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A social psychological perspective on HIV/AIDS and gay or homosexually active Asian men / Sanitioso R. (pp. 69-85).
China doll - the experience of being a gay Chinese Australian / Ayres T. (pp. 87-97).
The cinematic representation of Asian homosexuality in The Wedding Banquet / Chua LY. (pp. 99-112).
Interface: reflections of an ethnic toygirl / Yue A. (pp. 113-34).
Queerer than queer: reflections of a Kike dyke / Goldflam A. (pp. 135-42).
Looking out, looking in: anti-semitism and racism in lesbian communities / Burstin HE. (pp. 143-57).
Sister outsider, or “just another thing I am”: intersections of cultural and sexual identities in Australia / Duruz A. (pp. 169-82).
Diary entries from the “teachers’ professional development playground”: multiculturalism meets multisexualities in Australian education / Pallotta-Chiarolli M. (pp. 183-205).
Unfixed in a fixated world: identity, sexuality, race and culture / Offord B, Cantrell L. (pp. 207-20).
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