Working with Boys and Men

REDMAS (Red de Masculinidad por la Igualdad de Género) is a network based in Nicaragua which is composed of 19 Nicaraguan organisations working on gender and masculinities and which aims to build knowledge on related theories and methodologies by creating spaces where its members can share experiences and reflections. The objective of this manual is to document lessons learnt by the network on experiences, methodologies and planning that can contribute to strengthening future work both with all-male and mixed groups, particularly focusing on children, adolescents and youth.

This article explores the notion of ‘troublesome’ masculinities that characterise much of the policy discourse and programme thinking on problems of young men and gender. It critiques the dimorphism that shapes this view of young men’s gender trouble, and the ‘culturalism’ that constrains the perception of the troubled times in which many young men live.

This United Nations report, published by the Division for the Advancement of Women in December 2008, focuses on the role of men and boys in achieving gender equality. Please see below for the attachment, in PDF.

The age of AIDS carries in its wake a renewed and belated recognition of the particular vulnerability of young women and girls through harmful gender norms and inequality. Yet all too often sexual and reproductive health and HIV programmes fail to engage men and boys to become better lovers, partners and fathers – for their own benefit, that of their partners and families and for changing gender stereotypes.

Michael Kaufman’s framework provides an accessible and compelling account of the need to involve men and boys in building gender equality. Written in 2003, it offers a strategic approach with which to mobilize men and boys to work on their own and in partnership with women and girls to transform destructive masculinities, end oppressive gender relations, and promote gender equity and equality. Please see below for the attachment, in both PDF and RTF.

• What is the evidence on the effectiveness of programmes engaging men and boys in sexual and reproductive health; HIV prevention, treatment, care and support; fatherhood; gender-based violence; maternal, newborn and child health; and gender socialization?

• How effective are these programmes?

Engaging Boys and Men in Gender Transformation: The Group Education Manual (2008) is produced by EngenderHealth and Promundo. This is an educational manual for working with men to question non-equitable views about masculinity and develop more positive attitudes to prevent unhealthy behaviors that put them and their partners and families at risk. It can also be used to train facilitators who will implement workshop activities with groups of men. The activities are intended for use with men of all ages, although some adaptations might have to be made depending on the ages of the men and the country and community context. These activities can also be adapted for use with groups of men and women.

Men’s anti-violence activism is an important case study of male involvement in struggles for gender justice. What does this activism involve, why do men participate, and how do patriarchal inequalities shape both men’s efforts and their reception?

Making boys anti-sexist will soon be on the curriculum of many school systems. "We can do even better," claims Nick Sellars.

Jeremy Ludowyke examines the gender equity debate in education.