CFP: 2nd MenEngage Global Symposium, New Delhi, India, November 10-13th 2014

Announcing the 2nd MenEngage Global Symposium
The MenEngage Alliance and the Centre for Health and Social Justice announce the second MenEngage Global Symposium which will be held In New Delhi, India from November 10-13th, 2014. The symposium will bring together researchers, practitioners, advocates, activists, government representatives and the donor community to share experiences, evidence and insights, and to explore how men and boys can creatively contribute to gender equality and towards a broader view of social justice.
The overall theme of the Symposium is ‘Men and Boys for Gender Justice’ and encompasses a holistic approach to understanding the implications of masculinities in different domains and disciplines of development and social justice related action in a globalizing world.

Abstract Submission Open
We invite those concerned about gender, masculinities, social justice and development issues around the world whether:

  •     researcher, practitioner, activist or advocate
  •     working in low, middle or high income country settings, or in fragile states
  •     working with marginalised communities and populations, or
  •     at the international level

to share their research, experiences, reflections and understandings through individual oral or poster presentations or through pre-formed, self-organised sessions around any of the seven tracks of the symposium. The presentations can draw upon four dimensions:

  •     Theory, concepts, reflections
  •     Research and evidence
  •     Practice, Experience, Activism
  •     Scaling up, policy, advocacy

Delegate Registration and Abstract submissions are now open online at the conference website:
Please register yourself on the website. Once you have logged in, you will be able to register yourself as a Delegate and submit an Abstract.
Please note: Abstract submission closes on 31st May 2014 at 6:00pm IST. Some scholarships are also available. Please check the website for scholarship details.
The abstracts should be around the key tracks of the symposium:

  1.     Violence
  2.     Health and Wellbeing
  3.     Poverty and Work
  4.     Sexualities, Identities
  5.     Care, Relationships and Emotions
  6.     Peace building, social justice, inclusion
  7.     Making of Men - from masculinity to humanity

For more information, please get in touch with the symposium secretariat at

2nd MenEngage Global Symposium 2014: Men and Boys for Gender Justice
Habitat World, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi, India
10-13th November 2014
Men Engage: