The age of AIDS carries in its wake a renewed and belated recognition of the particular vulnerability of young women and girls through harmful gender norms and inequality. Yet all too often sexual and reproductive health and HIV programmes fail to engage men and boys to become better lovers, partners and fathers – for their own benefit, that of their partners and families and for changing gender stereotypes.
A new publication from the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), The Truth About... Men, Boys and Sex: Gender-transformative policies and programmes, focuses on this key element and provides information, evidence and practical advice on:
· Why working with men and boys is important;
· What SRH issues and services are particularly important for different men and boys; and
· How programme developers, managers and service providers can integrate a focus on male sexual and reproductive health and gender transformation in their programming.
Featuring facts and figures, contributions from international experts and illustrative case studies, The Truth About... Men, Boys and Sex showcases best practice from across the world on the needs and rights of different groups of men and boys; including:
· Young men and boys
· Married men
· Men who have sex with men
· Men who inject drugs
· Male and transgender sex workers
· Men and boys living with HIV
As IPPF’s Director-General, Dr. Gill Greer, states out in her foreword “This unique combination of case studies and interviews…serves as a reminder that progress on the rights of women and girls is intimately linked to ensuring that men and boys are equal partners in this dialogue”
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