How can boys and men be encouraged to respond critically to the anti-women ideologies of the manosphere, the network of websites, blogs, and online forums promoting sexism and opposition to feminism? This page highlights key resources for engaging men and boys.
Curricula, programs, and resources:
- Addressing the impact of Masculinity Influencers on Teenage Boys: A resource for schools, teachers and parents/guardians (a 39-page guide)
- Supporting young men online: Understanding young men’s needs, the pull of harmful content and the way forward (a guide by the eSafety Commissioner, Australia)
- My Friend Max Hate - a campaign by White Ribbon Canada
- Hope Not Hate (UK)
- Note that a range of other organisations who work with boys and men on issues of gender, violence, etc., also address manosphere-related issues. See the organisations listed here.
Miscellaneous other resources:
- Notes on Andrew Tate and other male supremacist influencers
- Critiques of men’s rights and fathers’ rights, XY
- BBC Trending: How to Exit the Manosphere (20 minutes)
- Who is Andrew Tate? The Explainer (podcast featuring Debbie Ging)
- Stop It At The Start campaign - The Hidden Trends of Disrespect (TV ads etc., part of an Australian Government campaign)
- The Algorithm of Disrespect: an educational tool for adults
- Talking to boys and young men about Andrew Tate and the manosphere (A short article by Naomi Barnes)
- How to help your son navigate the manosphere (Article by Rebecca Ruiz, 2023)
- How To Raise Your Boy In The Age Of The Manosphere (Article by Jim Merrett, 2023)
- Teaching about Misogyny & Incel Culture in Schools (Votes for Schools, UK)
- Teaching Problems - How do I handle a misogynist group of boys? (Teacherhead, 2023)
- Online misogyny and young people: A briefing for teachers and professionals working with children (Internet Matters, 2023)
- Misogyny in schools: Guidance for teachers to make effective change (Internet Matters, 2023)
There is a much larger range of materials for working with boys and men to build gender equality and end violence against women. See: