A Valentine's Day Wish to the Women of the World

Valentine’s Day is upon us again. It’s the time of year where here in North America we are supposed to scrounge around for some cream-filled chocolates, perhaps a bottle of bad champagne, some scratchy lingerie, a dozen high-carbon-footprint roses, and an over-priced greeting card that communicates thoughts of love in bad rhyme.

And a lover! I almost forgot! You’ve got to have one of those! After all, according to the official policies of Valentine’s Day, expressions of love must be expressed and experienced on a one-to-one basis. Those who do not have a specific romantic partner are officially disqualified from participating. It’s just like the “couples’ skate” at the skating rink! Grab a partner or get the hell off the ice!

Sounds fun, doesn’t it?

(In all actuality, I do think it is a very good thing for people who are in loving partnerships to take some time to truly celebrate their connectedness, enjoy one another, and embrace their hopes and dreams for the future. On this day as well as on others.)

But can’t we also find a way to open up this day as a way to celebrate love in more ways than just an enshrinement of romantic coupledom? A way that includes people regardless of their relationship status? A way that communicates love to others on the planet?

I think we can. So here goes…

A passion born of love. People sometimes wonder why I pursue pro-feminist activism. The simplest answer is that I do it out of sense of love. A love for justice. A love for humanity. A love for women. So, in the interests of widening our sense of this holiday, and working toward gender justice, here are my Valentine’s wishes to the women of the world:

• I wish you a life free from violence. Because I love you.

• I wish for a world without the fear of rape. Because I love you.

• I wish for workplaces free of sexual harassment. Because I love you.

• I wish for economic fairness. Because I love you.

• I wish for gender equality in shouldering the responsibilities of raising a family and keeping a home. Because I love you.

• I wish for a world free from female genital mutilation. Because I love you.

• I wish for clean drinking water for you. Because I love you.

• I wish that any babies you have will be healthy and survive childhood. Because I love you.

• I wish that your gender be seen as a source of strength. Because I love you.

• I wish for an end to all attempts by others to control your body. Because I love you.

• I wish for your perspective on pornography to be honoured. Because I love you.

• I wish that everyone you encounter takes you seriously. Because I love you.

• And because I love you, I wish that any man who also says that he loves you has the same wishes for you.