v) Intimate homicide (NEW)

Recent and overview pieces

Corradi, C., and Bandelli, D. (2019). Femicide. In Handbook on Gender and Violence, Ed. L. J. Sheperd. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Dawson, M., & Vega, S.M. (2023). The Routledge International Handbook on Femicide and Feminicide. Routledge.

Di Marco, M. H., & Dawson, M. (2024). Thematic Section: Femicide – a persistence social issue. International Sociology. 

Garcia-Vergara, E., Almeda, N., Martín Ríos, B., Becerra-Alonso, D., & Fernández-Navarro, F. (2022). A comprehensive analysis of factors associated with intimate partner femicide: a systematic review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(12), 7336.

Graham, L. M., Macy, R. J., Rizo, C. F., & Martin, S. L. (2022). Explanatory theories of intimate partner homicide perpetration: A systematic review. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 23(2), 408-427.  

Johnson, H., Eriksson, L., Mazerolle, P., & Wortley, R. (2019). Intimate femicide: The role of coercive control. Feminist Criminology, 14(1), 3-23.

Karlsson, L. C., Antfolk, J., Putkonen, H., Amon, S., da Silva Guerreiro, J., de Vogel, V., ... & Weizmann-Henelius, G. (2021). Familicide: A systematic literature review. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 22(1), 83-98.

Koppa, V., & Messing, J. T. (2021). Can justice system interventions prevent intimate partner homicide? An analysis of rates of help seeking prior to fatality. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36(17-18), 8792-8816.

Marcuello-Servós, C., Corradi, C., Weil, S., & Boira, S. (2016). Femicide: A social challenge. Current Sociology, 64(7), 967-974.

Matias, A., Gonçalves, M., Soeiro, C., & Matos, M. (2020). Intimate partner homicide: A meta-analysis of risk factors. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 50, 101358. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.avb.2019.101358

McLachlan, F., & Harris, B. (2022). Intimate Risks: Examining Online and Offline Abuse, Homicide Flags, and Femicide. Victims & Offenders, 17(5), 623-646. doi:10.1080/15564886.2022.2036658

McPhedran, S., Eriksson, L., Mazerolle, P., & Johnson, H. (2018). Victim-focussed studies of intimate partner femicide: A critique of methodological challenges and limitations in current research. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 39, 61-66.

McPherson, R. (2023). Reflecting on Legal Responses to Intimate Partner Femicide in Scotland. Violence Against Women, 29(3-4), 686-704. doi:10.1177/10778012221094068

Messerschmidt, J. W. (2017). Masculinities and Femicide. Qualitative Sociology Review, 13(3). 

Messing, J. T., AbiNader, M., Bent-Goodley, T., & Campbell, J. (2022). Preventing intimate partner homicide: The long road ahead. Homicide Studies, 26(1), 91-105.

Monckton Smith, J. (2020). Intimate partner femicide: Using Foucauldian analysis to track an eight stage progression to homicide. Violence against women, 26(11), 1267-1285.

Moore, M. D., Heirigs, M. H., & Barnes, A. K. (2021). A state-level analysis of gender inequality on male and female homicide. Crime & Delinquency, 67(12), 1879-1902. 

Reis, C., & Meyer, S.R. (2024). Understudied and underaddressed: femicide, an extreme form of violence against women and girls. PLoS Med. 21(1), e1004336.

Rowlands, J. (2022). Constructing Fatality Review: A Policy Analysis of the Emergence of Domestic Homicide Reviews in England and Wales. Violence Against Women, 28(15-16), 3657-3680. doi:10.1177/10778012211068064

Serpell, B., Sullivan, T., & Doherty, L. (2022). Homicide in Australia 2019–20. Retrieved from Canberra: https://doi.org/10.52922/sr78511

Shackelford, Todd K. (Ed.). (2020). The Sage Handbook of Domestic Violence. Sage.
1: Contesting femicide: Social movements and the politics of men’s violence against female intimate partners / Alison Brysk & Jesilyn Faust
8: Familicide: The killing of spouse and children by men / Marieke Liem
9: Homicide-suicide by men against female intimate partners / Sonia Salari & Carrie Sillito
18: Partner-killing of men by female intimate partners / Bitna Kim
19: Familicide (killing of spouse and children) by women / Margarita Poteyeva
20: Homicide-suicide by Women against Intimate Partners / Wendy C. Regoeczi & Randolph Roth

Smith, E. J., Bailey, B. A., & Cascio, A. (2023). Sexual Coercion, Intimate Partner Violence, and Homicide: A Scoping Literature Review. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 0(0), 15248380221150474. https://doi.org/10.1177/15248380221150474

Smith, J. M. (2021). In control: Dangerous relationships and how they end in murder. Bloomsbury Publishing.

Smith, K. I. (2018). Femicide. In N. Lombard (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Gender and Violence (pp. 158-170). Routledge.

Smithey, M., & Thompson, A. (2022). A cross-national examination of global gender inequality and femicide by intimate partners and family members. Violence and victims, 37(3), 305-325. 

Spencer, C. M., & Stith, S. M. (2020). Risk factors for male perpetration and female victimization of intimate partner homicide: A meta-analysis. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 21(3), 527-540.

Stamatel, J. P. (2018). Money matters: Dissecting the relationship between gender equality and female homicide victimization rates in the European Union. Feminist criminology, 13(5), 435-455. 

Truong, M., Yeganeh, L., Cartwright, A., Ward, E., Ibrahim, J., Cuschieri, D., ... & Bugeja, L. (2023). Domestic/family homicide: A systematic review of empirical evidence. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 24(3), 1908-1928.

Tyson, D. (2020). Coercive Control and Intimate Partner Homicide. In Criminalising Coercive Control: Family Violence and the Criminal Law, Eds M. McMahon and P. McGorrery, pp. 73-92.

Vatnar, S. K. B., Friestad, C., & Bjørkly, S. (2021). Intimate partner homicide. In The Routledge International Handbook of Domestic Violence and Abuse, Eds. Devaney, J., Bradbury-Jones, C., Macy, R. J., Øverlien, C., & Holt (pp. 373-386): Routledge.

Velopulos, C. G., Carmichael, H., Zakrison, T. L., & Crandall, M. (2019). Comparison of male and female victims of intimate partner homicide and bidirectionality—an analysis of the national violent death reporting system. Journal of trauma and acute care surgery, 87(2), 331-336.

Vieraitis, L. M., Britto, S., & Morris, R. G. (2015). Assessing the impact of changes in gender equality on female homicide victimization: 1980-2000. Crime & Delinquency, 61(3), 428-453. 

Violence Policy Center. (2014). When men murder women: An analysis of 2012 homicide data. Washington D.C.: Violence Policy Center.

Walklate, S., & Fitz-Gibbon, K. Re-imagining the measurement of femicide: From ‘thin’ counts to ‘thick’ counts. Current Sociology, 0(0), 00113921221082698. doi:10.1177/00113921221082698

Walklate, S., & Hopkins, A. (2019). Real lives and lost lives: making sense of ‘locked in’ responses to intimate partner homicide. Asian Journal of Criminology, 14(2), 129-143.

Websdale, N. (2017). Trends and Patterns in Intimate Partner Homicide. Domestic Homicides and Death Reviews: An International Perspective, 27-31.

Weil, S. (2016). Making femicide visible. Current Sociology, 64(7), 1124-1137.

Weil, S., & Kouta, C. (2017). Femicide: a glance through qualitative lenses. Qualitative Sociology Review.

Yardley, E. (2021). The killing of women in “sex games gone wrong”: An analysis of femicides in Great Britain 2000–2018. Violence Against Women, 27(11), 1840-1861.

Yardley, E., & Richards, L. (2023). The elephant in the room: Toward an integrated, feminist analysis of mass murder. Violence Against Women, 29(3-4), 752-772.

Zeppegno, P., Gramaglia, C., di Marco, S., Guerriero, C., Consol, C., Loreti, L., ... & Sarchiapone, M. (2019). Intimate partner homicide suicide: A mini-review of the literature (2012–2018). Current Psychiatry Reports, 21(2), 1-16.


Other works

Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety. (2022). Pathways to intimate partner homicide: The “fixated threat” offender trajectory [Fact sheet]. 

ANROWS.Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety. (2022). Pathways to intimate partner homicide: The “persistent and disorderly” offender trajectory [Fact sheet]. ANROWS.

Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety. (2022). Pathways to intimate partner homicide: The “deterioration/acute stressor” offender trajectory [Fact sheet]. ANROWS.

Banks, L., C. Crandall, D. Sklar and M. Bauer (2008). A Comparison of Intimate Partner Homicide to Intimate Partner Homicide-Suicide: One Hundred and Twenty-Four New Mexico Cases. Violence Against Women, 14(9): 1065-1078.

Barnes, Jo. (2000). Murder Followed by Suicide in Australia, 1973-1992: A Research Note. Journal of Sociology, 36(1), March.

Boonzaier, F., Huysamen, M., & van Niekerk, T. (2020). Men from the South: Feminist, decolonial and intersectional perspectives on men, masculinities and intimate partner violence. In Men, Masculinities and Intimate Partner Violence (pp. 52-65): Routledge.

Bows, H., & Herring, J. (2020). Getting Away With Murder? A Review of the ‘Rough Sex Defence’. The Journal of Criminal Law, 84(6), 525-538. doi:10.1177/0022018320936777

Boxall, H., Doherty, L., Lawler, S., Franks, C., & Bricknell, S. (2022). The “Pathways to intimate partner homicide” project: Key stages and events in male-perpetrated intimate partner homicide in Australia (Research report, 04/2022). ANROWS.

Bracewell, K., Jones, C., Haines-Delmont, A., Craig, E., Duxbury, J., & Chantler, K. (2021). Beyond intimate partner relationships: utilising domestic homicide reviews to prevent adult family domestic homicide. Journal of Gender-Based Violence

Bricknell, S. (2023). Homicide in Australia 2020–21. Statistical Report no. 42. Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology. https://doi.org/10.52922/sr78979

Bridger, E., Strang, H., Parkinson, J., & Sherman, L. W. (2017). Intimate partner homicide in England and Wales 2011–2013: Pathways to prediction from multi-agency domestic homicide reviews. Cambridge Journal of Evidence-Based Policing, 1(2), 93-104.

Caman, S., Howner, K., Kristiansson, M., & Sturup, J. (2016). Differentiating male and female intimate partner homicide perpetrators: A study of social, criminological and clinical factors. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 15(1), 26-34.

Caman, S., Kristiansson, M., Granath, S., & Sturup, J. (2017). Trends in rates and characteristics of intimate partner homicides between 1990 and 2013. Journal of Criminal Justice, 49, 14-21.

Campbell, J. K., Rothman, E. F., Shareef, F., & Siegel, M. B. (2019). The Relative Risk of Intimate Partner and Other Homicide Victimization by State-Level Gender Inequity in the United States, 2000–2017. Violence and Gender, 6(4), 211-218. doi:10.1089/vio.2019.0023

Carcach, Carlos, and Marianne James. (1998). Homicide Between Intimate Partners in Australia. Trends and Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice, No. 90, July. Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology.

Chang, Jeani, Cynthia J. Berg, Linda E. Saltzman, and Joy Herndon. (2005). Homicide: A Leading Cause of Injury Deaths Among Pregnant and Postpartum Women in the United States, 1991-1999. American Journal of Public Health, March, Vol. 95, Iss. 3.

Cook, E.A., Walklate, S., & Fitz-Gibbon, K. (2022). Re-imagining what counts as femicide. Current Sociology, 0(0), 00113921221106502. doi:10.1177/00113921221106502

Cookson, T.P., Fuentes, L., & Bitterly, J. (2024). Addressing gender-based violence through social protection: A scoping review. Development in Practice. 

Corradi, C., Marcuello-Servós, C., Boira, S., & Weil, S. (2016). Theories of femicide and their significance for social research. Current Sociology, 64(7), 975-995.

Cullen, P., Dawson, M., Price, J., & Rowlands, J. (2021). Intersectionality and invisible victims: Reflections on data challenges and vicarious trauma in Femicide, family and intimate partner homicide research. Journal of Family Violence, 1-10.

Cullen, P., Vaughan, G., Li, Z., Price, J., Yu, D., & Sullivan, E. (2019). Counting dead women in Australia: An in-depth case review of femicide. Journal of Family Violence, 34(1), 1-8.

Cussen, T., & Bryant, W. (2015). Domestic/family homicide in Australia. Research in Practice: No. 38 May 2015. Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology.

Daw, J., Halliwell, G., Hay, S., & Jacob, S. (2022). “You don’t notice it, it’s like boiling water”: Identifying psychological abuse within intimate partner relationships and how it develops across a domestic homicide timeline. Current Psychology. doi:10.1007/s12144-022-03103-0

Dawson, M. (2016). Punishing femicide: Criminal justice responses to the killing of women over four decades. Current Sociology, 64(7), 996-1016.

Dawson, M., & Carrigan, M. (2021). Identifying femicide locally and globally: Understanding the utility and accessibility of sex/gender-related motives and indicators. Current Sociology, 69(5), 682-704.

Dawson, M., & Vega, S.M. (2023). The Routledge International Handbook on Femicide and Feminicide. Routledge.

Di Marco, M. H., & Dawson, M. (2024). Thematic Section: Femicide – a persistence social issue. International Sociology. 

Di Marco, M. H., & Evans, D. P. (2020). Society, Her or Me? An Explanatory Model of Intimate Femicide Among Male Perpetrators in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Feminist Criminology, 0(0), 1557085120964572. doi:10.1177/1557085120964572

Domestic, A., & Family Violence Death Review Network, A. A. s. N. R. O. f. W. s. S. (2022). Intimate partner violence homicides 2010–2018: Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety.

Dugan, L., D.S. Nagin, and R. Rosenfeld. (2003). Exposure Reduction or Retaliation? The Effects of Domestic Violence Resources on Intimate-Partner Homicide. Law & Society Review, 37(1): 169-198.

Dugan, Laura, Daniel S. Nagin, and Richard Rosenfeld. (1999). Explaining the Decline in Intimate Partner Homicide: The Effects of Changing Domesticity, Women’s Status, and Domestic Violence Resources. Homicide Studies, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 187-214, August.

Easteal, Patricia W. (1993). Homicide Between Adult Sexual Intimates: A Research Agenda. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 26(1), pp. 3-18.

Easteal, Patricia W. (1993). Killing the Beloved: Homicide Between Adult Sexual Intimates. Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology.

Easteal, Patricia W. (1994). Homicide between Adult Sexual Intimates: Implications for Prevention. Studies on Crime and Crime Prevention, 3: 24-40.

Easteal, Patricia W. (1994). Sexual Intimate Homicides Involving Overseas-Born in Australia: The Tip of the Domestic Violence iceberg?. Australian Journal of Social Issues, 29(3), August.

Elliott, J. E., & Romero, D. E. (2022). Intimate Partner Homicide and Recommendations for Counselors. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 44(4), 283-296.

Emerson Dobash, R., & Dobash, R. P. (2011). What were they thinking? Men who murder an intimate partner. Violence Against Women, 17(1), 111-134.

Enander, V., Krantz, G., Lövestad, S., & Örmon, K. (2022). The killing and thereafter: intimate partner homicides in a process perspective, part II. Journal of Gender-Based Violence, 6(3), 501-517.

Enander, V., Krantz, G., Lysell, H., & Örmon, K. (2021). Before the killing: intimate partner homicides in a process perspective, Part I. Journal of Gender-Based Violence, 5(1), 59-74. 

Forrest, W. (2022). The drop in female homicide victimisation in Australia. Journal of Criminology, 55(4), 403-432. doi:10.1177/26338076221110251 

Fridel, E. E., & Fox, J. A. (2019). Gender differences in patterns and trends in US homicide, 1976–2017. Violence and Gender, 6(1), 27-36.

Fulu, E., Alondra, V., Warner, X., Brown, C., & Leung, L. (2023). Understanding Femicide Using a Global Social Ecological Model. In M. Dawson & S. M. Vega (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of Femicide and Feminicide (pp. 40-49). Routledge.

Gillespie, Cynthia K. (1989). Justifiable Homicide: Battered Women, Self-Defence, and the Law. Columbus: Ohio State University Press.

Gillespie, L. K., & Reckdenwald, A. (2017). Gender equality, place, and female-victim intimate partner homicide: A county-level analysis in North Carolina. Feminist criminology, 12(2), 171-191.

Gore, A. (2021). Gender, Homicide, and the Politics of Responsibility: Fatal relationships (1st ed.). Routledge. 
Feminism, Postfeminism and the Politics of Responsibility 
Lethal Relationships and Legal Ambiguities 
Beyond the Law: Analysing Postfeminism, Emotion, and Affect in Public Responses to Lethal Violence 
Debating Men’s Responsibility for Violence 
Women’s Victimisation and Violence – The Effects of Female Individualisation 
Postfeminism, men’s rights and responsibility

Gottzén, L., Bjørnholt, M., & Boonzaier, F. (2020). What has masculinity to do with intimate partner violence? In Men, Masculinities and Intimate Partner Violence (pp. 1-15): Routledge.

Graham, L. M., Sahay, K. M., Rizo, C. F., Messing, J. T., & Macy, R. J. (2021). The validity and reliability of available intimate partner homicide and reassault risk assessment tools: A systematic review. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 22(1), 18-40.

Harden, J., Du, J., Spencer, C. M., & Stith, S. M. (2019). Examining attempted and completed intimate partner homicide: A qualitative synthesis. Violence and Victims, 34(6), 869-888.

Heirigs, M. H., & Moore, M. D. (2018). Gender inequality and homicide: a cross-national examination. International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, 42(4), 273-285. 

Ho, Robert, and Marilyn Venus. (1995). Domestic Violence and Spousal Homicide: The Admissability of Expert Witness Testimony in Trials of Battered Women Who Kill Their Abusive Spouses. Journal of Family Studies, 1(1), April.

Howard, Margaret. (1986). Husband-Wife Homicide: An Essay From a Family Law Perspective. Law and Contemporary Problems, 49(1), Winter.

Kivisto, A. J. (2015). Male perpetrators of intimate partner homicide: A review and proposed typology. Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law online, 43(3), 300-312.

Lees, Sue. (1996). Men Getting Away With Murder: The Case for Reforming the Law on Homicide. Chapter 7, and “Naggers, Whores and Libbers: Provoking Men to Kill. Chapter 8 in Ruling Passions: Sexual Violence, Reputation and the Law. Open University Press.

Lloyd, Ann. (1995). Battered Women Who Kill. Ch. 5 in Doubly Deviant, Doubly Damned: Society’s Treatment of Violent Women. London: Penguin.

Montanez, J., Donley, A., & Reckdenwald, A. (2022). Evaluating the Impact of Policy and Programming on Female-Victim Intimate Partner Homicide at the County Level in Florida. Violence Against Women, 0(0), 10778012221083328. doi:10.1177/10778012221083328

Mouzos, Jenny, and Catherine Russo. (2000). Family Homicide in Australia. Trends and Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice. No. 255, June. Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology.

Mouzos, Jenny. (2000). Homicidal Encounters: A Study of Homicide in Australia, 1989-1999. Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology.

Mouzos, Jenny. (2000). Homicide Between Friends and Acquaintances in Australia. Trends and Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice (Australian Institute of Criminology), No. 182, November.

Pelvin, H. (2019). The “normal” woman who kills: Representations of women’s intimate partner homicide. Feminist criminology, 14(3), 349-370.

Polk, K. (2014). Masculinities, femininities and homicide: Competing explanations for male violence. In Controversies in critical criminology (pp. 151-164): Routledge.

Polk, Kenneth, and D. Ranson. (1991). The Role of Gender in Intimate Homicide. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 24(1), March.

Schnepf, J., & Christmann, U. (2023). “Domestic Drama,” “Love Killing,” or “Murder”: Does the Framing of Femicides Affect Readers’ Emotional and Cognitive Responses to the Crime? Violence Against Women, 0(0), 10778012231158103. https://doi.org/10.1177/10778012231158103

Serran, G., and P. Firestone. (2004). Intimate partner homicide: a review of the male proprietariness and the self-defense theories. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 9(1): 1-15.

Smith, Paige Hall, Kathryn E. Moracco, and John D. Butts. (1998). Partner Homicide in Context: A Population-Based Perspective. Homicide Studies, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 400-421, November 1998.

Stöckl, H., Balica, E., Corradi, C., Baldry, A. C., Schröttle, M., Sanz-Barbero, B., & Vives-Cases, C. (2020). Issues in measuring and comparing the incidence of intimate partner homicide and femicide: A focus on Europe. Rivista Sperimentale di Freniatria.

Tomsen, S., & Crofts, T. (2012). Social and cultural meanings of legal responses to homicide among men: Masculine honour, sexual advances and accidents. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 45(3), 423-437. 

Tyson, D., Kirkwood, D., & McKenzie, M. (2017). Family violence in domestic homicide: A case study of women who killed intimate partners post-legislative reform in Victoria, Australia. Violence Against Women, 23(5), 559-583. DOI: 10.1177/1077801216647796 

Vatnar, S. K. B., Friestad, C., & Bjørkly, S. (2018). Differences in intimate partner homicides perpetrated by men and women: evidence from a Norwegian National 22-year cohort. Psychology, Crime & Law, 24(8), 790-805.

Women’s Coalition Against Family Violence. (1994). Blood on Whose Hands? The Killing of Women and Children in Domestic Homicides. Brunswick, VIC: Women’s Coalition Against Family Violence.