Preventing violence against women: An XY collection of short, key introductions

How can we prevent and reduce men's violence against women? What does violence prevention involve? What does primary prevention mean?

In this XY collection, we present short, accessible introductions to the field of violence prevention, all in full text. Longer chapters, articles, and reports are here.

Also see


CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). (2004). Sexual Violence Prevention: Beginning the dialogue. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Chamberlain, Linda. (2008). A Prevention Primer for Domestic Violence: Terminology, Tools, and the Public Health Approach. VAWnet: The National Online Resource Center on Violence Against Women (March).

Cohen, L., and S. Chehimi. (2007). Beyond brochures. The imperative for primary prevention. In L. Cohen, V. Chavez & Sana Chehimi (Eds.) Prevention is primary. Strategies for Community Well-being . (pp. 3-23). San Francisco: John Wiley & Sons.

Cohen, L., R. Davis, and C. Graffunder. (2006). Before it occurs: Primary prevention of intimate partner violence and abuse. In P. Salber and E. Taliferro (Eds.) The Physician’s Guide to Intimate Partner Violence and Abuse. (pp. 89-100) Volcano, CA:Volcano Press.

Flood, M. (2014). Current Practices to Preventing Sexual Violence and Intimate Partner Violence. In Critical Issues on Violence Against Women: International Perspectives and Promising Strategies, Eds Holly Johnson, Bonnie S. Fisher, and Véronique Jaquier, Routledge.

Graffunder, C.M., Noonan, R.K., Cox, P. & Wheaton, J. (2004). Through a public health lens. Preventing violence against women: An Update from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Journal of Women’s Health, 13(1), 5-14.

Lee, D.S., L. Guy, B. Perry, C. K. Sniffen, and S.A. Mixson. (2007). Sexual Violence Prevention. The Prevention Researcher, Volume 14(2), pp. 15-20.

Prevention Institute (Lisa Fujie Parks, Larry Cohen, and Nicole Kravitz-Wirtz). (2007). Poised for Prevention: Advancing Promising Approaches to Primary Prevention of Intimate Partner Violence. Prevention Institute.

Tabachnick J. (2013). Why prevention? Why now? International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy, 8(3-4).