got to do With it? Heterosexuality as an Organizing Principle..
8 Nothing Natural? At Home With Heterosexuality.
9 Different Heterosexualities: Different Histories.
10 Conclusion.
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Sexuality, heterosexuality and gender hierarchy: getting our priorities straight / Stevi Jackson;
From polluted homosexual to the normal gay: changing patterns of sexual regulation in America / Steven Seidman;
Claiming citizenship?: sexuality, citizenship and lesbian feminist theory / Diane Richardson;
The transformation of heterosexism and its paradoxes / Chris Brickell;
Crossing the borders of gendered sexuality: queer masculinities of straight men / Robert Heasley;
White heterosexuality: a romance of the straight man’s burden / Mason Stokes;
The mermaid and the heterosexual imagination / Laurie Essig;
“Some day my prince will come”: Disney, the heterosexual imaginary and animated film / Carrie L. Cokely;
Out of wedlock: why some poor women reject marriage / Margaret Walsh;
The production of heterosexuality at the high school prom / Amy L. Best;
Speak now or forever hold your peace: the filming of “Wedding advice” / Karen Sosnoski.
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