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Disability, achievement, market and sexuality.
Post-compulsory education; post-compulsory heterosexuality - transitions to university.
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Schalet, A. T., Santelli, J. S., Russell, S. T., Halpern, C. T., Miller, S. A., Pickering, S. S., . . . Hoenig, J. M. (2014). Invited commentary: broadening the evidence for adolescent sexual and reproductive health and education in the United States. In: Springer.
Schneider, M., & Hirsch, J. S. (2018). Comprehensive Sexuality Education as a Primary Prevention Strategy for Sexual Violence Perpetration. Trauma, Violence, and Abuse, ePub(ePub), ePub-ePub.
Scott, J. (2005). ‘Children Ask the Damnedest Questions!’: Sex(uality) Education as a Social Problem. Perspectives in Human Sexuality. G. Hawkes and John Scott, eds. Melbourne, Oxford University Press: 168-186.
Sears, James T. (2002). Out of Harmony on the Cherokee Boundary: Clinics, Culture and the Sex Ed Curriculum. Sex Education, Volume 2 Number 2, July.
Sears, James T. (ed). (1992). Sexuality and the Curriculum: The Politics and Practices of Sexuality Education. New York & London: Teachers College Press.
Sears, James T., and W.L. Williams. (eds). (1997). Overcoming Heterosexism and Homophobia: Strategies that Work. New York: Columbia University Press.
Sex Education, Vol. 12, No. 4, 01 Sep 2012.
Sociopolitical influences on sexuality education in Sweden and Ireland / Leslie Sherlock;
Elusive sex acts: pleasure and politics in Norwegian sex education / Stine H. Bang Svendsen.
Sexuality education in rural Lesotho schools: challenges and possibilities / Mathabo Khau;
Sex education in Spain: teachers' views of obstacles / JosÈ L. MartÌnez, Rodrigo J. Carcedo, Antonio Fuertes, Isabel Vicario-Molina, AndrÈs A. Fern·ndez-Fuertes & BegoÒa Orgaz;
Sexuality education school policy for Australian GLBTIQ students / Tiffany Mary Jones & Lynne Hillier;
‘Pleasure has no passport’: re-visiting the potential of pleasure in sexuality education / Louisa Allen & Moira Carmody;
Pleasure/desire, sexularism and sexuality education / Mary Louise Rasmussen.
Sex Education, Volume 14, Issue 5, September 2014;
Special Issue: Celebrating Doug Kirby’s Contributions to Sex Education
Editorial introduction / Roger Ingham, Leslie Kantor & Ekua Yankah
Doug Kirby’s contribution to the field of sex education / Leslie M. Kantor, Lori Rolleri & Katherine Kolios.
Sexuality education: findings and recommendations from an analysis of 10 United States programmes / Nicole Cushman, Leslie M. Kantor, Elizabeth Schroeder, Lesley Eicher & Gina Gambone.
Mediation analysis of an adolescent HIV/STI/pregnancy prevention intervention / Jill R. Glassman, Heather M. Franks, Elizabeth R. Baumler & Karin K. Coyle.
Parental support for teenage pregnancy prevention programmes in South Carolina public middle schools / India Rose, Mary Prince, Shannon Flynn, Sarah Kershner & Doug Taylor.
Designing an effective sexuality education curriculum for schools: lessons gleaned from the South(ern) African literature / Lesley Wood & Lori A. Rolleri.
Creating Futures: lessons from the development of a livelihood-strengthening curriculum for young people in eThekwini’s informal settlements / Alison Misselhorn, Mildred Mushinga, Nwabisa Jama Shai & Laura Washington.
Public discourse on HIV and AIDS: an archival analysis of national newspaper reporting in Uganda, 1996-2011 / Elizabeth Lagone, Sanyukta Mathur, Neema Nakyanjo, Fred Nalugoda & John Santelli.
School-based primary school sexuality education for migrant children in Beijing, China / Wenli Liu & Yufen Su.
Romantic relationships: an important context for HIV/STI and pregnancy prevention programmes with young people / Karin K. Coyle, Pamela M. Anderson, Heather M. Franks, Jill Glassman, James D. Walker & Vignetta Eugenia Charles.
Sexual health discussions between African-American mothers and mothers of Latino descent and their children / Ashley Murray, Monica U. Ellis, Ted Castellanos, Zaneta Gaul, Madeline Y. Sutton & Carl D. Sneed.
Towards an integrated framework for accelerating the end of the global HIV epidemic among young people / Ralph J. DiClemente & Jerrold M. Jackson.
Sex Education, Volume 17, Issue 5, September 2017
Using a comprehensive sexuality education framework to analyse the contents of a Brazilian adolescent health handbook / Vinicius Jobim Fischer & Antonio José González-Jiménez
The need for culturally sensitive sexuality education in a pluralised Nigeria: But which kind? / Jude Mukoro
Could Australia have its own teacher professional standards for teaching relationships and sexuality education? / Christine A. Collier-Harris & Juliette D. G. Goldman
Young people’s perceptions of relationships and sexual practices in the abstinence-only context of Uganda / Billie de Haas, Inge Hutter & Greetje Timmerman
Implementing community-based comprehensive sexuality education with high-risk youth in a conservative environment: lessons learned / Molly Secor-Turner, Brandy A. Randall, Katie Christensen, Amy Jacobson & Migdalia Loyola Meléndez
Gender, dialogue and discursive psychology: a pilot sexuality intervention with South African High-School learners / Nicola Jearey-Graham & Catriona Ida Macleod
Deciding to reveal sexual information and sexuality education in mother-daughter relationships / Tina A. Coffelt
Talking relationships, babies and bodies with young children: the experiences of parents in England / Nicole Stone, Roger Ingham, Laura McGinn & Andrew Bengry-Howell.
Sex Education, Volume 17, Issue 6, November 2017
Sex and relationships education: a comparison of variation in Northern Ireland’s and England’s policy-making processes / Dana Cavender Wilkinson
‘You shouldn’t be making people feel bad about having sex’: exploring young adults’ perceptions of a sex-positive sexual health text message intervention / Jared Brickman & Jessica Fitts Willoughby
Forbidden fruit: the politics of researching young people’s use of online sexually explicit materials in South African schools / Nicci Carboni & Deevia Bhana
College institutional characteristics and the use of barrier methods among undergraduate students
Stacey B. Griner, Erika L. Thompson, Cheryl A. Vamos, Rachel Logan, Coralia Vázquez-Otero & Ellen M. Daley
How gay and bisexual men compensate for the lack of meaningful sex education in a socially conservative state / Joseph M. Currin, Randolph D. Hubach, André R. Durham, Katherine E. Kavanaugh, Zachary Vineyard & Julie M. Croff
Educators’ understanding of young children’s typical and problematic sexual behaviour and their training in this area / Lesley-anne Ey, Elspeth McInnes & Lester Irabinna Rigney
Slut-shaming and victim-blaming: a qualitative investigation of undergraduate students’ perceptions of sexual violence / Christine L. Hackman, Sarah E. Pember, Amanda H. Wilkerson, Wanda Burton & Stuart L. Usdan
Empowerment through sex education? Rethinking paradoxical policies / Marijke Naezer, Els Rommes & Willy Jansen
Sex Education, Volume 18, Issue 1, January 2018
HIV knowledge and risk among Zambian adolescent and younger adolescent girls: challenges and solutions / Stefani A. Butts, Annette Kayukwa, Jake Langlie, Violeta J. Rodriguez, Maria L. Alcaide, Ndashi Chitalu, Stephen M. Weiss & Deborah L. Jones
Young people’s expressed needs for Comprehensive Sexuality Education in Ecuadorian schools / Jessica Castillo Nuñez, Ilse Derluyn & Martin Valcke
Collaboration between a child telephone helpline and sexual and reproductive health and rights organisations in Senegal: lessons learned / Ilse Johanna Elisabeth Flink, Solange Marie Odile Mbaye, Simon Richard Baye Diouf, Sophie Baumgartner & Pinar Okur
Development of Long Live Love+, a school-based online sexual health programme for young adults. An intervention mapping approach / Fraukje E. F. Mevissen, Pepijn van Empelen, Anita Watzeels, Gee van Duin, Suzanne Meijer, Sanne van Lieshout & Gerjo Kok
Fathers as sexuality educators: aspirations and realities. An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis / Clare Bennett, Jane Harden & Sally Anstey
Spring fever: process evaluation of a sex and relationships education programme for primary school pupils / Katie V. Newby & Sara Mathieu-Chartier
Probing the politics of comprehensive sexuality education: ‘Universality’ versus ‘Cultural Sensitivity’: a Dutch–Bangladeshi collaboration on adolescent sexuality education / Rahil Roodsaz
Sex Education, Volume 18, Issue 2, March 2018
Educators’ perceptions of learners with intellectual disabilities’ sexual knowledge and behaviour in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa / Paul Chappell, Rebecca Johns, Siphumelele Nene & Jill Hanass-Hancock
Effectiveness of the sexual attitude restructuring curriculum amongst Taiwanese graduate students / Yi-Li Lin & Yen-Chin Lin
‘The Trouble with Normal’: (re)imagining sexuality education with young people / Leanne Coll, Mary O’Sullivan & Eimear Enright
Design, implementation and evaluation of school-based sexual health education in sub-Saharan Africa: a qualitative study of researchers’ perspectives / A. Sadiq Sani, Charles Abraham, Sarah Denford & Catherine Mathews
Mixed messages: inconsistent sexual scripts in Australian teenage magazines and implications for sexual health practices / Melanie C. Burns
MenCare+ in South Africa: findings from a gender transformative young men’s group education on sexual and reproductive health and rights / Harald Kedde, Kerryn Rehse, Giovanni Nobre & Wessel van den Berg
A sex education programme for mothers in Iran: Does preschool children’s sex education influence mothers’ knowledge and attitudes? / Jeno Martin, Hedyeh Riazi, Armin Firoozi & Maliheh Nasiri
Sex Education, Volume 18, Issue 3, May 2018: Schooling and Sexualities - Twenty Years on
Editorial Introduction: Schooling and sexualities: twenty years on / Emma Charlton, lisahunter & Maria Pallotta-Chiarolli
‘I use any pronouns, and I’m questioning everything else’: transgender youth and the issue of gender pronouns / Hayley McGlashan & Katie Fitzpatrick
Young bisexual women’s experiences in secondary schools: “Not everyone’s straight so why are they only teaching that?” / Mary-Anne McAllum
Contesting consent in sex education / Jen Gilbert
Primary masculinities: how male teachers are regarded as employees within primary education – a global systematic literature review / Ian Davis & Stephen Hay
An affective politics of sexual harassment at school in the 21st century: Schooling and Sexualities twenty years later / Leanne Higham
Not yet queer, here and now for sexualities and schooling / Leanne Coll & Emma Charlton.
Sex Education, Volume 18, Issue 4, July 2018: Trans Youth in Education
Editorial Introduction: Naming new realities: supporting trans youth in education / Julia Sinclair-Palm & Jen Gilbert
“The student drives the car, right?”: trans students and narratives of decision-making in schools / Hélène Frohard-Dourlent
Sex and gender in transition in US schools: ways forward /
sj Miller, Cris Mayo & Catherine A. Lugg
Sexua-romanticised pathways of transmasculine college students in the USA / T. J. Jourian
Transgender young people’s narratives of intimacy and sexual health: implications for sexuality education / Damien W. Riggs & Clare Bartholomaeus
Finding possibilities in the impossible: a celebratory narrative of trans youth experiences in the Southeastern USA / Stephanie Anne Shelton & Aryah O. S. Lester
Community support programme: support for Chinese trans* students experiencing genderism / Diana Kan Kwok
‘More than boy, girl, male, female’: exploring young people’s views on gender diversity within and beyond school contexts / Sara Bragg, Emma Renold, Jessica Ringrose & Carolyn Jackson
New trans* visibilities: working the limits and possibilities of gender at school / Aoife Neary
Teachers’ professional learning to affirm transgender, non-binary, and gender-creative youth: experiences and recommendations from the field / Elizabeth J. Meyer & Bethy Leonardi
Advocacy for gender minority students: recommendations for school counsellors / Jack D. Simons, Matthew J. Beck, Nancy R. Asplund, Christian D. Chan & Rebekah Byrd
Trump, trans students and transnational progress / Tiffany Jones
Sex Education, Volume 18, Issue 5, September 2018;
Breaking out of the (anti)bullying ‘box’: NYC educators discuss trans/gender diversity-inclusive policies and curriculum / Jacqueline Ullman
Parents’ and teachers’ attitudes, objections and expectations towards sexuality education in primary schools in Austria / Claudia Depauli & Wolfgang PlauteUntangling the conflation of ‘young adults’ and ‘young people’ in STI and sexual health policy and sex education / Natalie A. Hendry, Graham Brown, Marina Carman, Jeanette Ellard, Jack Wallace & Gary W. DowsettCulture and sexuality in Finnish health education textbooks / Veronika Honkasalo
Showing puberty: overcoming the taboo in children’s television / Yuval Gozansky
Intensifying the burden: the implications of individual responsibility messages in HIV public service announcements aimed at Black women / Angelica Morris & Lee Ann KahlorThe lived ethics of abstinence: Christian young men’s experiences of romantic relationships / Joshua Michael Heyes & Tonie StolbergSexuality education in New Zealand: a policy for social justice? / Katie Fitzpatrick.
Sex Education, Volume 19, Issue 3, May 2019;
Rethinking sexual agency: proposing a multicomponent model based on young people’s life stories / Marianne Cense
Navigating a bumpy road. Developing sexuality education that supports young people’s sexual agency / Marianne Cense
Towards comprehensive sexuality education: a comparative analysis of the policy environment surrounding school-based sexuality education in Ghana, Peru, Kenya and Guatemala /Christine Panchaud, Sarah C. Keogh, Melissa Stillman, Kofi Awusabo-Asare, Angélica Motta, Estelle Sidze & Ana Silvia Monzón
Not by CSE alone… Furthering reflections on international cooperation in sex education /Ine Vanwesenbeeck, Ilse Flink, Miranda van Reeuwijk & Judith Westeneng
Educating queer sexual citizens? A feminist exploration of bisexual and queer young women’s sex education in Tasmania, Australia / Ruby Grant & Meredith Nash
Legitimating sex education through children’s picture books in China / Jennifer Yameng Liang & Wendy L. Bowcher
Training educators to support sexual minority students: views of Chinese teachers / Diana K. Kwok.
Sex Education, Volume 19, Issue 4, July 2019. Special issue: Sex, Sexuality and Education in South Africa
Introductions: Sex, sexuality and education in South Africa / Deevia Bhana, Mary Crewe & Peter Aggleton
Teenage girls negotiating femininity in the context of sexually explicit materials / Nicci Carboni & Deevia Bhana
Passing through professionalism: South African Black male teachers and same-sex desire / Thabo Msibi
What does the teaching and learning of sexuality education in South African schools reveal about counter-normative sexualities? / Dennis A. Francis
Sexuality education in South African schools: deconstructing the dominant response to young people’s sexualities in contemporary schooling contexts / Sisa Ngabaza & Tamara Shefer
‘Kasi curriculum’: what young men learn and teach about sex in a South African township / Rebecca Hodes & Lesley Gittings
South African contributions to LGBTI education issues / Tiffany Jones
Learners’ perspectives on Life Orientation sexuality education in South Africa / Emmanuel Mayeza & Louise Vincent
Feminine sexual desire and shame in the classroom: an educator’s constructions of and investments in sexuality education / Lisa Saville Young, Dale Moodley & Catriona Ida Macleod
Using photovoice to engage orphans to explore sexual violence in and around a township secondary school in South Africa / Ndumiso Daluxolo Ngidi & Relebohile Moletsane.
Sex Education, Volume 20, Issue 1, January 2020;
Effectiveness of undergraduate human sexuality courses in enhancing women’s sexual functioning / Hannah Warshowsky, Della V. Mosley, Elizabeth A. Mahar & Laurie Mintz
Institutional and contextual obstacles to sexuality education policy implementation in Uganda / Anna B. Ninsiima, Gily Coene, Kristien Michielsen, Solome Najjuka, Elizabeth Kemigisha, Gad Ndaruhutse Ruzaaza, Viola N. Nyakato & Els Leye
Comprehensive sexuality education weakens the effect of in-group bias on trust and fairness / Rui Su, Lingfeng Guo, Honghong Tang, Peixia Ye, Shen Zhang, Yao Xiao, Wenli Liu & Chao Liu
Homophobic and transphobic bullying within the school community in Cyprus: a thematic analysis of school professionals’, parents’ and children’s experiences / Zoe Apostolidou
Beyond porn literacy: drawing on young people’s pornography narratives to expand sex education pedagogies / Alanna Goldstein
Responding to problematic sexual behaviours of primary school children: supporting care and education staff / Elspeth McInnes & Lesley-Anne Ey
Short Report: Adolescent perspectives on addressing teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections in the classroom and beyond / Christopher M. Fisher, Lucille Kerr, Paulina Ezer, Aja D. Kneip Pelster, Jason D. Coleman & Melissa Tibbits
Reasons students at a US University do or do not enrol in a human sexuality course / Bruce M. King, Alexandra E. Scott, Elizabeth M. Van Doorn, Emily E. Abele & Meredith E. McDevitt
Assessment of a medical student led sex education curriculum for at risk US 9th graders aged 14–15 years.
Sex Education, Volume 20, Issue 2, March 2020;
Measuring the quality of sexuality education implementation at the school level in low- and middle-income countries / Sarah C. Keogh, Melissa Stillman, Ellie Leong, Kofi Awusabo-Asarehttps://orcid.org/0000-0003-3633-6668, Estelle Sidze, Ana Silvia Monzón & Angelica Motta
The European Union as a child molester: sex education on pro-Russian websites / Lucie Jarkovská
Strategies for inclusion and equality – ‘norm-critical’ sex education in Sweden / Jenny Bengtsson & Eva Bolander
Stakeholder perceptions of relationships and sexuality education, backlash and health services in a rural town / Carl W. Heslop, Sharyn Burns & Roanna Lobo
Engaging young working class men in the delivery of sex and relationships education / Sally Brown & Fiona McQueen
Perspectives of Ecuadorean teachers and students on the importance of addressing comprehensive sexuality education / Jessica Castillo, Ilse Derluyn, Elena Jerves & Martin Valcke
High-risk adolescents’ sexuality education preferences based on Hispanic ethnicity / Sarah B. Maness, Kelly L. Wilson, Erika L. Thompson, Brittany L. Rosen & Taylor Zingg
Perspectives of rape-prevention educators on the role of consent in sexual violence prevention / Melanie Beres.
Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning. (2001). Volume 1 Issue 1.
Men Teachers and the Construction of Heterosexual Masculinity in the Classroom / Becky Francis; Christine Skelton (9-21)
Sex Education in the New Zealand Primary School: a tangled skein of morality, religion, politics and the law / John A. Clark (23-30)
Sex Education - the issues when working with boys / Gillian L. S. Hilton (31-41).
Telling Them Their Own Stories: legitimizing sexual and reproductive health education in rural Bangladesh / Kathleen Cash; Sharful Islam Khan; Hashima -E- Nasreen; Abbas Bhuiya; Sadia Chowdhury; A. Mushtaque; R. Chowdhury (43-57).
‘Living in Different Worlds’: gender differences in the developing sexual values and attitudes of primary school children / J. Mark Halstead; Susan Waite (59-76).
‘Who Guards the Guards in Schools?’ A Study of Reported Cases of Child Abuse by Teachers in Zimbabwean Secondary Schools / Almon Shumba (77-86).
School-based Sex Education in Russia: the current reality and prospects / Boris Yu. Shapiro (87-96).
Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning. (2001). Volume 1 Issue 2.
Closing Sex Education’s Knowledge/Practice Gap: the reconceptualisation of young people’s sexual knowledge / Louisa Allen (109-122).
The Internal Triangle: self, peers and society in boys’ identity formation with implications for sexual health education / Barbara M. Walker (123-136
Leisure Activities and Adolescent Sexual Behaviour / O. B. A. Van Den Akker; S. Lees (137-147).
The Role of External Professionals in Education about Sexual Orientationótowards good practice / Nicola Douglas; Sophie Kemp; Peter Aggleton; Ian Warwick (149-162).
Family and Sex Education: a survey of parental attitudes / Alexandros Kakavoulis (163-174)
Teaching Sexuality Education in High Schools: what qualities do Australian teachers value? / Jan Milton; Linda Berne; Judith Peppard; Wendy Patton; Lynne Hunt; Sue Wright (175-186).
Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning. (2001). Volume 1 Issue 3.
Sexuality Education across the Lifecycle in the New Millennium / Juliette D. G. Goldman; Graham L. Bradley (197-217).
Without Sex Education: exploring the social and sexual vulnerabilities of rural Bangladeshi girls and boys / Kathleen Cash Hashima-E-Nasreen; Ayesha Aziz; Abbas Bhuiya; A. Mushtaque; R. Chowdhury; Sadia Chowdhury (219-233).
Moral Democratic Education and Homosexuality: censoring morality’ by John Petrovic: a rejoinder / John Beck (235-244).
So Many Bricks in the Wall: young women in Nova Scotia speak about barriers to school-based sexual health education / Donald Langille; David MacKinnon; Emily Marshall; Janice Graham (245-257).
The Hybrid Construction of Sexuality in Mexico and its Impact on Sex Education / Ana Amuchstegui Herrera (259-277).
Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning. (2002). Volume 2 Issue 1.
Sex, Pregnancy, and Contraception-related Motivators and Barriers among Latino and African-American Youth in Washington, DC / Sigrid J. Aarons; Renee R. Jenkins (5-30).
A Multidimensional Approach to Sexual Education / Debbie Mabray; Bill J. Labauve (31-44).
Sexual Harassment of College Students by Lecturers in Zimbabwe / Almon Shumba; Antony Erinas Masiki Matina (45-59).
The Things Girls Shouldn’t See: relocating the penis in sex education in Hong Kong / P. Sik Ying Ho; A. Ka Tat Tsang (61-73).
Sexuality in the Science Classroom: one teacher’s methods in a college biology course / Anne-Marie Scholer (75-86).
Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning. (2002). Volume 2 Issue 2.
Reflexive Practice: the relationship between social research and health promotion in HIV prevention / Susan Kippax; Paul Kinder (91-104).
‘If you say to them that they have to use condoms, some of them might use them. It is like drinking alcohol or smoking’: an educational intervention with Japanese senior high school students / Genaro Castro-Vzquez; Izumi Kishi (105-117).
Education for Diversity in a Multisexual Society: negotiating the contradictions of contemporary discourse / Elizabeth Atkinson (119-132)
Values, Obligations and ‘Good Lives’: how useful is bioethics to sex educators? / Peter Duncan (133-144).
Promoting Democracy and Overcoming Heterosexism: and never the twain shall meet? / John E. Petrovic (145-154).
Out of Harmony on the Cherokee Boundary: clinics, culture and the sex ed curriculum / James T. Sears (155-169).
What are Little Boys Made Of, Made Of? Victorian Art and the Formation of Gender / Nicholas Addison (171-182).
Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning. (2002). Volume 2 Issue 3.
A Comparison of Students’ Evaluations of a Peer-delivered Sex Education Programme and Teacher-led Provision / Simon Forrest; Vicki Strange; Ann Oakley (195-214).
Sexing the Subject: teachers, pedagogies and sex education / Mary Jane Kehily (215-231).
The Salience and Utility of School Sex Education to Young Women / Katie Buston; Daniel Wight (233-250).
Get Your Freak on: how black girls sexualise identity / Debbie Weekes (251-262).
‘It’s Just Really Hard to Come to Terms With’: young people’s views on homosexuality / Sue Sharpe (263-277).
From research to practice / Simon Blake (279-282).
Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning. (2003). Volume 3 Number 1, April.
HIV/AIDS School-based Education in Selected Asia-Pacific Countries / Gary Smith, Susan Kippax A1, Peter Aggleton, Paul Tyrer.
Can Sex Education be Practical? / John Wilson.
Listening to the Boys: English boys’ views on the desirable characteristics of teachers of sex education / Gillian L. S. Hilton.
Power, Bodies and Identity: how different forms of physical education construct varying masculinities and femininities in secondary schools / Carrie Paechter.
The Trouble of Teen Sex: the construction of adolescent sexuality through school-based sexuality education / Laina Y. Bay-Cheng.
Peer Risk Behavior and Denial of HIV/AIDS Among Adolescents / Hasida Ben-Zur.
Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning. (2003). Volume 3 Number 2, July.
Embodied [by] Dance: adolescent de/constructions of body, sex and gender in physical education / Libby Balter Blume.
Moving and Belonging: dance, sport and sexuality / Michael Gard.
What Does Puberty Mean to Adolescents? Teaching and learning about bodily development / Joseph A. Diorio, Jenny Munro.
The Hostile Vagina: reading vaginal discourse in a school health text / Kim J. Elliott.
Bodies That Matter: transgenderism, innocence and the politics of ‘unprofessional’ pedagogy / Kristen V. Luschen, Lesley Bogad.
Resume in Motion: sensory self-awareness through movement / Carol A. Mullen, Mary Beth Cancienne.
Interrupting Discourses Around Gender Through Collective Memory Work and Collaborative Curriculum Research in Middle School / Kiran D. Purohit, Christopher Walsh.
Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning. (2003). Volume 3 Number 3, November.
Thinking About ‘Sex’ in Education / Myra J. Hird.
Developing Relationships Between Sexual Health Clinics and Schools: more than clinic nurses doing sex education sessions? / Paula Baraitser, Frances Dolan, Sarah Cowley.
Young Gay Men and HIV/AIDS: towards a contextual understanding of sexual risk / Ian Warwick, Nicola Douglas, Peter Aggleton, Paul Boyce.
A Quantitative Survey of Knowledge of Reproductive Health Issues of 12-14-year-old Girls of Different Ethnic and Religious Backgrounds in Iran: implications for education / Mohsen Tavakol, Sima Torabi, Cathy Gibbons.
Primary School Sex Education Programs: views and experiences of teachers in four primary schools in Sydney, Australia / Jan Milton.
The Impact of a Human Sexuality College Course According to Gender: comparisons of the 1970s and the 1990s / Annie Laura Cotton.
Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning. (2004). Volume 4 Number 1.
Reading pornography / Simon Hardy (3-18).
Sexuality education: how children of lesbian mothers ‘learn’ about sex/uality / Jacqui Gabb (19-34).
Visualizing the politics of innocence in the age of AIDS / Claudia Mitchell; Shannon Walsh; June Larkin (35-47).
Sex education, state policy and the principle of mutual consent / Jan Steutel; Ben Spiecker (49-62).
Notions of sex, sexuality and relationships among adolescent boys in rural southeastern Nigeria / Otutubikey C. Izugbara (63-79).
Crossing ‘boundaries’ with the collective girl: a poetic intervention into sex education / Susanne Gannon (81-99).
Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning. (2004). Volume 4 Number 3.
Doing it by the book: natural tales of marriage and sex in contemporary Chinese marriage manuals / Joanna McMillan (203-215).
‘Miss, you’re so gay.’ Queer stories from trainee teachers / David Nixon; Nick Givens (217-237).
Parents and sex educationólooking†beyond ‘the birds and the bees’ / Joy Walker (239-254).
Perceptions of communication and education about sexuality among Muslim immigrant girls in the US / Aida Orgocka (255-271).
Learning to be a woman: feminist theological reflections on sex education in church schools / Lisa Isherwood (273-283).
Pupils’ participation in sex education lessons: understanding variation across classes / Katie Buston; Daniel Wight (285-301).
What really matters in family communication about sexuality? A†qualitative analysis of affect and style among African American mothers and adolescent daughters / Erika I. Pluhar; Peter Kuriloff (303-321).
Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning. (2004). Volume 4 Number 2, July;
Sex and relationship education and the media: an analysis of national and regional newspaper coverage in England / P. Kingori, K. Wellings, R. French, R. Kane, M. Gerressu, J. Stephenson.
Sex education and human rights--a lawyer’s perspective / Peter Cumper.
It’s important to be nice, but it’s nicer to be important: girls, popularity and sexual competition / Neil Duncan.
Young people’s views of sex education: gender, information and knowledge / Lynda Measor.
Celebrating the achievements of sex and relationship peer educators: the development of an assessment process / Debbie Morgan, Jonathan Robbins, John Tripp.
‘You realise it could happen to you’: the benefits to pupils of young mothers delivering school sex education / Judi Kidger.
Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning. (2005). Volume 5 Issue 1.
Polish adolescents and their beliefs and attitudes to HIV/AIDS and sexual relationships / Maria Gaczak; Anna Boro-Kaczmarska; Magdalena Leszczyszyn-Pynka; Zbigniew Szych (1-14).
The control of sexuality in the early British Boy Scouts movement / Sam Pryke (15-28).
Orgasm and lesbian sociality / Agnes Bols (29-48).
Being open with your mouth shut: the meaning of ‘openness’ in family communication about sexuality / Maggie Kirkman; Doreen A. Rosenthal; S. Shirley Feldman (49-66).
Maternal sexuality and breastfeeding / Alison Bartlett (67-77).
Student teachers’ learning about child sexual abuse strategies for primary school: an exploratory study of surface and deep learning / Juliette D. G. Goldman (79-92).
The role of teachers in sex education and the prevention and control of HIV/AIDS in Nigeria / Daniel C. Oshi; Sarah Nakalema (93-104).
Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning. (2005). Volume 5 Number 2, May.
Frequently but naturally: William Michael Duane, Kenneth Charles Barnes and teachers as innovators in sex(uality) education in English adolescent schooling: c. 1945-1965 / David Limond.
Sex instruction and the construction of homosexuality in New Zealand, 1920-1965 / Chris Brickell.
A needs assessment in South Wales schools for a novel medical student?led sex education programme / Twine, I. J. RobbÈ, S. Forrest, S. Davies.
School sex education: policy and practice in England 1870 to 2000 / Jane Pilcher. School-based sex education policies and indicators of sexual health among young people: a comparison of the Netherlands, France, Australia and the United States / Heather Weaver, Gary Smith, Susan Kippax.
Pedagogical design considerations in sex education on interactive multimedia using CD-Rom: an example of sexual intercourse / Juliette D. G. Goldman, Geraldine Torrisi-Steele
Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning. (2005). Volume 5 Number 3, August;
Sex education in Northern Ireland schools: a critical evaluation / Bill Rolston, Dirk Schubotz, Audrey Simpson.
Accrediting success: evaluation of a pilot professional development scheme for teachers of sex and relationship education / Ian Warwick, Peter Aggleton, Kim Rivers.
Desire as interruption: young women and sexuality education in Ontario, Canada / Erin Connell.
‘I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore’: a British gay educator’s reconstructed life-history account of school / Mark Vicars.
A study of the implementation of sex education in Hong Kong secondary schools / Fok Shui Che.
Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning. (2005). Volume 5 Number 4, November;
Effects and effectiveness in sex and relationships education / Peter Aggleton, Mary Crewe.
Evaluating the need for sex education in developing countries: sexual behaviour, knowledge of preventing sexually transmitted infections/HIV and unplanned pregnancy / Susheela Singh, Akinrinola Bankole, Vanessa Woog.
Sexuality and relationships education: toward a social studies approach.
Deborah Rogow, Nicole Haberland.
Analysing sexual experiences through ‘scenes’: a framework for the evaluation of sexuality education / Vera Paiva.
Meaningful evaluation of sex and relationship education / Susan Kippax, Niamh Stephenson.
‘We didn’t cover that at school’: education against pleasure or education for pleasure? / Roger Ingham.
‘Say everything’: exploring young people’s suggestions for improving sexuality education / Louisa Allen.
Research and evaluation in sexuality education: an allegorical exploration of complexities and possibilities / Ronald W. Morris.
Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning. (2006). Volume 6 Number 3.
Guy talk: contesting masculinities in HIV prevention education with Canadian youth / June Larkin; Amy Andrews; Claudia Mitchell (207-221).
An acquaintance rape education program for students transitioning to high school / Karen E. Fay; Frederic J. Medway (223-236).
Learning about domestic violence: young people’s responses to a Healthy Relationships programme / Jo Bell; Nicky Stanley (237-250).
In the eyes of the beholder: student interpretations of sexuality lessons / Liahna E. Gordon; Lyndall Ellingson (251-264).
Scandalous stories and dangerous liaisons: when female pupils and male teachers fall in love / Pat Sikes (265-280).
Random behaviour or rational choice? Family planning, teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections / David Paton (281-308).
Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning. (2006). Volume 6 Number 1.
Secrets and lies: sex education and gendered memories of childhood’s end in an Australian provincial city, 1930s-1950s / Josephine May (1-15).
Sexuality and human reproduction: a study of scientific knowledge, behaviours and beliefs of Portuguese future elementary school teachers / Lusa Veiga; Filomena Teixeira; Isabel Martins; Antnio Melio-Silvestre (17-29).
Sex and relationship education for 13-16 year olds: evidence from England / Vicki Strange; Simon Forrest; Ann Oakley; Judith Stephenson; the RIPPLE Study Team (31-46).
A comprehensive sex education approach for HIV testing and counselling / Hilde Colpin (47-59).
The ‘right kind of man’: the ambiguities of regendering the key stage one environment / Deborah Jones (61-76)
Schools’ fulfilment of sex and relationship education documentation: three school-based case studies / Karen M. Corteen (77-99).
Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning. (2006). Volume 6 Number 2, May;
‘When you come to it you feel like a dork asking a guy to put a condom on’: is sex education addressing young people’s understandings of risk? / Gillian Abel, Lisa Fitzgerald.
Short skirts and breast juts: cheerleading, eroticism and schools / Pamela J. Bettis, Natalie Guice Adams.
The salience and utility of school sex education to young men / Katie Buston, Daniel Wight.
Knowledge of secondary school pupils regarding sexual health education / Jo Westwood, Barbara Mullan.
Preventing sexually transmitted infections among adolescents: an assessment of ecological approaches and study methods / Jean A. Shoveller, Joy L. Johnson, DaphnÉ M. Savoy, W. A. Wia Pietersma.
Validity of a scale to measure teachers’ attitudes towards sex education / Maria Helena de Almeida Reis, Duarte GonÁalo Rei Vilar.
You sing like a girl? An exploration of ‘boyness’ through the treble voice / Martin Ashley.
Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning. (2006). Volume 6 Number 4, November.
Special Issue: Cultural aspects of sex/sexuality education.
Reframing sex education / Judy Hemingway.
Having a real debate’: using media as a resource in sex education / Sara Bragg.
The sound of silence: talking about sexual orientation and schooling / RenÉe DePalma, Elizabeth Atkinson.
Acknowledging the gap between sex education and the lived experiences of young people: a discussion of Paula Rego’s The Pillowman. (2004). and other cautionary tales / Nicholas Addison.
Sex and the cinema: what American Pie teaches the young / Sharyn Pearce.
Loving with irony: young Bombay viewers discuss clothing, sex and their encounters with media / Shakuntala Banaji.
Condom use: a culture of resistance / Lynda Measor.
Transgender and art in the school curriculum / Rebecca Dittman, Pam Meecham.
Teachers’ and parents’ roles in the sexuality education of primary school children: a comparison of experiences in Leeds, UK and in Sydney, Australia / Joy Walker, Jan Milton.
Sexual learning and the seaside: relocating the ‘dirty weekend’ and teenage girls’ sexuality / Judy Hemingway
Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning. (2007). Volume 7 Number 2.
Saving Sex for Later: developing a parent-child communication intervention to delay sexual initiation among young adolescents / Lydia O’Donnell; Rene Wilson-Simmons; Kim Dash; Varzi Jeanbaptiste; Athi Myint-U; Jesse Moss; Ann Stueve (107-125).
Development of a sex education programme for 12-year-old to 14-year-old Turkish adolescents / Figen Cok; Lizbeth Ann Gray (127-141).
Knowledge and attitudes of secondary school teachers regarding sexual health education in England / Jo Westwood; Barbara Mullan (143-159).
Listening to the boys again: an exploration of what boys want to learn in sex education classes and how they want to be taught / Gillian L. S. Hilton (161-174).
Recent developments in HIV/AIDS prevention for Russian adolescents / Blaine Stothard; Olga Romanova; Larissa Ivanova (175-189).
Gender differences in associations between exposure to school HIV education and protective sexual behaviors and sexually transmitted disease/HIV diagnosis among high school students / Anita Raj; Michele R. Decker; Jessica E. Murray; Jay G. Silverman (191-199).
Pedagogic discourse and sex education: myths, science and subversion / Gabrielle Ivinson (201-216).
Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning. (2007). Volume 7 Number 3.
Exclusion from school: teenage pregnancy and the denial of education / Marie Lall (219-237).
The language of the right: sex education debates in South Australia / Sally Gibson (239-250).
Breaking the taboo: an exploration of female university students’ experiences of attending a feminist-informed sex education course / Julie Askew (251-264).
Attitudes of parents and health promoters in Greece concerning sex education of adolescents / Paraskevi-Sofia Kirana; Evangelia Nakopoulou; Ioanna Akrita; Stamatis Papaharitou (265-276).
An evaluation of health and sexuality education in Turkish elementary school curricula / Fatma Haz?r B?kmaz; Duygu S. Gler (277-292).
Preferences towards sex education and information from an ethnically diverse sample of young people / L. Coleman; A. Testa (293-307).
Advice for sex advisors: a guide for ‘agony aunts’, relationship therapists and sex educators who want to work with the media / Petra M. Boynton (309-326).
The International Platform of Sexuality & Relationship Education / initiated by Yuri Ohlrichs (The Netherlands), Sara Nasserzadeh (UK/Iran) and Maryanne Doherty (Canada) (331-332).
Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning. (2007). Volume 7 Number 4.
Developing and testing a sex education program for the female clients of health centers in Iran / Khosro Refaie Shirpak; Hassan Eftekhar Ardebili; Kazem Mohammad; Eleanor Maticka-Tyndale; Maryam Chinichian; Ali Ramenzankhani; Akbar Fotouhi (333-349).
Unwilling brides: ‘phallic attack’ as a barrier to gender balance in higher education in Nigeria / Charles E. Nwadigwe (351-369).
Zina and the enigma of sex education for Indonesian Muslim youth / Linda Rae Bennett (371-386).
Sex education, homosexuality, and social contestation in 1970s New Zealand / Chris Brickell (387-406).
Young people’s concerns about sex: unsolicited questions to a teenage radio talkback programme over three years / Melissa Kang; Susan Quine (407-420).
Motivational aspects of community support for school-based comprehensive sexuality education / Norman A. Constantine; Jana Kay Slater; Julie Carroll (421-439).
Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning. (2007). Volume 7 Number 1.
On (not) representing sex in preschool and kindergarten: a psychoanalytic reflection on orders and hints / Colette A. Granger (1-15).
Sex education in multicultural Norway / Tiffany Bartz (17-33).
Lessons learnt from a secondary school Sex Education Program in Portugal / Ana Paula Sousa; Isabel Soares; Duarte Vilar (35-45).
Risking a relation: sex education and adolescent development / Jen Gilbert (47-61).
The discourses of sexuality in curriculum documents on sexuality education: an Australian case study / Cathleen Farrelly; Maureen O’Brien; Vaughan Prain (63-80).
Sexuality and relationships education in the Greek primary schoolsósee no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil / Margarita Gerouki (81-100).
In defence of the opposite sex: a reply to Goldman and Collier / Michael Hand (101-104).
Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning. (2007). Volume 8 Number 1.
Sex in the curriculum: the effect of a multi-modal sexual history-taking module on medical student skills / Stacy Tessler Lindau; Katie G. Goodrich; Sara A. Leitsch; Sandy Cook.
HIV/AIDS information needs of sexually transmitted infection clinic patients: content analysis of questions asked during prevention counseling / Seth C. Kalichman; Demetria Cain; Joanna Knecht; Justin Hill.
Evaluation of a school-based sex education programme delivered to Grade Nine students in Canada / Lisa Smylie; Eleanor Maticka-Tyndale; Dana Boyd.
Frequency of sex after an intervention to decrease sexual risk-taking among African-American adolescent girls: results of a randomized, controlled clinical trial / Robin R. Milhausen; Ralph J. DiClemente; Delia L. Lang; Josh S. Spitalnick; Jessica McDermott Sales; James W. Hardin.
Beliefs of professional and family caregivers about the sexuality of individuals with intellectual disabilities: examining beliefs using a Q-methodology approach / Randel D. Brown; Trace Pirtle.
Sex education in rural schools in the United States: impact of rural educators’ community identities / Lynn Blinn-Pike.
A matter of facts… and more: an exploratory analysis of the content of sexuality education in The Netherlands / Rebecca M. Ferguson; Ine Vanwesenbeeck; Trudie Knijn.
Predicting intentions to perform protective sexual behaviours among Norwegian adolescents / Ingri Myklestad; Jostein Rise.
Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning. (2008). Volume 8 Number 2;
Education on sexually transmitted infections: finding common ground among youth, parents, providers and policy advocates / Joan R. Cates.
Stakeholder perceptions and attitudes towards sexual and reproductive health education in Namibia / Pempelani Mufune.
Effect of sexual education on sexual health in Iran / Farnaz Farnam; Minoo Pakgohar; Mandana Mirmohamadali; Mahmood Mahmoodi.
Parents’ views on sexual debut among pre-teen children in Washington, DC / Leslie R. Walker; Allison Rose; Claudia Squire; Helen P. Koo.
Joint-working as a policy for reducing inequalities in access to information: developing culturally appropriate sex and relationships education for young Bangladeshis in London / Teena Fernandez; Jenifer Chapman; Claudia S. Estcourt.
Sex education and ideals / Doret J. de Ruyter; Ben Spiecker.
‘It was as useful as a chocolate kettle’: sex education in the lives of same-sex-attracted young people in Australia / Lynne Hillier; Anne Mitchell.
Educating about homosexuality: what do American Catholics think? / Brenda J. Kirby; Christina Michaelson.
Young Cypriots on sex education: sources and adequacy of information received on sexuality issues / Stalo Lesta; Jeffrey V. Lazarus; Birgitta Essén.
Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning. (2008). Volume 8 Number 3: Place-based sex/sexualities and relationship education.
Taking place seriously: spatial challenges for sex and relationship education / Judy Hemingway.
The doll and pedagogic mediation: teaching children to fear the ‘other’ / Nicholas Addison.
‘Because she was my first girlfriend, I didn’t know any different’: making the case for mainstreaming same-sex sex/relationship education / Catherine Donovan; Marianne Hester.
Young people’s use of friends and family for sex and relationships information and advice / Eryl Powell.
Peer pressure - beyond rhetoric to reality / Claire Maxwell; Elaine Chase.
Speaking the unspeakable in forbidden places: addressing lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender equality in the primary school / Alexandra Allan; Elizabeth Atkinson; Elizabeth Brace; Rene DePalma; Judy Hemingway.
Pushed to the margins - sex and relationships in Greek primary textbooks / Margarita Gerouki.
What does ‘empowerment’ mean in school-based sex and relationships education? / Grace Spencer; Claire Maxwell; Peter Aggleton.
How do national newspapers report on sex and relationship education in England? / Piers Simey; Kaye Wellings.
Reconfiguring the shipping news: maritime’s hidden histories and the politics of gender display / Pam Meecham.
Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning. (2008). Volume 8 Issue 4.
The use of sexually explicit material in clinical, educational and research settings in the United Kingdom and its relation to the development of psychosexual therapy and sex education / Marnie Brewster; Kevan R. Wylie.
Developing sexual competence? Exploring strategies for the provision of effective sexualities and relationships education / Julia Hirst.
Responding to parental objections to school sexuality education: a selection of 12 objections / Juliette D. G. Goldman.
Young offenders in New South Wales, Australia and the need for remedial sexual health education / Grant Mistler; Kristie Kirkwood; Emily Potter; Andrew Cashin.
Regional differences in sexuality education on a state level: the case of Florida / Frank C. Bandiera; William L. Jeffries IV; Brian Dodge; Michael Reece; Debby Herbenick.
The link between the emotional consequences of child sexual abuse and school experiences / Tlakale Nareadi Phasha.
Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning. (2008). Volume 9 Issue 1.
‘Some of those girls can be real drama queens’: issues of gender, sexual harassment and schooling / Amanda Keddie.
The mamas and the papas: the invisible diversity of families with same-sex parents in the United States / Lucy Rimalower; Caren Caty.
‘It’s not who they are it’s what they are like ‘: re-conceptualising sexuality education’s ‘best educator’ debate / Louisa Allen.
Transformative conversations about sexualities pedagogy and the experience of sexual knowing / Lisa Trimble.
Homophobia in medical students of the University of Hong Kong / R. W. M. Kan; K. P. Au; W. K. Chan; L. W. M. Cheung; C. Y. Y. Lam; H. H. W. Liu; L. Y. Ng; M. Y. Wong; W. C. Wong.
Source preferences and the displacement/supplement effect between Internet and traditional sources of sexually transmitted disease and HIV/AIDS information / Hung-Yi Lu.
The effectiveness of participatory theatre with early adolescents in school-based sexuality education / James J. Ponzetti Jr; Jan Selman; Brenda Munro; Shaniff Esmail; Gerald Adams.
Reproductive justice and media framing: a case-study analysis of problematic frames in the popular media / Beth K. Jaworski.
Sex Education. (2019). Volume 19, Issue 3, May;
Rethinking sexual agency: proposing a multicomponent model based on young people’s life stories / Marianne Cense
Navigating a bumpy road. Developing sexuality education that supports young people’s sexual agency / Marianne Cense
Towards comprehensive sexuality education: a comparative analysis of the policy environment surrounding school-based sexuality education in Ghana, Peru, Kenya and Guatemala / Christine Panchaud, Sarah C. Keogh, Melissa Stillman, Kofi Awusabo-Asare, Angélica Motta, Estelle Sidze & Ana Silvia Monzón
Not by CSE alone… Furthering reflections on international cooperation in sex education / Ine Vanwesenbeeck, Ilse Flink, Miranda van Reeuwijk & Judith Westeneng
Educating queer sexual citizens? A feminist exploration of bisexual and queer young women’s sex education in Tasmania, Australia / Ruby Grant & Meredith Nash
Legitimating sex education through children’s picture books in China / Jennifer Yameng Liang & Wendy L. Bowcher
Training educators to support sexual minority students: views of Chinese teachers / Diana K. Kwok.
Sex Education, Volume 19, Issue 6, November 2019
Developing resources to address homophobic and transphobic bullying: a framework incorporating co-design, critical pedagogies, and bullying research / John Fenaughty
‘Everyone knows everyone’: youth perceptions of relationships and sexuality education, condom access and health services in a rural town / Carl W Heslop, Sharyn Burns & Roanna Lobo
Bearing witness: straight students talk about homophobia at school / Louisa Allen
Fifteen years on: the legacy of section 28 for LGBT+ teachers in English schools / Catherine Lee
Intimate partner violence prevention: using interactive drama for intimate relationship education with young people in Samoa / Emma Heard, Lisa Fitzgerald, Sina Vaai, Maxine Whittaker, Tonumaipe‘a J. Aiolupotea, Fiona Collins & Allyson Mutch
Sex educators’ attitudes and intentions towards using sexually explicit material: an application of the theory of planned behaviour / Dana Hack, Stephan Van den Broucke & Emmanuelle Kever.
Sex Education, Volume 19, Issue 5, September 2019;
Effects of a life skills-based sexuality education programme on the life-skills, sexuality knowledge, self-management skills for sexual health, and programme satisfaction of adolescents / Gyu Young Lee & Da Ye Lee
Islamic parents’ attitudes and beliefs towards school-based sexual and reproductive health education programmes in Oman / Omar Al Zaabi, Margaret Heffernan, Eleanor Holroyd & Mervyn Jackson
A critical discourse analysis of sexuality education in the Australian curriculum / Paulina Ezer, Tiffany Jones, Christopher Fisher & Jennifer Power
Laughing to sexual education: feminist pedagogy of laughter as a model for holistic sex-education / Kristen A. Kolenz & Jonathan Branfman
Attitudes towards sexuality information for adolescents: what parents should and should not say / Claudia Pineda Marin, Maria Teresa Munoz Sastre, Diego Alfonso Murcia, Mateo Bernal Castañeda, Angie Briceño Hernández & Etienne Mullet
Australian students’ experiences of sexuality education at school / Paulina Ezer, Lucille Kerr, Christopher M. Fisher, Wendy Heywood & Jayne Lucke
Framing gender identity and sexual orientation: media influence on young men who have sex with men’s health / India D. Rose & Daniela B. Friedman.
Sexuality Research and Social Policy. (2008). Volume 5, Number 3 / September, 2008: Abstinence-only policies and programs.
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