(iii) Suicide prevention in general [NEW]

Note: This is a very preliminary list of some key reviews.


Mann, J. J., Apter, A., Bertolote, J., Beautrais, A., Currier, D., Haas, A., . . . Hendin, H. (2005). Suicide Prevention Strategies: A Systematic Review. JAMA, 294(16), 2064-2074. doi:10.1001/jama.294.16.2064

Stone, D.M., Holland, K.M., Bartholow, B., Crosby, A.E., Davis, S., and Wilkins, N. (2017). Preventing Suicide: A Technical Package of Policies, Programs, and Practices. Atlanta, GA: National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

World Health Organization. (2014). Preventing Suicide: A Global Imperative: World Health Organization.