
From the executive summary - "The focus of this 2000 Technical Report and Policy on a gender perspective in sexual and reproductive health, and on finding constructive ways to build partnership between men and women....Just as family planning and the pill were revolutionarey 50 years ago, building partnerships with men in areas such as sexuality, reproductive intentions, new gender roles, fatherhood and conflict resolution is the revolution occuring at the start of the 21st century...

What immediately follows is from the book Love and Pornography (2009). (See the previous post for more.)

The Movement of Men Against AIDS In Kenya (MMAAK) is launching a new publication at the forthcoming ICASA in Abuja. "Men can make a difference" is part of MMAAK's important work in challenging men's role in both the spread and prevention of HIV.
This brochure highlights key resources for working with men and provides a framework for distinguishing among the varied programmes, research and tools that are available. The framework reflects different approaches to such work: men are viewed as “clients” (focusing on men's own reproductive health needs), as ”partners” (focusing on promoting men's central roles in supporting women's health), or as “agents of positive social change” (focusing on engaging men in the promotion of gender equity).

The age of AIDS carries in its wake a renewed and belated recognition of the particular vulnerability of young women and girls through harmful gender norms and inequality. Yet all too often sexual and reproductive health and HIV programmes fail to engage men and boys to become better lovers, partners and fathers – for their own benefit, that of their partners and families and for changing gender stereotypes.

The summer of 1992 significantly changed my life. When I was 21, I found a lump on my right testicle that turned out be cancer. During the next three months I would endure the removal of one of my testicles, major exploratory surgery to my abdomen, the discovery that the cancer had spread, weeks in the hospital, and two rounds of chemotherapy. All in all, it was the most painful, terrifying thing I have ever experienced. It took me over four years to admit that. I thought it would be weak of me to acknowledge my fears, but I realize that I have never been stronger. This is an excerpt of the paper I wrote for my senior project. It serves as a window into my experience with testicular cancer, the anguish I continued to feel after treatment, and what I am doing to heal emotionally from what was the most difficult time in my life. It is the culmination of months of reflection, discussion, and research.

How do class, masculinity, sexuality and race intersect in and with the prison system? Is prison any sort of solution to crime? David Denborough has the story.

Sport, play and sex are areas in which we often mistreat or ignore our bodies. John Webb suggests how to treat your body differently.

John Webb questions cultural norms in the physical activity of sport.

Circumcision is a violation of a boy's right to an intact body, and without medical or moral justification says John Shanahan.