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Coontz, Stephanie. (1997). The Way We Really Are: Coming to Terms With America’s Changing Families. New York: Basic Books.
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Lindsay, J., and J.M. Maher. (2013). Consuming Families: Buying, Making, Producing Family Life in the 21st Century. Routledge.
1. Introduction: Family Life and Consumption in the 21st Century 2. Consuming Goods and Ideals in Family Life 3. Text Me: The “Mediation” of Everyday Family Life 4. The “Big” Issues of Childhood: Family Responsibility for Children’s Weight 5. Youth Drinking and Family Alcohol Cultures 6. Seeing It and Doing It: Young People, Families and Sex. Conclusion: A New Purchase on Family Life. Appendix.
Lindsay, Jo, and Deborah Dempsey. (2008). Families, Relationships & Intimate Life. Oxford University Press.
1. Introduction: Families, Relationships and Intimate Life 2. Relationships and Families over Time 3. Relationships, Families and Cultural Diversity 4. Sociological Perspectives on Relationships and Families 5. Young people, Relationships and Sexuality 6. Love, Commitment and Marriage 7. Relating beyond the Cohabiting Couple Household 8. Fertility, Technology and Family Change 9. Parenting, Children and Childcare 10. Families and Labour 11. Separation, Divorce and Re-constituted families 12. Violence and Intimate Relationships 13. Ageing, Care and Intergenerational Relationships 14. Conclusion: New Families, New Relationships?
Lindsay, Jo, and JaneMaree Maher. (2013). Consuming Families: Buying, Making, Producing Family Life in the 21st Century. Routledge.
1. Introduction: Family Life and Consumption in the 21st Century 2. Consuming Goods and Ideals in Family Life 3. Text Me: The "Mediation" of Everyday Family Life 4. The "Big" Issues of Childhood: Family Responsibility for ChildrenÕs Weight 5. Youth Drinking and Family Alcohol Cultures 6. Seeing It and Doing It: Young People, Families and Sex. Conclusion: A New Purchase on Family Life. Appendix.
Lynch, Kathleen, John Baker, and Maureen Lyons. (eds.). (2011). Affective Equality: Love, Care and Injustice. Palgrave Macmillan.
Which Equalities Matter? The Place of Affective Equality in Egalitarian Theory; K. Lynch, S. Cantillon, J. Walsh & J. Baker.
Love, Care and Solidarity: What is and is not Commodifiable; K. Lynch & J. Walsh.
Love Labouring: Nurturing Rationalities and Relational Identities; K. Lynch & M. Lyons.
Care-Less Citizenship? Public Devaluation and Private Validation; K. Lynch & M. Lyons.
Gender, Social Class and Lone Caring: The Intersectionality of Inequalities; K. Lynch & M. Lyons.
Love Labouring: Power and Mutuality; K. Lynch, M. Lyons and S. Cantillon.
Time to Care, Care Commanders and Care Footsoldiers; K. Lynch, M. Lyons & S. Cantillon.
The Impact of Economic, Social, Cultural and Emotional Capital on Mothers’ Love and Care Work in Education; M. O’Brien.
Caregiving Masculinities: An Exploratory Analysis; N. Hanlon.
Living in Care and Without Love - The Impact of Affective Inequalities on Learning Literacy; M. Feeley.
Conclusion; K. Lynch & J. Baker.
Marcus-Newhall, Amy, Diane F. Halpern, and Sherylle J. Tan. (2008). The Changing Realities of Work and Family. Blackwell.
Mason, Mary A. (ed.). (2000). All Our Families: New Policies for a New Century. New York: Oxford University Press.
1. Introduction / Mary Ann Mason, Arlene Skolnick, and Stephen D. Sugarman.
2. Single-Parent Families / Stephen D. Sugarmann.
3. Families Started by Teenagers / Jane Mauldon.
4. Children of Divorce: A Society in Search of Policy / Judith S. Wallerstein.
5. The Modern American Stepfamily: Problems and Possibilities / Mary Ann Mason.
6. Ambiguous-Father Families / Ira Mark Ellman.
7. Gay and Lesbian Families: Queer Like Us / Judith Stacey.
8. A Sign of Family Disorder? Changing Representations of Parental Kidnapping / Paula S. Fass.
9. New Families: Modern Couples as New Pioneers / Philip Cowan and Carolyn Pape Cowan.
10. Working Families: Hearth to Market / Neil Gilbert.
11. Immigrant Families / Sylvia Guendelman.
12. Abusive and Neglecting Parents and the Care of Their Children / Richard P. Barth.
13. Solomon’s Children: The New Biologism, Psychological Parenthood, Attachment Theory, and the Best Interests Standard / Arlene Skolnick.
Maureen Baker, M. (2014). Choices and Constraints in Family Life. Oxford University Press, 3rd edition.
Maushart, Susan. (2001). Wifework: What marriage really means for women. Melbourne: Text.
McHale, S.M., King, V., Van Hook, J., Booth, A. (eds.) Gender and Couple Relationships.
Marriage, Family Systems, and Economic Opportunity in the United States since 1850
Trends in Women’s and Men’s Time Use, 1965-2012
Gender Equality and Economic Inequality: Impact on Marriage
Women, Men, Work and Family: The Expansionist Theory Updated
Expansionist Theory Expanded: Integrating Sociological and Psychological Perspectives on Gender, Work, and Family Change
Overlooked Inequalities: Employment, Parenting and Partnering for Men in Families
Women, Men, Work and Family: Action in the Interactions
Effect of Father Engagement on Child Behaviors
Why Do Fathers Matter for Children’s Development?
Changes in U.S. Mother’s and Father’s Time Use: Causes and Consequences
Re-Envisioning Why Fathers Matter Beyond the Gender Binary: A Case for Gay Fathers
Gender, Marriage and Health for Same-Sex and Different-Sex Couples: The Future Keeps Arriving
Simplifying the Complex Complicates our Findings: Understanding Marriage, Singlehood and Health
Intersectionality: An Approach to the Study of Gender, Marriage and Health in Context
His and Hers: Are We There Yet? Gender and Equality in Couple Relationships.
Moen, Phyllis. (ed.). (2003). It’s About Time: Couples and Careers. Ithaca, NY: ILR Press.
Morgan, David. (1996). Family Connections: An Introduction to Family Studies. Cambridge: Polity Press (includes Chapter, “Gender”).
Muncie, John et. al. (eds). (1999). Understanding the Family. 2nd edition. Sage.
Nelson, Hilde L. (1997). Feminism and Families. New York: Routledge.
Pocock, Barbara. (2003). The Work / Life Collision. Sydney: The Federation Press.
Ponzetti, James J. (ed.). (2003). International Encyclopedia of Marriage and Family. 2nd ed. New York: Macmillan Reference.
Poole, Marilyn (ed.). (2005). Family: Changing Families, Changing Times. Crows Nest, NSW: Allen and Unwin.
Risman, Barbara J. (1998). Gender Vertigo: American Families in Transition. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
Sarantakos, Sotirios. (1996). Modern Families: An Australian Text. Macmillan.
Scott, Jacqueline, Judith Treas, and Martin Richards. (eds). (2003). The Blackwell Companion to the Sociology of Families. Blackwell Publishing.
Part I: Families in a Global World:.
1. Globalization and Western Bias in Family Sociology: Don Edgar.
2. Changing European Families: Trends and Issues: Kath Kiernan (University of York).
3. Recent Demographic Trends in the US and Implications for Well-Being: Sinikka Elliott and Debra Umberson (University of Texas).
4. Children, Families, States, and Changing Citizenship: Hilary Land (University of Bristol).
5. Families and Local Communities: Graham Crow (University of Southampton) and Catherine Maclean.
Part II: Life Course Perspectives on the Family:.
6. Generations, the Life Course, and Family Change: J. Beth Mabry, Roseann Giarrusso, and Vern L. Bengtson (all University of Southern California).
7. Children’s Families: Jacqueline Scott (University of Cambridge).
8. Aging and the Life Course: Chris Phillipson and Graham Allan (both Keele University).
9. Parenting Practices: Duane F. Alwin (Pennsylvania State University).
10. Time, Through the Life Course, in the Family: Jonathan Gershuny (University of Essex).
Part III: Inequality and Diversity:.
11. Inequality and the Family: Philip N. Cohen (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) and Danielle MacCartney (Webster University).
12. Families of the Poor: Robert Walker and Claire Collins (both Nottingham University).
13. Social Capital and the Family: Frank F. Furstenberg and Sarah B. Kaplan (both University of Pennsylvania).
14. Family, the State, and Health Care: Changing Roles in the New Century: Ronald J. Angel and Jacqueline L. Angel (both University of Texas at Austin).
15. Immigrant Families in the US: Karen Pyke (University of California, Riverside).
16. Immigrant Families in the UK: Alison Shaw (University of Oxford).
Part IV: Changing Family Forms and Relationships:.
17. Religion, Romantic Love, and the Family: Bryan S. Turner (National University of Singapore).
18. Trends in Formation and Dissolution of Couples: Joanne J. Paetsch, Nicholas M. Bala, Lorne D. Bertrand, and Lisa Glennon (all University of Calgary).
19. Children, Families, and Divorce: Jan Pryor (Victoria University of Wellington) and Liz Trinder (Newcastle University).
20. The Lesbian and Gay Family: Jeffrey Weeks, Brian Heaphy, and Catherine Donovan (all Southbank University).
21. Couples and Their Networks: Eric Widmer (University of Geneva).
22. Men in Families and Households: David H.J. Morgan (University of Manchester).
Part V: Changing Social Contexts:.
23. Sex and Family: Changes and Challenges: Judith Treas (University of California, Irvine).
24. Feminism and the Family: Michelle Budig (University of Massachusetts).
25. Work and Families: Shirley Dex (University of London).
26. Public Policy and Families: Wendy Sigle-Rushton and Catherine Kenney (both Princeton University).
27. Assisted Reproduction, Genetic Technologies, and Family Life: Martin Richards (University of Cambridge).
28. Families in a Runaway World: Ulrich Beck (University of Munich) and Elisabeth Beck-Gernsheim (University of Erlangen).
Silva, Elizabeth B., and Carol Smart. (eds.). (1999). The New Family. London: Sage.
Smart, Carol, and Bren Neale. (1998). Family Fragments?. Polity Press.
Smart, Carol. (2007). Personal Life: New Directions in Sociological Thinking. Cambridge: Polity.
1. A sociology of personal life.
2. The cultural turn in the sociology of family life and living.
3. Emotions, love and the problem of commitment.
4. Connections and cultures of tradition.
5. Secrets and lies.
6. Families we live with.
7. Possessions, things and relationality.
8. Conclusion.
Stacey, Judith. (1996). In the Name of the Family: Rethinking Family Values in the Postmodern Age. Boston: Beacon Press.
Staggenborg, Suzanne. (1998). Gender, Families and Social Movements. Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press.
Sullivan, T. Richard, and Robert Dawidoff. (1999). Queer Families, Common Agendas: Gay People, Lesbians, and Family Values. Haworth Press
Weiss, Jessica. (2000). To Have And To Hold: Marriage, The Baby Boom & Social Change. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Williams, Joan. (2000). Unbending Gender: why family and work conflict and what to do about it. New York: Oxford University Press.