Men's rights - A collection of accessible critiques


A range of critiques and assessments of the men's rights movement have been published in recent years. While there are academic assessments and explorations of this movement and its politics and agendas and impact, here I have gathered a list of more accessible discussions. I've also gathered commentaries on particular incidents. I hope they're useful.

Men’s rights: Miscellaneous articles

Here are a variety of accessible pieces on male supremacist or "men's rights" groups and networks, in alphabetical order by author. See further below for pieces focused on 'incels'.

Incels, misogyny, and incidents of violence against women

On the August 2021 shooting in Plymouth, UK, see:

Men’s rights activist Den Hollander’s violence, including suspected murder of men’s rights activist Marc Angelucci (July 2020)

Further resources

For further materials, including academic critiques, see the following materials: