Note: Various violence prevention interventions and programs identified below may use peer-based strategies.
General assessment of peer-based strategies in violence prevention
Anderson, Linda A., and Susan C. Whiston. (2005). Sexual Assault Education Programs: A Meta-Analytic Examination Of Their Effectiveness. Psychology of Women Quarterly, December, 29(4): 374-388.
Casey, E. A., and T. P. Lindhorst. (2009). Toward a multi-level, ecological approach to the primary prevention of sexual assault: Prevention in peer and community contexts. Trauma, Violence & Abuse, 10(2), 91-114.
Dyson, S., and M. Flood. (2008). Building cultures of respect and non-violence: A review of literature concerning adult learning and violence prevention programs with men. Melbourne: AFL Respect & Responsibility Program & VicHealth, pp. 23-25.
Vladutiu, C.J., S.L. Martin, and R.J. Macy. (2011). College- or University-based Sexual Assault Prevention Programs: A review of program outcomes, characteristics, and recommendations. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 12(2): 67-86. URL:
Overviews and commentary in related fields
Kim, Caron R., and Caroline Free. (2008). Recent Evaluations of the Peer-Led Approach In Adolescent Sexual Health Education: A Systematic Review. International Family Planning Perspectives, 34(2):89-96.
Mellanby, A.R., J.B. Rees, and J.H. Tripp (2000). Peer-led and adult-led school health education: A critical review of available comparative research. Health Education Research, 15(5): 533-545.
Examples of peer-based strategies
Black, B., A. Weisz, S. Coats, and D. Patterson. (2000). Evaluating a psychoeducational sexual assault prevention program incorporating theatrical presentation, peer education, and social work. Research on S CASA House. (2008). Evaluation of the CASA House Sexual Assault Prevention Program for Secondary Schools. Melbourne: Centre Against Sexual Assault.ocial Work Practice, 10, 589-606.
Davies, Deirdre. (2007). Domestic and Daring Violence Peer Education Program: A Pilot Project Final Report. Just4Research, November.
Deeds, Janice M. (2009). Attracting college men to sexual violence prevention: A multiple case study of male peer educators. Educational Administration: Theses, Dissertations, and Student Research, 15. (PhD, University of Nebraska).
Devilly, G.J., L. Sorbello, L. Eccleston, and T. Ward. (2005). Prison-based peer-education schemes. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 10(2): 219-240.
Foubert, John D., and Kenneth A. Marriott. (1997). Effects of a sexual assault peer education program on men’s belief in rape myths. Sex Roles, 36, pp. 257-266.
Foubert, John D., and Marylu K. McEwen. (1998). An all-male rape-prevention peer education program: Decreasing fraternity men’s behavioral intent to rape. The Journal of College Student Development, 39, pp. 548-556.
Foubert, John D., and Sharon A. LaVoy,. (2000). A qualitative assessment of “The Men’s Program”: The impact of a rape prevention program on fraternity men. National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) Journal, 38, pp. 18-30.
Imbesi, Renee. (2007). Engaging young people in leadership roles in the prevention of sexual assault: the CASA House Peer Educator Project. DVIRC Quarterly, No. 3 Spring: 27-28.
Jerrold, L.S. (2007). Peer Educators and Close Friends as Predictors of Male College Students’ Willingness to prevent Rape. Journal of College Student Development, 48(1): 75.
Lonsway, K. A., E. L. Klaw, D. R. Berg, C. R. Waldo, C. Kothari, C. J. Mazurek, and K. E. Hegeman. (1998). Beyond “No Means No”: Outcomes of an Intensive Program to train Peer Facilitators for Campus Acquaintance Rape Education. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 13(1): 73-92.
Rich, M. D., and J. Rodriguez. (2007). A Proactive Performance Approach to Peer Education: Considering the Efficacy of a Sexual Assault Intervention Program. In L. Frey and K. Carragee (eds) Communication Activism: Media and Performance Activism (volume 2), pp. 315-344. New York: Hampton Press.
Rich, M. D., L. Robinson, C. Ahrens, and J. I. Rodriguez. (2009). Proactive Performance to Prevent Sexual Assault: The Role of Masculinity in Violence Prevention. In L. Samovar, R. Porter and E. McDaniel (eds) Intercultural Communication: A Reader, pp. 413-419. Belmont: Wadsworth.
Rodriguez, J., M.D. Rich, R. Hastings, and J. Page. (2006). Assessing the Impact of Augusto Boal’s “Proactive performance”: An Embodied Approach for Cultivating Prosocial Responses to Sexual Assault. Text and Performance Quarterly, 26(3): 229-252.
Scarce, Michael. (1999). The Ends do not Justify the Means: A Call for the Abandonment of the Men’s Program Model of Rape Education for Men. Outspoken: Official Newsletter of the North American Coalition Against Sexual Violence, 3(4): 3-4.
Smith, Poco, and Sarah Welchans. (2000). Peer Education: Does Focusing on Male Responsibility Change Sexual Assault Attitudes?. Violence Against Women, November, 6(11).
Stein, Jerrold L. (2007). Peer educators and close friends as predictors of male college students’ willingness to prevent rape. Journal of College Student Development, 48(1): 75-89.
Warthe, D. G., Kostouros, P., Carter-Snell, C., & Tutty, L. M. (2013). Stepping Up: A peer-to-peer dating violence prevention project on a post-secondary campus. International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies, 4(1), 100-118.
Wissink, Lilian, and Maurice Vaughan. (2001). Sexual Harassment and Assault Peer Education and Support - Training Manual: Take a Hands-Off Approach. Armidale, NSW: Counselling and Careers Service, University of New England.
Wissink, Lilian. (2004). Reshaping the future: student peer support for sexual harassment and assault. Association for University and College Counselling Journal Spring (British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy).
Women’s Council for Domestic and Family Violence Services (WA), Family and Domestic Violence Unit, and the Department of Education and Training. (2007). Domestic and Dating Violence Peer Education Program - Final Report. Perth.