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4. Jonah, Arnold, and Me: Reading the Tongan Male Body / Maika Lutui.

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10. Male Ways of Giving Birth / Klaus Theleweit.
12. Asthma: The construction of the masculine body / Arto Tiihonen.
13. Disabling Men: Masculinity and disability in Al Davison’s graphic autobiography The Spiral Cage / Paul McIlvenny.

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Body Image In Men: Self-Reported Thoughts, Feelings, and Behaviors in Response to Media Images / Helen J. Fawkner and Nancy E. McMurray.
Body Ideals in Young Samoan Men: A Comparison With Men in North America and Europe / Jed Lipinski and Harrison G. Pope, Jr.
Athletic Participation and the Health Risks of Adolescent Males: A National Study / Don Sabo, Kathleen E. Miller, Merrill J. Melnick, Michael P. Farrell, and Grace M. Barnes.
Gender Differences in High School Students’ Dieting Behavior and Their Correlates / Donald R. McCreary and Doris K. Sasse1.
Male Body Image Satisfaction and Its Relationship to Well-Being Using the Somatomorphic Matrix / Guy Cafri, Jaine Strauss, and J. Kevin Thompson.

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16. ‘Gentlemen, the Lunchbox has Landed’: Representations of Masculinities and Men’s Bodies in the Popular Media / Jim McKay, University of Queensland, Janine Mikosza, University of Queensland, and Brett Hutchins, University of Queensland
18. Still a Man’s World? Studying Masculinities and Sport / Michael A. Messner, University of Southern California
19. Men’s Health Studies: An Overview / Don Sabo, D’Youville College
20. Masculinities and Interpersonal Violence / Walter S. DeKeseredy, Ohio University and Martin D. Schwartz, Ohio University
21. Polysemous, Polymorphous Bodies: Masculinities and (non)-Normativity / Thomas J. Gerschick, Illinois State University
22. Transgendering, Men and Masculinities / Richard Ekins, Ulster University and Dave King, Ulster University.

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Lehman, Peter. (ed.). (2000). Masculinity: Bodies, Movies, Culture. New York: Routledge. Contents;
‘Someone is going to pay’: Resurgent white masculinity in Ransom / Krin Gabbard.
Crying over the melodramatic penis: Melodrama and male nudity in films of the 90s / Peter Lehman.
The saviors and the saved: Masculine redemption in contemporary films / Amy Aronson and Michael Kimmel.
Identity, queerness, and homosocial bonding: The case of Swingers / Justin Wyatt.
Rape fantasies: Hollywood and homophobia / Joe Wlodarz.
‘Choosing to be ‘not a man’: Masculine anxiety in Nouri Bouzid’s Rih essed/Man of ashes / Robert Lang and Maher Ben Moussa.
T(he)-men’s room: Masculinity and space in Anthony Mann’s T-men / Susan White.
The talented Poststructuralist: Heteromasculinity, gay artifice, and class passing / Chris Straayer.
‘Emotional constipation’ and the Power of dammed masculinity: Deliverance and the paradoxes of male liberation / Sally Robinson.
‘As a mother cuddles a child’: Sexuality and masculinity in World War II combat films / Robert Eberwein.
The nation and the nude: Colonial masculinity and the spectacle of the male body in recent Canadian cinema(s) / Lee Parpart.
Lynching photography and the ‘black beast rapist’ in the southern white masculine imagination / Amy Louise Wood.
Screening the Italian-American male / Aaron Baker and Juliann Vitullo.
‘Studs have feelings too’: Warren Beatty and the question of star discourse and gender / Lucia Bozzola.
James Bond’s penis / Toby Miller.
Oliver Stone’s Nixon and the unmanning of the self-made man / Dennis Bingham.
Suck, spit, chew, swallow: A performative exploration of men’s bodies / Tim Miller.

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McCreary, Donald R., Doris K. Sasse, Deborah M. Saucier, and Kim D. Dorsch. (2004). Measuring the Drive for Muscularity: Factorial Validity of the Drive for Muscularity Scale in Men and Women. Psychology of Men & Masculinity. 5(1):49-58, January.

McDonagh, L. K., T. G. Morrison and B. E. McGuire (2008). The naked truth: development of a scale designed to measure male body image self-consciousness during physical intimacy. The Journal of Men’s Studies, 16(3): 253(13).

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McNeill, L. S. and K. Douglas (2011). Retailing masculinity: Gender expectations and social image of male grooming products in New Zealand. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 18(5): 448-454.

Messerschmidt, James W. (1999). Making Bodies Matter: Adolescent masculinities, the body, and varieties of violence. Theoretical Criminology, 3(2), pp. 197-220.

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Messner, Michael A. (1992). The Embodiment of Masculinity. In Power at Play: Sports and the Problem of Masculinity. Boston: Beacon Press

Messner, Michael A. and Sabo, Donald F. (eds.). (1990). Sport, Men, and the Gender Order: Critical Feminist Perspectives. Illinois: Human Kinetics Books.
6: An Iron Man: The Body and Some Contradictions of Hegemonic Masculinity / R.W. Connell.
10: Little Big Man: Hustling, Gender Narcissism, and Body Building Subculture / Alan M. Klein.

Miller-Idriss, C. (2017). Soldier, Sailor, Rebel, Rule-Breaker: Masculinity and the Body in the German Far Right. Gender and Education, 29(2), 199-215.

Miller, Toby. (2001). Sportsex. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
Introduction: Sportsextro.
1. Bodnam: Body, Nation, Media.
2. Commodifying the Male Body = Problematizing Hegemonic Masculinity?.
3. Panic Sports and the Racialized Male Body / Toby Miller; Jim McKay; David Rowe.
4. Courting Lesbianism / Toby Miller; Jim McKay; Randy Martin.
Conclusion: Booters with Hooters.

Mills, J. S., and S. R. D’Alfonso. (2007). Competition And Male Body Image: Increased Drive For Muscularity Following Failure to a Female. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 26(4): 505.

Mischewski, A. (1999). Talking Seminally. In A O’Shea (Ed), Hush Men Are Speaking. Woodend: Print Creations, 72-74.

Mishkind, M. et.al. (1986). The Embodiment of Masculinity. American Behavioural Scientist, 29(5), May/June.(Also in Kimmel, Michael. (ed). (1987). Changing Men: New Directions in Research on Men and Masculinity. New York: Sage).

Monaghan, Lee F. (2007) Body Mass Index, Masculinities and Moral Worth: Men’s Critical Talk about ‘Appropriate’ Weight-for-Height. Sociology of Health & Illness, 29 (4): 584-609.

Monaghan, Lee F. (2007) McDonaldizing Men’s Bodies? Slimming, Associated (Ir)Rationalities and Resistances. Body & Society, 13(2): 67-93.

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Monaghan, Lee F. (2008) Men, Physical Activity and the Obesity Discourse: Critical Understandings from a Qualitative Study. Sociology of Sport Journal: Special Issue - the Social Construction of Fat. 25 (1): 97-128.

Monaghan, Lee F. (2009) Bodily Sensibility: vocabularies of the Discredited Male Body. Critical Public Health. Special Issue: Men’s Health: Practice, Policy, Research and Theory 19 (3-4): 341-62. (With M. Hardey.) Also revised and reprinted in E. Rich, L. Monaghan and L. Aphramor (eds.) (forthcoming, 2010) Debating Obesity: Critical Perspectives. New York: Palgrave.

Monaghan, Lee. (2005). Big Handsome Men, Bears and Others: Virtual Constructions of ‘Fat Male Embodiment’. Body & Society, 11, no. 2: 81-111.

Montemayor, Raymond. (1978). Men and Their Bodies: The Relationship between Body Type and Behaviour. Journal of Social Issues, 34(1), Winter.

Moore, Lisa Jean. (2002). Extracting Men from Semen: Masculinity in Scientific Representations of Sperm. Social Text, Volume 20, Number 4, Winter, pp. 91-119.

Morgan, David. (1993). You Too Can Have a Body Like Mine: Reflections on the Male Body and Masculinities. In Scott, S. and Morgan, David. (eds.). Body Matters: Essays on the Sociology of the Body, Sussex: Falmer Press.

Morrison, Todd G., and Marie Halton. (2009). Buff, tough, and rough: representations of muscularity in action motion pictures. The Journal of Men’s Studies, 17(1).

Morrison, Todd G., Melanie A. Morrison, and Christine Hopkins. (2003). Striving for Bodily Perfection? An Exploration of the Drive for Muscularity in Canadian Men. Psychology of Men & Masculinity. 4(2):111-120, July.

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Journal of Bodies, Sexualities, and Masculinities (JBSM) (2020-)