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(1) Do We Need Men’s Studies?; (2) Do Men Have the Power?; (3) What the All-Male Draft and the Combat Exclusion of Women Tell Us about Men, Women, and Feminism; (4) Why Do Men Die Sooner, and Whose Health is Being Neglected?; (5) Domestic Violence: Who is Doing the Battering, and What’s the Solution?; (6) The Politics and Psychology of Rape, Sex, and Love; (7) Does the Criminal Justice System Discriminate against Men?; (8) Why Men Earn More: Discrimination? Choices?; (9) Are Women Doing Two Jobs while Men Do One?; (10) Marriage, Divorce, and Child Custody; (11) Does Popular Culture Discriminate against Men?; (12) Are Schools Biased against Girls? Or Boys?; (13) The Future of Feminism and Men.

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Introduction ix.
1 Children v. Demons: The McMartin and Other Witch Hunts 3.
2 Wives v. Abusers: The Bobbitt Affair 21.
3 Workers v. Harassers: The Hill-Thomas Debate 31.
4 Martyrs v. Murderers: The Montreal Massacre 53.
5 Women’s Rights v. Human Rights: The Case of Entitlements 81.
6 Maternal Rights v. Paternal Rights: The Case of Children 125.
7 Power v. Pleasure: The Case of Pornography/Prostitution 159.
8 Separatists v. Integrationists: The Case of Sexual Harassment 193.
9 Female Victims v. Male Victims: The Case of Violence against Women 223.
10 Ideological Feminism v. Scholarship 269.
11 Misandry v. Equality 309.
1 Responding to Our Critics: Spreading Misandry Revisited 329.
2 Birth of the Bogeyman: One Subtext of Modern Witch Hunts 340.
3 Misleading the Public: Statistics Abuse 347.
4 Silencing men: The Trouble with Political Correctness 365.
5 Respectable Porn: The Debate over Romance Novels 373.
6 Bargaining at Beijing: United Nations or United Women 391.
7 Paved with Entitlements: The Road to Caste 403.
8 Here Come the Feds: Studies of Affirmative Action and Pay Equity 410.
9 Dissing Dads: The Debate over Custody 415.
10 Gynotopia: Feminism at Academic Conferences 439.
11 A Front by Any Other Name: Ideology, Gender Studies, and Women’s Studies 465.
12 What’s Sauce for the Goose: Double Standards in a Government Report 471.
13 Take That! Comparative Victimology 478.

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