a) Men, emotions, intimacy

Note: Also see the section on men’s sexuality, as this includes many references on men’s sexual and intimate relationships.


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NORMA, Volume 13, Issue 3-4, September - December 2018, Special issue: Masculinity and Affect.
Introduction: Masculinity and affect: new possibilities, new agendas / Todd W. Reeser & Lucas Gottzén
The personal is political?…? just not always progressive: affective interruptions and their promise for CSMM / Sam de Boise
Masculinity as cruel optimism / Jonathan A. Allan
Masculine stances and the linguistics of affect: on masculine ease / Scott F. Kiesling
Resonant masculinities: affective co-production of sound, space, and gender in the everyday life of Belgrade, Serbia / Andrija Filipovi?
Pink boys: colouring gender, gendering affect / Dominique Grisard
National (in)security and the shifting affective fields of terror in the case of Omar Khadr / Natalie Kouri-Towe
Breivik and I: affective encounters with ‘failed’ masculinity in stories about right-wing terrorism / Mia Eriksson.

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Shamir, Milette, and Jennifer Travis. (2002). Boys Don’t Cry?: Rethinking Narratives of Masculinity and Emotion in the U.S. Columbia University Press.
What Feels an American? Evident Selves and Alienable Emotions in the New Man’s World / Evan Carton.
Loving with a Vengeance: Wieland, Familicide and the Crisis of Masculinity in the Early Nation / Elizabeth Barnes.
“The Manliest Relations to Men”: Thoreau on Privacy, Intimacy, and Writing / Milette Shamir.
Manly Tears: Men’s Elegies for Children in Nineteenth-Century America / Eric Haralson.
How to be a (Sentimental) Race Man: Mourning and Passing in W.E.B. Du Bois’s The Souls of Black Folk / Ryan Schneider.
The Law of the Heart: Emotional Injury and its Fictions / Jennifer Travis.
“The Sort of Thing You Should Not Admit”: Hemingway’s Aesthetics of Emotional Restraint / Thomas Strychacz.
Road Work: Rereading Kerouac’s Midcentury Melodrama of Beset Sonhood / Stephen Davenport.
Men’s Tears and the Roles of Melodrama / Tom Lutz.
Men’s Liberation, Men’s Wounds: Emotion, Sexuality, and the Reconstruction of Masculinity in the 1970s / Sally Robinson.
The Politics of Feeling: Men, Masculinity, and Mourning on the Capital Mall / Judith Newton.

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