Strategies and Tools for Working with Men and Boys to End Violence Against Girls, Boys, Women and Other Men (2005)

A number of organisations in South and Central Asia have recognised the urgent need to include boys and men in efforts to combat gender-based violence in the region. Yet there have been few opportunities for them to come together to work collectively on this important issue. To begin this process, UNIFEM and Save the Children Sweden, organised a three-day workshop in 2004 on 'Strategies and Tools for Working with Men and Boys to end Violence against Girls, Boys, Women and other Men'. The workshop aimed to increase knowledge of processes and practical tools for working with boys and men to combat gender-based violence in the region, such as promoting positive parenting, creating support groups for men and boys, addressing the media, and challenging discriminatory laws. The workshop also produced a South Asian work-plan on promoting partnership with men and boys to end violence against girls, boys, women and other men. Participants discussed the idea of starting up White Ribbon Campaigns - a campaign which originated in Canada to engage men and boys in the struggle to end men's violence against women - in their own countries. They also decided to incorporate the issue of men's involvement in ending gender-based violence into existing campaigns and programmes, such as International Women's Day. Please see below for the report, in PDF.